HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1305.Azzopardi.93-09-14 - - n~ ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO .. . GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE 11111 SETTLEMENT , REGlEMENT . .. BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 2100 TORONTO ONTARIO, M5G lZ8 TELEPHONE ITELEPHONE (416) 326- 1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 2100 TORONTO (ONTARIO) M5G lZ8 FACSIMILE'TELECOPIE (416) 326- 1396 1305/92, 161/~3 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before \ THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Azzopardi) Grievor - and - - The Crown ih Right of Ontario (Ministry of Health) Brant County Ambulance '<- Emp1oy~r BEFORE S. Tacon Vice-Chairper$on M Lyons Member J Miles Member FOR THE A Lee GRIEVOIt Grievance Officer Ontario Public Service Employees Union FOR THE J Smith EMPLOYER Counsel , Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark ! Barristers & Solicitors HEARING July 19, 1993 ! I I II ! -- - - : 1305/92, 161/93 ,. BOARD ORDER Attached is the Memorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed would be made an Order of the Board DATED at Toronto, this 14th day of September, 1993 ~/ - ..-1 S Tacon, Vice-Chairperson ~'~ J Miles, Member \ ) ( ., 'i. u 1 U ! I ;:1 .J " .. ,- MINUTES OF SETI1.'EMENT BETWEEN: BRANT COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICE LlMlTED , ("the Employer") .- -AND- ONTARIO PuBUC SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION ("the UOlon") WHEREAS the Vmon filed. a gnevanee dated july 23, 1992, (Grievance Settlement &ardNo 1305/92) against the Employer on behalf of Gina Azzopardi ("liae Gnevorll), a copy of whIch is attached and marked as ExhibIt 1, AND WHEREAS the UOlon filed a grievance dated March 22, 1993l (Grievance Settlemenr &ard No 016iJ~~) agamst the Employer a copy of which is attached and marked as Exhibit 2, - AND WHEREAS the Umon, the Employer, and the GrIevor WIsh to resolve these gnevances and therefore agree to the followmg conditions of settlement 1 The Eniplov~r ': uCLermme when the next full-time Ambulance Officer posltlOn lS avaIlable and shall offer thIS poSItIon to the Gnevor 2. Where no full-tIme bargaimng umt members are on lay-off, and until the Gnevor lS offered a full-time Arnblllanee Officer positIon, the Cinevor WIll be offered the shIfts of a. full-tllne Ambulance Officer who IS absent and on Worker's Compensation Benefitsl Weekly Indemnltv or Long Term DI!\ahlltty, after that employee has been absent for one week If more than one full-time Ambulance Officer IS absent and on Worker's CompensatIon Benefits Weekly Indemmty or Long Term DIsabIhly, then the Employer shall determme whIch Ambulance OHicer's shIfts the Gnevor shall be offeted \ 3 After thc Gncvor has accepted a posmon as a full-tUllC Ambulance Ofticer, the Employer may conduct a performance appraisal after the Grievor has been performing the poSition for one month Thereafter performance_apprai!\als may he conducted from time to time as deterimned by the Employer 4 The Gnevor's full-lIme seniority dale wIll not begm untIl the date when the Gnevor begins workIng as a fllll..time Ambulance Officer, as prOVIded m paragraph 1 of thcse Mmutes of Settlement 5 The Union shall withdraw Grievance Settlement Board No 1305/92, dated July 23, 1992, and Gnevance Settlement BoaId No 0161N3, dated March 22, 1993, and undertakes to so adVIse the Gnevance Settlemenr Board - -- - ~ .. ~. .-- --. - "- Settlement mto a Board urder .< 7 These MtnuLes 01 Seulement do not constItute an admISSIon of lIabilIty by either party and con!;titute full and final ~ulen'ient of both grievances These Minutes of Settlement .are enforceable a.co sU,ch but otherwIse shall not create a precedent. In parttcular, the terms of thIS settlement are agreed to fn this case only and shalt not constitute a practice. I f 0 rt{ AtJ(,USr c.t DATED at Toronto, this day of ~ 1993 :- BRANT CmJNTV AMBULANCE ONT ARlO PuBUC SER:VlCE SERVICE EMPU)YEE.'" UNION - ) ~- ~ -SENT BY.ClPSeU 7-2'1-93 . 13:1' I ... 5U7enU1:.- 3 --; . ~ Dl/lSMl..I ~14 ~ .::"" "...:Q.~ 131lli tPJ I 'I on PI ,I) Nit, r 1305/;2 f 0161/9t . {. ~ .~, ~Scrn.lNDf1'~ - - ~ IMPn' CCwrr ~CI lime: l.ANrI'ID .- \"Otc JmpLoyur", '1k1lOo Ol'nAKItJ Plmuc SDYlL1: !.MPUJYUR UIGOJI ( 'tho tl'niDrt-) WtIIiREA8 the Un1<m ftlll1 il ItJIVInCI wee JUly %3, ~ i921 (QrlllVIlIClC- I ~enlem~IU Jk\IrG No. 13~~) spinae the E.mp/C1yer on behalf of Gina All! ~ ('the I Ciriaver.) a copy ot wb.ldl is anacJ\cd &net nUllked fl1 ~~tl i I AND WBnt,u.JIIII2le Umon nlad a j,loVIAGI dlWl Mat'Oh ::J QGl3l. (Oriewnw j Sewemaat loUd NO. 0181193) apIna.l fl1. Bmptu)"f, II. wp)' of ""l\IIot111 me md m....... AI ~it 2: I - AND WRRIt.IAJ tM 'UNon, rheSmptaYIf, and the Cir1Mrwlu to 'IIOlvc ~ICSI: I pru.c:u MdIJllttfara ._ .tnl (0110--;"1 GOnCllti<anl 'fllIIIIUI~rMml: 1. '1'210 ~pl9)'Cf win ~lIa'minc "Il'll= 1hc rat (ulHlmc ^mW2anwu Q;,n~r 9O~1LOn 1s lva.l1lblllDd shall oft'Ir this positJcn to the Onnur 2. ~ere Nt hlU-IUila Ntpinln, \Inll ItIlfftl.lertl u. Of! lly-otr. &Ad \Iftbl \h = Oricwar hi offtrcd I fuJl.dlll. Am~ Ot"n= poatdGn. the Cnc'lOt wUl bo oftl ad the ihJ1"lI of i l fuU-ttma AmbulaZlcl OmClf WIlD 15 1D!In\ and on WOtKGrs campa Iat:QU 3I:\ef1U, I Weekly ladtnUllty ex LaDI TetM Oirabillt!f, after Ulll\ lfmpJnyccbu beta al1lOTlt far one k ..... I' .... .... ... IUU...... ArU-oJaooo Ofllaor il UlIlII 1/ ~ Wilt.', . CompenatiOft 1itft8Iltl, WllldyIftMrihy OI1.Gq Twm DiRbW". tb us : ~C1= ! IhI1& g=-cn1nC whtCh AmtmllD'C OMC'U'I Shltls ttl~ OI1aVor Mall t.I . I ! 3. I AftIt tile (iriavol hu Weptldl poaIt:lC1\ at. I Ml-tlme Ambularlce OtfJ~ t. t" Emplc:foGr " ml) =ndUOlI pcdarmanc:e aooraiw aft:ar mo Orlnvrhu becm *tOI'1' s1nlL In. post n I for onl mOll,h. 1ileraatter, ~ lpFalUJi may.bO c:anclugl.Cd t.lOtr. tlml EO time AI .cl8t1lrmiftad "1 Usa J:i,llplo;J'cr ~ ,. The CirilYor'l ~lI."m. umlari(ydUe will ,,0\ boaUL uatU Ute Cite 'llo'letl the envYVI' I. bell'ftl workma u a full..t1mo Ambl.lla!ll:!l Offtcaf. " pmlded in pan ~ 1 o( Uscac ,. "'Ina. of leldBmmt. I I ,. TrIa UftlOlIUll 'IVi1bdzaw <a1lvlnClll ScnalBCIll Belrel No. 1305/9%, cSt.ed July 2', I I 1m, and Of'itVlftOl Stct1,JMltt Io&rIs No. g161/~), dared March. ~ 19'~, and I undenaW t.O., acMse mo ONvI1'1U1 SCl.lJornlllt BaIrd; I I I I , ! I on.l__'_ ._ ___ .-. -- .-- .---. -- _.- -- --*. --. ." .-. .- aiN'T IVICPSEU , 1-U-U 113111 ; - 6181!8?881l' , fIl8MW l)lNS~ 41t atl3 ~'7 ..,.~ 12'4$ Ct&1 ill .. ...... ~ · 6. 1\Q p.IIUI tl(t2.ut dW ch O1'\~uc>> lG\1~\ hvet \Mo.~l&ll d\Mt M\I"W at , !cuJlmcru lnw ~ !bnI 0nIer. 7 ",'* MIlUllS ar SIlIIcmInl dIllllll OIllItllllllllllllllllliallaf ~ = JlIII'll' and eon__ t\lD _ _ ~t 01 bora~. ThIll ta SeIdeImm are P~.,U 1N8h\ll.1& ldllIWi- ahall ".r ~ft!I s ~--am. !n , W tIJ1M of thita __lit' UI ~ II>> j... mil... 0"17 _ .,..n ftAtQt~t\1. t.~ ~ J)A TEfl ar fa!m\L3. WI day of JQ1y, 1993. ~7 eu~ 4".UL.ViIC;1I 0Nr~.... 9 ,,",VIOl Buy-c.;_ LaMlTl>> II 0.101'4 I ... ,~~/e"~~JY% ...--. _- - - I . ~ 1 I I ; ~ i , . - I r I I. ; ! ! I I I . - I l- I ! I i I r i I , I I I I 1 \ . i I I I j i . , - I ...0.-.. -..--. --....--.. -..... ---- .----. .--.-.- --' .. .... . ---- ._- ~._- --'-=------'--'