HomeMy WebLinkAboutComtois 14-01-20IN THE MATTER
(the I'un1ontr )
Lh- [-ro]oye
I ',
Robert D. Howe
the Union David Wright, Counsef
Chad Ravary
Yvan Roy
Susan Comtoi s
the Employer Tlmothy p. Liznick. CounselAfison De Luisa
Andre Durette
Janice Clark
A hearing
in the above matter was held in Sudbury, Onlarro,on November
6, 2A13. Submissions \,rere made
by tefeconferenceon Llanuary
A, 2014, foflowed by lrritlen submisslons provldedon Januarv 75, 2Oa4.
The grievance which gave
rise to these proceedtngs
alleges that the Empfoyer (afso referred to 1n
this alrard as
the rrCoflege,) violated various provisions of the parties,
collective agreement (the ,'Agreement" ) by denying Susan
Comtois (the rGrievor") the opportunity ito bump into the
posltion of Educational planner. The position tnto which the
grlevor was placed is Secretary
in the School
of Community &
Learnlng (ithe ,Secretary posrtion"). The College
raised as
a preiiminary objectton its contention Ln.1r
estoppeL precludes the Grievor's pfacement from being
challenged, because
the Union reached agreement
with the
that the crievor shoufd be placed in that posit:Lon.
Union contends
that there is no estoppel ancl
that cne
grievance can be pursued,
AL the Novenber
5, 2013
hearlng, Union counsel
lndicated that he also intended
to argue
that Lhe Union couLd
not preclude the crievor from filing a grievance and
lt to arbitration, because
the Agreement gives the Grievor the
rrght to do so, Holrever, he subsequently elected not ro
that argument, so it will consequentfy not be
in this award.
On the agreement
of the parties, evidence adduced at
trhe November
6, 2013
hearlng \das confined to the College's
prefiminary objectron, which l|,ae
through submissions
in a teleconference held on January
E, 2AI4, and through
written repfy submissions, provided on January 15t 2A14.
Shaunacy Berfefz, the incumbent Educationaf pfanner, was
notified of the hearing and v/as in attendance
at it, but d1d
not seek
to take an
active rofe in the proceedings. She was
also notified of the teleconference and
listened in on it.
College cal1ed two nitnesses in these
Alison De Luisa, who is the College's Human
Director, and Andre
Durette, who
ls 1ts Staff
Relations Manager. Two witnesses lrere afso cal1ed
by the
Union: Chad Ravary, 'r'iho is president of the Local Union (OPSEU
656), and Yvan Roy, who
is rts Vtce president. In
addltion to their testimony, twenty
four er.h1b1ts were entered
as evidence. In maktng the flndrngs and
reaching the
set forth is this award, I have
duly considered
all of that oraL and documentary
the submlssions
counsef/ and the usuaf factors germane
to assessing
evidentiary credrbility and
reliabillty, lncfuding Lhe
flrmness and clarj.ty of the \tr'itnesses,
respective memoriesr
thelr abilrty to resist the influence of self interesl wnen
givlng their ve].sion
of events, the inl-ernal and external
of their evidence, and
their demeanour
testlfylng. I have
afso assessed what
is most probabLe
rn r:ne
of the case, and considered
the inferences which
reasonably be drawn from
the totalrLy of the evidence.
crievoris seniorlty date is December
13, 2AA.7.
Prror to belng pfaced in the Secretary position (whrch ts 1n
pay band E with a current marimum
hollrly raLe
of 927.30), she
the position of IT Trainer in the College's Technical
Services Department (!rh1ch
is in pay band I with a
current maximum
hourly wage rate of $37.31) . However,
her IT
Tralner position became redundant in March
of 2013, when
Coffege declded
to discontinue the day to day
services of
Desktop 411 .
Notice of the College's decision was given by
Ms. De Luisa to Mr. Ravary
by letter daLed March 1A, 2A13
(Exhlbit 3), in accordance
wiLh Artlcfe 15.2
of the Agreemenr.
That Letter \das defivered to the Union along
lriLh a binder of
refevant documents,
lncfuding a list of positrons held by
with less seniority than
the grievor. One
of tile
thir.ty three positions rncluded on that fist was Lhe Education
Planner position (\{'hich was hetd by Amy Ctlff at the Lime
list hras prepared)
. That positlon is ln pay band
H, \^7hich
currentfy has a maximum
hourly rate of $34.49.
Artlcle 14.6
of Lhe Agreement provides for the
of an Empfoyment
Stability Committee (the rESC')
of up to three persons appointed
by the Local Union
and up
to three persons appointed by
the Colfege. Article
15.3 r:equires
the ESC
to meet foflowing the grvrng of such
notlce to consider
the matter and make
to the
Presidenl. It aLso provides that \,/here
the ESC
rs unabfe
agree on any recommendat
ions, the members
by the
Unlon and
the members
appointed by the Coffege may make
separate recommendat
ions .
i 6 -0--606'
n6 -- w6 e
Ms. De Luisa, Mr. Durette, and Jim Hutton (\{'ho i./as
Vice President
of Finance & Administration until he feft the
in August
of 2013) . The
Union's representatives on
the ESC were
Mr. Ral.ary,
Mr. Roy, and David
GafLinger, wlro 1s
a Union steward. As indicar,ed above,
Mr. Ravary
is the
president of Local 655. He has hefd
that position for about a
year and a half, having been
the Chief Steward
of Lhe Local
for a two year period prior to that. Mr. Roy has been
Vice-president of the Local for about a year and
a half, and
was previously a Union steward
for a simifar lengLh
of time.
held meetings
the crievor on Aprif
3, 9 and 10, 2013. prior to those meetings,
the crievor was
advised by her supervisor that her position hacl become
redundanL. Since Mr. Durette uas unable
to attend the first
meeting, only five representatives were present when
the ESC
met on April 3. A11 s1)< represenLdLlves were 1n atcendance
the ESC met on Aprrl 9 and 10.
At the Apr1l frd meetlng
the Colfege
indicated that
the crievor could bump into the Student Empfoyment
position (in pay band E) held by Mary piche, who \trouLd
then be
lald off. In order to expfore other options, the Union asked
the Colfege
to look into the possrbility of combining some
part tlme positions into a full time position for the crievor.
also asked about
the reasoning behind droppr g
411, and qllestioned d,hel,her.
the crievor,s IT poslrlon
was really redundant
ln that Desktop 411 was
onfy part of that
posltron. The
Union indicated thalt the crievor could not
underEtand why her posiEion was being made redundant, and also
irdi.r1-F.l Fh:F dr,rihd hcr evaluation the Grievor had been told
by her supervisor she vras 60 good
at her job that he wished he
had two of her. There was also a diecussion
of whether the
work being performed
by the Griewor was golng to be
dl,tqdl,r.F.l ThF ad] lede :dvised the Union that the work would
not be outsourced or contracted out. Although not nentioned
in the brref notes which she took at that meetlng, in her
testimony 146. De Luisa recafled the Union indicating that it
,J. d nr. -f rLF w.rk wir. -a- /^a/t Lo whrch
the College responded that if that occurred
the Union could
glieve as per the Agreemenb
- {A grievance ,^ras
filed by the
Union on April 29, 2013. alleging that. the College acted in
bad faith by tendering out some fT posritions, but'
grievance was withdlawn by the Union, withouE prejudice or
precedent, on May 29, 2013.)
,*F.'nFt :^F y61.rFQ+o.r hw .1F .."i r .- .16 E: .9t
meeLing was prowided
by Ms. De lJuisa
through an email sent on
April 5/ 2013 (Exhibit 12), rn which she indicated that after
carefully reviewing
the Union'6 requeEt that part-time
-i. ,r !.." -- --a t- n.1<- he
College had determined that this was
not posEibfe. She
confirmed that the Colfege had determined that the IT Trainer
position held by the Grievor wa6 no longer required? and that.
1! r^as
noL t].nancially vlab,F Eo haJe
a IJ1]-c1me posrtlon Lo
offer Microeoft office training and Desktop 411 services. The
email also confirmed hhat the Griewor could bump into the
Student Employment Adwisor position held by Mary Piche
ME. De Luisa testrfled that there was no discussion
at any of the ESC meetings of any potential griewance by
Ehe LJ, Lon or \4s, Co_-ors lagordino h-r pl- -nenc. Durirg
cross - examinaL ion. Union counsef advlsed Ms. De Lulsa that
I u.r.lr r' r.e tL_rd
meeting the Union expressed a concern about Ms, Comtois, who
was close to ret.irement, I'winding up on the street", and
tr | -L,e ,,n -h- irn So
she would not wind up on the street, but that she would likely
grieve. (It may
reasonably be inferred that this information
was prowided by Mr- Ravary and Mr. Roy Co Union counsel, lrho
ther nrlt ii to l\4s DF TUis: in accordance with the rule 1n
Brown v. Dunn-) He then asked
her if she disagreed
il. i c L,?d c , in F^ .6o---,ra! Wh-.
Unio' counsel brok- -hac corr-r*l
constituent efenents, Ms. De Lui6a te6tified that she
not remember whether the Unr^n ra^r-a-hr:frr.eo o:r.r ihaE
Ms. Comtois was close Lo retirement, but reiterated her
.lic^.,armahr 'rFh h c ^ccF, ^n i-h- rhal' a"^raa--d .F--_ _ _ co--6/n
about Ms. Comtois
winding up on the street, indicated thal:
they would sign the jornt recommendation
so she wouLd
not wind
up on
the street, and tndrcated that she vrould
1lkely grleve.
She afso disagreed thac the crievor would hawe
been "on the
-L_-' rad beot drscusslon
ol nef F' "' '
into the Student Empfoyment Advisor position held by Mary
Piche. She further testified that the Colfege could not have
laid off the crievor and put Nadia Kuturi in the Secretary
n^<r, i^n ,Ae ir.l , -r F.l hF -u' Mc Xrlrrlri .:.! ha6. hraw ^ralv
ro be placed
rn thdE posrr
ron, but had less
senio" icy rhdn Ms. ^onLois. \ AltLouqh i* 5is tes :1]ony lvr.
F:ir.,\ ^1,,h- ^ rLa -^.r6h',^. rL:r rha rrrr-F c ^-o,-l rha '^i-r
recommendation to ensure that Lhe Grievor would have a
a-d a^- ha v7 oav :^L-^w-6.1r- ir his
that by signing the joint recommendation the Union
F , rn- h- a-ria t^r Fr^n iahrl .^ ,,n ^n La ^i _-
as the Agreement's bunping process afready provided that
h\/,c-,,irin- rha.^llad-,^ hl--a iha ^r 6r--- : --'o- _1
eiLher the Student Employment Advisor position or the
When Ms. De Luisa was
asked (during examination in
chief\ what 'he wou'd have done i' Lhere fad beei -ny
i n.l r -r, i^r an,,.1 ^,
cri c\r^r' a nl:-6manh har 16
..__ -. sponse was:
discussion in these meetings is vely productive.
If I'd heard
thaL I would have questioned
it. I woufd
hdve dug deeper ro find oLt why
dnd if there was
.-merhin- L'a L?Fra ni.cil r6n . t.ra , -ll"a,-iabout Lhe joint recomrnendaEion. On
the eleventh we
off- I would have advised not to sign off onthe joint recommendation
if there was an
i h-l- th-r6 w'^1'l/l ha . ^, iar':n-a
As .nd-cac-d above, tllr, Du,ette was presenl ac the
ESC meelings on April 9 & l0 as ona of tl-F .ollega's
.chYFcFnl-ri- \fa< T^rhc. ha L,-c reLa.l /d,,,r n- ^v.m inrr i.--,-.-,..--Jn o
chief) if the Union raised any possibility of a grievance by
che Union or- he G- 6vor r6odadlng -ler p o omenl, .rrs recponee
was: rrl dontt remember
any- I don't believe there vra6 any
such discussion. rr
test imony:
In explaining why, he gave the following
Flrst of all, I woufd have
taken note
of that. I thlnkthere would have been slgnificant discussion followrngany such
item being brought
up. In my
notes I did notethat the Union had agreed to a .oint submission. Ifthe Union had
stated that was under some
kind ofreservatton/ I surely \,rould
have noted i:hat.
When during i:he course of cross-examlnation Union
counsel advised
Mr. Durette that Messrs. Ravary and Roy
testify that they tndacated
at the ],hird ESC meeting
that the
Unlon woufd
stgn the joint recommendation
but Lhat Ms. Comtois
would probabfy grieve, Mr. DLrrette's response was:
Not only do I not recaLl that but I do not believe it\das said. I would have noted
that and lre woufd noLhave signed
a joint submission
or presented it as a
I olnt submission.
Mr. Roy and Mr. Ravary
testified that the Union
told the Coffege
that Ms. Comtois $roufd probabfy
grteve. Mr.
testifled that at the second or thir{l meeling he made
that "Sue isn't going to like gorng down
this rrErry pay
bands and she'11 probably
grieve it',. Mr. Ravary gave the
following testimony 1n chief regarding
that matter:
O, Was Lhere any mention
of a grievance at that
Ithird] meet
What was said?
stated tthat
obviously lthe Secretary posiLlonlwas Lhe
only position that the Employer was
wilflngto grve the Grievor so l{re
sign a jotnt
but that Sue would probabLy
grievetnlS matter.
o l^las
the possibrfity of the Grievor being laid off
-A n^r h.r'in-: h^ciri^h ,r'ead il' fh. maariF.'
vad r l-\al iarra e^
rrL.i A^ ar^,, v-m-mhart
I believe that one of the Union reps t.hat wae with
me stated that she would probably take the positlon
--A -Yi o!'a r r 1.F6, r:ihar 'L--,,u L ua^,,Y fr o'ru
Lr1'r rd n^rlrr n^ .h/l - i airi n
months- - -.
hrhan tsha ^f Mc rl--_^;^e !evfrrY we-
.:i.A.l .frd r.a Fmh ^ Fr rF n.n.l
A, No.
O. D-d anlone fron Ehe 'o11e9e say !lac if vou erq-red'
Lhe lornL recommendar'ron you
couldn't grieve?
A. No.
Mr. Ravary testified that iL ,a,as
hie understanding
.hiF Fh -nn1^wa6 .rh rilF > rr161,a.^6 w;'h rren6-f -. cL
lay-off, and that he h'oufd never do anything to jeopardize
I har- H6 ils^ deva I ho F.tl l^diha -6eFihr-v -6dr..lind Lhat
At no time did I ever
think that a joint recommendation
L'^,,1.1 nrarr-nr :h 6mnl^1fa- f,^m -ria1ti.- TF h^r
had been the case I would have ndde a separale
recommendation. I never ever would prevent an enpfoyee
f'^m fi l i n^ - dri --.:h-6
M-r, Roy expressed a simifar viev, in his testimony.
When he was
asked (during e>.amination in chi.ef
) what was hie
understanding of the effect of Bignlng a joint reconmendat.ion
^n Fha rhiliFv ^f.h in.lirri.r',:l hF diva rha
following response:
I didnrt think it would affect the individualts abiliEy
. r)-'16, L6 -rla.e-:, r--d l-aE
if an indlvldual was unhappy wrth someLhing they could
dri aa.a i i-
however, Ln
closE-exar.nacto , Mr. Poy
a k'lowledoed tLaL by
signing the joint recommendation, the Union was agreeing that
,r61r:F., sh-.r- I do.
also acknowfedged that if the Union di.sagreed and thought that
sL- . ..--l a E.l. - the U- on
had the optlon of subrnitting
that tc F-he Colfege Presi.dent as
its recommendation. Hoivever, he also expresged the vle\,/ that
rf cl
e solu- on Eo lrn.ch Lko Unlon and
rha .olleg- qgreed wds
not acceptable to Ms. Comtois, 6he could grieve it. When he
was asked what the effect of a joint re cornrnenda t r on ie 1f it
does not bind bhe Union, Mr. Roy expressed the vievr that the
Tlnr-n ^h/i rh- rfFa , arl amnl -_ _- -r-iaa :n.l, -...ts-ulcc o - we oslro L
went on
lo say that "the Union has to save the person from
haino l.',1 ' wi 16 r' I a1.- - 4a-e . iasn -
happy with whatr \rre came
up irith, they could grieve it'r. He
further asserted that although the Union had submitted
,-/^hmar.l^r ^no rn fha n:! rlr ,a:lrr\r , -a
President afways chooses the recommendation from Human
Reeource6 rr .
Mr. Ravary Look
notes at the April 3 meeting, as did
Ms. De
Luisa. Notes of that meeting were also taken by Mr.
Galllnger, who also took notes at the Aprif 9 and 10 meeLings,
as d d Mr, Du-et!.e. 'Although Mr. C-111n9- wae ro- calleo a6
a witness, his notes were enLered as exhlbrts on the agreemenL
^f ^^',naa1 I 'rha ^rl\/ manl ^n ^F ^ -ria1,:nr 6 -^nF: na^ in,n\,
of i:hose
notes i6 the follo',vrng entry rn [4r. Ravary,s notes of
ilia ln,il r m6aFin-.
. ^f - ..
-ea^- :. ) ...- .rn..ra./(oflwa.e
Lralnlng \re wil.l grleva dnd fighr 1r..
As indicated above, the poslLion into whach
President \das jolntly recommended
to place the crievor \^/as Ene
Secretary position. The possiblflty of placing the crtevor in
tnat posltlon was put forward at the ESC
by the College,s
represenraElves, as was the initialfy discussed posslblflty of
placing her in the Student Empfoyment
Advisor posiLion heLd by
Mary Piche.
It \,ras Mr. Durette,s testirnony
that if there had not
a Jornt recommendation, management
wcufd have had
to go
the fulf bumping procedure, fooking at every pay band,
to have made
their o\,rn recommendation
to the president.
Although he acknowledged
that before meeting wlLh
the Unlon he
had done "a first cut to see
the person \dif
] land,,, he
that this can change
on the basis of what
the Urr-Lon nas
say. He afso noted
that i:he CofLege
has an ofd curricufum
vltae at the start of the process and garners new information
the ESC meeL ings .
The lornt recommendation \{,as
sent to the Coflege
Syfvia Bernard, on April IIt 2013t through ithe
following a letter (Er.hlbrt 6), v/hrch was signed by Mr. Ravary
ano vls, IJe
As you
are a\dare, Lhe Employment
StabrLity Committeehas been
over the last two weeks
Lo rewlew cneredundancy 1n
the fuff time support
staff bargainirrgunlt of the position of IT Trainer currently 5ccupiedby Susan Comtois.
dlfftclllt as this process has been, we theundersigned
are pfeased Lo reporit that Collegemanagemenl
union representatives on
the EmploynenLStab1llty CommiLtee hawe reached an agreement end aretherefore advancing
the folLowing recommendation
tointly, as follows:
Susan Comtois {13-Dec 2007 - pay band I)
displaces Colleen Heidrnan. SecreLd-ry, School of
.arr . ind l^- / h:.^ F) ir
the end of the winter 2013 semester,
colleen Herdman, Appendix D, is Iaid off.
NFdi^ KFt r r SF.TFI-r'w Ottr.a ^t rhF Radisl rar
(18 Aug-2010 pdy band E), codplelFs he'
Eerporar\ as6lonnen! e.d1r9 6-A.g-201 . Eh-1
dlsplaces (rystel La3.lme, qecrFldry, I\OARC
(4.oct-201o - pay band C) . {Nadid was
c^l-a I,r'ar .l.f .^^ ----a6' pF- rnan
at the end of her temporaty assignment in
August . )
Krystel Lapalme rs laid off.
Al1 displacemenls are 6ubject to the election6 made
I - -h^ ^^or -^na.l .l i<nl ^ om-n, eo e'r!j L ,_ wey, u! lui
-F:- .w - _o . _1 rho
i nr or-,an i hd na,i^A
r".6 1^^L- ^,t,,-, ^ r^ ,/^,,, , F^l r/
president Barnard accepted that joint recommendaaion and it
Li^a rmnlamFnfa.l L\r fha a^11- - -^ge .
Durjng Lh. ESC proc-ss, th^ UnLon did not suggesl
that the Grievor should be placed
in the Educatlonaf Planner
posr' on. Never'heless, on lvry 29, 201 . Ehe grlevd-lce ojvrng
rise to these proceedings r^ras
fifed, alleging that Lhe College
,'i^r- a/l rl-ra ir.y ^,o h,^rrioi^hc ^a,ha An.AAmF.r hw d- / .enyr ng
the Grievor the opportunity to bump into that position.
The college's response to that grievance was provided
F,\, Mr n,!ra, Fa rh'^,,dh i ha l^ l^k,in^ l6i to, i^ Fha r-r' levo-
dated May 21-, 2OI3 (Exhlbre 9):
met on May 9, 2A13 to discuss your grrevance, dated
A -. 1 ,o tl l v^..- ,116 "a cdA r'aE Lne
.^lla^6 1/r^l^r6A :?i- i-lAc ^f i ha a1,nn^rr al rfF
^^r l-^r i,/a rAl:laA I ^ Fha inlr^l,,nl-:r\r
rii c^1 ^.6mFrl- nr^.Fee
The CoLlege and your Union met as
the EmpfoymentStability Committee between
the lqa:rcll
2j notice ofplanned redundancy and Aprif 11, 2013. In additionto vacancres, the Employment
SLability Committeeconsidered
a flst of all the positions within theCoffege
that were aL
or befow your then
current pay
band where you had more
seniority than
the incumbent.Thls flst included the Educationaf planner position
C11ff incumbent,
that you are cfaiming in yourgrievance you should have been displaced into. Thesediscussions were
carried out in good
faith and withgreat effort by both the members
of the Union and ofthe Colfege, wlth the oblectrve of reaching the correcroutcome
for you as anticipated by the bumping procedureof Lhe
ccflective agreementt.
At the end
;f ahisexerclse, the College and
the Union made
a joint
to Lhe president on Aprif 11, 2013, 1naccordance
with articfe t5_3_3.
that you be dispfacedrnto the position of SecreLary, Schcof
of Community andCorporate
Learning. The president accepited and acLedon Lhrs j
oint re c ommendat
iorr .
asserts that in the face of a lointrecommendation, where
the Cotlege acted on thatrecommendation, both you and the Union should beestopped
from now grieving that you should have beenable to dispface the Educational pfanner, being aposition that \^/as
on the list of possible bumps
considered by the Employment
Stab11lty Committee.,fointly settllng on the position into uhlch you shouLddiepface goes
to the heart of the Employmenjt
discussions. To allolr your Union and you tonow grleve a macter
that was at the heart of lthellointr recommendation would undermine
certainty for thepartles in future negotiations and lolnt agreementspertaining to bargaintng
unit menbers
repr-sented byyour Union. Should
this matter be referred toarlrltratron, the CoLlege
wiff therefore request thatthe arbilrator rufe on the maLtter
of estoppel beforehearrng any evidence about your abiLity ta carry outthe duties of the cfaimed posltion.
the estoppel issue, the College carefulfyconsidered
the revised resume you subnitted at Lhegrlevance meeting, as wefl as your lrritten and
orafsubmissions made at that meeLing. The
College alsoconsidered comments
and arguments made
by all presentat this meetrng. All thinqs consiclered,
the C_ollege
rsof the vielr thait you Lack
the education, knowLedge]skills and
experience, or any combinatron of theie,Lo
salisfactorily perform
the core
duties of theEducational Planner pos i t lon.
For each of the reasons discussed above, the Colfege
n6ri ac 1/^,,, -,i A1r:n-6
Mr. Duretters testimony explajning why
he wrote the
thrrd paragr.aph
of that letLer included Lhe
oo6erva! 1()ns :
.... We feft that werd giwen
the Union a fair shake and:..a dr e . ae: ^^c - - .- fel rth.f the driF1.:rce flics in the face of the fact that
we had those discussions- I thought il was
a very good
thing that we had reached a joint recommendation. Idrdnrt think 1t would
be falr for the Union to changerts mind.
Ivlr Ravarv |estified in chief that he first heard
abouL the doctrine of estoppel when Mr. Drlrette brought. 1L up
r- r 16 vit. a 2, a 1v d :men. of
his cross
-examination by College counsel, he confirmed
the firet time he became
aware that the Employer was of the
vle\r that a grievance could be barred by an ESC joint
recommendation was li/hen he met !,/ith Mr. Durette at that
meetinq. However. lhe .oLlege had laised i-he jssue
of estoppel on the basas of an ESC joint recommendation
hravi^,,c nr^-aadind. i.',^1r'_.n rho l.^-.1 rrri^n-. lnua -1
10, 2013, counsel
for the Coflege w:ote in part as follows (in
Exhlb-r. 15 Eo h- lawy^r wLo was .6pre56rcrrg .he Lo-al Ur -on
in respect of the Suzanne Chevrier 1ay-oll grievance (OPSEU
F11e #2 012 0656-0001):
I wish Lo advise thdL il shall oe
the College's
n' el tm, n-rrr rh^r i hF I n ^h c ac, ^^had ^,h^, , ad I .^m n, , -,,i n-_
--_.- r__-. ..lceas
it has
iLself proposed and agreed
to precisefy
the placement
of the Grievor which
it now seeks to
ln lhrs grievance. You
wiLl note that in
10, above,
the Union through
its rnenicers
on the
Support staff Emplo).ment
stability Committee made ar4 omma.dattor
co r e pr-slder- of rh- Col
The Crievor was,
rn ract, placpo
in precisely lhe
^^ci, i^n L'hi-h lha llnr^F ,n/i.^llo'4 aa---l '. -q
indlcated in the Unionrs letter. Tl is not. now open to
the Union to challenge by the lnstant grievance the
very placement
to which it agreed. L,lhelher
by estoppel
or selrtlement, i:he Unlon 1s, 1n our view, barred from
I dfie!dnce.
Mr. Ravary had not seen that letter prior to the
November 6, 2013 hearing in this matter, and ic was i.nitially
'n-- rh'- cAAir r -- -h- LF^.--d, he d.d
-^i t - .., !t^.i -L6 .k -L- r^s t i^- - -LF al^vrie"
case that the grievance was barred because of an ESC
recommendation. However, h1s attentlon was then drawn to lhe
following enail (Exhibit 20) dated January 16, 2013, from Mr.
DuretLe to Edmond Prudhomme {who !,as
the incumbent in the
a,. i-- ^-a -al h va \.. -- -a !i--l- l^ w4 -^o -d:
A grievance was filed by oPsEU, Local 556 on behalf of
Suzanne Chevrier (at1:ached) clajming Lhat Ehe position
whlch was made avalfable to you on yorJr
layoff Last
spring should have been provided to Ms. Chevrier and
not to you. The grievance
v/iff be heard before
Arbltrator Robert Howe commencing on Friday 'fanuary 18,
2013, at 10 a.m. at the Howard Johnson HoLel, 50 Brady
/ Sudbury.
The College will be arguing that the Union is barled
fr^r rlr<,,ir. I hie .-,a,, ^t ,rraena--s rhat
were reached between Che College and the Union at the
Employment Stability CommitEee- The College wilI afso
ha 1'-r'ind Fh^r rn 4nv Fvart-. ir h r.l Fh- 'rnfer rared
!6- | i6" Le, rrg_ 6n
at Val Caron, and you
to yours. Nevertheless, because
you may be adversely affected by displacement by the
Fh d--^ hr--- r-- . rl-- | r. .end
at and paitlcrpate in the arbitration of this matter.
clr^, I
r,^ , L,r cla r^ n^'ri }i io n-FFo, ^1 .' --- ' ts-jase. _ ,.n--,f i c..: I n
order to make necessdry work arrangements.
, .^L.^"'l-^^- ' h-r l-,^ h.7.l ,a^o \/o.l---_ .- a copy
of that email and that it indicaLed that the Colleqe wds
.-k-rg -le oo-i' or -la -_- Un.on was
ba.!-d fr-on
the Chevrier grievance because
of agreements reached between
the Colfege and
the Union at the ESC. Ho'r'iever,
he stated that
he "drdn't reaLly care too much
about the estoppel,' as he had
multiple times thaL the Chevrier grievance oe
withdrawn because
he did not believe that Ms. Chevrier could
perforri the core duties of the job that she lranted.
As submitted by Employer counseL,
Mr. Ravary,s
initial assertion that the first tirne he became
that the
Employer was
of the vie\^/ that a grievance coufd be barred by
an ESC
lolnt recomnendation was when he met wlth Mr. Durette
at the Aprrl 9/ 2013 grrevance meeting
casts some doubu upon
his powers
of recoffection and
the refiabiLtty of h1s
evidence. The same is true of another aspect
of his
testimony. He
rnrtialLy testifled that at the ApriL 1oth ESC
meeting managemenL
said, ,'Sorry, we screwed
up. She lthe
Grlevorl can't do piche,6 lob,, (or words
to that effect) .
by Coflege counsel
that Mr. Durette woufd
that alf that the Union was
told on Aprlf toth was
that there
another posiLion that would come up
befcre the picne
position and that therefore the Grievor shoufd be put in thaL
other position, Mr. Ravary acknowledged
that this was
I'possible", and also ackno\^rledged
that it was ,'possrbfe', that
at no time drd the Coffege ever say that the Grievor wds rroE
qualrfled to fall Prche,s position.
he was recaLLed
by the ColLege
as a reply
witness, Mr. Durette confirmed
that the Colfege ',was always
the view that the Grievor could do the Piche positionrr and
{ L6- cr.i-.r.--rv..? 4 ,--!:..E on
I ^r rh>r rla 4l e^ -^rfr 'n6,1 ' Lr! h- th, rd
meetrng the foclrs shifted from t.hat positlon to the Secretary
^^o i^. l-'a-r,,.F r.- l-rra1-
--_ POAII . 01 wds ..lco'l al o rr'ag
therefore a higher priority than the Student Enpfo].ment
^ l---c ' *^e i^- 6'A vc v- D.v ) oo rpqci-_ed
(in cross - examinat ion) that the College never que6tioned
Lhe Grievor's abllity to do the Pache job blrt tust found a
_:fz6ta^_ ...rc -,>-ldble.
of Enpfoyer Counsef's ,9ubmis6jons in Chief
Th- Unro 19 bd.red _rom f.l1no or p'suirg a
grievance on behalf of the Grievor because it entered into a
'i - r. FAmarL. the evioence dddLced hv tha
.-^lla^6 ,a-r,Air^ rF6rh-r m ^Fr l-'- f^-r .^^-i-- ^-
behalf of the crievor should be preferred over Lhe contficting
a , ' i rl a . ^ a : rl rl , , - a ; hrr rlra Ini^. ro--, rlr n^ h.r m-Ftsa,
The management
and Union representaLives 04
the ESC
, a:-h-^ .-/a-m6h' -r ^r rF i]-l-, rt.a cri 6\f^.
ch^,,1d .lichl--a rha c^-rai.vLl r h6 c-h-^l ^l a^mm .:1.. -{
Corporate Learning. The Union thereby gave
the Employer a
or dssura'
ce -raE Erio tnas che poslE:01 1r-o wh n !,h-
crievor should be placed. That promise
or assurance was
to af fecl, their legal relationship and Lo be acted
upon. The oint reco'nn-nda' on wo- acc-pEed b1
tl- Pres-den!
of the College and impfemenred by the Empfoyer. If insLead
ooree g to .nar jorn_ eco-"-nda _on, L1e _J on h.d mad- a
r^t-.. - _l.,,, FLa..-6r_., ah-.r- ] r_q, -.rce the
Educationaf Planner, the President could have made further
lnqJ. rleE befo]- makj o a oe.-91o
, rar\-r clan der'.mentar-y
ralwin- , n^n i-h^ i^ihr .a.^-hehd:r i^a v,hi^L l-' -'1ar her of
Ehe oppo] LunrEy of consrder,ng any ochet posrr]ion ano
al i* :-a ' -La :a-- -v -^is.der and
apply the bumping procedure under Article 15.4.3 of the
The cases relied upon by Employer
counsel in support
of h1s Eubmlssions
are .9t, Thomas University and FacuLty
Associatjon of Sx. Thomas
Unjversity (Grievance of s. GupLa) ,
L.rnreported alrard dated June 15, 1992 (Bruce) ; Gearge Erawn
Colleqe and OPSEU /Griavance of AF' hony cJomiakt, unreporled
award dated March
16, 1995 (Howe)
; Durham
Coflege and OPSEU
(Grievance af a. Pehfcnann', unreoorled oward
oated .epterr-r
14, 2O0O (Saltman); and Canadian Standardg Assn. and Canadian
Unian of pubTic Enpfayeeet LacaT 967 (Babic Grievance) l2a72l
O.L.A.A. No. 443, 223 L.A,C. (4th) 258 (Marcotte).
of Union Caunsef 's Subftj.gsions
Union is not estopped from pursuing the grievance
because none
of the elements of estoppel has been estabfished.
Although a joint recommendation could be a representatlon that
bar a griewance, 1t was not in t.he circumstances
of Lhis
lr"ce fo-r,c6 :lr h^.dh l-6 '^ raoa'- .ao----ed
thaL Lhey had
no recollectron of it, the testimony of the
Union witnesses rndicates that they advised
the College,s
representatives that Ms. Contois vrould likely grieve. The
Union represenLatives afso had no lntention of affecting legal
rlghts. It was
their understanding
that signing the lolnt
would noL preclude Ms. Comtois
from fi1lng and
purslng a grievance
if she feLt that she should have another
posltrion- They Lhought
that Artlcle 18.6.3 gave
her that
righb, They were relatively new Union
representatives and
not schooled
in the concept of estoppel . The Employer
afso farled to establish detrimental reliance. pLactng
the grlevor in the Secretary position was suggested
by the
Employer. This is not a situation in which
the Employer uas
by the Unlon to do something it was not otherwlse
going to do. No evidence was adduced
regarding what tne
President might have done if she had been presented with
separate recommendations
rather ithan
the joint recommendation.
Even if administrative notice is taken
that the presiden1: did
not have other options put to her, the CoLlege
stlff had a
timely opporttunity
to plrt the grievor in Lhe Education planner
position if it feLt this was appropriate, as
the grievance was
filed on April 29, 2013, which was
three weeks
in aclvance
the grievor was to be placed in the SecreLary pos_Lr1on,
a meeting nas held on May
9, 2013,
to discuss
Union counsel
also submitted
that the cases refied
by the Employer
are drstlnguishabLe from
the instant.
case/ and referred to Lhe
following cases in support
of his
contentron tthat
arbitrating the gr.ievance is not precluded by
: Re
Chranjcle ,faurnaf and C. E. p. I Lac
. 19j, l2AA3l
O.L.A.A. No. 796, 117 L.A.C. (4rh) 3es (Surdykowski),
InXernationaf Farest productE (Hatrn-(tand)
v- United
Lacaf 20A9 (Shift SenioriX),
Grievance), t2or2l
No. 106, 22 L.A.C. (4th) 61 (Coleman) ; U.F.C.W.,
f75 v. Pintyts Def)ciauB Foods
Inc., l2Ar2l O.L.A.A. No.
2\'t, 279 L.A.C. (4th) 19? (Dissanayake); Eearskjn Lake Arr
trtd. and United Food & Col?rmerci af Warkers
Internatianaf Unian, Local 775, 1799'tl C.L.A.D. No. 769, 69
L.A.C. (4th) 421 (Bendel) ; Nar-Man
Regjonaf Heafth
v. ManiXaba
of Heafth Care professiona]s (pjaisTer
Grievance), l2O08l M.e.A.D. No. 30, 95 C.L.A.S. 32S (Simpson) .
uphefd on ludrcral revielr in l{or Man
Heajth AuthoraXy
Inc. v. Manitoba
Associatjon af HeafXh Care prafessionafs,
[2011] 3 S.C.R. 616; and ,saskatcher,/an
af llurses v.
Regional Health
Authority (Butuk Grievance) , l2A72l
S.L.A.A. r':to.
6, 22a L.A.C. (4th) 25s (petron) .
of EmpTayer CounseT's
Repfy SubmiEEjan]
The thrrd paragraph
of the Exhlbit 6 jolnt
letter stipulates that the parties'
representatlves ,,have reached an agreement,, and
are therefore
advancing tthe recommendatlon jointly that Susan Comtols
displace Colleen Heidman
at the end
of the Wanter 2013
semesLer. This was
a crystaL clear representation \,rhich bars
and estops
the Union from
taklng any other posltlon in arry
proceedings. The grievance'e assertion that the grievor
'rshould be able to dlspface into the Education planner (Amy
Cliff) posltion,', is inconsistent wtth that agreement and is
. n fhi_ .r, _emenl
unravel the entire labour relations fabric of agreements
between Lhe parties. If the Union representatlves
- S.nd-r ood - - Co.s-o l-n -b o- l-13o 6 --.t ot -t-erLng
into that agreement,
that is unfortunate but their unilateraf
cannot deprive the Empfoyer
of the bargain struck by
the partresr representatives. It wouLd
be inequitable to
allow one party in an ongoing
relationship to avoid the
agreement on
that basis. Under
the approach advocaLeo on
behalf of the Union, very few agreements reached
by local
parties woufd
be enforceable. This would
not be in the
interest of good
fabour refations.
The cases relied upon by Employer counseL in support
of his submlssrons
regardlng unilater:af mistake were Re ?eck
Metafs Ltd. and U.W.S,,
Lac. q8A (2A06), 154 L.A.C.
(4th) 161 (Tayfor) ; and Re BHP Biffitan Diamand
Inc. and
cases were not included in the casebook whlch he provided to
Union counsef (and to the At brtrator) prior to the conference
caff through lrhich counsel made
their submissions, Employer
counsef provided emaifed copies of them faLer that day and
agreed i:hat Union counseL
be permltted to make
regarding them.
Surnrnary af Unian Caunsefts
Written SubmisEjans
The cases provlded by College counsef do not have any
bearing on the issue of estoppel
. They involve one parLy
relief from a contract entered
into on
the basis of
p.S-4.C. l2aal)
, L61 L.A.C. (4th) 152 (Burke)
. Since rhose
mrqi.kF Th^ce .Fscs st).ak to the Limile on the uEe of a
unilateral mistake to obtain such relief. A unilateral
- srake an
b^ relied on ln defence of an allegeo estoppel
as a party naking a unilaEeral misLake would not be acting
wiEh ir--nE Eo dlrer he 1e9.I relol lons betlteer Lhe
parties. Estoppel is an eguitable doctrine. There qtoufd
be noth'1g unlojr abo L no! lorclro Ehe U .on to dbrde b.' a
representation made on the basi.s of a mlstaken understanding
^t .',7\-da ri-hi. ,,nda, l-Fa AdraFmanl- n^rti.rrlaylv rn lidhr
ot the lack ol or limired defrimenl to the Co11ege.
Union counsef submiLted that his client reserved a
right to pursue a grievance on behalf of Ms. Comtois by
indicatrng during the ESC process that although the Union
sign a joinC recommendation that Ms. Comtois dj.splace
Ms. Heidman in the Secretary position, Ms. Comtois would
probably grieve. As indicated above, there i6 conflicting
ewidence regarding wheLher the union representativeg made
any such statement to the College repre6entatives during that
process. Havrng duly conside:red all of the evidence, the
of counsel regarding tha evidence, fhe
aforementioned factors germane
to asgessing
credibility and reliability. an assessment of what is mo6t
rn the clrcumstances of the case, and the inferences
which may reasonably be drawn from Lhe
totality of the
avi.lFh.F r h^\.c .dn.l1rdcd
that the Union did not reserve Ehe
right to purgue
a graevance on behalf of Ms. Comtois.
As indicated above, Mr. Ravary's initiaf assertion
that the first time he became aware
tha[ the Employer was
the view that a grievance could be barred by an ESC joint
recommendation was nrhen he met wrth Mr. Durette at the May 9,
20ll grievance meeting casEs some doubt upon his pouers of
recoffection and the refiability of his evidence, given that
he received an emaif to that effect in January
of 2013 1n the
eonl c!r .f hc ahalfriar -,^-aarJrn^c ^-
. ."f -er
ind.icated above,
the sarne is true of his testimony
that at the
Aprlf 10th ESC meeting management
said, r,Sorry, we screwed up.
She lthe Grievorl can't do Piche,s lob,, (or r,vords Lo that
effect) . He subsequently conceded that it was "posslble,! that
all that the Union \{,as
told on Apri] loth r^/as
that there \ras
another position that !rou1d come up before the piche position
that. therefore the crievor shoufd be put in that other
oos ion. d6 Jtgo c.oo6quAn. y ^o. ,eoeo
,nat -t
"possibletr that at no time drd the College ever say
that the
crrevor was
not quafified to fiff Piche,s position, thereby
recanting his earlier testimony Lo Lhe
Further doubt is cast on the refiabllity of the
evidence adduced on
behalf of the Union
by the suggesrton Enat
the Unron's represenlatlves expressed a concern abor.rt the
crievor rrwinding up on the street,i and indtcated that they
sign the jolnt recommendation
so that this v/ouLd not
occur. As
indicated above, it may reasonabfy be
inferred that
this informaLion was provided by Mr. Ravary and Mr. Roy
counsel, who
then put 1t to the College,s witnesses
accordance wlth the rule in Bro!r't v. Dunn. Although nerther
of'he Union'E w-tness-9 us-o EhaL phras_
:n Ll-ir ^ dence,
Mr. Ravary testifled that he believed that one of Ehe Unlon
,er.oe6-t.I'v6< f.- v q r,,r--l hrm sfaced rhat vs. con-ois
rrwould p:robably
take the position and grieve it later rather
-l-, r^- L.-r 'l-
.:.-- -^-1 ird ^ I dri6- --^ i-d
waiLing nine months'r. Moreover, in explaining his
und- sca. d nd o[ Ehe - tec of a 'oinE L.-omma darro,, Mr. poy
testified that 'the Union has to save
the person from being
l> A ^FF L|ih , ha rh^, -L hir r T rL-.appv
with whaL we came up rvith, they couLd grieve ii". However,
the notion that lt was necessary for the Union to slgn the
joint recommendahion in order Eo prevent the crievor trom
being laio off ,s in(onsisrenr v,lfn Ehe ."icE LndE, as conceoed
hv M, R.v F^71 iF. in h a I Fcl im.n / h,,r dF.,Fd h\r Mr F:1r^, 7
by signlng the jolnt recommendatj-on
the union was not
rha -, ialr^, Fr^m -\r^tr .c , ha A-,
j Du*p-Lng
process afready plovided that protection by requiring the
a^l lcdA l^ ^l: F Fha c, ra1,^, in F ha, '.6 e ,^FFr Fm^l^l,-anr
Advisor position or Lhe SecreLary position.
. -^- ' rr--r tLni ne U'1-on d o not -6serve
- rr r..
to pursue
a grievance on behalf of Ms. Comtois,
I have also
taken lnto account my assessment that 1t 1s rnost probable that
if the Union had indicated that Ms- Comtois woufd probabfy
filF ^ -, F (h- n?:c -:^ad h
Mr. Durette would have included a notation to that effect in
his notes. Having authored the aforementioned email (Exhibit.
20) dated alanuary 16, 2013, in u'hich he indicated that the
a61 lFda v'6,rl.l ha :rdirin- rhat the Union nas
barred fron
pursuing Ehe Chevrier grievance because of agreements
wer^ reachao Detrdee Lhe Co . ege . o Ehe lJ -on a 1e
Employmen! Siabl-L1r y Commirrae, Mr. Durel le would certain-ty
havF I -a- rld^-o in
a :. -t lv .a- "r6r.od r.e i..1 -^ rL.- . r.emenl
would be
utterLy inconsisLent wlth the College'6 understanding
^f lhF affF r ^f : r. rr , F..mmFFd^i ^r a^..ad' a.rlf i, Fha
Union had made
that assertion, Mr. Durette would have been
ali - -o i - signrf cdnce e.]d would have -n all p obabll-L)
made an enLry about it in his notes, remembered it at the
hArr.- r,ra-ha-riira ^f L'h6 .a? ^r .^r .n\/ c,,-L on ,r,r ---. .r was
and discussed
it with the Union represent at ives, so as
to disabuse them
of the noLion that a grievance could be filed
daeh c : i- r a^^mmar^rr '^. .n.l Fr Fi ^ ,r wr Ly I rrey
thouqhl M6. coniois would I ikely tire a gricvance.
I am aleo satisf1ed that rf there had been any
lndication of a poLential grievance in respect
of Ms. Comtois'
bl ^. Fmchr M- DF I 'ri <: s'.rl ^ h^vF -e ahF ' a<r i f i6^1
I'questioned it', 'dug deeper to find out why
and if there was
c^f6 1-:.- .-,1 rl r.-co.t -. _^ e .- ,ff on
the j
olnt recommendationrr .
Having regard to all of fhe circumsLances,
I find the
Flrida.-F di F. hrl ha a^l la^a o ^n rlrr a ^^rr
--It LO be
more reliable than that given by the Union,s witnesseg, whose
L6 6-tnar mo,- d ref-6cCLOn of whF_
hr / lr. e l-.6a- rhr rh6 F<a maar- - :'tFy
)-l ,,:l I w c: id Ai I h^<F maaF i.de ^, r'h-l i n I i-F, ^f l- pr6sen_
concerns Ehey have erroneously come to befreva was
^\r r hpm r- rha a^] la.a rr .^aF ma-, in-c
The doctrine of estoppel lras
described as follows by
Justice Sopj.nka in Maracl-e V. TravelTers Indennj,ty Co. of
{799I), 125 N.R. 294 lS,C.c. ), 1n paragraph 12 on page
act .)nn6 | dF-.r ed.
The parEy
relying on the doctrine must established that
Fha ^Fhar h.r, v h:a l-\r, r'^rAc ^r ^^h.1,,^t h.Aa r
or aEsurance which was intended
to affect theirlegal relationshrp and
to be acted on. Futthermore,the representFe musf
estdbLish Lhal
, in r-Iianc- or thereplasen oEio, he ac!.ed
on i- or'1son6 ray 1angeohIs posltron.
The Supreme
CourL of Canada has
also indlcated that
Marac.Ie does
not have
to be applied "to the letter" in the
context of a labour arbltration, where
the equrtable doctrine
of estoopel an b- adaD'ed d d applied in a rdnner cons stenL
wlth the objectives and purposes
of Che gowerning labour
lclrri.nq lFoialal ^n hF n, rn.r.r6. ^, 1^h-,r
nature of the collectiwe bargaining process, and hhe
matrix of the grievance: Nor Man Regionaf Heafth Authorixy
Inc. v. Manj.taba Assocjation af HeaTth Care Prafessianafs,
supia, paragraphs 59 and 60- However, as noLed
by Arbitrator
Pefton in Saskatchewan
Unian af Nurses v. Saskatoon Reg,1ona.1
uaAl rh ^,,rh^-i r\. tP,,r11t ar,,aevance) , guprat at paragraphs 140
and 141,
that flexibilrty is not a License
to disregard the
do r11 -'6 cor stt en!. e-emeoLs.
Reference may also usefully be made to Re Chronicle
Jaurnal and C.E.P., Lac. f9f, Eupra,
in which Arbitrator
Surdykolrski wrote as follo\,rs, in paragraph 37:
The doctrine of estoppeL was
developed by the
1aw Courts
in equity to prevent the unfairnessthat resufts &hen one party, after representing to cneother party lo a contract that lt wlll either notenforce
a right that it has under
the contract, or rnacit will apply the contract in a particular way,
to enforce that contractuaf rrght or to apply itin a different \day, after the other party either actedor chose not t_o act in r:eliance on the originalrepresentation and its situation cannot be restored.A party that asserts an estoppel must
* that the other parEy
to the contract in issue
a cfear and unequivocal representation
the lnterpretatlon or appfication ofthe contract; and
* that the representation was
directed at andaffects the legal relations between Lhe parties
the conlract; and
* thal it relied upon
the representation bydoing something,
or foregolng the opportunity todo something, and
that it would have actedotherwise
but for the representation; and
* lhait 1ts reliance was
detrimental because thesltuatlon cannol be restored to what
it was whenthe representation was made.
afso Internatianaf Fare1t praducts (Hannnand) v.
Unj-ted Steefwarker1t Lacaf 2aa9 (Shifx Seniority Grievance),
Euprai U.F-C.W.,
Lacal f75 v. pinty's Defjcjaus Faads
supra; and Bearskin Lake
Air Service LXd. and
United Faad &
Cannnerejaf Warkers
InXer.natjanaj Unian,
Lacaf 77Et supra.
After quoting the above passage from
Mr. ,fustice
Sopinka's ludgment ifi Maracfe V. Traveffers Indemnity Ca- af
Canada, supra,
Arbitrator Bruce
applied the doctrine in St.
Universjty and Faculty As1aciatian af St. Thamas
Gupta), supra, and found boLh the
University (Grievance af S
AseocLo jon ono !he 9-LLevi g facu--, me"rlce r co o- es!.oppod
from claiming an adjustment to his salary after the University
Fr fr6 .:7- -^-, -6a On
Anomaliesr 5ecommendation that three other professors be given
sdlary -d:uelm-nEs bL Eha lrrere o- no so.ary .dlust-^ L fo-
cne grlevor.
Tn Georgfe Brown Coffege and OPSEU (Grievance
Anthony SToniak) supra, and Durham CoTTege and opsEu
[Crtevance of O- Pehlenann
, supya, che oocErtr- of -s.oppeL
'.,as found to be applicable in the context of Enpfoyment
Stabilrty Comrnittee joint recommendat
ions . In the latLer
case, Arb-itrator Saltman wrote, in part, as follows (at pages
t 4-d a ^f -L'_ nFi^-: / .!'...tr __ 'tieTic.ird : a,.a._L
aLleglng that Durham College had violated the support
-^lla-r iva ^, f.ilin^
Although the Union contended
that the ESC
improperly, and in contraventlon
of Lhe
colfectiveagrc.ment, in aESioning ^4s. Bu-L Eo Ll^- Suppo L
Services Offlcer C, Payband 11 poeition, the Colfegesubmrrced hac
!r- ass.qnmenE lIos agrFeo
!.o oy the
ESC, which is a bipartite committee, and, Lherefore,thd- che Uqion wa- escopp-d
fron comprdlning dbout .ne
matter, In the Boardls view, the Colfege is correct
v'rrh rFAhF-r F^,lric m:,ra, al,lr^,,^. ' 116 -^ r---' _-- - ----l\e
contains comprehensave provisions respectinglayoff and recalf, including the establlshment
of Lhe
ESC. rn the Board's view, it is unnecessary
to consider
^F _h c r-i^.-.-_a Inthis case, the ESC made a recommendation, which was
by the College, that M6. BurL be assigned
^' .o- C,..j_i _-r^1_6t L... 14s.
Robinson. As
the ESC
entered into an aqreement,
r.s srmply noL open to ihe Union Lo rFsiie f rorn chal
Thls case
ls substantially simifar to another
between these parties in which Lhe Union was estopped
from arguing thal ihe College violated fhe .ollect-Lve
agre-nen! ir ass q.lrng a emplo.-e who had be^n
.16 ^16,{ wh: h rhc
grrevor In thaL case wrshFd to apply €or- In
ontario PubLi. servi.e Enpfoyeag Union dnd Geatge
Bro,,/n Catlege: Cri^.-nce of S o'niak, Mar-h 15, 1995
(Hov,e (unreported) )
; after an employee
by the name
Mr. Porco was declared surplus, the Union and College
mamhar. ^l rha .qa ^nraa^ rh:r :r^rhpr an-l^1,a6 My
rrl^1,,e^,r y r -L rr-lrcrrL
Mr. Porco be permiLLed
fo fill :he vacancy
from Mr, Service's retirement. Based on their
!.'1r,-, !,,rc ihnloman, Frl l-,!, , ha ^l lo^a ts.a
Union agreed that it was estopped from arguing that the
a,l -La ^^_ l-.-:--6 F4-6Fr6*' .5 - '--r -_O
al-L. , 14 -. -,66--n- -L?t
Ehe union was estopped
rn thrs case, the prrnciples
which apply are the same. The Union members of the
Eca arrF, ad i n.^ :r , rh o<na
assignment of Ms. Burt to a vacancy in the position of
qrrn^^rF qar\.i.pc nlfi^ar c D^\.h:hrl ll u'hi^h n,-a
, mnl amFrra.l hw hF .^1 l oda ln rh^ca .i v. ',h<i -..a<the Union is precluded
or, ln other \rords, estopped,
from arguing thdL the Col,ege viola'ed !l_e colrectiva
h l: 1 i r^ h6 ir^^:r-\r
ahnt^.,aa rn, 1 nin^ -1a4 11e,/^r /^, 1A -^^11, ,^? r--
h^cil i^h Tn lha rpa',lr I hF driaw-n^a m',ci- h6
llni^n .^r,nsal <,,d.est ed thdL those cases dre
dlstingulshable from
the i.nstant case on
the basis that there
no roservdElo'l of o rigl- Eo or
reva in dr
r, o Lher,
Horrrever, as indicated above, I am not persuaded
that the Union
-LF ..-h, a n_ h6Le r ^f vs.
Comtois. Accordingly, it is unnecessary to determine whether
doing so vJould have permltted this grievance to proceed
,- -1a -.-... ro.-a.1 I,- V C a.a-S snOU o
displace Ms- Heidman in the Secretary position, and agreed to
that advanced ae a joint recommendation to Lhe CoLlege
By agreeing
to have that proposed displacement
advdnc-d as a lor'rL re ommendaElo-, Ei_e Unior mad^
a c-ear
and unecruivocdl rppresa-rtation
thd' pla^rng Ms. CorEois in LLe
Secretary posltlon was
the proper
applicatlon of the Agreemenl
f- rha ra.i.!nr,-^" 'f f-- - citror ds IT'lra:ner '1the
a^llada'c Ta h.r-:l c hn^,r c-,1ri-a 'rlr.F
represFntation was directed at and drfecLed
the 'egal
aela' ons bo.,',een rh- parli^.. F Lhough 'he Un_on
representatives may have thoughE that agreeing to a joint
rA-^mmar/l:i ^h u'^,,1^ .^i h,6-1,,/'16 i- ,lra ., -^-
of them giving any indication to the College representatives
LhaE h-y wF - of _ aL
vre^, thei' nrla.-ral .n -i -ke hat
regard does not vitiate the normaf effect of such agreement.
.irrr.r l:r'lv rharF :< ir rhr<.: F My p-v^rr, .^e:lrar^\'
aware, Lhrough his receipt of Bxhibit 20 (Mi. Durette's
aforementloned emaiL dated January 16, 201:) that it was the
College's positlon that an agteement reached between the
(-^llFdA:rd rhp IIri^n ^l_ tha Fca u,^,,1rl 1-'rv - dr\a\t.n^a
In reliance upon that representation, the College
president accepted the joinL recommendation.
which was
irr-6*6--6,l -^ .-.-:nal
consideration and
application of the bumping procedure under
ArEr^l- 15.4. cha- rolld o herwls^ have o--n r-o.rred o7 che
Agreement. In such circums.ances,
it woufd
be unfalr and
-neqL loble ro pern. che 9r jevan
a Lo p-o aed. \ere ao-ld
be little point in the parties putting in all of the time and
-.f^. irr,^- - I -- | ...i--^ , -.rfrrrr .. -- -r :hta .^..?se oI
action to joinlly recommend to the President
of the College
-f rts.ccep.-ce by he P_---dent ojd no orov
d- frna _'y
by precluding a griewance
fron reopenlng the maLter and
potentially undoing the agreed upon reEolution of the matter.
As Arbitrator saltman aptly and euccinccly noted in tshe
above-quoted passage from the majority award in Duthan CoTTege
and OP9EU (crievance
of O, PehTemann), eupra, at is simply not
open to the Union to reEile from an agreement reached at the
the foregoing reasong, the college's preliminary
objection ie upheld and the grievance
ie hereby diamissed,
DATED aE Burlington, Ontario, this 20th day of January, 2014.
4?Dr/t,z'' -
Robert D. Hohre
Sole Arbitrator