HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-2298.LIGHTFOOT-UNION.99-04-14
GSB # 2298/95 2299/95 0124/96,0191/96,0228/960232/96 0572/97
OPSEU # 96B221, 96B222, 96B426, 96B440, 96B489, 96B492, 97B611
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(LIghtfoot et allUmon Gnevance)
- and -
The Crown m RIght of Ontario
(Brant County Ambulance ServIce LImIted, MInIstry of Health)
BEFORE Loretta MIkus V Ice-ChaIr
FOR THE Ed Holmes
GRIEVOR Counsel, Ryder Wnght Blau & Doyle
Barnsters & SolICItors
FOR THE Steve Wilson
EMPLOYER Counsel, Mathews, DInsdale & Clark
Barnsters & SolICItors
HEARING March 23, 1999
ThIs award deals wIth SIX mdIvldual gnevances and one polIcy gnevance all allegIng that the
Employer has vIolated the collectIve agreement by denYIng the gnevors an addItIOnal week of
vacatIOn. The relevant prOVISIOn of the collectIve agreement reads as follows
13 01 Employees WIll receIve vacatIOn wIth pay m accordance wIth credIted
servIce WIth the Emplover as of Apnl1 of each vear as follows
(a) Employees WIth less than one (1) year's contmuous servIce WIth the
Employer shall receIve four (4) percent of earnmgs as vacatIOn pav
(b) Employees who have attaIned one (l) year's contmuous servIce WIth
the Employer shall be entItled to two (2) weeks vacatIOn WIth pay to
be based on the normal work week.
(c) Employees who have attamed two (2) year's contmuous service WIth
the Employer shall be entItled to three (3) weeks vacatIon WIth pay
to be based on the normal work week.
(d) Employees who have attamed ten (10) year's contmuous servIce
WIth the Employer shall be entitled to four (4) weeks vacation WIth
pay to be based on the normal work week.
(e) Employees who have attaIned fifteen (15) year's contInUOUS servIce
with the Employer shall be entItled to five (5) weeks vacatIOn with
pay to be based on the normal work week.
(t) Employees who have attaIned twenty (20) year's contmuous servIce
WIth the Employer shall be entitled to SIX (6) weeks vacatIOn with
pay to be based on the normal work week.
The gnevances all anse from the fact that durIng the hfe of the Social Contract Act, S 0
1993, C5 (hereInafter referred to as the "Act") all compensatIOn, mcludmg vacatIOn
Improvements, were frozen from June 14,1993 to March 31,1996 All of the gnevors claIm
that, accordIng to the collectIve agreement, they have attaIned the reqUISIte servIce to be
entItled to an addItIonal week of vacatIOn, whIch has been demed. The Employer takes the
pOSItIOn that It has comphed With the Act, wruch supersedes any obligatIOns It has under the
collectIve agreement. The questIOn for thIS Board to determIne then IS the effect, If any, the
SOCIal Contract contmues to have on on vacatIOn entitlement after March 31, 1996
The relevant provIsIons under the Act are as follows
In order to achieve slgmficant savings m public sector expenditures 10 a fair and
eqUItable manner, the Government IS committed to faCilitatIng negotiations between
representatIves of public sector employers and their employees for the purpose of
maIntamIng effectIve and effiCient pubhc service
The purposes of this Act are as follows.
I To encourage employers, bargaining agents and employees to achieve
savmgs through agreements at the sectoral and local levels primanly through
adjustments m compensation arrangements
2 To maXImize the preservatIOn of pubhe sector Jobs and servIces through
improvements III productivIty, Includmg the elimmation of waste and
3 To prOVIde for expendIture reductIon for a three year period and to proVIde
cnteria and mechamsms for achlevmg the reductIons
2 In thIS Act,
"compensation" means all payments and benefits paid or prOVIded to or for
the benefit of a person who performs functIons that entitle the person to be
paId a fixed or ascertamable amount:
23 (I) ThIS part applIes to
(a) those bargammg umt employees m respect of whom there IS no local
agreement that meets the cntena set out III paragraphs I, 3, and 4 of
subsectIOn 14 (1); and
(b) those non-bargaInmg umt employees whose employer has not
Implemented a non-bargammg unIt plan under sectIOn 16 by August
1 1993
(2) This Part does not apply to employees who earn less than $30,000 annually
excludmg overtime pay
24 (1) The rate of compensatIon of an employee 1S, for the penod begmmng June 14,
1993 and endmg wIth March 31, 1996, fixed at the rate that was in effect
Immediately before June 14, 1993
(2) For greater certainty, "compensatIOn" in thIs section mcludes,
(a) ment mcreases,
(b) cost-of-hvmg Increases or other sImIlar movement of or through ranges, and
(c ) mcreases resulting from any movements on any pay scale or other
gnd system.
(8) An employee is not entitled to any mcreases m compensatIOn after March
31 1996 by way If,
(a) ment mcreases
(b) cost-of-hvmg mcreases or other SImIlar movement of or through
ranges, or
(c ) increases resultmg from any movements on any pay scale or other
grid system except as prescribed by regulation,
in respect of employment dunng the penod begmnmg June 14, 1993 and
endmg March 31, 1996
52. The proVISIons of thIS Act and the regulatIons prevaIl over the prOV1SIons of
any other Act and the regulatIons thereunder but only to the extent necessary
to carry out the mtent and purposes of thIS Act.
Mr Holmes, counsel for the Umon, agreed that Increases In vacatiOn entitlement were frozen
dunng the lIfe of the Act. He also made It clear that the Umon was not seekIng to recoup
vacatIons lost durIng the Social Contract Act However, It argued, the Act dId not make any
reference to servIce and semonty The Employer's InterpretatIOn would read mto the Act a
hIatus or freeze III the accumulatIOn of semonty and, more speCIfically servIce that would
continue long after the Act itself has ended. According to the Employer s mterpretation, an
employee would never be credIted wIth servIce for the period of the Act. The Umon
submItted that Its InterpretatIOn IS more consIstent WIth the purpose of the Act. SectIOn 52
states that the Act and Its regulatIOns take precedent over any other acts but only to the extent
necessary to achIeve the purposes ofthe Act. The purpose ofthe Act, and sectIOn 24(8) m
partIcular, was to encourage expendIture reductIOn for a specIfied penod of tIme that IS from
June 14, 1993 to March 31, 1996 Clearly, sectIOn 24 (8) was mtended to apply only to that
tIme The Act does not contemplate savmgs beyond March of 1996 The effect of the
Employer's mterpretatIOn IS to contmue those enforced savmgs beyond the tIme specIfied m
the Act. ThIS Board should reqUIre very clear language before It would take away an
employee s nghts under a collectIve agreement.
It asked the Board to follow the declSlon of ArbItrator R. Brown In Re Sudbury & District
Ambulance Services and CUPE, Local 2412 (February 5,1998) (unreported). In that case
the Board was asked the same questIOn as thIS Board, that IS what happens after March 31,
1996 regardmg vacatIOn entItlement. It read sectIOn 24(8) to restnct the applIcatIOn of the
Act to the penod set out m the Act, that IS June 14, 1993 to March 31, 1996 The Umon also
suggested that the mterest award of ArbItrator Mitchmck (Re York Region Board of
Education and Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (August 31, 1994)
unreported) supports Its pOSItIon.
In the alternatIve the Umon asked the Board to follow the reasomng m Re Kitchener and
Waterloo RegIOnal Ambulance (1987) Inc. and CanadIan Umon of Pubhc Employees
(Apnl 7,1997), unreported (Raynor) m whIch the Board took a mIddle ground and found that
employees who had not moved from one pOSItIon to another on the gnd durmg the term of
the Act were not affected by Its terms but those who had moved were
Mr Wilson, counsel for the Employer, took the pOSItIOn that sectIon 24 must be conSIdered m
the larger context of the entIre Act. At the tIme It was enacted the provmcIaI figures showed
that the Government was approxImately 72 bIllIon dollars m debt. The Act was to proVIde a
mechamsm to force employers, employees and Unions to help the government control the
provmcIal debt by lImltmg the compensatIOn paId to ItS employees for a penod of tIme and
by reducmg expendItures. The Act proVIded two methods to reach Its expendIture reductIOn
targets, by agreement or by the legIslated "faIl safe" method set out III Part VII. In thIS case
the partIes dId not reach an agreement and are governed by the fall safe method. The result IS
that all compensatIOn, mcludmg vacation mcrements, were frozen and that, the Employer
mamtaIns, means that employees are not entItled to credIt for servIce for purposes of vacatIOn
entItlement from June of 1993 to March of 1996 That mterpretatIOn IS entIrely conSIstent
WIth the purpose of the Act.
In fact, submitted the Employer, sectIOn 34(3) states clearly that Part VII preVaIls over any
proVISIOn that relates to holIdays, vacatIOns, hours of work or overtIme pay In any other Act
or regulatIons thereunder or m any collectIve agreement. It IS arguable whether any actIOns
of the Employer concernmg these Issues can be challenged gIven that clear language In any
event, what that sectIOn does IS hIghlIght the Importance of thIS Issue
The Issue before thIS Board IS whether s.24(8) prevents what has been described as a
balloomng of benefits. The Employer pomted out that there has been no gnevance from the
Umon or Its members about the lost servIce credIts for purposes of wages. If the Umon IS
correct m Its mterpretatIOn about vacatIon credIts, It ought to have pursued lost wages
Increments as well.
The Employer submItted that the JUrIsprudence IS more conSIstent WIth Its pOSItIOn and that
the Brown declSlon stands alone It referred the Board to the follOWIng cases Re The
Government of Ontario (Ministry of Finance) and Ontario Public School Boards
Association and Ontario Separate School Trustees' Association and Ontario Teachers'
Federation and its five Affiliates (August 22, 1995) unreported (Shlme), Re Participating
Ambulance Services and Ontario Public Service Employees Union (AdVISOry Opimon
Award) (May 9, 1997), unreported (Knopf) Re Toronto Board of Education and
Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 134 (Plant Operation and Maintenance)
(November 4, 1997), unreported (Knopf) and Re Victorian Order of Nurses and Ontario
Nurses' Association May 11, 1998) unreported (Kaplan)
Before conSIderIng the merIts of thIS case, a reVIew of the apparently conflIctIng
JurIsprudence IS necessary The Shlme award seems to be the startmg pOInt for many of the
awards that followed. One of the questIOns put to hIm was whether a teacher at level two
when the freeze began would go to level five when the SOCIal contract penod was over m
other words, was balloomng allowed. He assumed that the fall safe provlSlons under the Act
prohibIted balloomng and came to the conclUSIOn that the sectoral agreement between the
partIes must be gIven the same meanIng. He determIned that the school boards would not
have agreed to a plan that allowed for substantIal future mcreases when It could have SImply
relied on the fall safe measures under the Act to aVOId that result.
The next deCISIOn relIed on by the Employer IS an advIsorv opmlOn of ArbItrator Knopf
Involvmg 44 ambulance servIces, mcludmg thIS one, and OPSEU One of the questIOn
before her was what an employee's vacatIOn entItlement would be after Apnll, 1996 On
page 10, she stated the followmg'
Section 24(8) of the Act dictates to the parties what wIll happen after March 31,
1996 It speCifies that an employee IS not entitled to
"any ITIcreases ITI compensatIon by way of
(e) Increases resultmg m any movement on any pay scale or other gnd
structure With respect to employment under the SOCial Contract
Therefore, as of AprIl 1, 1996, employees are not entitled to any increases that would
have accrued by way of theIr employment or servIce for purposes of calculatmg their
rates of payor vacation. The Emp loyer's charactenzatIOn of thIS as creatmg a hiatus
IS appropnate The Social Contract Act has Imposed a hiatus m types of
compensatIon dUrIng the SOCial Contract penod. The hiatus created ITI sectIons 24( 1)
and (3) means that no credIt IS given dUrIng the SOCIal Contract perIod. Then,
Section 24(8) dictates that the hiatus remain effectIve after March 31, 1996 But for
Section 24 (8), it would be appropnate to assume that effective Apnl 1, 1996
employees would revert to the pomt m the wage or vacation grId that would be
determmed purely by their collective agreement. In that case, the effect of the SOCial
Contract would have been to depnve them of their entItlements by wav of gnd
movement solely dUrIng the Social contract period. However, Section 24(8) goes
further and means that employees cannot revert to a readmg ofthelr collective
agreements on Apnl I 1996 WIthout regard to the Social Contract Act The partIes
then must calculate grId placement for compensation items speCIfied m Section
24(8), (a) through (c), Without regard to any employment dUrIng the SOCial Contract
F or greater clarIty the Board went on, at page 11 to say'
Similarly the collective agreement creates a vacation entitlement based on contmuous
service. The collective agreement would credit employees for every year of service.
However, the parties agree that their vacatIOn entitlement IS calculated bv way of a "grid
system" and whIch amounts to compensation which IS affected by SectIOn 24 of the Act.
GIven that agreement, but for the Social Contract Act, an employees who commenced
employment on January 1, 1980 would be entttled to five weeks vacation after more than 15
years' service on Apnl 1, 1996 But the Social Contract Act dictates no mcreases m
movement on the vacation grid in respect of employment for the June 14 1993 to March 31
1996 penod. Therefore, those employees entItlement to move to the five week category
must be calculated by glvmg a hiatus m credIt for the specIfic SOCIal contract penod. Those
employees wIll move to the next catcgOly when their employment amounts to greater than
the reqUired number of years service Without regard to the tIme worker between June 14,
1993 and March 31, 1996
That same arbItrator when faced With a SImIlar questIOn concernmg the nghts of a
probatlOnary employee to an mcrease m compensatIon after Apnl 1, 1996 but due durIng the
SOCIal contract penod, came to the same concluslOn for the same reasons.
The last case, the YON case (supra), concerned a questIOn of whether vacatIOn entItlement
under a gnd or servIce dnven collective agreement was to be calculated as if service accrued
durIng the SOCIal Contract penod or as If the day after June 14, 1993 was Apnl 1, 1996 At
page 4, It referred to the Knopf award as follows
In our View, the above award case IS dlSposlttve of the Issue for we too read sectIon
24(8) as prec1udmg, on eXit, the commg mto effect of any mcrease in compensatIOn
resultmg from movement on a grid or scale - the very scheme established in the
collectIve agreement before us WIth respect to vacatIon entItlement. As Arbitrator
Knopf noted In another award" .Section 24 operates to prevent an employee from
accumulatmg any credIt dUrIng the SOCIal contract years. In other words, It assumes
that the Social Contract Act prevents balloon mg.
In my VIew, these cases are also dISpOSItive of the matter I also read the Act to mean that
employees are not entItled any Increase In compensatIon resultmg from movement on a gnd
with respect to employment during the Social Contract. I am of the VIew that the Brown
award come to a different conclUSIOn because It read out the words "WIth respect to
employment" With respect, I dIsagree If the leglslators had mtended the Act to lImIt
mcreases in compensation only between June 124, 1993 and March 31, 1996, It would not
have specIfically prohIbited Increases In compensatIOn with respect to employment after
March 31 1996 A lIteral and purpOSIve readmg of the Act leads to the mescapable
conclusIOn that the Employer's mterpretatlOn IS correct.
The gnevance IS therefore dIsmIssed.
Dated thIS 14th day of Apnl, 1999
/wI4 )d~~
Loretta Mikus, Vice ChaIr