HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1388.Smith.92-06-08 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPL OYEES DEL'ONTARIO GRIEVANCE C,OMMISSlON DE -SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS t$O DUNOAS STREET WEST SUITE 2~, ~RONTO, ONTAR~, MSG IZ8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE. 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2;~, TORONTO (ONTARIO}, MSG 1Z8 ~CSi&~LE, TEL~COPiE . 1388/91 IN THE MATTER OF ~NARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAININ~ ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Smith) Grievor - a~d - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Transportation). Employer BEFORE: M. Watters Vice-Chairperson H. O'Regan Member M. O'Toole Member FOR THE M. McFadden ORIEVOR Counsel Koskie & Minsky · . Barristers & Solicitors FOR 'THE P. Young EMPLOYER Counsel Winkler, Filion,& wakely Barristers & Solicitors HE~RIN~ 'December 16, 1991 February 5, 17, 1992 The threshold issue in this case is whether tlae grievor, Ronald G. Smith, was discharged without just cause from his position as an ~nside Exam a~d Licenoe Zssuir~9 Cler~ at the ~ueen's Park Drivers and Vehicles Office. The Employer alleged ir-, its letter of discharge dated August 28, !991 that the grievor had engaged ~n th, eft of Ministry property, namely, a validation ~ticker bearing number 1033998j, May ~992. At the time of the ir, cident, which resulted in these proceedings, the grie~or was employed on a regular p~rt-,_.~me basis. He commenced work with this Employer in March, ~990. Constabl'e J. Oakes of the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force testified that he pulled the grievor'over for speeding at about 2'00 a.m, on June 27, !991. The latter was the~ asked to produce his drivers licence and ownership papers for identification purposes. Constable Oakes observed that the validation sticker on the 9rievor's vehicle was number 1033998J, May 1992. After performing a computer check of Ministry records through C.P.I.C., the officer determined that the permit and validation sticker issued for the grievor's vehicle was'to have expired on May 2, 1991. The record did not show that a new validation sticker had been assigned to the grievor. This information led Constable Oakes to suspect that the validationl sticker which he observed should not have been on the plate. He, therefore, proceeded to ask the grievor how he had obtained the sticker. Constable Oakes testified the gr~evor ~formed him that he worked for the 1 Ministry at its Queen's Park Office and bhat. he had processed early renewal" It was his evidence that bhe gr~evor stated he had processed sdch a renewal because of t. he facb he had been o¢ ~h~ cour, try for a per~od of' E'~me. Coasbab]e Oakes a?so s~abed he was ad'.¢~sed by t, he gt~evor bha~ Ch, rs type o¢ ear-~y renewa~ wou~d nob show up on ~he computer, A's ~he officer was skepki-ca~ as uo u~,e accuracy of bhis information, he aske~"bhe provide him with the names of his supervisors. This reques~ )'ielded ~'-~r~e 'names of kis. J. L~urenza an'd Ms' I March. Constable Cakes t.t-,en informed' bhe grievor that he intended to contact one or both of these i'ndividua~s in order to determine why the computer had ,~o record'of the validation sticker ~ttached to the ~rievor's plate. He acknowledged that. he made this statement, part, to see if it elicited "a reaction." from the griev6r. Su.bsequent to this e,.change, the grievor was gi'~en three (3) Offence taotices for the following Hiqhwav Traffic Act charges: (i) speeding 6~ km./hr, in a ~0 km/hr, zone; (ii) fail to surrender permit for"m6%or vehicle; and (iii) driving a motor vehicle without a currently validated permit. ~He. was also issued a "forty-eight hour report," More specifically, Constable Oakes told the 9rievor to report to him'at the Police Station with permit in hand at 10'00 p.m. on June 27, 1991. He advised the Board that'the 9ri~vor failed to attend'at the Station. Ms. I. March, at the time material to this proceeding,, was conducting audits'at the Queen's Park Office. She has been 2 employed by the Ministry for some twent.v-one (21) years. Ns. ~farch stated that she rece~¥ed a telephone call from t. he gr-ievor ~.. approximately 0:30 a.m. ac June 27, 1391. The g~ievor advised !;er therein that he had been stopped for' speedin9 ~r-~,fl ~h.at. there ~as "a problem" with the sticker on the plate as it. was not ~-egistered to him. ~ls. March test~f.ied the 9rievor stated he had advised the police officer that he had processed an ea~-ly ~-e,~ewal at~d that tt-,e transaction must not ha'~e registered on the s>stem. She :--era!led that the grie~or asked rot her assistance as t. he officer, ~ou~d be coming in to ~p~a~. .... with her and that i~e promised "to straighten it all out" when he returned to work. o0 Friday', June 28, I991. Me also requested that she not speak to .Ms. M. Wear'er, the Administrator of the Queen's Park Office, about the matter Ms lqarch informed the 9rievor that she would sp_a~ to the police officer' but would not "volunteer" any information until she was aware of all of the circumstances. Ns. March also tala tt',a grievor that she was not prepared to lie for him and that there had better be some early renewal documentation in the office. Zt was Ns. March's impression that the grievor had called her as he expected her 6o confirm hfs comments concerning the proce88 of early renewals. During the course of the telephone conversation, Ms. March asked for, and received, the number of the validation sticker in question. ~t was her evidence that. the 9rievor told her that he had removed the sticker from the desk of Ms. Christi Enright, 3 another issuing clerk in the omfice. Ms. ,~!ai-ch further testified that the grievor stated he had stamped his dri,~ers i icence wit. h a r-linety (gO) day extension. On ar,-iv-;n9 at work on June 27, 1991, Ms. ,~ar<;h spohe to Ms. Weaver' about, her telephone conversatior~ witl~ the gr-ievor. Late,- ,~ha_. da~ .she aisc spoke with Hr B. Doher'ty the Di~,..r ic't ~lanageF, This latter ~ndividual as~<ed her to t~-ansc¢ibe the Wlb}, t g ie'v'or for his revie'w These notes of hen c. on'versation '~- he ~- . ' . notes in typed ¢or'r~ were riled with this Board, ~4s. ~,laroh also checked to see whether t.f]e 9¢fevor had actually processed an earls renewal. She determined from her inv'est49ation that there was no doo~mentatiom, recorded or unrecorded, to support, his c. 1a:m. Additionally, Ms. March verified that tn_ validation sticker found on the 9r-ievor's plate had earlier been reported as. n',i.~siqg er'om the Queen's Park Office. Her f. indings were reported bo ..... ~¢, .t.o Ms. Weaver and Mr. Doherty Ms. A.M, Rudolfo, at the material time, was the Supervisor i,n 'the Plate/Validation area of the Vehicles and Licencin9 Branch of the Queen's Park Office. Ms. R~dolfo, who is a member of the bargaining unit, has been employed by the Ministry since 1975. She advised that in Hay, 1991 the 9rievor as a Driver Issuing 'Clerk wa~ involved with the reoewal of both d~ivers licences and plate permits. Ms. Rudolfo noted, however, that the §rievor was mot permitted to "sign out" and 'take validation stickers. If he Fequired such a sticker he .~as ~..p~.,_~,] to obt. al,a same From 199~, the grievor was not e>'pec'ted to sign for t. he sticker. F,.,Ft.~",e. , a,-,v, ru,-,ds 9enerat. ed b~ the ........ ,.r ~ ~sdc,.,o,~ wc..uid 9,~ ir,~o" ' the grievOr'S till at router, er number- eight. (S). ~1s. Ru,Jol-Fo advised ou% bS 21$. E~,-/ght, a Vehicle Issuing Clerk, who worked at COdll~Er number' seven ( 7 ) . ~s. Rudol'ro explained the process involved in a vehicle licence i-enewat appllcatio~. The ~ssu~ng Clef& is requfred, inter alia, to enter the following data 4nrc the computer at tk, ei¢ work station: transaction num~ber; plate number to be rene~ed; rele.ant changes in persona~ 4nformation; collection of tt3e requisite fee; and the number of the vaIidation sticker being issued to the applicator. Ms. Rudolfo stated that the transaction could not be completed without the applicant tendering cash or a cheque. Each day, Ms. Rudolfo was required to cross-reference the Stock Report, showing all stock issued to customers, with the sign-out sheets. This procedure led ~o the discovery that the validation sticker in question went 'missing as of t.lay 1, 1991. This witness acknowledged that stock 4s lost on occasion. She was unwilling to describe this as a regular occurrence. She seemed to suggest that instances of missing stock would on average occur less than once per month. t4s, Rudolf() also de~cr-ibed the process for early' Th4s proce'dure is dt.~ized t.o accomodate t. hose persons who nor be in ~he Province as oF ~he regular t.~me for renewal, A;:,p}~cat.~o,~s For earty r'enewa: ~i be -r ..... ~ '-- f6~. rr, or,~.,,s pr'~or t.o _.,,e date o¢. expiry of ~.be p:ate. AIl o¢ ~he F=}e'.¢ant .~nformat. ior} is manually entered inbo t. he :ompu't. er~. The applicant is pr'ov"~de'd w~,~n a ~,ai:da%ion st~cPer, ~ssued for app~.-opr~at.e mont.~, on pa?'men~, o¢ the $90.00 fee' by cash, oF processed "on-li¢-~e" The Board was advised that the applicat;ons can b.e done on-line' wlthin ¢oP~y-five (45) days of the expiry of the plate perm:t. Once t. he early renewal ]s processed on-line, ~t-,e computer will conf4rm th, at such ~-enewal has, ~n fact, been completed. Any renewa~ initiated wholly wit. hin't, hig forty-five (:5).'day period is nob considered t.o be an early renewa~ as bP, e application can be processed on-line ab initio wif~hout the need for any manua~ entry. A daily record is kept. of all special transactions, inc'luding early' renewals of validation st~ckers. Documentation in respec~ of this category of transaction is provided to Ms. Rudolfo. Ms. Rudolfo bestified that she never received an early renewa~ appl'ication in respec't o¢ ~his grievor, We were to~d thab in Nay, 1991 ~ll renewal documents were st. ored in a folder a~ her desk. Ms.-~udol¢o conceded bhe p°ssibiti~y that docum~nt, atioa could fall out of or be rem6ved from such folder without her knowledge. She quaeried why anyone wou!d be motivated to remove this &ype of documenbabion given ~hab the 6 information relating bo the early renewal would have previously been entered into the computer through the mar;ual process referred to above. La$,t~y, Ms. Rudolfo described ,the proced~re For drive~s licence. Application, s in re,peet of sa~e are sent. out to drivers Approximately two (2) months prior' ~o expiry curF~t 1¢cence The customer is theq required to office to complete the re~}e~al form and have a new photograph takers, ~f necessary. Again, information re~ating to ~he application 'is entered into ~he computer by the Issuing Clerk. The application cannot be processed without payment by cash or cheque of the $30.00 fee. At the end of the process, the cus~omer"s existing licence is stamped with a ninety-day (90) extens4on. A ne~ drivers l$cence is subsequent.]y, forwarded to ~r,em through the mail. Ms. Weaver testified that clerks such as the 9rievor were expected to work on their own. She stated that they were required to record their tramsactions on the computer system. It was her evidence that the Ministry would not have discovered that the missing sticker was on the grievor's p~ate had he r~ot been .stopped by the police. Ms. Weaver described the gr~evor a~ having been "an average employee." Mr. Doherty has beer] the Ois',%rict Manager oF the t~etro Toronto and York Regfor', for e.ight (8) >.ears. He commenced employment with the Ministry in 1960. ~4r-. Doherty was advised by f..f3. 'Weaver' on the morning of June ~7, 1991 that the 9,-ievor had been stqpped by the Pol4ce and that they disco~,ere'd ~,~ improper ,~,idation ~t. 4cker Ofl his plate. ~he ....... r inFnrrr, ed him t' ~ueen's ~ark OFfice. M~'. Doher-ty subsequentl,/ r-eoeived a e~mo~ Gall From :,1~ ~t~r~,, ~ho detailed her e~rl~er telephor~e e'~ana~,ge wit. t~ ~.h'_ ar Soker,ty s e'v~dence that Hs ~.a c~, stated the ar]evor told her that he had processed an early renewal in respect of both his permit and his i icence'and that tr~:r'e must have been a ¢oul-up in the system, After receiving this report M~ Doherty a~,,ed Ms. Marctq to check the d,_¢,.,unlen,_,~uion at the Oueen's Park Office to see record of an early renewal viC a vis the grievc, r. He w=~ _ subsequently advised that no such record could be i qca'ted. Dohert'y then asked Ms. March to have the 9'rievor report'to his office on.the mornio9 of Friday, June 28, 199t-, Hr. Doherty met with the griev0r at'about 9'10 a,m. on June 2STP, in the presence of 'Mr. N, Harding, the District, Enforcement Supervisor. ~his latter gentleman was the next most senior supervisor at ~he Bufferin Street Office'. His rol~ at the meeting was ~imited to that of a witness. He did not speak directly to the 9Flavor with respect to the incident in question. 8 ;4i-. Dohert¥ opened the meet~,~g b,v asking ,_.ne gr~evor ~o e,plain ha~ happened whe,~ he ~a~ stopped F,",r' speed,ne ~,Ir Oohertx' stated that the grievor' ,-espo,~ded by ..saying he had informed t.t~e 3ol;,:e z,r':q.e,' t. hat k,e had pFocess~o an ear ,y renewa~ yeP, ich sonde.~er, s,')~-,_ had not been recorded fn t.h~ s,/st, em. ~,Ir-. Dr)r',er~y',. · ;nteriected t.,;dt"- t.t-,~:~ ~aS not, ~ha;: the ~r~e,¢or had t(:,~d ,,,~"-. on the preceding daz. it. ~ou~d see~', t. hat ~lr. Dohert~;¢ t.t-at the gr~evo~ 4n¢ormecl h~s superviso~ t. hat he had e,ecut, e,J an ' _ w ~at was ear])' rene',,'al. ~s comment. ,-elating to ~ sa~d b~' ,-1.=r,.h was ctes~gned t.o discourage the griev'or from making fa]se statements abou~ Che incident. Hr. Dohert. y testified t. hat. grie¢o¢ then sa'id' "Okay, ]'q] te]] you Che truth. ~ book ~he sticker Fr-,:,,'mi one of t.t~e clerks a'b Queen's Park working along side ,Tree aS ~ wa~ Short. 0¢ cash. Z irt. ended pay'in9 for it whenever fqad the n~onex." The 9riev'or then presented Mr. Doherty ~tfh the rr, issing sticker, tit. Doherty denied the grievor said that must have accidentally brought the sticker home amongst his work paper&. He war also u~able to recall that the 9rievor said he had made a mistake or error by not paying for the sticker immediately. At this juncture, Mr. Doherty advised the 9rievor that he had no alternat~ive but to call the police. ~lr. Ooherty 5.tared that the 9rievor then put his,hands over h~s face and broke down. He further indicated that the 9rievor asked whether there was any other way to resol've the matter as he intended to pay when he had t. he money. Mr. Doherty replied that this was not possible as he believed the 9rievor had stolen Mi:~istry property. ~4e stated that the griever did not t"-'r~l~ say ?,e would pay for '-'~,.r,_ .~t. ifker an'ct "sign for its respo~sib'i~t.y" ~r. Doherty estimated that this meeting wit. h the' gr'ievor, not count~g the time spent. of '-- n .... , ,eu with the Board, t.~e ,,:e,~ng were f~' 4 NF. ,3ok, ert. y asserted that t. here was no Ninist. ry procedure unde,-.wl-,~cl-, employees could renew their permit or- drivers wi~'.nuut ....~e pa~;ment of a fee at the time. of renewal, He dismissed for theft of 'Nin4str'y property. In so doing, he considehed the griever's shots period of service and the fact that he was not t. ruth¢ul ~o his supervisor and to the poli~e. did not consider a Performance mlanning and ~eview report daf. ed February 27, 1991. Theb documenb referred, inter ali&, ~o need ~o~ greater concentration on the part Of the gr~evor while working on cash. Mr, N. Hardin9 has been the Dis~ric~ Enforcement S~pervisor rod the Toronto area for six '(6) years. He has been e~ployed by the Ministry fei a total of eighteen (18) years. This genblemao substantially confirmed Mr. Doherty?s recollection oF what was and was~'~ said by bhe griever during the meeting. More specif~cally, he also heard the inculpatory $tabemenb cited above. 10 Constable R. Ch]sholm of the Net. ropolitao Toronto Police Force test~¢~ed that he was called to the gJn~stry's DufFer~n Street 0¢¢1ce on t,t~e p',OfO]n9 0¢ Friday, .June 28, 199~. On a'.'-ri,a~, he was advrsed b~ ~4r. O(¢hert-z as to ~hat had rn respect 0¢ the m~ss~n9 va~dat~or, st.~cker. ~e ~as a~so shown the stqcker wt-,ich had been returned by the grie~or that morning. ~, ~er is c. onv. e/'sat~or~ with l, lr. DoY, er~ty, Constable Ch~sho n-, issued the 9rievor with an Appearance Notice for the Criminal Code o~¢ence o~ "possession under $!,000.00". it is to be noted that the validation st~cker which is the subject of these proceedings had a value of $90.00. Constable Chisholm stated that it was his decision to proceed with the charge. Mr. Doherty, his evidence, said that he instructed the officer to lay the charge. Constable Chisholm, other than t. ak~ng personal in¢ormatfion, did not interview the 9rievor. it was his further evqdence that the grievor did not say anything during his exchange w~th Mr. Doherty. Ultqmately, the charge against the grievor was w4thdrawn by the Crown as the police officers required for proof of the case could, not be in attendance. There was also, a~parently, some concern on the part Of the Crown As to whether the 9rievor's admission to Mr. Doherty would be admissible given the latter's failure, as a person in authoEity, to provide a caution. The grievor confirmed that, at the material time, he was involved with the issuance of both drivers l icences and vehio~e 11 permits. He ack. nowledg'ed that ,this role placed h~m lo a pos-:tio,~ o~ ,~rust as he routii~ely har~dled large amounts o¢ - ~' u~d . ¢ ua~rfl er- mi.~ima] supervis4on.. The 9r~ev'o¢ Cu,-ther acknowledged that he w.as ~..d,ied over for- speedier9 ab abou~ 2'00 a.m. oF~ ~lu~e ~, I_-391 and ~!,d .... t,;e at.,~end~,~c~ =o~ice O¢¢~cer adv4sed him that. .... ,e gr~evor"'s evfidence hhat. he t.o~d hhe Off~c. er &hat Y,- ~or~,ed at. ~.r,e ~linishrv's._. Queen's Park Off,ce and hO~t' - he had processed rene~'a~ as an early re~qe~a]. He stated that he explained t.o the OCficer that this was a form of advance renewal which was frequentS>' ,_;~sdertakea by people who would be travelling outside of the ..... ~ . ,~,,,n,.ry as of th~ expi¢;, of their permi-t The 9rCevor testified that he did not offer a specific reason for his completion o¢ ars early renewal. He agreed that he did r~ot r-aport to the Po3i,se Station, as requested, as Constable Cakes had advised him that he had the option o¢ either attending or paying. the firaes noted on the t-ickets. The 9rievor testified that he provided Constable Oakes with the names of Ms. Laurenza and Ms, March and that the Officer. i,]dicated he would speak to the latter supervisor later that day. He stated that ~e was "very upset and in-shock" over the incident and decided to telephone Ms. March in order to inform her of the Officer"s intentions. The grievor estimated that'he placed the call between 2:30 am. and 3:00 a.m. on June 2.7, 199'1. He testified that he then told .her he had been stopped and that his registration was not "show~g valqd" or, the co,,'~puter. It. was hqs e'.~dence he informed ms. Narc;n, that he had told the Police Officer he had completed ~n early renewal. The gr~evo~ ",nsiste,J ~.,,~, .... = .~Led~,s. ~ar-ci~ to cheo~ to defer'n',~ne_ w,,et.~,~r, in Fact h~ had p ocessed a renewal, additionally, he ~..n provided w'~tf-, ",~n~- number of the validation sticker in issue and e~plained tx, a,- ,,e }-,~d ta~e,~ same ~r'om ~!s. Enrigh~'s w~cket. ~he gr-ievor also told l,ls, ~larch thab he had extended his drivers l icence a ,-,i~et.x ,[96) day stamp. Ne ~urther in~or,med her' that ,the s:~uo,.,on was a mistake and that he wished to clear i~ up when he returned to work on ~riday, June 28th. He asked that ,,lar~n not mention the matter to Ms, Weaver, The grievor did recall Ms. March having told him "there had better be some early renewals in t. he office." The grievor confirmed that he attended at the Mini'stry's B&th~rst Street Office on June 2T, 1991 and renewed both his plate amd driver~ licence. He testified that by then he realized the validation sticker could not remain on his vehicle ~s unregistered and that he, therefore, took this action to immediately correct the error. He further stated that prior to that time, his drivers licence had not been formally renewed. The grievor described his subsequent meeting with Mr, Doherty. He stated he to~d Mr. Doherty he had advised Constable Oakes that he had processed an early renewal. The grievor also t3 .... ~, acknowledged he had telepho~-,ed Ms Ma,'ch and had -" ed to determine ii' the renewal had bee~ properly registered. ~b was t.!-,~ grievor's evide,-~oe he further '~nformed Hr. Ooherty that he had n~ade a m~~,_.~r.e ..... . ~'lor'e ¢}art{ou~ar-ly, he co~ceded 'h'-_r~a~. ~ r,~ ...... ,.r,¢ 9a!~,~at.~e¢ st~ch.e¢ From N~s Er~r~gh% s w~cket w4~h ~.r,e fi~ ~,,,. .... : o'F processing a r'er'~ewal Unfort~Jnately he had fai~ed ~ '-.rooes~ same The gr~{evoF test{lied he informed Mr' Dohert..¢ ,_¢ is '~fi ,li,~ness to pay fo~ the 'value 0f the sticke~- and tibet app~-ised of the fac. t that the 9rie'¢or had extended his drivers licence. The grlevor testified that he believed ~uch an extensio~ was permissible in tr~e circdmstances. Afteh the afore-. mentioned excha~ge, k~r. Doher'ty advised the grievor that he would be charged. The 9¢ievor's'nobes of the meeting were filed with the Board. i~ cross-examination, the 9rievor' said that he intended t.o renew the validation sticker. He then stated that if it was not showing on the computer as a "straight renewal", it must have been done as an early renewal. At. another point in his testimony, %he grievor stated that he intended to effect' an early ~enewal. H'e conceded that, ultimately, he never did process such a renewal. The grievor asserted, however, that he believed he' had, in fact, renewed his plate permit when he first spoke with Constable Oakes in the early mornin9 of June 27, 1991. In cross- examination, the 9rievor conceded' that there was no reason counbry. He a~so acknowledged that the validat4or~ s't;cker was disc,beeFed as miss~n9 j,Jst two (2) days pr'io~ to his bi,-thday. The g,'~=.o¢-- ¢~.~¢f~',er', . _ acknowledged ;.t~d,_ ..... a Cee must be pa{d ~t. the t.:~,e the appllc, atio~ roe ear'l'S re~ewa~ is F.r"<',cessed. He ag,-eed ,~,,,~,.. ~qcJi':',~8~ ~y a c.~¢stornef- does ,*ct. ....... ~, r~avu pa~d ~e requ~site Cee. Z~ ~a5 +" ' ev-fcfer-~ce t,,~, a¢~e¢ ,~a~n9 the wicket: ~t w~ i~dvertently c~rried home amongst his work paoers.. He stated ,.r,t'-ab, whenever he put it ot~ his. plate, he though that'he had p~id Cot it. The grievor testified that he learaed this was nob in fact th~ case when he was pulled over by ¢--~f:kle~u ,~..:~ Oakes. He denied the suggestion that he never intended to pay for the sticker, in cross-examination, the grievor was confronted with a passage from his own notes which read- "~ too~. the sticker but didn't put it on the system. He asked me why explained Z didn't have the money to renew a~ the time and was going to renew it soon." The grievor claimed that this comment Celated to the extension of his drivers l icence rather than to the validation'sticker notwithstanding the reference to "sticker" in the excel-pt. It was the position of the Employer that it had established on a balance of probabilities, through clear and compelling evidence, that the grievor had engaged in an act of theft of Ministry property, The Board was asked to reject the grievor's ~5 evidence. Counse~, argued that, i.'~ the c'ir't3umstar'~ce's o¢ case, such evidence '~as co~,p~et.e~:¢ u~be~ie,,ab~e. ;n thCs ~% ~as submib~ed bhab ~F~e-gr~e'v~:)r had ¢ai~ed t.o provide' ao -~ ....... .p~ar, a ..... ~sked to prefer.the e'vider~ce preser~ted b.y the w~'tness'es ,$al~~a, ~,=~,a,¢ o¢ the Employ'er. Counsel described ~he offer~ce ...... '*'- as ser'~o~Js and argued that i~ jusk'ir4ed a discharge. 8,,.F,,a,~;zed ...... ~ was COr,',r ~tted b~' a person i~ a posib'for, of trust. ;~ ~as s~b~T,~,~.ked ~hab grou¢~ds did nob exist bo rnodlfy pe¢~a~%y. Co'u~se~.emphasized ~ha~ the grievor was a shorb service ' employee and that ~he misconduc~ did',~o~ amoun~ ~d a spur of momen~ aberrat.~on. ~ ~as suggested ~ha~ the grievor had suCf~cien% opportun~%y ~o change his mind. Additionally, i% ~as s~ressed ~.,~t W~e grie~or e.~uended h~s drivers ~cence ab or abou% ~he same %~me t~e ~o0k ~he va~'~da~ion s~icker. We ~ere a~so asked %o consider ~he Cac~ ~ha~ ~he grievor ma~nt.a~ned his den~aq o¢ 4n-,proper conducb throughout the hear~n9 in the fac~ of evidence ~nSonsi"~'en'~ ~h h~s posibion, Lastly, ib ~as argued ~h~ ~he ¢ac~or o¢ ~enera~ de~r'rence was a re~'ev'an~ &~ns~dera~ion in ~h~s instance, The-Employer re~ied on bhe ¢o~1owing au~hori~iest 'Nenzies, 102,126/83' Lunardo, 647/83 (Roberts); ~, 169/82 (Jo]~qi¢¢e); Re Polymer. CorD. L%d. And O~1, Chemica] And A[om~c Workers, Locai 9-14 (1973), 4 L.A.C. (2d) 148 (Palmer); Re L~bby, NcNei~ And Libby O¢ Cat, ada Ltd. A~d Unfired Automobile Workers. Locaq 251 .(1974), L.A.C. (2d) 69 (N4nnegan); Re Lanqle~ Memor4al Nospfitat And Hospital Employees' Un{o¢~, Loca~ !80 (t985), 16 L.A.C. (Sd) 122 (Thompson); Re Te',;po¢~. Division 0¢ Ox¢or¢ 'N~rehousinq Ltd. And Teamsb&¢S Un'on, Loca~ 938 .'~S0), 25 L.A.C. Re ~eq~or, a~ ~lunic{pa]~t~ ~¢ Ottawa-Car*eton Arid Car~ad~an Ur~o,-, ' * ~ Local ~OS (~985~, ~ L.A.C (3(~) 292 'Burkett) Et was the position of the Union that this Board should accept t. he grievor'~ evidence that he mistakenly failed to process the renewal transaction and bhat it was never his 4nue,t~on to s~ea~. Counsel submitted that the Employer had to prove the allegation of theft, including the requisite intent. He argued that mere possession of M~nistry property d~d not establish that a theft occurred. In substance, the Union asserted that the evidence did not demonstrate the intent necessary to support a dismissal for.theft. We were consequentl? asked to reinstate the grievo¢ effective as of the date of his initia~ suspension. The Union relied on the following authorities: ~e Ben's Ltd. And Bak. er¥. Confectionery And Tobacco Workers International Union, Local 406 (1989), ? L.A.C. (4th) 39! (Stanley); Irwin, 1277/86 (Slone); Tsialtas, 282/79 (Eberts); a_~_~, cited above; Lunardo, cited above. T}~is Board finds that the griever told Constable Cakes he had processed an early renewal given that he would be out of %he country for a period of time. We do not accept the grievo¢'s evidence that he did not of?er a speci?ic reaso~ why he had completed 'the process. As indicated previously, the gr-ievor testified that he simPlY e....plained why other persons might resort ,.o an early renewa~ Having o()ns~dered ail oF ~he circumstances, re th~n~ i~ more ~ ,ke!x ~.r,~% bhe 9r'ievor ~ould c, ffer an ¢~p~nat.~on For hi:; aob~on~ in order bo persuade %he officer Yhere w~s a'9ood reason ~h~ ~he validation s~icker fas no% registered on the computer, The 8card was Rot given any re~son %o doubb ~he veraciby o¢ Constable Cakes' evidence. , Similar'ly, the Board accepts Ms. March's evidence that the grievor said he told Constable Oakes that he had processed an early renewal, .We have not been persuaded that there was any ambivalence in his statement. More specifically,· we do not accept that the grievor asked his supervisor to check if there was, in fact, a processed renewal in the office. The 8card believes that Ms. March ·would have recalled this uncertainty if it had been articulated. Her reply to the effect that there had better be an advance renewal form in the office is more consistent with the grievor having made a definite assertion in respect of his completion of an early renewal. Fu'rther, it is unlikely that he would have renewed both his plate permit and bis drivers licence on June 27, 1991 if he honestly believed he may · have processed an earlier renewal. At that juncture, he would' not have known the results of Ms, March's efforts to locate supporting documentation. His actions suggest to us that the 18 grievor knew he had qeve¢ completed ar] early re,aewal. The Board also rejects the reason advanced by t. he 9rievor for his call to Ms. March in the early hours o'f Jur'~e 27, 1991. We find that this co,~tact ~as made ::so as t.o provide Ms. March wit. h the "early re,-,e~a~ e,planat~o~" as quick, i~ as possible so that. it would be relayed to the i,~vestigatir~g officer in support of what. had bee,-~ ¢)¢e,,.-;o[,sl~ said .about eari~ renewals. The Board was not ~easo~] to d~sbelieve the v~va voce and docume~]tary evidence pre,set, ted by t,~.s. ~;arch. We fouled her to be a credible and forthright witness. She did not exhibit any hostile animus towards the 9rie¢or. indeed, 'the fact that the grievor elected to call her would negative any contrary suggestion. It is apparent that Mr. Dohent. y may have misunderstood what he was told by Ms. March. While the difference is slight, he thought that the grie'vor t.o]d her he had processed an early renewal. This belief ~ed him to interrupt the 9rievor during the meeting of June 28, 1991. The Board has not been persuaded that anything turns on this inconsistency. It is apparent from the evidence that the grievor never processed an early renewal. Nor did he pay the $90.00 fee for the validation sticker. Ms. March and Ms. Rudolfo were both unable to ~ocate any documentation in respect of same. The Board is satisfied that there was no reason for the 9rievor to process an early renewal. Firstly, he was not travelling out of the Province so as to be away at the normal time for renewal. t9 Se'tonally, as the sticker went. m45s~ng as o,¢ ,~t~y I, I~91, ~'as ~wo.(2) days prior ~o ~he g¢ie'v'o¢'s bir~hd~'y, Li~e t.¢ansac~on ood~d"no~ have been processed ~s ar, early r-er, ew~ as ;t. c.~.en l'.ave been done on-}ine _ d{d ~ot complete ~ reguqar reoewa~. . U~t]ma'teq,z, lt. wa~ ev]denr, e "-" t,=,_, s ¢a+i]ure amounted to a m~s,._.~,_ ,..,~t he ha~J in~.=~ded to renew the p]~.e permit ~r~d pay for' 'the st{cker, 'or about the ~,.ime he took the 1¢~,.er .... from Ms. Enr'ignt- ' ' s wicket . We fi:~d t.h{s statement, to be inoo{~sistent ~ith 'what the 9rievor said to Mr, Oohert. y on June 26th, As noted, Nr. Doherty testified t. he 9rievor. told hin~ he took the sticker at a 'time when he was short of cash and that he intended t.o pay for same when he had the necessary funds. The 9rievor claimed that this comment related solely to the e~tension of his drivers ~icence. Z~ our judgment, this limitatioo makes little sense 9iven that the o¢ licence renewal is substantially !ess than the cost of plate rene~a~. Additionally, the 9rievor's assertion seems to be inconsistent with his own notes o¢ his ~exchange with Mr. Doherty. Ultimately the Board accepts the viva vo'ce and documentary evidence of Mr. Doherty relating to what transpired at the meeting. We found him to be a credible witness. We note, in this regard, that his evidence was confirmed in all material respects by Mr, Harding, -. The Board' has not been persuaded that the 9rievor made a mfstake and that he thought he had paid for the val~dat;on 2O sticker. To the contr-ary, we ¢i,-~d that he took it. from Enr~'ght's w~'cket and de~fber-ate}y at~ached ~t ~o h~s vehicle ~it. houb paying ~he required fee. We do not accep% for an that the st.¢c~r ~nnocentt~ ¢o1 ,owed h~m ~,ome <r', h~s ~ork papers. However ~% got ~k, ere, 4t. ~as subsequently at.~ack, ed to the vehicle on or around 14a/ 3, 1991, ia al~ ~keq~i~ood. The Board conv~ced bkat ~t. '~ou~d st~S be ~here ~oda? were it ,'~ob inbercept~o~s oF ~he 9¢~e~'or by Constable Oakes on June 27, 1991. Ra~her Cha,- be~*9 an error or mfs~ake, ~he Board finds bha~ ~he %eking c¢ bb, e st.¢cker corisL~u~ed an ac~ o¢ tr-~e¢~ No~'e par%icd~ari~, we are satisfied', from a]~ o¢ ~he evidence, 6ha~ ~he grie'vot ¢raudu]en%!y and wi~hou~ co]our o¢ righ% ~ook ~he s~cker from ~he ~ork. piece a~d conver~ed same ~o h~s own use w~h the inten%~on o¢ depriving ~he N4niskry of its proper~y. ~e consider ~ e.,~remely unlikely bha~ ~he 9rievor ~hough~ he had paid for ~he s~ck. er when ~ ~as af¢¢xed to h~s pla~e. Further, we canno~ accep~ h~s evidence ~ha~ he ~ntended ~o pay ~he requisite fee. Th~s fee ~as no~ paid ~n bhe period ~ay 1%o June 27, 1991. The 8oard infers ~hat i~ wou~d never have been pa~d bu~ for ~he inciden~ ~hich culminated in ~h~s case. The Board considers ~t significant that the gr{evor engaged s~milar conduct in respect of the:extension of his dr~vers 7~cence, It fs clear that he improperly extended h~s ~cence for n~nety (90) days w~thout completing the other necessary steps ~nclud~ng the payment of the $30,00 fee. We regect the gr~evor's 2~ assertion that he belSeved his actions compl-led with N~inistFy procedure, As an issuing clerk, he would know that a licence e'~l~en$ion could not be granted 'without paymenL of the renewal fee. ;t is clear to t. he Board that. the 9r~evoF occup{ed a position of trust. He was responsible , ,n~er ali, a, for the renewals of lice'noes and plates, and for the collection of ca~F, or cheques rrna ,the consuming public. As stated earlier-, his work was performed under minimal supervision. In this instance, we have concquded that the griever misappropriated-a validation sticker for his own use and abused the trust in'herent, and necessary, in the posqtio'n. This same comment ap'plies to the extens¢on of the drivers l icenoe, in both cases, the type of conduct engaged in would be very' difficult to detect withoat the sor't, of inter'raring event as occurred here. After reviewing all of the evidence and ~rgument., 'it i-s our judgment that the Employer has~'shown lust cause for the discharge. The Board has not been persuaded that 9rounds exist for modifying the penalty. The 9¢ievor is not a very senior employee. Additionally, he persisted in advancing ~n ~ccount of events whSoh defied belief. In all'of the circumstances, we see no reason to exercise discretion in his favour. · Evqdence was led as to the existence of certain problems the Queen's Park Office in respect of the issuing of stock; 22 b'-~-row~ng of - ' · key ,~ sec ~r-, . and absenteeism. ~urthe,-, the ~r'ie~o,- ,.e} ;,a,,~ e,0er{enaed Ge'Dm -- ~r~ i th ~r~orta~es as a ao:~s-qge'~ce o~ ;,,.~ d ,,r~clems w' .... , =~{ ient ,s-5,~ce~':t~ati~n. The Board has .s,>t bee,, ~e~.s..a.Je~ that t~,ese ~ectc:~s ,e.~alted ;,~ the ?z.~s of st:..,c:. {r, t;'{: ...a.~e. We }.ave bec. e.~e._ ,-:.=, .~ de,{h~r~.e_ ,Lee{sion on the ~r-ie,/oP. 8 pdrt ~ ',_.~ _a e the st{c~e,~ an:J p~ace ib o~ h~s vehi,s]e ~ithout cecor'd{ng the tra,~sactio,', or ~azin~ the ~e. For all of the above reasons, the gr{e,ance Cared atToron£o ,Ontario this 8th day of June ,t992. M.V. Watters, Vice-Chairperso~ ~ O'~egan, ~e~ber N. O' Too 23