HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-1016.DeLaurentis.95-12-04ONTARlO CROWN EMPLOYEES GRIEVANCE SETTLEM.ENT ,BOARD : ._ &PLOYh DELA COURONNE DE 1 ‘ONTARIO COMMISSION DE’ RkGLEMENT DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SulT.f 2100, TORONTO, ONTAb.3. MSG lZ6 TELEPI~ONEIT~LEPHON~: (4 16) 326- 1:3*6 ’ 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU.2lO0, TORONTO (ONTARIO). MSG I.?8 .FACSIMILE /T~~L~‘%OPIE : (4 16) 326- 1396 t. : GSB # ;1016/93 OLBEU # OLB127//93 ~ , Under \ Before ' ' THE GRIEVANCE, SETTLEMENT BOARD '.BETWEEN BEFORE: \ FOR THE GRIEVOR- FCbR THE EMPLOYER 'HEARING OLBEU (Oelaurentis) -dand - Grievor The Crown in Right of Ontario (Liquor Conttrol Board of'ontario)' E.' MarszewGki _ Employer Vice-Chairperson J. Carruthers Member D. Montrose Member L. St/einberg Counsel Koskie &' Minsky - Barristers & SOl+2itOrS I I. D. Mombourquette Counsel Liquor Control Board of Ontario November 23, 1994 . . . 27, 1935 and currently resides::.in::Toronto.; Ontario; -. -* ^ :- . . -_ <-- .. : ;...'.- .:. .:,;. -4. 2..:. ..Tfi&L' G&ievarL> w&.:appo~f&@ by::the LCBO to the .-, : : ._ ; ; ..' , ': posi"tion.."of Temp'orary,Storer Clerk. -ifi Decembq 1981. The : ., c -;, . . i I. . . _ .; _ , ,. . ..i ', ._ .'Gfievo~Y'tias app~Pnted~to.a~permanent~~fdll-time position' ; _ 1 I..:,. *i ..:as., a LiquorsStore,jClerk Grade 2,I':on::June '17,. -1985, at ._ ..- .'. .-_ :. .i ': 'store #lo; 'Torontis.:....iThis: date' represents his seniority ,', / date tiith the .LCBO', \ . -‘ _ J- f'-, L. . . ._ 1 I- i '- _ , ;: '_ . 3.',' z:The-Grievbr'wati appointe:d'to..the. position of Liquor . . *. ,. _ ~.._r , -/- . 'Store CLerk:Grade 3 at Store #lo-in,'July, 1987 and ,held .' that.;position until his employment was terminated in .,. . ,. ,. . ..'.a...' .._. . . X993'.:- 'copies of the .Grievor's:':la.st 'four performance : . . ,- ,<- ‘ -. app?aisa+s~&re~attached+as Exhibits..#.2 to 5. - -. .' !. ", < i -. .I ., 4: .- *I.. 4; The- Managers at-Store #lo, Ray t.Gaudaur, received informatiom which indicated that the Grievor had,engaged' . -, !_. pi ,;. ,;in:.improper.cashiering procedures*while on duty at store ., 7 >. ; I .,,. : -:.. /#lo:. 'The ',Manager *re.l.ayed this- information ,to the -.,-.;.a .'-*- z .-“Distr'ict'.'Ma~a:ger, .,Doug Golding, ,'who. : in turn requested ., i .‘., ’ . . +A $ ! ( ) 2. _ that LCBO loss Prevention and Security -conduct an investigation into the Grievor's activities. -1 <'-I ; ,. '; . bn Yiril 7, *.. -> < .2' A. ). . (,:' .I -. . , . .,L . . i' .q. 1993, investigators from the LCBO Loss ,Prevention.,and SecuriCy:Department installed a-hidden video ‘surveillance camera in Store #lo. The camera recorded-the Grievor,'s.cash+iering_activities;on April 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23 and May 1, 1993. .' ,: i- -. \' :; ; I> ;' _ I' _ .:' :<,.< ,: $*:: . . r 'is:- . ) . . ,cJj,:; . '. .,. reoordings I. ,- 6. ,The video tape reveal that' the 'Grievor . _.. :had used,-improper cashier.ing.p!roced~~es,.to cemmit-theft on 1 occurrence on April 13; 0 occurrences on April 14; .I ._. _ _'. .I occurrence ona April :~&5;‘::3. occurrences.-.on, Apri-1.: 16; 2 occurrences on April 20; 1 occurrence on April 22; 2 '.‘ . . .* occurrences. on April!:23;, 9 ooourr!+nces?on May. &, ,,1993. .:. . :e The total amount of money taken by the Grievor in-the IO occurren,ces was+&87..00.~ I .,:.; . . I,'. .-I;$; i i -...: _,.-r .. ‘. : -:. ,7. The video.:*tape-. evidence,:was. rt~ned:,.over-~:to the Metropolitan Toronto Police and on June 7; 1993, the Grievor' was arrested at star? #ZO:~and:.+harged with, 10 counts of theft under $l,OOO.OO.' 'd ', 8. By Notice of Intended Disciprline dated June 8, i9.94, . T the LCBO.suspended the-Grievor with..pay effective June 7, 1993,.pending further investigation. of this matter. A copy of the June 8, 1994:,Notice of.Intended Discipline; is attached as Exhibit #6. 1. r‘, '. <.,**, By' handwritten" -' *. . . 7 L i 1 . _ < . 9. letter, .!dated. &e 9, 1993, '&he, -- - 'Grievor responded to the Notice of Intended.Discipline. .- A copy.I.of the: Grievor-'s. -June r.9, :-,19:93 letter is attached as :Exhibit. #7 : i‘ ' ..i..r; ; :- -: . -' f: . ,: . . lo. By-letter .date-d June .1:4:,,19,93, the LCBO terminated the Grievor's employment-for thereasons set out therein. - .- A copyrof:,the LCBO's June:$4,.199-3 -letter is attached as 1 : : Exhibit #8; _; .The. LCBO '.has .-a..consistent .polioy of .: discharging.- employees..who are:;found to have committed theft. 'I -,;_ .'. i *.,. . ._ <.-I . .ll.- :.-On September, 15,,', ,19-93,.'the:,Grievor plead guilty in‘ Provincial court to four counts:of.theftunder $l,OOO.OO. ., . . . . r i_ 12.:' .'On t$eptember .28, 1'693.,the,Grievor-tendered $$87.00. - to the- LCBO as re&itutisn for-.th+ .tee counts .of. thefit,i,b.:* --_ This payment was accepted by the LCBO without prejudice . to the LCBO's position ~cpncerning this.grievance. -. _. . . . 13: 'On.October.20,, 1.993, the -Gk&& was skkenced in- .;. Provincial Court to-his;September 15.; ,.I993 guilty plea. The Grievor.received -a -suspende:d ,sentence; 6 months . ‘. : __ ~. ! :. ‘. . . . . .. : ! _. ., . . .,_i’ 1 $. : -.:.. . ,: : i.> . : v. ? j ,; ~-. : ._I_ .:..*. ! > _. i.- ,,: . . ., ‘. * . . : : : ._ , :. . . . . .:, : .- : ,_ ,. ..- . . ‘. 3 .- ,. . . .,. ' .- : ., ::. d _ 1. ..' .i. ::c-; i ,; -4 ..;',Z ;.; - .t,,. : _ . -,: f : ',:; _,..,_: i'. .rr !-I-. . . :. 7. :,p.robat-io~~.and:~.~a.~,.~.ordeged,,to undergo .fherapy. ._.. ) '.. " 'Ii; 6. : :: ;.:I:, ._ .:,. : , ;" L,, '.:, r.. c: -s;_' .“ ,. y.-.;,- :.f‘i,:t. -1 :. i '1 ~, '.',1 t.r,. +.:... ‘ :...- The-'parties :ag$$+that -either party ~may..supplement ,the i . - -.~.ab.ove fa.~%g: wit4,-.addifiongl .viva-.-vqce. evidence at the .:hearing of-this matter. The parties further agree that .T -'. :; ..~.-th-is;~:s~~tementt 'of,+:-. facts iis : w:i-@out prejudice to the.. -. _.. .,. _I. ; i : '.,.. @o.si-t.i,O.ns O$ :-the- parties. in;. anyj,other proceeding and that. .'.)- . I . . < -,' : gny;admiss$on or s.tatement,,mad.e- by:the, Gr'ievor- herein is . . -j. subject-? to ;.the .;.protect.ion of section 5" of the Canada. Evidence Act, R.S.O. 1985, c.C-5, as .amended. , _(_ ~ <- ._,... I _. _. : . : . . . ,. ,.:. _'rs . *: ;c>- ;; :* .- I 3 ,; I . . .- .: . . i . ~- ; ; .' _. 3 .- ALL,.OF;.WHICH ;I&AG,REED ? TO .&s :23*rd ' day of ; November, ; :. , ".‘- '- . 'T _ ;.:'19,9+Qj :i,:.. ,-: ;>.;i;-,,: j-" -;.,;;-. i:;:,,f". ,- -: __ ...L‘l-; . . . .. . I. " .; _ .a ; ~ 1 .,. -: .: _I I _'__ . ,s ,,.".... -..- ..-, ;. ,. / % ,: LA c..: , :: 7 (,I is. - :,.;,:*: 1 ._.: _' -i _ . I ; .: .- ..i,, _ I : 2. Exhibits ',#2 : 5, ; :-be,7 - .".... .i'.% -~ to"k5,'th~~.'~rievorls' last four performance -.. -.,. I' _.,_ e.. ,~ r-g?' - ‘T' .>',. ,...'... ,-lli p : ..;'; ,Ty> ,J' '- G I . ..I _ _:: I;., I -'appraisals, consistently‘ rated the 'Grievor. w,i-th a score of, " 2 : ; _-. .-. Always meets job-requirements, frequently exceeds them!'. ', The. . releivant : portions;. of_,:the-. :Emp$oyer<s a Notice of. .; , Intended Discipline (Exhibit # 6) which was sent to the Grievor was _ : -. .; dated~,,June-,8,;.,199.3:. -.:: s.!'I.- _:' +‘:Tr .-z' .T.._ **.-' .' ,.i: _ .; f ._ . ..~ _ . ._ !"L _ , -. I_ : ,^ _ ,; ....r $ _ : - j - <IL ,1.,,'_ _ y; :* ~ h , ; ': _ ..' - : , : . . '; .'..,I, :. 3. .- :. : - . i ;;.,' ,?L .-::; ': ‘: ,,*: "2‘; . .a . . 1 5 -6: . . . .~ ._ ._. 3. . . . . Thee-purpose. _of:.~his;~.le~-er.~i~_to advise ;you that you are .-.^: .I. -3“;:. - =. -hereby, r&&xeCt ~r~rn~:@u~~~~~~&$,~ .pay- e,ffective June i, 1993 : ._‘ ,i - -. '- '.\ ,-,J-, pending.lan ,investigati,on --for:.;failing..to follow proper ..I. ; -..-' ,: ,_ ‘\! '- : . cashieringprocedures -,wh.ile operating a cash register & - ~_.... Store-'#lo. ThegeGactions result&+ -inpour arrest by the. Metropolitan Toronto Police on chargesof theft on June i. --, _ ;"i .I F :- : 'y,m.' 7,i.. F199.3. .- ‘i'? : 4iA.,..' ?-.l. " 7.: ?s:z'.e:.F5,,Je ; . - .-.. . : __ - :-a. -'..L' _, I_ ., I .i - I_ _a . ..' ,.. - - . . ~. -. :, 1 ':' ': .': '.. x, .: AS; a ~eSul.t'-.of"~~~-~se &&&, : " ' ' .l, -, I. _, i ,. : _. _ -f i I, .taken.l,again.~.~. you; disciplinary action may be +,Within .three (3,). calendar days of your receipt. ofthis -,,&tter,~~..you are directed to submit . a written statement, to my attention, in which you are'to . . .,. : explain thez;circumstances,,giving rise,to this situation. : \ . ;,-: cc+ .';T<.., ' i .: ;, < ; I- I.~ ‘-. , . . -. ,., ‘ . ^_ The Grievor- -responded --to -the.,Board's -:let.ter..with the, : . following handwritten letter (Exhibit # .7):'..,. .; -; ..:. % !, ; : . 1. '. 8.. 4 I’ In response to your letter dated June 8, 1993 regarding r I *- my relief; from-duty as-.of'Junee- 7,'!1'993 for failing to follow proper.cashiering procedures, I am acknowledging I have a serious '~rinkfng~problem~which causes me to do thing,s out of myicharacter which I ddinot recall. 1. .s- ., . . 1. ;.' Y,. -. I * \ . . A. h -.. .*' I ingood faith‘called Clyde'Bennett 2'Tyears ago.kd went to. see--him. He atthat [&ic]l reoommended, A.A. & gave me .Y a list. of meetings in my area tih&,ch.--I did not follow through. I though-tthat ‘I couldr:do -it myself. .- ._I ;. , .- :. I*< :' . . .c : . ,I ,- - I It is now obvious I cannot'do- it alone‘ and on June 9, 1993I c&led' and &poke to'CXyde Bennett and.again for some help including i needed treatme'nt.which I am willing. to go for. . , I am hopeful with the proper treatment it will rectify my drinking problem and will make me.a better employee. I i -_ . ,/ ,:: .+$ ~. If I have done any wrong,doings I apologize for my : actiofis." '- . . . . . . . - .. _ ,J, . . By letter dated June 14, 1993, (Exhibit # 8) the Board. -. terminated the:GrievorL% emplbyment as '.follows:'- This is in response to the Notice of Intended*.Discipline _ - issued to you by Mr. D. Gold%ng, District 13 Manager on‘. June 8, 1993 relieving you,from duty with pay effective . June 7, '1993T.pending an*:.'investigation for failing to :.. :_ fol-loq'-proper Xabh-iering 'procedures. while 0perating.a cash registerat Store'#lO. .TheSe.-*actions resulted.in . your-arrest by.the MetropolitanToronto Police on charges : + . of'theft on‘June 7.;1993.' a& >.' *.: : .'_..._ After revietiing all of the information available to me, including. your response and the seriousness. of the "offence, I have concluded -that.,your services are- no longer required'and you are hereby-terminated from the .*: LCBO ,effective:immediately. . :. ...-' '11, .: _ .-_ . .:..-.: Counsel'for the Grievor filed's copy-of-a report from.the . , -: 4 .;. "Just for Today It Alcohol.and Drug Awarkness Centre prepared by Vernon Langley.atid‘ Jeffrky '.. L . :Stein;':' Excerpts: from this .report : read as foilows: Y :. ..; -- ' : **.. '.'.: *, -: : . :. ~ -. .J . . . . ,_-I? ?:The!=-abovefnoted :jndividual .>attended,at our office June .., 3-0th., 1993 for.an addiction assessment~and'~treatment plan I: - *.r c., .L : f . ;. : ,T> L -; f~orxhemi$a~ldependency-. *Mr.. DeLau.ren,tis ..was.re,ferre'd .to our office by Mr.. -Clyde Band, LCBO, E.A.P.. '$:,,',: ./".' .z, ; .-- , J G c , .._ _ ^ ', ; '-'.>, '.:i i ._ - 1. (2% -", 1 : : , .: .~.j li >-' . . SOURCES OF INFORMATION?: , fi. . . .-. : . , * - L :- ‘;.’ .:.‘L‘.-, .__. _.,. r. ,- J .~i(~-:c . . T s. ._( _ . .-. c z ._1 _. _, Client: ~THIRTEEN'HOURS (12 SESSION). _ > y.j‘ .; .'. -,- .-. .. ‘. . ._ “:- ,-..;. ‘-‘-,I L’ ..> ‘:-‘r-;;‘ : s .A,’ ‘. , -“;,‘.j‘” :. ., ‘, ‘.& ..b L I. REVIEWING STAFF:+'--- .' j” f :* .‘. -. *.* ., '2 i",:fL;L : .: : - VERNON --~GLEY,~:~~;IA.,,i~.A.iD.,ci-;..;JEFFREYcL.i-l ST.EIN<,- B.A. ,, L1.B.; '(Member .of 'the : Addiction'.‘-"" Intervention _ . Association.); .:_, .- I 1;: ..i -. ,- ~! -,:j, :OBJECTIVES: :,;-F:;.I:- ii.--;; '; _ .:-.. II. i.. < l..-‘t :.. ?:, /-. ‘. ..’ ;’ _... ,* . ..I i . i ,a T :.likj :I::: TO;dETERMINEiTHE CLIENTt-SDESIRE. AND-;CHCI_CE <OF DRUG . INDICATING ,DEPENDENCY. - '. ,.-. '-'-' .-. __i^ .!.. :.- ':" 2)‘:~: *- TO..INDICATEWHETHER A&RELATION EXISTS-BETWEEN THE '. . ._ F ;,, -., . ,.. I ; _ CLIENT'S DEPENDENCY AND THE 'PRESENT-MATTER. 'i.- ..I*.'. . . 1.- . . . 5 . 3 ) r;;-' TO.,+ ;DETERMINIQi-THE ,z. CLIENT! S. -...-. REQUIREMENTS FOR. S,UCCESS.FUL MOTIVATIoN TO CHANGE: THE.PRESENT COURSE OF ." ,... . . . .', .f ‘ ..- ir: CONDUCT.;' ::~A COMPREHENSIVE. .AS~.S'ESSMENT ISUSED -TO; _ . . . L . ” ,- ,.; . ‘_. . . _f T -_ b’ . .f. :-A)%; .?ES.ABbISH-,Y'BrigS_UFF-ICIENT- BASIS;;OF..; INFORMATION. TO ASSIST THE-. CLIENT AND, FAMILY' TC'- FORMUI%TE""A.' PLAN OF m * ;.: _I :' .:; .,: _ .-_~:'_-.: .; _, ; t .:ACzION.; :!r,'Le; ,: i,.<:. -.:' ii.3-;3.. sT ;.': B) FOR THE CLIENT TO REVIEW'H~S/HE~.C6iTRS~'OP BEHAVIOUR -, ,:.iy T, . ;'d _ ; .i .%:,AS.:.A D:IRECT:RESULT ::OF CHEMICAL. ABUSE AND;;.; ; - ;.I . : ;* : ;, C) TO ESTABLISH A CONTINUUMOF CARE EMPHASIZING RELAPSE L . , -- .: :: '1. ; ..J.:l. -1.5' 1 ,- . PR~ENT~ON$~- .:.> !, ,i y ' T:: II_, j ' .: :. rc-/y~;:,.;. :c, < -ri- ,_ ; I., . : i _ - J '. ._ .i _ *.- I :. ;'-"'* ' ?::WE~ATTEMRT. -TO- MATCH 'CTsIEN:TS :TO OPTI&$RE$TME,NT PLANS . . THEREBY INCREASING,, TREATMENT : .EFFECTIVENESS ,AND A .:,L:' ._ .- - ;.. -. -.;i ';:i.. EEF.ICT%NC&:,s ._. -;<I:,- ._. ~z _.,:r:- ..>; ;.<-#'- f--b, -,;j.i,,t; .;, _ ..i-aa I. . .~ .$ ‘.. ; ..:, ‘,.6-. j-,.. -’ -a .,-: -";OVERVIEW. . . . .‘:.,:,, :: -. -; _ Our client is fifty-eight years of age, married with four children. Based upon his.own self admission his , . . . . 5. ., . . . . last '~>"-..use-:L;: of .:-a .;rmood yaltering substance, being more particularly alcohol, was June 7th 1993. He has always , . i. :"&,'-~>-" 2 , 2. 2 attended at these-:*offices clean..and spber, and,:we have, found him.to be a most co-operative cli:ent in respects. ) :m ,+h *.:, I ., wI: We. also believe .in the sincerity -of, thins. man jqterms of ~ '. the successful outcome he:has had in turning. his life '. -. around,.accepting responsibility for"his actions, and; _ : .~ ._ ; , ; ,; _' . : . . . -, ~. ,I t:,<-. :.,; ,:. ?I. .” ’ , : ’ ,’ -. . . * I - I-.- . ‘!V, :. /. .7 In cross-'examination, Langley testified that the Grievor ., a.,. :. , .i:- .I.: .' had told~~A~him'-.'thatS 'he had 'L,'ekperi‘enced.l .black+outs. From that -4 -' ' , ; , ; .'* .., . :. :' .-. >', ) Astatementt, if itwa's indeed~true,'Langl@y‘:deducedthat the Grievor 0 .:. , : z _., ,- &,. ‘..F. -3 '_ ,* .. .I: must have had an extreme pro.blem with alcohol.. He agreed that -_ . : ..z.,,. '; .' ._. . .f .a *-it/T .., although one of the traits of alcohol dependency was poor ., . -I , : -5 ". . ;- . . . L . . . I-. .I_ .‘C'., : attendance at work,$the Grievor did not miss much work time :and his ,. ._ ,“ r . ' i? ,, _ . 1,. j -,- (.,i 3: appraisals were-: very 'good. ,in ~~that-'.respect: 'W-However, Langley pointed out that when the Grievor ,had been .an alcoholic, he (,' ; . . '-:*: , w,-: I .- ..r. ,.,* '.I ..A .,c- .-*J-z,.. n&'vg&heie&s dia. not ,miss &ny ,:time '..~t-':~~rk.~'~~~'t'-~~,.. . -. : x - _', .:<; :- .f c c a w.14 'SC . .: , ; .L.I. r.-"'.;,.,& :. The Grievor testified that:-during' >the month, of June,. . 1995;:'. he, drank.'one '26 oz.. .bottl;e%f.~ry'e? or whisky daily. '/ He. G -.:, .; 1 - .-i. , ': -.-- i -- . _. .' : >_ . I. . . .-st-rt& .-&i&ifiQ,. '$,fi' -the morfiic-3, :;j&er&ly~ or ; often in his car, ,, . . . . , .'. ,.' : . . )I_.. ._. I. I., I :; .- _ cont%nued'over Lunch, then-again' Ion.-his way home from work, again r. _ - _:-. ._ s "'2 : , . j.:: - . ., . ._ ,:...+ in h%.car.. " <H&:ialso. testified'lthat he-r'arely.:went to bars. He ' asserted that--'he ‘ha-d had .analcbhoi problem over, the years, that - .- i I *_ -. .r, F. . . . ...-). . :, '.,' .' . _o -16 L. .j/l .:several years.bef,ore the events in issue ;in.this case; follo$ing _'; . .: '.. I,* .- :" : .' s ,:.. '>. ; discussions 'g$t,h,- h:s'.empioyer, he had.:"gone to:“.get help with' his . . . : . . ..).\ . . _, _ .-..I. _ 9 'e. . . . I ', .) ._ .-'?: '_ alcohol addiction but did notfollow throughwith:the counsellor;s -I .., advice &.the--belief that'he could handle;his;: problems on.his own. '-::'+' .. . . I .E ,_ .:_ '; ; *,.-' - - ..I . .* s, ., _.. L :. The evidence,did not disclose the reason's :'for.'-or-the nature of.the‘ -Grievor's di'scussions'tiith the Employer. : - . ', ." . , ,' . _ '. : I-- \ : , v_ .:..' , ,. * . . ,. -.. . i _A I 1 ': ._.. . ' , ', I' - The' Grievor ' also .-asserted' .that.:he =was unable*.,to recall ;',, ,, .&, _' . . . :/ .t : ,-- ---- -'.. the spedigic instances, .of theft<!:: ,During:.the- Grievor's cross- .~ . - '., _. : '- . _( . .i ^. ,,_ .-,, _ ., . .h_ -- when he was referred-to-his admission, 'as .set out in. exa&nation, .:' ':. - I . .__. ::$: ._. :. - I .‘. ,, .’ .: 1 .‘: +c i,. ‘.,. / ,‘.. ‘._ : . . : 4 : t, . . * i . -. _ : .6‘ :. . . . ,_ : .Z-~ii,~. ;ii _,.. _’ ~.;“::*;,:., .‘i .., .t*;.. “F ; : .:. j > _- ‘” _. + .$ .* :7: ” ; i-.-;,: ,‘-; . .A .: be.lieve that he-..deserves another chance"as a clean and': _ . .~- 2. " r.. . , _ , '-..'- -. -' ' Ijsober.'~:ind~.v~idua~ ~.f~~If:7riecessary .blood testing +.has been 2 suggested.to,this gentleman and he- $s.not opposed to the . . i.L.4. f _ -... :. ,*.:.yi : ;"same: ..‘:'.y s%. ;-.-,! f: +, :i.-, : .:. .:. .‘? -.$ w 1 : - . ~ L I : __ I I'. : ,‘ ';'.-. ,: . -9 c. :.; ..T :,.j-, .::.; - _. . .._. / I. kTo' dat&~<~~;~tehas: -~eeri.-ir:emarkablei in that-. he has :. maintained total.- abstinence from mood aliering "S .1 *:, *. t..syi\*; , .~~.=substiancd~~~~‘~.~~,.Pl~a~e' :note-- --that:: the ,:,actua+ : cycle of physical addiction, whether it ..be '.psychological or . ?.C, : . . . ( *; . .' ._ ,__. 1 ,.1 ; .' psychosocia9.,c:.may: still - be;.limp.act~ng,-,~on~,;~h~s,,,hn~~xidual -\ thereby making subsequent: re1apse.a real consideration .r .* _: _I 2 .? ‘ *b. _ : ,~[sPc']: :.ho&ver.-Lr;Je: a%sor: feel that .shoul.dz-. he co-ntinue a _- -,,. .P I* ,..I , :.*~$~,f;,~,. . I '1.; process. of relapse:prevention 'and'continue with Twelve '-"Step: a~tendali~:e~t~e.~ppiro~no~is :for pos'it~i:ve uncomplicated _. i" 1- : change.& very good'for,both himself and any employer. e.i.r - 8. '",- / 'a?*' - -. .,.a ','".., $" ;>;?--- ,. i“-. * * P '.'* -.,p; ..1.. _'i s . I_-.. ,, I : .':, ,; 7.: j‘i Please note.that this.,agency and its. staff are not -. ,. ,’ . . :. ._ i . . .I . . . . r ." * : ;:t:'~'.psycholo~~stsi~~iior do:.we ho3d::ours:eJves: ou:t,to. .be as such. -'I&any of our observations 'are based upon our. c'ombined I 1‘ y' .: < ,.,s;: y 2. .& :A $.; ;&periefice : ;ifi’c this.’ *fieldp.- Our :staff :'a-re,; traained to.- ident,ify not,diagnose behaviours; .. : L : z :> _,. :' “:-,. 'c7'.. .;r-. ::.;;*:i* i" *.*; &"';+> 1: , J., 5,. " ! " . ' I ,, r c .'<; .LP : ? i.,- (.,. , .: 2 :i.?,, . -_’ i’ = -. , :: .I ,’ .‘),. .-. 3 -,- 1 :.*.’ _’ .., .’ : .La&~&ey~'s evidence.est&ished that the Grievor followed ? . the.,required.progr&nune.and managed to stay sober untilthe.hearing <- . . .L. .' ‘ .l> I. 5 .: ;I ~' s . . . 'L..,,'.,.~ J I > P L. ., ,,>, _,. .,_ . _... r. -." c.7.. I ..,. -i; L... -_. _I,. day.': -Langley did not think that ,it was :.necessary to refer the . . . ,; '- 7 . .; i i .& : &CL . I . .-, '>~ :+ --- i - .. -I", - _-, ,; _..- . . A.& ;. ~ .., .: __ -_ ,Grievor to a psycho;herapist or psychologist. f'Rather, he was of - - - '. A, ,. '. <' , ;&‘ ,. , T : .-.‘.‘-$.<- . ;,,-, ;.; b.-' -‘+ .:, ;. ,; : .the view-that it would be more approp&te' for-<the Grievor to .._ /. .' . .-overall,.Langley was of the view that the : ~ attend A.A, meetings.' . .: ..-. * 1 :. ; _ - -., Sl' 1.; .. - . ; .,; ,y.- *. /' 'li" 1.::; -.- -j :: '*. ,3,. .J?. ..: " l..?':. - Grievor had done better, than Langley-.had'lhoped for in the - : > .I... . . '- I . .._ IA _'_ -f" -.;-. . c y::- :. :.: -.r;*; ,;..,,;>j:j.;,::: '. *;:, I '. ; ..: ; J ,‘,'; ,*; -. _ '- _'_A I', i : : _ -:. . categories of 'open-mindedness,.. honesty, hard work and,perseverance. . . . ,z '- -. . . _' _I_ : __ -,-..... __ :.:, 4 & .~. ../ ,. I_, .-: . . f : ., _ _. 2' i ,ee conc?udedthat .if the Grievor continued~~to~'do what'& had done '.. . : --I . % _ ~ '. * . . i I. _. i " ; . . * L ,.i , ..o*: * .x , ..1 .' I .i " ,l..l _ : : : .' . . *.._,, 'i- 'L,_ .: . ._. ,,. ,, -1 up until' that point,in time-, ., a. *,__ the Grievor,'s chances Ear remaining .'-_ ;c_ ;.':r : :- _? I. . - .,; - .-. :. : .j '... .* '. -i ;‘. :. .,,: _, .T 1 . . -:,, sober were excellent. However, -Langley stated that,the Grievor had ,. ,. '_ ;..::._ *_: .s ;. I, _. -'.:A. ,, .. .II ' .? ,, . . _ . . ., I i;. '..::' -; _ : '. .; ', ,... L. . . .,_ i . , -:..y .not been able to discuss his theft-in the A.A. group-sessions. , :. I : L .. -.I -* >- :,. : * .- ,' ; .; .:. ,;; ,j -. .;;; .,, ." -' .: : I . . ‘.: ..‘_ .’ A -. ., / , :. .’ i, . ?. i c 8 \ .the agreed statement of facts, that he, had taken money from the , -.i. .J * ,!-. .."! _' -; I ~. .1 * f- * '\ cash register.without~.authc&ization;+ hereplied-Las fdllows: " I : :.. :," ,( _ :..L ,'1 q. ' ! I.. ; , I( :> don't recall but.. I guess.. if I was on the.camera I have to admit that .'*..@I 1 However; .-he maintained .thatt:he ..did not take any money ._ 1 .,' I -. ,.a,, ,. , . _ -.... f T,.p f r'om the. Empidyer .other~.than as~r~~~~ded~~b~~~t~~~carnera. .When asked _.,_ r.-. i '__ ' , . ..i. .' - + c :. . '>.a _ y .';I _: .whether it,‘-Qas‘ :possible that:he,had takenxmoney other .times, he '. I : '.;' -." : ; . ) Y '.-. -'A.;:: -;:p y $-;+. ..' a, I_ ,.-,. '<.a ,, . ,, 'first jrespondod !lno!' and. then: added;.-:PKI. don!t,.recall in. a, c.lear I I .;., .' -.- ..“r' ;; ..-: .. .- *,p ;_ 5iz _ se&e” .. !.! H&, was~&e’;l z&k& ~‘wh’eth’Ei2;~ .&&~L.~L&e2 p&or. incidents and .’ I ‘. *_ * : . . ..‘.J _.. . . - _ _ ‘I: i.’ :...: *+j: ,y:y,“.;: ; he answered "1 don't knowll. He admittedthat when he stole the . ', -~ ., ..I, ,. . 3 . . : .- 1 . . I '.'...L ; ?‘ .,* ( .; Z\ -3' .. " .- '. money,:: he.-..kn'ew .-it -was: unlawful;- '-.Moreovgr.,:.when-; asked .whether he . . -' . ,. '. _ -., -. I . . _ . . . _ .-.‘ , ‘ -.i r :.. ‘,&?!. . -. .'.._ .:E took precautions, to' concea.lthe. taking.,:ofrthe imonies-, he' answered _' . . I z -. : ;.: : : ;; '2. .I_ -:,- :. *: - ;;;;<$.. :, ltYekll and agreed that he used a ceftain.Stechnique to .'effect .the : taking of the money. ..' .T‘ .- 7 ,.' 'k ; : '_ ,.: ..*. ._ .'c'i, ..I .>“ I- I S'>' :.I 3 . . : _. _ err - _ _ '-1 )- _ - . -, . . . '-:y. '4 7 .. T- 1 .* i* 3 .L ; 4. ,!. ". i- -The Grievor had worked at.'the cash register about 80% of . L his time .and agreed that if .hi"w&e'to. be &in&ated~~he would; ~7 *' ;. -. . ..- _^ _. . 2. ; . -2 _I. .-.'.%:i. again be assigned cashier duties.. 1 1, I .I. f ,-,. . : : -_ : . '... I*- \ Y ,. -.. -_ ..! ‘:a .:.; .= : -'. .,__ - .-. P 'Le. _' . . :. .,,.< .;,-. de- _. *?"c c :' ,.‘-.Y __ ,;, '-'."..!; _ _ : ;., . _ 'Counsel for the Employer submitted that there was no'real /. '. . \' _ .:' _, 1 : , ,; _ p dispute with the evidence adduced by, the Grievor -o;~'\L&&&y with ,. ,: . . . . , L . 4 3 . . respect to . . ., .e..- ._ ,I. ._. e.zA.ll.:~ ) !. . _ ,J . - .- ‘. _,. the Grievorls attempts at rehabilitation '&his alcohol . . . *_ -‘,I -.. 1 :, . . . . . .:,:. .yi ., .:“.:-! ~.,:;.,,:.i .-: probiem. However, it was submitted that the rehabilitation‘issue . ' *- .*, ,j : :. .- - ..A : .._;, .I" " bA . . .% was only relevant to the e&ent'*that the&. was a 'direct causal ._ ,.- . : ., . ../ -+ .+.1 . ! _' . .-; : 2'. .I connection between the alcohol problem and the illegal.conduct. It . . '-1 ., ._ .y*e'- 5. - %I .a real .- " : , was pointed out that in this-case, the problem‘ was the. Grievor's desire or need-for money,. regardless of whether or not it ( ; . . ' .-- . . . .: : .. ._.‘.. _,_ .~ I ,, _‘. ;.:e. .-:. . . .- :: , ‘. _’ .i ~ 1 ..- . . I ,y .. ‘; . . . :. _ -_ . . - ., ‘_ .. . . 1,. . ._ 1’ : : . . . . : t : . . :. :’ ‘. _a _- _. : ,A ,., ! - ‘. : .- -. : . - ,. .- _ - : i., ._ , i - (-9 y .‘:’ : ^‘; ,, ‘2 Ac .,-‘ ,-I . . _. . :- . . ; :’ .‘. .._ .,+: I ,- -‘5 ; j,, ” _; , ;,y, ',.,was prompted,.by*hi.s alcohol problem. -a* . . .:There was no guarantee that 1 . ' . . I . .:. - . .,>-., Is-) 1.: _ .:--$ ,..,: I __.. 5;. .&' *= 3 ., I *.J.-bt;,. j.:.. .- ,_,_ '.; ) 1 i‘-; ,, (. ? -'- -i, '. -. i... in the.futu5.e the G.riev.or would not take-money for_alcohol-related 1 . A.. ..fL.'" i4z," .".- :..; : . . ~ : T . * . . -.. . . * . . 4' ? ,-,, _'.. _ .+.. or.-other~.reasons..',Counsel .' concluded that there was no basis upon ' , 's_'-+ ,I, :. ).. .I.'& .;-:: .':','-: .-.. ‘* -;o*.' . ,:;y.. ;Iqw' .Zt ',' :'. ;:, .,.which this, board,"could e.&er.cise its..discretion in. favour of'the ^ .-. - . . .:- " '__ : .__- _. i _ : .<.. ,,,, . . ,_ a-1. . : _ f .;: 1 i i t :, '. .:., . . Grievor, ._ . >--- .:. . :.. ;.: Counsel referred to-and r.eli-ed-upon,the following caselaw :. _.~ . . . -.: __.. .' -... :. ,._.." -.. _.' I'. -y$.,: . . _ _: *' ;, 1' __ . . . -7 . -' in support of ,~~s;-s,u~~~i*ssions. in-this case: Re P.C. Drou Forainas ‘._ . . '_- _ i. . . L': . . . ; _' ; ,-, e r ' I_ 5, : .. : .-_ .' ..:*. : I..> Ltd.. and U'.S;W;A...-Local 8190 -I . :;' , .L. -y.: ,,-a . .'. 3 1 ,,., . _.._ 1' " .I . . . . . . (1990) ,f. l!,L,A,.C.(4th) 279, ( R. L. '. _1 . . :-;: 'f . . _ \ _ ._ -.: :. .yerity);:-Re The-Crown in Right of Ontario.(Liauor Control Board of 1 -_ C‘ . c: ., ;1' ,s.: .._ , ,' ,. i'. , ..l-"'. -L -' . ..- . . I. ., .- .,Y. ..'..-; L ',i'. ,_' . ,: : . -. ..Ontario) and..OLBEU- (Leon Menzies); Unreported decision dated 20th - ; 'de;-. _ : ._' _ < li. _*i- ._,.._ :..,. 1 -.. : ;. _ .'.. .day of June,. 1983., '(J. ?, :. '. -: .: .-- __I 3: F.,<:W. r...I.~..,:.;i:-.~~,"i *.'. Weathrill);.Re The- Crown in- Riaht of .-' z: . . 1 : '- ‘ _.. . -.. . ..".T 'I - -" , '. - : ,. ,. .__ "' .I__ . _ .* .*... a:.w:-- ---_ . _,.Ontario (Litiuor Control Boar? 'of Ontario) and OPSEU (G. Elliott)-, :. ".I . _.' *: : . .'* 'Ii -. :‘ . -. .:. ..T _ ,. . ,L..' _ ,_~ . . : .., ,: - : :-'., Unreported decisionn.dated. 5,th day ;-of. . -. __ CL,.. 5. ( _ . . - .: I 1984, (1;C. I December; r .-. . -.:.*...I.‘ _ .: '.,. "7: ..,, ,I * ._ ,_ ,:' ,.:, I..- ;~ . . . ._.__-- . r. _. springat- Re The Crown ,in.Riaht of Ontairio- (Liauor Control Board '_ . ,1 ,_ . i,', i.. ,., I '. ,.?' -' _.' :'- f:,.. :i., ,. .-.: .:, .- ,' of Ontario) and.OLBEU (Thomas Hill) ;Unreported.decision dated 5th :' :r .) .. _ -, day of,June, i987, (P.M. Draper). .: J+ ,.-I '.CounFel .,fok' the,~Uniona submitted that this,- board should' _.:' I> ..+.- .?.L :' _)> :.. - \-,‘.. :... .l'. ..' -' ,: -. < * . . .+. +. subgtitute,:the Grievor's discharge with a lengthy'suspension with . . . . _. ,- . ..* .-. _,; .& ". _a_ _ i:: i ,j~ no:,,compensation a.long with<, conditions attached t,o, an.eventual re- ,-. I ‘_ .;';l ; : ,.;. :. /.. " ‘ I .~ .L . . poi&eo':. to .'the :,;i * . -' ..I., instatem.ent. - Counsel: Grievor',s frank. 'acknowledgement qfthisr,aicoh'oii.sm probiem ..and to'all. of his .efforts -;..- : _,_ __ i,i- __ r , . ? _. :. I :'-- . . . .._> - . ' _ to. dea,l .with- it: as. well .a,s,+\ his success in ,dealing.. with his. . . , '. _ 7 ( ",: -.. . . . 'k' .alcoholismc C"... ~. . . . It was argue@, that, if the alcoholism was under I. '. -.- ; Y- ., _ <. ', :_ ', : . , control, the,,thofts.,would then also cease. _. _ 1 :i Counsel.reIied upon the I.. '_ ! ..following caselaw in s,upport,of ,his . . - li ,. . I- ~:. :.. : ; submissionson behalf of the ." -. -_ .' Grievor: Re The'Ministrv .of Government Services 'a&Mr. .R. E. .\ I : _. . . . ,- .- : . -. - -‘. .‘..- ,.-. 10 '. Haisht, Unreported decision dated 23rd day of April, 1976, (D. M. ' :.- '. , Beatty)-, Re Cook and the C&tin' -in Right.. of 'Ontario, (1979) , .22 , L.A.C.. (2nd) l;', (K:':swint.;-) :; .i,, '-i ;: " Re The. .;;r;titi in R; .hp.6f:‘ bntario , -<. ‘ii (The Liquor Control'Boardi and OLB~;'.iE..-'Hii:i~']' Unreported -decision 7 .I '. - ;. - dated 2jth day*.&f-'#a$, 'ig82'i""(p..' Gl b&t&ni";‘CR& ~fie..&~~ ~-rh Ri .ht I + '. -... of bntario ( Li '$0'; '&nt;oi &&d .'& '.:&Ys and O;LhEU .Kenneth ._ o . . James‘wells'j, .'71‘: ,' UnreporEed &4&-;- -&& l&h ,:~.ag-b'f-. March‘, 1982, _ . .- _ - _ .-^_ ,= “a': .. . . *, : - Aoird. o.i. Onti&ib'. ~".A.z&?"~frBEU '&$i h~~~~".;~=!Unr.~~~orted.: dei=ig..dn dated . ; < 7th day of May,‘ 1992,' iB. K.lf&) .;‘ .: e~.~he "urban in'.Ri"ht of:lOntario , .: ,- :-, _‘.-.. .I .’ ,I, ~ &in-i&r Y *of- Transnortat:ion)-- and &EU ..('Meniies)l'. Unreported - I .-: ’ _.. The Crown in Right of Ontario (L&&or Cdntro~l%oard~of ont'ario) and ._ . '.. ,_ '. .\*., OLBEU'(Reedj, Unre$orted de&fsion.'dated lC&day~~of~August, 1992 ‘ v .._. s(Watters) ; . .'., - :y,;. -1;. ..' ;--- -4; ' _ : .I!, :I' _" , .-, . . I.- . ., ,. ! .- - The parties were in agreement'that the Board was fully _ '..c;, ; _' justified in imposing some form'0.f disci$l%ne'upon the grievor. : , I ;. I The only question was. what type of discipline ought to be imposed upon a 'nine .year, : .:.... sixty'year old.employee such as'the'.Crievor? ‘ - 1 I.. ... r .:_. i. ._. .T" .G -- &. : ;: ,..,. _ . - Discharges were upheld'& ea& of the following cases. . -. .In the Drox, For.oinss"casej' the Board upheld the dis&&ge of a lo- \ ; ,-year empioyee with no prior record'of discipline ~fdr'on~., instancel ., of theft. _-. I. In the- Menzies case, '. 'there..were no- &stance abuse / . . issues. The issue ias one act of.theft by a‘s'ixryear'employee who ~ . f _ .‘- : . -., : ‘. -_ . : ,_ I .(. L* .- i .-- 7 i .I _ , :- ‘2 I :. . _. .z-._. ‘. -, .._ -. ‘_ . . ‘.:.-‘.. . . ;’ . . ,= i .\ . . .: -_ _. 1 ‘. .:- - . % ‘: I. :.: .; j ., :: : ; : -_ _ . I- . . .,,. f ‘- ,: (1 . . . ;. .\. _I.. . . :. . ,. .‘. I I_ -- .‘_‘_ : .: _, r :-. w-c .: ,: : .’ .,‘ -‘! ,_-. _,, .I ; : * - 11 .,‘;: _- ~I.. ,-I.;: ,._ I . .‘-;-. ‘2 I .‘;‘;i t-i ‘,Af,,L, y““: I,‘> : : < was, thenacqu'itted..of c.riminal &arges.. ~ . . . , .; ; * : The.disdharge.was upheld. c ._ 5. _ :-i-c ..; . '.,.Z'.$ ':c;* ,- i*:'-.:, : .._ , '<Y.> , .: i.' 3 - r ,' ,. I ?'. ., ., . . . . . .; f : ‘l?., :;.. -i.. r. . ..1... In the Elliott ca.se, although there.'was a 'drug use issue';. the Board . . . : _:. : found‘that there-was'.no causal gonnectionbetween the drugs'and the ._ ._ . __ ._ '. '_j "discovery by the' Employer;. nThenReed.,case, set out some of the I_ .'f .: I. ii, -,r I, .: -. _ ; &,** i‘ r .: ' , ;. i ." ._ .-principles lti.pRlicab.le -in these .typ'es ,of- ,&es. .' ' ^_ L. , i :> :.. ..,. :. >C', I . . . , -. . . ,,. * ..I I . ."5 ,(.. ..'.:" -, : 1 - I i-.,>:-. ._ .;:,.:.: -. .;;; ;. . . . ;:., ,_ .,Jg.;,;.L .,,_ d , '. :c. r.,. ,' . . .w: . '.,. . I. _ .: ., '.' ., -.. 1 ._ .: ;. : _ . . . ,.. . . : a ! “. : ‘_ ‘. ‘,. i ., ,‘.. *I-. .__. : .” ,.. .’ ,_’ ‘..%,.-‘1. : ., I I :,,“.. ._ 12 In the P. C. Drop Forsinss decision the .Board set/out an -. . . . i 1_, y:.;+*. ; .-. . ,,I, .:. -:, .:. arbitrator's obligation to balance the ~%%ie~ interests as. -'; ,; .- , . ? *.* . 'i . ::. i , ,-, . ., .I. . j ,, , . , ,: 7 : : -~ -, “ follows: : . . 3 ; ; : p j- - .I ';f; .,*. ..-a : _ _- &..The .real issue is whether;or. not-the .grie.vor with some J-8, years of, service, should have been terminated. That issue involves a .judicious-balancing..of the competing-interests ~f~~the,,parties. _- , * 1 _. _ ‘.- . . a, I- : _. ” -_ . . . The. .earlier.arbitral:cases generall-y held tha$..theft of , . . zompany property is just cause for dismissing an employee regardless of seniority and good Work record. However, in recent case-law that approach appears to have- _- 'softened;.tolsome .extent;r.in-.:appropriate circumstances. 'The current approach is,~adcurately set forth in Brown and : . ' -*Beatt'yJs : .text ,:-:Canadian Labour Arbitra.&ion,,,;3 rd ed:: (1988), para,7:;33@'pp. 7-65 and 7~66: ,-_' .. ,. -. " . . .* \. _ -. .‘> ;* ,, .; -.‘I;;, -, _ .. . . . * . ..,. arbitrators:that.,a~ person. cannot .automqti-tally 'be terminated from. his 'employment because he. had -,.- '. . . ,. engaged in one or more.,acts 'of theftd I-dhe factors which have inclined Arbitrators to .reject the . .,. z. s.-..‘conclusion',$hat-- an :.act. .of . ..theft. -;by.; its.elf and without more,. justifies the discharge of an : 'employ&e,'. are numerous..and varied. - .For example, arbitrators have modified ,the termination of a. person found>to-have;engaged in an,act*of;theft and _ _ ,substituted some period..of ,suspension: tihere the, -. - :- stolen property ;tias of nominal.. value;,.. where the 'grievor has such a long -and exemplary' record .,of . . '.-employment- that ithe misconduct before the board ,. could be perceived as an isolated incident; where : the grievor"s. actions -were,:irrational and/or undertaken -on the spu'r of 'the moment; where the ',- ' '?grievor.had, shown..remorse and/or had .admitted to his. misconduct, and where the, employer had not. ' r .' -consistently. applied its.rules against-theft.. in the past. In these circumstances, it has been . expressly. :' or implicitly assumed ..:that such ', ameliorating factors negated or raised doubt as to. the ':conclusion that. the .gr,ievor ,-had,,- by his misconduct; doncltisively shown that I$% tias so : untrustworthy- that ,the..*employer could. no: longer rely upon him. The“ need to ',fodus on'? the j rehabilitative potential .,of the.. grievor;'seems particularly .compelling in those instances where the arbitrator ris satisfied fh,at-) the emp.Toyer's interest i.nprotecting+the integrity of its service can be accommqdated by a sanction other than the . . . : ._ '_ .',.. CL. . ., .'I' ,,. -,. ._ _” : -_ .’ 9’ >;’ t 1, :_ ., ._. .-: 1 ’ _.:.- ‘. - i: :. . . y _, -, i . . .. 3 / -. : _ , r> :--: : . ;?.i . -. ..,While- 1,accept .the company submission that any ,.. . . .,,. ..' ..i ‘:I. theft 6f.>&h$$djf ij~~jdud~~jis':.~,~.~~rious: of.ffence 1' 'I do +.~. . \^, not accept that discharge should be the automatic 'Y' .'._ .:. ;,- .'! :. '-, _ _ " r&&con&e. Tj&t: ,&fefFi% suehi- 'T,ca$& .' : :Iha&ed, the recefit ,. . 'A r_ * '. I ,. jurisprudenc,e holds that the severity .of the ,._i _ *‘ 7 :8. ._ " '. ..- .:?e; ‘@&haL.ey i~,'a~*'~he~.~'Ic~iSe-::s~b~ld bej;determitied on a .'J : ': .1 'i i : .."i :' 'review of a number.of factors.including the service .. . . . . . . _..w.- >- : :T _ . . . ^<.'. _' -?~nd+.:re&~~~C~&f. eh&‘ .gfi~~o~; -the .'tv&aue 'of 'the:- goods., the. contriteness of the grievor, the,impact of the - : penalty" upon-the grievor having regard.:to.,his age _ .; and. skill,. and; most importantly;' the' need for -. ..general: deterrence. It is universally accepted - ..(_ '..'?.. .:‘,": that .general-' deterrence is a legitimate and : . - . . . I - ,... , ( .' C~learly, theft by'employees.from the Port Colborne plant -i'.. .: _ . _. I .,.I ,.. : . _ ~;!hZa,& ;'Geeh "'a .'do~.~i~~in~',hro~l:~~~ 'foe' -,th@.- ~e~~,lo'yers..'a~t least _.: '.. '. in.recent years. The employer has.a legitimate interest‘ L': __,, ; , 1.::: property by its,own.employees. ..' \_ , . r " ,~ .i ._ a,.:.. , '. ..,':.; .-.-; - , ., -. .-'i.:..- - ', The,,union:-placed, considerable emphasis Ion the grievor's / ,?,.‘ -- -' i.,: respects; I am unable to a,gree with that:contention. The ,c._ ,a _ . . ..- :. .'..ji. _ i .j$~.*-'!....; -mitigating factor in-light of.the,deliberate concealment ,,:' 'of '.his act i '- xn&e&-,l!-h&Y ybtila: have.1 advaficed 'his' &use to a cons-iderable degree had. he' been .candid with the 'The -s~~ongest’ev~den~e.4’~“tki~ Cr:ievor'tifavour comes. from scrutiny. of :.the' November 21, ‘_ ’ . ,.I, ; Y,. . *I. ‘., p .’ 1994'Stein/Langley-report as well as . -_ _.. ,, ;- : ~ ‘ .; _, : * :. .I v,- ; ,_ ,* :. . 14 Langley's oral evidence shows that,from Langley's point of view the I 'I... ,- I , central matter in issue was.the Grievor;s~'alcoholism and not his .-. : ,..,. ~ I , dishonesty: or theft.. ( = ' 1,. _ ; .y . - 1 . .-. Lan&y"assumed -throughout that the root _,,_,_ !. ._~ ~1 cause of the Grievor's problems was an addiction.to alcohol. The _ ', . _' . .., : report was~premised.upon..the a&$&&.& that:.'the Grievor's repeated I .*, .s :., -. A,; a&s of theft‘were pro&d b~.h,is~&&&cl~sm. 'The report noted ,‘. '_ ', -'.,.; . that it .was, VYremarkab$e thathe. has mgint&ned total abstinence" ..- J I ’ -.. . r . ~ > ; . . . and that'the..dr'ievor.,.;)laeserves anoth&chance as a clean and sober ,I. : . _ n "_ Y "..‘ ir . ..I2 '-i' P; Cb indi$id&iil.. {'*". : ';- ~I... .I_, ,_., ,;. .t- _,_.: IT,.:-, . . :,. '9': :r. .' . ‘ .j , .I .-i. I . : k ,. I_ - : ..- _.: . . : ._ . .I -- T .; . L c '. '(. '. - . . .__. .‘?, . L” /. / cc* : While. we‘. f\ind.': that- &n$&ay~'~"~was a totally credible . . . .t ; .' ; '; - _- ,, s-,* I I witness, we find that his evidence;was given as an expert.witness : v ‘ f. -' L specificaJ..ly .with."respect to. thei'~G-r~~~~or!:s.-.~~~o.~o,lism.. We accept .-, _. :,, Langley's evidence that 'ihe Gr'~evori~did-,S"ake, & concerted, effort to 9 2. . come to terms with his .alcohoiism'and as of the, time of .this ,: . . '.I- : -‘. . . . ..I ~. .' .C‘ . .,:',\ ., -+ _ -. ;.< . hearing, appeared-to be success+1 in abstalnin,g.from alcohol: c. - .j. . .: -. ; -. . However, -Lang:iey remarked that‘ fir& :to..t~e.,'hearing,. altho.ugh the . d _ . _,- .). .rs,.. 5 _.,, .Grievor,had .fully, disc,ussed h,~s:,;2ifficuit,~e~.:wi~h a$cohol,. he had . . . 'been totally unable to discuss his'th.e-ft;" . . -.*' " -especl,ally.in the context ” of the A.A. group 'sessions. ,'- iLniie$ as&&‘ fiiad& '& ;co&ent with respect to the.Grievor's .truthfulness .or honesty,. . ..We recognize .' thatyLangl.ey wasnot-'in;a positi,on.to confirm,or, deny.the Grievor's. motives in taking-the man-ey. from the cash:,reg&ster and moreover,, _. .*'. i - that Langley had relied entirely upon the Grievor, believing.tha$ .I the Grievor's thefts were related to.his alcoholism. .Thisdoes not mean to suggestwe do not_-recognize that there are those people-who I_ . : ., --., ; .; : 1 ?L -, . . -. i 2.;‘;, : ,-.i.: *y : - ,Tz ‘..;: :- : ! ., . . _ : do.steal because‘ they need*..to feed the'ir addi&ion,'.alcoholism .: . . . *,, ,.. I- ;.'-“" ,. .I _ '- . . . .._ ~ ' .I- being but one example. I i ::: : 1 ". : ; ' i '$$b: .i 1. i' . ) : However, the 'onus'.must .be :'upon‘the"Grievor ', ii .~ : '.. : -. ". i ,.r-., * ,g,-- J. $ : 1 1 I, ,.,...: . . . . _ . . to.establi& that his thefts wkre:prompteo-by hi&icoholism. In .3 .' -/ * (, . _*.. T _ 7, ,,', .-% _ . . . . . '2 ICi, :. this case, :. '_ there -was no ';modical, psychiatric or other "expert . ., . . _’ I-_. ..- . :tr ,. .I ‘, , .: I;.!: .- _: _ ./%.: .:- ,.I _ .- 1. I ,-_ testimony adduced to establish a &onne&ion ;bet&een"the drievorls , ; .. . - ,: ( . . _., I '_ n , 1 .I alcoholism.. -and.- A?&. t,Afi';.i .,-. ., . -~ ". . r I-, 7, .c . , .$Lerif ice _I .2. I , ,our --evaluation of the ; . _ I’. i ‘. :...,. ” * ,., :’ . . .;. _. _a ,‘. ,_ ;- ‘ , ‘“1 . Grievor's credibility rests primari.ly~'u&nYour evaiuation'bf his i .) 1 1. __ _L. _(. .:,., 1; ..,, ~ -..,I. ' Y-f,, -' 'f> 'A .2,..f yz '. .. ".i. I- ;...;;- ':, .~ . . c ; i . /_ ./ own evidence. : i .: . ,. ' ,.I-- -:I;i . : .. :' ! ,., . . : . '. 'i C‘ .: i_ I . '._ , . ! :.i ! .: ;; a, :- .- / : . . - :: : .'_, . . .: ..’ :- ., ., .;. .: .,c,- ‘. . . . j.$;bl&, & .&& dpoi;;;&; -;A& ;h& ‘t;ied .t; do something; gbo& it. . I’ A ‘,-...‘.. .,_ He. stopped drinking. HoweverT, in'&ark &ntr&;the'Grievor did , .- not acknowledge his theft problem,.he was not directly apologetic I _, . . . :; '- .__- .:_ i.. . .< for-the . -:.;.“ .__ _ .._I -- - thefts-and he made-no attern& to'seek help or counsell,ing, .I .', 27 -. 'I -- L . . . 1'~:. *. ...- 3'. : _ .~ _ .: 1 .*. I with respe& to his repeated'acts-of theft:. ire was not"prepared to -. - .' .: . :' :. ..- c -. .- '. ?'r-' __: -. ,. ; -, . . .;: i.,.-i _.i ,_.. ..,t "- ;.-.* : '-, talk about"the theft-in his group counselling sessions. He was not -1 ,. ;',:; : . ; r :‘- y .; - . :z. - .r '- . .-, . A.'. _,. '. ._.( f ;t -. prepared to openly '~,k,,,lec;i~e.his:thefts- at this hearing. He.was .. : -. ; :-, '4. _.., " .; ',-. -., .--. .-i : ;. . - _: I z not prepared to even.admit.that he had'a problem in that regard as -‘ " PA. _ _-. . . .-a _i. . i . -,-<; -;, : I-. J.,. _.. i - -' ;. ',, _' he maintained that he. only b . ..-‘". . ., .<s. ,~ 1 : .: 2 stoie money on the.&ecise ,]o&asions- . __ ,.. ,' ..,;.- L" .L : '. .-.tqr*. y . . . ..:. ..‘ .' '...... ,_ ,_ .-: , - ._.. :..a : -.. .. r that he;was recorded by'the camera and at no other times, this even ,-.-" . r, :.. ._ _y .'i;. ,. I: _ . -.'- / though he also testified.thatShe:&tually'tas not sure thathe even t - ,.,a.. L.' . _' ' :,. ,, .%..I* . ..-. _ &ken '_ .._( i . . -I. remembered having any money because 'of his blackouts. If he __ ,. .! .5 . '. ? _. I. .,. 1,. ,_ - * _'. ." was not sure that he remombered,having taken any'money because of .,' !. ._' . 'his'blackouts then.surely he was not in any position to'as‘sert that ., ‘. x ,. ,~ he took i ., : money.from the cash - , .i . ” I register I * .- only j’ : .‘, ,_’ on the.occ&ions.when I it . _ -. .- -. , ., . CL. -t ..L ,. _I - .' . ,_. '. r 16 was recorded by the camera, an assertion which, undermines his . : . . , b ,, " C. \. credibility altogether. We have thus carefully considered all'of . .- ;' , L the Grievor's evidence, both in terms of its internal consistency, . I . L as well as in terms of his demeanour in, giving,his testimony. We r '_ ., . are unable to find his evidence credible and.more particularly;we . 1. . . .: cannot accept the Grievor's.,attempt to transfer the responsibility : _ - for the thefts-,from himself to his alcohol dependency. It was .( . _ .-. _. . . . ..__: . . . . '. also clear.from the Grievor's own evidence that he was aware of the 'A +. :- Board's policy with respect to theft. .e-- ..j , _. We ,find that the Grievor knew exactly what he was doing,,; namely, that he knew thathe was *- -_.. ._ knowingly and- deliberately stealing from the employer. We:find .". _ !..' L' ', i * - that the Grievor's evidence with respect to the material questions . . . . ;f . . ,. . . . - _. . : .< -_I, before us is simply not believable. . 1 ..; __ .'._ ." :; .-'. , . :;t-<:-. I 1 . :. . We therefore,.find that the employer had just cause to 1. ,' . ,. . I _.^ discharge-the Grievor. ., . ., _ -, _- The question which remains to be determined - ' is whether the Board should exercise its discretion to.substitute - -. .I,. _,c. --t .*' , : a.lesser penalty. 'We have attempted to'balance the interests of. -_ ._. : I .-.:, y- :. '_ the parties in this 'case;‘ <the employer's nee.d for general . . ._ 1 .- _: deterrence and the various specific facts and circumsta'nceso.f each : I . . '. ..-. and every case, .accepting the premise that discharge should not be . . . . . ..I.. ..^ _:_ ..' the employer's invariable response to an employee's theft. , I. .i. ._ Various cases were dited by Union Counsel in support of the Union's . . \.. ' I. ..; contention that the Grievor's spekific case was'an appkopriate one- .... .' - ,- % : Y for, the exercise -of this Board's discretion in his favour by.a - . . :. . : . sub.stitution of his penalty of dismissal to a lesser'penalty. / - . . . - . ..- *_. ~ : -. -. .- ,.; . . admitted his.d$shonesty before.he.was discovered, here the Grievor :' " ' ., ',. ._ )_ equivocated 'evenw_ith the thefts-recorded on camera, suggesting on‘ - '.S. ._. ~ .I> :'L.f.. ;- -t. * _ ,.I- .' I,.' -' ‘-.: + -the one hand;. that he was not sure thathe- remembered the ._v I ::i. _. '. ,.1 > -1 c- :.. -: *.c ;" 7.; ; c. 1 I ( . L- ,‘ 1 --.I-: :‘. ; :..i-:.: .) .1 __ f-Z. ."' -, .d indi,y$dua+ .a.cts ,of.. th"eft ,'but * _ _ ;;. ;z -,. - .:I ':*- . sine-e,:.th.ey - ..-;z.-.$: 1 were recorded by camera .-i'sn J ,s.;. :. -.. . . 1 =. ,._ ,1 ,“ i., I - . _( .i..T< . _. I ._ _. _' ',.,~-~hen,,~hey_-probably happened and on the other .hand that he only took . . . '.,' ' . i . i: A: 1 : I i _ _ . ,: 1. ,: f j 1-_ ,i,.! _ A, . .: l., '<, _ ._ .._ : ,y :- -i : . . ../I -,: _) a’. . . _ money whenV,;the, camera. recor<ded it.,, -. While the Grievor, made I .: . \-‘ -:t ': t 7 _. : . .) : ::2 ,_. _ '.$.' 'I 1 -_* _, _'._ *..2.' -1 t ,. ..1' : -. .rest~$ut~ton ,-for .the money that ,he -had stole,n,.as 're,corded by the ._' _... i . .‘ .- ,:.::::- '. 3 j a._ .*i:,-la..;' .*,. '.., ‘"_.'> f ~ : ; ,*; .,_ , - -. - .- I, camera,-:& never apolog+,zed ,for the thefts'. -:, We find that .even ', ;. . j.. : _. ..;-::.j.- I_ ._ ', .' j .;=, ::- ,.. '... . .__ I-: I-, i;. : : ., ., . : ,dur$ngxhLis.viva vote testimony before thisboard,.the Grievor was i _ . . ::4 . i ,...-..1 .L .= ( .'.,~ c. . .: ." _, i, ", :i . : ; .- i. _ - 1;': : t* .i. .: , .-. . \ : 1.t: , i not ,forthr$ght..,;.and he d-id' not show,.,any 'sense. of remorse or. , ~", .._ _- ,*;.- _. _ :, ,i._ I'- ;.:-,"q ._- . _ -2; .(, , .* *.i: _ ,__ ._. : ;. a __. -.. SC. : -,. - . .-? ; f .i. .; -‘A- t ..:: _ -:.--. ; .-,: : _‘.__ ’ ,- ;‘.,.‘-‘, :’ -!I: .. . ’ : .-*_, . . 9 -., _ :t 1 : ‘.- -z y _ ‘: _ -. i-.; _. _. _’ *. 1. .: .Z.Zecpnd, unlike each .of the Eli.iott, Wells. and Creishton _I. -. ; . 1- .-I _.. . j :,;‘ ;: -' -. i,.-" -. 4 .f .:;.' "-'-,'- , ____ :y', .::;';.:; -.:,cases,.:-the,], instant case- is not a "momentary aberration" or an * - ; i*. _ _ i. r i ., /" I _ -". ,_1'., ., ._* ,. i- : * -. - - ,. : With-respect.to the criterion of I Vtisolated incidentN1 type *of,:-a.se. ., > 1._ . . _I ._, :. 2 ~- s .' _ _. '.. - ,'. -,jy; 'i. "momentary aberration"', had there been one. or two' incidents of _ . - .. theft,,]then somehow itlmigh,t be.,possible to construe.,that the few . .A . . ‘ ; . . . ..I (i ,,:; _ : _ ., . . ,' .._* .:\,,c,.;;., :.. __ _. - :. I 8 : -._ ._ 2: 2.. 1 - . . 2 . f *. -._ . .,__ times that ::it happene-d,,were ._... _. but - : ; J " 2 I .-y 1;; .; *.- .mqmen&y aberra,tions. The '_ _' . . _ L. - .A..? . . . __. 'J. ,.;-,,--; : :- numerousincidents a&so-;ca.nnot,.be --seen-as llisolated incidents". . . 1';. .' -- ( :: c, - . _ _. _ .( _ , :.: :;,,:! j, _ -. . _.. . - .., ^I .;;; '; f ‘.Even; i.fl.l,,the.mean$ng of these.two.phrases was -stretched to suggest. : :I. - ..' I... I ..,-. ,- :' . . '. j that ,the, unlawful ,.behp,;+o,ur. ;waF: .seen as behaviour which is ': c..._' .' f c. *.. : . *. .' . . F : I. comp.letely at.odds.with prio,r p,erformance, then on the evidence it I...' . 1. -. L '. ':. : _ :'.> -?.. ..: .' _ . ,,. , _+__ ._ .:;,.-; : - cannot be+.s.aid :t&at,thq. incidents of theft tikre 'completely' -at .I, .' :.- c- , ;., ': -.. ; . . . . L 21 _ ,: . . ,-c k'<. . .; \.' odds with:prior..performance.'or ,behaviour if one considers that.' '1 '_ r 7 * ‘L . ;> “5 .? *; 18 there were questions raised in -the past with 'respect to the Grievor's‘cashiering procedures. 'e " I' . . .'_ : I * ,-: _(' : t -. I . _ > ; _’ Third, - (-.r-, in. <the 'Co& 'or hill. '&&es ; '. t52 .*'inei&n& which :. ." gave rise to- the discharges were'"c~~~~cted~~~t'o alcoho&m :and . . ,. . i : depression, respectively. However, ": . . 'in the instant' case;"'tie do not . . . . accept the Grievor;.s submiss-ions'that the thefts tiere%he'result of .. G':- _, ', ,. v .: : _ '., ( n -+, : I lialcohol&mll to*'.do ,. : - -7 his which caused him things‘.'ithaf; :he 'did not -. , i . -_ r&aiill. ipart f'rom'the Grievor's otin evidence,, 'I$.& w; :& not _ :.. find credible, ; th&re 'G& n; && e-&aenc&. .ghich e;edd'i'ished " '. :,.,. . bonnection.betwe& the Gri.evor's.alcoho'lism' 'and'hik thefts at 'the. !. ,T< '. -. 'e., c cash register. T&s does not mean.'.thatA it“ tiould 'have .peen necessary, for the Grievor to establish that he‘was actually drunk when he worked at the cash register when he 'took the monies; . . . . ., I 'a. -. ;- Rather; tie' f ihd --that on the"-gpecific' facts"bf this case, the- - _- . Grievor &s -unsuccessful in persuading us that the' thefts were .- . . , .i r - _. _-: : ; . ' :-: : . .- . . . .; caused by his,alcoholc tendencies. : _\ 1." , ; .' ,, *.+l. ._ _- : .,. . . 3 ._. . : -:t i_ ..I_ .> : _. ' , .I _ ^ :, I_' .' . . . .. Finally, ..- -1, on the basis df.the Gr'i.~~or'.s'..t'estirnqny at this L i-.**-. , _. . hearing;' we- find that, t& Grievor Vneither'*expressed7remdrse I no-r -.r . . indicated that he woul'd use hisbest'e,fforts‘to'Come to. terms with I. i 1 :. . -. : his-theft. 'He also gave nocindication that'he'-tiouid even attempt , a-'. ._ ..P to ensure that the-theft-would not recur'in“.the future-,. -;:Applying.. '\ . _. ., the principles which have'.-been'stated &.&i&s arbitral awards, , _ . *' : -_ . . ,.- ‘- there'can be little or no 'possibi$jty'of -reco.nciliatidn between a. I _ .‘ ',_. " _ . .._ -, . . ..i , , ,. , - -. : \ .',.. -1. . . ..* 1 .._’ 0131 I.. :, _:. ._ 5. 5 . . : : 9: .. _ 1 ( ” : . . . I ’ dishonest employee and his or her employerwhere there is no full I-, ..:y;', .'- :-25 , .,I _ -;.. ". __. ,: : . :- _ 7:: .;', .,, I~, y. ' .:1! '. .,- -of wrongdoilng and"-& .the 'absence. of an -- . . -and complete admission I underttiking'by the employee in.question to use his or! her best .. ‘.- :- L’,‘*L : ,/I ,iL’. . f -:-:.. . _._. ., ._ efforts to. ensure ,j< t .‘ : : .:‘:. ;. ; : that'the dishonest behaviour does not‘recur~in- \ .- _ " ,-the-- ,$future.; .’ _--.. IfL_such principles are generally applicable in . _ -.:d -.*I- __~ _.__ __ __~_ -.e_. . ". ~~i&cip~,in~~\A -&s-&s ,. ‘: -they are 'harticularly --applicable where the ,' _., -3'-:.-.‘:;‘. J, . ._ discipline-has arisen as a .result of .criminal.conduct. .' '. I _. ., * .\ I . _ :* " .--* .._ _,_. .. ., .I -. \ ; ' - --I ,: : : :.., ;I];, _ _ ,.._ _: _ - _. . . ..- -.--. ..-..--c .-WV -.- - _ ._: I"_ _ _ I _ _ .... _, &..a,. :-..--.. ._ ':‘:' . -. _ '. 1, ,.-i': . .._ . .T i * :<.c .- , .A?' ~carefulr.::Y?eview of 'the evidence at ..this hearing i ' demonstrates 'ihat .the Grievor's situation lacks the essential ..I .~haract~~.isti'cs.s~~~_t_ outin the caselaw,; Given the very specific - i. .--.. ._' -v . .._. . , . . _*-.- __ _. ,. .,':; '..," ... 1'.,‘. .L... -_ . . . ,Y I - 'facts .and ,circumstances of -this .case; the Grievor;/s unwillingness 7 I * la ) , "-:'-i 3 “I I: ;i; < :; ."r. _. .- .to.confront his thefts and to admit,them and their extent, to show _ f .' remorse and to,apologize for the thefts,.to demonstrate hisresolve -to use his best.efforts,never to steal from his employer again; all .- - of thesefactors make it impossible for thi%Board to,.exercise it-s ." - :.: discretion in. hi&j; favour' by settingaside .-the discharge. and .‘ * replacing it with a' lesser penalty. These. factors autweigfi any -. . . : questions involving the impact of the penalty uhon the grievor,' having regard-to, his ,age,and skill level.. . . ! . . . . _' 1 ‘- : In our view, having heard all of the evidence adduced in. this.case, having reviewed,the exhibits filed and having heard the most'able submissions of Counsel,. we find that the grievance must 20 / I ,‘. . , ‘_. 1 . : . _ r. ’ _.~ 1 *< :, -_ *. *,., :. ' ,fail. 'The Grievance is hereby dismissed. CJ ,' . ,. . . . _.. . . . '< ~ _ '. ,: ‘_ 1.1 I, - .- ‘. l 4 . . ; -. - I . ,.. , .: -.., , : . ..i’.. ( -L. :. I. .-;,, J .,,* Dated at Toronto this 4th day-of Deeember,j995; -' I . -, .<- ,_ +. -+ . a.,. : -:c‘ _. '. . . :- _ . . . ~. .: r -,. _> I concur.\- Carruthers .-- ..- x c. ,' . i .>.__ _' . ._ \ . _. I.‘, .- ,. .. -. -.:- . . , . .’ : ._a , .I -’ I’_ *r .,.. + : . . . . . ‘d,. : ., , .., ,: J - ,, : : *- ; & . ’ :_ ., ._ -::. , : ,< . :r 1 . ’ 3: ._ ‘_ i ; ..I.. ‘_ .- ‘~I. -, : .: ; - -. .__ _- . . .- -. ‘-I- ._> 1 .,.‘.r L. : -:. . . .; .._ : .’ ‘, 2.x , ---..- . ‘. __ .I , I \ I, F,.. -1. ./, ‘.’