HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-0729.Smith.93-07-19 ~,,,. ,'i~.'.-;· ,,.,'. .' . .ONTARtO EMPLOY£$DELACOURONNE '~ :'": ii.. ".":'?:J: ': :;' CROWN EMPLOYEES DEL'ONTARIO BOARD DES GRIEFS ~80 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2~00, TORONTO, ONTAR~, MSG ;Z8 TELEPHONE/T£L£PHONE: (476) 326- 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2;00, TORONTO (ONTARIO). MSG ~Z8 FACSIM~E/~CO~E ,' (416) 326-~396 729/91 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before BETWEEN OPSEU (Smith) Grievor _ - and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Health.) Employer BEFORE M, Watters Vice-Chairperson · E, Seymour Member R, Scott Member FOR THE J. Monger ~RIEVOR Counsel Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Barristers & FOR THE D, Costen RESPONDENT Counsel Legal Services Branch Management Board of Cabinet H~RiNG June 29, 1992 February 1, 1993 March 26, 1993 This pr'oceed'~n9 arises from Che ~tr',ev~r~ce oi: 'Mr. Gary Smi'btn d~bed Al..~r~l 1, 199i, the mat, eria~ part o-F ~',~ich reads' STATEMFNT OF GRIEVANCE L;ari,~J';ig c:er L'~;,'~ ampl~),;,~ ""r'o:~ !'.~ ~,:,~}ir)y~e lounge SFTTi_~N~t,~T Tk~'. tie ~'m,p]r:.yer make reasonable prov~sions for the e:ni~loy~-.,: i.',~;nge aL tiaa 'f'ieek Thp ,','~evc::r iq ;~ Ambuq~anc'e A'l-.l=r~(.:f~"l~ employed by t. he Mtn'fsf. ry of Hea1~.h Bhrough ~he .DtCawa-C;xrleton Reg4onal Ambulance- Service. ~'e has v,ot-ked ¢'or th~ ~n~st. ry ~n th~s capacity ~or appro,~-'.~a~v...,... . n~'~t:~.~-_ ...,. , tla't.,~ yeaFs. Gene, at ;v,, ~e ~s re.,u~,~, 'red ,_~mbJ~ar~,~ ~r"~ ~n exFed~t,~ous c~nd safe Ti'..~ t.,Fese~t Fi~=et. Centre, which i>~ ¢;peraLed by k. he Ministry of Nea~bh~ opened in the Spr~n~ of 1991. it is located at 2280 f'ormaF'ty hOL. Ised in older pr-emi~,es lock, Led plsewher-e. The Fleet Cerlt. r-e is ma,~r:,~e~} i.'~y IdF. HarTz 'rerz~)l:~,~'lo~. He has a ~o'hal of · [-'o~r ~4) mec, hanis~ IJtld~]l" his direc~ ion, The mechanics, who work between t?'P hours o'F 7:~5 a.m. arid 3:45 p.m,, are respomsibta for the servicing ~Fld repair of ambulances opeFabing in.the Otbawa- qtt, I~,:.~;~ region and ~n ~.h~ t'.':road~r gengr-aph~:ca] ~rea. The in '~(~[:.~1, bl~e Fl~t Cen'~re services ~nd ~'ep~-[r'8 a t.n~al b,~t~,.,ee:~ s xt.y (60) arid ei'ght;y (~0) ve~,,icles. Tl',e 3oard was t. old that ~:~ Ottsa~,~a-CamIeton Regfona~ grn[:ulance Service opeca'Be8 ('~sn) Arrbula,-~ce Atfl~ndan~s are e;..'i-.4,c~,~r~ I-,) t. he vehicles ~h~c~ are (a) -~:~,na~ ~ach week duc-ina i:.he x'int, er mon-'h'a, He est. ima'~ed Lhat. e~ch v~s~U las2s approx~ma2e~y one-he'll (~) hour, alChougt~ on fx:c~xio~ t.!~e e'iay could be of ;onger d~;rabion. ~f the required work i~ proiected to take longec t, han one-hail (~) hour, ~he Amb~lanc~ Abt. endant;,s may be given 8n aiLernat.e vehicle. The g'r~-vc~," ~ba'(~d that. t. her'e ~.o~i~d be~-.,ek.,~..-n' ' a~ six (6) and e~ght (8) '-lmb~ia~;es ~n 1..i-~e F~eel.. Cenb,"a ,~h any given time. He advfised 'k. hab ~t. wou~d no", be unusual to t~ave l:wo (2) crews, each cempr'ised r,f' t~r) (2~ AtLendan'hs, wafi'bing at. 1;he Oentre for ~he compleflion of' repa'irs ~;o t, he~r veh~cles. Fie fur'~t~er' acknowledged hhat., from Lim~ ~o l~ime, 'the number' of persons ~a~ting could ~c~d four (4). The time sl-~en~ by 1;he gr'~evr~r' ak khe Fleet O~nt, te is cnn~dered ~o be ~ori.;, rat, her ~han rest, Amhul:~nc.e Atl_endanb8, whi-'le at t. he Fleet. Centre, are not permi1',t, ed t.o wait, in khe empleyea lounge. This area is also r~'Fer re~t 1,n :~ the mechanic~' iur~ot~ r'(~om. Tr~'tead, a separate ~[~,'if';r:ai ;),, bhe Employer has ~ed ~,-Ff' ~ '~en foot (i0') by lt.~e~va ?de~. (12') area w~t,h ple-,[-~jlass wail d~v~der's. These d~v~ders, vd~ ;e bo'~t, ed t.~gether, ~r'e '[-'fee ~t. arldin9. They are between s~x +'eet (6') and.seven feet (7') fin height. ~s a ,,ons!.ruct. ed around the waiti~]g ar~a. TI'e hl. JbiFlg i8 approximately ' ..... '~"~ and is anchored into 13he i.hrae 'inch~.q ~,,:, ) by Bbree finch~=~ ~,-- . garage ?~oor with six inch (6") concrei-.e ho'its. The bottom and l.op rails are positioned at. bum[>er '~eve~ so as t.o cushion any contact with a reversing vehicle, This r'ai]'ing was apparently r '- ,-', ~ ~ evance The wa~tfing area, or "the bubble" as ~b was cef'eFred t.o, does no~ have a ce~ng. ~. ~s open at. ?.he fop tn the gacage ca~ I~ng, Addi'Lionai]y, fit does no~ have ~'bs own d~stincL hea~ng or ven'Ll'iakion systems. The wa~ng area is furnished w~h two (2) co~ches a cha~t, a coff'ee-~able ~,~ Q an end-table ~ copy of' a n~nt. ograpt~ of' the ~rea (e~t~ib~'~. 7~b)') 'is appe~ded to th~s Award. Mechanics working at., t. he F'Ieet Ce~ltre take their lunch bebween 12:00 noon and 12:30 p.m. Ti~ey a/so are entiL]ed bo an unspecified number of co. ffee breaks during ~he day. A8 $~a~ed alcove, the mechanics have a sep~r'a te 't unch- room that 'they may use 3 f¢~r L}~ei? ,~e~,t and coffee break~. Tt,e l,~nc.t]roo~ i$ loeat, ecJ away from the mechanics' bay~. ~l'. is a ten ~'oot (10') by sixteen foot is in close pr'n~miLy t.o ki~. Ter'zc':pt~,J'l~s' ql-'f~ce. ~'b ~s equipped ,,,~i~t, ;-; t. ab~e a.~ ~x (6'~ c, hairs t'.wo fo) nui~ .r ~c)~L chairs a The grievor in his-evidence raised a number of health and s~.~Fe'r.y con~erns ,~ith respecl;, to 't,i~e ;tt. endant, s' ~afft~ng area. t. he ~_,hrus'k of i~s ev~de~'~c:e %b. at suci~ concer-ns cio not~ ex~sb ,,"is ?.he mechanics' lunch-torito. The 9cievor's assertions regard were answered by kit. T~,rznpnuIcs anti by Mr. George one of t. he mechanics at the F~eet Cen~,re. The lat.'Let genL~eman a~so serves as the C, eqk. ra's elected Hea~th and Safety R al..,, r e se n t,r~ i-. ~ ye. The g~i.~vor st. ated that the. A'h'Eendant.q~ ,,.,,ai'[.~i~g area is equipF~ed w'ii;i-~ inadequate lighting to t;i~e e×tenE t-.hat he is unable t,o read wh~ le there, Mr. Terzopoulos cont~ested this asset%ion. in his judgment, bhe quality of 'bhe li9htin~ does no~ differ mate/i a 1 1 y bebween t. he two (2) areas i n issue. 4 The grievor stated that the waiting area Is coyered by dust, a for Q¢ dus't ~-, t.t'~a ~,.~nr~ h..ay~. ~= ~u~jge~:.ted th;s would be the r.n-~¢-.¢r~ed 'l-h~ l~h~hoO~ l'haf- 'bhe~-e is qess dust rQom. Np fmphasi xed; however, ?,h&t both nocaf, ions are cleaned a daily basis. ¥~e orievof c,,.mlp 't *. i ned about; L.i~e lack .;~ a ~eparate heating ~nur'ce for the waiting area. He expressed the opinion 'that the %he garage door opens to a~ow for Lhe en'?,r), or ex~ of ~pver'r~] minu'k.e:, ab a time and 'i:hat d~rr'ir'~g s~]ch per'iod Lhe fills up wit, h c:~ld air. Ne st:atad %hal iL ~-akes a while for chid air 'ho clear. Fr'ofi~ his pecspecLive, si'L-bing ~n 8he bubhl~ is akin tc~ be'lng in "an ice-box". We were told that -this of temperature change occurs on a frequent, basis, Ter'-,opout~s agreed thaL t, empecat, t~res in the waiting area T~r'.'o]~Ot.~jos [Iqr'iic;at. ed 'hha!5 the hlasJ':~ r-,.f' ~',eh "1ir ~'~'3r11 the h~ater8 c),l 'f.he e~l-. rand we~st:. ,,,.,'all.q ~er,/e ~e rC'.~nteFart' Phc cold air c:~m~mg ir~ tl. lrnugh 'Y, he oj3~r~ deOF. H~ h~v~r'~'k~le~q~ agre~ct ~,ha't. f'?~,c i'~r-~h~r-,g '~',~r,~[~ec,s.L.(.~re~ "aq parc of' tn{s jr]~." ..' . . .,,-~ -, fluqd get 'hracked inBo -bhe waiting area. ~e ind~c~'hed 'FUrbher Bhat, ~4rql'~k~ t~'e meoh~n~cs' bay¢, 'I7. h¢ f'leor }r~ hhe area is not "ant. i- .~'1 'ii)" Hr'. ler~',,-¢uios,(..~ ~ agreed hha'~,. "~ 1quids e'F various, type8 fr'equer]t]y spill onto the garage floor. He advised %hat all sp'ii]s are immed'fabe]y absorbed and removed. He also asserted ,.h,~h an't,i-~ir'} na';r~b iR fnur]d within L.~e wa4ting area MY'. Daly confirmed t ~;.,uP :* all spills ar'e cleaned up immediately. Th~. 9rievor testified %hat ~t ~s ,ext. rerne~}, ~{o]sy ~ t.h~ ~aiking area as a result o~~ Bhe work being perfor'med by ~he rr:echanics. Reference was made, ~nter alia, t.o their ~se of hammers, compressed air tools, cub-[-,4r~g koois end grinders, ali of which crea!;e a subs15an'bia] volume of noise, i'b was the gr¢~vor's evidence hhmt; the noise level makes it impossible for 6 him to communicate with others without yelling. He stated that he has experienced "a humming" in his head when leaving the area. Mr. Terzopoulos readily acknowledged'that the noise in the garage area can be loud, even "uncomfortably" so. He stated, however, that Fleet Centre staff have learned to live with it. He informed us that no other Attendant or mechanic has approached him to complain about excessive noise. Hr. Terzopoulos conceded that conditions are more quiet in the lunch-room. Mr. Daly stated that the sound level does not, in his estimation, pose a risk. He, nonetheless, agreed that it was possible the noise could lead to ear damage. He noted that new types of pneumatic tools serve to suppress the noise resulting from impact. It was his belief that noise im a garage "comes with the territory." The grievor testified that it 18 normal to have items such as boxes, pallets or ladders leaning against the bubble. He expressed a fear that these items could be pushed through the p]exi-g]ass partition if bit by a vehicle. Mr. Terzopou]os agreed that equipment is frequent]y stored in front and to the side of the waiting area. He staled that, while other Attendants had not raised this concern, he would be prepared to advise staff through the placement of an appropriate sign %hat articles should not be ]eft next to the area. Mr. Terzopou]os was prepared to concede the obvious fact that the lunch-room is safer than the bubble w~th respect, to the possibility of ]]n ~. sirni'la¢ vein, t. he fr'ievor ~ugg¢~Eed bhat the operation o.F vehiotes in gear while Te~zopoulos agreed that, ~"¢oli] Li,~l~' !'.(~ time, mechanics d,~ ¢~e¢ci 1-,o noted that thare are safe'by dev4ces on fha hoists to prevent. ,.,¢~-ic]es from co~ing ~f%'. Mr. Da'fy advi';ed that t,e ¢ee~s safe wot'king t4nderneath the hoists. He sLat. ed that no one has been injtJred by a moving veh4c~e whi~e ~e has been at the F~eet The grievor e×pressed the opinion that, on occasion, the m~chanicq operate the vehicles af-. arq excessive rate of speed with'in t. he garage area. N'e a}so stat. ed that they do nos a~ways reverse the ~mbulances 5n a sa~e 'Fashion, The grievor believed P.i~af. '[hes~ pract{ces const{tt~te a ~;~¢et.y riff, for ~hose per'sons ~,~,~'~ might be Ri'L-.'k. in9 ~n the waiting area. The grievor was concerned that, the waiting area does not have a distinct ventilation sy.~tem, TE was his evidence that the ventilation is worse i'n that area than in tile rest of the garage ~s "hhe air is not free to move around." He ,~uggested that there ~.~ a high level of airborne dusb and that i;here -is "a 8tench" in Khe bubble emanating frnm t, he gas, oi'l, brake fluid, varsol and (,;~aning ~F-I~.~rt~ used by the mechanfic-,~. The grievor testified w~ efiv'ig~d that. ~fter waiting in l:.he area, P,e ~xperiences a dry khrnmt.~ a f-~l~]aaefl no~e c~nd a congested fee~ng in t, he ches~. He ,.,~'.i~ r~p~<.k kn :~r- n~ai~ty w-it.h~n t. he Fleet. Centre, T~sl~ng wa8 ~niL~ally c.~md~oted on-F~bruary 18, t~99 b>' the Fmployee Health a~ Safe~'y Services Branch nf t:he M~n~sl:ry of Government, ==r,~'~r. es Ti~is ~ ..... Ling focused on carbon mc. noon'de, carbon fi ~ ox -i rte , tempera't.~]re and re]e't:.ive humid~t.y at. various locations witi~n the CanE. re. The carbon monc)~ide measurement~s were well below f. he indoor air quality guidelines a'nd industrial standard. The ~ame wa~ ~r'l..]e for carbon dioxide. The report. (exhibit. ~k~l'.~$ a't' ?.a~e 6' "The result, s of this ~iJrvey w~t.h respec'b -bo ~;, ind~oa~e t. hat the fresh air supply ~s sufficient to main'ba~n c~nnppr.~b~ ~evei~ of vent flat,on for 'bhe garage ~rea under s.i~i'~;~r v~hic'l~ ~nad ennUi'Lions." Tempera~,l~e reading~ ranged bet. w~n t~.~ and 25.~ degrees Celsius. The reporb nobes l'.i~e~e l-.~mpPra'h~res "n~oseiy approximate" t.h~ re,event guideline m~r~g~ for t. he ~int, er ~eason. Th~ ahove-menhi~r]ed repr~rt, also cr)mrnqnl',s on a build-up of par-t.~c:~late ah 'Lh~ frash air duct cmnnact,,ion joints, I'b notes ~'l',at r'~r~'ic~lal:e ~oiled a white towel posi'bioned at ~he fresh air v~n?~. Th~ inve~!.igat, lon suggested t. haf. par'ticulate was being "Pn'~rained" al:. the roof top fresh air ~ntakes. Earlier ohqpr'va%~ons had showl~ that parbiculahe/dust-, being released from l'.~p s'~ (~} exha~sC vents w~s entrained ~n nne (i) of t. he two (2) f'r'aSh air intakes. The report, recommends that ventilation e,i'~nr!~r-~g fhe h¢icjht of 1tie exhaust rants af~ r'oof level or1 ol~,~r'W~qe rcr-S~c;ing or ~'~rninalz. ir~g thc re~nl:,rodtict, ion Of exhaiJs% i~} -ih~ fr'esh a'ir imhake~ " (page 7'). CorDnra?ion <~n Ai)r'i] 2~; 1992 ~it, h r'esper:t, to carbon monoxid~ and nS-I-,rog~n dioxide levels writ, bin the Fleet Cent. re. The report (~xh~hit 6) conc'$ddes that "~:oncentr~t. ions did not exceed the iegi -'at. ed~, maw 4~T,l~ln, '14m;t.¢, for either gss during this time." The Tah}e atchac:hed to 'Lhe r'eport disc'~oses that. carbon monoxide l'..h¢ llJnr:h-F¢IQm. The repor-'b f'LirN]er' ind~ca'bes tha'b 9arage ar.t-'{vitv may have been "~Jnchanacterisl:~cal]y Iow" on the day of khe t. es'b~ng. ~r'. TerxopmJ]o¢ could no~ say ~heN~er- further 10 Mr, Terzr~poulos indiaated that, i-;e spends approximately fifty perc~.nf. (50%) of hi'~ tiaa in the off'ice and lunch-room area wi'th t.P,~ balance of ~is tim~ heine3 spent in I'.hm garage, it was his r)Dinjn~ that, while -[-.h~re may ba mere ~rnai) in t. hm gar-age anea~ I~ .air qn~I~t.S f'nur~d t..h~r-e does nob L~i'Ff'er mat. eriallx from that ex iF;t.i;'~9 in i-,ha l~nch-roem, iqr. T~/7Or}o[Jl~$ elsa emphasized that L~,ere are carbon ,nonox]de se~sur~ ior+'~.ed t. hr-oughoub the garage. The sensors activate an alarm if' lev~s go beyond an acceptable t.n p'.*!]et t.~,e f'lm]e~,. Additional]y, it cau:~es both garage doors to (~ppn. ~dr'. Terznpouios~shate~ t.t~at, o'ki'~er M]tendants have not compir~ned mboub bt~e smell nr air quality of 'the wa~bing area. lqr. Terzepoulos Bestir'led that he ks still concerned about hhe pr'es~mc:e o~' part. ic;~late ma'bt, er. He -informed us that he does net kno~ the prec~e nat.~re of ~h~ mater~a], ~e d~d indicate, however, ~hat, ~n h~8 v~ew ~1: ~8 net ashest, os, Mr. Terzopoulos st. atari that a l~qtJ~d ptope~3an'k ~s u~ed t.o prevenL brake dus~ Ernm d~ssem~na~ng, ~c, Da]y a~so agreed ~hat a safe me~hod ~s ~ed ho conl-.a~n ashest, es, He stat, ed !-.hat h~ d~ not have any cencernR with respect, to 'l;t~e level of asbes'hos within the garage. l{r. Terzopo~os asserted khat he Wanbs to address and correch any problem which might exist in terms of conbaminates. In this regard, he advised that a tender has been 8ecuFed to extend the exhaust stacks on the roof of 'bhe building. 11 his evJd~rnnr~, ~,Lat, ed '~hat he does not bel]~v~ indicated t. haL i'B i~ ~!iffic.:tlt~ for t, he hr~ral'.hJncj r~st. t, hrr~.~m off hv 'I-,hat. t, hiL~, in a'il t~ke'iihond~ is "probably had ~n,.~ ar i~vnr~ te,q*";-f'~ed .... ~h~i. he r,a~ ?een bhe mechanics smoking ri~ng~r-r~u~ prac'B~c.e g~ven Bt~e pol;en~'ial *'or fire and/or explos'ion a'l t,h~ s~te. Hel note~ ~,h~b the F~eet. fien'tre ~8 qupposed t,o be a polic;:r', ~qr. TerzopoL~]o~ indicat.~d 'Bhat Bhere are presently no ~mr)~r'~ a~- fha Cen~-e. ~r~vin~:~:!},, ,~mnker~ ~,~ere '.asked %o smol~e (~y.t,h~ ¢~t, or ~'e',B'l:. doo¢s. They ~ere nol: rer1~.~i¢ed %o open these "~ ~rl4 ~'r~C:V ." The gr-ievor st~ggest, edt. hat. t, he 'l~mch-room v~ou'td be t. he sat'er' lc, cat. ion fin t. he event, of a fire given t. ha% inflammable materials are ne'i%her st. orer. t no~ used t;here~n. He expressed t. he opinion t. hat. '~.he cement, b?ock wa t'ts wou'td serve as a beb~.er mea~s oF 12 protecLion than the partitions used ~ud~d the bubbie. Additionally, he advised that there is r~ fire exit, close to the lunch-room area, He would not., ther~fore, b~ required bo return t. hrou'gh 'the bays t.o escape a fire. ~r. Ter'Z~pOtJlOS agreed hha~' the garage was ~ h~gt-,er fire risk in r. orr, p~rison I;o t. he lunch- room. Fr)r hi~ park, Mr. Paly would ,u.,t. a?r~e bhat. t. he ~unch-room wo~,id t',~ ~a~'er iq the evenh of a 'F~r~. Me suggested '~hat. a person ~t.t, ing in the wa~t.~ng area r~ould teadily s~e a fire devp~op'i~ a~ff r.',~'i(i q~okl¥ depart frnm t.he bu~ Idin9 by way o'F %he ~ar~ g~rage dnors. Conversely, h~ ;~s~er't. ed thaL someone in t,i~ i~:nch-r~)om might no-E. be aware of ~n on-go~ng fire in the gr~rage area and that, onoe ~hey became .;aware, they would have ~o 'leave the bu~]d~ng through a sma.'ller sized door. I~!r. Da]y testified t. ha~ there have hOC been any f~res s~nc~ he started work ab t.~,e Fi ee~ Centre, In the final analysis, Mr'. Terzopoulos was not prepared to ao~ree that. ~he waitin9 area poses an ,.:nreasnnable health and safety r'isk 'ko the Attendants. He stat, ed that there are no doc:urn~nt.~d ca~a hO support "a fear" !:.h:at. t. he ge. rage is u~safe. Nr. ~aly expressed tt~e same op~nio~. As ~t.~Led earlier, it was the gr'ievor's assessment %hat the above-listed i~ea't~h and safe~y concerns could be addressed by gran~in9 ~he A~%endan~s access ~o the ~unch-room. He such access had been permi~bed a~ the ~ormer location, He 12 objected t.o t. he f'act~ tt~at he has been den'i~d 1;he same entittemeni$ alt f.h~ n~w hu~ Iding, The ~r'~vot t. eb'l'.~fi~d he h~ heart Lold on several occasions by management perspnneI i',ha'h he is no~ to use ".he !,,,~ch-roorrl. He .-k.~..ea Ll~t. he has bee~t finst:ruc~ed, 'instead, Lo ~a'i~ Cnt. he bubb'le. From &he 9rievor'~3 l)erspe~ive 'bhis ¢~lt. r i(.l'.~nn i~ 1;ar~%~.~rl~ou~t I-.o a workplace r'u-le. He be]~e,.,ed hhat. he ~Quld bG cuhject t-.o disc~p'line ~ere he t.o ~gnore khe Fmp]oy~r's ~i-[recl:~ve, Pit, Terzopo~]o~ ~h~l:.an~iaIIy conf"irmed · hi~ validit, y o'~' k. iqis belief, alt. hough he ~as uncerbain 'if he had i'.t-~6 ~erl~¢'~i't+¢ a~tt;horit, y to irrpose d'isc'pl~ne in such a case, The ~n~tan'h grievance was laufqched on t. he same day that the gcievoc ~,¢as f'jr~'l:, e~cluded from '~he meOhal~ics~ lunci'~ r-oom, It, 4s clear from the evidence r~ha'b Attendants are permitted I:o obi, a in a co-Flee from 't, he ]tjnoh-roorn, They are expec%ed, however, %o ]eave %he room once %hey have prepared their coffee. Tn t.r,e ~¢in%er mont. hs, %hey are requ4red %o return %o t. he area. ~n Lhe summer months, many of %he At.%endan%s e~ec~ ~o wai~ o,~lcs~de !'.he garage a% a picnic Cab]e, wealsher perm~&t~ng. ~ de~. area ¢~Qm 'l:.~me 'bo b~me. The 9¢ievor st. ated %ha% he does t~ave bo wa1% in %he bubble on ~he 3:00 p.m ~o 11:00 p.m. xhi'i¢ t. he mechanics ace off du%y. Zb ~as t, het, hrus5 of grievor"s evidence %ha~ %he lunch-room could accomoda%e bhe needs of bot. h t, he mechanics and ~he At. bendan%s. He sbaCed subjecb %o tshe mechanics using ~he room for 'kheir breaks, 1,1 ~re~ ~S l~r'gely unused. He did 'not. i~¢=v~ ~,n;., personal knowledge Mr-. Ter'Zopnulos did not. F:o¢]t.~,qf kl-;¢, assert:~on t!~at the criticism of the mechanic's work on their ambu]anc8. AddiLionai I?, he s~st. ed (hat t.r.e Ahbend~nts took coffee wiLhout paying for' srxme ,~nd %l-lr~-i; t, he'~ left the I~OOIT1 in a dirty condition. s~rnewha~ .Target- than ~he one ourren~ly ~n use. Mr. T~.r'zopoLalos !:,esbified thab t~he lunch-xoora is used twice per weeP,., on Wednesdays and Fridays, foe meeti~gs ~h Oucpose as his adjacent office w]l'i nob aocomodate mote thaa two (2) ~ecsnns, He fuchhec advised Lhat the mechanics have access to his office in ocdec to obta]m veh~c'~e f~]es and to use the computer and the Lelephone. In addition to regular meetings, ~r. Terzopou'ios meets with suppliers on an unscheduled basis, He st-.abed Chat, Chis occurs daily and t, hab t, he meetings routinely t5 'i a.¢t' betwee~ bh'i rty (30) mi nut, es and one ( 1 ) hour. He suggested t..hat the attendants' use of' tt~e lunch-room could interfere with l.~ese meetings. Nr. Terzopouios ais(} indica.'bed ~t',at. Lhe lunch- ~'oom is ~sed for si:afl' meetings every two (2) weeks and, nt.herwi~e, on an as-needed basis. He further acknowledged t. hat ir is inf'r'equent'~y, used' as a waiting room by family and friends (~f' [',he mechanics. Mr', TeFTopOUlOS stated t, hab the ~-~mal ter ~unch room at the ~ew C~,nt, re could not accomodate more 'khan five (5) or s4x (6) persons. He suggested ~hat it, could not: serve ~he volume of A'l¥1E. endani~ ~4ng the facilit, y t.o have their vehicles repaired or serv4ced. He noted that the grievor has access t,o kitchen facilities at, his own base. klr. Oaly concurred wit'h this assessmenL. He test, ified that i-he lunch-room is "very tight" w-it.r~ just. t, he five (5) Fleet. Centre employees using it,. The gist of his evidence was that the room is too small to 'let, others use i'b a~ a wail,'ing room, He 'Furl. her objected to the Attendants having ac<_;ess to the lunch-room at times the mechanics were elsewhere. He repeat, ed 'khe acc;usai:,ir)t~ L,i~;~i:,~ in 'l-.he past., t. he Ambulance ALkendants have ~ai led to properly clean ~he ~unch-room after its use. Mr. Terzopoulos disagreed with the grievor's assertion that bhe lur~ch-room is empty for "a, fa'ir port, ion o-F the day." From his perspective, 'bhe room is occupied for a significant portion I6 of each day. He test-.ified bhm,., no other room at the Centre could b~ ~J~efl for m~eLing purpose~. H. sha!.~d that hhe board/'tra~ning ro~m in the administrative section o2' bhe building is not.: used by operat, ior~s ~CaF'F. We were Lold bh~,t bb,~ .~[',~r~s,~id room appro~'imaCety one hundr'ed (100) yards Fr'um i~is r~f"r'ioo. Iflr'. (:an ensily be ~ooated there once 'bh~ re~air~; have been completed. Ut%imabely, it was the opinion of Mr, Terzopoulos trial thie oper-a~;ion oF t. he Fleet Cenbre would be render'ed less effective the Al3tendant. s wet(; permitted to use the i )rchroom. kit. Te;"zopou]os slated there have been several occasions in khe past where Ambulance Attendants have walked in&o ~he main garage area without first having 'followed tt]e required d~(3Oll~;~iflir~a~¢O[~ ~3r'oocec~ur~s. MOF(¢ s!:,eciric:a!fy, he referred to an ino~cient. 8pproxirnat:eiy one (1) year ago w~ere an At'benday)t, actual ly entered Cite lunch-room prior I;o 'bPi[3 co~ple'bion Of these proced~res, it was his evidence t:,t~a'b t;his Form of conduct, could lead to the spread of infecbion. ~lr. Daly expressed an identical concern. He outlined two (2) incidents in which Attendants appFoached mechanics prior bo going b},r'ough bhe decontamination 17 pr~o,:;~:~..s, Or~¢~ f,'~) of~ the~e inc~denl-.", ~>,'.~:~r'~d ouLs'ide a~ [~i~c .~a.?,]e; ~,~ ot,~er ~a~ on ~'~w~ ~'~ Floo~-. Mr. Oa]y I-~rc~:~r~y ¢,'kqr~lr, clged their rleit, he¢ ca~e involved 'the ]unch-r'oom, nr:~;~r-r-epr, e ~- a ieg4t,~rn.ete cof~o¢~fq. He was no% aware, however, For ail of hha above reasons, the Employer dec~ded to rO~:i'r)(.[., L!:e~ wa~Lir~g .'}r~a~ as de,sea',bed abQve, in the ma-in garage are~. ~r'. Te~*zopo~.~os s~ated that, the .act, ua~ ~ocat~on ~s ?.he ~ur-ti'~est spot From-t;he work s~'hes ~nd ~s c~ose to the doors. H~ also ~-t. ressect that iL is out of' tha ~.~ay from the traf'fic flow, ~r] hi~ judgrneni-., t. he bubb'le provides a safe location for a short term stay. He advised that this assessme¢~'b was consistent with the oonolt4~fion o'~' L-~ Safety Consu'!taa! in the Ministry Government Services who had obser.ved the area f~rst, hand. Ttqe Cor~sult. ant, a He. A,C. TroY,o, concluded thal-, the bubble, as an anc~llar'y use, d~d not vi'o~a%e e',-istSng safety ~egis~ab~on. Ar't{r. le i~..! r,',~' the. r:o]'iective agreement ¢eads: The Employer' shall continue t.o make reasonab'/e prov~rw~ for ~'.he sa~;:ety and i~ea~t~ of ~'ts employees during the t~ours o¢ their ernp]r'}ymen'b. Zt is agreed 1-.hr~t both t. he Emp'ioye,- and hi~e I.h'~ion sha~ co-operate %o t~e fullest extent possible in the preventior~ of a~.cidenl'.s :*r~d in the rerasonahle ¢~,-omotion o'F safety and hea'tt, h r')f ~'i] employees. It; '~as Lhe primary posJt, lon of t.~e Union 'ti'.;~b t, he Employer has fei ~,ed to make reas~nab]e pr'ov~s~ons f'or t. he grJc4vor's hea~th ~nd sr~f~ty ~'t, L'tmes when he ~s requir;ed I-.o v~t. ~t, the Fleet; ,.o,l'tre for' bhe completiorl of Fei}airs 1/)i,i:; vrqhicle. Counsel :4uUmiLi:,ed i'.h~t 'the Bo~r-d shnu'ld ado!~l;. ,~ ['.~o (2) >~Lep approach this '~n:sbe, nce. F'ir'stiy, we should der. er'mine 'i-F bhe facts d~sclose the ex~sL, ence of' some real risk Lo the grievor, in this r'egard, it, was argued ~hab the risk. does nob have to be suf-F~(:]ent, to demonstr'ate a rrospecl-,'iv~ risk. Pe 'Fu~*ther' ¢~bm~f-.t.~d that We might take no~ce of ~nheren~ risks. Second}y, it, was a,nser'ted 'bha% once a Pisk is e~t. ab~ished, ~t ~s incumbent on bha Frnp]oyer t.n show ~hat ~t act. ed ~n accordanoe w~h the nh!igaL~ons 'imposed by art, icle 18.1. Hot-e part.~c~larly, counsel % ~ ~ !.ed the-~rltp i nye¢ wot] I d then need 'ho eo'._.,..~,,- ,- '~ ish tine reasonableness and necessity for having the grievoc incur the , ~:...i:, .... H~ descr 4bed t. hfis pr'ocess as r~_ b.~]ar~cing of int. eres .... t..s. Counsel for the Union at-gued the facts support, the 9r~evor"s as.~er'l-~o,~ that et number o'F pobent.~a~ health .'-~nd ex~st, w-;th respect 'bo the use of the thubble. He referred, ~nter ,_~'l';a, ',-.o the f'o~]owSng condils~ons: (i) ~nadequate ]~gb'ting; (~) the presence of dust and d'irt ~n t.i~e..a~r; (~} exposure h~-r;,pera't:.ure f~ucisuat-ic;ns; (~v) co]l'ision concerns; (v) nofise concerns; (vi') smok'ing ~t,h~n the garage area; (v~) the presence oF f-umes and ~nadequate venL;tat~on; (rifle) ~,ack of protection ~n 19 t, he evenL, o-F Fire or exp'tosion~ ('ix) ,~iip t~a-,ard; and (x) the presence o~' air'borne par'ticulaf, es. Z~ was submitt, ed ~ha~ %hese concerns were largely conf'irme~ hv [he evide~ce of the 'two (2) ma~ag~menu w~Lnes~e.s Counsel noted t. hatt. he gr-ievor l:es~if'ied 'to ~Oac~f'~c ha~!t,h cor~sequance~ a~, a ras~l'[~ of silting in the I~uhble ~a en[)has[,. ~d, i~owevar r;orx,~rned ~v~t.t~ ti. he potenti~q hazards t.[:~[', co~id be completely ~v~'iri,~d ~ the gr'~evor ~as perm~t,t, ed ho w~t. ~n t. he iunch-r'ooJi/ rat'~.~r '.r~r i~ ~.i~e t)~Jbbte. Counsel a~.,ser't-.ed [,[~aL, or~ balance, [h~s use ~ould no'[ be d~srup~ve ~o the ope;-'atJon of the Fleeb Cen~ce. The gr~evor~s reque81:, was descr-lbed ~s a no--cos~ soXution" ~o -bhe pr-oblem. Counsel acknowledged tha-B it m~ght, prove nacessary ~o r)lace oectaip ]~rait, s on t.~e $%'Bendants' use 'Bhe luncla-room. For example, t~e suggest, ed ~hab ~t, might not be feas~bXe Bo grant them access %o t. he room during %he mechanics' fixed lunchbreak. It ~as submit, ted, however, t, ha~ a tot. al bar from tthe lunch-room was "comp!et. el'/ unreasonable. As an alternate argumen'k, 'it, was 'bhe posi'tion of the Ltnion hhat. t.he Bnard could review l-.he r~Jle !)ro!';~b'if~{ng access %o t. he lunch-room on the 9r'ounds of reasonableness. Counsel robed that breach of the rule could lead 'bo discipline. Zt was argued that the prohibition was discriminatory ¢:nd that it was not premised on a !egitimabe business purpose, 20 The Ur]ion fei'led on the folio,ming awards: ~atl]s/Kfin.q, 1367, i365/90 (~:ap]an); Huc'iev~_/Meszaros, 1t70, 1189/88 (Dissanayake); tJn'~on GrieYance, 69, 70/84 (Samuels),; union Grievance, 1252/85 (jo]iff'e); St'oc:k~el], !764/87 ('~'¢'ilson); G'iibert., 313, ~67, 476/$9 ( '¢t i '1 s n n ) . Tn response, ib was the position of Lhe Employer, briefly st. ahed, i.h.~t, il; had made reasonable provision f~r tt~e grievor's ~aIt. h .'~r~d s~af'et, y. Cnunsei emphasized bha'b Lhe cotlecbive agreement does not. ob] ig~te bhe Emp'!oyer t.o guarantee an employee's safely agai~st every possible ~isk n0 ma'~l;er' how r'efr~o%e. He reviefed a% ~eng%h t. he concerns expressed by grievor. Z~ ~as ~he ~hrus% o¢ h~s argumen~ ~ha~ ~he Union had fai'ied !-.o esba. b]'ish -l;ha'b the grievor ~as placed a% rfsk bhrough the requfrement, tqe ~a~k in khe bubble. Counse~ referred steps k. aken by %he Emp~oyen Lo aiiev-ia'ke any risk. He described %he grievor's concerns as conjec~ur'e and suppose%ion. Z~ ~his regard, ~e ,~,ere urged %o find t. ha% %here t..¢as insuff-icien% evidence bo ~ink bhe bubble %o %he 9r~evot's med~ca~ Tnd~ed, i% ~'as ~t~e posiL~on o¢ 'bhe Empioyec 'bhaL %he 9rlevance was dr{yen not. by hea]%h and s~.fet, y colqcer'rls f)t~ by bhe grievor's annoyance a'b being exc'luded 'F¢orn &he ]uncle-room, A]~ernat. ive]y, it was s~¢bm4tt, edt. hat if a risk exists i't is a~ a "very low level", end t. hat it would not be el 'i mi nated through a 9rant of access to the lunch-room. 21 TI-. ,,;a~ the s~hm~ss'ior'~ of the. FmptrLv~r "l,,'~h l'.~e rule que~LiOrl does i']n'B contrav~n~ art~cle A.1 :~F'i.i-,e ~.o]l~ctive agreemer~l,. Tha~. l~rcvision pr-ohibi'Ls wer',.j~l,~,e} d'~cr;mit~.'~l~ior'] c'~hizen~i~;~;~, creed, s~':<, se),uai orienL~[: iun, age, m~r-'ta~l i',hal'., in V',~ absence of a vio'iation of' ar!.ic'}es A.i or ~8.1 of Refer e,~:e wa~ madp t.o ~<c'~'i on iF ( i ') of i ha CF'own Fmp: oyee~ C¢~i leu1., vP Rar-u~.,i,,i¢~o ACt_., wr~":ch~ reads' i.q ( 1 ) Fver-v c~1 'i ect. i ve ...,...~ -. be deemed provide that, it, is 'k,!~e exctu~i,.,e f"~r~c1-~on of (a e~qn'loymenk, appointment, complement, or-ganizat, ion, e~=~ignment., discip~i¢~¢, dismiCqa'i ~ .... work methods mhd pFocedurem, t,<ind~ an¢ locations of equipment a~d clammificetio~ of positions; and such mat~ers will not be the subject of collective b~rgainin9 nor come wit,[~in the Cu~r'~:~el asserted t.i~at., in the c.irct~mst, anc. es of th~ case, the r'ule v~s a v~s the 'lunchroom ~as validly pr-om~¢~ga'bed pursuant 1'..he Employer's management, rights, as enshrined in the above-cited ~,o apply a "free standing test. of rea~onabier~ess." ~n any evenC, it; w;~s suggesbed hy c(-)unset Lhat, 'Li~e Fmp![~yer was motivated in thi~ inst.;~nce by proper bux'ines8 consider'~Lions. 22 The Employer relied on the following authorities in support of its position: Warden, 1152/87 (Dissanayake); Bott/Prosser, 1525/89 (Oissanayake); Sisters of St. Joseph v. Service Employees Union. Local 210 (1992), unreported (Ont. Div. Ct.). The Board after considering all of the evidence and argument has been persuaded that health and safety risks exist with respect to the following concerns raised by the grievor: temperature fluctuations; (ii) items leaning against the bubble; (iii) particulate matter; and (iv) smoking in the garage area, The Board accepts the grievor's evidence that there are significant temperature fluctuations in the winter months when the garage door .is opened and closed. We are satisfied that the overhead heater may be incapable of completely counteracting the influx of cold air from outside the garage. While this condition may be viewed as a matter of comfort, we think that exposure of Attendants to frequent temperature fluctuations should be addressed. This con~ern is one that can be remedied at little effort and expense by the simple placement of a small heater within the confines of the bubble. The Board orders that this steD be taken. Both parties were in agreement that items are often stored in front, and at the side, of the waiting area. On occasion, items such as ladders are left leaning against the railing which 23 , ha,~ bean P.r~.cl-.ed around the bubble. The Board t+inds bhat injury could re.e~,,]t, 4f t. hese objects were pt,shed through %he piexig!as~ by a force s**ch as a reversing VaPlic:le. As a consequence, we ~.>,~er th:al.', rr',alz, er~ai not. be p!~c¢.d a¢o~nrt hl'e wa'it, ing ~rea and that, ~ wpil,hen notica be post. ad hnt. ha~ effar, t. prc~b]em ex4,q'.~q wi'r,t~ r-espent, t.o pr:r't-.ic;l~iat, e mai'bet re-e;~l.ering r. he this t-.ime, it. is clear t~o us, however, ~hab this condition poses a pot. en'bial heal'bh hazard for.ail employees ~n the garage, including those person~ waibin9 in Bhe bubbte. As stated earl-i~r, l'.he Employer' has !:.aker~ acbion "in an at, tempt, 't.o correct hhe ~ibtJation. .We direct that the necessary work be proceeded w¢!-.h ~n an e~pediE~o{J~ fas!q-ion. We remair~ ~eized in the event such erforts do not. remedy 'hhe concern expressed. Lastly, we accept t..~,at smok lng Sn the 9arage could pose a taealth and safe-t-,y risk to all persnns working or waiting therein. G-iven Lhe ~e and F~tr:,ra~e of lnf~ar, mab~e ~ub~t:.a~c:es, ~t -~s s'[mp~y nnt. prudent to al'tow smoking a~, or in c'lose prc)ximity to the work area. The Employer is, therefore, ordered to enforce its no- smoking rule already in place in respect, of bhis facilit, y. The Board has not been persuaded that health and safety risks, sufficient to merik, our il~ber-venEfion, exi$% wit, t~ respect t;o 'bhe balance of' the grievoF's comp'laint~ involving ~nadequa-be AedimanL; st iD hazard; the noise 'l~vei; fir~ safely; and air t.t,ese corloer-n~' t-~ql;~nce nf pr'obrah']l ~hies tha~ :~uci~ ;~ [~rr?)'lem exists; a v~t~inle runninc~ nfl the hoi:.'~-~ is remote, The hoists are g¢~vf'~r. We noh¢ fur't, her t. ha~ t.i~e wai~:ing area ~s located ~way 'Fr~*rr, t.!~e flow of' traffic wit, hiri (.he ~ara9e, Addi'bir nally, Ir,here-ls insufficient evide~)ce of the Mlieg~l:.~or~ t,h~t ~ec~anic¢ opeF~.e hhe vehicles in an ~mproper r)~ negligent, fashion within the Fleet Centre, The Board 'is Cat,slUed t.t~at the r'ailing wil~ cushion any minor collisions that might occur; i-;i)Preser~ce of duCt., d~rt. and ~ed4ment - the Board notes the wait-i~g ~rea ~. cleaned (u~n a daily basis. Wt~"ile dust'oF sediment may continue bo a~ccum~lat, e ~n %he area, we have been convinced 1:.hat the $ibuat. ion amounts t.o c~ health and safety concern; ff,¢'l, S~{[]. Hazar~ - there 'is, no evidenc¢~, h"~'n~., .... us %o cnnfirm ~'hat this is a rea! problem. As A'btendr~nt.s do not nor~'~ally enter · Yhm hmy area~: there should be li't. tiet. raokins of oit er gr-e,~se into the bubble. We th{nk it uF~lii<e?y Chat me~h;~/~ics wn(;ld t. rack such liquid inbo 'b~le waibin9 area, evidence present, ed suggests that spilt~ on the garage floor (v) Nr~ism t. evel - ~he Roard accepts bhaf. if. Slay be r:(}is), {¢] garage, Indeed, such a condition would be normal for g-arage deL. tings, we nor)sider ih si9nificanb ~k, at. the washing area is somewhab removed from the mechanics work area. ~n view ()-F I'~=e l irn~bed amo~nt, of t;irne Lhe 9rievor spends in t.i]e bubb'}e, we are unable t.o cmr~c:'lt~de ttla't the ~oise nonst, il-,~Jt, es a real health and safety risk. This i.s an area in wt~ioh some expert evidence nligt]'b have assisted the Boa rd; 25 (vi'1 Fir'¢ Safrr. y - We have not i:ee.n p~r~-:,,r, de~t l'.hat 'the waitin9 area ).q t~nsaf'e in the event of a ¢ir~. Shrn]'ld a fire occur, ih iq l'ikely 'l'.h.~t'. 1-.h~ Af.'l'.e,~riz-~ni~ ~,r.,xlH ~¢e it. early They wot~id t.~e~ tae ira an ideal Dn~i'i'irm i.o exi'h ~he building by way ~¢ 1:.h¢ g~rage door. The Board ~'.~ beer~ convinced (;ha'[. e,f.r;!:~v~ m~a~Jr'es are u'hi]iz¢~ ah t;he F'lee'l-. Centre Lo (vi i)~4r Qt~aiii.y - The Board accept~ 'l'.h~ rer4ulbs of the tes'[.s referred to ear,imf in this A~ard. Trl ()tlr' .judgmemt the cornplaint.¢ may be t{nked 'Lc c:ondihi,,~>, it'~ the waihiq9 area. ~'ubSbar~'t. ixq rer'-~od of t.~me ~r~ t~-:e buhb'ie. H~ t. est~f~ed Bhat he at. te~lcis ai:. t. he Fleet Centre four (4) tim~s per week in Lhe win'bet ..... (),_[-. ODC~ ~,~r week {f~ il. he stirrer.eft. Ot] ~,,erage, ~ar,?-] v-;s41- ~asts approximately one-half (~) hour, :bix qrequency 'of' ,-1...I-"e,,(~ ...... ~x,,t e wot~iiJ araour'~t !-.o, .... .B.t. .,.,.~,,I , ~. wo (2) hr:~r s Der wee in t. he wai'hfing area. Zn ali 'ii~e'iihood, t.i~e 'b~me spenb in bhe b[~bhle wou]~ be less 60¢ a ndmber of neaRr~ns Firs'blv the afor'emenhion~d est, im,~"~ e does not '[.ake i n't,c), ar':r:ount, the grievor's_ ~'0o F~ m l'o i i 'OD m n~ ~h'~f't,q D~,r'i~ ~';"al: r,~riod he is not req~ir'ed tn wait in the bubb'le. Mor-p import:,nbly, I:he mechanics the griever"s exposu¢e to no{se, d{r'b and t. he o'N:e~ alleged ha;",rr¢.~ ~o~ld be m~oh reduced. Seco~]dly, ~t tis clear that wea'Pher permi-tting, the Attendants are more inclined bo wait. out~*ide durin9 1',he summer months. ~inally, ~h is apparent, thab t. he At. bendanbs frequenBly wait by the ffFOnt:, desk away fFOttl the bubble. As suggested, these factors reduce the time spent rn the waiting area and serve 'to limit the exposure to the risks complained of. It is our ultimate judgment that none of the complaints, either singul'arly or in conjunction, justify an order thab the bubble not be used at any time as a waiting aFea. Mr. Daly, in his evidence, acknowledged tiaa existence of gertain undes-~rab'ie, working conditioms vis 8. vis his work a9 a'full-time mechanic. The Board has noC been satisfied that these conditions impact, to the ,same e.~temt o¢: those wY~o use the bubble for short- 'term .. y~ If the Urqion had been successful in establishing a number of hea'lth and safety risks, this Board would still not have been inclined, at first instance, to grant the remedy requested by the gr'Jevofl. Had we found the existence of such risks, we would have been more inclined to make a declaration to that effect and then remit the matter back to the Employer so that it might correct t, he identified problem/s. We think that an order grant, lng the gr~evor immediate access to the lunch-room would amount to a c~surpat.~on of managememt rights contrary to section t8(1 ) of the Cro~vn Employees Collective Bar,qaininq Act. The possibility exists that the Employer, in exercising these rights, might choose to relocate the waiting area to an entirely different location w4th~n the Fleet Centre foF legitimate operational reasons. If such action did not, resolve the matter, the Board on the basis of the evidence before it could subsequently order 27 a(;c~s~ 'ho t,h~.- lunch-tooth as one of sever~~ pos.~ible remedies. have not been convinced, hownvnr: th~h ~such a remedy should be n~uan(;e Rag. her, w~: L~ink tl, hat. t. he Employer ~houid be af-f'or~ded the cq}por'tun~by ~') rectify g~e matLer ~n accordance wilch khe needs of its operat, ion subject, Lo a Board ~--emaillin9 seized should s~ck ef'f'orLs pr~v~ u~successfl~ of un~ccept, abie. The awards o~ I~,he Grievance Se"st,~m,~,;'~L Fao~r,i in G~lbert and in Bot"c~ProsseF con-~'~ct on ~he q~e. sL~,}--~ as to xheYher the aoaPd can assess an Employer generated rule agains'b the standard of r'ea~onableness. We find iL unnecassa~:y in' this case ~o resolve this conflict as we are sabisfied that t. he Ernp-ioyer ac'bed reasc)nably and f:or legitimate operat~),~:~l r-ea~qn~as. As stated in the evidence, there ar'e a substantial number of Ambulance Abbendants who bring their vehic!es to the Fleet Centre for servicing and repair. Whi]a we were not given a precise breakdowrl of %~-ie~r number as between M{nistry ernp]oyees and ernpioyees of private opera'bors, we ac:cain% 'bhak, t. he lunch-room wou~d nob aocornodals, e bobh the mechanics and 'the At, tendant, s given ~'cs relat~ivety small s~ze. We bend ko agree tha-k such a combined use would ]~kely resu]~ ~n overcrowding. In a con,est for Space, ~he Board concludes ~ha~ priority should be accorded ~o ~he FIee~ Centre s~af'f. !n this regard, we consider ~t reqevan~ that 9r'ievor has lunch-room fac~t4'k'~es back a~, his base. Add itiona~ !},, Lt]e Board f'inds tt~a't, the Fmp'lnyer's use of the iur,.ci]-roo~l~ f'~,r rn.?eLings wi't.h ~.,~-;:f an~] d'is'!',r,t)u'kots cou'td be disrt~lPLeci if' ht~e room elas op~i~ to a .]argo n~md~ar' of 4t, l-.endan~s. :o~ ~-~] 1 ef the re,'_~sn~,$ p;p~-e.~.sp i above, Lhe ~oa~'~ is not , ; ,, ,, , , a;e mah;-H~ ~ri (iv) smoking .... re~s~O ,'~s d {t 'L.~,e garage a~-ea :'~ add .... "' , 'e~.,hed above. The Board ~-eta~n jur'~d~ction t.o dea~ ~,~'{~h those iss~e,~ should the need ar'~se The ~a~an~.e ()f' t, he ,-~.';~'~.~ +> Dated ab W~ndsor, OnCar'io hhis tg~:h day nf July ,t99.q. H.V, ¥tat. ters~ Vice-Chairperson Re/mc)~r, Ur~i,)n Hember R. Scot~, Employer Mealber