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GSB # 280/95
OPSEU # 95U019
OPSEU (Union Grievance)
- and -
The Crown in Right of ontario
(Ministry of the Solicitor General &
Correctional Services)
BEFORE S Kaufman Vice-Chairperson
Koskie & Minsky
Barristers & Solicitors
FOR THE D Costen
Legal Services Branch
Management Board Secretariat
HEARING November 9, 1995
January 30, 31, 1996
April 26, 1996
May 28, 1996
June 7, 28, 1996
This is a union grievance alleging that the employer "has violated other
employment-related legislations, Employment Standards Act, s. 56.3 and the
Labour Relations Act, s 64.2, s. 81, and Article 24, 25 of the OPS Collective
Agreement" It seeks the rescision of the lay-off notices given to bargaimng unit
staff and the application of the OPS collective agreement to any subsequent lay-
offs of Versa Foods bargaining unit staff The grievances of the individual
grievors were dlsmlssed for reasons provided in my Interim DeCISion In this
matter earlier this year
The essential dispute in thIS matter is whether the employer has correctly
interpreted and applied Part XIII.2 of the Employment Standards Act (the ESA),
R.5 0 1990, c E.14 as amended. Part XIII.2 of the ESA came into force on
November 5, 1992 when BIll 40, The Labour RelatIOns and Employment Law
Statute Amendment Act, SO 1992, c. 21 received royal assent. Part XIII.2
56.3 In this part
Definitions previous employer" means the employer who ceases to provide
services at a premises,
successor employer means the employer who begins to provide,
at the premises, services substantially similar to those provided at a
premises by the previous employer.
56.4 (1 ) This Part applies if one employer ceases to Krovide J;,articular
Application services at a premises after the 4th day of une, 19 and another
employer begins to provide substantially similar services at the
Non-Application (2) This Part does not aphly if the previous employer sells to the
successor employer t e business of providing the services at the
Definition (3) In this section, services means services provided directlv or
indirectly by or to a building owner or manager that are related to
servicing the premises, includIng building cleanin~ services, food
services and security services but excluding the fo lowing:
1 Construction,
2. Maintenance other than maintenance activities
related to cleaning the premises,
3. The produchon of rcoods other than goods related
to the provision of ood services at the premises for
consumption on the premises.
56.5 (1 ) This section applies to a manager or owner of a premises who
Notice to (a) ceases to hrovide rarticular services at the premises and
Employees uses anot er emp over to provide them,
(b) ceases to use an employer to provide particular services at
the premises and uses another employer to provide them,
(c) prOVides particular servICes at the bremises after ceasing to
use another employer to provide t em.
Idem (2) The owner or manager, as the case may be, shall notifh the
employees of the previous employer of the date on w ich the
previous employer ceases to provide the services at the premises.
Idem (3) The notice must be given in writing at least fifteen days before the
date on which the previous employer ceases to provide services.
56.6 (1 ) If a successor employer replaces a previous employer who is
Mandatory providing services at the~remises, the successor employer shall
Job Offer make reasonable offers 0 available positions to those persons,
(a) who are in a continuing or a recurring and cyclical employ-
ment relationship with the previous employer immediately
before the successor employer begins providing the
services at the premises; and
(b) whose principal place of work with the previous employer
is the ~remises affected by the change in the employer
provi ing the services.
Offers by (2) The successor emplo~er shall make offers to the persons employed
Seniorit y by the previous emp oyer in descending order of each person's
senIority with the previous employer until all positions are filled.
Exception (3) The successor employer is not required to offer positions to persons
who are not qualified to perform the services required of them or
would not be qualified to do so with a reasonable period of training.
Offers to (4) The successor employer shall use every reasonable effort to fill all
other positions at the premises with persons who were emfeloyed by the
persons previous employer before the successor employer of ers a pOSition
to any other person.
Nature of (5) The position offered must consist of performing, at the same
work premises, the same work that the raerson did for the previous
employer, if such a position is avai able.
Idem. (6) It such a position is not available, the Kosition offered must consist of
alternative work that is comparable avmg regard to compensa-
tion, hours and schedule of work, Kerquisites, quality of working
environment, degree of responsibi ity, job security and possibility of
56.7 (1 ) For the purposes of Parts VII, VIII, Xl and XIV a person
If offer employed by the previous ema'oyer who accebts a position offered
accepted by the successor employer is eemed to have een employed by
the successor employer for the ~eriod dUrIng which he or she was
employed by any previous emp oyers.
Application (2) In subsection (1), previous employers includes only the
employer who employs the employee on the 4th day ot June, 1992
and any successor emf.loyers who employ him or her before the
~ successor employer re erred to in subsection (1).
56.8 (1) A person who declines a position offered by the successor
It offer employer under section 56.6 and who ceases to be employed by
dl'Clined the previous employer is deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to
have resigned his or her position with the previous employer,
Limitation (2) If the successor employer offers the person employment that does
not begin immediately after his or her emtofj'ment with the
previous employer ends and the person ec ines the offer, the
person is not deemed to have resigned his or her emhlo1ment with
the Krevious employer and the successor employer s al comply
wit Part XlV.
56.9 (1) If the successor employer does not offer a position to a person
No offer employed bl the previous employer, the successor employer shall
made comply wit Part XIV
Deemed (2) For the purposes of Part XIV, the successor employer, and not the
employer previous employer, is deemed to have been the employer of the
56.10 (1) If an employment standards officer finds that the successor
Failure to employer failed to offer a position to a person when the successor
comply, no employer was reJuired to do so under section 56.6, the employ-
offer made ment standards 0 ficer shall determine whether the person to
whom the offer should have been made has sufferea a loss of
wages and other emtoyment benefits as a result of not receiving
the offer and, if so, s all determine the amount of the loss.
Idem, offer (2) An employment standards ofticer who finds that a job offer made
not reasonable by the successor employer is not a reasonable offer shall determine
whether the person to whom the offer was made has suffered a
loss of wages and other employment benefits as a result and, if so,
shall determine the amount o(the loss.
Accumulating (3) The amount of the loss continues to accumulate until the successor
amount emelo~er makes a reasonable offer of employment to the &erson,
until t e person is reinstated or until the person notifies t e succes-
sor employer in writing that he or she no longer wishes to receive
an offer, whichever occurs first.
Deemed wages (4) The amount determined to be the loss shall be deemed, for the
purposes of this Act, to be wages owing to the person by the
successor employer.
Deemed (5) A person who may have suffred a loss of V\ ares and other employ-
employee ment benefits.is deemed to be an employee 0 the successor
employer for the purpose of pursuing remedies under sections 65,
66,67 and 68 against the successor employer.
Subsequent (6) If the successor employer offers a kOSition to the person after an
job offer employment standards officer ma es a finding under this section
against the successor emplover and the person to whom the offer
is made declines it, the successor employer shall comply with Part
Deemed (7) For the purposes of Part XIV, the successor employer, and not the
employer previous employer, is deemed to have been the employer of the
Amount of (8) The amount of the successor employer's obligations under Part
.- obligations XIV is calculated using the wage rate earned by the person while
he or she was employed by the previous employer.
56.11 (1 ) Upon request, an employer providing services at a tremises shall
Information ~ive the owner or the manager of the premises the ollowing
mformation about the employees who are providing the services.
1 A job description for each of the positions held by
the employees.
2. The wage rates for each position.
3. The number of persons employed in each position
at the premises.
4. A list of persons empl~ed in each position, each
person's seniority, an their hours and schedule
of work.
5. The name of each emplo~ee and his or her
address as it appears m t e employer's records.
Same (2) Upon request, the owner or the manager of the premises shall
give the information described in subsection (1) about the
employees who are providing the services at the premises on the
request date,
(a) to a person who becomes a successor employer providing
the services; or
(b) to the bargaining agent for employees to whom the owner
or manager has given notice under section 56.5.
Same (3) Upon request, the owner or the manager of the premises shall
five the information described in para~aphs 1 to 4 of subsection
1) about the employees who are provtdin~ the services at the
premises on the request date to a person w 0 may become a
successor employer providing the services but, in the information
described in paragraph 4 of subsection (1), the names of persons
employed in each position need not be given,
Use of (4) A person to whom informatIon is gIven under this section shall use
information the information only for the purpose of complying with this Part.
Confidentiality (5) A person in possession of information ~ven under this section shall
not disclose it except as authorized by t is section.
Regulations, (6) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations,
to Ministry (a) requiring employers providing services at premises, or
re~uiring owners or managers of premises, to file the
in ormation described in subsection (1) with the Ministry'
(b) governin& the tilin~ of information required by regula-
tions ma e under cause (a),
56.12 If a person fails to comply with the provisions of this Part, an emftloyment
Employment standards officer may order what action, if any, the person shal take or
standards what the ~erson shall refrain from doing in order to constitute compliance
officer may with this art and may order what compensation shall be paid by the
make order person to the Director in trust for other persons.
-- The references to Part VII, VIII, XI and XIV in the foregoing passage
pertain to the legislated requirements regarding Public Hohdays, Vacation with
Pay, Equal Pay for Equal Work and minimum notice of termination of
employment, respectively Part XIII.2 was in force and effect at all material
times for the purpose of this grievance It was repealed by s. 73 of Bill 7, the
Labour Relatzons and Employment Statute Law Amendment Act, 1995, SO 1995,
s. 1, which received royal assent on November 10, 1995
From as early as May, 1985, until January 15, 1995, a series of contractors
provided the staff and management to operate the kitchen and provide meals
to the staff and inmates at the Metro Toronto East Detention Centre (MTEDC), a
facility of the employer Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional
Services. Versa Food Services was the contractor in 1985 Canteen of Canada,
held the contract for about 4 years. Dalmar Foods held the contract thereafter
for about 3 years. From June 1, 1992 to January 15, 1995 the services were again
provided by Versa Food Services. Mr. George Bushell was the Food Services
Manager employed by each of the afore-mentioned contractors at MTEDC,
continuously from April ot 1985 until January 15, 1995 Commencmg January 16,
1995 the Ministry brought the food service function "in-house" and became a
"successor employer" within the meaning of s 56.3 above Mr. Bushell retained
his functIon as manager at food services, under the title "Manager, Food Services
Area" On February 1, 1994, OPSEU was certified as the bargaining agent for the
Versa employees and in about April of 1994 it served Versa notice to bargain.
No collective agreement had been reached by OPSEU and Versa by January 15,
1995 The union understood by December, 1994 that the Ministry would be
bringing the food services functions "in-house" effective January 15, 1995 and
that some of the positions under the contract with Versa would be ellminated.
Pnor to January 16, 1995, the staff complement was 17, including the Food
SerVIces Manager, the Assistant Manager, 9 full-time Cooks, 3 Helpers, 1
temporary Helper, 1 full-tIme Cashier and 1 part-time Cashier. Each of 3 shifts, 4
a.m. to 12.30 p.m., 12.30 to 9 pm., and a relief shift, was usually staffed by a
Cook 3, a Cook 2, a Cook 1 Ounior Cook) and a Helper. They provided
serVlces in the kitchen and the staff cafeteria On January 15, 1995, the last day of
the contract between the Mmistry and Versa, the following staff occupied the
afore-mentioned positions (per Ex. 1, Tab 3)
MTEDC Start date with
- lob Title Incumbent Seniority Dat~ Versa Services
Food ServIces Manager George Bushell April 85 1 June 92
Assistant Manager T. Sidotti October 87 1 June 92
Cook 1 V Fraser May 86 1 June 92
Cook3 T Joyce July 87 IJune92
Cook :3 F. Quigley 29 January 91 1 June 92
Cook 2 A. Gouldbourne September 89 1 June 92
Cook 2 P McKenzie November 89 1 June 92
Cook 2 R. Ellison 28 January 91 1 lune 92
Cook 1 S. Storrod September 89 1 June 92
Cook 1 S. Pellegrini November 91 1 June 92
Cook 1 M. Butler October 92 10 Oct 92
Helper L. Klippel October 88 1 June 92
Helper J Delaney December 93 11 Dec 93
Helper L. Baldorado January 90 1 June 92
Helper-Temporary M. Adu August 94
Cashier B. Swain May 91 1 June 92
Cashier-PT L. DeFranco March 94 10 Mar 94
Commencing January 16, 1995, as a cost-saving measure, the cafeteria
ceased to operate and the Assistant Manager, Cook 1, one Cook 3 and Cashler
and Helper positions were eliminated. One of the two remaining tull-time Cook
3 positions became a permanent Part-time position (30 hrs / wk.) Three
additional Cook 2 positions were created, for a total of six Cook 2 positlOns
There are in total eight full-time classified Cook positions--two Cook 3 and six
Cook 2. As well, two unclassified Cook 2 posltlons of up to 40 hours per week
were created. Only one unclassIfied Cook 2 positIon was funded as of January
16,1995 Effective January 16, 1995, one shift was eliminated, and all statf began
to work rotating shifts to maintam the 7-day-a-week serVlce
Thus, immediately after January 15, 1995, one management position
(Kitchen Manager), two classlfied Cook 3 positIons, and six classlfied Cook. 2
positions remamed along with one funded unclassltied Cook 2 posltIon and
accordmg to Ex. 4, were allocated as follows
MTEDC Start date with
-- lob Title Incumbent Seniority Date Versa Services
Kitchen Manager G. Bushell April 85 1 June 92
Cook 3 V Fraser (former CK3) May 86 1 June 92
Cook 3 Part-time T. Joyce (former CK3) July 87 1 June 92
Cook2 A, Gouldbourne September 89 1 June 92
(former CK2)
Cook2 P McKenzie November 89 1 June 92
(former CK2)
Cook2 R. Ellison 28 January 91 1 June 92
(former CK2)
Cook 2 P Quigley 29 January 91 1 June 92
(former CK3)
Cook2 T. Sidotte (former AKM) October 87 1 June 92
Cook2 B. Storrod September 89 1 June 92
(former CKl)
Cook2 D/C J Delaney 11 Dec 93 11 Dec 93
(former Helper)
The Evidence:
Mr. MItchell advIsed that fundIng became aVailable only after January 16,
1995 for two unclassified Cook 2 positions and that Ms. Delaney and Ms.
Klippel, both former Helpers for Versa Services, were offered and accepted
those positions commencing March 7, 1995 Ms. KlIppel, however, stated that
she had been working as an unclassified Cook 2 since January 16, 1995
M. Butler, one of the three Cook 1s formerly employed at the Centre was
not offered a position, Mr Bushell's uncontradicted evidence was that her
employment ended on December 13, 1994, notwithstanding her presence on the
list at Ex. 1, Tab 3 Mr Bushell originally hired Lucinda Klippel on October I,
1988 while Canteen of Canada was the contractor Ms. Klippel sald that she was
hired as a Helper and worked In that capacity for about 2 months At that point
one ot the cooks left, at whlch time she was glven that position. In late 1988 or
early 1989, cooks were not differentiated by level, all were Cook 1, she adVised,
and she was designated as a "second Cook 1" She worked at MTEDC as a
"second cook" tor over 3 1/2 years, until about June I, 1992, during which hme
she had full responsibility for cookIng meals Because she was experienCIng
ditficulties around baby-sitting costs, due to the hours she was required to work
as a cook, around Tune 1, 1992, she accepted a position as cart person/Helper,
whlCh enabled her to leave regularly at 12.30 p.m. Mr Elhson took over her
.-- position. Mr Bushell contlrmed that while she was employed as a Helper, Ms
Klippel filled in for Cooks 1 and 2 who were sick or unavailable Ms. Klippel
said that while employed as a Helper, she filled m for the "second cook" /Cook
2, three to four times a month, and that she had full responsiblity for cooking
meals when she filled in for the Cook 2. On one occasion she was the most
senior person on shift. Mr Bushell described her as a very versatile employee
In cross-examination he said that Ms. Klippel was not paid at the Cook 2 rate
when, as a Helper, she filled in for an absent Cook 2, as he did not "adjust for a
day", but that she "can do Cook 2" Mr. Mitchell sald that he was aware that
Ms. Klippel had worked as a Cook 2 for the contractor Dalmar.
Ms. Klippel advised that as a second cook/ Cook 2 she was responsible
for the special diets, including cooking the food and keeping records of the
foods and amounts served tor the special diets. As second cook she also baked
cake, pies, apple crisp and apple squares, and prepared the regular as well as
the special diet breakfasts. Before January 16, 1995, the junior cook/Cook 1
made the grilled cheese sandwiches, french fries, for the following day, peeled
potatoes, cut vegetables, defrosted the meat, made salad, and, if on the menu,
cooked the pancakes and the western omelettes. The Cook 2 made "the second
meal", which was offered to staff, as opposed to the line meal for inmates As
second cook, prior to June 1, 1992, she cooked hamburgers, fish & chips, steak
and onions, and bacon and eggs for the staff cafeteria. As a Helper, she counted
the meals on the carts and checked them against the number of ordinary and
speCIal dIet meals required for each unit, and also cooked and baked on Helper
shifts when the scheduled Cook 2 was absent. She had required no training
when she had cooked and baked while a Helper. In January of 1995 she asked
Mr. Bushell why Ms Storrod, a Junior cook/prep person/Cook 1, got a Cook 2
positIon when the Ministry took over the food services function. Mr Ellison
(start date 28 Jan 91), Mr. Gouldbourne (start date September, 1989), Mr
McKenzle (start date November, 1989), Ms Storrod (start date September, 1989)
and Ms. QUlgley (start date 29 January 91) started to work at MTEDC after she
did, and were offered full-time positions with the Mimstry She was told that
the Mmistry assigned the poslt1ons by gomg from Job spec to Job spec and that
there were no more Helper positions She said that she was oftered an
unclassified Cook 2 position on Januarv 15 or 16, 1995, and has worked at
MTEDC since the Mmistry took over the food services tunction. Since then, she
said, the duties of the tormer Helpers have been performed by mmates under
.-' the supervision of the Cooks 2 and 3 OccaslOnally there have been more
inmates working in the kitchen since January 16, 1995, as compared to the
number before that date The Cook 2 has been assigned the duties of the former
junior cook/ Cook 1 She later said that she first worked as an unclassified Cook
2 in April, '1995, her duties have remamed about the same, her hourly rate lS
hIgher than it was when she was employed by Versa Services, but she gets no
Mr. Bushell hired Ms Swain as a Cashier in March, 1991 whlle Dalmar
Foods was the employer. He described her duties as those of cafeteria cashier,
and looking after the cafeteria food. Ms Swain described her duties as setting
up the cafetena, putting water in the steamers, makIng salads and desserts,
portioning helpings, putting together simple salads, serving meals to visitors
and staff and doing the cash. She also helped out in the kitchen by preparing
vegetables as done by the former prep person/Cook 1, by loading carts, and
providing appropriate items for inmates' special diet plates. She said that while
she was a Cashier she had satisfactorily performed the duties of a prep
person/ former Cook 1 for 8 weeks on a full-time basis She agreed that a Cook
1 did not have the same level of responsibility as a Cook 2. She worked
alongside Mr. McKenzie, then a Cook 2, and occasionally with Ms Quigley, then
a Cook 3 On those occasions she had prepared the speClal diet trays, and had
turned on the oven, put the chicken in it, put the rice in the steamer and turned
the steamer off when the rice was done, and had put the food on the counter for
portioning onto plates She had also been called in on weekends to fill in for
absent Cashiers and prep persons/Helpers She acknowledged that she had
never cooked a full course meal at the mstitution, but had put vegetables in the
steamer, added ingredients to soup, and knew how gravy was made, and was
certam that with a little training could have tilled any position in the kitchen. In
cross-exammahon she described the Cook 3 position as the main superVISors
who were responsible for the preparation of the mam meal and its distribution,
for preparation of bed-time snacks, for clean-up, recordmg inmates' names and
other paperwork, ensuring that knives were counted and everything was
locked up, and other administrative responsibilities All staff pitched in to
ensure that the necessary services were provided, such that delegation of tasks
by the Cooks 3 rarely occurred Cooks 1 are dlrected by the menu established
by the Kitchen Manager As a Cook 1 she had also prepared sandwiches Jnd
food for those gomg to court. During the 8 weeks in which she replaced another
--- employee, she had been a prep person/Cook 1 and had also functioned as a
cart person/Helper
Mr. Bushell acknowledged that Ms Swam had replaced Ms. D'Andrea on
the floor for 8 weeks while she was absent for medICal reasons, "as general help,
I believe a cart position" He stated that Ms Swain had had "no cooking
responsibilities" and "would have been" involved doing the cartwork and some
of the prepwork. He had earlier testified that one of the primary functions of
the Helpers had been to portion desserts, butter and jam, and load the inmate
meal carts He also testified that, dependmg upon the meal load, Helpers also
assisted the Cooks on the grill and e.g steaming vegetables. He later said that
could not recall Ms. D'Andrea's classfication and duties, and that he believed she
was "general help" and her duties included possibly peeling vegetables and
potatoes He said he could not recall observing Ms. Swain do more than
prepwork for carts, condiments, and peeling vegetables and potatoes In cross-
examination he did not dispute that Ms. D'Andrea had been hired to replace Ms.
Butler, who had been employed as a Cook 1, and that Ms Swain had replaced
Ms. D'Andrea when she was absent for medical reasons. In cross-exammatIon,
Mr. Bushell was asked to and dld not produce documentation to establish that
either Ms D'Andrea or Ms Butler were Helpers. He said that he did not
remember having seen Ms Swain doing any cooking He acknowledged having
written a letter of reference for Ms. Swain, dated January 5th, 1995, which
indicated that as a Cashier she "helped with cooking and a lot of prepwork",
and in her spare time was" .helping out cooks "and" on occassion (sic) Ms
Swam would fill m for cooks that were off. " He said that when she was filling
in, she would have been working alongside another cook and would not have
been responsible for a meal. When asked whether he was saying that people
had to tell Ms Swain what to do as a Cook 2, he replied "that's quite possible"
He then said she could cook and could help to cook, but that he would not give
her full responsibility for a meal
Mr Bushell testified that Ms. Delaney had been employed at MTEDC as a
Cook 1 from June 1 to December ot 1992, and as a Helper from December of
1993 to January 15, 1995 Ms. Swain advised that Ms Delaney had been a cart
person/Helper who had pertormed the same cooking tasks as her, after
ensuring that their Cashier and Helper task.c.., had been done Mr Bushell
advised that Ms Delaney's "work loads vaned" as a Helper and that she
performed Cook 1 and 2 duties, relievmg an employee who was on vacatlOn,
1 1
,- and another person absent due to a work-related mJury He sald that when Ms.
Delaney replaced Cooks 1 and 2, she was paid at those rates. Ms. Swain was
unable to contirm that Ms Delaney had replaced a Cook 2, but she
acknowledged that Ms. Delaney had done more cooking than she had Ms.
Klippel did not know whether Ms Delaney had filled in for absent Cooks 2.
Mr. Bushell later acknowledged that Ms. Delaney was initially hired at MTEDC
to replace a Helper, who was Ms. Baldorado's niece He did not agree that after
December 1992, he had hIred a woman named "Sally" as a Helper to replace Ms.
Delaney He said that he had records with him to show that Ms Delaney had
originally been hired as a Cook 1 Those records were not requested and were
not produced. He acknowledged that Ms. Baldorado had left the country for 8
to 12 weeks. Ms. Klippel stated that Ms. Delaney had not received any training
to prepare meals In her position as Cook 2.
Mr. Bushell said that he had no say in who was retained with the Ministry
He acknowledged that pnor to January 16, 1995, Deputy Superintendent of
Services Alex Mitchell asked him whether or not the Versa Services employees
were qualified to do the work or would be qualified with a reasonable amount
of traimng. He said that before January 16, 1995, he told Mr. Mitchell that all the
staff could be qualified with training, he and Mr Mitchell had gone into more
detail with respect to different staff members, he dId not discuss how much
training each required, this discussion probably occurred "the week or so before
the action taken", and they had several dIScussIons on the subjects, the more
intense one having taken place a week before the takeover He agreed that the
statement "all staff were capable" of filling any of the remaining bargaining unit
positions would represent his final advice to Mr. Mitchell.
Alex Mitchell has been employed at MTEDC smce January of 1977 and is
currently Deputy Supenntendent of ServIces there He advlsed that the mmates
had always been involved in aSSIsting the staff of the various contractors in the
MTEDC kitchen, but not with the cookmg of the meals The Ministry provided
the security training of the staff of the various contractors, and ensured that the
contractor trained its staff 10 proper kitchen hygiene and other matters. MTEDC
is a maximum security adult male facility with an operational capacity of 468, the
10mate populatIon can increase to 540 60 to 70% of the inmates are remanded
1Oto custody and are unknown quantItIes from a secunty pomt of Vlew He
described the duties ot COs with respect to the meals for inmates. The Mimstry
and Versa entered into an agreement dated Apnl 27, 1992, whereby Versa
would provide stipulated services to MTEDC for a period of 2 years after June 1,
1992, with an option to renew for a third year. The Ministry made a corporate
deClsion to transfer the remaming employees of the outside caterer to the
Ministry and the agreement with Versa required a 6-month extension, such that
Bill 40 would apply at the point at which the Mmistry assumed direct
responsibility for the delivery of food services at the mstitution. Versa agreed to
extend the contract, which would have expired on May 30, 1994, for less than a
Mr. Mitchell agreed that the list at Tab 3, Ex. 1 was a list of the employees
on staff before January 16, 1995. He said that he prepared a list of employees
designating their pre-January 16, 1995 classifications, their start date with Versa
and with MTEDC, their post-January 16, 1995 classifications and those with "No
Job" (Ex. 4) That list was used to assess who would be offered jobs in relation to
the amendments to the ESA, s. 56.5 and s. 56.6, introduced in Bill 40 Mr.
Mitchell attended several meetings at regional office with other Deputy
Superintendents and Regional Managers. He said that "basically" the advice that
he provided regarding which employees would be offered pOSItIons under
those provisions, was that contained in Ex. 4 and Tab 3 of Ex. 1 He also took a
typewritten list of the responsibilities of the Cook 2 and 3 positions with him to
regional office The responsibilities of the positions were not discussed with the
Employment Standards Branch Officer present at some of the meetings The
Cook 2 Position Specification (Ex. 5) was not prepared until after the employees
to whom offers of employment would be made were determined He advised
that the two Cook 3 positions existing after January 16, 1995 had new duties,
which he described as "accepting responsibility to get meals out in time" and "we
expected more from them" He said that after January 16, 1995, incumbents of
the SIX Cook 2 positions had more responsibility for looking after the inmates
and doing things "timely and effectively"
The Posltion SpeCIficatIon for Food ServlCes Officer (Cook 2) at MTEDC
provides the following'
Purpose of position.
To ~)repare and serve meals on an assigned shift and to supervise assigned inmate
he pers in the kitchen. To perform other related duties as assigned / required,
Duties and Related Tasks
80% Prepares and serves meals on an assi~ned shIft by pertorming such duties as.
- preparing food by cutting, cleaning, peeling, de. meats and vegdables and
cookin1fJame by a variety of accepted and standard methods,
mixing and ba 'ng desserts such as pies, cakes, puddings, etc.,
- ensuring meals are properly cooked and punctually served, observing portion
- supervisin~nd instructing inmate helpers in the performance of above duties,
chec 'ng food continuously for presence of abnormalities, e.g. contraband,
periodically searchin~ inmates,
warning inmates or laying c arges for misconduct as necessary;
- ensuri1 sanitary conditions bv supervising inmate helpers in washing floors,
ishes, utensils, cleaning stoves and work areas,
- ensuring security of kitchen inmate helpers and kitchen equipment and facility;
- ensuring effective waste control,
20% Performs related duties such as.
- assisting in the preparation of daii reports and bulk supply orders,
- checking to ensure machinery an equipment are in lood condition,
- assuming duties of the Senior Food Services Officer uring absences and / or as
NOTE. The incumbent is responsible for the supervision of inmate helpers for the
majority of working time, Salary Note K1-CRA applies.
Skills and knowledge required to perform job at full working level.
Good working knowledge of cookin~ methods, procedures and standards,
significant experience of volume coo 'ng, usually gained thro~h employment in a
large restaurant or institution, ability to maintain safe, dean an hygienic working
conditions; ability to work shifts/weekends; good communication sKills in order to
supervise and train inmate helpers.
Mr. Mitchell signed the above Job Specification on January 16, 1995 It was
signed by the MTEDC Superintendent on March 8, 1995 and by the Dlrector,
HRB on March 27, 1995 The Director, HRB noted that the position was so
classified because the incumbent:
A. Prepares complete meals according to approved menus and work sheets
B. Ensures food IS properly cooked and served and that kitchen equipment and
premises are sanitary
C. Instructs and supervises inmate helpers in food preparation and serving.
Mr. Bushell described the duties of the Cooks pnor to the Mmistry's
takeover of the food serVIce function as follows.
Cook i pre~ared the main course and soups for 540-560
-coo ed and cut meat
-at one time, did a certain amount of baking
Cook2 -cooked staff cafeteria meal and grill orders
-prepared special diets for about 100
-some baking
Cook 1 / Junior Cook
-peeled vegetables
-cooked potatoes, rice and grill orders as necessary
-general help
He said that all the cooks employed by the contractors were aSSIsted by mmates,
and that there was no dIfference in the "type of responsibilIty" as between
1 4
Cooks 3 and 2 and no difference in their administrative responsibilIties He said
that the level of sklll differed as between a Cook 1 and 2 and that the Cook 1
was not involved in bulk cooking. He Said that the Helpers had only been
"involved" in the last 3 to 5 years, and that previously, their work had been
done by inmates Helpers portioned desserts, butter, jam, condiments, etc., and
put them on plates, put the plates on trays, and loaded the wagons, and put
salads on them as well They would also assist Cooks 1, 2 and 3, depending on
the meal load, and occasionally make entries in the logbook tor the Cooks.
Mr. Mitchell said that the employee's individual start date with Versa was
"relevant to" the selection of the employees to whom positions would be offered
and that that was the date when Versa took over the food services contract at
MTEDC He said that all the employees had the same start date with Versa and
that no employee was more senior than any other He said that s. 56.6 had
defimtely been discussed when prepanng Ex. 4 and agreed that s. 56.6(2) was
relevant. He said that they "had to find a denominator to rate seniority", and
that the start date at MTEDC had been used. He said that he had not referred to
s. 566(2) when preparing Ex. 4, "only after" He said "then we linked the two in
discussion" He said that the Ministry wanted to be as fair as possible to all staff,
and that if June I, 1992 was used as the start date, it would be picking through
the list of employees and totally unfair about the whole thing, and be asked why
EllIson wasn't m front of Joyce, and that they did npt want that to happen. He
said that as the Ministry interpreted Bill 40, June 1, 1992 was the seniority date.
He said that in some cases, that date helped the Ministry and in other cases it
did not. The two Cook 3 positions were straightforward, using the seniority
dates in the third column of Ex. 4 (Start date at MTEDC), he advised.
Mr. Mitchell explained the manner of allocating the positions that
remained as of January 16, 1995 Mr. Bushell remained m his position as
Manager as he had been employed at MTEDC since 1985 and was the only one
qualified to do the job and had rights under the amendments to the
Employment Standards Act in Bill 40 The most senior person, V Fraser,
(seniority date at MTEDC May, 1986) was offered the full-time Cook 3 position.
1: Joyce, second-highest semority date at MTEDC July, 1987, was offered and
accepted the regular part-time Cook 3 position. Assistant Kitchen Manager Mr
Sidotte, with the third-highest seniority date at MTEDC October, 1987, whose
position was elIminated, was not considered for one of the Cook 3 positions.
The Ministry tried to offer the Versa employees the Jobs eXlsting as of January
1 5
16, 1995 that were as close to their former jobs for Versa As a result, Mr Sidotte
was not offered a Cook 3 position and the Ministry turned to filhng the six Cook
2 positions. Seniority was not the criteria used to determine the offer to Mr
Sidotte The Ministry used s. 56 6(2) and (5)
Those sections provide'
56.6 (2) The successor emplo);er shall make offers to the persons employed
by the previous emp oyer in descending order of each person's
seniority with the previous employer until all positions are filled.
(5) The position offered must consist of performing. at the same
premises, the same work that the faerson did for the previous
employer, if such a position is avai able.
In deciding to whom the six Cook 2 positions would be offered, Mr. Mitchell
advised, the Ministry referred to the start date WIth Versa Foods, then the start
date at MTEDC, and s. 566(6)
S 56.6(6) states.
(6) If such a position is not available, the ~osition offered must consist of
alternative work that is comparable aving regard to compensa-
tion, hours and schedule of work, lierquisites, quality of working
environment, degree of responsibi ity, job security and possibility of
Mr. Mitchell said that s. 56.6(5) told the Ministry to place people in the same job
classification, if possible. Because Mr. Gouldbourne was the most senior in the
Versa Cook 2 classification, he was offered the first Cook 2 position. Mr.
McKenzie, the second most senior in the Versa Cook 2 classification, was offered
the second Cook 2 position. Mr. Ellison was offered the third Cook 2 position.
Mr. Gouldbourne, Mr. McKenzie and Mr Ellison were offered the first three
Cook 2 positions because the new Cook 2 position was the one most comparable
to their position with Versa Services and because of their seniority dates. The
remaining Cook 2 positions were "filled by comparable position" The Ministry
considered Cook 3 to be nearer to the Cook 2 position than the position of
Assistant Kitchen Manager held by Mr. Sidotte (start date with MTEDC October,
1987) Consequently, the Ministry oftered Ms Quigley, a Versa Cook 3, whose
start date with MTEDC was June, 1991, the fourth Cook 2 posihon. I t assigned
the fifth Cook 2 posltion to Mr Sidotte, as it viewed his position as Assistant
Kitchen Manager nearer to the Cook 2 positIon than to the eliminated Cook 1
position. It assigned the sixth Cook 2 pOSItion to Ms Storrod, because she had
been a Cook 1 for Versa until January 15, 1995 The Cook 1 did some cooking,
he advised, and Ms Storrod had backfilled for absent Cook 2 staft Ms. Storrod
was offered the sixth Cook 2 position before other Cook 1 s, because she was
more senior to them. No Versa Helpers were considered for the Cook 2
/' The offers of Cook 2 positions were based on seniority
positions at the time and comparable jobs. Ms. Klippel's past experience as a Cook 2 was not
considered, despIte her start date of October, 1988, as compared to Ms.
Storrodts of September, 1989, because her position was Helper. Cooking was
not one of the duties of Helpers, whose main task was the proper loading of
meal wagons.
Mr. Mitchell advised that the unclassified Cooks 2 perform the same
duties as classIfied Cooks 2. There were no differences in their working
conditions other than their scheduling; they were to fill in for absent classified
Cooks 2. The Ministry "went through the same exercise" to select unclassified
Cooks 2 as for classified Cooks 2. Because Mr. Pelligrini was a Versa Cook 1,
and a Cook 1 classification was nearer to that of a Cook 2 than a Helper, he was
the first to be offered an unclassified Cook 2 position. He declined it. The
Ministry looked at the remaining Versa employees, none of who were Cooks,
and offered the unclassified Cook 2 pOSItion to Ms. Klippel. It offered the
second unclassified Cook 2 position to Ms. Baldorado, who did not accept it.
The Ministry determined that Ms. Delaney was the Helper next in seniority to
Ms. Baldorado (Ms. Delaney's start date at MTEDC was December, 1993, Ms.
Baldorado's was January, 1990) It also considered that a Helper was closer to a
Cook 2 than a Cashier, because the Helper is exposed to the kitchen per se more
than the Cashier. At times the Helper does the prepwork for the Cooks. Ms
Delaney and Ms. KlIppel commenced theIr employment as unclasslfied Cooks 2
on March 7, 1995
In cross-examination Mr. Mitchell acknowledged that all the Versa
employees could perform the Cook 2 duties with some training, and advised
that at the time of takeover, the amount of time required to train each person
was dIscussed. He was unable to remember the detalls of the conversation or
any range of training time required.
Ms. Swain agreed that Ms. Delaney had been a Helper from December of
1993 to January of 1995 Ms. Delaney had a later start date at MTEDC than Ms.
Swam, but was now working at MTEDC as a part-time Cook 2. As a Helper,
Ms Delaney had taken over for absent cart people, prep people and Cook's
Helper (presumably Cook 1) Ms. Swain advised that all staff were trained to do
a bit of everythmg She advlsed that she had "helped wlth cookmg and a lot of
prepwork, including making a large variety of salads" In Mr. Bushell's words in
1 7
" his letter of reference, and had performed those tasks in her spare time, in
overtime, and as a replacement for absent employees on a call-in basis. Two
days before January 15, 1995, Ms Delaney told her that she had been offered an
unclassified position, and that same day, Mr. Mitchell had told her, Ms Swain,
that there was no posItion for her Ms Swain said that someone had advIsed
her that cafeteria duties, Le 2-course meals, were resumed after January 15, 1995,
and that the Cook 2 and occasionally the Assistant Kitchen Manager had
prepared the cafeteria meals. Ms. Klippel said that as at April 26, 1996, a grill is
run, for inmates only, rather than for staff and visitors, and that the cafeteria is
closed and Cooks 2 supervise the inmates to do the cart duties formerly done by
Mr. Mitchell advised that the Ministry had sent out notices, dated
December 13, 1994, pursuant to s. 56.5 of the ESA as amended by Bill 40, to all
Versa employees working at MTEDC advising them, among other things, that
Versa would cease to provide services at the end of the work day January 15,
1995 Versa also delivered Notices to its employees, dated December 19, 1994
(Ex. 1, Tab 12) By letter dated January 13, 1995, Ms. Klippel and others who
were not being offered a position commencing January 16, 1995, were so
advised by Supt. DeGrandis (Ex. 1, Tab 5 and Ex. 9) and were advised that they
would receive one or two weeks pay in lieu of written notice of termination. Mr.
Mitchell had a meeting with each such employee and gave them a notice in the
form at Tab 5 He provided a letter in the same format as Ex. 2, dated January
13, 1995, to each employee to whom a position was being offered.
Mr. Mitchell advised m cross-exammatIon that he had requested the
information to which a successor employer was entitled under s. 56.11 of the
ESA, such as job descriptions, from Versa. He was unable to describe the
response the Ministry received to its request for job descriptions, but said that
he was certain that it received all five items requestable under s. 56.11 He
adVIsed that the Mlmstry's use of the words Cook 3 and Cook 2 represented l1a
rearrangement of dutiesl1, Cook 3 involving more responsibility, and Cook 2
having more responsibility for inmate supervision and cooking. The working
environment had not changed after January 15, 1995, but Cooks employed by
the Ministry do more supervision of inmates that they had done while
employed by Versa There are occasionally more inmates to supervise, and less
staff to accomplish the same task, which might affect the quality of the working
enVIronment by putting more pressure on the remainmg kItchen staff. The job
/ security experienced by the Versa employees prior to the Ministry becoming
their employer depended upon the renewal or re-assignment of the contract for
food services Comparing their former job security and their former wages and
benefits, in Mr. Mitchell's view there had been a substantial increase in job
stability as of January 16, 1995 All staff had received an increase in wages and
benefits. Versa had paid the same wage rates for Helpers and Cook I, whose
hours of work per week had not changed He agreed that Ex. 10 was an
accurate list of the Versa employees as at January 15, 1995, their former
classifications, start dates with Versa and MTEDC and their new classifications, in
order of their start dates at MTEOC. He said that he had not considered who
was employed as of June I, 1992 and their shift, to determine their seniority, but
had decided to determine seniority under the amendments to the ESA in Bill 40
on the basis of the MTEDC start date, and developed hlS hst of those to whom
positions were offered (Ex. 4) as a result of discussions with Regional Human
Mr. Mitchell did not dispute that page 2 of the December 13, 1994 notice
to employees advises that offers of employment would be made in accordance
with s. 56.6(2) of the ESA, "in descending order of each person's seniority with
the previous employer until all available positions are filled" He agreed that
the Mmistry had made offers of aVaIlable posltions m descendmg order of
seniority with reference to the positions held by each employee with Versa, and
stated that that had been done in conjunction with s. 56.6(5) He advised that he
had had no help in interpreting the words "if such a position is available" and
that the Ministry "concentrated on" s. 56.6(5) as the fairest application of the
amendments to the ESA. He did not agree that s. 56.6 indicates that a successor
employer is to give the jobs to the 11 most semor people if they are qualified or
would be qualified with a reasonable period of training He said that that had
been discussed, and that the Ministry decided to be fair to everyone on the basis
of both seniority and the fact that a Versa Cook 2 was a Cook 2 for the Mimstry
and a Versa Cook 3 was a Cook 3 for the Ministry and the behef that that was a
fair way to do it.
Mr. Mitchell saId that hlS budget was confirmed wlthm days ot January 16,
1995, and that before January 17, 1995, he had approval for one unclassified
position and funding for some unclassified hours. It took a while, he advised, to
resolve the issue of one extra Cook 2 and the funding The budget is controlled
by the Business Adminstrator, but the Director of the Southern Region of the
Ministry approves the funding of unclassified positions He believed the
,- Ministry used an unclassified Cook 2 between January 16 and March 7, 1995 He
did not dispute that he had offered Ms. Klippel an unclassified position before
January 15, 1995, and did not dispute having made a similar offer to Ms Delaney
at the same time He advised that he had given Ms. Klippel notice of
termination because, as a result of hIS discussIOns wlth Human Resources, it was
viewed that as neither Ms. Delaney nor Ms Klippel was being offered a
comparable job, it was wisest to terminate their employment and give them the
benefits of such termination. He advised that the unclassified positions were not
comparable wIth respect to hours of work, as the unclassified positions offered
no guarantee of the number of hours, or any hours. He confirmed that he had
given each employee his or her notice of termination, but was uncertain as to
whether he handed or mailed them the offers of employment. To determme
whether the Versa employees, particularly the Assistant Kitchen Manager, Cook
1 and Helpers, met the requirements of s. 56.6(3) i.e were qualified to perform
the services required of them or would be qualified to do so with a reasonable
period of training, the Ministry took into consideration that the Versa
employees to whom offers were made had been m those positIons for two
years, and if they had not been capable of performing the duties of the
positions, would not have been there Mr. Mitchell said that any employee
about whom the Ministry had any doubt as to their qualifications, would have
been given training He agreed that all the Versa employees as of January 15,
1995 were either qualified or could become qualified to perform the services
required of them, with the exception of Ms. Defranco He advised that Ms
Swain would require more trammg, and dId not know what length of trammg
she would require He recalled discussing Mr Bushell's letter of reference
regarding Ms. Swain, and having seen a copy ot it (Ex 1, Tab 13) He could not
recall having asked Mr. Bushell or having had the intention of asking him the
amount of time that would be required to train Ms. Swain for one ot the available
pOSl hons.
OPSEU Staff Rep Nick Disalle advised that on January 13, 1995, there were
approximately 256 people on the Art. 24 surplus list, 55 of whom were located in
the greater Toronto area Under the redeployment proVISions of the collective
agreement, if the Ministry had created 8 claSSIfied and 2 unclassified positions in
the MTEDC kitchen, qualified people within a 40 km. radius of the workplace
would have the right to be assigned to the vacant new positions If the new
,/ positions were not their former positions, the employer would have to assess
the mdividual employee's background and experience, and other critena If the
new positions are not filled through redeployment, the employer is obliged to
obtain a clearance certificate and its practice is to initially post the position
internally, and the positions would become open to classified and unclassified
staff, he advised. He said that when different OPSEU bargaining units merge,
OPSEU's policy is to "dovetail" the seniority of members of the merged unit with
the seniority of the members of the existing unit, and that OPSEU tried to get the
seniOrity of Versa employees dove-tailed under "the green book"
Union Argument:
There are two main issues.
a) has a breach of the collective agreement occurred,
b) If so, what lS the appropriate remedy
There are several sub-issues.
a) how does the ESA modify the collective agreement, i.e what is
the correct interpretation of the ESA
b) has the employer violated the provisions of the ESA
c) has the employer violated the collective agreement
d) what can make the union whole, if the ESA has been violated?
e) are there any bars to the remedy
Because the ESA prevails over the provisions of the collective agreement,
the rights of bargaining unit members to compete under Art. 4 for what would
otherwise have been new, vacant positions, were affected, and were also
affected under Art. 4.6.1, 5.2.2, and 5.4.2. In addition, the paramountcy ot the
ESA over the collective agreement affected the rights of bargaining unit members
under Art. 24, 30.2.4, and 42.10 Persons identified under Part X111.2 of the ESA
have been given the benefit of the bargaimng umt members' nghts to be
assigned to or compete for those positions. In this case, the employer forfeIted
the rights under the collective agreement of bargaining unit members to
employees who, under the ESA, did not have rights to the positions they were
gi ven.
Ms Swain was not offered a position, and 3 employees with less seniority
than hers were offered and accepted a position. Five employees with less
seniority than Ms. Klippel were offered full-time classified posltIons (m terms of
the hours of work) Ms Klippel was not offered a comparable position,
2 I
..-" although one existed and should have been offered to her m order of her
The ESA requires the employer to make reasonable offers of available
positions to people who meet the description in s. 56.6(1) (a) and (b) Ms
Klippel and Ms Swain were among those who met the description. The ESA
required the employer to make the offers of employment in descending order
of seniority with the prevIous employer, with one exception. S 56.6(3) states
that the positions do not have to be offered to employees who are not qualified
to perform the services required of them, which refers to the duties, or who
would not become qualified to do so with a reasonable period of training. S
566(3) obligated the employer to consider whether people meeting the
description in s. 56 61(a) and (b) met the criteria in s. 566(3) Mr. Bushell's, Ms.
Swain's and Ms. Klippel's evidence indicates that the s. 56.6(3) exception does
not apply to these circumstances. Mr. Mitchell accepted Mr. Bushell's assessment
that every employee could do the work in the remaining positions with some
training. Further, there is no evidence that the employer put its mind to this
exception and applied it. An employer wishing to rely on the s. 566(3)
exception bears the onus of establishing the grounds tor its use. The employer's
evidence did not discharge that onus.
S 56.6(4) provides
56.6 (4) The successor employer shall use every reasonable effort to fill all
positions at the premises with persons who were emfeloyed by' the
previous employer before the successor employer of ers a pOSition
to any other person.
Therefore, the obligations placed on the employer in s. 56.6 (1) to (3) continue in
force whIle the prevIOUS employer's employees contmue to seek employment
with the successor employer. S 56.6(4) applies to unclassified as well as classified
pOSItions Ms. Klippel was offered an unclassified position at her termination
interview Ms Swain's evidence was that whIle she, Ms. Swain, was still
employed at MTEDC, Ms. Delaney told her that she was offered an unclassified
posihon. Those offers were made at the time of the changeover from Versa to
the Ministry The fact that the unclassified jobs started six weeks later is
irrelevant. S 56 6 requires that the employer make offers m descendmg order of
seniority unless s 56.6(3), i.e the qualification exception, applies
S 56.6 (5) and (6) describe the nature of the work which must be offered
while following S 566(2) regarding offers "in descending order of each person's
seniority with the previous employer until all positions are filled" They do not
alter the oblIgation to offer the posItions in descendmg order of semonty
The employer says that it must identify the positions it has available and
the number, identify which involve the exact same work as that done by the
previous employer's employees previously, and off~r them to the incumbents of
those positions, irrespective of seniority and skipping over some employees
without considering whether non-incumbents are qualified or can become
qualified within the meaning of S 56.6(3)
The employer's interpretation of "if such a position IS available" m s.
56.6(5) is problematic. Availability is governed by whether people have taken
the positions offered under s 56.6(2), in descending order of seniority, subject to
only one exception, s. 56.6(3), inability to qualify with a reasonable period of
trainmg. S 56.6 should be read as directing that if the work of a more senior
employee is no longer being performed when they are entitled, in descending
order of seniority, to be offered employment under s. 56.6(2), s 56.6(6) applies.
The successor employer is required to offer them comparable work withm the
meaning of that subsection, rather than skip over more senior employees until all
other employees of the previous employer are offered the same or similar work
in order of seniority, as the Ministry has done When considering the meaning
of the word "comparable" in s. 566(6), the fact that the ESA is an Act establishing
minimum employment standards should be borne in mind. Consequently, for a
job to be comparable, it must be at least as good a position having regard to the
features stated in s. 56.6(6), i.e compensatIon, hours and schedule of work,
perquisites, quality of working environment, degree of responsibility, job
security, and possibility of advancement.
Mr. Mitchell indicated that the new classified positions were much better
than the positions with the previous employer, and that the hours and schedule
of work of the unclassified pOSItIons had been the pomts of comparablhty as
between those positions and the positions with the previous employer.
The employer misread the words "if available" in s. 56.6(5) It read them
in a global sense and as overriding s 56.6(2) "If available" means available when
the offers are made in descending order of seniority under s. 56.6(2)
The decisions in Brosko and MlnIstry of Labour and Intercon Securzty
LzmIted (ESe 95-09), January 10,1995 (Randall), TS E Management Servlces Inc
and MInIstry of Labour and Syed All (ESC 95-199) October 25, 1995 (Bradbury),
and Pmkerton's of Canada Lmllted and Intercon Secunty LlmIted and Ignatlus
./ Pmto and Mlmstry of Labour (ESe 95-121) June 22, 1995 (Muir) indicate that the
S 56.6 job offer provisions are mandatory, and must be made unless the job is
gone and no comparable work is available, and that the onus is on the successor
employer to establish any exception upon which it relies.
S 56.6 represents a departure from the common law The amendments
deemed employees of previous employers to be employees of the successor
employer and introduced the concept of seniority in statute law Although the
employer will argue s. 566(2) only contemplated seniority with the previous
employer, Versa, it looked at how long the Versa employees had worked at the
MTEDC site S 56.4(3) implies that employees in the services not excluded
therein are benefiting the premises and that their employment should not be
dependent upon the identity of the labour contractor. The employer saw the
ridiculousness of using the same start date with Versa, and used the start date
with the premises. In domg so, they were actmg wl.thm the mtention of the Act.
Otherwise, it could have used s. 56.7 which provides
56.7 (1) For the purposes of Parts VII, VIII, XI and XlV, a person
emrloyed by the previous emK,loyer who accebts a position offered
by the successor employer is eemed to have een employed by
the successor employer for the ~eriod during which he or she was
employed by any previous emp oyers.
(2) In subsection (1), previous employers includes only the
emtoyer who employs the employee on the 4th day of June, 1992
an any successor emtloyers who employ him or her before the
successor employer re erred to in subsection (1).
S 56.7 does not exclude seniority with employers who employed the employees
of the "previous employers" before June 4, 1992.
If the employer resiles from the start dates it used, it is the union's position
that the reference to June 4, 1992 is not obligatory, and that thIS board should
accept the employer's methodology as reasonable and consIstent WIth the
scheme of the act. It does not make sense to make the employees' seniority
dependent on an outside act, the change of contractor. Arbitrators have looked
at seniority provisions on mergers or transfers and decided that seniority
should be interpreted in the context of what is occuring, e g. C. U P E, Lac. 1 and
Toronto Electnc CommlsslOners (1967) 19 L.A C. 75 (Arthurs) In that case, the
arbitrator awarded the grievors system seniority as opposed to classification
semority, on the baSIS that system semonty offered the older workers the
protection which they could have expected The union's view of seniority in the
case at hand is consistent with the scheme of the Act and reasonably consistent
./ with the expectations of the employees. It also avoids arbitrary decision-
The employer cannot say that Ms. Klippel is not a qualified Cook 2, and
the employer's evidence was that Ms. Swain could become qualified with
training. As the employer did not inquire how much traming she would require,
it cannot now assert the benefit of s 56.6(3) The appropriate conclusion is that
as Ms. Klippel and Ms. Swam dId not fall WIthin the s. 566(3) exceptIons, and
were not offered positions in descending order of seniority, the employer
violated the ESA. It is further appropriate to conclude that by assigning
positions to people who were not entitled to them under the ESA, and by
preferring people who were not entitled to preference under the collective
agreement as modified by the ESA, the employer violated the collective
The union requests
a) an order directing the employer to offer to Ms. Klippel and
Swain the positions they should have been offered,
b) compensation for Ms. Klippel and Ms. Swain for its failure to
have offered them those positions,
c) that the board remain seised with respect to implementation.
The fact that this is a union grievance does not preclude the board from
providing a remedy for the mdlvIduals. OPSEU (Umon) 2156/87 (Dlssanayake)
November 22, 1998 and Metropolztan Toronto Reference Library Board and
C.U.PE., Loc 1582 (1995) 46 L.A C. (4th) 155 (Burkett) Although the employer
can say that the properly aggrieved are only those who did not get their rights
under the collective agreement due to the effect of the compulsory offer sections
In the ESA, the passage of time since January of 1995 makes that approach
impossible People have already gone off the surplus list and It is impossible to
reset the domino effect. The union initially requested that the proper people be
offered and placed in those positions, and that can be done now The interim
decision in this matter does not preclude this If the individual employees were
barred from grieving, it was appropriate for the union to grieve that the process
be done correctly The remedy sought is to mimic the correct process. The
former individual grievors WIll benefit from that, and so will all the members of
the bargaining unit on whose behalf the union grievance was brought. Further,
in Metro Reference Library, supra, at p 167, Mr Burkett was of the view that s.
45(8), para. 3 of the Labour Relatzons Act gives arbitrators the power to enforce
,- compliance with the statute s / he is interpretng The reasoning in Pmkerton' s,
supra, indicates the remedial scheme that is invoked in ss. 56 10 and 56 12, where
an offer that should have been made, has not been made An arbitrator
interpreting the ESA is acting in the place of an adjudicator under that Act, and
has the remedial powers and the ability to enforce compliance that the
adjudicator has under the ESA The remedies available to the adjudicator will
make the union whole
Further, S t Joseph's Hospztal, London and 0 N A. (1989) 8 L.A C. (4th)
144 (Burkett) indicates, at pp 152-153 that in the absence of express language to
the contrary, an arbitrator is not confined to declaratory relief in a union/policy
grievance, and compensatory relief may be awarded. Mr. Dissanayake followed
this reasoning in OPSEU/Umon (2156/87) supra, stating that to fail to do so
would force more individual grievances to be brought and that a multiplicity of
grievances is not to be encouraged. This principle applIes to an even greater
extent in this case, where non-employees and union members were affected
when preference was given to people who had no right to such preference
under the ESA. Where individual employees have difficulty seeing their
collective interests, it is appropriate to file a union grievance
Employer argument:
The GSB cannot give a remedy whIch IS baSIcally an appomtment under
the Publzc Servlce Act (PSA) The interim decision in this matter dismissed the
individual grievances. That decision stated that it was premature to dismiss the
union grievance on the basis that there was no distinction between the remedies
sought by the individual grievors as distinguished from the one sought by the
umon. The employer read the interim decision as indicating that the board was
seeking evidence that there was a difference between the remedy sought by the
union and the remedy sought by the individuals The employer does not take
issue with the umon's remarks about the Burkett decision. The GSB can consider
and interpret statutes, but those include the PSA A person can be offered
employment by the Crown and still not be a Public Servant, but would not be a
bargaining unit member. This case raises the issue of the impact of making non-
bargaining unit people public servants over other bargaining unit people The
interim decision Indicated that the union grievance was not brought for the sole
purpose of the indlvidual grievors, but for the bargaining unit as a whole There
-- was no actual evidence that any of these positions affected anyone's senionty
S 56.6 of the ESA has very little impact on existing bargaining unit
members. The employer acknowledges that s. 56.6 impacts on Art. 4 of the
collective agreement, but that impact is very hmited S 2 of the ESA indicates
that the provisions in Part XIII.2 of that Act apply to the Crown. Versa clearly
provided a s. 56.4(3) serVIce, and the receivmg employer lS obhgated to make an
offer under s 566(1) The words "offer" and "available" are important. "Offer"
does not mean all former positions. S 56.6(2) indicates that "offers" shall be
made S 56.6(5) indicates what an offer is, i.e. the same premises, the same work
that the person did for the previous employer, if such a position is available S
56.6(5) posItions "must" be offered on the basis of semorIty, whIch Impacts on
Art. 4. If the employer chooses to post those positions, other bargaining unit
members cannot apply for them. There was no evidence of a problem.
The ESA does not create a seniority problem. When looking at the impact
of the ESA on other employees under the collective agreement, it is significant
that the ESA does not require the employer to backdate seniority S 56.6(6)
positions are not carryover positions. S 56 7 contains the only reference to
carryover of service with the previous employer. S 56 7 specifies that it applies
to Part VII, regarding Public Holidays, and Part VIII, regarding Vacations.
Neither Part VII nor Part VIII apply to the Crown. S 56.7 specifies that it
applies to Part XI, regarding Equal Pay for Equal Work, and Part XI'!, regarding
Notice of Termination. Part XI is not relevant and Part XIV deals with individual
rights regarding notice, and does not impact on other employees. Nothing in s
56.6 would impact upon the seniority of others in the bargaining unit. S 566
does not glVe the formerly non-bargaining unit employees the nght to use theIr
MTEDC start date as their date of commencement for seniority purposes The
green book/ collective agreement applies only when they are in the public
Art. 25 defines seniority under the collective agreement. Art. 25 1 speaks
of seniority commencing from the date of appointment to the public service As
a result, employees coming into the public service under the provisions of the
ESA have a January, 1995 start date under the collectIve agreement. They may
have rights regarding termination pay arising from their start date at MTEDC,
but this has no impact on this dispute The ESA does not gIve former Versa
employees bumping rights from prior to 1992 or 1995 start dates over
,....- bargaining umt employees. The ESA does not speak of back-dating seniority
Neither the law nor the evidence impacts on the rights of bargaining unit
members. Consequently, the remedy sought deals strictly with the individual
grievors. Further, the GSB does not have the power of appointment under the
The ESA is not a model of clarity The union's list of employees in
descending order of seniority (Ex. 10) makes It look easy The employer
questions whether that is what the Act requires. In June of 1992, Versa entered
into a contract with the Ministry On January 16, 1995 the Ministry took over the
food services duties. Versa became the previous employer under s. 56.6. Part
XIII.2 of the ESA applies to the Crown. The ESA allows the employer to make
offers of what positions are available. Under the new operation, the positions
available were Manager, two Cook 3 (1 FT., 1 R.PT.), six Cook 2, and two
unclassified Cook 2. The positions of Manager, Cook 3 and Cook 2 did not
change all that much.
In the ESA cases provided by the union, the employees of the previous
employer were not offered the position and were out. Here, the fact situation
differs, and there are many people to consider The ESA requires the employer
to use the Versa seniority date The mandatory offer under s. 56.6(5) pertains to
the same work at the same premises. The old Manager became the new
Manager. The Cook 3 posItions were offered to the 2 most semor former Cook
3s. The least senior former Cook 3 moved down. The three most senior Cook
3s were given offers. The employer used the on-site seniority date for Cooks.
The three most senior people got Cook 2 positions. Three Cook 2 positions
remained. Because cooking constituted 70% of Mr. Sidotte's former position of
Asslstant Kitchen Manager, he got one of the Cook 2 posItions. The next offer of
a Cook 2 position was made to Ms. Quigley, a former Cook 3, who had less on-
site seniority than Ms. Swain. The last offer was made to Ms Storrod, a former
Cook 1, who had less on-site seniority than Ms. Klippel. Throughout this
process, Mr. Mitchell emphasized s. 56.6(5) The employer's position is that s.
566(5) gives certain employees a separate and substantive right, apart from
Ms. KlIppel has Cook 2 expenence Wlth prevIous contractors. The
employer does not say she was not qualified However, at her own request,
from the beginning to the end of the last contract with Versa Food Services, she
" was a Helper. The employer's position is that as a Helper, she does not oust
someone who was performing the job wlth the prevIous employer
Ms. Swain never held a position as a Cook. Like Ms. Klippel's, her
position was eliminated. As a result, she could not claim one under s. 56.6(5)
Ms. Delaney was a Helper who had performed fully as a Cook. She therefore
had a right to an offer under s. 56.6(5) That overtook Ms. Swain's seniority If
the employer should have given Ms. Swain an unclassified position, that would
have had no impact on the rights of bargaining unit members under Art. 24,
because Art. 3 16 does not extend the application of Art. 24 to unclassified
employees. Only Art. 4.01 applies to unclassified employees
The ESA cases do not deal with competing interests of employees of the
previous employer to offers by the successor employer. However, at p 14 in
Brosko, supra, Mr. Randall suggests that s. 56.6(5) and (6) are exceptions to the
mandatory job offer. The employer's positIon IS that lts first oblIgatIon IS to
offer the former incumbents of the remaining positions their positions in order
of seniority S. 56.6(3) allows inability as an exception from this procedure,
where those in order of seniority are not qualified to perform the services or
would not become qualified to do so with a reasonable period of training. If the
remaining position is basically the same work as that performed for the previous
employer, s. 56.6(5) requires the successor employer to offer it to the incumbent
of the position for the previous employer. The union approaches s. 56.6 as "a
cascade", and that you can only get a position under s. 56.6(5) after utilizmg
seniority The ESA, however, does not say that. Its prOVIsions are specific and
tight. There are exceptions on exceptions, and the ESA's provisions resulted in
difficult choices. If what the umon says is not there, the GSB ought not to read
that in.
The Toronto Electrical COnl1111SSZOners case, supra, dealt with successor
rights under the Labour RelatIOns Act That case is not helpful, because the ESA,
the PSA and the collective agreement apply in this c?lse
S 56.6(5) should be given its full reading and full meaning The union's
interpretation reads s 566(5) out of the Act.
Union reply:
The board is not required to decide anything under the PSA The ESA
applies It requires offers to be made The board does not have to order the
employer to appoint anyone The employer has already created the positions
and determined whether or not they are public service positions. The ESA
provisions override the rights of returning employees, bargaining unit members'
displacement rights, and rights under Art. 4. It greatly modifies many other
benefits. Mr. DeSalle's evidence, particularly that 55 of the 256 people on the
surplus list in January of 1995 were from the Greater Toronto Area, was not
hypothetical. The positions at MTEDC were not posted as vacancies. Those
people were deprived of their rights under those articles to those positions, by
s. 56.6 of the ESA. The Issue to be decided is whether the modifications of those
rights were done in accordance with the ESA The umon is not obliged to shr VII
how rights were affected. The union's position is that to the extent that the
rights of the members of the bargaining unit were modified by the ESA, they
were improperly modified by an improper interpretation and application ot the
ESA The employer's obligation under the ESA trumps the rights of the current
incumbents of the remaining positions.
On occaSIOn this board must interpret provisions of a statute so that they
harmonize, where they conflict with the collective agreement.
Under s. 56.7(1) of the ESA, regarding termination of employment,
seniority is calculated on the basis of continuous employment with any previous
employers. That includes seniority under the collective agreement.
Consequently, the matter is not as simple as the employer has presented.
The employer made a choice between two competing interests. Out of
self-interest, it made offers to people it would not have to train. As a
consequence, they saved money, at least with regard to Ms Swain.
The union does not advocate reading out s. 56.6(5) That subsection has
an application in its place It states the job the employer can offer when it
reaches the person in order of seniority
The employer's interpretation reads the word "closer" into S 566. Mr
Mitchell's evidence was that Cook 1 is closer to Cook 2 than Helper. The
comparators are found in s. 56.6(6) They are compensation, hours of work,
schedule of work, perquisites, quality of working environment, degree of
responsibility, job security, possibility of advancement. The comparators do not
include whether the dutIes of the positIon to be offered are "closer" to one
former position than another former position. The employer's rationale breaks
down. It is unable to explain why it gave positions to Storrod, Gouldbourne and
McKenzie over Klippel. Mr. Bushell would not admit Ms Klippel and Ms. Swain
did any cooking. In the employer's view, all the former Cook 3s and 2s were
/' going to do their same old jobs After it made them offers, the employer chose,
among the Cook 1 s, Helpers and Cashlers, who was "closer" to the remammg
Cook 2 positions It did not choose who had more seniority, among those
doing the same work. The remaining Cook 2 jobs went to a Cook 1 (Ms.
Storrod), the Assistant Kitchen Manager (Mr. Sidotte), a Helper (Ms. Delaney,
unclassified) and another Helper (Ms. Klippel, unclassified) There is no reason
in the ESA why the employer could not and did not make the offers in
descending order of seniority The evidence established that the Cook 1 was
not doing the same work as a Cook 2, and that different work was involved in
those two positions Ms. Swain's Cashier and Ms. Delaney's Helper position
were both eliminated. The evidence did not establish how the employer
determined that Ms. Delaney, who was not doing the same work as a Cook 2,
had rights under s. 56.6(2) The only explanation that was given was that a
Helper was "closer" to a Cook 2 than a CashIer. That IS not the standard under
s. 566(3) In the employer's view, "same work" covers a very broad spectrum.
The employer's submission, that there was no impact on any bargaining
unit members, does not constitute a barrier to a remedy for a violation under the
ESA The rights of bargaining unit members under the collective agreement were
modified by the ESA. The only practical and reasonable remedy is to put the
union and employer in the position in which they would have been had the
offers been done properly They should be directed to make the offers to the
appropriate people and to compensate the employees to whom the offers
should have been made
The parties agree that s. 45(8) para. 3 of the Labour Relatwns Act, S 0
1990, C. L.2 as amended to 1992, c 21 [currently s 48(12)(j), SO 1995, c 2] , which
provides An arbitrator or arbitration board shall make a final and conclusive settlement of the
differences between the parties and, for that purpose, has the following powers.
3. To interpret and appl~ the requirements of human rights and
other employment-re ated statutes, despite any conflict between
those requirements and the terms of the collective agreement.
confers the authority to interpret and apply the requirements of the ESA upon a
GSB arbitrator or arbitration board. Such authonty of GSB arbitrators was
statutonly confirmed by s. 7 of the Crown Employees' Collectl've Bargammg Act,
1993, S 0 1993, c 38, which applied at the time thlS grievance arose As the PSA
3 1
is an "employment-related statute", this board has the authority to interpret and
apply it, if the circumstances so require In this case, the appropriate analytical
route is to initially interpret the relevant sections of the ESA and, having done
so, determine whether it was appropriately applied, if it has been appropriately
applied, it will not be necessary to consider the PSA
A number of approaches may be used in interpreting a statute The
"lIteral rule", the "golden rule" and the "mIschIef rule" were developed m
common law The "literal rule" focuses on the plain, ordinary literal meaning of
the language Where the words of the statute can have only one reasonable
grammatical construction, that is the interpretation to be adopted. The "golden
rule" initially focuses on the language of the statute, but where the statute's plain,
ordinary, literal meaning gives rise to an irresolvable ambiguity or obscurity,
despite the application of various "canons of construction", the interpreter may
choose the interpretation which would avoid unreasonable consequences E.A.
Dreidger, The COllstructwll of Statutes, (Butterworths. Toronto, 1974) p 66. The
"mischief rule" , also known as "the rule in Heydon's case", reflects the doctrine
of equitable construction. This approach gives primacy to the spirit and
intention of the legislation, rather that the literal meaning of the language used.
The interpreter identifies the "mischief" or "defect" for which the common law
did not provide and which the legislature sought to remedy The interpreter
seeks the meamng whIch would suppress the mlschlef, advance the remedy the
legislature intended, and suppress "subtle inventions and evasions" which would
continue the mischief' R. Sullivan, Dreldger 011 the COllstructwll of Statutes (3rd
Ed.), (Butterworths. Markham, 1994), p 36.
The common law rules of construction have been consohdated by what is
currentlys.100fthe I11terpretatwll Act, R.50 1990, c 1.11, whICh apphes to the
mterpretation of Ontario's provincial legislation, and which provides.
Eve~ Act shall be deemed to be remedial, whether its immediate burport is to direct
the oing of an~thing that the Legislature deems to be for the pu lie good, and
shall according y receive such fair, lar~e and liberal construction and interpretation
as will best ensure the attainment of t e object of the Act according to its true intent,
meaning and spirit.
This section mandates a "purposive analysis" in construing all statutes, regardless
of whether ambigUIty, absurdity or obscurity are detected Sullivan, supra, p 38
It reflects the "modern principle" enunciated by Dreidger, supra, p 67
the words of an Act are to be read in their entire context in their ~rammatical and
ordinary sense, harmoniously with the scheme of the Act, the object of the Act and
the intention of Parliament.
The state of the law prior to the enactment of the legislation can provide
some assistance in determining the "mischief" intended to be remedied, or the
object or intention of the legislature, and in clarifying the scheme that was
legislated to provide the remedy Bill 40, which introduced Part XIIl.2 of the
ESA, received first reading on June 4, 1992. Prior to November 5, 1992, when Bill
40 came into force, the common law principal of freedom of contract by and
large governed offers of further employment of "prevlOus employees" when a
business was sold, leased, transferred or disposed of S 13 of the ESA, R.5 0
1990, c. E.14, which section is also found in the 1980 consolidatlOn of the same
Act, provides.
13,(1) In this section,
"business" includes an activity, trade or undertaking, or a part or parts thererof;
"sells" includes leases, transfers or disposes of in any other manner and "sale" has
a corresponding meaning.
(2) Where an employer sells a business to a purchaser who employs an
employee of the employer, the emEloyment of the emEloyee shall not be terminated
by the sale, and the beliod of emp oyment of the em~ oyee with the employer shall
be deemed to have een employment with the purc aser for the purposes of Parts
(3) Where an employer sells a business to a purchaser who does not employ
an employee of the employer, the employer shall comply with Part XIV
S 13 did not and does not apply to the Crown, but reflects a limitation on the
freedom of contract applying to further employment in these situations. It does
not speak to the criteria for continuing the employment of some or all of the
prevIous employer's employees, but only to those employees' entitlements to the
Act's minimum standards with respect to Public Holidays, Vacation with Pay,
Equal Pay for Equal Work and Notice of Termination, If the purchaser / successor
employer maintains their employment. Although s 13(2) indicates that the sale
or transfer of a business does not terminate a previous employer's employees'
employment, s 13(3) contemplates that the purchaser may not continue their
employment, in which case the employer must comply with Part XIV re Notice of
Termination. S 13(2) indicates that if the purchaser / successor employer retains
some or all of the previous employer's employees, any "period of
employment... with the employer" must be deemed employment with the
purchaser for the purpose of determining entitlement to Public Holidays,
Vacation with Pay, Equal Pay for Equal Work and Notice of Termination. Thus,
in such circumstances, a limited form of seniority I e. the period of employment
with the previous employer, was carried over to the purchaser and was applied
to calculate certain limited entitlements. In all other respects, the purchaser /
..- successor employer is free, subject to the Human Rzghts Code, to apply his/her
discretion as to which, if any, of the previous employees s/he would continue to
employ No concepts of seniority, skill, experience, present ability, ability to
qualify in a reasonable period, offers of the same work or work comparable to
that done previously limit the successor employer's discretion as to whether or
not to continue any employee's employment.
Against this background, on November 5, 1992, Part XIII.2 came into
force Bill 40 did not repeal s. 13 S. 13 continues to apply to situations not
described in Part XIII.2, and was amended by the addition of s. 131 on
November 10, 1995, when Bill 7 came into force and repealed Part XIII.2. Before
November 5, 1992, where employees were providing food, building cleaning or
security services on a particular premise, i.e at a particular building or work-site
related to a buildmg, and were employed by a partIcular employer, if the
employer changed, which occurred where the owner of the premises changed
the contractor providing the services, or if the owner of the premises took over
the provision ot the service, employees at the site had no job security, in the
sense of legal entitlement to continued employment. From the perspective of
the owner of the premises and/or the new contractor, the absence of any
limitation on their discretion as to who their employees would be, was a positive
Hung. If the owner of the bUlldmg chose to change contractors or take over the
provision of the service because s/he was not satisfied with the services being
provided, s / he was free to employ new employees in order to improve the
service. This freedom was justifiable, based on the assumption, which was not
unfounded in some circumstances, that his/her dissatisfaction arose from the
poor work performance of the preVIOUS employees. The freedom to contract
enabled the owner or a new contractor the flexibility to Increase or decrease the
staff complement, change or maintain the previous employer's employees it
perceived were peforming well and would continue to do so, and terminate the
employment of others Apparently the previous food service contractors on-site
at MTEDC since 1985 retained, through Mr Bushell, at least 11 of the employees
who provlded services before June 1, 1992, until January 15, 1995, exercising that
freedom of contract.
The inference that must be drawn from the enactment of s. XIII.2 against
this historical background is that in the view of the legIslature, s 13 of the ESA
and common law permitted owners of premises and new contractors an
excessively broad discretion in retaining or terminating the employment of
P" employees who had worked at bUlldings and work-sites for extended pen ods
of time providing security, cleaning and food services, and the exercise of that
discretion resulted in discontinued employment of satisfactory to excellent
employees, which the legislature perceived as unfair The government of the
day perceived the lack of protection for employees in these circumstances as an
mjustIce to the mdIvIdual employees and contrary to the publIc mterest. The
length and detail of Part XIII.2 strongly suggests that the legislature enacted it as
a "reform" or "social welfare" measure and intended it as a complete code of
conduct or rules to reform the decision-making process around the retention of
on-site employees providing such services.
Modern legislatIve drafting is open. Draftspersons no longer attempt to
foresee and provide for every possibility In reform legislation, new rules may
modify, supplement or replace the existIng regime, be it common-law, statutory,
or a combination of both. Sullivan, supra, p 39-40 Although the legislature set
out "rules" governing offers of employment in s. 56.6, which were intended to
apply where, as here, the staff complement was reduced and the duties
redistributed and changed somewhat, legislated rules may not apply to all
possible situations. This can arise by oversight or by an intention of the
legIslature to limit the appllcation of the rules
While the foregOIng discussion may be dwelhng upon the obvious, it
brings into focus the fact that as drafted, Part XIII.2 of the ESA, and particularly
s. 56.6, contain problems of meaning in circumstances such as those confronted
by the parties, which leave unclear the extent or "reach" of the remedy or
protection for such employees intended by the legislature
It is apparent to both parties that s. 56.6(2)
Otfers by (2) The successor emplot;er shall make offers to the persons employed
Seniority by the previous emp oyer in descending order of each person s
seniority with the previous employer until all positions are filled.
expressly mandates that offers of employment be made "10 descendIng order of
.seniority wIth the prevLOus employer " "Previous employer" is expressed in
the singular in s. 56.6(2) and is expressly defined in s. 56.3 as "the employer who
ceases to provide services at a premises" Seniority is not defined in the Act.
The "previous employer" so defined was Versa Food Services, and the earliest
seniority date (continuous service date) any of the employees had with Versa
was June 1, 1992, the date ot commencement of the last contract between Versa
and the Ministry As observed by the parties, because following this definition,
" 12 or 13 of the employees had the same start date wlth Versa, the reference to
offers in descending order of seniority in s. 566(2) is rendered meaningless or
absurd. The subsection can have no application or effect in guidIng the successor
employer as to the order in which offers of employment are to be made, using
"seniority with the previous employer" as defined, In these circumstances.
"An interpretation which gives effect to the remedy is preferable to one
which seeks to restrict or eliminate the remedial provision" Royal Trusteo Ltd.
v. Sparlzng (1984), 6 D L.R. (4th) 682, at 693-94 (Ont. C.A ) affd. [1986J 2 S.C.R
537, cited in Sullivan, supra, p 76. In Part XIII.2 the legislature's intended
remedy and its reach is not readily apparent. Further, s. 56.6(2) is not the only
remedial provision. Resort may be had to s. 56.6 (3) to (6), if s 56.6(2) does not
apply, and that may well have been the intention of the legislature
The legislature appears to have addressed and given limited effect to
employees' on-site continuous service / seniority dates in two places in the ESA.
S. 56.7 provides
56.7 (1) For the purposes of Parts VII, VIII, XI and XlV, a person
If offer emRloyed by the previous emtoyer who accebts a position offered
accepted by the successor employer is eemed to have een employed by
the successor employer for the ~eriod during which he or she was
employed by any previous emp oyers.
Application (2) In subsection (I), "previous employers" includes only the
emtoyer who employs the employee on the 4th day of June, 1992
an any successor emtloyers who employ him or her before the
successor employer re erred to in subsection (1).
S 56.7 deems an employee after s/he accepts a position offered by a successor
employer to have been employed by the successor employer "for the period in
which" s/he "was employed by any prevlOus employers" ThIS appears to give
an employee of the previous employer who accepts an offer of employment by
the successor employer his / her on-site continuous serVICe date i e s/he is
deemed to have worked for the successor employer from the date s/he first
worked for any previous on-site employer. "Previous employers" In S 56.7(1) is
then defined in ss. (2) as meaning "only" the employee s employer as of June 4,
1992 and "any successor employers who employ" hIm/her "before the successor
employer as of June 4, 1992" This benefit is expressly conferred in ss (1) for the
purpose of determInIng the employee's entitlement to PublIc HolIdays, Vacation
Pay, Equal Pay and Notice of Termination. Thls follows the pattern In s 13,
examined earlier The appearance in two separate sections of the ESA of
provisions which deem a past period of employment with a previous employer
or employers as the basis of entitlement with the successor employer expressly
with regard to Public Holidays, Notice of Termination, etc., and for no other
stated purpose, suggests an mtentIon on the part of the legIslature to restrIct the
effect of deemed periods of employment, whether (m-site-based or not, to the
benefits stipulated, and an intention not to extend them to the basis upon which
s. 56.6(2) offers of employment must be made
It is plausible and reasonable to infer that the legislature intended to
confer the benefit of offers of employment In descendmg order of seniorIty only
on employees who experienced a turnover of employer(s) after June 4, 1992,
when Bill 40 and Part XIII.2 were first introduced, and who therefore have had a
less lengthy attachment to the workforce and / or the premises, in the belief that
such employees require more protection than those with lengthier attachments,
and that those with lengthier attachments are provided sufficient protection by
s. 566 (3) to (6) dealing with qualifications, offers to employees of the previous
employer, and the nature of the work to be offered. It is also plausible and
reasonable to infer that the legislature intended that the on-site continuous
serVIce date be the primary CrItenon for offers of employment and that thIS gap
is merely a drafting oversight. If the latter is the case, the legislature could have
simply provided that as the definition of seniority in s. 56 6(2) or used the
expression "all previous employers" or "all on-site previous employers" in s.
56.6(2) Both these reasonable and plausible interpretations fall within the
purposIve analysls above
Another interpretation of "each person's senionty with the prevIous
employer" in s 56.6(2) could define seniority as flowing from the seniority date
which the previous employer, in this case Versa, recognized for its own
purposes, which was not necessarily the June 1, 1992 date of commencement of
its most recent contract with the Ministry The evidence, particularly Ex. 1, Tab
3, which Mr Bushell provided the Ministry, discloses that Versa acknowledged
each employee's ongmal start date at MTEDC. It also dIsclosed that the MInistry
as successor employer used the on-site seniority date to some extent in
determining to whom it would make offers of employment.
However, because s 567 and s 13 specifically restrict the use of the on-
site seniority date and the deemed period of employment respectively to use
for determining entitlement under Parts VII, VUI!, XI and XlV, and s 56.3
defines "previous employer" for Part XIII.2 and therefore for s. 566(2), I find the
more reasonable interpretation to be that the legislature intended the more
/ restrictive mterpretation of "seniority with the previous employer" in s. 56.6(2).
The express language of s. 56 6(2) would be tortured, rather than merely
strained, if the meaning of "seniority with the previous employer" were
extended to include the em-site start date with all previous on-site employers
who have ceased to provide services at the premises.
I reach this conclusIOn reluctantly, in view of the employer's apparent but
somewhat discontinuous consideration of the MTEDC start dates in determining
to which employees it was required to make offers of employment, and in view
of its position, in argument, to resile from any application of the MTEDC start
date The accepted approach to the interpretation of collective agreements
permits an arbitrator to consider and adopt an interpretation the parties gave to
the words of their agreement, despite any incongruity between the literal
meanmg of the words and the interpretatIon placed on them by the parties.
However, that approach applies to agreements drafted by the parties, and not
to statutes of the legislature. The interpretation of legislation is governed by the
1 n terpretatlOn Act, case law, the discovered object and intention of the
legislature, and the various canons of construction. While it is reasonable and in
the interests of positive and constructive labour relations to seek an
interpretation that will harmonize Part XIII.2, particularly s. 56.6, with the
collectIve agreement, that can only be done where the object and mtentIon of
the legislature, as reflected in the wording of the statute, permit, In the absence
of some indication that the legislature intended the concept of seniority in s.
56.6(2) to be extended to the continuous on-site employment start date with all
previous employers, there is no basis upon which to rest a broader
I consequently conclude that as Versa Food Services was the previous
employer who ceased to provide services at the premises, and as most Versa
employees had the same seniority date with Versa, it is not possible for the
employer to comply with the s 56.6(2) instruction to offer the positions in
descending order of each person's seniority with the previous employer
The following section, s. 56.6(3) provides
Exception (3) The successor employer is not required to offer positions to persons
who are not qualified to perform the services required of them or
would not be qualified to do so with a reasonable period of training.
S. 9 of the InterpretatLOn Act, supra, provides
The mar~inal notes and headings in the body of an Act form no ~art of the Act
but shall e deemed to be inserted for convenience of reference on y
This sectlon obliges me to conclude that the word "Exception" appeanng In the
margin beside s. 56.6(3) does not require that subsection to be read as an
exception to s 566(2) S 56.6(3) contains an unfortunate double negative It can
and should be more properly read as.
The successor employer is reduired to offer positions to persons who are qualified to
perform the services require of them or would be qualified to do so with a reason-
able period of training.
The word "require", framed in the positive, expresses an order or demand. In
view of the foregoing, I conclude that s. 566(3) is an ImperatIve provision and in
the context of s. 56 6, read as a whole, is an essentIal requirement of the successor
employer. I also conclude, on the evidence before me, that all the Versa
employees were qualified or would be qualified with a reasonable period of
training. Nevertheless, since the evidence established that all the Versa
employees fell within one or the other of the s. 56.6(3) descriptions, this section
provides the employer little direction upon which to determine who is entitled
to offers of employment.
Further presumptIons of mterpretatIon that must be conSIdered m
construing Part XIII.2 and s. 56.6 are that "the legislature seeks an orderly and
economical arrangement", each provision expresses a complete Idea, related
provisions are grouped together and the sequence ot provisIOns reflects a
rational plan, and parallel structures are used to express parallel requirements.
Sullivan, supra, p 159 I conclude that in relation to the circumstances of this case,
s. 566 sets out a number of parallel requirements, which successor employers
were obliged to meet, to the extent that the circumstances made possible
Turning now to the constructIOn of subsections 56.6(5) and (6), they
Nature of (5) The position offered mllst consist of performing. at the same
work premises, the same work that the faerson did for the previolls
employer, if such a position is avai able,
Idem. (6) If such a position is not available, the Kosition offered must consist of
alternative work that is comparable aving regard to compensa-
tion, hours and schedule of work, Kerquisites, quality of working
environment, degree of responsibi ity, job security and possibility of
Although subsections (1), (2) and (4) use the word "shall", the above
subsections use the word "must" The presumption of consistent expression is
applied when interpreting legislation, e g. the same words used in a statute have
the same meaning, different words have different meanings, and the legislature
'" is presumed to avoid stylistic variation. Sullivan, supra, p 163
S 29(2) of the InterpretatIOn Act, supra, provides
In the English version of an Act, the word "shall" shall be construed as imperative
and the word "may" as permissive
The ConClse Oxford DIctIOnary defines "must" as
1 " be obliged to (do)
2, ought to (do) JW necessity less emphasized)
3. be certain to ( 0)
4, must have done (1) surely did or has done (2;' necessarily would have done
5. (w neg belonging in sense to dependent vb , c . may)
I conclude that in using "must" rather than "may", the legislature meant that
successor employers are "obliged to" apply subsections (5) and (6) It appears to
have recognized and anticipated that in some circumstances successor employers
would reorganize the workplace and the duties and functions of various
positions, such that the "same work" might no longer exist. In anticipating that
possibility, and providing an alternative approach in the following subsection, it
chose not to use "shall", which conveys the lmperahve Because "must" conveys
obligation, and because s. 56.6(5) and (6) indicate that the employer must
consider and apply one or the other or both, I conclude that the legislature
mtended them to be both mandatory and directory i e if not (5), then (6)
S 56.6(5) uses the term "the same work" S 56.6(6) uses the term
"alternative work that is comparable " The ConCIse Oxford DIctIOnary defines
lithe same" as
identical, not different, unchanged, unvarying
and defines "work", m the employment context, as
n. task \to be) undertaken; employment, esp the opportunity of earning money by
labour, abourious occupation
Having regard to the factors of comparabllity in s 56.6(6) and the words
"the same" modifying "work" in s 56.6(5), I conclude that the legislature
intended "the same work" to refer to identical tasks, duties, functions or
responsiblities which the person performed for the previous employer In view
of all the evidence, I conclude, on balance of probabilities, that in this case the
only poslhon conshtutmg "the same work" for the previous employer was the
new position of Kitchen Manager, formerly titled Food Services Manager.
The next matter to be considered is what the legislature meant by
"alternative work that is comparable having regard to compensahon, hours and
schedule of work, perquisites, quality of working environment, degree of
responsibility, job security and possibility of advancement" "Comparable" is an
adjective whIch ordmarily takes a preposlhon and a noun. The Concise Oxford
Dzctwnary defines "comparable" as
that can be compared (with); fit to be compared (to),
and defines "compare" as
1 V.t liken, pronounce similar, (to; ); estimate similarity or dissimilarity of (one
thinG to another in xality, with another in quantity or detailed nature; ) observe
simi arity or relation etween;
2. v.i, bear comparison (this compares faz'()urabl1{ with preZlious results), be on
terms of equality with
In the context of s. 56.6 read as a whole, and in view of the presumptions of an
orderly and economical arrangement, that related provisions are grouped
together, and that the sequence of provisions reflect a rational plan, I conclude
that in s. 566(6) the legislature intended to require the successor employer to
offer as an alternative to "the same work", where it is not available due to
reorganization or downSIzing or both, "work that is comparable" to "the same
work that the person dId for the prevIous employer" I also conclude that the
legislature intended that the alternative work offered be "as similar or alike as
possible to" or lithe available work that is most similar or alike to" the work the
person did for the previous employer, having regard to
-hours and schedule of work
-dua ity of workmg envlronment
- egree of responsibihty
-job security
-possibility of advancement.
The new Cook 3 Position Specification did not form part of the eVIdence and no
objection was made to the offers of the Cook 3 positions to the present
mcumbents. Consequently the offers of those pOSItions w1l1 not be examined for
conformity with the requirements of the legislation.
Six Cook 2 positions were offered on about January 13, 1995 The hours
and quality of working environment and possibility of advancement were not
changed in relation to any of the former Versa positions The new Cook 2
positions all received an increase in the hourly rate as well as a $2,00000 annual
Custodlal Responsibility Allowance and greater Job security was assoClated with
those positions as compared to any of the former Versa positions. The $2,00000
annual allowance was a "perquisite" which was not assoClated with any of the
former Versa positions. The new Cook 2 positions involved an increased
degree of responsibility as compared to all prevlOus Versa positions with regard
-" to the responsibility for the supervision of more inmates and increased cooking
responsibility as compared to the former Cook 2 position. I find that the duties
of the new Cook 2 posihons as set out In the Position Spec (Ex 5) Involve more
cooking skill and therefore a greater degree of responsibility than was required
of the former Cook 1 I therefore conclude that the new Cook 2 position IS more
"comparable" to the former Cook 2 and Assistant Kitchen Manager positions
than to the former Cook 1 position.
I conclude, on the eVldence, that the offers of employment as Cook 2 to
Mr. Gouldbourne, Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Ellison, Mr Sidotte and Ms. Quigley,
irrespective of their MTEDC start dates and the order which the evidence
disclosed those offers were made, satisfied the requirements of s. 566(6), those
employees were offered employment that was "as similar or alike as possible"
and was "the available work that was the most similar or alike to" the work they
did for the previous employer. The fact that those employees were also among
those with the earlIest start dates at MTEDC was not, in my VIew, the statutorily
determining factor of their entitlement to those offers, despite the evidence that
the employer considered it. Rather, I conclude that consideration of their start
dates was incidental to the employer's compliance with s 566(6)
The last classified Cook 2 position was offered to Ms. Storrod, a former
Cook 1, who, according to Mr. Bushell, had substituted for an unstated period of
time for a Cook 2. The day-to-day work of a Cook 1, according to Mr. Bushell,
was that of preparing vegetables, cooking potatoes and rice, preparing grill
orders when necessary, and "general help" The employer's evidence, with one
exception, does not support a convincing and logical rationale under s. 56.6(6)
for offering a Cook 2 position to a former Cook 1 who had substituted for a
Cook 2 for an unstated period of time, as compared to an employee, Ms
Klippel, who had earlier been a Cook 2 for 3.5 years The eVIdence established
that Ms. Klippel had, for that period, on a continuous basis, done most of the
duties found in the Cook 2 Position Specification. On that basis, her previous
experience as a Cook 2 would have entitled her to an otfer of the sixth claSSified
Cook 2 position under s 566(6), as it met the description of "alternative work"
that was "as similar or alike as possible" to her earlier Cook 2 functions Her
previous work experience as a Cook 2, and specifically its "degree of
responsibIlity", was more "comparable" to the new Cook 2 position than Ms.
Storrod's work as a Cook 1 who at times filled in for the Cook 2 position. The
employer may have considered this, and had to make a very narrow distinction,
/' based on the language of the statute, which created an appearance of great
unfairness, if not actual untmrness.
The employer interpreted the words "the same work that the person did
for the prevLOus employer, if such a position is available" m s 566(5) as the only
work to whIch the nature of the offers of employment in s 56.6(6) were reqUlred
to be compared. It concluded that the italicized words precluded it from
considering Ms. Klippel's 3.5 years of skill and expenence as a Cook 2 for
Dalmar, the second previous employer If the presumption of consistent
expression and its corollary, that the same words in a statute have the same
meaning, are applied consistently to the words "the previous employer" in both
s. 56.6(2) and in s 56.6(5) and (6) when read together, the necessary and
reasonable conclusion is that the legislature intended to limit the employer, in
determining which employees were entitled to offers of remaining employment,
to a consideration of only the worked performed for "the prevIous employer"
defined in s. 56. 3 as the employer "who ceases to provide services at [the]
premises" This interpretation is in conformity with the language in which the
legislature expressed itself, and very basic canons of construction, however
harsh, unfair and regrettable the result may appear. I am unable, on the
evidence before me, notwithstanding Mr. Bushell's description of Ms. Klippel as
a very versatile employee, to conclude that while a Helper for Versa, Ms. Klippel
substituted for a Cook 2 more frequently than Ms. Storrod, and that therefore
her work for Versa was more "comparable" to the Cook 2 than was Ms
Storrod's. I am therefore obliged to conclude that the offer to Ms. Storrod,
rather than to Ms. Klippel, satisfied the requirements of s 56 6
Two unclassified Cook 2 positions remained to be filled by offers in
conformity with s 566 Mr. Pellegrini, a Versa Cook 1, Ms Klippel, a Helper
with Cook 2 experience for Versa, Ms Delaney, a Versa Helper who had filled
m for absent Cooks 1 and 2 for unstated penods of hme, Ms. Baldorado,
another Helper, and Ms. Swain, a Versa Cashier who I find had substituted for 2
months continuously and on other occasions, as required, as a Cook 1 or Versa,
were available for offers. Mr. Pellegrini and Ms. Baldorado declined the offers
In my view, using the comparators in s. 566(6) Ms. Klippel was entitled to an
offer because her experience substituting as a Cook 2 while a Helper for Versa
made her "work for the previous employer" more comparable, i e "similar or
alike as possible" to the remaming Cook 2 position than was the work of the
/' remaining employees. As between Ms. Delaney and Ms Swain, I am satisfied
that both would have been qualified to perform the duties of an unclassified
Cook 2 within a reasonable period of time On the evidence, it is not possible to
conclude that Ms. Swain's work as a substitute Cook 1 was more "comparable to"
that of a new Cook 2 than Ms. Delaney's fill-in work for Versa as a Cook 1 and 2.
It is also not possible to conclude that Ms. Delaney was preferred for an offer of
employment over Ms. Swain for reasons constituting a breach of Part XIII.2 or an
attempt to evade its provisions The wording of the statute put the employer in
a very difficult position with respect to the last three offers of employment, and
compelled it to make very narrow distinctions as between the remaining
employees. Under all the circumstances, I would not alter the decision of the
employer to offer Ms. Delaney the unclassified Cook 2 position.
The inescapable fact that the Versa employees with the greatest on-site
seruority, wlth the exceptIon of Ms Klippel and Ms. Swam, recelved and
accepted the first eight offers of employment gives rise to the impression that
the employer inconsistently applied the principle of seniority This unfortunate
impression arises because of the precise wording of s. 56 6 and the definition of
"previous employer" in s. 56.3 and its impact on the interpretation of seruority in
s. 56.6(2), rather than from arbitrary decisions of the employer. Better labour
relations and improved trust between the parties might have resulted had the
legislature used the expression "any prevIous employers" m both s. 56.7(1) and
56.6(2), but such was not the case.
Thus, although the employer's rationale for its offers did not entirely
conform to the statute, the end result is, in my view, that its offers were made in
compliance with the requirements of the ESA I am therefore unable to find a
breach of the collective agreement, and the grievance must be dismissed
Dated at Toronto this 23rd day of October, 1996.
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