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GSB # 782/93
OPSEU # 93E087
OPSEU (stones)
- and -
The Crown in Right of Ontario
(Ministry of Health) Employer
BEFORE M Saltman vice-Chairperson
FOR THE D. wright
Ryder, Wright, Blair & Doyle
Barristers & Solicitors
FOR THE D. strang
Legal Services Branch
Management Board Secretariat
HEARING January 6, 1994
July 26, 27, 1994
Written submissions received on
October 20, 1994
December 1, 1994
February 1, 1995
May 23, 1995
July 20, 25, 1995
r I
The Gnevor ill tins case, Jenmfer Stones, alleges that the Employer faded to
I accommodate her dtsabihty for the penod from Apnl19 to May 24, 1993'1
The relevant facts are as follows The Gnevor has been employed at the
WhItby PsychIatnc HospItal as a RegIstered Nurse (classIfied as NJrse 2, General) since
February, 1990 In or around November 28, 1991, the Gnevor sustamed an Injury on duty
to her lower back as a result of wmch she was off work and ill receIpt of workers'
compensatlon. She remamed offwork ootll June 1, 1992 when she was placed on modIfied
dutIes WIth multIple restrIctIons. Although the Gnevor lDlually worked for only two hours
a day, there was a gradual illcrease ill hours thereafter so that by November, 1992, she was
workmg a full eIght-hour day
Upon her return to modrlied dunes ill June, 1992, the Gnevor was assIgned to
work m the medtcal librmy as part of an mformal modIfied work programme. That
programme was formaltzed followmg consultanon between the partles ill or aroUnd October,
1992 The purpose of the programme, the eVIdence mdIcates, IS to facilItate the return to
work of employees followmg illness or Injury Although an attempt IS made to place
employees m theIr pre-illness or mJury pOSItIons, the Employer also consIders aSSIgnments
(tj, I
(whether assocIated wIth any partIcular posItIOn or number of pOSItIOns) whIch are _
consIstent wIth the employees' restnctlons and'offer productive and meanmgful work.
Some SIX to eIght weeks after the Gnevor commenced modIfied dutIes, the
regular libranan (who was the only other employee aSSIgned to work ill the medIcallibra.ry9
went off on maternity leave. Upon the librarIan's return to work In January, 1993, the
Gnevor's modrfied duty assIgnment was altered such that she worked two days a week m the
library and three m the pharmacy
NotwIthstandIng that the Gnevor contmued ill her modIfied duty assIgnment
until the end of January, 1993, some tune ill the fall of 1992, the Workers' Compensatlon
Board determmed that the Gnevor was fit to return to her pre-mjUIY employment effectIve
September 28, 1992. In December, 1992, 'however, the WeB arranged for a functIonal
ablhtIes evaluation to be carned out on the Gnevor That evaluation resulted m multiple
restrIctions WIth respect to hftmg (up to 10 lbs. only), carrymg (up to 20 lbs only), kneehng.
crouchmg, 'bendIng and prolonged SIttIng, standms and walkmg. ~ addItIon, It was
recommended that repentive, sustamed forward fleXIon of the trunk and qUIck rot~tIOnal
( ,
movements of the lumbar sectIon of the tnmk be aVOIded and that allowances be made for
changes ill pOSltlon as reqwred. Subsequently, on December 23, 1992, the W C B reIterated
its earlier detennmation that the Gnevor was fit to return to her pre-mjury employm~nt.\wlth
no restrictIOns As a result, the Gnevor's workers' compensatIOn benefits were termmated
retroactlve to November 23, 1992. That decIsIOn has not been appealed.
Havmg regard to the decIsIOn of the W C.B temunatmg the Gnevor's benefits
on the grounds that she was fit to return to her pre-mJury employment With no restncbons,
on the one hand, and the Gnevor'sconbnumg claun for accommodatlon as well as the results
of the funcbonal abihtles evaluatlon, wruch set out multIple restnctlons, on the other, the
Employer took steps to arrange for an mdependent medical exammabon. However, before
such arrangements could be made, the Gnevor was involved m a motor vehIcle aCCident on
February 1, 1993, as a result of which she suffered a partlally separated shoulder and
aggravated her lower back mJury As a consequence of the mJunes sustamed m the aCCident,
the Gnevor went off work on short-term SIck leave under the care of her fanuly phYSICIan,
Dr Burwell. She underwent phYSiotherapy on a daily baSIS throughout the penod of her
absence {
During the penod of the Gnevor's absence, Dr Burwell completed five
medtcal cerbficates whIch were subrrutted to the Employer The first, whIch was lD the form
of a swnmary note dated February 3, 1993, mdtcated that the Gnevor would be off work
until February 15, 1993 The next four were all on a standard form utilIzed by the Employer
for thts purpose known as an Employee RehabIlItatIOn Form. The first of these, dated
February 11, 1993, mdttated that the Grievor had sustamed an mJury to her nght shoulder
r~ ----..
and lower back, that she would be fit to return to work on Februaty 25th, that modIfied
diltIes would be reqwred for an mdefirute ,penod (in fact, It was recommended that she be
returned to her preVIOUS modIfied duty asSIgnment m the library and .the pharmacy), and that
there would be restrIctIons on hftmg over 15 lbs. The second, dated February 23, 1993,
mdtcated restrIctIons because of lwnbar and shoulder stram WIth respect to stoopmg, hftm~
more than 10 lbs., prolonged standmg and overhead work. Moreover, thIS form mdlcated that
the Grievor would be fit to return to work on March 15th, that modtfied dutIes would be
reqUIred for a penodofone month, and that a reassessment of the Gnevor's capabilIties
would be undertaken In one week (whIch eVIdently dId not take place) The thud, dated
~ March 10, 1993, whIch made reference to restnctIons on repetItIve bendmg, stoopmg,
pushmg/pullIng and lIftmg more than 15 Ibs., mdICated that the Gnevor would be able to
return to work on April 12, 1993 and recommended modtfied dutIes for a penod of two
weeks The fmal Employee RehabilItatIon Form, dated Apnl 7, 1993, indIcated that the
Gnevor would be fit to return to work on April 19th, that modified dutIes would be reqUIred
for a penod of three we~ks, and that there were restrIctIons on pushmg/pullIng, IIftmg more
than 15 lbs. and Jhe penorinance of overhead, work. The Gnevor testIfied that as of April
7,. 1993, her back had ,returned to the same condIllon It had been to pnor to the motot vehICle
aCCIdent and that, except for restnctIons on lIftIng, heavy pushmg and overhead work, she
had full range of movement m her shoulder .
On or about Apnl 8, 1993" the Grievor telephoned the OccupatIOnal Health
Nurse, Cheryl Rendell, to adVise that she had been cleared to retwn to modified dutIes with
certaIn restncnons on April 19th. The Gnevor then proceeded to describe these restrictIons
and mqUIre as to the nature of the modIfied work WhICh was available Ms. Rendell
mdIcated that she would contact the Staffmg Co-ordInator for Nursmg, Vicky Halpenny, to
explore accommodatIOn m some aspect of nursmg. In fact, Ms. Rendell contacted Ms.
Halpenny followmg her return from vacatIon on or about April 13th. At that tIme, a discus-
sIOn took place as to the nature of th~ accommodatIon which could be made to :retwn tlfe
Gnevor to some form of nursmg dutIes. In thiS regard, conSIderatIon was gIven to placmg
the Gnevor on the Psychotherapy Urut ("PIU") where It was felt that she could use her
nursmg, I.e., counsellmg, skills and yet work wIthm her restnctIons. However, It would
appear from the eVIdence (which was hearsay) that the Nurse Manager on the PTU was not
prepared to accept an employee on modIfied duties as the Umt Drrector (who was a
psychIatrIst) had recently announced hIs departure and It was felt that the mtroductlOn of a
new staff member at that partIcular tIme mIght have had a disruptIve effect on the patIents
In addItIon, the Nurse Manager felt that safety nught be compronused If a patIent were actmg
out on a shIft where there were only two staff members scheduled, one of whom had certam
phYSICal restncnons. It was conceded on cross-exammatIOn, however~ that an employee on
modrlied dunes would not be counted m the complement of two employees and that, In any
event, the Gnevor would have been assIgned, at least Imtlally, on the day ShIft when the
complement was conSiderably greater (1.e , five nursmg staff)
AccordIng to Ms. Halpenny, conSIderatIOn was also gIVen to retwnnig the
Qnevor to her pre-Injury ward. However, as there were already three employees on modIfied
duty assIgnments on that ward, the Nurse Manager felt she could not accommodate another
Moreover, although consIderatton was gIven to aWard Clerk assIgnment for the Gnevor, thIS
placement was rejected apparently because workmg as a ward clerk 1J1volves prolonged
sIttmg, whIch Ms. Halpenny felt the Gnevor could not do (Although there was no
restrIctIon on prolonged SIttIng m the medIcal certIficates submItted by the Gnevor, the
functIOnal abIlItIes evaluatIOn conducted under the auspIces of the W C B noted such a
restrIction.) FInally, the eVIdence Indicates that consideratIOn was also glVen to placement
of the Gnevor In the pharmacy (whIch was rejected apparently because another employee
had been assigned to modified dutIes in the pharmacy although the eVIdence was unclear as
to when -thIs asSIgnment was made) and m th~ library (whIch was rejected eVIdently because
the librarIan had returned from matermty leave and there was no productIve work for another
full-ttrne employee). However, It would appear that, with the pOSSible exceptIOn of the ward
clerk assIgmnent, none of these potentIal placements was ever dIscussed wlfu the Gnevor
In any event, pnor to proVIdmg accommoda,tIon, as questIons remaIned
concermng the extent of the Gnevor's medIcal restncttons,the deCISIOn was taken to proceed
WIth arrangements for an mdependent medIcal exammatIon. AccordIngly, on or about April
27, 1993, the Gnevor was asked to attend a meetmg to diSCUSS the matter In accordance
'f' I
WIth thts request, the Gnevor attended at the HospItal on the afternoon of Apnl 28th along
WIth her Uruon representatIve, Barry Casey In attendance for the Employer were Ms.
Halpenny and theW C.B.lAttendance Management Co-ordmator, Karen Clark. At that tIme,
the Gnevor was asked to consent to an mdependent medical examInatIon at the CanadIan
Back Instttute. The Gnevor, on adVIce fromMr Casey, took tins request under adVIsement.
The next day, followmg, consultatIon WIth Vicky Scott, an OPSEU benefits consultant
famihar WIth the CanadIan Back InstItute, the Gnevor consented to the mdependent medical
At the meetmg, the Gnevor mdtcated that she was willmg and able to return
to modIfied dutIes pendIng the outcome of the mdependent medical. Accordmg to the
Employer WItnesses, the Gnevor was adVIsed that efforts were bemg made to find modIfied \
work whIch was conSIstent WIth her dIsabihttes. The Gnevor, however, could not recall any
dISCUSSion of modtfied work eIther at the meetIng or in conversation with Ms Halpenny the
followmg day For her part, Ms. Halpenny testIfied that she adVIsed the Gnevor the
followmg day that a ward clerk assignment was under consideratIOn, whIch IS reflected m
wntten correspondence to the Gnevor dated May 3, 1993 Nevertheless, the Gnevor
mamtamed that she was told that there was nothmg avaIlable, that an mdependent medIcal
examtnatton was requrred to determme whether she was able to return to nursmg dutIes) and
that "it was not m the best Interests of the HospItal" to placener m a modIfied work
aSSIgnment pendmg the outcome of that exanimatIon.
~>' J
The Gnevor underwent an assessment at the Canawan Back InstItute on May
4 and May 5, 1993 As a result, a report was prepared and submItted to both Dr Burwell
and the Employer on May 18th. Ihat report recommended that the Gnevor return to
modrlied dutIes m a nursmg.;.related area for half days WIth restrIctIons on prolonged bendmg
and stoopmg, overhead lifhng (up to 151bs. only) and lIfting, other than overhead bfting (up
to 30 lbs. only) In addItIon, frequent postural changes were recommended. It was also
suggested that the Gnevor attend some form of active exerCIse treatment programme for the
balance of three hours a day
Upon receIpt of the report from the CanadIan Back InstItute on or about May
18, 1993, Ms Rendell contacted Ms. Halpenny and Ms. Clark WIth a VIew to placmg the
Gnevor In a modtfied duty aSSIgnment and arrangmg for an extensIOn of her treatment
programme at the CanadIan Back InstItute By the followmg day, arrangements had been
made for treatment to be contmued and for the Gnevor to be placed In the Acute Inter-
mediate lreatment Urut ("AITU")as a medIcatlons nurse effecuveMay 25th. Ms. Rendell
then contacted the Gnevor, mformed her of the arnmgement, and requested that she obtaIn
approval from her famIly phYSICUul for the proposed modIfied work programme. In
accordance WIth thIS request, Dr BurwelI prepared a medIcal certificate dated May 21, 1993,
whIch described the nature of the Gnevor's mjwy as "dIscogeruc mechanical back pain" and
mdIcated that she was fit to return to modIfied duties on May 25th under restrictions
described In the report of the CanadIan Back InstItute
Upon her return to' work on May 25th, the Gnevor spent half days workIng on
the AlTU and half days m treatment WIth the CanadIan Back InstItute for which she was paId
her full salary Although the Gnevor's duties on the AITU mvolved pushmg a medIcatIons
cart, Ms Rendell felt that these dutIes were consistent WIth the restnctIons set out in the
report of the CanadIan Back InstItute (although mconsIstent WIth restrIctIOns on p,-!shmg and
pullmg mdIcated m the final Employee RehabilitatIon Form prepared by Dr BurWell) The
Gnevor, however, felt there was no mconsistency as the effect of these restr~ctIons was not
to prohibIt, but only to InnIt, the performance of these actIVIties In any event, the Gnevor
testtfted that the medIcatIons cart, whIch was on casters, dId not -Involve pushing and pullmg.
She also testIfied that although her back and shoulder mJunes' had not been resolved pnor
to her return to work on May 25th and although she requrred a small modificatIon to enable
her to penorm the Job (namely, the prOVISIon of a stool for overhead ltfung), she felt that her
medIcal condItIon did not hmder her job performance. .
On July 19th, followmg completIon of the, programme at the Canadtan Back
Institute, the Gnevor returned to her pre-injury employment as a Registered Nurse on the
Short-term Assessment and Treatment, and InterventIOn Observation and Treatment Umts
where she worked under lumted restrIctIons
Although the Gnevor's W C.B elatm was termInated effectIve November 23,
1992, the elann was reopened on two occaSIOns m 1994 as a result of short-term flareups to'
her back mjury The Gnevor receIved workers' compensatIOn benefits in respect of both 'of
these f1ar~ups .
Ihe Issue l~ whether the. Gnevor ~>ught to have been accommodated for the
penod from Apnl19 to May 24, 1993- The obhgatIon to proVIde accommoda~IOn arises
from the protectton agamst dIscnmmatIon on a nwnber of grounds, mcludIng handicap, set
out In ArtIcle A.l of the collectIve agreement, whIch IS to the followmg effect:
A.l There shall be no dISCnmInatlOn practIsed by reason of race, ancestry,
place ofongm, colour, ethnIc ongm, CItIzenshIp, creed, sex, sexual onent-
atIon, age,mantal status, family status, or handtcap, as defmed m sectIon
10(1) of the Ontano Human Rtghts Code (OHRC)
Arttcle A.l refers to the Human RtghtsCode, the relevant proVISIons of which are as follows
. . ,
5(1) Every person has a nght to equal treatment with respect to employment
WIthout discnmIDatIon because of race, ancestry, place of ongm, colour,
ethruc ongm, CItIzenshIp, creed, sex, sexual on entatIon, age, record of
offences, mantal status, farilily status or han.dIcap
10(1) In Part I and In thIs Part,
"because of handIcap" means for the reason that the person has or has had, or
IS beheved to have or have had,
(a) any degree of phYSICal dtsabIhty, mfmnity, malformatIon or
dIsfigurement that IS caused by bodIly mjury, bIrth defect or illness
(e) an mjury or dIsabihty for whIch benefits were clanned or
receIved under the Workers' CompensatIon Act;
17( 1) A nght of a person under thIs Act IS not infrInged for the reason only
that the person IS mcapable of penormmg or fulfilhng the essentlal dutIes or
requrrements attendmg the exerCIse of the nght because of handtcap
(2) The ComnnssIOn, a board of mqurry or court shall not fmd a person
incapable unless It IS satIsfied that the needs of the person cannot be
accommodated wIthout undue hardshIp on the person responsIble for
accommodattng those needs, consIdenng the cost, outSIde sources of fundmg,
If any, and health and safety requrrements, If any
. /'
There was no dIspute between the partIes that ArtIcle '''A" of the collectIve
agreement permIts the Umon to enforce the Employer'.s obhgatIons under the Human RIghts
Cllik m proceedmgs before the Board. These obhgatIons~ It was agreed, mclude the duty to
accommodate a person WIth a handIcap to the pomt of undue hardslup Moreover, there was
no dIspute that the Gnevor was such a person and that she was accommodated by the
Employer from May 25. 1993 The dispute. as It developed, was whether the Employer wa~
requrred to accommodate the Gnevor In respect of an earher penod, namely. from Apnl 19
to May 24, 1993 In tlus regard, the Employer took the posItIon that It would tnVIaltze the
proVISIOns of the ~ and dIvert funds from other pnontIes of the HOSpItal to requrre
accommodatIon for the penod m questIon durmg whIch the Gnevor was m receIpt of SIck
benefits (in the amount of 75% of wages) In the altematI~e, the Employer took the posItIon
'" I- "
that It was entitled to a reasonable penod In whIch to obtaIn accurate ,and relIable "'
InfOrmatIOn upon, whIch to base an offer ofaccommodabon to a handIcapped employee as
well asa reasonable penod In whIch to miplement suchan offer In the further alternative,
the Employer took the pOSItIon that the Cillk does not guarantee that a handIcapped
employee WIll be accommodated m employment. Rather It ensures that such an employee
WIll not be dtscnmmated against ill respect of jobs' the employee is capable of penormIng
(although there IS no reqwrement to plage an employee m a job whIcp. the employee IS
mcapabie ofpenormmg even with accommodatIOn) The Employer further contended that
the duty to accommodate IS hnuted to the employee's pre-IDJury posItIon or to some other
position to whIch the employee is entitled under the collective agreement and that there IS
no oblIgatIOn on the Employer to create a Job or job opporturuty under the collective
agreement. As the medicai eVIdence mdIcated that the Gnevor was unable to penorm the
essenttal elements of her pre-mjury nursmg posItton durmg the relevant penod, the Employer
maIntaIned that there was no oblIgatIon to proVIde accommodatIon pnor to May 25, 1993
In fact, as the Gnevor was unable to perform the essentIal reqUIrements of her pre-'It1JuI)'
employment until some tirnem July, 1993, the Employer suggested that $e accommodation
proVIded on May 25th may well have exceeded the requircments of the Cw:k In any event,
the Employer clanned that It made eveI)' effort short of undue hardshIp to accommodate the
Gnevor durmg the penod In questIon.
For Its part, the Umon took the posItIon that the fact that the HOspItal had other
pnontIes or that the Gnevor was m receIpt of benefits ~der other proVIsIons of the
cQIlectIve agreement did not detract from the Employer's duty to accommodate handIcapped
employees to the pOInt of undue hardship under the Human Rights Code. Furthermore,
although the Uruon dId not dIspute that the 'Employer was entItled to rehab Ie mformatIon
upon whIch to base an offer of accommodatton, the Uruon mamtamed that the Employer had
the mformaoon reqwred to accommodate the Gnevor dunng the penod m questIon, thIs
bemg mformatIon the Gnevor was fit to return to work WIth restrIctIons The fact that the
Employer desrred more complete InformatIon to allow for the development of a
comprehensIve rehabihtatton plan ought not to have precluded the Employer from proVIdmg
intenm accommodaoon. The Uruon also dIsputed the contentIon that the duty to
accommodate IS hnuted to the employee's pre-Injury postt:lOn and c1auned that the obhgatton
may extend to the dutIes of another pOSItIon or even to dutIes whIch are not assocIated WIth
any parttcular posItIon and that the Employer recogmzed the broader scope qf Its duty In ItS
mtemal polIcIes and gwdelInes and by placmg the Gnevor m the library and pharmacy from
June, 1992 to February, 1993 Finally, the Union clanned that the Employer faIled to show
that It would have caused undue hardship to have accommodated the Gnevor for the period
In questIon, I.e., from April 19 to May 24, 1993
In the Board's view, pnor to accommodatmg the Ghevor,s dIsabilIty, the
Employer was entltled to a reasonable penod of tune m whIch to obtaIn relIable mformatIon
as to the Grievor's medIcal restnctIons. Although It would appear that some attempt was
-made at accommodation for the penod m questIon (the eVIdence suggests that consideratIon
was gIVen to placmg the G,rtevor In her pre-Injury pOSItIon; m a ward clerk pOSItion, In the
library, the pharmacy or the PTU), m the end, no work was found for the Grievor In any
event, the Employer was faced WIth sIgmficant contradIctIons as to the Gnevor'scapabilitIes.
As early as the fall of 1992, the W C.B declared the Gnevor fit to return to work WIth no
restrIctions although a functIonal abilIties evaluatIOn camed out under the auspIces of the
W C B resulted m multiple restrictIOns. These contradIctIons were exacerbated by a
confusmg array of restrIcttons set out in a senes of medIcal certIficates submItted following
the Gnevor'smvolvement m a mbtor vehIcle aCCIdent In February, 1993 For Instance, the
fIrst three medIcal certIficates subIDltted by the Gnevor put no restrIctIons on pushIng and
pullmg whereas the last two dId. Ms. Rendell confirmed that the restrIctIon on pushmg. and
pullIng was a sIgruficant unpednnent to placmg the Gnevor In a nurSIng pOSItIon. '\
Furthermore, the second and fifth certrficates mdtcated restnctIOns on overhead work, wlhch
were absent from the other certIficates. Finally, Isolated restrIctIons were referred to
IndtVIdual certIficates. These mcluded prolonged standtng (in the second certIficate) and
repetItIve bendmg (In the fourth) Havmg regard to these dIscrepancies and to the
Employer's oblIgatIon to ensure that work whIch was aSSIgned was WIthm the Gnev'or's
medIcal restncttons,-theEmployer, qUIte properly m the Board's VIew, made the deciSIOn to
proceed WIth an mdependent medIcal exarnmatIon to determIne the extent of these
restrIctIons That deCISIOn was presented to the Gnevor at a meetIng on April 27, 1993 at
whIch bme the Gnevor' s consent was requested. As she was entItled to do, the Gnevor took
the request under adVIsement and the next day, folloWIng consultatton WIth knowledgable
Uruon OffiCIalS, gave her consent to the mdependent l11edIcalexammatIon. That exammatIon
was conducted on May 4th and 5th and the results of the examInatIon, whIch effectIvely
reduced the restrIctIons on the Grievor (these bemg restnctIons on pushIng and pullmg,
whIch were e11ffi1flated, and restnctIons on IIftmg, mcludmg overhead IIftmg, which were
reduced); were proVIded to the Employer WIthIn a two-week penod. In the Board's VIew,
the Employer aqted WIth reasonable dIspatch msecunng the Gnevor's consent and In makmg
arrangements for the mdependent medtcal exammatIon. The results of that exanunation were
avatlable on May 18th and the Gnevor was reInstated to actIve emplOYment the followmg
day In these crrcumstances, the Board IS unable to conclude that the Employer was req1i1red
to accommodate the Gnevor's dtsabIhty at an earlIer date or that there was any enntlement
to compensatIon In respect of the penod from April 19 to May 24, 1993 In the result, the
gnevance must be dISmIssed. , "
DATED AT TORONIO, thIS 26 day of February, 1996.
K. Saltman, Vice-Chairper'son