HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-0926.Simpson.89-05-25 .... ONTARIO EMPLO Y£S DE LA COURONNE
180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, TORONTO, (ONTARIO) M5G 17_.8- BUREAU 2100 (416) 598-0688
OPSEU (Simpson)
- and -
The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Transportation)
J. Forbes-Roberts - Vice-Chairperson
I. Freedman - Member
R. Trakalo - Member
THE GRIEVOR: Grievance Officer
Ontario Public Service Employees UniOn
THE EMPLOYER: Staff Relations Advisor
Human Resources Branch
Ministry of Transportation
HEARING: January 25, 1989
The instant case concerns a designation of headquarters.
The facts are not substantially in dispute.
The grie~or, Mr. J. Simpson is a Survey Technician and has
been with the Ministry of Transportation ("the Ministry") since
1975. In 1980 the grievor was living in Willowdale, and his home
was his designated headquarters. Sometime in 1981 he moved from
Willowdale to Beaverton, Ontario. Following the move he made a
request to have his headquarters redesignated to Beaverton. By
letter dated December 1, 1981 the Ministry both refused this
request and redesignated Mr. Simpson's headquarters from Willow-
dale to 3501 Dufferin Street. This location has remained his
designated headquarters ever since.
In September of 1988 Mr. Simpson grieved seeking a more
equitable designation of his headquarters and the attendant
benefits pursuant to articles 17, 22 and 23.
It was the Ministry's uncontradicted evidence that over the
next five (5) years work locations will be moving closer and
closer to Toronto.
Article 38 - Headquarters states in part:
381 This arlicJe applies to employees who do not attend
al or work al or work ~rom any permanent ministry
facility in ihe course of their duties, bui' Ior whom a
permanent ministry [aci]ity or other place is desig-
nated sS an employee's "headc~uarters" for the put-
poses of the prowsion$ of this collective apreemen'
and el various allowances which require a
lets ID be specrlied.
38.2 A ministry may clesignate a headc~uarte~s when ur
eml~loyee is initially appointed Io a ,~osifion. or whe~
a posit[on is tilted by an employee in acco~d~mcL
witl'~ ArticJ~, 4. Arlicle 5, or AHicle 24 ol Ihis coil(:(,
live agreement. All iDb posbngs, nolices end ul[,;~
tn relation to positions covered by II,is article shaf
include the designaled headcluarlers for the
tio~. This designation shall be the [ocation conap-
dared by Ihe minislry to be the mos~ convenient
the efficient conducl et the minislry s bus[ness, ha,,.
ing ~'egard ~o ~he ministry's projectJor~ el the IocatJo~
Of the employee's work assignments lot a period (~
two years, It iS not a requiremenl lhat the de, sig-
naled headquarters be a taciiily wi'lose
are related to the work to be performed by [he
employee, and the employees residence may-aisc
be designated as his or her ~.eadcluarters. The
ployer wilt supply to the Union, by December 30 o;
each year, a currenl tist el headquarte.'s design;~.
lions for employees covered by this arhcle
38.3 By mutual agreement in writing between the min~;-
try and an employee, a new headquarters may bu
designated for an employee at any lime. and
mutual agreement m writing between II~e
and the employee, a temporary or seasonal head-
Quarters may be designated lot a slated
Iollowing which the ~revious~y designated head-
quarters will be reinstaled unless il has been changed
in accordance with ihis article.
3B.4 A minislry may change the headr4ua~lers ol a~
employee covere(l by this article, il:
(a) I~e employee's residence has been designated
as his or her headquarters and he or she sub-
sequently initiates a change of resiclence; or
(b} a ministry {ac~lity wh,ch has been designaled as
the emptoyee s headcluartem ceases to opetalu
as a ministry facility; Or ;
{c~ the employee is assigned lo a wozk localion or
work locations at {east t'orly (40J kms, ~y road
Irom his or her existing he:~dquarte~s, and it is
anticJpatec~ thai ~hu em~ayee will continue ~o
worA in the area al the new work location or
wort< locations tot al least two (2] years.
,38.5 Where a ministry exercises its right to change the
headcluarters of an employee otherwise than by
mutual agreement with Ihe employee, the Ioltowing
procedure will ~pDly
[.a) The minisffyshall l)rsl give nohce lo the employee
ol tls inten~, and sha)l Consu)~ wilh Ihe employee
tO determine lhe employee's interests and the
employee's p~:elerences as to the new headquar-
ters location.
(b) The minislry shall delermine lhe new headquar-
ters Iocalion in a way which is equitable lo bo~h
the employee and the ministry.
lc) The employee shall be OWen th[ee (3) months
notice of the change in designation at the head-
38,6 Where it is necessa[y [o ~denliiy wl~ich one or mo~u
of a group al employees is to be assigned ~o ~ new
headquerters, the employees to be reassigned Shah
be {dent{lied by considering the qualifica{ions, avai~-
abiliW, and currenl Iocalion (home, closest gacility
and work tacalion). Where qua~[[[c~tLons, aveiiabi[.
i~ and J~alion are relatively eeuat, length O[ COntin-
uous sa~Jce shall ~ used to identily the emptoyee
to ~ realigned.
38.7 Employees who relocate 1heir re,t,~dences becau~u
o~ a change in headquarters, other than a temoorary
or seasonal change, in ~ccordance with this article,
shall be deemed to have been re[ocaled for
purposes at the Employer's policy on reloc~hon
Employer counsel suggested and the Union did not dispute that
article 38 first appeared in the collective agreement ~n 1986.
Union counsel argued that pursuant to Peeb!es, G.S.B 1257/84
the grievor is entitled to have his headquarters redesignated in
a fashion which is equitable to both himself and the Ministry.
Employer counsel argued that such a grievance had to be
filed in 1981 when the redesignation occured. The grievor is now
trying to rely on jurisprudence which predates the clause under
which he seeks to grieve. It was argued that under article 38
the grievor has no right to grieve because there has been no
intervening event which would require the Ministry to consider a
request for redesignation.
It is clear that the collective agreement now contains
specific language which deals with the designation of headquart-
ers, a circumstance which did not exist when Peebles (supra) was
argued and decided. Obviously the parties have turned their
minds to the issue and the language of the collective agreement
must supercede any jurisprudence which predates its existence.
What then is the triggering event which would bring article
38 into play?
Article 38.2 requires that an employee be initially appoint-
ed to a position or that' a position be filled pursuant to
articles 4,5 or 24. The grievor 'has not changed his position
since his headquarters were designated.
Article 38.3 requires the parties' mutual agreement which is
obviously absent.
This leaves only article 38.4, which states:~
38.4 A minmstry may chan~e
employee covered by this article, if:
(a) the employee's ~esmdonce has been designated
as his or her headquamers and he or she sub-
se~uenUy initiates a change of residence; or
(b) a ministry facility which has been designaled as
the employee s head(~uarturs ceases to operat~
as a mtntstry facility; or
{c) [he emDIoyee is ass~med fo a work iocahon or
work locations at least lorry [40) kms. by roarJ
from his or her ezisbng headquarters,, and it is
an.ticipated thai lhe employee wit[ continue to
work in Ihe area o! the new work location o~
work Iocalions for at least two (2) years,
As the grievor's home has not been his designated residence since
1981, article 38.4 (a) cannot apply. There was no evidence led
that 3501 Dufferin Street has ceased to operate and therefore,
38.4 (b) cannot apply. Finally it was the Ministry's evidence
that in the future the work sites will be moving closer to the
grievor's designated headquarters, and c0nseguently article 38.4
(c) cannot apply.
As there was no evidence led of an event to which article 38
would apply the grievance must be dismissed.
Dated at Toronto this 25th day of way, 1989.
J. Forbes-Roberts, Vice-Chairperson
I. Freedman, ~ember
R. Trakalo, Member