HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-0561.Messier.91-01-04EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE DE L'ONTARIO f%ki*lkE CQMMISSION DE + SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2100, TORONTO, ONTARIU M5G lZ8 180, RUE OUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO [ONTARIO) MSG 12'8 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Messier) -and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Transportation) Employer BEFORE: B. Kirkwood vice-chairperson B. Shipman Member I?. Reeve Member FOR THE R. Wells GRIEVOR Counsel Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE J. Crowther EMPLOYER Staff Relations Advisor Human Resources Branch Ministry of Transportation HEARING: November 13, 1990 - Page 2 DECISION The evidence was adduced by means of an agreed Statement of Facts. The grievor Emile Messier is employed as a Regional Inspector of Weighers and Checkers by the Ministry of Transportation in its Northern Region. The grievor works out of the regional head office in North Bay. The parties counsel agreed that a draft position specification and class allocation for the Regional Officer of Weighing Operations generally described the grievor's duties accurately. A copy of the position specification and allocation is attached to this decision as Appendix "A". The grievor's position is currently classified as Inspector Weighmen and Checkers 2. The class standard for the Inspector Weighmen and Checkers Class Series is attached to the decision as Appendix "B". The Union's counsel agreed that the class standard for Inspector of Weighmen and Checkers is the only appropriate class available within the present bargaining unit classification system. The Board finds that the class standard for Inspector of Weighmen and Checkers does not adequately cover the duties and responsibilities included in the grievor's position as set out in the draft position specification. Therefore the Board orders that as in decision of the Divisional Court in QPSEUUrv) 'and the Crown in Riaht of QZ? (1986) 15 L.A.C. 15, the employer be directed to L Page3 create a class standard that will conform to the grievor's jobs, responsibilities and duties. We further direct that the class standard shall be created by the Ministry and be ready for approval by the Civil Service Commission within 120 days of the issuance of this decision. Due to the grievor's participation in a review process of his classification, the new and appropriate classification will be effective retroactively from January 1, 1989. Any compensation arising from this grievance as a result of negotiations between the parties will be similarily retroactive to January 1, 1989 with interest determined at the rate of 10% per annum. The Grievance Settlement Board will remain seized with this matter in the event that there is any difficulty with respect to the implementation of the decision; however, this panel of the Grievance Settlement Board will not remain seized of the matter. DATED at Toronto, this 4th day of January 1991 B .A. filcwood, Vice-Chairperson Member F .Reeve, Member I ,.4fr;-,-,,jfq4 IJO~I~ speclllca n a r;lans Allocsclon-c;sb b12 (Heler b back ol Iwm lor eompleUbn Im(ructbna] * --RCIDNK m~a~a~maffimnnrrm I I SA Ikr Work tRl.1. Pmm. onIvl *A& -*II"Cwwm.m-CuhW FWld d k Pmltlon 11th 1Pdrkn tRd. ICrrntkmdcodr Data mdv.d 1 Pr-rrkl rumb.r Fec CSC nr only Nnistry of Trasportatlan I Bnnch md SuIim loa at ion Nm rrhl nvmbr -- I I 1 ~tsnaoer,tonstructim ~ffice 2. Purpoceof pallion kmr donma galclmaxIm?t (h&r Um directim of th Reqlcml Mumgar, Caatnctlan Offim, to assist in thr ruup.mcnt and adnldstratim of Um wcl~ngutivitin wlthln a Realm msucinp wmolianec with P.T.0. weiwrq mllcit% md prccahr ad Um F&nl YeiMs ard !lrasurcs kt dRqulatia Involvement will mraally inclvk mtructlan, maintamma and dciml amtracts RLm, will b mspomiblr to aainteln in wratiq ditim all PLTA weip3np &vices used by Dri~t~ad Vehicles in thnfar,tmnt 07 the talc Yelaht Lmi8la:irrr 3. Dvlks ad nbtmdmh k.crc hrnolovaa raukd co do, how md rhv? IndonM~C el th awnc arch dvnl Il.rdcr the directim of Um mi-1 nmmwr, Catructim Offlca, asaisb in thCle~pnrntand Adoidstratian of th wei* wale cctivitim within a Rqim by parlornirrp arch dutim as: torstmtim #rice I I 1. Directinl, Um testlrq of ccmtrrtor'a scale to ansure Urt a pr-testin) method is used and tht tlm win - are adjusted b wci$ within e pmscrihed tolereme as sat out by rGrntmer rd brmrte Affairs, Yeimts md Reasurn Divislm I Impactirq cmmial wlghlrq apcratiora end ruommndinp to Ua PImqpr of taatnrtion, cmaptim or rm cxenotim of KTA rsi@perscn Supnmr'npdtm coolNo. el pb PrwMs #row k.dmhl~m: No.dpswtclorn I No.el PI- Establishing a mmltorlrq system where axemptim is apprd md performirq c~marrdinspeetima to v thc mfo~mntof the mitor@ system. nainlinirq a hi* proflle to &tar frahlmt ettcrapts. A' m Documenting testa performed by contractor or his awnt and reporting the teat results to the Federal authorities m rewired by mllcin Imm~l~uSmmwhol's tlth Enyuting tht Proj.et Suuervisors, Irnmtors. Yelthrs and Qrclcer~ arc oraperly trainrd in th duties me11 1s required to prform to meet thr rewiremmts of LT.0 mighirq policies and m&ca fknitoring thc wclwm areretim dairq the course of a cmtrect ensurinparhnnee b pollclm md pran)ura thw nninb~miforrfty in th lpplicatiaa in accordam with Prwin=J)l Highuaya Oirectiw F9t I Pleintaining clasa liaism with tlm Fsdarcl Weights nnd ?lernnea ktthotlh~ bmwtrated exprim in cmstnctim, detailed lcmwldp of k1.A wciflrq palieics dpram&r.s. tmd uorl:ing knowl* of Ur, Federal Helphta dP1.crmm kt dI)enulmtlarr Ability to mqmrvisa d imtnrt staff. llbllity to estab1id.l cflc~tiwwrl:ing relatiomhip with Flinistry staff and contractor'$ parmL I I I TYW SWW~MI'I nmm I I I Tvm 0f11ck1'1 and cllle 4 r"I c' ---a- 6. C1.a albation OmmtioM( COUD mmbn Re?ional Officer of kklghirq Opretim Eflrth &la Ihrre elmtliid thk pasltkn In aeotdmcr wlth Ih.CMI h~b.Canmkh Ct.alflc~tbnL~ndullor klO(loriqram: CATEGORY : Haintananca Services GROUP r MS-02C Trader and Crafts . SERIES : Inspector of Weighers and Checkers CLASS CODE: 12980 mSPECTOR OF WEIGHERS AND CHECKERS 2 This class covers positions of Regional Inspectors of Weighman and Checkers who report to a Regional Audit Supervisor, who perfonn the characteristic duties specified in the preamble to this series, and in addition perfonn an audit function related to the weighing of materials on construction projects in an assigned Region. They audit pa-vment records for day labour and equipnent rentals, throughout the Districts within their Reqion. They also check and report on compaction equipment in use on the job site and check weighing procedures at readi-mix plants of suppliers. In winter they act as a member of a contract checking group in their Regional Office and inspect sand and salt weighing operations. They prepare courses and examinations, instruct and mark papers of new or prospective District Weish Inspectors and participate in D.H.O. Training School Courses. They are responsible for a D.H.O. vehicle. At least two years' experience as an Inspector of Weighmen and (3leckers 1 or a Highway Canstruction Inspector 1. lnatructlons for completlng form CSG6150 Unclosslfled Seanonrl Posltlonr (Grwp 3): cmpbh SUIWI rd a ucg( br UI.F-cod. h~.~bnI, rdh..n*p. lonn(bru*h-a All other podtlon8: crmp*llm dW bnn h W a uad oul &OHbr Unduliod Grurml PodUnm, b opt-. mWDRUmTASKSamt. .J Pmvldlrq expartlea in .ulr operrtlm to Wclpalltin. Rrintemme, Comtnrtion, Oriwrn nd Vahidu ud' other pvetnnat rpim ueh rr FJLR lnstnrcUans for coding Porltion Identifier Codr (uWJP-W mustnod PDdti whn 1 Plmm 2 UnduJ*dPdYau armp s I)!h~Wakp~rbda~lw mluarnotatuthlhm14rnmk S bJ lienanal Wak pabd 4 amouuh 4 manthsommtut~hal2~ IOm0 2 0-1 8 OouCmm 7 lnarudbna la coding Sch. Hn. Work CrmpHo lhb bos (or R.P.T. Pod(LPnr aJy. kdubOQUmdharr02dah.l~. NOrr:thrurrgldu*vtuJharr*atd(ksconr(lmr)orn4 ~mrc~krrLuby RP.T. 0t1tpbp.r uJOndlo8 pdlion ~coWdrrl(h*r&tmModHourO(WatId*I(IE*dbr W~~~IDmr~Houn01W~rrl m*k-H-mdrw* palrm fnitlrtlng ud rdrlnlrtcrlnp rmul contract8 for th rrlnt~ma.nd crlibratlm or a11 prarant rd portable wl$ilng d.vlma used by Driuerr dWclu for th ml~tof ttn krl. Yd$it Lqirlntim lnstructiona lor coding Seasonal Work Pariod lkldcod.r(dRI: . ! Ungh wrrm I*, 8prhg Lnp(.. 1. Mwr mom. 2.lnwnrpplk.aod. hhflhudbor-1 8 LI-w.rar. I.*, Summw, F.l. Whtr I I. hdaunuam. t.hmr( coda d ard ram In hhhand ba. 3. Fdlar wah eod.c d .Ub=i~Conu~ nu~~y ~:~~rrrmrmunbo~~~uwpoltbn ,- Asnrsrlrq prerat rquipmmt, pmmrlng cost estlmrtm for raplrmmnt qr 'rqmlrr of &TJL righinp Bvken, ruthorizln~the repair or taplrcemat d thin ewlpmmt. ? 1 Ennrrinq tht dDNanta pertrinlq to UTJL scale crllbrrtlm are rbtaly com01et.d to be ucqhblr in r tourt or lrw ro tht &rpr psrtri~to walfit may mt be contaatd, b.#d m ra~mcyd &vies. Igmltorlng the .cquldtlm of all wel#ad mrterlrl used for mad constnrtim or mmintauncr eg. =rrl, mlt, , lime, asphalt a&, etc. r SIUS ND KKlUDZ ant. Prwida technical axmrtlse in scala operation within the Pllnlrtry without re=oursu Ablllty to camau\luts clearly, orally and In rritinp Ability to establish priorltler and be jell-raotivrtrd