HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-1705.Bongard.01-01-08 Decision o NTARI 0 EMPLOYES DE LA CO['RONNE CROWN EAIPLOYEES DE L 'ONTARIO -- GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONElTELEPHONE, (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G /28 FACS/M/LElTELECOP/E. (416) 326-1396 nSB# 1705/96 2214/96 2717/96 488/97 1452/97 1055/00 1114/00 1116/00 (>FSEU# 96H018 96H254,97H008 97('115 97("166 00A492,00A496 00A497 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano Pubhc ServIce Employees Umon (Bongard et al.) Gnevor - and - The Crown m RIght of Ontano (Mimsm of CommunI~ and SOCial ServIces) Employer BEFORE Owen V Gra, V Ice Chair 2 Decision [1] The partIes have filed the followmg Jomt submIssIOn concermng the gnevances lIsted m Schedule A to thIS deCIsIOn. Jomt submISSIOn re outstandmg MCSS Contmuous ServIce date (CSD) gnevances 1. In the matter of Bongard, and Sandes the Umon wIthdraws these gnevances 2. In the matter of Laforest and PennIten, subject to paragraph 4 the UnIOn agrees to wIthdraw these gnevances '3. In the matter of Bradburv Farns, FIsh, and McGUIgan subject to paragraph 4, based on all current InformatIOn the UnIOn IS unable to chspute the Emplover's calculatIOn concermng theIr ContInuous ServIce Dates 4. It IS agreed that m the matters of Laforest Penmten, Bradburv Farns FIsh, McGuIgan, that neIther party IS aware of any eXIstIng InformatIOn whIch mav Influence the gnevor s Contmuous ServIce Date and further that; a) any new prevIOusly unsubmItted documentatIOn of full tIme weeks worked m the Ontano PublIc ServIce submItted to the Emplover m the future will be consHlered bv the Emplover at that tune on ItS mchvHlual ments and CIrcumstances for the purposes of adchtIOnal contInuous servIce date credIt b) should any of these Gnevors receIve a surplus notIce such notIce will not be rescInded, reIssued or Issued based on any such documentatIOn receIved bv the Emplover from the Gnevor per paragraph (a) after he/she has receIved pre-notIce. c) should any surplus notIce be Issued It will be Issued based upon the Gnev ors C S D as of the pre-notIce date The C S D will rem am frozen as long as the Gnevor IS under notIce of layoff or lmd off The Emplover will not accept documentatIOn, as above from Gnevor's who leave the employment of the MmIstrv Dated thIS 5th day of Januarv 2001 [2] Havmg regard to the partIes submIssIOns the Board notes the umon s wIthdrawal of the gnevances of gnevors Bongard, Laforest Penmten and '3 SandeR, and hereby dlRilllRReR the gnevanceR of gnevorR Bradbury FarnR, FIRh, and McGUIgan. Dated at Toronto thlR 8th day of January 2001 &"'lrl' .! z _ ~ I ~. _ .... . Owen V (~ray VIce-ChaIr 4 Schedule "A" Grievor OPSEU GSB File # File # Bongard Charlotte 96HO 18 1705/96 Bradbury Roger 97C115 2717/96 FanR, WIlham 96H254 2214/96 FIRh RORR 00A492 1055/00 LaForeRt LIRe 00A496 1116/00 Mc(~Ulgan Lmda 97H008 1452/97 Penmten KaIRa 00A497 1114/00 SandeR PhIlhp 97C'366 488/97