HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-1358.Teasdale.91-04-18 ;'.' ' ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE ', .c C~OWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO " ~ " G'RIEVANCE ' ........ ~* - COMMISSION DE SEttLEMENT R~GLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS ~,TREET WEST, SUITE 2'tO0, TORONTO, ONTARIO. MSG ;Z8 7'ELEPHOt',IE/TEL~'PHO,'qE' (4 ~6) 326-1388 '180, RuE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2~00, TORONTO (ONTARtOL M5G IZ8 FA'C$1M[LE/TEL~-COPIE : (4 :~6) 326- '1396 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE cROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE B~%RGAINING ACT BETWEEN OPSEU (Teasdale) Gr~ewor - and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Transportation) Employer BEFORE: w. Kaplan Vice-Chairperson I. Thomson Member H. Roberts Member FOR THE A. Ryder GRIEVOR Counsel Ryder, Whitaker, Wright & Chapman t~ Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE P. Young EMPLOYER Counsel Winkler, Filion & Wakely Barristers & Solicitors M I NUT. E S O F S E T T L E M ENT THIS AGREEMENT made this /~ day of ~~ , 1991. BETWEEN: CROWN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION) (hereinafter referred to as.the "Ministry") of the FIRST PART - and - ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION' (KEN TEASDALE, DOUG WIPPERMAN, NORM KELLY, W.J. BROWN, JOE PASCUZZO, HOWARD G. WRIGHT, DAVID STEED, JIM PROIETTE, HEATHER RUE, LAWRENCE DUNKS, ANN QUAM, W.R. BASIAK,SCOTT McCaLLUM, DOUGLAS ROBINSON) (hereinafter referred to as the "Grievors") of the SECOND PART WHEREAS the Union has filed on behalf Of the Grievors (attached as Schedule "A") classification grievances alleging that they are impropemly classified as Traffic Analyst 3. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of the parties to settle all outstanding matters between them relating to these grievances; NOW THEREFORE the parties agree as follows: 1. This Agreement and any Order of the Grievance Settlement Board is without prejudice or precedent to the position, of the parties in this or any other case. 2. The Employer undertakes to establish a new and proper classification for all of the Grievors listed on Schedule "~A" on or before February 28, 1991. 3. The new classificat~on is to be effective for each Grievor at ~twenty days prior to the date on.which the earliest grievance was filed in the applicable region or, with respect to Grlevors entering the position after the original grievance was' filed, at the date such Grievor Commenced work in the position. 4. The Grievance Settlement Board is to remain seized pending the final implementation of the terms of this settlement. 5. Either party may request that these Minutes be made in Order of the Board. DATED at Toronto, this ~/ day of , 1991. · SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of ))) Per: ) on behalf of the Grievors ) ) Per: ) /on behalf ) ~ ) SCHEDULE "A" TEASDALE, Ken WIPPERMAN, DOug KELLY, Norm BROWN, W.J. PASCUZZO, Joe WRIGHT, Howard G. STEED, David PROIETTE, Jim RUE, Heather DUNKS, Lawrence QUAM, Ann BABIAK, W.R. McCALLUM, Scott ROBINSON, Scott ~OARD ORDER Enclosed is an executed Memorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed'would be made an order of the Board. DATED at Toronto, this 18th day of April, 1991. W.~Ka~/an~,vice-Chairperson ThomsoB, Member H. Roberts, Member