HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-1508.Union.96-10-15 Decision
GSB # 1508/95
SEU, Local 210 (Policy Grievance)
- and -
Sun Parlour Emergency Services, Inc.
BEFORE: R H Abramsky vice-Chairperson
FOR THE E R Durham
GRIEVOR union Representative
Service Employees Union, Local 210
FOR THE B R Baldwin
Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark
Barristers & Solicitors
HEARING July 18, 1996
September 18, 1996
At Issue In this arbitratIon IS whether the employer could properly requIre ItS
Emergency MedIcal Care Attendants (EMCAs), who participated In a medicatIOn pIlot
proJect, to continue to perform this added SkIll after the eXpIratIon of the pIlot proJect and
eXpiratIOn of the parties' agreement that thIS work would be done for a penod of two
years without compensatIOn. The umon requests that the employer eIther be ordered to
cease requmng that this work be performed or be ordered to compensate the employees
for thIS added responsibilIty
A. Facts
The employer IS an emergency medical servIces provIder In Essex County, Ontano,
working In conjunctIon WIth the Windsor Base HospItal, formerly Grace Hospital and now
Hotel-DIeu Grace HospItal In Windsor Most of the employees are Emergency Medical
Care A-SsIstants who are certIfied by the Province of Ontano, some are not certified but
Instead were "grandfathered" after the govermng legIslatIon, the Ambulance Act, reqUired
certIficatIon. The employer maintaInS four bases In Essex County Tecumseh, LeamIngton,
Tilbury and W oodslee
In 1993, a medIcatIOn pilot project was approved by the Base HospItal UtIlIzatIon
ReVIew CommIttee One of the members of that commIttee IS John Jacobs, AssIstant
Manager of Sun Parlour Emergency ServIces. The pIlot proJect was designed by Dr J C
Fedoruk, MedIcal DIrector of the Base HospItal Program, along wIth Mr Casey Balvert,
Base HospItal Coordinator, and the Mimstry of Health. Under this pIlot proJect, EMCAs
were to be trained to InitIate certain medIcatIOns (nebuhzed ventohn, subcutaneous
epInephnne, sublingual mtrospray, Intramuscular glucogon, and oral aspmn) enroute to
the hospItal under certain protocols and the directIOn of the Base Hospital physIcian.
Boxes, know as "drug boxes" containing these drugs and reqUIred supplies would be
placed In each ambulance for use by the EMCAs The traInIng consisted of a review of
precourse matenals (WhICh witnesses Said took between ten to twenty hours to complete)
and an eight (8) hour formal trammg penod, conslstmg of both classroom and chmcal
expenence Successful completIon of the program resulted m the employee's certIficatIon
by Base Hospital to admmlster these medIcatiOns Pnor to thiS pIlot proJect, EMCAs did
not admImster any medicatiOns and the trammg mvolved was beyond what an EMCA
normally receives as part of their provmcial EMCA certificatiOn.
ImtIally, only the employees at the Tecumseh base were approached regardmg thIS
pilot proJect. Base HospItal Coordmator Casey met WIth Mr Ron DroUillard, the umon
steward at Tecumseh. Accordmg to Mr DrOUIllard, Mr Balvert told him about the pilot
project, explamed what would be mvolved m terms of trammg and responsibIhty and
sought the agreement of the employees. CompensatIOn was also dIscussed Mr Drouillard
testIfied that Mr Balvert stated that the employees would be paId for the trainmg, that the
pilot proJect would be for two years and there would be no compensatIon for thIS two year
penod. Mr DroUIllard explamed that he could not make the deCISIon to partICipate alone,
but would dISCUSS It WIth the umon and the employees, as well as the employer One of
the condItiOns for the base to partICIpate m the pilot proJect was the voluntary
partICIpatIOn of the employees
At first, not all of the employees were m favour of partiCIpatIng m the pIlot proJect,
Includmg ChIef Steward John Fast. Mr Fast and a number of employees were skeptical
about what would happen after the pIlot proJect ended m terms of compensation. Mr
DroUIllard expressed thIS concern to Mr Balvert who responded that there would be no
obligatIon to contmue With the program after the two year penod Mr Drouillard testIfied
that he assumed from thIS statement that at the end of the two years, the employees would
have no obligatiOn to contmue WIth the program and that the drug boxes would be
removed from the ambulances It was Mr DroUIllard's understandmg, based on his
conversations WIth Mr Balvert, that the program would be penodlcallY reVIewed and at
the end of the two-year pilot proJect, a determmatiOn would be made whether the program
was feasible Mr DroUIllard expected that If the program were successful, It would be
contmued and the employees would be compensated. If not, he expected that the program
would be ended and the drug boxes would be pulled from the ambulances When Mr
Balvert's message was taken back to the membership, the employees unanimously
approved particIpating In the pIlot proJect Dunng his diScussions with Mr Balvert, Mr
DroUillard also tned to reduce the length of the pilot proJect from two years to one year,
but Mr Balvert remained firm that the proJect should last for two years
Once the employees agreed to partIcipate In the pIlot proJect, Mr John Fast and
Ron Drouillard, on behalf of the Union, discussed the proJect with John Jacobs on behalf of
the employer At first, Mr Jacobs would not agree to pay for the employees' trainIng, but
later agreed to do so Mr Jacobs also insIsted on a letter from the union which stated that
the employees would not be compensated for thIS added responsibIlIty dunng the two year
pilot proJect. Mr Jacobs testIfied that he wanted thIS letter to ensure that the lack of
compensatIon would not form a basIs to dIscontinue the pilot proJect He wanted a
wntten commItment that the employees agreed to partIcIpate wIthout addItIOnal
compensatIOn. Although Mr Fast opposed this agreement, the proJect Involved only the
employees at the Tecumseh base and Mr DroUillard, as union steward for that base,
agreed to proceed and drafted the following letter at the request of the employer That
letter states, In pertInent part, as follows
August 3 1993
Mr Ed Jacobs
Sun Parlour Emergency Services
Re Base Hospital Drug Programme
ThIS WIll confirm that the employees at T ecumseh Base have agreed to
partake III the pIlot programme wIth Base HospItal for the adminIstratIon of
certain drugs as prescribed by Base Hospital
It IS understood that this programme wIll run for a penod of two years with
pen odic reviews It IS further understood that we are to be paid for the
training but there wIll be no Increase In pay for the admInIstratIOn of drugs
for the penod of two years
If funding should become available or other services In the Province are
reimbursed for administratIOn of the drugs then It IS understood that we
shall receive the same reimbursement
Yours very truly,
Ron Drouillard,
Umon Steward
Mr DroUillard testIfied that the last paragraph of this letter dealt with the potential for
fundmg or reimbursement dunng the two year pilot penod. The Idea behind It was that If
fundmg became available or other ambulance servIces started to pay their employees for
such services, then the employees at Tecumseh would be sImIlarly paid
AccordIng to Mr Jacobs, neither he nor anyone authonzed to represent the
employer ever told Mr DrouIllard that the pIlot program would be dIscontInued at the end
of the two year pilot proJect or promise that the drug boxes would be removed from the
vehIcles Nor, he testIfied, was a specIfic promIse made that upon completIOn of the
program the employees would be compensated The only promise was that If funding
became available or others were patd for thIS work dunng the two year penod, the
employees would be too Conversely, he acknowledged that nothing was said to Indicate
that the proJect mIght be extended beyond the two year pIlot. Instead, the dIscussIOns
focused solely on the two-year pilot proJect
Onglnally, some noncertlfied EMCAs were allowed to partIcipate In the pilot
proJect, but after a short time, Dr Fedoruk, the physIcian responsible for certIficatIOn of
the employees In the program and under whose hcense they perform the delegated medIcal
act of admlnIstenng medicatIOn, decided to limIt participatIOn In the program to EMCA
certified candidates, based on hIS readmg of the Ambulance Act Consequently, some
ambulance attendants are reqUired to utihze the drug boxes m the vehIcles and some are
not authonzed to do so At the time, a gnevance was filed over the refusal to allow
noncertlfied EMCAs to participate m the proJect, but that gnevance was not pursued after
the reasons for the decIsion were explamed m wntmg.
The medicatIOn pIlot proJect began at the Tecumseh base In August 1993, and It
was qUickly vIewed as a success by Base Hospital and the employees as well In December
1993, the program was extended by Base Hospital, with the approval of the Ministry of
Health, "for a penod of up to two years" to the remamder of Essex County mcludlng the
remammg bases operated by the employer The Union was not asked for ItS consent to thiS
expansIOn, and although Mr Fast verbally obJected to the expansIOn, no gnevance was
filed. There was no agreement between the umon and employer regardIng this expansIOn
of the pIlot proJect, but the terms applIed to the Tecumseh base appear to have been
apphed to the other locatIOns - namely, the employer paid for the employees' trammg but
the employees were not otherwIse compensated The chOice, however, whether to
partIcIpate m the proJect was the employee's No employee was reqUired to partIcIpate
In June 1995, the Base HospItal UtihzatIon RevIew CommIttee met and dIscussed
the medIcatIOns pilot proJect At that meeting, the CommIttee agreed to contInue the
medIcations pilot proJect beyond the expIratIOn of the pilot proJect date The mInutes of
that meetIng, In pertlllent part, state as follows
3 1 Symptom RehefPackage
All partIes present at the meeting agreed that the Symptom RelIef Package
[I e, the medIcatIOn pIlot proJect] III prehospltal care was an excellent
addItIOn to Health Care Services III Essex County Everyone, unammously
supported the Idea that thIS servIce should contInue beyond the expIratIOn
of the pIlot proJect It will expIre III Tecumseh III August of 1995 I
understand that there are some problems wIth the umons threatemng to
withdraw services Compensation m performmg these delegated medIcal
acts IS not given by the Ministry
MOTION by Mr Jacobs, seconded by Mr Maner passed unammously
that the MedicatIOns PIlot ProJect would be continued beyond the
expiratIOn of the PIlot ProJect date and that the Ministry of Health and the
EHS Branch should make all efforts to continue this service m ambulance
services m Essex and Kent Counties
Dr Fedoruk will send a copy of this motion to Mr Brown at EHS Branch
and a copy to Mr Arbour
A copy of the "Evaluation Report" of the Pilot ProJect by the Mimstry of
Health, shall be sent to all members of the commIttee by Mr Balvert
In February 1995, dunng negotiations for a successor collective agreement whIch
had expired on 1993, the umon proposed a premlUm of $2 00 per hour for medIcatIon
admInIstratIon. The parties are currently Involved In Interest arbitratIon before ArbItrator
Stanley and the issue of compensatiOn for medIcation adminIstratiOn IS one of the Issues
before that board. The umon has proposed a premlUm of $2 00 per hour, whIle the
employer has taken the posItiOn that no addItiOnal compensatIon IS reqUlred. Heanngs
before the Stanley board have recently been completed and the partIes awaIt the board's
Currently the only delegated medIcal act performed by EMCAs that IS paid a
premlUm under the collectIve agreement IS defibrillatiOn, for which the trallllllg Involved IS
sImilar to medIcatiOn administratIon. In additIon, ArtIcle 30 of the collective agreement
states as follows
3001 In reference to advanced lIfe support program, the Company agrees
to negotiate wIth the Bargaining Umt all conditions of employment
concerned Illcludlllg monetary issues
There IS no assertiOn that the medicatiOn pilot proJect was an "advanced lIfe support
program" under Article 30, and the eVidence presented at the heanng showed that the
current form of the program, the Ontano Prehospltal Advance Life Support Study
(OP ALS), IS a slgmficantly more Involved program.
In July 1995, John Jacobs requested that Mr Fast provide him with the unIon's
positIOn on the contmuatlon of the medication pilot proJect Mr Fast responded In wntIng
on July 12, 1995, as follows
July 12, 1995
Mr Ed Jacobs
Sun Parlour Emergency Services Inc
Dear Mr Jacobs
Please consider this letter as firm notIfication of cessatIon of our Symptom
Relief Agreement.
ThIs agreement was for a two year penod ending on August 31, 1995 and
obvIOusly has been beneficial to our local public
We feel we have acted In good faith on this Issue However, wIthout
proper compensatIon we will be forced to stop usmg the Drug Box on
August 31,1995
Yours truly,
John Fast
Chief UnIon Steward
SEIU Local 210
There IS no dispute that the "Symptom Relief Agreement" set forth In this letter refers to
the medicatIon pilot proJect
On August 30, 1995, Mr Jacobs responded to thIS letter, stating that the "drug
boxes and contents will rem am In the vehIcle" The memorandum, WhICh was posted on
September 8, 1995 states as follows
August 30 1995
MEMO TO All Staff
FROM Ed Jacobs
RE Symptom Relief Program
In reference to the letter dated July 12, 1995 from Service Employees'
InternatIOnal Union signed by John Fast stating that effective August 31,
1995 staff will no longer partIcipate In the Symptom Relief Program until
remuneration IS made
I apprecIate that staff have participated In this program without
remuneration and numerous patIents have benefited from your
partIcipation. However, due to ongoing negotiations In this matter there
has still been no resolutIon, Unfortunately, I cannot anticipate or guarantee
what the remuneratIOn will be for this program.
The drug boxes and contents WIll remain In the vehicle They are part of
the MinIstry of Health approved eqUipment list and are to be checked, as
has been past practice, as part of the daily vehIcle check.
I sIncerely hope for a speedy resolutIon to this matter
The Instant gnevance followed It asserts, In pertInent part, that "to force some
employees to check this drug box and use It IS dISCnmInatIon when other UnIon and
nonUnIon employees do not have to do this extra work." In terms of relief, the gnevance
seeks "compensation of $2 00 per hour for this added skIll and responsibIlity, retroactIvely
to August 31, 1995 "
To date the drug boxes remain In the ambulances and employees have continued to
and are expected to use them. Mr Fast testified that he requested decertificatIOn from
Base Hospital so that he would not be reqUired to utilize the drug box but that hiS request
was refused. In additIOn, It appears that employees ongInally had to be recertIfied annually
but that IS no longer reqUired.
According to John Jacobs, the drug boxes are part of the approved eqUipment by
the Mimstry of Health and cannot be removed Without permIssIon. Such permissIOn has
not been requested by the employer Mr Jacobs explained that the employer felt as If It
were In a "Catch 22" SituatIOn - If they removed the drug boxes whIch could aid someone,
they would be held responsible The program, however, IS not mandated by the Ministry
of Health. It IS uncontroverted that no fundmg for this program has become available
from the Mmlstry of Health
2. Arguments of the Parties
The unIon contends that the parties entered mto an agreement, for a two year
penod, for which an added skill would be performed by the employees wIthout
compensation. That agreement, It asserts, has now expIred and the employer cannot
contInue to reqUIre the employees to perform this work without compensatIOn In Its VIew,
the letter from Mr DrOUIllard to Mr Jacobs, dated August 3, 1993, was an agreement for
the employees to perform work WhICh had never been done before and It was for a
specific penod of two years With the expIry of that agreement, the UnIon asserts that Its
members have no oblIgatIOn to contmue to perform this work.
The umon argues that the eVIdence clearly demonstrates that Its agreement With
the employer to perform drug admInIstratIon WIthout compensatIOn was stnctly for a
penod of two years, m connection WIth the medication pilot proJect It pOInts to the
August 3, 1993 letter from Mr Drouillard to Mr Jacobs dated August 3, 1993, the
mInutes of the Base Hospital UtIlIzatIOn ReVieW Committee WhICh acknowledged the
"expIratIon" of the pilot proJect and the July 12, 1995 letter from Mr Fast to Mr Jacobs,
notIng the expIratIOn of theIr two year agreement SInce no compensatIon was
forthcomIng, the umon contends that It was free to declIne to perform thiS added skill and
service It was the unIon's understandIng that after the two year pilot proJect ended, the
employees would be compensated for their labour or the program would cease It notes
that the employer's August 30, 1995 memorandum does not refute that VIew Instead, It
merely mdlcates uncertaInty as to what the amount of compensatIOn will be
The umon further submits that by leaVIng the drug boxes m the vehicles, the
employer has, m fact, UnIlaterally contInued the program. It vIews thiS as an arbitrary
extension of the parties agreement It pOInts out that because the employees are certified
to admInister the drugs In questIOn, they are reqUired to use them To fall to do so, the
UnIon argues, would make the employees neglIgent In their responsibilities and place their
certification as EMCAs at nsk The UnIon submits that If the employer wants to contInue
to use the drug boxes, which It IS not reqUired to do by the MinIstry of Heath, It must
renegotiate Its deal with the UnIon. It cannot, the UnIon claims, simply rely on the fact that
the drug boxes are now "authonzed eqUipment" which cannot be removed The UnIon
therefore seeks a declaratIOn that ItS agreement to perform thIS work without
compensation has expIred and that the employer has no nght to contmue It unIlaterally It
seeks an order that the drug boxes be removed Alternatively, If I do not order drug boxes
removed, It requests a make-whole remedy In the nature of compensatIOn. It asserts that
the questIOn of compensatIOn IS properly before me In thIS context, not Just the Stanley
board of arbItratIOn.
The employer takes the posItIOn that the Issue of compensatIOn for admmlstenng
medIcatIOns IS properly before the Stanley board of arbitratIOn and that a gnevance
arbitrator has no JunsdlctIon to order compensatIOn for an added skill under the Crown
Employees Collective Bargaining Act, as amended, or the partIes' collective agreement
It notes that the only authonty for mid-term negotiatIOns IS Article 30 of the agreement, m
connection with the Advanced LIfe Support Program It further notes that there no
correspondIng provIsion to negotiate In the event an employee's Job content IS changed
Further, the employer asserts that under the Management RIghts clause, the
employer has the nght to determme the content of an employee's Job and work
assignments It asserts that the purpose of the August 3 1993 letter was not to obtam the
unIon's consent for the employees to perform these added Skills, but was, Instead, to
obtain a wntten waiver by the UnIon for any claim for compensatIOn dunng that penod
The employer contends that It wanted an estoppel, In the form of a wntten representatIOn,
If a claim was made for compensatIOn dunng that penod The employer argues that the
August 3, 1993 letter contams no agreement to remove the drug boxes at the completIOn
of the pilot proJect Nor It asserts, was there an agreement to dlscontmue the program
upon the expiry of the pilot proJect In ItS View, the August 3, 1993 letter was Simply an
agreement by the umon that there would be no claim for compensation for the two year
proJect Further, In Its View, the employer's nght to establIsh Job content was eVidenced
by Its umlateral extensIOn of the pilot proJect to ItS other bases, with no gnevance from
the umon
The employer also argues that while the umon may have Inferred that the drug
boxes would be removed after the pilot proJect, that Inference could only be based on
representatIons from Mr Balvert, who was not authorIzed to speak on behalf of the
employer The employer submIts that any understandIng the UnIon may have had
regardIng what would occur after the two year pIlot proJect was not contaIned In the
August 3, 1993 letter AccordIngly, the employer requests that the grIevance be dismIssed
3 Decision
There can be no doubt that the employer has contInued to reqUIre ItS certIfied
EMCAs to admInister drugs when It IS medically Indicated The presence of the drug
boxes In the vehIcles, combIned WIth the employees' certificatIOn, compels theIr use when
medIcally reqUired The employer cannot support that deCISion Simply by the fact that the
drug boxes are now "authOrIzed eqUipment" A request to Mimstry of Health to remove
them could be easIly be made by the employer, yet no such request has been made
Consequently, by keepIng the drug boxes In the vehicles, the employer has requIred Its
certIfied employees to admInister drugs after the expiratIOn of the two-year medicatIOn
pilot proJect The questIOn IS whether that actIOn IS permissible under the collective
agreement, the August 3, 1993 agreement, and the facts and circumstances of this case
The startIng pOInt In thIS determInatIOn IS the eXistIng collective agreement The
Management Rights Clause states, In pertInent part, as follows
The umon recogmzes and acknowledges that the management of the
statIOns and directIOns of the workIng force are fixed exclUSively In the
/ Company and, without restnctIng the generalIty of the foregoing, the umon
acknowledges that It IS the exclusive function of the Company to
(d) determine the nature and kllld ofbusllless conducted by the Company,
the kInds and locatIOns of statIOns, eqUIpment and matenals used, the
control of matenals and parts, the methods and techniques of work, the
content of Jobs, the work schedules, work assIgnments, the number of
employees to be employed, the extenSIOn[,] lImItatIOns, curtailment or
cessatIon of operatIons of [SIC] any part thereof, and to determme and
exercise all other functions and prerogatives which shall remain solely WIth
the Company except as speCifically lImited by the express prOVISIons of thIS
Under thiS prOVIsIon, It seems clear that the employer may reqUIre Its employees to
admInister drugs and use the drug boxes as part of their Job, prOVIded they have the
reqUISite traInmg and certificatIon. Use of the drug box IS part of the "content of [the]
Job[]", to be determmed exclUSIvely by the employer Consequently, the employer does
not need a separate agreement WIth the umon to reqUIre ItS employees to perform the
added responsibility of admlllIstenng medicatIon, nor dId It need such an agreement In
GIven the fight of the employer to establIsh the content of the Job, It seems more
likely than not that the purpose of the August 3, 1993 letter (WhICh was wntten at the
mSIstence of the employer) was to ensure that It was clearly understood that there would
be no addItIonal compensatIon for thIS work dunng the two year pilot project rather than
to obtam the unIon's consent for the employees to perform thiS addItIonal work While
consent of the employees was sought and obtamed, that consent was not requIred under
the parties' collectIve agreement Instead, the employees' consent was a conditIon of
partlcIpatmg m the pilot proJect
The real questIOn IS whether the employer's nght to establIsh the content of the Job
was somehow limIted by the August 3, 1993 agreement between the employer and Ulllon
concernlllg the medicatIOn pIlot project The August 3, 1993 letter followed negOtiatIOns
between the umon and the employer and confirmed the employees' agreement to
particIpate In the pilot proJect for a two year penod, with the employer to pay for the
training Involved but with no other Increase In pay for the two year penod It also
confirmed that If the Ministry of Heath decided to fund the program or other ambulance
services In Ontano were paId for It, the employees would receIve the same reimbursement
By Its terms, therefore, the August 3, 1993 letter deals with what was to occur
during the two year pIlot proJect. It contains no explIcit statement regarding what would
occur after Its eXpiratIOn at the end of the two year penod There IS no explIcIt promise
that the employees would thereafter be paId, nor IS there an explIcit promise that the
program would be discontinued By ItS terms, the August 3, 1993 letter IS lImited to the
two year medicatIOn pIlot proJect
There IS also no eVIdence that an oral promise was made by the employer either to
pay compensatIon or remove the drug boxes at the end of the pIlot proJect. The
negotIatIons between the employer and umon that led to the August 3 1993 letter
Involved whether or not the employer would pay for the tramIng required It agreed to do
so, but would not pay any additIOnal compensation except If fundIng from the Mimstry
was provIded or other servIces paId for this work. Dunng these diScussions, there was no
oral promIse by the employer that the drug boxes would be removed at the end of the pIlot
proJect or that the employees would be compensated
Nevertheless, the umon clearly belIeved that at the end of the two year penod the
employees would either be compensated for their added work, or the drug boxes would be
removed That understandmg, however, was based on representatIOns by Mr Balvert,
who had no authonty to speak. on behalf of the employer It was Mr Balvert who led the
umon to belIeve that the employees would have no obligatIOn to contInue performing the
work Involved after the pIlot proJect ended and It was that representatIOn which led to the
umon's agreement to partIcipate In the proJect The eVidence, however, revealed that no
Similar representations were made by the employer
./ Consequently, the August 3, 1993 letter contams no explicit wntten promise
regardmg what would occur after the completion of the pIlot proJect, nor was there any
verbal promIse made In that regard Likewise, the August 3, 1993 letter cannot be
reasonably construed to have Implicitly promised - by limiting the agreement regarding no
compensatIOn to two years - that there would either be compensatIOn at the end of the
proJect or the proJect would be dlscontmued The two year penod was based on the length
of the pIlot project What would occur after the expiration of the project was simply not
dIscussed between the parties and nothmg about It IS contamed m the August 3, 1993
letter As a result, neIther the August 3, 1993 agreement nor the negotiatIOns surrounding
It can be VIewed as limltmg what the employer could otherwise do under the collective
agreement, after the expiration of the pilot proJect
Nor can the August 30, 1995 letter from the employer be construed as a promIse
to pay the employees additIOnal compensatIOn. The employer states In that letter that It
"cannot anticipate or guarantee what the remuneratIOn will be for thiS program." ThIS
cannot be Viewed as a promIse that there would, In fact, be compensation WIth uncertainty
Just as to ItS amount, partIcularly Since at the tIme It was wntten, the employer's pOSItIOn
at the bargaInIng table was clearly that there should be no such additIOnal compensatIOn.
In my VIew, however, the frustratIOn and anger that the Union and Its members feel
at bemg reqUired to contmue to perform thIS added skIll Without addItional compensatIOn
after the expIry of the pIlot proJect IS understandable Based on the representations of Mr
Balvert, the Union believed that at the end of the two year pilot proJect, they would have
no obligation to contmue such dutIes If they were not to be compensated Now, however,
the pilot proJect has ended and the employees find themselves certified and the drug boxes
still In the vehicles As a result, they are compelled, both legally and morally to use them.
If they do not, they could face senous ramifications. Consequently, because they are
certified and the drug boxes remam m the vehicles, they are stuck. performing thiS
responsibility Without any extra pay Further, at least one employee's efforts to escape
this situatIOn by decertificatIOn has been refused Surely, then, It IS the employees, more
so than the employer who IS In a "Catch 22" sltuatton here
But In the partIes' collectIve agreement, there IS no provIsIon for mId-term
bargalnmg when the content of a Job has been changed The only such provIsIon In the
partIes' collectIve agreement IS Article 30, whIch pertains to the "Advanced LIfe Support
Program. " That program, however, IS slglllficantly different than the medicatIOn pilot
project at Issue In thiS case. The absence of such a provIsIon In respect to other programs
or reVISIons In Job content, indIcates that the employer has no requIrement to bargain, mId-
term, wIth the Ulllon over ItS continued use of the drug boxes. Instead, the Ulllon must
present ItS claIm for additIOnal compensatIOn, as It has, at the collective bargaining table
and at mterest arbItratIOn. The Issue of compensatIOn IS presently before the Stanley board
of arbitratIOn and will be decIded there
Finally, although no argument regarding dIscnmlnatlon was raised at the heanng,
that Issue was presented In the gnevance and I will bnefly address It There IS no questIon
that as a result of the declSlon by Dr Fedoruk to not allo\\> "grandfathered" EMCAs to
partIcipate In the medIcatIOn pilot proJect, there are now some ambulance attendants who
are not reqUIred to use the drug boxes, while other attendants are requIred to do this extra
work. While that does amount to "dlscnmlnatlOn" among the ambulance attendants, It
does not vIOlate the parties' collective agreement The dIfference In treatment IS based on
a bona fide factor - the employee's tralnmg and certlficatton In admlnIstenng drugs - and
IS therefore a valId basIs of distinctIOn. Whether the certified EMCAs are entItled to a
premIUm for this extra work IS a different question.
In sum, for the reasons set forth above, the gnevance IS dismissed I conclude that
there IS nothing In the partIes' collective agreement, the August 3, ] 993 agreement or the
negotiatIOns surrounding that agreement or since then to negate the employer's nght,
under the management's nghts clause, to determine the content of the employee s Job
The employer, therefore, has not vIOlated the parties' collective agreement or the August
3, 1993 agreement by continuing to keep the drug boxes In the vehicles The Issue of
compensation for this Important added responsibility IS for the Stanley board of arbitration
to determine
Issued this 15th day of October, 1996, In Toronto, Ontano