HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-3019.Board.93-08-03 ....,.......-_.~._---'-----~- -._"~-- ---._-_._~---- -~ ~------------- ~-'--- -------~::- ,--------~---'--;~--_...:..-_-~.._,--_._--_. -- ~. ~- EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE ONTARIO CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , 11I11 SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 2100 TORONTO ONTARIO, M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TEUiPHONE (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 2100 TORONTO (ONTARIO) M5G lZ8 FACSIMILE TELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 3019/92 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE .CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Beard) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of Community & social services) Employer- BEFORE J. Devlin Vice-Chairperson FOR THE ( J. Gilbert GRIEVOR Grievance Officer ontario Public Service Employees Union FOR THE J. stamp EMPLOYER Employee Relations Officer Ministry of Community & Social services HEARING July 19, 1993 ------~-- ----~----~---- -'- ..- .-- -- .~---.- --- ---~ -......_,_..-.._--~--- - .__..~.._-"--~~._----~...~----~_.- ,. ' . , , I 1 In this case, it is claimed that the Employer failed to properly calculate the Grievor's continuous ~ervice date. The facts which gave rise to the grievance are not in dispute. The Grievor was properly appointed to the unclassified service on a part-time basis as a Counsellor 2 (Residential Life) at the Huronia Regional centre on June 26, 1989. Thereafter, she worked under a number of contracts until her appointment to the classified service as a full-time Counsellor II, Residential Services on April 9, 1990. The Employer calculated the Grievor's continuous - service date as April 9, 1990, the date of her appointment to the classified service. It was the position of the Union that the Grievor ought to have been given credit for ,her service as a member of the unclassified staff and requested that her continuous service date be adjusted to.J"une 26, 1989. / The relevant provision of the collective agreement is Article 25.1 which provides as follows: ARTICLE 25 - SENIORITY (LENGTH OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE) 25.1 An employee's length of continuous service will accumulate upon completion of a probationary period of not more than one (1) year and shall commence: (a) from the date of appointment to the Classified Servica for thos~ employees with 'v ~ --~--_._-~---- -- - ~----~+------ .~- .. -~--......_------ ~-~- ---~---------- -+ -- - ~-----~ - -----~- --- - --- -- .J! 2. no prior service in the Ontario PUblic Service; or (b) from the date on which an employee commences a period of unbroken, full-time service in the public service, immediately prior to appointment to the Classified Service; or (c) for a regular part-time civil servant, from January 1, 1984 or from the date on which he commenced a period of unbroken, part-time service in the public service, immediately p;rior to appointment to a regular part-time position ia the civil service, whichever is later "Unbroken service" is that which is not interrupted by separation from the public service; "full time" is continuous employment as set out in the hours of work schedules for the appropriate classifications; and "part-time" is continuous employment in accordance with the hours of work - specified in Article 61.1. . . Both parties acknowledge that the Grievor does not fit squarely within any of the subparagraphs of Article 25.1. In this regard, she is not an employee with no prior service as provided in subparagraph (a) Moreover, although subparagraphs (b) and (c) provide credit for prior service, in the Grievor's case, her prior service was noe on a full-time basis so as to entitle her to credit under subparagraph (b), nor was she ~ . appointed to a part-time position in the classified service so as to entitle her to credit for prior part-time service under subparagraph (c). There is not doubt that Article 25 1 creates certain inequities. Nevertheless, the language of the Article is clear ~~-'~.._.~~_.,--~~-~- -----,.._---~- ._----_._~----_._- - '--------------:;.- -'-'----.----~._---'-----;-----+ ...;_._---".-~-- . 7 , 3 and unambiguous and does not entitle the Grievor to credit for prior part-time service as a member of the unclassified staff for purposes of calculating her continuous service date Moreover, although there was some suggestion by 'the Union that the Grievor ought to have been appointed to the classified service on part-time basis prior to April 9, 1990, it was agreed that she was properly appointed to the unclassified service in June of 1989 There is no basis upon which I could conclude that her continuing appointment to the unclassified service in the intervening period was improper - Accordingly, the grievance must be dismissed. ,DATED AT TORONTO, this 3rd day of August.,~ 1993. I \ ~Ch4i. H~ Vice Chairperson \