HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-0895.Ross.94-02-01 ~~ ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTAR/O 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , SETTLE.MENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 2100 TORONTO, ONTARIO. M5G IZ8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 2100,. TORONTO (ONTARIO) M5G IZ8 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 895/93,1322/93 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION I i IS i Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Ross) Grievor -and - -~ The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Community & Social servives) Employer BEFORE: M. Gorsky Vice-Chairperson J Carruthers Member F. Collict Member FOR THE J Paul GRIEVOR Grievance Officer Ontario Public Service Employes Union FOR THE J stamp EMPLOYER Employee Relations Advisor Ministry of Community & social services '- ~, "'" 895/93, 1322/93 BOARD ORDER Attached is the Memorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed would be made an Order of the Board DATED at Toronto, this 1st day of February, 1994 M. ::;~'~;;:-~rperson 1 -;/~,~ ~?'A;~-::::/ . Carruthers, Member i '. .- VlI~"BiL.Q! ~.!IIr ~ \ \ C2:1."'mn~ sett18llMU'lt 1I000rd 1.'8 1)~O!!S/03 (OP.6EU '.3a179 4&ted)JUno 8. i 1 l!H~3) ~Jlocl 088 .:1,32.2/93 {OPSEO I 1300.,.4 ~.1:.d Ju11' ~, 1"9:J} .net i q.r.1e'Vl\1~ tla'te4 NOV~ 10, 1':i!l3. (col~iae a1Pbachod) . X:tl tjJe iD11:ttU 0: the qt'.1eVAl':tOU b4twean; i "ftU: omARIO YOBL:tC &.m'tC'& !:!GLO"tUs tm:tQN I (her.Uafter .e.'!enec1 to as "the Un1on") i 01\; bet\a,),f ct; \' Don ReSI i (h~r..lne.ft.er :'CI:(~~e4 ~.C) .~ I'the qr1_""orll, ! I 1.N1l \ ~ aItOWN IN S!.%elR OF oN'1!MXQ ail r~~t.e4 1>y i TIn HINIITk't 01" COl'OlOll'X1'Y AW SOC.J:AL'.VXCES I (here1na.ftl:!r ret8%'%'iW t,(',> a. "~e e=pJo01ClZ'-) L It: 18 u:n4lhT.l1tOOd and a'Jt'eed tha:t t;l1.i~ rJat.elet:lan-t. 1. ail". ,...i.tbouo prClljud!c;e QI1\C2 vi.thou:;: p1:'.C1\\4ent. too anY -p,osit:.i.ons ~a~ i:,he .~rli.e. \ I, nl!l;r t;ajc:.o .:In r..p~t. of t~ii .i.r.I'ter.v:r:fJ~tion, al?p.U.~1:.ion or c~lI1nist;rRtJ.on of t!1e. colla-c1:1ve aqrecllInt: 01" to such poait.i.on ill I 2;'efSp*<::'t Qt MlY otbco mattors bet1<re.n 't:.b.e parties: ! ~ft ~$' are desirous Of s.ttl:WJ .all matter.: in tUllPUte ari.~nq out. of ~:.'!,....tIl4l1 ;ri~ce$. . ~.fox'~, 1:b4 followi!1q' t.er1Dab.av'. MQll aqrGe.4. ~C) as full ahd i i,' f. final dtcr.::t1--=ent. , ~ 1.. '.~. 9lapl.oyer 'Wi.J.l ~on~ t.~e. ~ lavor' <; schedule on .. six ',ll.mek J;'ot.af:.\on cens at.u.q of Dli~rd-;t\t. ~itt.s .t)tOQp't ~'t } i!:.he <J2:'i.~ '\oI'or~ 012$ pe:-!od or t:WO or three days sh1tts 1:1l.4J:'1nQ t::b.at!: aix wo.,* .E'.::)t.litU,.,h 'X'his sche<tuU.ft9 pt'OCe_ 'dll bQ i2apl..,,1;tt4 ~~. 'tllt~ posting oS: the nQxt \ (lIcbed\l1ecl td~ ~ rot.,t:lon. \ \ 3. ~~l'. r:18VC>>' ~~ hot !r..-~ ., ."''''Ita "'-'''''D fOil ".. ~2 .l\b.U .u~ t _ .. "., .....ll.ftc.$ ~ a'eo ClYeftW a~ ~w z;p~ conterenc., ctl1el1't: tuily vi.ita or ~~int.ub.t:. ......../2 I \ , ~ & ;>4 I - ! { llhu. the gri~'" !P1'....::.no. it' IIp.c::1t.1Cb.lly r~ 6n4 1:12. MP10Y'ez" , Yi3.1 :\IWcila .,,~t"y r_.~t)la Cl~t"Ol:1: t:o \ nc::beaule such ~.~tJl d~I~i..~9' h!. 4Q.Y .h1.n:s in ~.t et.x l 'leek rotation. I "?, ~~ gr.tcaVor will J)lct.ain :1\..C4=._~ ""'iJl:~~ ann ..tmt,\:tt'4U: from cO-blood:u (I-> to eh..t'Ii9- ~n: al'\l:S aU. Mh to. .. 'J.1\1s aet'tlf!l\ent shall l\.pplyt~ the ;rievor only ana a.ball have :no p.r-Qc=e~.tJhj.al .~ pnju~ici.l ValUAl~ s. '11'1. anion 61\d 'th\l <3:.";\.av.l)]; ac,ree to wi tbdraw t.a. aho?a e:ept:i0ne4 gor1.V'ancu. .!:1~.r ~u ura:1on ~;' 'tl.<lt OPlo1'e.t' mOlY s~!t:. 'tbe.a Hinute$ i .... i .oS! ..~1:1._.t* t.o the Gr;1.van08 S.ttletloent ,oard to be i jUdO al'\ CI.ri~r of' thl!lt 'Board.. i \ .j I, Dl'rED t:ttis . L~ M.,. day ,,! ~~"- 1". at ~~tdt.J~ .. ~\P~~ \ I Z.Plo,-l" ~":f4Da~. (0) 'UJ1ie,n .j,~~=:-.(,,) "- f ~~ ~~ - - - ~ 31' I' '1"". ............ ~ "''' ~..- --4>. ( ~~~......._-...~ I ........ r - ....... III - ( I I I i I l ,