HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-0099REALE96_07_08 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUiTE 2100, TORONTO ON M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACSiMiLE/TELECOPiE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 99/96 OPSEU # 96C434 IN THE HATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Reale) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of the Solicitor General & Correctional Services) Employer BEFORE: R L Verity Vice-Chairperson FOR THE R Blair GRIEVOR Counsel Ryder, Wright, Blair & Doyle Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE C Nikolich EMPLOYER Counsel Legal Services Branch Management Board Secretariat HEARING July 8, 1996 2 DECISION This IS a suspension and dIscharge gnevance. The Board was advised that as a result of the alleged mcidents that led to the grievor's suspension and discharge, a number of criminal charges have been laid agamst him. The crimmal proceedmgs are scheduled to be heard commencmg July 22, 1996 The partIes agreed that thIS proceedmg be adjourned pendmg the dispOSItIon of the crimmal proceedmgs. A Memorandum of Agreement was executed by the partIes whIch set forth the terms of the adjournment. HaVIng read the Memorandum of Agreement and having heard the submissIOns of Counsel. 1. ThIS proceedmg shall be adjourned sine dIe pursuant to the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement sIgned by the partIes and dated July 8, 1996 2. This panel of the board is not seized of eIther the suspensIon or dIscharge gnevance herem. DATED at Brantford, Ontario, thIS 8th of July, 1996 ~-~~~ ......... -.............. .- .. RITY, Q C. - VICE-C PERSON