HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-2690.Ross.03-04-02 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
GSB# 2690/96 0711/98 1543/01
UNION# 97D318 97D319 97D320 98A656 98A657 98A658 02Al12, 02A1l3 02Al14
02A1l5 02A1l6 02A1l7 02A1l8 02A1l9 02A120 02A121 02A122,02A123 02A124
02A125 02A126 02A127 02A128 02A129 02Al30 02Al31 02Al32,02Al33
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Ross) Grievor
- and -
The Crown III RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of the SOlICItor General and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE Bram HerlIch Vice-Chair
BarrIster and SOlICItor
Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle
FOR THE EMPLOYER Chnstopher Jodhan
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING March 28 2003
A number of ongOIng pre-heanng productIOn and other procedural matters were dealt wIth In
relatIOn to the 28 gnevances before me The Employer raised five dIstInct Issues The Umon, In turn,
raised a productIOn Issue Some of the Issues raised were resolved or at least deferred at the heanng;
others reqUIre my rulIng. I shall catalogue and, where necessary deal wIth and rule on each of these In
a. General SufficIency of the Umon's PartIculars
In response to the partIculars prevIOusly filed by the Umon, the Employer had made some
specIfic requests for further partIculars The Umon has recently responded. The Employer merely
noted that, once It had completed Its reVIew of that response, It reserved the nght, If necessary to
make further requests or to raise the matter wIth the Board.
b SpecIfic InsufficIenCY of the Umon's PartIculars.
Item B of the Umon's Book of PartIculars
ThIS Issue pertaIns to GSB File No 0711/98 whIch IS compnsed of three gnevances
The full text of the statement of gnevance In the first of the three gnevances (OPSEU FIle No
98A656) reads as follows
I gneve that the employer has vIOlated ArtIcle 10 of the collectIve agreement
and any other agreement or legIslatIOn relatIve to thIS case
The settlement deSIred IS
To Include but not be lImIted to full redress
The wordIng of the next two gnevances (OPSEU Files 98A657 and 98A658) IS IdentIcal wIth
respect to the settlement desIred and the statement of gnevance except the reference to ArtIcle 10 of
the collectIve agreement IS changed to ArtIcles 41 2 and 3 respectIvely
It IS perhaps not surpnSIng that wIth thIS less than fulsome descnptIOn of the nature of the
labour relatIOns dIfficulty purported to be IdentIfied by any of these gnevances (now some five years
old) the Employer has sought partIculars wIth respect to these gnevances It appears, however that It
IS not only the Employer who IS suffenng as a result of the patent faIlure of these gnevances, as filed,
to afford even the remotest clue as to theIr subject matter or the facts gIVIng nse to the complaInts It
seems that the gnevor IS equally unable to recall what these gnevances were about.
DespIte the Employer's ongoIng request for partIculars of these gnevances, despIte the general
and specIfic dIrectIOns of thIS Board In ItS decIsIOns dated September 25 2002 and December 6 2002,
no such partIculars have been provIded. The Umon now submIts that the gnevor "can not now recall
any detaIls of the gnevances wIthout some assIstance for her memory" As a consequence the Umon
seeks, as a precondItIOn to It beIng reqUIred to file partIculars of the gnevances, that the Employer be
reqUIred to reVIew ItS files to unearth any matenal whIch may provIde InformatIOn about "the general
substance" of the gnevances Armed wIth that aIde-memOlre the gnevor has apparently expressed the
VIew that she wIll then be able to remember sufficIent detaIl to Instruct the Umon on the partIculars of
the gnevances
WhIle Umon counsel IS to be commended for a valIant effort In adverse cIrcumstances, I
sImply find myself unable to accede to the Umon's request proffered, as It was, by way of a defense to
the Employer's request that the gnevances be dIsmIssed.
To accede to the Umon's request would, In my VIew be tantamount to requmng the Employer
to provIde partIculars to the Umon of the Umon' sown gnevances And whIle fans of Irony mIght
enJoy such a spectacle I doubt that even they would endorse ItS propnety
ThIS IS not a case where the Umon seeks the productIOn of some known or reasonably
antIcIpated document surreptItIOusly hIdden In the Employer's files ThIS IS a case where the gnevor IS
unable to demonstrate any recollectIOn of the barest detaIl, the vaguest outlIne of the parameters of
these gnevances Without commentIng further on the ObVIOUS lack of Importance or sIgmficance of
these gnevances to the gnevor as eVIdenced by the apparent total dIsappearance of any recollectIOn of
any events remotely connected to them, I am sImply not prepared to take any steps to bolster or
otherwIse aid m the salvagmg of matenal whIch appears very comfortably buned.
The Umon has faIled to provIde the barest detaIls of the facts or Issues pertment to these
gnevances It has faIled, despIte numerous opportumtIes, to respond posItIvely to the multIple requests
of the Employer and orders of thIS Board.
In VIew of the above, I hereby dIrect that these three gnevances (i e those whIch compnse
GSB FIle No 0711/98) be dIsmIssed.
c Whether Certam Gnevances Have Been
Properly Referred to ThIS Board
The Employer raised a questIOn as to whether certam gnevances (i e OPSEU File Nos
02A117 02A125 and 02A129) were properly referred to thIS Board m a tImely fashIOn. The genesIs of
thIS concern may resIde m the fact that 2 of the gnevances whIch are the subject of these proceedmgs
were (perhaps madvertently) excluded from a Umon book whIch was assembled to gather all of the
relevant gnevances together In any event, as the Immediate dIsmIssal of the three gnevances m
questIOn would have lIttle Impact, If any on the scope of the eVIdence whIch would lIkely have to be
heard m relatIOn to the remammg gnevances, the Employer agreed to defer thIS motIOn to final
I also mdIcated to the partIes that I would make mqumes as to the date(s) upon whIch the
Impugned gnevances were referred to thIS Board. Although I have not myself revIewed the mam GSB
files, I am advIsed by GSB staff who have that the 3 gnevances m questIOn were referred to thIS Board
on January 22, 2002 along wIth and at the same tIme as the other 19 gnevances whIch, together wIth
the 3 m questIOn, compnse GSB FIle No 1543/01
I trust that thIS mformatIOn may be of assIstance to the Employer and that we wIll be advIsed m
the event there IS any Issue or concern extant under thIS headmg.
d. Whether Certam Gnevances Allegmg Ulllust
DISCIPlIne Ought to be DIsmIssed
The Employer asserted that some half-dozen of the gnevances bemg dealt wIth m these
proceedmgs ought to be dIsmIssed as marbItrable In each of these cases the gnevances complam of
Improper dIsCIplIne However accordmg to the Employer m none of these gnevances was any
dIscIplIne Imposed and neIther does the Employer have any mtentIOn m relymg on the events whIch
are the subject of these gnevances for any dIscIplInary purpose In those cIrcumstances, the Employer
asks that these gnevances be dIsmIssed.
The Umon dId not senously dIspute the assertIOn that alleged Improper dIsCIplIne was at the
centre of these gnevances In those CIrcumstances It would seem that If no dIsCIplIne was Imposed
there may be a dubIOUS basIs for these gnevances The Umon asserts, however that dIscIplIne - whIch
It notes does not necessanly always mamfest m readIly recogmzable forms - was, m fact, Imposed m
each of these cases
The partIes agreed, however to defer any further consIderatIOn of thIS Issue untIl the next day
of heanng.
e Whether Certam PortIOns of the Umon's
PartIculars Ought to be Struck
The Employer seeks to have certam portIOns of the Umon's partIculars struck. SIX paragraphs
of partIculars (i e paras 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 1.2 1.2 4 1 3 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 and 1 3 3 3) are the subJ ect of
thIS motIOn.
It IS not necessary for me to reVIew the substance of these allegatIOns m any great detaIl m
order to dIspose of the Employer's motIOn. An exammatIOn of theIr vmtage wIll largely suffice FIve
of the Impugned paragraphs deal wIth events said to have occurred "m the early 90s" the sIxth wIth
events datmg to 1984 The earlIest of the gnevances before me are dated October 1996 the most
recent are dated September 2001 Indeed, as a result of the dIsmIssal of the gnevances under (b)
above, all of the gnevances before me have been filed on one of the two mentIOned dates And,
furthermore the allegatIOns m questIOn are specIfically relIed upon by the Umon m support of the
gnevances dated 2001 Thus, In terms of the allegatIOns contaIned In the Impugned paragraphs, we are
consIdenng events whIch predate the gnevances by penods rangIng anywhere from 11 to 17 years
In these cIrcumstances, I can sImply see no fair or reasonable basIs upon whIch to permIt the
Umon to call or rely on eVIdence of events of such vIntage WhIle an argument mIght be advanced In
some cases about the necessIty to establIsh or negate actual prejUdICe before determInIng whether to
permIt eVIdence whIch sIgmficantly predates the filIng of a gnevance, the quantum of delay In thIS
case IS sImply and utterly breathtakIng. It was not suggested that any of the partIculanzed events was
ever the subject of any gnevance and neIther was there any suggestIOn that any remedIal response
would be sought In relatIOn to these events And finally there was no suggestIOn that these allegatIOns
are In any way central, In any fashIOn, to the Umon' s ultImate claim
All of thIS, of course begs the questIOn as to what possIble probatIve value eVIdence of these
events can have to these proceedIngs The answer IS, very lIttle Indeed and perhaps agaIn unfairly
InvokIng the gods of Irony It mIght be the Employer who would ultImately benefit from thIS eVIdence
For to the extent the Umon mIght otherwIse wIsh to establIsh patterns of Improper Employer conduct,
callIng eVIdence of (up to) 16 year gaps In such conduct mIght not be the most conVInCIng approach.
In that context, for example, I find the suggestIOn (in para 1 3.2 Of the Umon's pleadIngs) that the
Supenntendent had In hIS mInd in 2001 an Intense antIpathy to the gnevor because, in 1984 he had
refused to allow her to call the polIce about an apparent attempted theft of her car to be eVIdence
whose lIkely ultImate probatIve value IS so neglIgIble that ItS absence IS extremely unlIkely to have
any Impact on my abIlIty to determIne the gnevances It certaInly does not ment the partIes expendIng
the reqUIsIte effort to prepare and present eVIdence about events whose age can be measured not In
months or years, but In decades
The temporal gap between the events descnbed In the Impugned portIOns of the pleadIngs and
the events whIch gIve nse to the gnevances IS so vast that I am prepared to accept, certaInly In the
absence of any proof or senous contentIOn to the contrary that sIgmficant prejUdICe would result from
requmng the Employer to prepare to meet the case set out In those pleadIngs, To the extent I mIght
have otherwIse had any hesItatIOn In that conclusIOn (and I have none) the neglIgIble probatIve value
of the eVIdence In questIOn reInforces any conclusIOn to exclude It.
The offendIng paragraphs are hereby struck from the Umon's pleadIngs, No eVIdence wIll be
heard In relatIOn to them.
2 The Umon's Issue - Further ProductIOn Requests
The Umon sought the further productIOn of documents notably In the form of WSIB reports,
Doctor's reports and certaIn occurrence reports The Umon had also been seekIng the productIOn of
documents relatIng to Item B of Its partIculars ThIS latter pOInt IS now overtaken by the dIsmIssal of
those gnevances as set out In 1 (b) above
With respect to the other outstandIng requests, Employer counsel undertook to have a reVIew
performed of the Employer's file wIth a VIew to IdentIfYIng and produCIng documents the Employer
accepts are relevant to these proceedIngs, at least wIthIn the context of the Umon's partIculars
The Umon IndIcated that It was content WIth that undertakIng but reserved the nght to reVIsIt
thIS Issue In the event that It was unsatIsfied wIth the Employer's efforts In that regard.
For the reasons set out above, the three gnevances whIch compnse GSB FIle No 0711/98 are
dIsmIssed. The folloWIng paragraphs
1 2 4 1.2
1 3 3 2 and
1 3 3 3
are hereby struck from the Umon's pleadIngs
Heanng m thIS matter wIll contmue as prevIOusly scheduled on Apnl 9 2003
Dated at Toronto thIS 2nd day of Apnl2003
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Bram Herhch, Vice-Chairperson