HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-1829DOMACINA95_09_26
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GSB # 1829/94
OPSEU # 94F491
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OPSEU (Domacina)
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The Crown in Right of Ontario
(Ministry of Health)
BEFORE R J. Roberts Vice-Chairperson
Koskie & Minsky
Barristers & Solicitors
Legal Services Branch
Management Board Secretariat
HEARING May 18, 25, 1995
August 8, 9, 1995
A ward
This is a discipline case The gnevor was suspended for twenty days for verbally sexually
harassmg and threatenmg a co-worker, Ms Diane Versace Ms. Versace was the first wItness
called to testIfy on behalf of the employer, the Queen's St. Mental Health Center She was a
reluctant wltness, m the sense that she had not wanted to report the mCldent and threat leadmg to
the dIsciplme m questIOn and for a consIderable penod, declined to make a statement to
management settmg forth her verSIOn of the detaIls of the mCldent. The gnevor testIfied on hIS
own behalf and, as he had dunng the proceedmgs leadmg up to dIscIplme, demed that the
mCIdent and threat alleged by Ms Versace ever occurred. For reasons whIch follow, it is
concluded that the mCIdent dId, m fact, occur and as a result dIscIplme was warranted.
The employer m thIS case the Queen's St. Mental Health Center, is located m the heart of
Toronto Ontano It IS one often provmcIal psychIatnc hospItals canng for senously mentally III
people m Ontano These people reqUIre a complex group of serVIces to enable them to manage m
the world. The employer has 450 m-patIents and 2000 out-patIents Senously mentally III
patients were defined at the heanng as those who either contmuouslv or at times have difficulty
copmg wIth reality These patIents may be psychotic, mamc depressIve or bram damaged man
acqUIred or orgamc manner To care for thiS populatIOn, the employer has approximately one
thousand staff Of these approxImately five hundred are nurses The remamder are chmcal care
admmlstratlve and housekeep 109 personnel
Because thIS case turns 10 large part upon the credlblhty of the eVIdence of Ms. Versace, the
gnevor and others to whom Ms. Versace spoke regardmg the mCldent pnor to ItS bemg brought
to the attentIOn of the employer, the eVIdence of these wItnesses wIll be revIewed
10 some detaIl
Ms Versace
As already mdlcated, Ms Versace was the first wItness called to testIfy on behalf of the
employer She commenced employment m 1988 as an R N A. In August, 1993 she became an R
N WIth the employer, havmg graduated from college WIth a Nursmg dIploma. In March, 1994
Ms Versace transferred to UnIt 1 5 at Queen's St. To her, thIS was a welcome development
because staff regarded thIS UnIt as a good place to work and she was able to work the ShIftS that
were most attractIve to her Accordmg to Ms Versace, the gnevor transferred mto UnIt 1 5 a
couple of weeks after she started. He also was an R N
The mCldent alleged 10 thIS case occurred, accordmg to Ms Versace, on Apnl 19 1994 Ms
Versace testIfied that after her ShIft ended at eIght o'clock pm, she went down to the southwest
parkmg lot dIrectly m front of the bUIldmg housmg her UnIt. She went to her car and opened the
dnver's door At that pomt, she sensed someone behmd her She turned and looked. There was
the gnevor
IllltIally Ms Versace testIfied, she thought that the gnevor was Just gOIng to hIs car as well The
gnevor, however, was standIng rather close to her Then he saId, "you have lovely breasts" He
was close enough to her, Ms Versace saId, that when she turned to get Into her car, she brushed
hIm wIth her shoulder Because It was dusk and not really dark, Ms. Versace saId, she was sure
that It was the gnevor
When asked whether she saId anythIng to the gnevor before dnvIng off, Ms. Versace saId no
She dId not say anythIng to hIm. She Just Jumped Into her car, backed out of the parkIng spot and
drove away At that pOInt In tIme, Ms. Versace saId, she was workIng at Centenary Health Center
on a part tIme baSIS and had to dnve to thIS hospItal to work a ShIft there She Just wanted to
forget It. As lllght wore on In the course of her ShIft at Centenary, however, she talked about the
InCIdent to Ms LIsa CurtIS, a colleague who was a full-tIme Nurse at that hospItal
AccordIng to Ms Versace Ms CurtIS told her that she should report It; however, she dId not.
When asked why not, Ms Versace replIed, "I Just wanted to forget about It." She dId not tell
anybody else
Ms Versace testIfied that she reported for work the next day, Apnl 20 At that tIme, she SaId, the
gnevor approached her and SaId somethIng to the effect that" nothIng happened last lllght."
Ms Versace confirmed that she did not make a statement to the employer about this 10Cident
until sometime 10 November She said that 10 October, Mr Mort Mates, the then local umon
preSident, telephoned her and said that he'd lIke to talk to her about the 10Cident 10 the park10g lot
With the the gnevor This took her by surpnse, Ms. Versace said, because she had not told
anyone at Queen's St. At first, she replIed, " what 1OCident?" She then agreed that she would
meet With Mr Mates on the follow1Og Monday
On that day, Mr Mates came up to see Ms. Versace. Accord1Og to Ms. Versace, he told her that
she was oblIgated to report the 1OCident. She replIed that she wanted to th10k the matter over,
after first discuss10g it WIth her husband. Then Mr Mates left. Subsequently Ms Versace said,
she told Mr Mates that she dId not want anyth10g to do WIth It and that she refused to make
statement. At that tIme, she saId, she was five months pregnant.
After that, Ms Versace testIfied, she was contacted by her Head Nurse, Ms Suzanne Haddad.
Ms. Haddad said that she would support Ms. Versace eIther way that she WIshed to go and left It
at that for a few days Then Ms Haddad approached her aga10 and told Ms Versace that the
employer would go ahead and report the 10Cldent 10 any event because the v were oblIgated to
report It and It had come to theIr attentIOn.
When asked about a reference 10 her statement to feel10g threatened by the gnevor Ms Versace
said that she felt intimidated having to work with him This. however was not as a direct result
of the incident. She felt that way from the time she first began working wIth the gnevor perhaps,
she saId, because of other things that she had heard about hIm
There was an extensIve cross eXaminatIon. Counsel for the umon began by probing the
statement that Ms Versace had made on November 1, 1994 When asked whether she wanted to
make thIS statement Ms Versace replIed that she had not wanted to make thIS statement at all
She saId that she felt pressured to do so She saId that she was "getting It from all angles," from
the umon, her Head Nurse. and even co-workers She emphasIzed that Ms Haddad and Mr
Mates had told her they were oblIgated to report the incIdent In any event.
When asked how Mr Mates and the others had come to know about the incIdent, Ms. Versace
replIed that she understood that Ms. CurtIS had told someone that she knew at Queen's St. dunng
the summer months. She demed counsel's suggestIOn that she told anyone about It.
Expanding upon thIS, Ms Versace saId that she was approached In the parking lot by a co-
worker Ms MIchelle Wharton. Ms Wharton told her that LIsa CurtIS had adVIsed her of what
had happened wIth the gnevor ThIS, apparently, was after Mr Mates had called her Ms Versace
demed gOing Into any detaIl WIth Ms. Wharton. It was Incorrect, she saId, to suggest that she told
Ms Wharton that the gnevor had touched her breasts Perhaps, Ms Versace suggested. Ms.
Wharton had heard thIS through the grapeVine and It was mIsconstrued. Ms Wharton, she saId,
was a co-worker wIth whom she was fnendly
When counsel for the umon read Ms Wharton's statement to her Ms Versace demed that she
ever told Ms Wharton about the mCIdent a week after It had happened Once agam, she demed
tellIng Ms Wharton that the gnevor had touched her breasts She said that she dId recall saymg
to Ms Wharton that she wanted to keep the matter hush hush.
Counsel for the umon then asked Ms. Versace whether she told Ms CurtIS that the gnevor had
touched her breasts Ms Versace demed tellmg her that. She said that she was tIred and upset
when she told Ms CurtIS, but she never saId that the gnevor had touched her She dId not even
name the gnevor to Ms. CurtIS.
When asked where she and Ms. CurtIS had dIscussed the mCIdent, Ms Versace replIed that she
belIeved It was m the kItchen at Centenary HospItal It was not at Ms. CurtIS' resIdence She said
that she dId not even know where Ms CurtIS lIVed. The kItchen at Centenary HospItal, she
explamed, was where staff went for break. She saId that she only recalled speakmg to LIsa CurtIS
The conversatIOn wIth Ms CurtIS, Ms. Versace saId, occurred at about 11 p.m. when she and Ms
CurtIS were on break and alone m the kItchen. ThIS was not a scheduled break, she said, because
staff took breaks when they could.
Counsel for the unIOn then advised Ms. Versace that Ms. CurtIS, when contacted by Mrs Anna
Kutty, the Nursmg Coordmator at Queen's St., allegedly told Mrs Kutty that Ms. Versace went
to her place after work to discuss the mCident. Ms Versace flatly demed this, saymg eIther Ms
CUrtiS or Mrs. Kuttv was wrong. She said that she did not descnbe the mCldent to Ms CUrtiS at
any other place than the kItchen at Centenary HospItal and she dId not tell Ms. CUrtIS that her
breasts had been touched.
When asked why Ms CUrtIS had told Ms Kutty that the gnevor had touched her breasts, Ms
Versace replIed that she had told Ms CurtIS dIfferent thmgs regardmg workmg wIth the gnevor
and she was upset, so, perhaps Ms. CurtIS put these thmgs together Ms CUrtIS, Ms Versace
Said, knew that she dId not want to report the mCident. She urged Ms. Versace to do so saymg
that it may go further the next tIme
When counsel mqUIred as to what other thmgs about the gnevor Ms Versace had related to Ms.
CUrtIS, Ms Versace explamed that whIle she had only worked wIth the gnevor for a short tlIne at
the tIme of the mCldent, she had dIscussed wIth Ms. CUrtIS m the months that followed the
mCldent, thmgs about gnevor that she learned after workmg wIth hIm longer
When counsel asked whether Ms Versace was aware that she could make sexual harassment
complall1ts In contidence and bnng the Incident to the attentIOn of management In that way Ms
Versace replied that she was aware that she could have done thIS. She agreed that she never
InItIated such a complaInt. She also agreed that she kept workIng wIth the gnevor through to
October, 1994 She never asked not to work wIth hIm and, she agreed, had ample opportumty to
complaIn regardIng the IncIdent to her husband, to Ms. Kuttv and to Ms Haddad, yet she never
ReturnIng to the statement that Ms. Versace had made, counsel asked her once agaIn whether she
felt forced to make It. Ms. Versace replIed that she dId. NothIng was saId, she testIfied, but at one
pOInt In tIme when she was stIll refusIng to make a statement, Ms. Kutty and Ms. Haddad both
saId that If she felt uncomfortable workIng wIth the gnevor she would be transferred out of the
umt. She felt thIS was unfaIr, Ms Versace SaId,. She dId not see why she should be the one to
transfer out of the umt.
Ms Versace also testIfied that Ms Haddad advIsed her that If she maIntaIned her refusal to make
a statement, Ms Haddad would seek out statements from people Ms. Versace had told about the
IncIdent. She saId that she replIed that she dId not want to Involve these people For all of these
reasons, Ms Versace SaId, she Just felt pressured to make a statement.
As to Ms. Versace's unwIllIngness to Involve those to whom she'd spoken about the InCIdent,
counsel for the umon asked whether she had told Ms CurtIS and Ms Wharton a dIfferent story
and was concerned that she'd be made out a lIar If the employer IntervIewed them. Ms Versace
demed thIs She said that she had not seen Ms CurtIS all summer and was not thInkIng about any
of thIs She saId that she was pregnant and had cut down on her shIfts at Centenary Hospital
Ms Versace said that when the employer learned of the IncIdent In October she began to feel a
great deal of stress and was afraid that It could affect the term of her pregnancy It dId not,
however, and her baby was born full term on March 15 1994 She also said that Ms Haddad,
Mr Mates and, she thought, Ms. Kutty, had all asked her If the gnevor had touched her breasts
Each tIme, she saId no The only contact wIth the gnevor occurred, Ms. Versace InsIsted, when
her shoulder brushed agaInst hIm as she turned to get Into her car Ms. Versace agreed
that she was not denYIng that the gnevor touched her breasts because she was afraid of retalIatIOn
by the gnevor
When questIOned as to how well she recalled the IncIdent, Ms. Versace agreed that she dId not
make a note of the IncIdent on the day It occurred or the day after She said that she selected
Apnl 19 as the date It happened because she knew the IncIdent occurred after a 12-8 ShIft and on
a day upon WhICh she she'd gone on to work at Centenary HospItal She also knew from her
memory that the IncIdent occurred In mid Apnl and shortly after the gnevor began workIng In
the umt. In order to aSSIst her In reconstructIng the day of the InCIdent, Ms. Versace Said. her
Head Nurse, Ms Haddad, proVIded her WIth the schedule for the penod of tIme In questIOn.
ReturnIng to the details of the IncIdent, Ms Versace stated that It occurred at dusk, after sunset,
In a parkIng lot wIth no secunty arrangements. Before the gnevor approached her, she testified,
no words were exchanged between them. The car door was open and she was about to get In.
ImtIally she said, she thought that perhaps a patIent was behInd her They do that, she said
because patIents can walk around the grounds.
The gnevor dId not speak. Accordmg to Ms Versace, she sensed someone behInd her When she
turned she saw the gnevor standmg there He Just backed off, she said, as If he expected her to
Jump In the car as he was gomg toward hIS vehIcle HIS hands were up as If to back off They
were not thrust out m any threatenmg manner toward her breasts
It was at that pomt, Ms. Versace reIterated, that the gnevor looked down at her breasts and said, "
you have lovely breasts." ThiS comment came out of the blue, she said. It was not preceded In
the prevIOus week by any such behavIOr The only personal comment that passed between them
In the prevIOus week was a comment from the gnevor that had nothmg to do wIth gender or sex.
Between the tIme of the mCIdent and October 1994, Ms Versace said, the gnevor did make
some comments to her that made her feel uncomfortable Before her pregnancy, she used to work
out. When the gnevor found out about thIS, she said, he told her that he had been a fitness
Instructor and would descnbe to her dIfferent exerCIses that would help dIfferent parts of the
body Ms Versace said that she found thIS uncomfortable She saId that she dId not feel
comfortable talkmg to the gnevor about exerclsmg or the body penod.
Other than thIS Ms Versace saId, she dId not feel partIcularly uncomfortable workmg wIth the
gneyor after the mCIdent. TheIr relatIOnship was not unfnendly As to the gnevor's comment on
the followmg day, Ms Versace saId, she was not even sure Ifhe was referrmg to the mCIdent. St
At that pomt, she saId, she couldn't even look at the gnevor Thereafter, Ms. Versace testIfied,
she dealt WIth the matter by puttmg It behInd her and dId not begIn to feel uncomfortable
workIng WIth the gnevor untIl management found out about the InCIdent m October What was
uppermost m her mmd, Ms. Versace stated, was her pregnancy
When asked about a senes of mCIdents dunng the summer and fall that the gnevor apparently
claImed were suggestIve of a change m attItude toward hIm by Ms Versace, the WItness demed
that thIS was so She mSIsted that there was no change m attitude leadIng up to the events m
October Ms Versace agreed that at one pomt, Ms. Wharton had SaId to her, " we'ye got to get
the gnevor It's not nght what he does He's hurt a lot of people In thIS facIhty and keeps gettmg
away WIth It." She saId that she thought that thIS comment was related to an encounter between
Ms. Wharton and the gnevor m AdmIttmg
Counsel then asked about the motIvatIOn of Ms. CurtIS Ms Versace replied that she could not
thmk of any reason why Ms CurtIS would be mterested m reportmg the mCldent to the employer
The only thmg she could thInk of was that Ms CurtIS was wOrrIed about her She SaId that she
dId not even k.now that Ms CurtIS k.new Ms Wharton
FInally when asked why she dId not tell her husband about the InCIdent, Ms Versace stated that
she dId not tell hIm because he could have gotten very upset and probably would not have
wanted her to contmue workIng In the umt. Upon reeXamInatIOn, Ms. Versace explaIned that she
wanted to stay In the umt because she Irked the hours, she had gotten famIlrar WIth the floor and
dId not want to leave It.
The next WItness to testIfy on behalf of the employer was Ms. LIsa CurtIS. She had been an R N
SInce 1987, and had worked In psychIatry at Centenary HospItal SInce graduatIOn. Ms. CurtIS
testIfied that Ms Versace was known to her because they were co-workers when the latter
worked part-tIme at Centenary
On the mght that Ms Versace told her of the InCIdent, Ms CurtIS saId, Ms. Versace seemed
upset. When they were on break together, she asked Mr Versace If she was okay It was at that
pOInt, she testIfied, that Ms Versace told her that when she went to her car upon leavIng Queen's
St. a male staff member approached her and attempted to grab her In the parkIng lot. When
secuntv came out of the bUIldIng, she was told, Ms Versace left. Upon beIng asked whether she
remembered anythIng else, Ms. CurtIS replIed that she dId not. Her focus was upon Ms Versace
and her beIng upset.
When asked whether she had spoken of the mCldent wIth Ms MIchelle Wharton. Ms CurtiS
confirmed that she had. She smd that she and Ms. Wharton had graduated together from
Centenmal College She dId not remember talkmg to anyone else about It. No one other than
MIchelle, she testIfied, asked her about It.
There followed an extensIve cross exammatIOn. When asked by counsel for the umon whether
she could remember precIsely when Ms Versace related the mCldent to her, Ms CurtIS smd that
she could not. She smd that she knew that It was on a mght shIft and thIS was the only mCldent
related to her by Ms. Versace She could not remember whether It occurred m the spnng of 1994
When asked where Ms. Versace related the mCldent to her, Ms. CurtIS stated that the
conversatIOn took place when the two of them were alone m the kItchen at Centenary HospItal
She saId that Ms. Versace never came to her resIdence to dISCUSS the mCldent WIth her When
they were m the kItchen, Ms. CUrtIS saId, she could clearly hear what Ms Versace smd. She
confirmed that Ms Versace never told her who the male staff member was eIther that mght or
When counsel for the umon mqUIred about her recollectIOn of the detmls related to her about the
mCldent, Ms CurtIS smd she could not recall If Ms. Versace smd that the male staff member
grabbed her or attempted to grab her She also could not recall If Ms Versace smd the male staff
member spoke any words
Ms CurtiS did say however that she was told that at some pOInt while this was occurnng In the
parkIng lot, secunty did arnve Then Ms Versace left. She said that she remembered Ms
Versace saYIng to her words to the effect that she felt secunty was gOIng to look after the
As to the matter of reportmg the IncIdent, Ms. CurtIS demed that she encouraged Ms Versace to
report It. She said that she seemed to remember that Ms Versace was gomg to report It to
somebody at Queen's St. Her own concern, she saId, was that Ms. Versace was upset. At the
tIme, she said, Ms. Versace was not hallucInatIng, nor was she under the Influence of drugs or
As to how Ms. Wharton learned about the IncIdent, Ms. CUrtIS Said that she and Ms Wharton
were fnends "We always phone each other," she Said. She testIfied that she seemed to thInk that
Ms Wharton raised the subject dunng one of these telephone conversatIOns. ThIS was In the
summer of 1994 She had left a message wIth Ms. Versace to have Ms. Wharton call her When
Ms Wharton called, the latter expressed concern about Ms Versace and how upset she was over
the IncIdent. As far as the WItness could recall, Ms. Wharton dId not Identlfv the male staff
member Involved. She dId not recall tellIng Ms Wharton that Ms Versace saId that the gnevor
tned to grab her or that secunty had Intervened.
] 5
Counsel for the umon then asked how Ms CurtIS thought Ms Versace mIght have told Ms
Wharton about the mCldent. Ms CurtIS repl1ed that both women played baseballm a league and
the conversatlOn between herself and Ms Wharton took place dunng the baseball season. She dId
not thmk that thIS conversatlOn was as late as October
As to when she spoke to management at Queen's St. regardmg her knowledge of the mCldent,
Ms CurtIS Said that she dId not recall speakmg to eIther Mrs Kutty or Ms Haddad. She said that
the first management person from Queen's St. that she recalled speakmg to was Ms. Mahoney
some three weeks before she was scheduled to testIfy She said that she thought Ms Mahoney
was from the Human Resources Department of the employer
Other Wltne~S,.~_s
DespIte all of the eVIdence regardmg Ms MIchelle Wharton's source and verSlOn of the mCldent,
as well as her mvolvement m bnngmg the mCldent to the attentlOn of the employer she was not
called to testIfy by eIther the employer or the umon. The next two wItnesses on behalf of the
employer were Ms AlIson Stuart, the Admmlstrator of Queen's St. smce November 1991 and
Mrs Anna Kutty, the Nursmg Coordmator at Queen's St.
Ms, Sjuart.
Ms Stuart was essentially called to offer her reasons for decldmg upon a dlsclplmary penalty of
a twenty day suspensIOn. Mrs Kutty was called to gIve eVidence regardIng her Involvement In
the InVestIgatIOn of the Incident and her contnbutIon to the assessment of penalty
Ms Stuart testIfied that she deCIded upon a penalty of a twenty day suspenSIon because the
InCident Involved a verbal sexual assault and threat by one staff member upon another ThIS, she
said, was very senous, contrary to government polIcy contrary to good busIness practIce and
partIcularly sIgmficant where staff were workIng In the same area and would need to rely upon
each other In dIfficult SItuatIOns WhIch, she Said, were all too frequent. The dISCIplIne, she Said,
needed to reflect the senousness of the InCIdent and the government's absolute Intolerance of
such behaVIOr In the workplace
Upon cross eXamInatIOn, Ms Stuart was asked about the InCOnsIstency between the eVIdence of
Ms Versace and the eVIdence of Ms CUrtIS as to what was reported to her Ms Stuart
replIed that It was not uncommon for there to be some mconsIstency m relatmg a stressful
mCIdent. The seventy of the mCIdent, regardless of the verSIOn, warranted a senous dISCIplInary
When counsel suggested to her that on Ms CUrtIS' verSIOn, there was a phYSIcal assault whIle on
Ms. Versace's verSIon there was not, Ms Stuart responded that when she deCIded upon the
disciplInary penalty she dId not rely on the touchIng She Said that she had conSIstent eVIdence
of an InCIdent of an unwelcome sexual advance by the gnevor She reiterated that the
InCOnsistenCy between the retellIngs of the Incident was not unexpected given the passage of time
and the number of people that the story had beIng through.
Ms. Stuart also confirmed that there was no objectIve eVidence to show that secunty was
Involved In the IncIdent. She saId that If secunty had been Involved there would have beIng an
entry In the secunty log and a separate report as well A search of the records of the emplover
Indicated that there was no such entry or report. She demed, however, that If secunty had not
been Involved, the gravIty of the SItuatIOn would be less.
Mrs. Kutty testIfied that she first heard of the InCIdent when she receIved a telephone call from
the then local umon presIdent, Mr Mates The latter asked her If she knew that one of her staff
had been sexually assaulted. When she SaId that she dId not, he SaId that he would get back to
her EIther on the same day or the next day, Mrs. Kutty SaId, she receIved a call from Ms
Haddad, the Head Nurse, adVISIng her that Ms Versace had confirmed that an InCIdent had taken
place In the parkIng lot but dId not want to report It.
About one or two weeks later Mrs Kutty SaId, Ms. Versace deCIded to come forward With a
statement descnbIng the InCIdent. She told Mrs Kutty that she had not dIscussed the InCIdent
WIth anyone In the hospital however, she was so upset and shaken by the InCIdent that she had
dIscussed It WIth Ms. CurtIS a colleague and fnend. Mrs Kuttv stated that, accordIng to her
lI1VestlgatIOn, the story of the incident then traveled from Ms CurtiS to Ms Wharton, and Ms
Wharton was the one who reported the inCIdent to Mr Mates
Mrs. Kutty then talked WIth Ms Wharton and asked her to have Ms CurtIS contact her When
Ms. CurtIS called her Mrs. Kutty SaId, she told her that Ms Versace went to her place after the
inCIdent and talked about It. Mrs. Kutty then asked Ms. CurtIS to put her report In wntIng The
latter agreed, saYIng she would do so after she returned to work from vacatIOn however she
never did.
After she had gathered all of the InfOrmatIOn together, Mrs Kutty testIfied, she deCIded to hold a
heanng In order to gIve the gnevor a chance to respond. ThIS meetIng was chaIred bv Ms CIfra,
a representatIve from Human Resources. The gnevor was represented by the UnIon, as reqUlred.
AccordIng to Mrs Kutty, she gave the gnevor a summary of the infOrmatIOn that she had
compIled regardIng the InCident. The gnevor demed that anythIng had happened.
Mrs Kutty stated that she deCIded to belIeve Ms. Versace for a number for reasons FIrst, Ms.
Versace dId not report the InCIdent dIrectly after It happened. ThIS IndIcated, Mrs. Kutt)
Inferred, that Ms Versace was not trYIng to make up a story Secondlv, the InCident came to the
attentIOn of the employer through fnends of Ms. Versace, not her ThIrdly there was no reason to
belIeve from Ms. Versace's performance that she would make up such a storv FInally when she
intervIewed Ms Versace the latter was stIll "kind of' shakIng
Upon cross eXamll1atiOn, Mrs Kutty agreed wIth counsel for the umon that when Ms CurtIS
testIfied, she demed under oath that she had spoken to Mrs Kutty regardll1g the mCIdent. Mrs.
Kutty saId she dId not understand why Ms CurtIS dId thIS She stated that Ms CurtIS called her,
not the other way around. Dunng that telephone conversatiOn, she said, Ms CurtIS told her that
the gnevor allegedlv touched Ms Versace Mrs. Kutty also agreed that m her summary of the
ll1cIdent she acknowledged the mconsIstency between the verSiOns gIven by Ms. CurtIS and Ms
Versace, and that she observed that Ms. Versace probably demed that she was touched by the
gnevor m fear of retalIatiOn. She added that m reachll1g thIS concluSIOn, she relIed upon a
statement that she had receIved from Ms. Wharton, whIch also reported that Ms Versace sard
that the gnevor touched her breasts Ms Wharton, she sard, was stIll workll1g at Queen's St.
Counsel for the umon also pomted out to Mrs. Kutty that when Ms CUrtIS testIfied, she demed
that Ms Versace came to her reSIdence to dISCUSS the ll1cIdent. ThIS, counsel observed. conflIcted
WIth Mrs Kutty's testImony regardll1g what she was told by Ms. CUrtIS on the telephone To thIS,
Mrs Kuttv replIed, "I can only report what she told me on the phone"
Counsel for the umon then asked Mrs Kuttv "dId It ever occur to you that Ms Versace's
reluctance to come forward was because she'd Just told a story that took on a lIfe of ItS own?"
Mrs Kutty replIed that thIS dId not occur to her She sard that the way Ms Versace descnbed the
ll1cIdent ll1dIcated that she was belIevable Reluctance Mrs Kutty Said, IS often the case The
report of Ms Versace rang true she saId, and she could see from Ms Versace's behavIOr how
scared she was. Mrs Kutty added that she had known Ms. Versace for the last ten years and
nothIng In her performance IndIcated that she was lymg It was not so, she Said, that Ms Versace
was scared because she was about to be caught out m a lIe
Upon reexammatIOn, Mrs Kutty was asked whether she belIeved that Ms CurtIS was lYIng when
she demed under oath that Ms Versace went to her reSIdence Mrs Kutty Said that she dId not
thmk so that Instead she beheved that Ms CurtIS' recollectIOn was faulty She added that she dId
not know that Ms Versace was workmg m another hospItal at the tIme alongsIde Ms CurtIS
QUIte often, she Said, staff don't want the employer to know that they are moonl1ghtmg
Th_e. Gneyw.
The only Witness called by the umon was the grIevor He testified that he was an R N at Queen's
St. and had transferred to umt 1 5 around AprIl 12, 1994 ThIS, he Said, was where he met Ms.
Versace for the first tIme He said he thought that she came to the floor about three months
before he dId. As With all of the staff In the umt, he testIfied, hIS relatIOns With Ms Versace were
In the first few months workmg With Ms. Versace, the grIevor Said, he did not get the ImpreSSIOn
that he IntimIdated or frIghtened her Moreover he testified, she never Indicated to him any tOpIC
that she would prefer he not dISCUSS WIth her
When he was asked whether on Apnl 19 1994 after the shift was over he sexually harassed Ms
Versace the gnevor replied, " 1 dIdn't sexually harass anvbody In my whole life" He added, "1
don't know even now where she parks her car, I have never seen her In the parkIng lot and I
never spoke to her In the parkIng lot."
When asked whether he ever touched Ms. Versace In any fashIOn, the gnevor responded, "never
In any fashIOn, I never ever came close to her In any fashIOn." The first tIme he found out about
Ms Versace's allegatIOns agaInst hIm, he saId, was when Mrs Kutty called him and told him to
come to the NurSIng Office for somethIng Important. ThIS was In the afternoon of October 26,
1994 At that tIme, the gnevor saId, Mrs. Kutty and Ms. M. SmIth met WIth hIm. Mrs. Kutty
handed hIm a letter saYIng that a co-worker accused hIm of sexual harassment and until the
InvestIgatIOn was completed, he would be suspended WIth pay
When asked what kInd of a relatIOnshIp he had WIth Ms. Versace, the gnevor stated that he had a
fnendly relatIOnshIp WIth her until about the end of July, 1994 ThIS, he Said, was when the tone
of the relatIOnship began to change At that tIme, he apparenth had a conversatIOn With Ms
Versace and a co-worker In the coffee room regardIng the College of Nurses Ms Versace had
read about a case that had been before the College, and was IndicatIng that she was upset about
what some nurses apparentlv were dOIng The gnevor said that he then Interjected With a
reterence to hIS own expenence before the College of Nurses He Indicated that he had been
suspended bv the College for four months for a verbal statement and that proceedmgs before the
College were dIfferent from those at arbItratlon.
Elaboratmg upon what he meant by thIS, the gnevor saId that at the College the Nurse IS
reqUlred to defend hImself or herself agamst an InItIal accusatIOn. In hIS expenence the gnevor
SaId, If the College dIdn't get the Nurse on the mam complamt, they would get hIm or her for
somethmg else At thIS pomt, accordmg to the gnevor, Ms. Versace responded that If he were not
gUlltV, he would not have gotten pUnIshed.
Thereafter, they both dropped the matter and had coffee A couple of davs later, the gnevor SaId,
the other Nurse who had been m the coffee room WIth hIm and Ms Versace told hIm that Ms
Versace stated to her that she felt uncomfortable workmg WIth somebody who m the dIstant past
was threatenIng a co-worker WIth phYSIcal harm. ThIS, apparently was after Ms Versace had
read the report of the gnevor's College of Nurses case very thoroughly After that, the gnevor
testIfied, he tned to aVOId SOCIal contact WIth Ms. Versace beyond the nICetIes such as "good
mornIng", etc It seemed to hIm that Ms. Versace accepted thIS state of affaIrs between them.
The gnevor then was asked about a number of mCIdents that appeared to hIm to follo,^, III whIch
he was at odds WIth Ms. Versace In one, he SaId, he was sure that Ms Versace reported hIm for
eatmg hospItal food. A co-worker had told hIm so In another he SaId. Ms Versace accused hIm
of leavmg medIcatIOn m the treatment room when, m fact, It had been her fault. In stIll another
1I1stance he saId, Ms Versace became annoyed wIth him when he seemed to her to be too
hesitant In IntervenIng with a patient who apparently was bothenng an electnclan workIng on the
After the latter two Instances had occurred, the gnevor said, he decided to ask Ms Versace
whether he was dOIng somethIng to provoke her that he was not aware of Ms. Versace
responded. accordIng to the gnevor, that It was not him, It was her She explaIned that she was
pregnant and therefore was hesitant In IntervenIng with patients who might hurt her This led the
gnevor to belIeve that the air had been cleared and that everythmg was OK between him and Ms
About two days later however, the gnevor realIzed that Ms Versace was, m hIS view stIll
agamst hIm This occurred when the gnevor attempted to help Ms Versace correct an omission
that she had made m the medIcatIOn book. Apparently, Ms Versace omitted to sign as reqUIred
for medicatIOns When he attempted to brIng thiS to her attentIOn by tellIng her to look at the
book, Ms Versace resisted, demandmg that the gnevor tell her why ThiS was 10 front of one of
the doctors workmg on the floor Accordmg to the gnevor, Ms Versace's response was given 10
a demeanmg manner It was only when the doctor left that she once agam became fnendly
toward him.
Returnmg to the day when Mrs. Kutty adVised him that a sexual harassment complamt had been
filed agamst him, the gnevor saId that he asked Mrs. Kutty whether It was possible that she had
made a mistake To him, the gnevor said, It was absolutely preposterous Ms Kutty rephed
however that those types of errors were not made around the hospital
After he had been suspended wIth pay for about a week, the gnevor went on, Mrs Kutt)' called
hIm at home and SaId that a meetmg had bemg set up for clanficatIOn of the allegatIOns agamst
hIm and that a letter would follow When he went to thIS meetmg, the gnevor SaId, he stIll felt
that there had been an error Then he was told that around Apnl 19, 1994, he was alleged to have
approached Ms. Versace m the parkmg lot, sneakmg up behmd her and, when she turned toward
hIm, saymg, "you have lovely breasts." Accordmg to the gnevor, It was also SaId that Ms.
Versace mSlsted that he was constantly trymg to be alone wIth her and attemptmg to mdulge m
conversatIOns wIth her that were of a pnvate nature He also was told that, accordmg to Ms
Versace, on the day after the alleged mCldent he told her that what happened the prevIOUS mght
never happened.
Accordmg to the gnevor one of the management people at the meetmg, Ms Borow11z, asked
him If he realIzed that he was not supposed to threaten anyone The gnevor SaId that he rephed,
"on top 01'11 all, I was threatemng?" To that, Ms Kuttv replIed that hIS statement to Ms Versace
was a threat. The gnevor demed ever havmg made such a statement.
After the meetmg concluded, the gnevor SaId, he was stunned. He did not even recall how he got
home Soon afterward, he saId, he learned that the allegatIOn that he told Ms Versace that she
had lovely breasts was not the real story that Ms Versace was spreadmg around the hospital He
did not elaborate on how he learned thiS particular InfOrmatIOn.
Counsel for the employer began hIS cross exammatIOn of the gnevor With questIOns relatmg to
hIS pnor employment hIStOry In the course of thIS reVIew the gnevor agreed that m 1978, West
Park HospItal had reported hIm to the College of Nurses and that as a result hIS lIcense was
suspended for a year It was restored In March, 1981 Thereafter, the gnevor SaId, he was
employed until 1984 or 1985 by Bestvlew HospItal on MaIn St. From there, the gnevor SaId, he
worked for two or three years at Baycrest HospItal and also on a casual baSIS at Carefree Lodge
Both of these mstltutIOns were In Toronto
Counsel then dIrected the gnevor's attentIOn to his applIcatIOn for employment WIth the
employer He pomted out to the gnevor that, accordmg to the applIcatIOn, the gnevor worked
from 1982 to 1986 at St. MIchael's Memonal HospItal In San Jose, CalIfornIa. To thiS, the
gnevor replIed, "I must have mIxed up the dates. I dIdn't go for four years, only for two years"
The gnevor then agreed that he had made thiS entry upon hIS apphcatIOn to try to hIde the fact
that hIS hcense was suspended. For thIS same purpose, he agreed, he dId not enter any
mformatIOn on the applIcatIOn relatIng to his employment for the penod pnor to 1982
When counsel suggested that the gnevor's applIcatIOn was not" true and complete", as reqUlred
m the mstructIOns to applIcants, the gnevor replIed, " It was the case that the document was true
and complete Was I oblIgated to put m space that was lImIted all of that stuff? Everybody puts
m the expenence most favorable to hIm." At thIS pomt, counsel remmded the gnevor that the
form stated that If the space was too lImited applIcants were to attach addItIOnal sheets of paper
The gnevor then explamed that he was at San Jose m 1980 He SaId that he was there from 1980
to 1982, gomg back and forth. That, he SaId, was when hIS lIcense was suspended. Upon bemg
questIOned further, the gnevor SaId that he was confused regardmg dates He SaId that defimtely,
the first Job he had after he returned from the States was Bestvlew
Counsel for the employer then asked, "so from 1982 to 1986, you weren't workmg m CalIfornIa
at all?" After pausmg and hedgmg, the gnevor rephed, " yes, that's true" When counsel then
asked, " so you have to agree that the declaratIOn you made on the applIcatIOn form IS false" the
gnevor replIed, " m date, yes."
Counsel for the employer then asked the gnevor why Ms. Versace would tell us that he told her
that she had lovely breasts. The gnevor replIed that he belIeved that Ms. Versace never SaId that
to Ms. CurtiS He noted that at the begmmng of July, 1994, Ms Haddad had gIVen hIm a good,
fnendlv performance reVIew She SaId that she was glad that he was on the floor If Ms. Versace
had mentIOned anvthmg m early 1994 he claimed, the whole hospital would have known
Immedlatelv It was only when the relatIOnship between him and Ms Versace started changmg,
regardmg the discussion of the College of Nurses, that he SaId to himself: "now I get the
When counsel remmded the gnevor that Ms Versace SaId the mCldent happened m Apnl, 1994
the gnevor responded, " that's not true She dId not say anythIng m Apnl She SaId what she SaId
m July, 1994 for reasons I've been adVIsed by counsel not to elaborate on. I have a very clear
Idea." Counsel then put It to the gnevor that the mCldent happened as descnbed by Ms Versace
The gnevor steadfastly demed It.
Counsel then turned to the allegatIOns that were made m the meetIng WIth Mrs Kutty and the
subsequent letter of dlsclplme The gnevor agreed that there was no allegatIOn that he had
touched Ms. Versace's breasts. Upon reexammatIOn he SaId that two or three weeks after thIS
meetmg some staff telephoned hIm to say that there was a rumour gomg around that he had
touched her breasts.
Also upon reexammatIOn, the gnevor was asked whether hIS applIcatIOn for employment was
raIsed With hIm at any pnor tlme The gnevor replIed that It had not. Further he SaId, the
employer had never raIsed WIth hIm the fact that hIS preVIOUS dISCIplIne by the College of Nurses
had not bemg reported on hiS applIcatIOn form. ThIS was known to the employer he SaId,
------ ---
because It was raIsed m a subsequent dIsclplme m 1993, when the gnevor was suspended by the
College of Nurses for four months and receIved a two dav suspensIOn from the employer based
upon the same mCldent.
The SubmissIOns of the Parties
At the conclusIOn of the eVIdence, both counsel acknowledged that thIS case turned upon the
Issue of credibilIty There could be no other way to resolve the matter than to prefer the eVIdence
of eIther Ms. Versace or the gnevor over the other, both agreed, because of the dIrect conflIct
between them as to whether the alleged mCldent actually occurred. Both counsel further
acknowledged that there also was an Issue between them as to burden of proof
Dealmg wIth the Issue of burden of proof first, counsel for the emplover submItted that the
burden of proof upon the employer was SImply on a balance of probabIlltles It dId not nse to the
level of requlflng the employer to prove the IncIdent wIth clear and convmcmg eVIdence, It was
submItted, because the behaVIOr m question was not of a cnmmal or quasI-cnmmal nature In
any event, It was further submItted, the burden of provmg the employer s case to a hIgh degree of
probabllItv had been meLOn the other hand, counsel for the Ulllon submItted m a skIllful and
extensIve argument that the burden of proof upon the employer was to prove the mCldent wIth
clear, convmcmg and cogent eVIdence ThIS was the appropnate standard to apply, counsel
submItted, where senous personal mIsconduct such as sexual harassment was alleged. Both
counsel made reference to numerous cases
ResolutIOn of the Issues
It seems to me that there IS lIttle doubt that m a case where senous personal mIsconduct such as
sexual harassment IS alleged, the facts upon whIch the allegatIOn rests must be proven to a hIgh
degree of probabIlIty The hIgh degree of probabIlIty reqUlred IS usually expressed by saymg that
"the burden of proof on the emplover IS to satlsfy the arbItrator as to the truth of ItS allegatIOns on
clear and cogent eVIdence" Re Madam VallIer ChIldren's ServIces and OntanoPublIC SerVIce
Employees Uillon (1992), 25 LAC (4th) 242, at 245 (Venty) See also,Re Montgomery and
Muus1ry~fCommumty and~SQClaLS_en:Lces (1987) GSB No 1048/85, at 8-9 (Samuels), and, Re
ASSOCIatIOn (1990), 16 LAC (4th) 94, at 117-119 (Hope)
In the latter case, ArbItrator Hope dId not regard It as necessary to go beyond acknowledgmg the
eXIstence of the reqUIrement of a hIgh degree of probabIlIty ld. at 117 I, too an attracted to thIS
VIew It seems to me that slaVIsh adherence to adJectlves lIke "clear" or "cogent" or "convmcmg"
m defimng eVIdence that WIll sho\\ a hIgh degree of probabIlIty mIght unduly cIrcumscrIbe the
fleXIblllty reqUIred m asseSSIng probabllItv m the mynad of factual SItuatIOns commonly
presented to an adJudIcator It IS enough that the arbItrator be satlsfied to a hIgh degree of
probabIlIty as to the truth of the allegatIOns
ThIs bnngs me to the Issue of credIbIhty Where the eVIdence of two mterested wItnesses, as
here IS m dIrect conflIct, the" problem ultlmately becomes one of asseSSIng the probabIlltles
brought out by the eVIdence as a whole, wIth the obJectlve of determmmg whether or not the
onus of proVIng Just cause borne by the Employer has been met." Re McGowan and Mmlstry of
Commuruty and SOCial S_ervlces (1987) GSB No 1888/85, at 9-10 (Draper) Further m
assessmg whether Just cause has been demonstrated to the reqUlred degree of probabIlIty, "[i]t
goes WIthout saymg that where the testlmony of two Interested WItnesses IS m dIrect conflIct, It IS
not necesary that the testlmony of one be found to be credible m every partIcular before It may be
accepted over that of the other RecollectIOns may be faulty, events may be Imperfectlv observed,
detaIls may be maccurately described." ld. at 9
In the present case, I have no dIfficulty on the eVIdence as a whole In concludIng that the
employer has met ItS burden of provmg to a hIgh degree of probabIlIty that the mCldent descnbed
by Ms. Versace dId, m fact, occur I cannot conclude, however, that the threat that the gnevor
allegedly made on the followmg day occurred as suggested by the employer
As to the mCldent, Ms Versace was far more credible than the gnevor From the outset of hIS
cross exammatIOn, the gnevor appeared to demonstrate a troublmg tendency to shade hIS story
accordIng to the obJectlve to be gamed. PartIcularly disturbmg was the attItude toward truth
tellIng that the gnevor demonstrated when he was confronted by hIS employment applIcatIOn
and the mIsmformatIOn that he had entered upon It. The gnevor cavalIerly attempted to dIsmISS
the senousness of thIS act by savmg, "everybody puts m the expenence most favorable to hIm"
Even after havmg been caught out m thIS way the gnevor persIsted m attemptmg to slant his
testlmony He fenced wIth counsel for the employer for a consIderable tIme before concedmg
that rather than havmg been m CalIforma from 1982 to June 1986 as mdlcated on hIS
applIcatIOn, he wasn't workmg m Cahforma at all In lIght of thIS tendencv, It was ImpossIble to
credIt hIS denIal wIth any degree of veraCIty
Counsel for the UnIon suggested m a skIlful submIssIOn that Ms. Versace had also been caught
out In a lIe The theory that he presented was that when Ms. Versace told her story of the mCldent
to Ms. CUrtiS, she was tellmg a lIe, perhaps to sensatIOnalIze some part of her lIfe She never
dreamed that her story would go farther than the confines of the hospItal that employed Ms
CUrtiS, Centenary Health Centre or that If it did, it would be taken up by management. For thIS
reason, counsel suggested, Ms. Versace was reluctant to report the mCident and have others to
whom she spoke be mterviewed by management. Her story had SImply gotten out of hand and
had taken on a lIfe of ItS own.
Accordmg to counsel for the UnIon, thIS theory also explamed the dIfference between the
verSIOns of the story told bv Ms Versace and Ms CurtIS The story related to Ms CUrtIS by Ms
Versace was far more VIVId, mvolvmg a phYSIcal touchmg of her breasts. The story Ms Versace
told when she was forced to come forward down-played the touchmg to a mere comment about
her breasts m a futIle effort to reduce the amount of damage that her storv mIght cause to the
gnc\ or
Despite thIS skIlful presentatIOn b\ counsel I cannot accept hIS suggestIOn There was nothmg m
the eVIdence to mdlcate that Ms Versace was capable of concoctmg such a VICIOUS he adhenng
to It after severe dlsclplme had been Imposed upon the gnevor and mamtammg the lIe whIle
testlfymg under oath. To be sure, Ms Versace was a reluctant complamant and a reluctant
WItness, but when pressed upon cross exammatIOn, she dId not retreat from her stor) or
dissemble as she eaSIly could have If she merely wanted to amelIorate the consequences of a
terrIble lIe She stuck to her story
In thIS regard, I also have consIdered the eVIdence of Mrs. Kuttv regardmg her knowledge of the
character of Ms Versace It wIll be recalled that when counsel for the UnIon suggested to Mrs
Kutty m cross exammatIOn that Ms Versace's reluctance to come forward was because she'd Just
told a story that took on a lIfe of ItS own, Mrs Kutty stated, mter alIa, that she had known Ms
Versace for the last ten years and nothmg m her performance mdlcated that she was lymg Mrs
Kuttv stated that reluctance m commg forward WIth such sexual harassment complamts was
often the case I am convmced that Ms Versace s reluctance to come forward emanated. as she
testIfied, from a deSIre to put the matter behmd her and not from the motIve suggested by
There certamlv were dIfferences m the verSIOns of the mCldent descnbed by Ms Versace and
Ms. CurtiS Ms CurtIS saId there was a grab or attempted grab Ms Versace Said there was not.
Ms CurtIS said that secunty was mvolved, Ms. Versace SaId they were not. Ms CurtIS Said that
Ms Versace wanted to report the mCIdent, Ms. Versace SaId she dId not. I am convmced to a
hIgh degree of probablhty, however, that these dIfferences dId not anse out of a deSIre on the part
of Ms Versace to lIe exaggerate or embellIsh when speakmg to Ms CurtIS they arose out of the
emotIOn-charged CIrcumstances m WhIch Ms CurtIS learned of the mCldent and the passage of
tIme between thIS encounter WIth Ms. Versace m Apnl and the report of the mCldent m October
Ms. CurtIS testIfied on dIrect exammatIOn that all that she remembered was that Ms. Versace told
her that when she went to her car upon leavmg Queen's St. a male staff member approached her
and attempted to grab her m the parkmg lot. When securIty responded, Ms. Versace left. She
SaId that she dId not remember anythmg else because her focus was upon Ms. Versace and her
bemg upset.
It seems more than eVIdent from thIS that Ms. CurtIS was not focused upon the detaIls of the
mCIdent beIng related to her by Ms Versace She was, mstead, focused upon the fact that Ms
Versace was upset. Her mam mterest was m calmmg her fnend and domg what she could to help
her overcome whatever had upset her In these CIrcumstances, It would not be unusual to be
somewhat cloudy m her recollectIOn of the detaIls bemg related to her
Added to thIs was the passage of tIme Ms. CurtiS was not called upon to relate the story to
management at Queen's St. untIl several months after Ms Versace told her about the mCldent.
There seems to be lIttle doubt that m the mtenm, Ms CurtIS had related the story to her fnends
perhaps mcludmg Ms Wharton, the person who ultImately conveyed the story to Mr Mates
Common expenence mdlcates that when a story IS told and retold over a number of months, there
IS a tendencv for It to change m some of ItS respects Certam facts may tend to become
embellIshed and others down-played or omItted altogether ThIS IS a phenomenon of memory,
havmg nothmg to do WIth the abIlIty or deSIre of the WItness to speak the truth.
Moreover, the eVIdence seemed to mdIcate that Ms. CurtIS had some dIfficulty m recallmg
events For example, on bemg asked upon cross-exammatIOn when she spoke to management at
Queen's St. regardmg her knowledge of the mCldent, Ms CurtIS SaId that she dId not recall
speakmg to eIther Mrs. Kutty or Ms. Haddad. She dId not recall speakmg to anyone from
management more than three weeks before she was scheduled to testIfy There was no doubt
from the eVIdence entered at the hearIng that, mdeed, Ms CurtIS had spoken to Mrs Kutty by
telephone dunng the course of Mrs. Kutty's mvestIgatIOn.
Perhaps the source of some of the mconslstencles between the verSIOns of the story told by Ms
Versace and Ms CurtIS mIght have been better explamed If Ms Wharton had bemg called to
testIfy From the eVIdence, she was an avaIlable WItness. She stIll works at Queen s St. She
submItted a statement dunng the mvestlgatIOn. It was she who brought the matter to the attentIOn
or Mr Mates Accordmg to Ms CurtIS' recollectIOn, Ms Wharton dId not learn of the story from
Ms CurtIS but raised It herself m a telephone conversatIOn the two had together after apparentlv
learmng It from Ms Versace If thIS were so Ms. Wharton's eVIdence could have had an
Important beanng upon the Issue of credlbllItv Nevertheless, she was not called to gIve
As It IS, I am satIsfied to a hIgh degree of probabIlIty on the eVIdence as a whole that on the
evemng of Apnl19, 1994 the mCldent occurred essentlally as descnbed by Ms Versace m her
testImony I find that on that evenmg, the gnevor approached Ms. Versace as she was entenng
her car m the parkmg lot and SaId to her, "you have lovely breasts." ThIS was an unwelcome
verbal sexual assault of a very senous nature
I cannot conclude, however, that on the day after the mCldent the gnevor threatened Ms. Versace,
WIth words to the effect that, "nothmg happened last mght, nght?" On thIS aspect of the case, Ms
Versace's eVIdence was eqUIvocal She saId upon cross eXamInatIOn that she was uncertam
whether the gnevor was even referrmg to the mCldent of sexual harassment when he made the
statement. She also mdlcated that when she SaId that she felt threatened b) the gnevor she was
not referrmg to thIS statement but to other thIngs she had heard about hIm on the floor EVIdence
of thIS nature falls far short of convmcmg me to the reqUISIte hIgh degree of probablhtv that a
threat. mdeed, was made
ThIs bnngs me to the questIOn of dlscIplInarv penaltv The gnevor receIved a twenty da'v
suspenSIOn for the verbal sexual harassment and the threat. The threat, however has not been
proven and as a result, there must be a reductIOn In penalty In consldenng the degree to which
the penalty should be reduced, I have borne m mInd the fact that the verbal sexual harassment
was a very senous matter partIcularly where, as here, staff must work In the same area WIth each
other and need to rely upon each other In dIfficult SItuatIOns whIch frequently anse In psychlatnc
care settmgs There seems to be lIttle doubt that when Ms Stuart assessed the penalty, the
pnnclpal baSIS for the suspenSIOn was the verbal sexual harassment. With thIS, I agree The threat
was a mInor component of the baSIS for dISCIplIne Accordmgly, a reductIOn m the suspenSIOn of
five days would seem approprIate to reflect the faIlure of the employer to prove thIS aspect of ItS
In the result, then, It IS awarded that the dlsclplmary penalty be reduced from a twenty day
suspenSIOn to a fifteen day suspenSIOn. The gnevor IS entitled to be reImbursed for all wages and
benefits that were lost bv VIrtue of beIng reqUIred to serve mstead ~nty day suspenSIOn.
Dated at Toronto Ontano thiS 26 day of September, 199~ !~
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R. J Roberts, VIce ChaIr