HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-0263.Weekes.92-12-01 ON T A BIO ~:MPL O Y E S DE LA COURONN,r: CROWN F'MPL 0 YEES DE L 'ON TA RIO GRIEVANCE CQMMISSlON DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS ~'UNO,4.$ STREET WEST, SUITE 2;00. TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5G ~,Z8 TELEPHONE/TELEPFtONE (4;6,~ 326-1388 RUE DUNDAS O(JEST, F~UREAU 2100, TORONTO (ONTARIO,). MSG IZ8 FACSIMILE,'T~-L~COPIE . ~,4 ~5) 325- t396 263/91, 264/91, 1229/91, 1441/91, 1442/91, 2560/91, 2561/91, 2562/91, 2563/91 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYBES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ~CT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Weekes) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Correctional Services) Employer BEFORE: B. Fisher Vice-Chairperson G. Majesky Member D. Montrose Member FOR THE D. Wright GRIEVOR Counsel Ryder, Whitaker, Wright & Chapman Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE J. Ravenscroft EMPLOYER Grievance Officer Ministry of Correctional Services 263/91, 264/91, 1229/91, 1441/91, 1442/91, 2560/91, 2561/91, 2562/91, 2563/91 BOARD ORDER Attached is the Memorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed would be made an Order of the Board. DATED at Toronto, this 1st davy of D~er, 1992.  Chairperson ~G{ Majdsk~, ~mb~r Name C~E~AL O~FT=E~ 2 Classifica~ion METRO TQRONTO ~ST DET~TION work Location GSB FILES 263/91, 264/91, 1229/91, 1441/91, 1442/91 _ 2560/91, 2561/91, 25~2/9~ BETWE~ ONT~IO P~LIC SERVICE ~YEES ~ION (Th~ ~O THE CRO~ IN RIGHT OF ONT~IO (Ministry of CorreGtlonal Services) (The Ministry) The Parties agree to the full and final settlement of all the grievo~'s outstanding grievances concerning competltions, harassment or discrimination, including but not limited to the gri=va~oes noted above, without precedent and without to any'future and/or similar_matter on the following te~s: 1. The Ministry agrees to assign the grievor to a permanent fuil-time position as a Probation and Parole Officer 1 at ~oarborough West Probation and Parole Officc~~ ~c~-=%~_-/, ~. 2. The Ministry agrees ~o re,circle =he ~ievor's salary at the maximum rate for a Correctional Officer 2 for the period of the ~rievor'~ underfill as a Probation and Parole Officer 1, consistent with Ministry policy and practice. The Ministry agrees %ha~ the social work probation and parole professional development examinations taken by the grievor in January, 1991, shall be expunged and be of no force and effect. Memorandum of Settlement con~,d. Anthony Weekes Pag~ two 4. Th& grievor and the Union acknowledge =hat the grievor pass all the Probe=ion and Parole professional d~velopment exams' prior to being promoted to a Probation and Parole Officer 2. 5. The Ministry agrees to tape record ~he oral part of the grievor's probation and parole professional ~xaminations in future, and ~o provide t~e grie¥or wl~h a copy of the Uape if th~ grievor so requests. 6. The grievor a~r~es to abide by any special scheduling arrangements ~or the exams which Staff Training deems to be n.ca~ary in ordor to o~mply wigh olau~ ~ file the two Derfo~ance a99rai~ale ~ate~ June g. Th~ grievor an~ the U~lon acknowledg~ that ~he ~rlevor has ~resenoe of hi~ counsel. At =he grlevor'~ re~es~ the ministry agre~ ~o remo~e the ~ouments li~te~ i~ ~=h~ule A or'this settlement from ~he grievor's personnel file. 9. The Ministry remains co~i~ed ~o enforcing the Ontario Public Servic~ (OPS) policy which sta~es that employees have the right to fair and equitable conditions of emplo~ent without discrimination or harassment on the grounds of raCe/colour, ancestry, plaoe of origin, ethnic origin, lan~age or dialect ~9oken, citizenship, roli~ion, sex, sexual o=iemtatio~, age, marital or family status, a~tual or perceive~ disability and criminal charges or record. The Union endorses ~he OPS Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Policy and is also co~itted to ensuring ~iscrimination and harassment-free WorkDlacm. Memorandum of Settlement con='d Anthon~ Weekes 10. The grimvor and ~h= Union agr~ to withdraw all the grievor's outstanding grievances concerning job competitions, harassment or discrimination presently at any stage of the grievance process or before the Grievance Settlement Board, including but not limited to the nine (9) grievances listed above.