HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-1166.Jardin.91-07-23 ; ( ~!~ ./ (,¿- ~ 4 - ONTARIO EMPLOYÈS DELA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARJO 111111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT ~ REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS lBO DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2100, TORONTO, ONTARIO. MSG U8 TELEPHONE:; ITELÉPHONE , (416) 326- 1388 lBO, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ONTARIO), MSG lZ8 FA cSIMILE /TÉLECOPJE : (416) 326-1396 1166/90 IN THE HATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EKPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD :l3E TWE EN OPSEU (Jardin) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Natural Resources) Employer BEFORE: S. stewart Vice-Chairperson J. c. Laniel Member F. Collict Member FOR THE R.· Stephenson GRIEVOR Counsel Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Barristers & solicitors FOR THE J. Brooks EMPLOYE~ Counsel Genest Murray Barristers & Solicitors HEARING January 29, 1991 May 6, 1991 " '. 'l.'_, "' ., -- . DECISION The grievor, Mr. F. Jardin, is employed in the Surveys, Mapping and Remote Senses Branch of the l'1inistry of Natural Resources in the position of Photo Technician (Maps) . Mr. Jardin is a graduate of a thematic cartol3Taphic technologist program, a three year community college course. He has been employed by the Ministry of Natural Resources since August 15, 1988. Mr. Ja:rdin' s position is classified as Technician 2 Photographic. The position specifications for this position are appEmded to this decision. Mr. Jardin contends that his position is wrongly classified and ought properly to be classified as Technician 3 Photographic. The introduction to the Class Series and the Technician 2 and Technician 3 Class Standards are appended to this decision. Originally a "usage" argument as well as a "standards" argument was advanced on behalf of the grievor. However, only a standards argument was advanced at the hearing. Accordingly, the issue for the Board to determine is whether the grievor I s position is imprOpE!r1y classified as Technician 2, Photographic and ought properly to be classified as Technician 3, Photographic. In simplest terms, Mr. Jardin's position involves the 0 ":,,,, ~ , , r.. -- 2 performance of photographic work in connection with the production of maps. The parties were ~n agreement that the the position specification is generally accurate in describing Mr. Jardin I s duties. Howeve r, Mr. Jardin took some issue with the percentages allocated to the duties described in the specification. In particular, he stated that he felt that 85 to 90% was a more accurate estimate of the work he performs as summarized under paragraph 1 of his position specification, rather than the 65% that is referred to there. Mr. Jardin works in an area of the library with Mr. B. Rudge, whose position is Senior Photo Technician, classified as a Technician 3, Photographic. Typically, Mr. Jardin and Mr. Rudge work independently. Their work is generated by work orders received from persons in the various sections in the Branch, in response to which photographic and photomechanical techniques are employed in the preparation of maps. Mr. Rudge carries out the work orders involving photomechanical work while both Mr. Jardin and Mr. Rudge carry out the work orders 'involving photographic work. Mr. Jardin described the distinction between these two types of work in general on the basis that photomechanical work is done by hand while the ph?tographic work involves an automated process. While both Mr. Jardin and Mr. Rudge use some of the same kind of I equipment they have separate work areas. I I ~' -- ~ 3 The work orders which generate Mr. Jardin's work are accompanied by the materials to be used as well as instructions as to sequence in order to produce the final product desired by the client. Some stock materials, such as tint screens are provided by Mr. Jardin from his stock of supplies. Some work orders require single exposures while others require multiple exposures. Mr. Jardin1s typical work process involves the placement of materials in a vacuum frame. The materials are secured by pins so that they are aligned properly. Film is placed in the frame with its emulsion faced toward the potential light sour ce . The materials are compressed in the vacuum frame in order to remove all air and then exposed to light. A negative or positive image is then creat,ed and it is then processed in an automatic processor. Mr. Jardin stated that the completion of this process for a, single exposure would take approximately twenty minutes. In a job requiring multiple exposures, materials provided by the client are placed and exposed in a prescribed sequence to create the desired final product. The sequence is prescribed by the client.. Mr. Jardin provided a detailed description of a sample job requiring six shots or exposures. He characterized this as a complex job. Re stated that he considered such multiple exposure ~, , I I ~ ~ 4 jobs to involve advanced photographic techniques as opposed to simple because of the precision of the final image that is required. Mr. Jardin stated that a job of that kind would take approximately a half day to complete. The film is exposed in the same manner in both multiple and single exposure jobs. After his work is completed, Mr. Jardin examines it to ensure that it was carried out properly and it is left for the client. Mr. Jardin described his review of the final product as superficial. He explained that it is the responsibility of the client to examine the final product to ensure its accuracy. If Mr. Jardin were to have made an error at an early stage in a multishot job, that error would carry through to the subsequent shots. Mr. Jardin is not involved in work involving enlargements or reductions in the normal course of his duties. However, none of the work in his area of the library involves enlargements or reductions. Mr~ Jardin is also not involved in processes of croma1in colour proofing or dye proofing. He is also not required to create the peel coats or scribecoats that he uses in the performance of his work. These latter four processes are carried out in his area, by Mr. Rudge. · -,- 1 5 Mr. B. Jackson, technical assistant to the Branch director, gave evidence regardin.g the type of photgraphic and photomechanical work that is carried out within the Branch. He gave evidence concerning the techniques by which enlargements are made. He also gave evidence with respect to techniques of colour proofing, in particular, cromalin proofing and dye proofing. Cromalin proofing involves the bonding of layers of emulsion. The end product is a photomechanical proof of the final map. The process involves the assembly of materials in the vacuum frame with positive art work placed on the top. the frame is closed to remove all air and the artwork is then exposed to ultraviolet light. This hardens an emulsion that has been placed on the materials, providing a tacky surface on areas of the artwork which have been protected. The artwork is then removed from the vacuum frame, a thin plastic layer is peeled off and toners are applied to create various colours. The bonding of the emulsion is carried out in a machine in a photomechanical process. Dye proofing involves the wiping on of light sensitive dyes on the base, exposing it to negative artwork, and then washing off the unexposed area using chemicals, leaving the map detail in the colour selected. This process is repeated for each colour desired. The cromalin and dye proofing processes entail approximately one day of work for a particular project. ~; <, ~ L_____ , 6 Mr. Jackson also gave evidence with respect to the preparation of scribecoats and peelcoats. Both scribecoats and peelcoats are sheets of clear mylar film with an emulsion applied to the top. The preparation of the scribecoat requires the use of scribing tools to precisely scratch the emulsion. This aspect of the process is performed by a cartographer. The technician, in this instance Mr. Rudge., places the image on the film using the dye proof process. The preparation of the peelcoat involves the exposure of a scribe coat with colour boundaries in a vacuum frame ~o material with a 1 igh t sensitive emulsion, creating a'latent image. The etching process is carried out by the exposure of chemicals to the materials by the technician. The essence of the determination that must be made in this case is whether the work performed by Mr. Jardin is properly characterized as standard photographic reproduction work as referred to in the Class Standard for Technician 2, Photographic or is advanced photographic work as referred to in the Class Standard for Technician 3, Photographic. Stand~rd and advanced photographic work are specifically defined in the preamble to the Technician - . -- . 7 Photographic class series. Standard phot~ographic work is defined as "photographic reproduction processes carried out according to a variety of well-establlshed methods; a variety of materials and equipment are used. " Advanced photographic reproduction work is defined as: "photographic reproduction processes carried out according to general guidelines; a variety of complex materials, equipment and techniques are used in these complicated and/or mUltistage jobs having comparatively long turnaround times" After a careful assessment of the evidence and the submissions of counsel it is our conclusion that Mr. Jardin1s position is properly classified. Mr. Stephenson emphasized the use of the disjunctive phrase "orH in the definition of advanced photographic techniques in support of his position that even if the Board found that the jobs that the grievor performed were not complicated, work that the grievor performed could still fall within the definition of advanced photographic work on the basis that it was mUlti-stage work. He emphasized the fact that some of the grievor1s work involves a number of exposures in support of his position that the work is properly characterized as multi-stage work. We agree with Mr. Stephenson's s ubmi s:;ion that the class standards do not specifically equatø photomechanical I I .." .- J .-} -- S work with advanced photographic work. We also agree with his submission that the fac~ that the photomechanical work performed by someone else in Mr. Jardin's unit is properly characterized as advanced photographic work does not mean that the work performed by the grievor is not advanced photographic work. We further agree with his submission that distinctions made between standard and advanced work in the evidence of Mr. Jackson is of no assistance to the Board as this is the very issue which the Board must determine. Howeve r, it is our view that our acceptance of Mr. Stephenson's submissions in respect to these matters does not advance·the Union's position. From the evidence before us, it is our conclusion that the photographic work performed by Mr. Jardin cannot be characterized as complicated. While his work does involve jobs which require him to carry out multiple exposures, this matter does not lead us to conclude that the work is multi-stage work. In this regard we find the contrast between this work and, for example, the cromalin proofing process, to be instructive. The definition of advanced photographic work con~ains the introductory caveat that it involves "a variety of complex materials, equipment and techniques". We cannot conclude that the work the grievor performs falls within this description. In carrying out multiple exposures the grievor is using the same basic , , - . 9 technique that is used in a single exposure. The fact that the process is repeated does not lead us t.o conclude that the process is "multi-stage" as that term is used in the Technician 3 class standard. The Technician 2 class standard refers to a .. spot check" of the work of persons wi t:hin this classification, while the evidence was that Mr. Jardin performed his work independently and checked its qUélli ty himself prior to it going to the client who requested the wor}e.. We cannot accept that this matter should lead us to conclude that the work performed by Mr. Jardin does not fall within the Technician 2 class standard. This class standard states that the positions "usually work under general supervision". The spot checking of work is given as an example of this. Merely because such a n~~view is not carried out on a regular basis, presumably because of the competence of the grievor in his position, we cannot conclude that Mr. Jardin's position is incorrectly classified. Our reading of the preamble to the class series, as well as the class standards for Technician 2, Photographic and Technician 3, Photographic in light of the evidence that was adduced before us lead us to conclude that Mr. Jardin's position is properly classified. -. -..1 I q - lØ I For these reasons, the grievance is dismissed. Dated at Toronto, this23rd day of July, 1991 .~~--\ } ,/;"~ - :.' I I. ; (\ \- ' . .¡J L, ,~ - s. L. Stewart - Vice-Chairperson . , " / /~J ;. c ¡ - ___~.. 'L __ '- . \. .- ....>~--- F. T. Co11ict - Member /#~Jí niel - Member ... ~ ~~I'Iþ"'" .. .... ~ Sp. A~ ': aa. '"«11 ''Q!I C!iC 8150 :) (R..... lD DKIt of too." IQr llO/IlIp...... 1t1Ø\XIØl~ ]0' I 0'''- - I --- I --- I 1 hrC$C j I ~ I u" onlY I ,""",,,,. ¡"-Com 1"..-...-'..-1 Photo Technician (Maps) 09-0330-29 l' "..o'V.....'A.P.T.P.,....ftIVI -CI_o<ft.j---!,-"-~-O I I ~ \ \'r___ I \ 1_0 _'-' _w ... I 1 .. 1__ '?-QII1U;II'I tl1l. , J iIIO'fitJWI COØI JC£a. htft:...... - r wo.~hotomecnanical Techn1c~an 09~03JO-29 Tech 2 Photographic 5258~ ,. Oivlololl \ Natural Resource.s Lands Ii 'tIð.ters Group sJdá"neu~'e Offi~ - ~ IGoof....C.eo.w \ ""s·urve.ys, M.app:l.l'l.O; fa Remote. sensing 90 Sheppard 1\...e East, North 'idrk 69501 OI..CW Pra¥M'Jlllt'OYD I.........IID.Ø: -llmm....~ ,I lid. -, !S........-IIOII~'bOneøc. IN.,.t 00II".... I No,"¡_ super-n-sor, Phot.cg-raphl.c OS-0330-2:l 1 -- -- I Servlces _ rDOP" af ¡;,(DIOQft .Wft'f' don UUI ØQllllon .gtn J meEll: In-House, MNR and other Ministry de1l\ands for the proc1uct.ion of high) ¡ality photographic !:lapping i::¡agery on filZll. To :back-up anCi assist sanior 1cnnicians with photomeehanical processes. To saf~qu~rd and otherwise prctect :e Ministry's air photo negative originalS. - i.l:tln and ,,1._ taw t~ll' ImGMI"_ t'lQU-ina to 00, nÞIW Ill'IQ wiI¥~ I"..... wratIlI9I at 111M" _I DfI..., d\IItv. Produces a variety of specialized photographic products in response to t requisitions from In-House mapping production units and ot~ers by: 'I -deciding on best work sequence to meet priorit.y requirement.s of job in hand -' , anli others awaiting (in accordance with standing quidelines) . where necessary advising supervisor ot potential prOduction difficult.y. I -using contact vac:uWll trallle and point source light imprints photographically, using regist.ration syetem. in multiple exposures, with or without screen tints, line and area Íl:laqery onto various film type,iSl (a.g. positive, negative, duplicatinq, /llatte surface or clear film, vaz·ious tnickne:ss of film) . -entering prOduction data on forms and otherwise maintains and assists with records of prOduction: Monitors the stock of photoqraphic and photomechanical materials, up-datinq -. inventory listings, advising of deficiencies, maintains equipment by ·adjusl:ing, lUbricating, cleaninq etc. Shares the daily and weekly responsibilities of start-up, Cleanup, r~Jlar I % maintenance and minor adjustment duties of the unit's film processors and I : other r.1achines. as required, mixinq chemicals in accordance with I I manufac~urers standards and transfers to storage tanks: assists with sllver I recovery processes. Assists with the maintenance of the air photo library :by receiving, , ,:ransmitting, transporting storing and recording the movement. of negative ' rolls and other stock (materials include larqe, heavy, containers of film. paper, plasti::: foil & chemicals) . (cont.. .) I I SkJU' ."" .I<nowlttO(III '-"""'" t" Ølrtorm ¡Db u full _,...,. I.WI.. II"".... --.. ~"... '" Ii__, If '''''_10' i I 'ry good ':~eorel:ical and practical knowledge and demonstrated skills of prQcess ì ;otography and a working knowledge of photomechanical processes. oet<ailed I I lowledge of screen l:ints and photolithoqr~ph.y and qenet:al knOWledge of up cQlour \ :-ovinq systems. Good. cOllllllunication skills. (Cont... J J I s,~""tur. "..~.,..... 0... l"-'vtf a.- O.y M_ v_ O.y - v_ /=3 " I z. I 10 '- 9ð , L --. . ."/ C-/"'--' (~.1 J 10 In I o. ~_IY''''' ~ lTiifofflc.1'I '*!:' _ mil 9. ~açkson _ .J. M. Zarzycki, Director , ::~¡;$¡llc...!¡;¡.~ c:..,,~. 'CIoa_ l'o-OOWPn_¡ c.. I":.,.... v_j 7ec:hnJ,c~3.n :, Photographic: 52583 TS-04 01 I 10 I 90 _ I e-.:. ~LUI,\1\"" ~~~, QQ.LLt\Q(' m ~ _'iii. uw C.~..~l S4N'iCI- ~ o.......UQ4"o ituwilf..OT .".. 'Diowr.~ fanan". ) ~oS~~lcn lS engaged in a var~ety of standard photographiC: map reproriucL~oo work us~ng a I ~3nge c: ~a~erla~s an~ e~u~pment sucn as a Con~ac~ vacuum frame and pO¡n~ source l18ht. ~e~ulres a goo~ ~orKlng knowledge of standar~ photographiC processes and f~liaritY ~ith I Jr ~ork~ng Knowledge or more advanced. photoœechan~cal methods. I ?oSlt~on lS accountable for tne accuracy and quality of specialized mapp~ng photographic products subject to che~ng by clients/requestors (carto~raphers). -:~~ I ÌS""1 ~ I; 1- :J::t- H1l1tt- = -t .~\ ¡ I , : .. Inltructlona tor completlng form CSc.61SO UJtl"torm.. __IarIll______lI'/'lIle~c...,__,.,.~eam.._-PlenorOll ~(I ,,~__. Gr_, ClualflM:l Full .nò Paft-tlme ~: "atm tlI lie _111111-.., _101' 1M Fu_ Coot bClo II &.ctiofI ,. UnclaaHfltd S....,naI PoIIl:tGM .Q~ 31: CD/IØM SecIa. , IIICl e _ fllrllW Fu_ Coclt bm: m s.ctIDn 1, and!lle_' ; ¡~on 1'1I1~ WI ~ I. A.ll other ~CN: ~ øI 1m IOrm ,n lull or .. Nt 0Ill _ lOr UncI.-f*! s.-&I p_, .. OIII~, , - : I nSlruclIons tor coding PoCtion Id.ntltl.r lnstruCllonll tot coding SelSOnel Wortr; Penccl COlliI -~ 1 2 1 . (u__¡ Cl.....eo PœrtIDnl a-. WIIMr Spmg S_ F" Fl,I\lollm. 1 -- baG. M.. June S4O. Pan~lm. 2 - .)M. Apt. Jut Ocl. U~ PaoIaono Qtdar , Fab. M.., ....14 Nø.. G_3 al s.-......... &I1Illl1_.... _ or more 0lIl _ !/tall a mar'II1lI 3 lk/lId _.. ~: bt s.-.t _ D&ri!ld .__ . Sh9a -. I,... SIllIl'Ig ~ I _",."....0Ul__12mMtM . 1,Ln~_, ¡_ü ,_ü) ~ Group 2 , 2,~&lIIllIC,~ I Group I e In___ ....~,. .= 2~ l Oll\.. C""'" 1 I . ~ _. ,O.. Sum-. Fall, Wim.. I i InstnlCllonll tor COding Sch. Hn. Won: ,. I....... -. 2, 1_ cœ. 0/ start , . ComOlOl. lrll'lIO< tor A.P,T. P-........, 1_lIlaft_ÞollI, l-~ -~! ~ . .n....o. _ 0/ __ 10 2 ___. 3."-.IlII_QIf ..... ü F''' ::ii:J ~.. t 1 1-101£: Th. ".-.00 "'Ilia _ _ _eo II... _....,_. "-(II~O COl'lIIICIIIJ\O _ CIl' A.P,T. 0_ ~"' a_ - ""* CO\ftCICIO wnn IN ~ I100n 01 ."."'" _ I\:ir I'" _, "'''' cfWl90 .. Il1O ~Iad 11...... 01 Wor1l MIl '_a ''''' .-wI"''''~ .nd __allOn DI a __ NO'Æ: M_ __ muM lie 0:1-=....10 QUail"" __110. ..--' Duties and related tasks continued: 5) Backs up work in t~mes of absence, and otherwise assists, senior technic, 10% in established photomechanical processes usinq a CQntact vacuum frame a: high power light source to: -produce map proofs, ~ith Cromalin Laminator or Q~ick Proof dye proce$, on to various base materials by systematically exposing the sensitized emUlsion through map artwork and then oy deve¡opinq the imaqe~ -imprint map images on Scribecoats and other materials using light sensi dyes. exposing the sensitized emulsion through map artwork and ther developing the image: -create map colour separation Peelcoats by exposing sensitized plastic :hrough a master colour cut negative, developing the image and then e~c. :he linework: i) Other related duties, as assigned. :% Skills and knowledge continued: ?hyslcal ability to lift heavy materials and equipment (uP to SOlbS) ami to :ulltlme in a darkroom environment. - . ~...~ ,! .' ® c...... ~ Cu.ss SìA"4Q)'R,-_ ,. ~ , '-1 ~'1&o01'I o-ana d.9l . Group . l II Ca~ory tEC~N:CAL SERV:C!S TS -0 4 PHC":"XAA?HY PR.e:..:.!.~,:,-~ Series I 525B1 ç:au C~e . TECHNIC:AN. P HO'I"CG AA P H 1 C t,c 52~a i II ~Ec:m::C:AN 1·4, II HO':'OC M P H t c · Tl".e Tec:-.:ue:.an Photoqraphlc ser:.e, covers posit~on' wor~~r.g in un:. ~.s \óÍ",::::.-. pr=vlde phc:~9r.aFhle and/or g'raphlc &r::3 and rela1:ed se:v;..:es exc':'~s.:.':e~f, · or P05¡:~Cn$ wcrk:.~g in ser/¡ce UOlt! wh;.e~ re~ulre tec~nlcal ;hc::;~J;~':'::: and graphlc sUFpor~. T~e pcsltlOn, are ~r~~~rl:Y respcnslble !er t.::e' followlng tec~nlcal serVlces: II al li~e. hal! tone. colcur se~ara:loñ ar.d colQur proo!lnq ~:r ~.se~ , suc~ as of:se: or SC:een process prlnt:.ng and eng:.neerl~g , ·Elpllcat.lon~; · - l::l ccntlnuous tor.e ,blac~ and vh.:e¡ ~nd colour proceSSes, e, q., !:= aer:.al pho:oqrap~9 and photof~t.lshlnq oper4tlon9; · el fil~/coFY pre~arat~on, ·,9, I fro::a mult~·colour St::'pp;..~g of !l:=.S to ~;ncef: .nd exec~t~on Q: ~:'$p~~yJa~ó:'o-vlsual oa~erlal; . II dl rela:eè tu::c:tlC:':.S such as analy!~s e!t:"'''\at~nq an::! sc::e¿:;":': :-.g =: reprc¿~c~:.on req~ests, prcçus:.nl;1 f:''::llpapers. quall:Y c:n~=:: a~~ ¡ pr:'clnq completed work. ~ I EXC~'J51Cln5= - £Xc:l..èed from t~:.s serle! are: · . any pos:.t:.ons In wftl:~ the ;r:"=4:y d..::.es and respc~s~=::::~~s ~=e u'.c:':' ',¡ded ~~ ~~e ¿ef~n~:~:n of a~~~~@: e~ass 5e::.e! And ~; ~~:.:~ ~~e ~ - poSlt.:'On C4~ be more aFFr::F=:"ate.~y allocated. :'eve':'s: · !~ere .re teur leve':'s w:.:~:.~ :~e s~~:es, .a~ !::'::'Ws: '!l!c~.n.:. =:..!n 1. P!":e':.::c::'a.~r.:: · pos¡:..:.cns ~lI!r!:r=:.::q Fr:.~.A:~':'Y r~:!.:..;~entar: p:¡,c:.:;:ai=:-::": :-e;:=-==·...:::-::::-. ""C:)(, · ~ecc~~:.=~.!n 2. p~=~~C?:.a~h~: r~S~~::n5 e~qag~~q In a yar~e:y Q! s=3n~~:d F~C:=q:3F~:.: :e~::=~=:;;~ · wcrlt; or, ~cs~::.=~s se=~~~g as tec~~~=:.~~s-~~·~~ar;e ~r~ 2-;' pe:!;.::--. operat~=n' 'othere 5t.anCar:: pJ-:o:=grJprllC IofO:)( of l.:..~.:. :I!C va:-:.!!::. ;, s ~.arr :.ed Q'l,¡~, · ~ [Calli 01 IS3U. I ~çe 1 o' - - . . :'1 . - ® 0..1 CLASS S7.A.NCAFQS ~ d~). Comm,l6IO" Ont~ ,II ~ Co1~ory ! Grouc I I TECHNICAL StRVICES TS-~4 PH~RApHY P A EA,''''S L E 'II Serln Clau Coe! I TE:C¡.rnIC:AN. PHO't'OCilUPHIC , 52581 to S2~8i' ,- ;. II Technician 3. Phoeoçra~hic: Journeymen pcsleions perto~lnq advanced phoeogra~hlc reprod~c~;on work; pos~t10ns :4Y provlde groµp leadershlp, œay ,SSlst senlor II tec~~1e1ans and/or œay rece¡ve ine:~nq wor~ r~~ests and a=v~se cllentS on & wlde var1etý of processes 'SSOC14ted vlth large 0~era:l0ns. '. ':'ec!':nieiar:. 4, Photogra9hic: - . . 'Ll PCS1:¡Cr.S per!or=inq h~ghly speC:1a:¡:~ photoqraphle reþroduc~¡~n work: pcslt10ns may provlde group leadershlp to Jour:'le'flllen tec:-_"'1:..c.:..ar.! ¡: may 1i41se wl:h c11er.:s and/or œay be r~ulred to deð: wlth a;'è resolve complex/unusual client concerns. . Ce!~n1:~cn of ~e~s Osed In ~evel Cesc~1=t¡Ons: , " R~:i~e~:ary photo~ra~h1c reprodue~¡:n wor~ - cieðr~y defined tasxs requ1rlng l¡::~e p:evlous knQ~ledge or I eX'ÇI!:~er:c~: tbe t1me span tor er.e51 tasks 15 shor:, and t~e :'aa:.er~a:s : use¿ fer" l¡:u:ad ~n cQmplex~ty and var¡ety. Xl Stanèar: ~hoto~ra~hlc re~roduc~:or. work - p~c:cgra~r.~: reproduc:~on processes ear=~ed OUt accord~ng to a var:e:: ;L' cf ~el:-estaoli$hed ~et~oès: . var~etf of maeer¡als ar,d equ¡p~e~~ are ~sed. t A¿'/a~::!'!-= F~et=a:'achie repr~ue~~::~ ~erk - f~ od " t: qe~e:3:' I F~~~:~~a~~~~ rep: ~c~~on pr~cesses C3r~~.c ~u~ ac==r~~nq , I I q·..:.:.~e.:..:.::es ; a v4r~ety Q!c;:ç¡ex ~:e:.:.a~s. ec:¡:.l~ pme::: ¿r.d tec::~:~:.;es , ; i 1- are use¿ ~n the,e co~çlicated a..d/o: ~u:::-s:age ;C~S hav¡,::; II I cc~~arat~vely lonq tur~around t.:..~e!. , I ! S~ec1al¡:~ photoaraph~e re~~~~=:::~ wc~~ - . ! p~:::~=aFn~c reprcduc::on precesses ~::er. c~:r:ed O~: ~~:~C~: :.~~ ¡ =e~e!:: of gUl=e11~es a~~/=: ¡::::-I.!:e¿!:":.:s; t~e5e pr'cc:esses ~ay :..::~:c.. .~'l! t~e mO¿:~::4t:O~ and devel:F~e~~ :~ :ec~~¡~~es to :nee': no~-:-:~::..~e , 'eq-..:es:s. i , , . , I , i I . I 'iI [Oate 01 1M... . ï PBc II I ~ ® - · C..,¡ ClASS STANCA, .-,S I s..-:. t.on'\lfl rMoO" ;.13 cntrcl I. I Group - C. t"9 Of")' 1 P A E A.'.~ S ~ E T~C~:C.u. SE¡:l:V~C~S T5·04 PHC;'JGAAPHY , - · SeTl~ I C:ass C~ce TECHNIC!AN. PHOTQCiìJ..PHIC 52~el 1::: S~C:'· .....o - . · Allocat~Qn r.c~ors: . Sklll! and Knowled~~: · The follow~nq ele~ents ~Tl thlS tac:or are used to dl~~e=en::d:e :e'J ~: s ot wori(: · - tl':.e level of kr.cw:ed;e åf photaç:aph~~ reF~::d~c-·o· c-e-a-'--s .. - I. :",. .._ _.. , mate::als. te~:-.raq~l!s and eq'...:.¡;::cr.ent; · - to]';e level of phct=g~aFhlc and related pr=d~=::=n slc:~:':'s; group leade:shl? skllls; - · Judqe=:ent: ~ T~.e !o11cwl~q el~~en:s l:'l t!':15 !ac::=r are \lsed to è.:'!!e:e~::.at·e ~e·-.te:s I] of wcr:K: - tl':.e level of super":. S 10n reee 1 ved ; · . I - the degree of ln~e¡:l!!".::ent )uè;n=:ent an: l~;.::..at:.·/e exe=-:~s ~': ~:':. car:y l:l.q Ct.! ': ~r~d~e:~~~ d~:~esp r@ldted ~cr.-~r=è~c::=~ ass~~~:e~:s and gr:::u[: lea¿ersh¡? rupcns:.:;.l:.t:.es. an¿ ~~ l~:er~c~:~g cr I ~- 1~alsln9 Wl:~ el¡en:si - t!':e ex:er.':. ~= wh¡:::: '.,c:lt re<:r..:e!i':.S mus: ::e a.na:/:eè ' ~ ::=e;: -- , . p::v.:.:'e :'~.e :e-~\,;,';':I!!¿ .F~o:.:q:-a;:!~.;.: repr::due::.:n. ~c::=un:a::.~~~,,!~ I · I ~~,@ !=ll:~.~~ e~e~e~~s ~~ :~~s !ac~=~ 4r@ ~5ed :; :~:~e=!~:~a:~ :'e':e ~; I of work; I · - tec::uuc:a.l. c~e:!:;':~S - ::¡'':4~';':':'' a~t:! a.c=·~:ac:: ; I - gr~~p leader~~:.~ - :e=~~~:~: -::"3 .:..:":..:..~; ar~¿ q'.:~~.a.~:e : 5 ::-,e:::·,,:.. _:-,~ ~.... :: I · lnOn.:.tor.:.::g WC~!( := ass :.;.....~-= S:Jl!!; - pr:-duc:.:.c:-: :"~:.l:e-: !:;...=: .;.~:":s . :e...;.e....;.::q :'.~e ~:;a:~:y =: .~a ~: e :- .:. a': . I eq~~~~nt 4~; ~e~~~:~~~5; ~a~~:.3~~~nq q~4:~:1 -....---... ~:::~;, ~~e:- ': ~:-,:; " v_~·_._..., c:-:anc¡es to we:" ( ::;·.;:.~~.e!. ::: ~ ~~ --:.~-:c=s ; acv:.s.:..:r:; =~~e:,,:~s - .. .......- I .~- red:..:.,;.. ~~Mef"'~ ':$ : pr:\.":..:i~:":q a¿::::.~:.!':.=~~~ve ass:.S~4~=~ :: !·..;;e:','~sc::-s , · - tl':.e l=:p.a.C~ o~ e......-..c - :.t:~';''';::e5 eve:ï~~~:':~ ~:::~ :':"'.e \fo! __e i . . -. ... .' . lacour, ~a':er:al a~= ~as~3ge, t:: t~e pe-r~@~·..;a~.:..=:"'. =.: e~--- -- ..-. ........ - - -- .. ...... ... - ~.. sut:! e-q :.;.e!"', ': S':3c;es. ~= ~~sseè ~eðè':'~~es. · .... I Cate Qf !$.S1...8 I ;;3;e of ! , ...:;i ~.11 .,' - I' _-1· ' 1.';. ; , '> - :1 [I ® c;.,,¡ CLASS 51' ANOAP-OS ~ CoJ/N'n1 u.on ¡:)~~- C]rt1vo · CaleçCry Group TECHN:C~L stRV:CES TS~04 P HC':"X AAP Pi '( · Series f C:,au Coce TECHNIC:AN, PHcr.-JCAAPHIC S2~3J · TECHNICIAN 2, PHOTOGiUPHIC · '!'~~5 class covers posl:~ons engaging in a var:e:y of standard pho::q~a~~~= re~roduc~:on work us:ng a range at mðter~a13 and ~u~~ent in o;::e:at;,¡c.-:s · pr::·.r:..:hng a full rar.ge of tec~lcal pho:ograFhlc Slrll::es; or, PCS1::"::-:S .. se:-l:ng as :ec~nlc:ans~ln-charge 1n 2-) person operat:ons where worx :..s c: l,¡=~:ed var:..ety/c==~:ex::y and oppor~~nlt:es f~r carrXlng out me:e aè'..a;-.:e~ processes are no: avallaele. · Sic..::s and lCncwledce: , ; ~ - poSlt:cns req~:..:e work:..ng knowledge of standard photograph:..c reFroduc~:..on precesses, procedures, mater:..als and ~~:?ment, - e.g_ to produce blaCK and whlte pr:..nts and trans- ~ parene:es· fro::! aerial neçat,¡ves; to op4!:a:e a ver::cal camera to produce a var:e~y 0: c:n- t~~uous tene anè l~ne t:.l=s/pr:.nt~; · - pos.:..'::..cns rec.~:..:e !a~l:..ar::1 w~th selec~ed, mere a¿va~=e~ ~e~~=~s when as s ~st:..:-,:; Jour~e~en tec~nlc:ans. e.g. mar.ual proce3s~~g of lar;e s:..zes [e.g. 48" Jt 7:"'} of papers and f~:~s; lar~.e scale (e.q. 19:" x 4 ~ It \ ~ . , ccn ~acO: 'oI'Cr~; set up ot large scale ~erk on a · . hor:..:cntal cace:a; ãt1 . pes:.::..cns r~~:re qooC phctcq=aph~c sk:..lls to work ~:..:~ a~ "' ac::e;:~ac:e level of .c:~=acy and eff:.::..ency I :..n a ¡ pr:è~e~~=n-~~~~~:~è Qpera:~=~. · I e.;. sx:.:: ~n Ct:3~~~~; r:e~~se l:..::e :~~;~~e=$es ~~e~ un=er~ax¡~~ s~reads and ;~CKe5: -In :@p:=d~=:~g ~' :::=-:-ec~ va':'-..:.es ~~ ~~l:~~~e- lae~~a::~~ t:r:= ::.:-.ç: .,. ÌI , I harfè -~~ ': ':. .:.~q r L"":Y :... .;. :.~ 5 f::: C=:~:"C:3: r eç:. s ~=a.: :.:::-, :::: , . :...:.açes; :Du.:.:.;:..t! ¡ peS1.t:..::n, !e~::~; as :!C~~~=:ðn-~~-:~ar;e :.:~ ~ . ~@~S=i. =~e~~:::~~ II I ~ .. . I c~r:""/:':':; CL.:: a ::.~:.te¿ se:ec::.:n ~f st3n¿ar= ~nc:=ç~3~~:'= ! ret=r:x....;.¡::~:.=~, ;:-:c~'!s~s req~~:~ =ðS~: ;~:~~ :ea¿ersh~;.s~:::s. I I e.g. :~ p:=Y~~e lns::~=~~~~s ð~d see t:.~a: :~ev a=e - II f::~:.:"'e-ci , and ':= q~ve as!:.stance to ~ u.r~ :. :: = teç~~:. ::...aral t as rl!'G'..l:r~d . "- I Date ct Issue I Page A' ¡.. -- I ® C'vtl CL4SS STANDARDS s.""C'I t Com"",s,soO" ¿)qc.o Ö"\! aro , Ca:"90ry Groue I Tt:HNI~ SERVICES TS~04 PHO:"XKAÿKY , , Serl~ I C¡an Code J Tt:::fNIC :À.'i , PHO':'OGRAFHIC S:1~eJ . . Jl.l.dgl!IMH"t. : - poSlt:.C:':S usually vork under c¡eneral SUpervlS1.0n of ehe ilMled:.ate · su~erv:.ser or 4 more senlor technlClan, ..c¡. vork is spot cheeked a!~er ccmplee~on for Accuracy 4n~ quality: · - judge=e:: i.s exerc:.,ed in car:y:.ng OUt star:dar::! ~:':lced~res d;.O I Frecesses ac:or~:..nq to presc::.b@d/establ:.s~ed met~ods. · e.;. in se'::':'nq ex?Osure t:..::es ,ac:·,;z:·a:.ely c.epenè:.ng on tl'le c!'.aracter:.st.:.es of Iftatu';.al used: u:. ma.it:.ng rout.:.ne adJus~ents tQ UlIprove the qual:.t.Y of t~e re~r:~~ct;.on: HI dete~;":'1l::q · where proble~s have oc=~rred lrl a pr~cess and - tak:.~g correc::.ve a~::.~n suc~ &S ad;~$~:.ng developer sFe@d; · - H1 pcs:'::'Ol'l' of eechnlc:.ar.s~:.n-char;e, Ju::!;reeen: :.s exe:=:.seè J.~ - pr::v:..::':..::.g tec::.r.~cðl d~r~c,:~on :0 )Unlot' st~~!~ ~er!:::~~~g I r~;:...::e~:ary tasks or processes of l~:n,;.ted v4r:.e':ï. e~;. tn resclv,;.nq ro~:,;.r.e prod~c:,;.on pro=~~~s: l - :udçf!~@:-:~ :lay 'Oe exere~5ed In provld:':lq te~:!1:u:a: ass:.s~ance ~:: ,~ sen.:.o:- $:af~ ear:-y.:.nq out advar.c~ reproduc::.cn work. ea;. e~5ur~ng the cor:-e~': proeesSlng of ma~er:.a:s wh~=~ a ser:.:.Q! tee:::.,;.::.:.anJ.$ e)Cpcs:.::g; eval.~a- ! I · t,;.nq precessed ~:e,-:als :..n o::!er :0 ad....:se ( t~e sen.:.or tech::.:.::.an abcut any dev:.at:or: !:-=:::m \ ) ex~ected q~a:.:.:y standar::'s w~:.:e , I ~~.e ..e::< lS I In proçress. i · I I A:=~~t..~ac:.::.':·' : i i I , · - ?cs~:~:~s are ac=~u~:a=le !:: :~e ac=~~a~y a~è ~~3:~:ï =~ ::-:e.:.. ~ : wcrx ~5:.~q s~ar.darè5. e!~a=:.:.s~e-=. ;:~:esse~5 a~= ;:~~~~c·...:=e5 . e.:. wcrx :lJS: :=~:=~~ := r!q~es::: r l!q~;.: !=-:-:e~.:.~ .. and :.5 sul::e-::: t= :~e:~~~q ~y :~e s:..:~e~",t;. sc.: , or sen~cr teC~:l:.e:.ar.; I ! . Io/r:ere 0.= 5:'::' ::1",$ ser'/e as :ec~~~=~J~-~~-~~ar;e ~~ :-3 Fe:'"son · :~:'a: ~::::"S, ~:-.e't ð::e .C:-=I...:.:",,,~a.=..e f:: ~~e d~:ec~~:~ of- ;~~~=r s:~:- : i 1 I ar.è '::-. e ~ ·~a .:. ,;, :. ï 0 f 5ubcr:::..~.a ': es . ..,:: r~; , ; ! , I , I ¡ ¡ ~ate 01 Is.s...e i ~c;e , ,." 1 . . ('.-. ~ ® c,.... - CLASS STANCA ; , ~"'~ · CoIT'lIT'l''''lCIr'I ~C¡ì CIl'UaA) " . Grouo - · C,¡teogor)' TtCHNICAL SERV::!S ':'S-04 PH~;:l.;..PHY Serie'S C:a~s Coce TtCHNIC:AN, PHC':X¡:l,APHII: 5 ¡.~ 3 J · .- · ....ccoun eab Hi. ':y: (ccM:'lluedl . po!~t¡ons are alsQ ac:ountacle tor rout~~e produ~~~cn-re~ð:ed · tunc':lons. .,g. mC~leo~lnq the ¡vailabll:'ty/sultatlllty of ~terlals for work to be dene (1.n small 2-3 ~erson operat~ons. th.:..s :r.ay also lr'.volve · in¡:¡.::n9 tne order¡nq precess ter s:"cc.lt! of l,¡.:tlted ::~nc;e. value and quane:tyJ : car:-/l.~g C~t preventae~ve mA1.nten4nce eas.ltS sue:: as II req~lar re:oval and clean~nq of rcl¡ers t: ¡vold aCraS10l'lS by dr.:..ed c::e~.:..=al bUll:-~?; · - the i~Fact of errors at t~is level :'s measurable because of t~e var.:..ety of mðter.:..al. eq\Jlt::tel'lt and tec!",J1lq\.:es e:tployed. ~ e:::-ors are net always &~¡:.arel'lt ur:tll t:-.l! f~:'",a: e.g. ¡:::oc:!uc': is prlllted; errors could fl!sul: .l.l'l 1:"1 ~4:erlal wastage, los, Qf pro¿uc~:on t:~e. ca:.age to equ~pme~t anè =.:..ssed ¿eadl~~es. .. - 9 ~ I i - ~ I I j ¡ I ~ .. I [ I I , I ca[~ _or I~~~ . I ;:>a~e I ~ ~ C! 1 I - 'oI"l.Ö'" . - . ® c.¥'ll CLA.SS STANQ,A.¡:IOS ¡ s.~ c-J'1 ~' ~mmLUoO" ~ I- ... Ç.¡:egory I Group - \ 1 TtC~!CAL StRV!C~S TS·04 PHC-:-:X:;;U PH:~ 1 .' ;. Sen es I Class Co<:e I I TECHNICIAN, PHOTOCAAPHIC S2SaS - nCHNICIAN 3. PH~:X:;AAPHIC · T::':'5 clasll covet's poslt.~ons of journeymen technicians eng49~n9 in .¿·...ar.c:ed photogr&ph~C reproduc~~on work i~ oper&t~ons provld~n9 a full range o! · tec~n¡çal photoqiaph¡c servlc~s cr in un~:, r~u~r.:.n9 technlcal I I phctoqraFh~e support servlces: poSltlons NY prov:.~e qroup leaC:e:sh:.p t:: I ass1q~ed S~&t! per!~~lnq sta~dard ~hot~:aph¡= re~roductlon wor~, If..a y I ass~St sen:or tec~:'lc~ans in earrYlng ou~ s;ec¡al::ed asslg~~ents. ar.d/<::r I · ! - cay rec:e~ve 1nc::;::::'::~ we:::)t requests and ad') ~!le c 1. ¡ eto ':.s on pr od'..lc<: 1 or: ::e':.~~~::s \ 1n larger operat.:.ons where a wld. varlety of worx l' carrled out, · 5<1115 and Kr.owleè~~; ì r ~ I , pe5~tlons r~~~re sound kr.owledq~ o! advanced phoeo~raph~= I - I ~ ¡:r::cesses. p~::c:edures . mAter~als A~à equl~ent. I e.~. to use a eo=plex hor~:=~tal ~a=era to ~roduce I I I half-tones· for of~set pr~nt~~~; tc use a 1 varlety of VACUum tra~e equ~pment tor advanced 1 I '1 c~n:act work 5UC~ as la:;e scale ~ree~$~on li reç::.st.er. mul:¡ple co==~nat:on c4r~cqraph¡= i WCI rk ; J I · I - pcs:.::ons requ~:e wel:-develcþed phOt=q~afh¡c SXlII! to \oIor ( "':':::' d ¡ I h:;~ degree of Aczuracy anà ef~¡c¡e~cy ~~ a proèuet~on-or~et.':.ec I Q. o::erat~on. i a.c:..~:..,:y to œAn~?ulate ~.:!r~als and operate I e·9· ; ü: !:::r:s o~ eq"-:.~F:ne!':: ~.~ ~a~\,;.al and au-:=~.a :e¿ çr=~ess¡':1C:;: a=~:~:y :: c=~:::l ¡=~r:an : lac- I t:::5 (su=~ as det va¡~es. ll:¡,e tt,:-,c:x~.e5s. I I d:..=et:s ¡ ona 1 stae:1.¡ty) ~~~:~ ~ave a c:~t~=al 1 e!!eet on :~& q~,l~~,:" ~! t~~ re~~=d~=~~=n; \ ¡ I 1 - ~~ :ar;e OFer3e~=~s e~:::cy~~; a w::.:'e :a~;e == eG~~~~e~:, :":':.d":~:~~':".s, r i ...r.:: 'oIcrJe tYres, reið:e¿ a~aiyt:=a~ SI(~':':S ar!! rl!q~~:eè. i e,q. e; eva~~a=~ ~crx :e~~eSts t~ ~~~erm~~e t~e I ¡ aç;::=çr:'.i,:;e p:ocess:..::; =!C:"".::'':''~~'':f!S t.:: e!!l;:~:::Y \ a~c ':;c p:'"i!Fa:e wr:..::e;: :,::s::~c::=~s/sFec:!¡- ca~:'or.s; i I , .. :ar;e c~~:a~~o~s, a e~o::~;~ u~:e:s:an¿:nq of prc~uct:.=~ ~e:~c=s I - \ .... ð!".: C:lst~ ~ay l::e r~~~:ed . I , ¡ :0 dss:,S1:,'ad'Jlse ~l.:.e/'l:s on re¡:::;lduc:~~n , ~.q. I !!Ia~er:.als and tec~~:~~es and :~.e trios: eC::lnc- I 1 ! I m.:.ca: :lleC!icds {:r c:~ç~~-:.:.~g sFec:..!¡C re¡:r~- 1 d:..::~on re<::['.;:.:e::len:s; t: ;f.:.ce cc~ple:ed ~crK tor l.nvoJ.::~nc;; -~ - r,.............. ....4 ~...~ ~" ¡ Page í I - ." " · ® Cr~ - CU.SS STANCAROS ~~=UOOI1 ~ 1/'"10 J~l · ~ ~ )~, ~ Category 1 Graue - \ TtC~~!C~L SERVICES TS-04 PHO~OC¡u.PH:C . · 5t!ries I C:ass Ce<:e - TtC~!C:::AN . PHO'!'OGAAP!-! !C S2~as 1 · Sk~ll! and ~cwl~1~e: (cont;.nuedl · - q~oup leadership sk¡ll~ may ~~ needed tQ prov¡de e.ctn¡=al d~rec~~on to ass~q~ed stat!. e,9· te sc~edule and allocate wo~k through all ! · phases of produc~10n, ¡ ;uèS'e~eÌ':;-:; · pc5¡t.:.cns wQ:-k under ;er.eral su¡::er...~sio-n wi:.~ llu.n:.=:al I - tec;-....-.,;,:.a .:.. , c;.rec:.:.on except 'on pro;ec:s of a nor.-rout~ne or s~ec¡al¡:e~ ¡ I na:'.1re. I · e.g. com~leteè work is usually s?Ct-~~ec~ed cy t~e 1 super/lsor or ol:.eot for adr,erence to 5 cand-, I - ards o! q1,;al~tYi I I !i , - ':":::eFendent Judge~en:' ¡s exerc:.s@d 1n carrYlng out an aèva~:e~ :evel of phocograF:::': rerroõuc:.:.on work w~t~:'n general qu¡=e~~~es. ~, e.g. in eva¡~at:.~q work req~est.5 eo deter:ft~:~e apprcpr:a~e ~e~~ods; ¡n an~~c¡patinç po:en::al I à~!!~:~~:~es because of var:a::ons ~n tte qual:-:y of cr:.;:~als and de~e~:nlnq ~here {~ and ...ha: testS snould ce made; 1n ':eeer::\..:~:.-:q i - ...hee~er :te q~al~:y of a f.:.nlshed produc: u ae:e~:~=~e anè what e~an;es could be made ' ~ .., e i the e=~ç':'ex pro:ess to l::;rove ::::.s; , I " t I - ~::' ?Cs.:. ::..c:-:s :eee¡·/:.r.~ ¡nc:œ':':'lç wc:io: re-q~es':s. Judge~e:'"'.:. :.s e ;( e :- = ¡ s ed ' .. l:..a:.s:..~g "'1:~ :~:..ents and ¡:lrocbc":. ¡ on sta!:. ... ~ - ¡ e.:;, aS5~S:~~; c~s::~er' :.n prepar:nq work a~~::- I pr:.a:eo:':/ !::~ :~çr:>è~=~:'::"1; In mon~~o:~~ç ~~e I pro;:!S5 of ~c:x and e~ec~:..ng c:~p:e:e¿ JC::s: , ! in c:-~~:~~a:~~q pre-rress !::::: . 0t:e:a:.:.ons ::::~.. ! Flex ~~::¡-~:l=~r repo::s: I , I ~ , ¡ - ¡:C!::: :..::r:.5 :nay use :..~:..:;a::ve by rec:~:.end:..~~ . .. t:".e s\.:;:e:·;:"s:: ~~ :' .-..1.'"": ;-es :,:¡ :.!!':ç:=t.t~ :..-:e ~:-:.:.:s~ over a':'': o¡:e-:a:~cn¡ e,g. w:..:':"'. ':-~5:ec~ :: .cr~ ;r:=eè~:e5. eG.w.~ t=~.en:., " tï::~9 ::: ~d':!:".:.a.l o.lseè, - I I 1 . ~ II - ¡ c a:e_ ~: :S,Sl..:e - - -- \ P-a.ç ~ ~ 01 . - I , · ® Ci...., -- CLASS STANCAç:\DS t s.1"'nC8 ~n 3e:.c Cft.vto · Cat&lil ory GrOUD I PR:AMSL: TE:~¡CÅL SERVICES TS-oJ4 PH()T'XiV,PH: C I $en es I C',au Cl:)oe I · T~NI=IAN. PHOTOGRAPH I C 52535 - , · Aceeufltae~llty: . pcs~tion5 Are accountaele for the ac:uracï and quallty of t~e · .è....anced reFroduct:.on wOl."k they c:arry out; where appllcat~e, t:-.ey ~'I be &c-:~un<:.able !or the equallty ~t standard "'or~ car~~ed C~t by .ss:.qned seat!, · e.q. ~slt:.::~S at en:.s level Ibay deal duect~ï "'lot!". I the c1.:.ent, from ln~tlat~on of t~e req'..;est I through to comp:~tlcn; I , · i ",..:e~ a.!slg::ed, pcSl :lCr:S ...re 4e::::l.:nr:.¡lc:'e f:::r qroup leaèe~s~¡; cf i - D:::"e Junior s ta f f . ! I e.g. s ched1,;l; ~ç "'QJ~ (. prOVl.d~:lÇ trall'llnq. men.:..tcr- ! · inq co~ç:eteè work; I I , - , - PCSlt:.Or.S are alsc ac=~~n~acle fcr a var:.ety ot ncn-rcl.:~:'ne · - F:=è~=:lon-:elat~ tunc:lcns. ! , ~.q. =a~ntaln¡~ç ~uallty control. mAlntaln~ng St~c~ C::lnt.==l; pr:=vldlng adm1nlst.rat.lve aSSlst.ance I . 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