HomeMy WebLinkAboutCummings 00-04-26 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION BETWEEN' FANSHAWE COLLEGE ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION CLASSIFICATION GRJEV~CE OF ANN CUMMING~ JANE H DEVUN SOLE ARBITRATOR ~CE$ FOR THF COLLEGE', SHEILA WILSON ROSANNA STUMPO CORINNE CAM8PELL APPEARANCFS FOR THI: UNION; BAR EMd~A FORD LOUISE WATT ANN CUMMINGS LYNDA GROOM QP, 5[=U FILF NO ' 99C994 HEARING DATE: APRIL 20, 2000 The grievance, which was filed by Ann Cummings in July, 1999, invoi~s a claim for reclassification from Support Set,aces Officer I~ at payband 9 to Support Services ~, Atypical at payband 10, retr~-3cffive to,hJly 1, 1998, At tile o~set o~ t~e I~eadng, Ms. Ford, on behalf of the requested that I refer Ms. Cummings' grievance to a Board of A,,t)itr'aJon. In eu~port of this request, she advised that in addition to the 06evo~, sh~ wished to call as a witness, Jan Novotny, the Program Manager to whom the Grievor previously reported. Ms. Ford maintained that the Gdevor's case would be prejucliced if she did not have the opportunity to question Mr. Novotny, Ms. WIIsort, on behalf of the College, re:IV]sad that she intended to have lhe current Program Mana~jer, Rosanna Stumpo, give evidence with respect to the duties and resportsibililies of the Grievor's posi~on. Also present on behalf o{ the College was Corinne Campbell, who was appointed to the position of Program Manager subsequent to Mr. Novotny. In addition, there appeared to be some dispute belween the parties regarding the time period which ought to be considered in determining the Grievor's claim and with respect to the matter of retroactivity in lhe event ti'tat the claim wm'e to be successful. ^lthough Ms Wilson pointed out Nat the c, nll~.clive agreement specifies that :h~-re shall be no retroactive payment prior to the date of the grievance, Ms. Ford made some reference to the College's past praclica and It was also alleged that Mr. Novoa3y had maOe cerlaln representalJons regardh~l retroacfivity, finally, Ms, Ford advised that although the b~i~s Ixe~ by the parties indicated that there was agreement on the a3ntent ~ the PD_F., il had come to the. Union's attention that, in fact, certain d~es had been omitted and, accordingly, the Union could no longer agree on the contenl of the form. In my wew, the fact that the~e is some disagreement regarding the content of the P.D.F. would nat necessarily preclude this matter from being dealt with in Ihe expedited process. Nevertheless, this process is one which is informal and inlendod to involve a limited fa(~ual inquiry into Ihe duties and responsibilities O~ Ihe Grievor's position. For this purpose, evidence is generally given by the grievof and his or her immediate supervis(x and much o~ the questioning is conducted by the Arbitrat(x. in this case, however, the Unmn wishes to subpoena a P~c~jJam Ma~ger to wl'~,, Ihe Grievor prm,'iou~ly ~pu~l~Li who would give evidence in additio~ to the cun'ent Program Manager who is to be called es a witness by lhe College. In these circumstances, it would appear that Ihe more conventional questioning of witnesses by means of examination-in-chi~, cross. e~mination and re-exammat~on would be appropnate 3 " Mor~, lhere is a dispute between the partfes regarding the matter of relmac~ity arxl In s~po~ of ItS c~am for retroac~wty beyona me date of the grleva~, it would apl)ear that the Union intends tn re~y, in part, on representations alleged to have been made by Mr. Novotny, In my view. the expedited process is not a~ appropriate forum for lhe disposil~on of an issue of this sort Accordingly, the Union's request is granted and, pursuant to Article 18.4.4, I direct that Ms. Cummings' grievance be refaced to a Board of Arbitration. In addition, Ihe Union is directed I~ advise the College of those a~pects of the P.D.F. with which ii does not agree. ~ EXATED AT TORONTO, Ibis ~day of April. 2.000.