HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1370.Trolio.93-11-23 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE IFi CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO '" 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 2100 TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5G .lZ8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 2100 TORONTO (ONTARIO) M5G lZ8 FACSIMILE /TELECOPIE (476) 326-1396 1370/92, 2433/92, 3174/92, 3175/92, 3176/92, 902/93, 903/93, 904/93 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Trolio) \, Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of Government Services) Employer BEFORE: B. Kirkwood Vice-Chairperson J Member E. Seymour M O'Toole Member FOR THE K Lawrence GRIEVOR: Grievance Officer Ontario Public Service Employees union J FOR THE L Bastianutti EMPLOYER Staff Relations Officer Ministry of Government Services I !.:....'",,:_:" ;.- -; ., C< ","'"f';' J2. ,_.........__.~- ,-.,"i -+--- -,-- r >> ~--- --~-'-1 - -. . ~- -- -- -- ,~ , ~ I J . 1370/92, 2433/92, 3174/92, 3175/92, 3176/92, 902/93, 903/93, 904/93 BOARD ORDER Attached is the Memorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed would be made an Order of the Board. DATED at Toronto, this 23rd day of November, 1993 B~~Vice-Chairperson fi-/.f~ 'E Seymour, Member ?l1 ~ 0 ~,~ --' M. O'Toole, Member ~\~~~~.IL~(, ~h-:'~':C~.,:~:0~-i~"< ~'-i l' ,...~,~ ~~ ,. :' ii .) MJDIQIIJlJiQ)tn& 01' Sft!t'LEMml1'T 1~.tW4..~1 WUfAamti.WlT'r BoaRD SECRftARl.A'l' {lt~ho ~:j.pJ.ey&r"} ~!m l')N'l'ARIO i'lfDf..:IO GJm~':tm!: E:..>tPLO'!lEES tJ)I'J:ON ('t:rhtt 1'JU.l'Ul'"') Ii 1:.ULCjeJ.1.1 'l'J:Q'liQ C"rA$ Gz;'iclIvt)r") Wlthoutprej'u-dice and w1tlncJl1,t pr':'c1ild:nt tbeparties hen~t:(: c:.gree to 'the rOllo',dn9 terms as tt-lll a1J'l.d t:Lnn settlement of th\;l :r.cJll:oWing gt'ievances A. Grievance 4a.1:e4 JU1M' ).1" :!l.~H;~, GSB# J.370l'Z; 1 Tne 'Emp1 oyex' i:lgl;e,es: tt:: re.sc1nc't 'the le"tte:: Jl ~ep"'imand cO'l1':erning d.aili" aC.::'..t~'i':y repor-:.s d,lted J'urJ!? ll, 199~; 2. Th.e V:rji~?l1 and gr'ievl,r' a9r'se to 'Jitn'n'aw tn.e l;rr.Levar:ce. S Gri.t,1a~'.(:'e dated e:ep'I:c:ab18.r 3.8 t 19 ~2, GSBI 2433/92:- 1 '1'h.~~Empl.:>yel:' :hi.kS aPipI":lved th~ gr ie-vor' s a tt,E;lllldanCe at Fir.e Col1~ge r.sginnir'.;r JlJovenber 29, 1993. ~ Tl'..i3 Union ar.d 9riev:lr al;,rae te, lITi'Chdraw thE: ~Fl.~~,vj:tt:.ce. c. Griavanc:e 4a~ed ~ro\"~Il1t,eJ:' ;1 J. .1992 y GSB# 317101~2: 1. The Employer a,grree.s t..) ruscind the letter :)freprimarn.1 concerning the \~se C i'tlU-l sign...out board oai:ed o,::'t.:ober 20.. 1992;' 2. The Employer ~t~Jrt~e[l tl:> rescind the, one da~" $ugpensicn wl:tich occurred ~:n Ol:tc,bi~r 3(} I 1992 and whicJl is cited in \ tlH~ let.ter of j S'cipl.f,ne dated October 29, 1\~S:;2,1 3 ,;\h.:! qriavor W-5.1.L be roitnbursed for all PaY' 3,..'\"'. iI:\alo..efi"t.s lo~;;t as a resul.t. of th4:! t:m'9 day susperosion \IlL ~~:::I" oC':llrrlad (')1:\ Oct.obt?!r :I O. 992-; ..: 'l')ol.iil i'Jrlion and 0-.:ievCot~ agl:eli to withdraw th( ~rii~v~nce. I,. '-'iriav.n~. 4at.ed NO"8~.L1J';I&%, :ii, :1.~t~, GS~# :U7S/92 (ooAOQ!::a.iug ptarf'cu:II.fI.nc. 81.1='1:)2:'.:1 ...1) : 1 Tha bplo::'iQt' a';fr13~(;j:to anQna the per-formar ':.-:':) .(~~:,p~rilisal ""'bien .::over& the :p~ri,:.d ft"o~\ Apr.il :1.992 to Ua.:n::h HI'~3 as follows ~!\ttendana.elpl.l'I'-:1::,lJ"ad.d:;.y ....ill })'a rocorlied a!. ~;.;!,l:,~~;. :\toz:y; -It r.li ref erer\oe t:c ~IJ~ i ~v,ar,'C.a;o \'1i 11 t>Q remov':ld "" 0'~'I<"~:,..'7;\;' .::'7' -..---... ;:.i~'" < - ,~ ,., -:;. ':- -2,-' ~. The Union and g::i'~\I'()r aqr'~e to withdraw t:he. 'F2: :Leva~,ce 13. Grievance 4-.t.e4 JaJlUJlry ~l. 1993, GSB, 317"'2: 1.. ThEI Emp16yei: agrees to rescinc1 the letcer ,:,t :t:-eprJ.mand c011cerning the use of qoV'ernmen'C Vehicles datf;!.;t December 18, 1992; 2. Thp.! Union and g:ciev(.)r a~,r~~e to ~ithdra'W the ~::~tGiva:\ce r. Gri.va~':a 4.1:.4 Ja%2tJ;lry :Hr, ;L"J3,GSB# 904"3; .. The E1rJ.ployer agJ:'ees to sUk.z:;ti tute th~ two day :s.llspension . ,~ . whi.ch cccurred Ofl f'eb::'-\",a1'Y 1 and 2, 1993 ancl whic':.h is ci tad in the lett~r ,:.1: dJs:::ipline dated Janu.l.ry' 29, 1993, wi th a letter OJ: cOLlns,al \rhich will not fon: part of the qri-avor's ccrp:ll-ate pe~r:;o]nnel record; 2. ThH grievor wi.l1 be 1:Edmb'i.lrsed for all Pay alt:j, Beru;tits lost as a result: e..f thE: 1:WI) day suspe;nsion whi:::n. occurred on February 1 and 2, 1993: 3. Th!'! union and '~'1'iev':)r aq-ree to withdraw the (;r'ievar:ce~ G. Qrievanee dAted PetJruary tn, 1993, -GSB# 9102/93: 1 ~Th,}Employer al,;rrees t!) rE~scina the letter of reprimand dated February :~O I 19q:l ,[:oncerninq the revis i.cm of annual tarqGtsl 2. 'I'hr) union ar~d 9r.iovc:,:r- a;:rrea to wH:hdraw ttlE '}ricwmce. K. Gri.v.n~. 4at~4 K~y 3, 19~~, GSB#~03/93! 1 ':'h<'! ~ployer a~;rQQr.~ to rSJriOVO the lettsr 01: rep:r ima.."ia d~~:ed March 9, 1 ~93 con(~Q):'ning pa.rking offe31s$!!l f:r(llll the gl;ie./Q1:"S perfH:ltlnel :t:i,l.a '::;n... an,;i O!1.G half Ylla.:!:'~~~ from the d~~e of the let~er or reprimand; 2. Th-a Union ~nd ;;pd,e.vor agree to withdraw th4;:\ '9l':'5.,g,va,nce Tne parties agree tha.t thls sC!~'t::.t:Le:=E:nt will be ~ade <In e:l:' J.tUi::' "f the Grievance: set.~lez:ent BOilI'dl On behalf of tne Ernploy~r On behalf of the Union emd, C~r -evor: ('-.- . (4<-::' --- '~I ;;i,.:J3 -~ t.~ __ .~CfJ,_,..~.,~cZ .-z.O "QC,(3: repxesent~ ive Da .El ' repre:se i ve Da'te ,-,-",--,-~"~3 Date; I tl.'.-j-=I."'I: L__"'"'1- _~:: ',-;-~:...'--, ~~--