HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-1446.Ashley et al.91-04-26y: i( ONT4RIO EMPLOY~SDE ‘A CO”RONNE CROWNEMPloYEES DE “oNT*RI* GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE ;gETT;MENT REGLEMENT DES GRIEFS IN TRR RATTER OF AN ARRITRATION under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAININQ ACT Before TEE GRIEVANCE BETTLRARNT BOARD gE’mWEN OPSRU (Ashley et al;, Arora et al, Ahmed et al, Dewell- et al, Alaniet al,~~ Eelgrave-et-al,-Power, Richards) -.‘arievor - and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Uinistry of Revenue) mployer T.-Wilson ~7 -Vice3hairpersonmm- P. Klym Member ; D. Walkinshaw Member R. Blair Counsel Cavalluzzo, Hayes & Shilton Barristers 6 Solicitors FOR THE EMPLOYER B. Fitzpatrick Counsel Chernos, Conway Barristers & Solicitors #Ii October 17, 1990 NEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT IN THE MATTER OF GRIEVANCES BETWEEN: -a RE: The Crown in Right of Ontario; Ministry of. Revenue (hereinafter referred togas "the Ministry')---'- and J. Arora, R. Dmyterko, C. Moore,'I. Shlapak, J. Eenkevicius, L. Cooke, L. Flaminiano, J. Pires, D. Wicermaarachi, N. Alani, B. Baksh, M. Belgrave, E. Christopher, G. Darling, S. John, P. Jones, J. Kaufman, G. MacIssac, K. Wex, E. Ashley, A. Clarke, N. Kline, E. Bignell, K. Mollineau, S. Lopes,. ., B. Davenport, N. Waugh, M. Weaver, 'Y. Ahmed; L. ,Daher, A. Fernandez, S.'Koss, K. McHugh, : R. Otto, S. Wong, L. Butson, J. Easton, F. Banlon, F. MacDonald, B. McLean, ~~~__. _ _ R. DeweIlT'.AT Leungr~N-.---Shea-Parrow~, E. Power, G. Richards, A..Townsend, ~~ W. Warsi;B. Shah, K. Strong, S.: Mohammed,.-~ -~ 1. (hereinafter referred to as "the grievers.) .' and Ontario Public Service Employees Union (hereinafter referred to as "0.P.S.E.U;") Grievances of Ashley'et al 1446/86, Arora et al 1447/86, '~ Ahmed et al 1448/86, Dewell et al 426/88, Alani et a~1 427/88. Belgrave et al 428/88, E. Power 1517/88, G. Richards 389/89; A. Townsend (August 16, 19E9) - . "improperly classified as a TAl"; J. Arora (November 10, 1988) - S. Warsi, N. Alani, B. Shah, K. Strong, E. Christopher (all August 16, 1989) - "improperly classified as a TA2"; B. Davenport, M. Belgrave, N. Waugf,, S. Mohammed, G. Darling (all August 16, 19891 - "improperly classified as a TA3" The parties hereto agree, on a without prejudice or ,preceeent basis, to t3e following terms as full and final settlement of the above caPtioned grievances. ‘K ,..... ;’ ‘/: ! 1. 2. 3. 4. A) B) 5. A) B) C) i,( -.. ‘( - .-- ~------ .--,, -2 - T?;e positions of Assessor (22-3102-44) and Junior Ae;ditor-Desk (22-3102-22) will be reclassified to the Financial Officer 1 (atypical) level effective October 1. 1986. T?.e positions of Auditor-Desk- (22-3102-20) and G--eener (22-3102-32) will be reclassified to the --- F;nancial Officer 2 .(atypical) level effective October 1. 1986. A11 grievors affected by paragraphs 1 and 2 above will be reclassified as of October 1, .1986. if they c,ccupied the position ion that date, or the date upon v?.ich they first occupied the position after October 1,~ 1986. All grievors affected by paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, =?.a11 receive" retroactive salary in the Financial Cfficer 'Class Series in accordance with. current Einistry practice subject to any final decision of the. Grievance- Settlement-Boa~rd-or-the-Courts-regarding__ methodology of . payment 'of retroactive salary established in the Alton et al decision. ._:~..,. :. In the eve~nt that the-~final decision 'in the-Alton et al case results in a,"level to level" calculation, the gsievors referred to-in~~pzag-ra@ 1, 2~and 3 above, vi11 receive the difference bettieen the-. amount received pursuant to paragraph 4A above and the amount resulting from the calc,ula+ionbyythe_lllevel to level" - .._ rethodology. ; ?21 1986 grievors (Ahmed et al), still in the classification of TA111 as of the date of settlement' shall receive $7,000 less required statutory deductions. X11 grievors who have retired since,the filing of their original grievances in October 1986 shall receive $7,000 less required statutory deductions. AT. y other grievors who were classified as TA111 s,.bsequent to October 1, 1986 shall receive a luc? sum less required statutory deductions calculated 0:. the b.asis of $145 .per month for every month or part :bereof subsequent to October 1, 1986 in which they Kere classified as a TAIII. D) for the purposes of the sett ltment not reb::z re credentials to do field wo,rk. 6. The grievers land 0.P.S.E.U. agree to immediately v-thdrsw the above noted grievances. 7. The terms of this settlemeqt~~ahall be null and vOi& in the event that this. Metibrandum ia not Signet or_;j authorised by ail of the grlevoes and 0.P.S.E.U. C= Of Mfore~ IJovem&-30, 1990. 8.. The partiqr Lgree that this Memorandum of Settl-?Zent shall be iesued - as - an--Order of. -the_ .~ +evmce -. Settlement Bard. .~: :~ ~~~. _~~_ __,-- _~ Pot 0.P.S.XZ.U. and the .- ?or the f4inistq dated: dated: bated; dated: pJ6-v. r5, ,990. . . . ., ., . ‘6. . __ . - ___ -,.. -. ;i, r 6 ; : .f: _’ -- --- --- - I - i mr 0.P.b.E.U. and the Grievers .:.a-- - ‘( .___ .-.- -- _-w - 5 - nor 0.P.S.Z.U. rmd the Cr ievors *- ‘. lp i - - _~.. __- - -- - 6 - For O.P.S.E.O. ma the Grievors &ted: .__.-. or o.P.S.E.U. and the Grievore :. c -. q. ‘~ -_ _. ‘__ -- - ..-- --. . -. -.- _.___ i_.. . . . . ,. .- *., * -_ ..’ -s- . ?or 0.p.s.E.U. and the Gr ievors (, ( ‘..~, ,, ,.‘~ .,. .‘i. RB: Grievances of Ashley et al 1445/86, Arora at al 1447106; Ahmed et al 1468/06, Dewell et .a1 426/80, Alani et al 427100, Eelgrave at al 428/M, B. Pwer 1517/88, G. Richards 389/89; &Tovnaend (August 16, 1989) - 'improperly classified a6 a "; J.'Arora (Hovembar 10, 19E8) - S. Warsi, H. Alani, 8. Shah, K. Gtrong, 8. Christopher (all August 16, ~1989) - 'improperly claesified as a TX?"; B. Davenport, M. Eelgrave, bl. Waugh, 6. Mohammed, 6. Darling ,(a11 August 16, ,198s) - "improperly claesified,as a TA3” 1. 2. . . . Notwithstanding paragraph S(D) afthe Memorandum of Settlement (Appended as Appendix *A'), the underoigned grievor6 elect to remain classified at the T.A.~III level, and agree to vithdrav their grievances in consideration .for receiving the full benefit of the Hemor+dub of Settlement to vhich, they are othervise entitled pursuant to paragraphs 1 through Q~and either, S(A) or 5(C) of the Uworandum, whichever is applicable. Such grievors, at this time, shall not be subject to iocreased.field vork. This is vithout prejudice to the right ~of grievors'vbo make’ '~ their election pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Aocilliary Memorauduv to claim a higher claraification iu the eve&that, their field work increases in the future. Dated in Toronto, Ontario this *~" day of March 1991 i -- I . IYRR I ‘91 15:09 > 416 375 9949 PRSE ,002 a i --- -~_ I PiAR I ‘91 15:09 416 975 9949 ‘,i ,I’ m. ’ (-., i BOARD ORDER Enclosed is an executive Hemorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed would be made an Order of the Board. DATED at Torbnto, this 26th ;