HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-0569MISTRY98_02_10 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONrARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600, TORONTO ON MSG lZ8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 181;;, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU600, TORONTO (ON) M5G lZ8 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE (41($) 32B-13~ GSB # 0569/96 OPSEU # 96D618 IN THE MA TIER OF AN ARBITRA TJON Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Mistry) Grievor - and - The Crown in RIght of Ontario (Ontario Human Rights CommissIon) Employer BEFORE R.L. Verity, Q C Vice-ChaIr FOR THE S Satchell UNION Counsel Gowling, Strathy & Henderson FOR THE L Brossard EMPLOYER Counsel, Legal ServIces Branch Management Board Secretariat HEARING July 3,4, 1997 October 3, 14, 15, 1997 November 14,22, 1997 -- 2 ,\ INTERIM DECISION . to The gnevance of Aban MIstry anses from the non-renewal of her term contract whIch expIred on May 6, 1996 Prior to that date, the gnevor was an unclassified employee in the posItIon of Human Rights Officer at the CommIssion's Toronto East Regional Office In Scarborough Ms. MIstry'S grievance, dated May 2, 1996, reads as follows. I gneve vlOlabon of the collecbve agreement includmg but not limited to Articles A, 3.13; 3 14, 3.15; 4, 24 25; 26 and 27 Further, I gneve that I have been dismissed without Just cause and that the employer has violated the Employment Standards Act by providing msufficient notice. The settlement desIred mcludes placement In the classified service and compensation WIth mterest for all lost wages and benefits together WIth semonty accumulatIon. At the outset, the partIes advised that there were four components to thIS gnevance a converSIOn issue, dIscrimmation, failure to post a position and dismissal. Although It was agreed that I hear all aspects of the grievance, counsel decided to proceed initially WIth the Issue of conversion. The union alleges that the employer VIolated article 31 15 1 1 of the collectIve agreement by failIng to convert Ms. Aban's unclassified position to a classIfied position at the Toronto East office of the Ontario Human RIghts CommIssion. At the hearing, Counsel for the union requested the following remedial relIef: -.---coc 3 \ \ 1 reinstatement to the position of intake officer; 2 a declaratIon that the gnevor ought to have been converted to an H.R 0 1 ~ classIfied pOSItIon as of March 31, 1996, 3 alternatIvely, a declaration that she ought to have been converted to that posItion as of May 6, 1996, and 4 compensation for lost wages and benefits mcludmg accumulation of semonty and pensionable service. Followmg ItS ratIficatIon on March 31, 1996, the present collectIve agreement, wIth amended language on converSIOn nghts, came Into effect for the penod January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1998 The relevant proviSIOns read. 3115 1.1 EffectIve upon the date of ratuicatlOn, where the same work has been performed by an employee in the UnclassIfied SelVice for a period of at least two (2) consecutive years, except for situations where the unclassified employee is replacing a classified employee on a leave of absence authonzed by the Employer or as provided for under the Collective Agreement, and where the ministry has determIned that there is a contInuIng need for that work to be performed on a full-time basis, the ministry shall establIsh a position within the Classified SelVice to perform that work. 3115 1.2 Where the ministry has determined that it will convert a position in accordance With Article 3115 11, the status of the Incumbent in the position will be converted from unclassIfied to classified, proVided that the incumbent has been In the pOSItIon In questIon for at least two (2) years. The language of the preVIOUS collective agreement read 3151 Effective April 1, 1991, where the same work has been performed by an employee In the Unclassified SelVIce for a penod of at least two (2) consecutive years, and where the ministry has determined that there is a contInuing need for that work to be performed - 4 ,\ on a full-time basis, the ministry shall establish a position within the Oassified Service to perform that work, and shall post a vacancy 10 accordance with ArtIcle 4 (Posting and , Filling of Vacancies or New PositIOns). ~ 315.2 For the purpose of this section, "full-time" shall mean a mmimum of one thousand seven hundred and thirty-two and three quarter (1,732.75) straight-time hours or one thousand nine hundred and twelve (1,912) straight-time hours in each year, as applicable, including authorized leaves of absence. However, all hours worked by an unclassified employee while he is replacmg a classified employee who IS on an authorized leave of absence shall not be mcluded in computmg the annual hours worked by the unclassified employee. It IS helpful to state In outlIne the hIstOry of thIS case In order to apprecIate the Issue In dIspute. The Ontario Human Rights CommIssIon has been empowered by the Legislature to admInIster the Ontario Human Rights Code PrIor to a maJor structural reorgamzatIon which was completed between March and May of 1997, the Commission operated 10 regIOnal offices throughout Ontario wIth responsibility for the enforcement of the Human Rights Code Each regIOnal office was responsible for its own caseload within geographIcally defined boundanes. For example, the Toronto East Regional Office, located In Scarborough, served a geographical area east of Mount Pleasant Road In Toronto to Belleville and north to Huntsville. The work of the regional offices mvolved the processmg and investIgatIon of complaints under the Human Rights Code The grievor, Aban Mistry, worked for approximately 19 years for the MInistry of Health from March 1972 until March 1991 when she resigned under the terms of a "voluntary eXIt package" Approximately one year later she returned as an unclassified ~- 5 emp~()yee under a senes of full-tIme fixed term contracts from March 30, 1992 to May 6, 1999 ~ As an unclassIfied employee, the gnevor's employment history, bnefly summanzed, is as follows. 1 From March 30,1992 to December 31,1993, under a senes of term contracts, Ms. MIStry worked In the pOSItIon of Human RIghts ASsIstant (classIficatIOn H.R 0 1) at the Toronto East RegIOnal Office In Scarborough. ,., From January 1, 1994 to October 16, 1994, as a result of an Involuntary .... transfer, the gnevor worked In the positIon of Human Rights AssIstant (classIfication H.R 0 1) at the Toronto Central RegIOnal Office in Toronto. 3 Following her success In a competitIOn, the gnevor returned to her former positIon as Human RIghts Assistant (classificatIon H.R.O 1) at the Toronto East RegIonal Office on October 17, 1994 4 From 1994 onward, the gnevor was the only unclassified employee workIng at the Toronto East RegIOnal Office with the exception of Karen Thomas, a reader for Human RIghts Officer Rod Ioi who is vIsually impaired. Ms. Thomas' position was paid from a special accommodation fund. 5 Under a senes of term contracts, she continued workIng as Human RIghts ASSIstant at the Toronto East RegIOnal Office from October 17, 1994 to January 7, 1996 6 The gnevor's final term contract for the posItIon of Human Rights Assistant (classIfication H.R.O 1) was for the penod December 15, 1995 to March 31, 1996 7 NotwIthstandIng the renewal of the grievor's final term contract, she applied for a postIng for the pOSItIon of Human Rights Officer (classificatIon H.R.O 2) whIch arose from the maternity leave of Anita Monaghan 8 The gnevor was the successful applIcant in the competItIon referred to above and was awarded the position of Human Rights Officer (classIficatIon H.R.O 2) for a penod from January 8, 1996 to May 6, 1996 For purposes of clarificatIon, the gnevor had two separate term appoIntments - the one as the -, . 6 \ \ purported replacement for Anita Monaghan as Human Rights Officer (H.R 0 2) and the other as a renewal of the term contract as Human RIghts AssIstant (H.R.O 1) The actuality of the sItuatIon was that the gnevor ,. performed duties assigned to her without dIstmctIOn between the contracts. In other words, the grievor performed her duties as though there were only one contract. 9 On January 8, 1996, the grievor receIved written notice under the Emplovment Standards Act that her contract as Human Rights Officer at the Toronto East Regional Office would not be renewed after May 6, 1996 10 On April 1, 1996, the first day of work followmg the five week OPSEU strike (February 26 to March 31, 1996), the gnevor was told by Robert Seales, then Actmg RegIOnal Manager of the Toronto East Regional Office, that her contract would not be renewed. 11 May 6, 1996 was the grievor's final day of work. No one was hued to replace the grievor in an unclassified positIon. As already stated the pnncIpal issue which requires decision at this stage IS whether the grievor is, yes or no, entitled to converSIOn of her unclassified positIon to classIfied under the terms of articles 3115 11 and 3115 1.2 of the collectIve agreement. The first mqUIry must be as to the effect of articles 31.15 1 1 and 31 15 1.2. The words III these articles have already been set out but must be repeated. 31.15 11 Effective upon the date of ratification, where the same work has been performed by an employee in the Unclassified Service for a period of at least two (2) consecutive years, except for situations where the unclassified employee is replacing a classified employee on a leave of absence authorized by the Employer or as provided for under the CollectIve Agreement, and where the mmistry has determmed that there is a continumg need for that work to be performed on a full-tune basis, the mmistry shall establIsh a positIon within the Classified Service to perform that work. ~ -,-" 7 \ \ 31 15 1.2 Where the mimstry has determined that it will convert a position in accordance with Article 3115 1 1, the status of the incumbent in the posibon will be converted from . unclassified to classified, provided that the Incumbent has been In the position In to question for at least two (2) years. In OPSEU (Conversion Grievance) and Ministry of the Attornev General, 461196 et aI, ArbItrator Bnggs at p 7 states the converSIon process WIth preclSlon as follows. The conversIOn process IS five step, First, the new provIsIOn does not begIn until the date of rabficabon. Second, the same work must be done. Thud, the work must have been done for at least two consecutIve years. Fourth, the two years must be exclusIVe of work resultIng from leaves of absence. Fifth, the employer must then determine that there IS an ongoing need for the work (to be performed on a full-time baSIS). Only when all of these tests are met the Employer IS mandated to establish a pOSItIon in the classIfied selVIce. (my additIonal comment in brackets) To determme the effect of the artIcles in question one must construe them. The words of the artIcles are to be construed so as to ascertaIn the IntentIon of the partIes from the natural and grammatical meaning of the words whIch they have used. The "mIschIef' to be redressed may thus legItimately be looked at together with the general scheme of the collectIve agreement. To my mind, the purpose of artIcle 3115 1 1 was to state the "mIschief' and the means to redress it. The "mIschIef' was the employer's mdIscrnmnate use of unclassIfied employees to do continumg full-tIme work that should m eqUIty and faIrness be done by classified employees. The means to redress the "mischIef' would be to gIve the unclassIfied employee, so circumstanced, the nght to conversion to a classIfied employee under the - . 8 term~\of article 3115 II. . ~ The constructIOn of the article IS not entirely free of difficulty but I think that m the language there is a persuasive disclosure of the intention of the parties. Stated in barest outlme article 3115 11 sets out the criteria necessary to establish a classified position. ArtIcle 31 15 1.2 merely sets ou t the cntena for the conversion of the unclassIfied incumbent to the establIshed pOSItIon. Counsel for the employer, by construction and inference of artIcles 31.15 1.1 and 31.15 1.2, would add the words "in a single position" so that the cntena would read "the same work has been performed by an employee in the UnclassIfied Service for a penod of at least two (2) years in a single positIon." I read the two articles In vam for any indIcation of an Intention to convert only certain unclassIfied incumbents to claSSIfied status. Nor do I find any reason of significance or fairness to draw a dividing line between the employee who performed the same work for a penod of at least two consecutIve years m a smgle posItIon and the employee who performed the same work for a period of at least two consecutive years in more than one pOSItion. To my mmd, "the same work" is the controllIng Imperative WIthout regard to a single position. If the parties had Intended the same work to be performed m a smgle posItIon they could have so stated instead of leavmg it m the mystifying silence of construction. --= 9 \ \ Counsel for the union contended that the grievor performed the same H.R.O 1 work on .a contmumg full-time basIs for at least two consecutIve years m conformIty with the ~ reqUIrement of article 3115 11 and accordingly met all the necessary condItIons to qualify for conversion. It was saId In effect that there was no eVIdence that the gnevor performed H.R 0 2 work, whIch may be charactenzed as dIfferent work, until after the OPSEU strike ended on March 31, 1996, that the exceptIon set out In article 3115 11 does not apply because the H.R.O 2 (Anita Monaghan who was on maternity leave) purported to be replaced was not in fact replaced, that the mCldents of the grievor's H.R.O 2 work after March 31, 1996 were neither so many nor so SIgnificant as to transform the nature and character of her work; and that any change m the character and content of the gnevor's work performed between April 1, 1996 and May 6, 1996 was Irrelevant as the gnevor's nght to converSIOn had already met the two year requirement on March 31, 1996. Counsel for the UnIon was critical of the employer for its alleged failure to raIse the issue of contmumg need until the heanng The union contended, however, that there was a contInumg need for the work to be performed at least until the spnng of 1997 when the CommISSIOn's Restructunng Plan was fully implemented. The case for the employer was built on five contentions as follows. first, that the work done at the Toronto Central RegIOnal Office was not the same work as that done subsequently at the Toronto East RegIonal Office m that the files and the geographic locations were dIfferent; - I 10 \ \ secondly, that articles 3115 11 and 3115 1.2 must be read in conjunction in that the right to conversion to a position means to a single position whIch has been held for . at least two consecutive years and therefore would not include work done at the ~ Toronto East Regional Office in the period from January 8, 1996 to May 6, 1996, thIrdly, that on January 8, 1996 the exceptIOn contamed in artIcle 3115 11 came Into play when the grievor was assigned to new duties as a Human Rights Officer (classIfication H.R.O 2) and accordingly the heretofore contInuing full-time same work period stopped, fourthly, that the work the gnevor performed was apprecIably different from February 21, 1996 onwards, the date that she was gIven ten Human RIghts Officer files for Investigation and four addItional completed files for reVIew purposes; and finally, there was no contInuIng need for that work (H.R.O 1) to be performed on a full-time baSIS. I now deal with the contentions of counsel for the employer I think that the first and second submissions may be conSIdered together I have already construed article 31 15 1 1 to mean that the sameness of the work is the controlling factor rather than the same work in a single position For that reason, in my VIew, a change In the geographical location of the workplace does not sever the contInUIty of the same work. As regards the third contention by Counsel for the employer, I find myself In agreement with Counsel for the UnIon that the exception contained in artIcle 31 15 11 is not applicable in the partIcular CIrcumstances of thIS case. I think that the grievor's work as the purported replacement for Anita Monaghan is immune from the exceptIOn contained in article 3115 11. My reason IS this. I find as a fact that the gnevor dId not perform the dutIes of Amta Monaghan who was on maternity leave and the assignment may be properly characterized as a mere paper replacement and not In fact a legItImate replacement as ~ 11 cont~1'{lplated by article 3115 1 1 To put the matter bluntly, the gnevor, in my VIew, dId not ~erve as a replacement for Amta Monaghan as contemplated m the exception contamed .. m artIcle 3115 11 The employer's fourth contentIon, as I understand it, IS that the gnevor's work was apprecIably different from February 21, 1996 onward and that allegatIon rests on the fact that the gnevor was given ten H.R.O 2 files and four completed H.R 0 2 files for review purposes. AdmIttedly, the gnevor took possessIOn of these files on February 21, 1996, some five days pnor to the commencement of the OPSEU strike. The WItness Robert Seales, acting regional manager at the Toronto East Office testified that he was under the impression that the gnevor performed H.R.O 2 work from January 1996 onward. It is noteworthy, however, that the weight of his evidence did not rise above the level of impressIOn. Mr Seales acknowledged that he delegated to Sheila Crowe, the gnevor's ImmedIate supervIsor, the task of assigning work to the grievor Sheila Crowe was not called as a witness. Against the impression of Mr Seales was the assertion of the gnevor that she performed H.R.O 1 work exclUSIvely from March 30, 1992 onward and dId no work on any H.R.O 2 file until April 9, 1996 Her eVIdence on thIS pOInt IS unchallenged and I accept it. The next questIon whIch anses here IS, In the words of artIcle 31 15 1.1, whether "the same work has been performed by an employee (the gnevor) in the Unclassified ServIce for a period of at least two (2) consecutIve years." ~ I 12 \. \ The question in respect to the "sameness" of the work is one of fact. Some guidance tow.ards the answer to thIS questIon may be gaIned by a consideratIon of the difference in ~ the nature of the work between H.R.O 1 and H.R.O 2 as spelled out in the respective posItIon speCIficatIon forms which are annexed hereto as Exhibits "A" and "B" respectIvely Shortly stated, the duty of the former, known as the "Intake officer" is to provide intake servIces, to negotIate settlements of complaInts through early settlement InItIatIves (E.S.I.), to draft formal complaints and to maintaIn Intake records. The duty of the latter, known as the "InvestIgatIon officer", IS much WIder in scope. As stated In the posItion specIfication form it is to administer the Human Rights Code within a region including investIgatIOn and resolution of complaints in respect to vIolations of the Code In addItion, the H.R.O 2 work involves conductIng Investigations and interviewing parties and witnesses, developing investigatIon strategies, prepanng detailed case analysis and prOVIdIng conciliation servIces to resolve complaInts. The matter of the same work is not an absolute concept. It must be given a meamng that takes Into account the purpose of article 3115 11 and yet be within the limits of fairness and reason In this connection, It IS not entIrely WIthout sIgmficance that any diversIOn from the same work Implies some affirmative act of direction on the part of the employer either expressed or Implied. Would an unclassified employee's work lose It charactenstic of sameness because mcidentally or in a very limited way he or she did other work? There IS a familIar maxim that common sense often makes good law It IS in my view applIcable In this case. I think the real questIon before me is whether the work of the grievor taken as a whole was the same throughout the penod of two successive years such - 13 as t~\meet the purpose of artIcle 3115 11 ,. I find as a fact that m the faIr meaning of article 31 15 1 1 the gnevor on March 31, 1996 had performed the same work In the unclassified service for a penod of at least two consecutive years and in the grievor's case in the penod from March 30, 1992, the date of origmal hIre to the unclassIfied servIce, to March 31, 1996, the date of ratIficatIon of the present collectIve agreement. In makmg thIS findIng I do not Ignore the fact that on January 8, 1996, following her success in a competltIOn, the grievor commenced work under a term contract In the temporary posItIon of Human RIghts Officer (classIficatIon H.R.O 2) Although there was a change In her position the work remaIned the same. In my VIew, the cntIcal date as to the nght to conversion from unclassified to clasSIfied staff was March 31, 1996, the date of ratIfication of the present collective agreement. To my mind, the work performed by the gnevor after April 1, 1996 m fulfilling her obligations for the balance of the term contract is not relevant to the issue before me. In the event that thIS matter IS reVIewed In a hIgher forum, I thInk I should put on record my findIngs regardIng work performed by the gnevor between April 1, 1996 and the end of her contract on May 6, 1996 The sequence of events after March 31, 1996 may be summanzed In this way' on April 1 the employees returned to work following the strike, on that day the gnevor was adVIsed that all current term contracts would not be renewed including her own term contract which would expire on April 6, 1996, there followed a bnef staff meetIng In WhICh ~, 14 the g~vor was a participant; there is some controversy as to what was actually said in the meetmg The gnevor's testimony IS to thIS effect: she was Instructed by Robert Seales and ,. subsequently by Case Coordmator Sheila Crowe to work on only one or two of the H.R 0 2 files whIch, as already mentIOned, had been gIVen to her in order to obtain some investIgative experience. On the other hand, Mr Seales's recollectlon is that he indIcated that he would rel1eve her of "a couple" of the ten assIgned H.R.O 2 files gIven to her on February 21 and left the remaInder In her control in the belief that she would perform the reqUIred H.R 0 2 work. The gnevor's version finds support In the testimony of witness Rod 1m, a classified H.R.O 2 employee. On April 4, 1996, Robert Seales issued a memorandum which confirmed the instructlons from DIrector of Regional ServIces and Systemic InvestIgatlons Neil Edwards, referred to at the meeting of April 1, that there would be new procedures Instltuted Including new Intake procedures. For present purposes it is sufficient to limIt quotation from that memorandum to the folloWIng " begmnmg immediately in Toronto Central, Toronto East and Southwest, two H.R.O 2's be assIgned to the intake team on a rotating basis for two months at a time. " The Seales memorandum assIgned Toronto East mtake duties to H.R 0 2 employee RIck Della Vella and, in addition, dIrected H.R.O 2 employees Rod 1m and the gnevor to contmue to provId~ mtake team responsibilitles. In partIcular, the gnevor was instructed to contInue resolVIng and clOSIng E.S.I. files, fieldmg telephone InqUIries, consulting with - 15 visitpfs and "working on the formal cases she had been assigned." ,. The gnevor further testified that she dId perform limited H.R.O 2 work beginlllng on April 9, 1996 when she revIewed an H.R.O 2 file whIch is referred to as the "M" file for purposes of confidentiality Further, she stated that she completed the InvestlgatIon of the "M" file mcludmg a field investIgation in whIch she interviewed three witnesses on April 29 AccordIng to the grievor's records (Ex. 12), she devoted some eight hours of work to the "M" file. It remains to deal wIth the employer's submission that undated post-it notes in the grievor's handwriting, attached to three additional H.R.O 2 files (Ex. 16, 17 and 18), are strong indicia of H.R.O 2 work performed by the gnevor I find as a fact that the post-it notes, although undated, were written in the latter part of April. According to the grievor, she "scanned through these files" and added in her words "I was making my own notes for my own purposes." Admittedly she spent between ten and twenty mInutes on each file in a reVIew of the contents. On a consideration of the evidence for the period April 9 to May 6, 1996, the termination date of the grievor's employment, I find that there was a change In the character and content of work performed by the grievor such as to effectively sever the "sameness" of her work. After this necessary diversion I return to conSIder the remaInIng issue arising out of article 31 15 1.1 I refer to the employer's impugned determInatIOn that there was no continuing need for that work to be performed on a full-time basis. -.. '- 16 ,\ Article 31.15 1.1 confers the power of determination regardIng "a continuIng need for that work" upon the employer I do not read it as an Illtentlon to confer absolute power . ,. but rather somethIng III the nature of a discretion to be exercised In a bona fide manner in the context of artIcle 3115 11 The determInatIon IS a questlon of fact and must be done with at least a show of reason related to the facts and the surroundIng circumstances. CompendIously stated, the background CIrcumstances.are as follows. (a) Because of governmental and fiscal polIcy it became necessary for the Commission to create a new staff structure m order to live WIthIn its budget. The answer to the problem was that unwelcomed word "downsIze" (b) In 1995, the decision was made to ehmInate the unclassified staff employed by the Commission in stages. (c) In May of 1996 the CommIssIon's Restructuring Plan was unveiled and by the fall of 1996 the pOSItIon of H.R.O 1 was elImmated. (d) In January of 1997 the Commission decided to centralIze intake duties for the entire prOVInce in Toronto - the result of further budgetary constraints imposed by the Government. With that decision three new posItlons were created. 1 Intake Officer 2. MediatIon Officer 3 Inquiry ServIce Representative. There were five intake officers appointed who worked in Toronto and servIced the entire provInce. These are the Clfcumstances and facts that prOVIde a background of the restructunng and downsIzing of the staff of the CommiSSIon agaInst whIch the grievor's case may be seen as a part thereof. ~ 17 , \ Other circumstances and facts yet to be noted relate more directly and with a greater degree of relevance to the grievor's claIm to a nght to conversion to the unclassIfied servIce. ,. The facts may be summarized wIth some degree of repetitIon in thIS way' 1 the staff of the CommIssIon returned to work on April 1, 1996 following the end of the strike on March 31, 1996, 2. on April 1, 1996 the gnevor was advIsed that all current term contracts would not be renewed including her own contract for the temporary position of H.R.O 2 whIch would expIre on May 6, 1996. Later the same day, all employees were told that a new orgalllzatlon of Intake procedures would be put in place whereby two classIfied H.R.O 2's would be assigned to the intake team on a rotating baSIS two months at a time, 3 on either April 1 or April 2, 1996 - the date was not fixed precIsely in the evidence - the grievor requested classIfied status and was told that she did not qualify for "conversIOn", 4 on April 4, 1996 each employee at the Toronto East RegIOnal Office was made aware of a wntten memorandum signed by Actmg RegIOnal Manager Robert Seales which specIfied new intake procedures, effectIve April 9, 1996; 5 on May 6, 1996 the grievor's employment was in fact termInated, and 6 nothIng IS before me which would cast any doubt that the classified staff have performed the gnevor's former full-tIme duties In addition to their other dutIes SInce the termmation of the grievor's employment on May 6, 1996 I return to a point on which counsel for the union places some emphasIs. As already IndIcated the gnevor was told on April 1, 1996 that her term contract would not be renewed. Counsel contended that the gnevor had a nght to be converted to clasSIfied status because there was a continUIng need for intake work to be performed on a full-tlme baSIS at least until restructunng was completed a year later between March and May of 1997 ~, I 18 \ \ Initially I was attracted to that argument but upon further reflection I was not converted to it. The Issue turns not merely on an ongoing need for the work to be done . ,. but on an ongoing need for the work to be done on a full-tIme basis. It IS wIthout controversy that the CommIssIon has the right to reorganize the workplace to meet the eXIstmg workload and in so doing to determine the complement of classified staff. The fact IS that the reorganization resulted In thelf beIng suffiCIent eXIstmg classIfied staff to meet the needs of the entire CommIssIon. It was estabhshed that the gnevor's work was absorbed by two eXIstIng classIfied H.R.O 2 employees. In the result, there was no continuing need for work to be performed on a full-tIme basis so as to require the CommIssIon to establish an addItional classified posItion. On the partlcular facts of thIS case, I find that the Mimstry has made a bona fide determinatIon under article 31 15 1 1 In the result I find that the conversion aspect of the gnevance must be dIsmissed. I 0 !It. DATED at Brantford, Ontario, this ~ day of February, 1998 ~--~~ RICHARD L. VERITY, Q.C. VICE-CHAIR - .......... ~ l ..,--~,-------~~,.,..........."...,,--,.............,~_.., _""".__.._.............,,,... ........., '1~_.__~''''....'''''-.......:..._,..,..,,".~~. :_.,_~._ .._. I , ~'\ ' I 1 Puslllull SPOCIflCI n . CIa.. Al1ocnUon.CSC 6150 "0 --.~ SCBEDOLB e A e en.lo' 10 back ,lurm lu, c:oolfJlellon Ins',uCIIonI) . - - -. ".fP._..."...,'" ...."""'"....w........... .~.......;:;,.;i;;..--- '''" For esc --.- ~. --- --... .. ---. ---. -.-- - .--- ..t~_ _ .. __ _ ._. .... ' - . ..____00 .e._ ._. -_._~~-=, ____..._~ -.....- - - .- -- - -.... rlt\e'"," r",.~ r-o.lIuft ............... ""'-"'rI ~~ , . . ur..;.8Sln..l4. "ullllrLRlvl~ta_I\"II1f1ti:lnt.. ... - . --. . .. 0 -...:;..-.-Ir......,;;;,e.tooli ~w;....'.'.1 ,..........1 Cta"." ~~,,"'ho..o.I"_____ ................ ~......... '. 6 _II ~_I.!.. -:.~ _~..~I 1 L.I.. __ ___ ::-.:210tliiDftiieti-' .. - - 1;7':-~ u._.. . __ c:l.m,....~~~:___._ I 'If' - --- - -- - -0' - . \)owkIIIoo Citizenship Ont.ario lIumall Ri9hts Commission ch_ISeCdiiii . ---.-loca,liift--.- ~lDc.CedI :o!l'P.liance ..:.Jpronto ..~_c~t~a.1 .. ___ ...,,~'.$J!.n'y_.Sl:._.J..tJ~h: .' T~~'iW 501 ;;t jjIMiii 11;....... ._ ........"'...... I..,,-'Me. ~.... . ,.... ........ I' , ..... '" ,,,"1_ H.. ..01 ,01..... ~ 0 0 Itc.:,innnl Mana'Jet, Central 86-8510-01 U'PO'. 0' ","Ilion ......, .~... ..... '.....'loon ~.... '1 To provIde Jntake servIces alii) er[ect CRnt! resolution at one of aevell lIuman RI9hts Commission offices located throu9hout ~he Province 'Ulie, and ,tleltd t;;j;', I.....' I, ~:;;;;"~;;;~:;j ~;;~.t:.:. _ .....,. loooIIoto' ......;;;;".-... '..... -, ... -" .....yl .?! \ 1 Serves as the lIu",,'n n"J"t" Collllftlsslon's fhllt ,,"d conl:lnulne) contacl: with the ql!nerol public, rrl.....rl.y with the potent1a~ co.pla Illaflt and respofldent cOllllllUn tI.s by: -receiving and bandllr9J or redlrecl:lnq cuntacta, request., lnqulrlu and 'etutipli nta by telepho"., !MIl and In penon. -~~cpn~lnu record u ht.ke and statJs~lc.1 for.. to rec~rd Infot'_tlon ~p~uv.Wln9 lnfounol:lqn on huun rights leglslatlon and co.plalnt procl!duces -~ll!te~\nlnq wht'lher given situation" f~1J "lthln the purvle" of tlm.Cn.p. om.llhl! best _thocJII (9r htndllnll.the <=oMl,I.'Ilnt flltl"llIonsi dl:;c"snlfl9 willi RftCJI'''''' Cflae Coordinator I -advlaln'l or nj;"~r 'f':lour,-'!. or "'lIt!nclt:. and redlrectlne) In matterA not haml1eu U1 che CO_leltlUn - :ft. '\ 2 Prnvhlt:."s compl...l"t I:~:solutlpn.on ~I:ters wlt"ln the Code'.s --- jurisdiction, using tne-.lfly settlealent lnltlatlve method bye ~~t~lnlf)'J det",J1-.d In[prutlOlt.,lurlnr.J Initial contact or cOh,h'ct Ing Intnke h,tervliVi with COMplainants to e)a In a . thornu9" und-.r:tt..n,Hn'j o( t11e 81 tuat Ion. t:.cvnl:t!.c;~.lJ:1g res,'olld,nt8 to review situaUon and obtaln tbeh posit-lOll In the lNttt!r. -condm:tlnq l'rl!lh,""uy tngulrlc:s o(\..~hlr.d pattlell illl neces..ry . to clarHy the MEltS o( the p.utlea roshlDhl' · ~ , ~itJ!;Jel.slllgJ:he partles' poslUons In 1I9ht of jurlahJlctlon and ~-.cei}anf ~ scuWn9 clIae' with Re lonal Cnse Coordlniltl1r with ,~ e~p.ffiiii"(nd~l:lolls' iJnd flndYngs or forwarding those cases requlT fig 'futtb-.r action -.c.a.tU'\.09 out Medlatlon.. between the putl.. to achieve compT .nce or iil!U hlllent .preparlng case dispOSitions.. cloning letters and other related -.---" -- '_-C:"II,,__"..q'!'me"t-.Dr(t,:p.dll[~.- lor ESI--f Ileth----IGonll-'-<h-.-' ,k,H, ..... kno..lt,'" ,.qUl.lId '0 pe,loIIII fOlo al lull tfotld"l.... u...!lt..1t _Ia.uoy C............. lIctt>Ct1. " ...'uiolcl noud kllovhdlJe nnd uncJc:rnl:andlny of thr. lIum.,n Rlghh Code. Co_isalon ,mllcles and prllcedures to I,rov de IntlJke services and explain the cOde ~o COlI"lalnllnta Kno"ledge III .......r r..I-l:f'.I l,."I-llItlon" '''I;! oru:ttl'zatJonll 1:0 .....ke referr~ln. ^ 9001.1 k'l\ovleuge ot COllllH"loJtlCe ulsue. \.0 ettecC:lvely halldle Illvestlr.Jiltlons (;001.1 oral and wrJtlen coltlllluIlleaUons 'cont'd..' ;p.,"'..:;;;....i;-s.~..._ .--.. 1'_ --- toilni...y,jt,..... -- ---.--0- I I.... u...... ,,- o.y ........ '1- (t..!:C~~c.(uv 1,-:"_-.J_-!' _ J!~_J -1. ___ _._. ~_ _ I I :;_~..:;;. I.,," Ollie....' _ _""" .1111 IUOCllion Clot, UIIo C1etI c"" Ucc_11oMl r-~' Illee'...... . uoy...... v... lIuman Rights _~f.~}_..._ _ .___~~~~.__ _ _. AD-09 ..QLI ID I '?<l II! ....,.""-..... .....11.... In .c...._.....'" .~ CIVil s....1p C__ 0""';".'10.. $1_"... ,... ...,.......... ...,...: ProvIdes ~ompl~lnt Intake s~rvlces~ participates In public ed"catlon and resolve. compl~lnts u81"9 the early settlement Initiative method I Receives and hnndle~ req"eAt~t Inquiries and complaln~8 [rom thn public related- to hUNn rl9hts If!'.JI& at Ion and coml'lo1lnt prllcedunu, advlsln9 o( I other reaources or 8'1enele. on .attcrs not umdled by the Cotllllllsalon. Contacts respondents to r~vl~w sltu~t'Qn, conducts prellmlnnry Inqulrles : IInd carr lea Qut medlatlona bet.ween part les to achieve compHance or settlement . - I \ .~...,......... '-----'---' \0. ....,...,... ".rva'''' I'''. I.~ -:1".....'-........ if -".~ ----.-..-., .---------.-- ,,-~-~-""-,_..._---,._.. .......-.~.., .-. ...... ~ ....-"-- I . . . i IIUHAN '101IT8 OFFICER \\ 1 Duties end Tasks (cont'd .1L.\ 3 ,QE"!~S cOl!Ph \nh ane) preparea caae (11.1 for (orlllBllzed calle . procelllfi9 by: .-.---....- -__u, ,. -obtalnln9 and oE9nnlzln9 details of alle,atlons received frOM complalnantsi pnp"r'39 velthtl COIllVlalil . In accordance vlth hilA I u..,u 1 rewiila un Conllil fS I G" P U~~dure. -com~letl"'l luta", e)qC'ume"t.. oii ...C'ludhlfJ questlollnalre., vor sheets hl.1 hlilit!U,jiJ~' work hJator hs, _dlcal IlIfor...t1on~ s ta t I at I c:a 1 dot ,,; e IUlur I n'l all "e r t I n""t I "Iorlllll tlOh Is 9athe re aft uutlllled .n flyeedure. tteVll!w!ng ~as., e~ srepared by support staU, ellsurlng tIiCflr-compllfetl@Ss- n .order.;-- _.. _. -'Idelltlfylll", aile) brlll9ln'J to IlI8na9Ulent'. attention -'- prloElty, contelllluus or unuaual cases OE Is.ues loc erellce or cUII~lder.tloll ....- I';''' , 4 Per lorlftS other Ie lahc1 c1utles, such as: -reVle"lrl~ .,.SJlcotlnll rn'III..~, .rlvertlsp.llIellts and medical revl."s 0 elltlfr "toblems .nd secute .udlflcatlon. to achieve full compJ allce vlth the Code -llslaln9 "lth e.ployers, landlurds, servl-ce providers and otheE sotentlal rellpUlldentH to rrovlde advice on applyln9 the Co e to their particular po Icles, practices or special clrculaSt.mcns. . -rattlclpatlllY In publlc education br provldln9 Information o llldlvldua s, 9roufs .IId OE9,.IIl1:a '.011. alld partlclpatln9 on vorkshos. alld ae. lIaes -a. aasl9ne . SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE - skills to handle complaints and prepace vrltten report. ---------.-.--- ........ -' -.. At'llP"b '" -...-.- III - _..........., :lJON ....... . eo ......-- .... .......,....... .... ..... .. .IIIM 10 ..... ......... .... .IIIIIIP Illy ...... ... IIIl '*""""" 'I1IrM 10 IlIlCIIllMI"IM'lPS........ ~..... -... -..od . '" ........ .......... . J' II " .... ....... aAfIIl:I'- 'pF. .~ - ....~ .. ~1_...1 t - ~_.......-,- IlIlOII ..- ... .. *- MIl 'UON II' _ ... ....J C taIId ...._ I '" """"' III WOIl""I """" . -:> ........ :t' ..... --.....-..... AIue -........J.."..., .oq.... ~. ......_ ''')IN''''' , IIJOM "J" ''PsOutpcl:) JOt IUO!I:HUIIUI -.. ....... I -- "IU!M .PS.-OS .. ._.. """""" . l -0 IMIIO f1' .., .. ..... .--..... . 1"-0 - ~....... I , -.wo ..., "- - -"""""" I s &u.ldS .. --... flI/iIIIs . ~ ...." .... net II'CI ._ III ...... ".-Ia ~ ~ PD!IN ._...... " ..... III epo) PIIftU C ..... t .... ..... JIIQ _ III .... M~'" . PGlJId 'I-I"OR'S .. C dnINo 'lION 'Ioty "'" ...." .....111 lIUOIIlIO.I ,.,....poIj, 'po ..... .""., wr ....-, ., ~ .tIeS .."". '- .~ .... ..... , --.. .." ...... ""IllS Ie"'" _"S IUlI!fIIlI,IIIII!IIII:) t C C I 11'0:) I........ m ~ Oll'd 'IJOM l'uo,uS ~ol,Wii;m;Uj.- J'lJIlu,pt UOlltlOd 6ulpcl:) JOJ IUO!I:HUIIUI ...-lCIO · "'-" "-'1$ "","1PUf'I tOr NOqf Il1O let 1110 .. ... _'" .. eo ~ :'UOllllocf ""10 IV .. \IOIt3eS II! ......' .. , MIl put '1 UOIpes III .011 8IlO:l"-""'" .... .... ..,.,.. S ..... I -pes..~ :(1: dnoJ!)) luolIIIOd "UOI..S p'ullt1pun ., UClII,., \II "011 ~ "-'''''':1 ..n IIlI .:10, A.._.... .." .. II'MIdwcn eq OllllllOj :Iuonrsod ,wINIWd P"" II"J P'"'''.!:) dnDlD _......... 10 ....., -mlledwo:) 1UIWIlI...." 'vl'IcI.....~ IJ'V;) _:MI.J...........~ _II Ide,.. --1I1IIl"OIIIU"_ II...., tIlIl"" OS19'OSO WJO, Dun'ldwo, JO, SUOIJ,ru,IUI ~ oJ ~_.~ .~ .;,.,. ~ ;., . ::: ~.aa.IIl:1...".;.' __' __~t.~~,:.II.'" ..'.... .....;.......-_ ~_~~ ~__._~._------- --:.----... ....~,'-"......, ..:. .-:..- M: .-...} -- ~ , . -- .~ ,.,. - @=Gf - .....~ E~ Physlca' Demands Analysl~ . labour ...OV'.... . 'Ull'l~",..~ 'tlhu A_.8hunt - CaIUd . ~ le,lonol Orrlce". Co.p.'onco Unit c.. ..... . , ....... .,........ . - - - "'PIc" Oemanft ~ ) I I I t C_1a \ l~ & .. .. .. ~ i -- - -- - ------ --- , ~ ~______ Po$'TIOf\I I) ~"EcrEo I ..L~ -=- _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~~~ ""<S)l'tl~ ~-~ =- _ _ _ _ _ _ Ur"ONS Ulu,S I .~ - --------- 5 S FlnI Fingef ~ ~-----_=.-- r .LL~"'L-_ :~=j.::=====~ _ 7~ __ . AbOwe S/Iouldef - . AetcNng -~~ - ------ ------- t FaaI _,-F.~ - ------- ActIaII 2 'HI ------- - \0 thootlnQ ---- - _'.!-~ -r- - ---:- - -r- \rO)OAM. '" f'Saa"'''~''''' - - - - CAa-.co 0,", , _'2 Sl8rIlIInI - _ _ _ _ Icr" ~ RTIf\ICi, _'..3 W!!i!!I - . I. I\nIirla - - f ...!.t.~-- . II lleftdIng~ - " CIGud*II - ...!!-~ - - -.!t~~ - --- _2!_'..~lf___- - --- _21-~ - 22 ...... eer-1IIoall r.. - -:;- I POSIT\Otl COHI\\)tllKlftfaS' o;.;;s;;..,. - -- ~r.fA)a,",-"~~"",,,, - ---~~ } F. - _ _ _ ,.o"""'~ "..c::. ZI YlIIDft :.~ - _ _ _ kr lUSto..>>~ l,CyEl.. 1 CGIlNr - -.-. .. t 24 p.... -~ - - FOIftI - - ----- ..!!.!!!!'I - - -r- - ~(T\a~ ~~ '-f'iS~ ~'!H" . -r 2'1 WtIiot ~ _ _ _ 4=',LE.S t ~~ _ . SoMcII I ""- 1 u ..YQt.)So ==-:t. 9 ~:.c.. :lI ""* WIlttl . o~"'~ ~ ~NItIo'U\,." 3D 0UlIIde ~ - - - \l:)C.A~ ,t<J ".. 3' HDIICaId - - - - 0frlC(, D'v.IU)toIt'tE..:s'l Sf HIIINlS/OIy --- I ~~ - --- 34 V8PllUl F_ - --- - --- 35 HoiII - - --- ...?f MlIWIlI 0CljICII ... S ..?.?_~-~ - --- - --- 31 EIIctiAI - · 3t ... ToaII *- - --- -=- --- 40 118dIeIIIIT1lIr..... Energy - .. SIaIDIIY --- _ Q CGnDeIlId WorUIIe - --- aT....... - - - - !"OC...,..()f.) WO.\~ IU - 44 WodI-. - --- ~~,~." Mli~ ! 4S Wol\ .,*,*ldeli llulln ~oup -;;- - - -r- e.Uf ". 'nt5 .S.t4~(11~ .q 01.... ""SS\lIn ~ - - -r- lNO)mM..sT of' ~ 'I _ ., ...,eeI_ PutIlIc -r- ---r-~~~~~~ - .1 ()per"'~ - _ _ - 'to fI'LO\I\Oe ~~ ~ - . ~ III ......... wftetlchIIr 0 m.nRIgM. ~'1ons." .'....-cr (nil hquencJ d ......... WIIgN .... lie IIlOWIl ........ Dl*I . ..... IncltlIIIld '" t..-cY cI .... ~ .. ... ......., - ., - SellbR'''''''' ~ DIIr I 2.- ~~ AcMr.lnI....' Hour .~""'" belor,~. :I - ...... - ,,..,,. AepeIIlon.1or '-3 Hourt DeIr OIIcUSS'~ lIC~lIan allnIervIew. . _ ....,... 0lInwllI .......................... -i ~ . . ~ ~~_.".',-:;c.&:....... . > . ...-- ---- """'-'-'-"....._~,._"'''''' ..,~ ~"'_.. " .. , "'" ^ " ^ - f - -- --- ~~o . POllllon Speclf ,uon. CIa.. AIlQcaUon-CSC S' 0 SCHEDULE "8" (Re'" 10 be , of Iorm tar COIl_ion NtructIenII ., ~1nO ~ 0... ...... ,--- ...-- , Fer CSC : - ..., \ t. - -- Hu... II,Ilt. Officer ScIo. Mot..., ~.'-..... :fll. . ----.... llthU OUlen I) l l -. L.Mur Ontarto Ku.." 11 ht. co..!..loo ...- -....... COftdllaU.. .... COIIpUanc. -Ut\.w~ .--... I ...:..- I :'........ In.::4if a'Klona. Su~.rYl.or TorOftto v. OlJ-'I0G-4t Z. "'-.......... ..... - .... ........ ..... I To .4I.lal.t.r .Dd .nforc. tb. Bu"n 11.~t. co4. vlthln a r..lon, lnela. .. th. l....tl..clon .nd r..oluUH of c_,1Illlt. ft .lol.tloll. of the Colt. .nd the prollOtloa of the ,riDelpl.. or the Cod. throulb public .duc.tloa. - 3. Out'" .... NIaId ..... ... It ......... .......... .. ... .... .... ...., ....." _.... .. .... -' .. .... -.. 1) Olmduet. '''",ut..Uona .... r....c1U.tlCIG ., ..rlorll1... .ucla talb .It - cI..e1Oflac 1.....ell.Uoa ntat.." coaddUua .u~h thb.1 u pn.nc.. of patt.n cll.ert.lnatlon, bona fl,. occupatloqal ~uallfle.tlOh'. r.a.on.bl. 'cco.-od.tl..; - arr'lIl.. lat.rrlev.I...tlna' ~Ch r..po...nt./l.vr.r./...ncl../vleae....; - ....t.t.c .It...... ... docu.eat. to obtal. all r.l'~I.t '~ld,"c'& ~O%- pr.p.dac "UU.d ....... aoab.la for .ubtd.IlOll to the parU.. and tIM eo.t.lloa .... aakla& nc-.end.Uou to the C:OMlIIIOD vlth r....ct to 'Ppotatllll . load (....r "celea 35), obtat.ta. a "uraat (.ader ..cUoa 32) "bu. r..poll4tlDt....ot' e.lr t'I,n...utlY.. .n o"thetla., or refUl1a. to d.al vlell . coapldat <....r ..eU.. n): - sv..~ l.forwattoa .for. Jw.tlca of tho 'o.e. l. .pplle_tloa 'or. II.tt..t; - c...IU.. ... ...I..U., t.ltl_II', toeord., .oeu..nt., cotl'..pon..acl: - c....ctl.. ,hyalcal ....... '.'1,.1. an4 fo_celon.l capaclt~ ........at. to d.t.r-l.. Ha..tlal -ct.. o! Job, .bUU,. to porfona. poulbUUle. of ICc-.odatl.., ..... har4.1I1,: r.devl... co.p..., "dteall aM CCMIP'''' ..ploJlllnt poUch., 'I'.ctle.. .... ,roc_r.. with r..p.ct to .'leall; a. IMca...r" conlulUna vitll _dlcel .... ocher I ..peru to o.ala McIleal ... prof..l1onal .,lnloas <aa, ... ,.rfo..... I" c....\t.elo. vitll dill .....lap V.lt or ., .. offlclt' fro. chI Handla, Valt): - c....ctl.. COIIcll1.tlOD .eeel.,. (,roc.I. .l.tl.r 111 altare to f.ct flacllac ! eoafereace.) I - prepartll report. of'" fWhe' for .ob.hdon (eub..quont to .uparrilor'. r.ytlv) to I the ~..Ioa. co.plalaanta, r..poacl.nto, .011cltor. 01' th.lr I..at. .. par c:-J...l.... .luloaur. pollc,., If _ relol..UOl\ 10 obul,... .ftar b.,.Ueleloa .lId , cOltclUatloa: v, , CItot .tIe .....- o.r ....... Y, 05404 AD~ , ..'- ... I. e.. i~~- . DeW TfllO --.r',_ I ~ ..... y- V.I. '.perlton ~;.~t..~~ \ I t';" I P7 .~ . ...... - .. ~ , ~,,,,uTll'.-:~,j.i~,,iL',.I',,, - - . ~ 1"""''''''''- ~'''''''''"'U'I ~ ,_",,*~r'~'" ."'~', .........,""" ~"'~- . . - \. \ lnatructlons for comp'.Ung form CSC-61SO UtI....... AI.............. llpoIIIaIlI-..pt.... ---..,... t.tcIII'" ~1'\Ift, u~ ~ .......... ()II .......JfI- a,.. ~ Ctu.11Ied PuB snd 'arMtIM polftloM: '- II tie compIet'" III .. t""'" .... tor fit ~ Codt .. '" ..". I. Uncl...lfld StlHnat Potltlont (Group 'l: ~.1t&ftlIN , I/ld . __.... ,-"-' CM" '" ..... t....... .... ... ,......... III ..... .. AI othtr po,'IIoM: CeInpIIIloft fA... .... II .. . .. Nt ... *" lot \IftCf-'llM ........ .......... It ....... mstNcUona lot codIfta Po.lllon ,""un., IftIWCtloftI lot eoclinO ........ WoItl p~ CMt c:.. I t I 4 1M eppIIrlIfM) ~ ........ 1- ...... .... --- ,.. ,..... , W..., DIe. ,.u.. JwM .... ....... , ........ JM. ,.,. .M 0& \JlldIl..... ......... / .... ... ..., AlII- ..... 0.: ~...... ,..,. 1..-..... ..... . ..... lIUt ... ..... . -- 2 livid ..,... .. ~ lit ............,..led...... 01" A , 4 . ..... ..- ..... ...... .......... --'" . ... 1M .... ltlM It__ I.lolclIcM. .._ __O.....j - 0IeuIt t I t. lllMft ....... .... : .lLL GMuI . . " III ..... ... ~,.. . QltIer c..- , . . .......... ..-. Le. S--. ,... __ lnItlUCtloM lot codInG Ich. ttn. Woctc t....... _ a. ....... ..... II ... .~....... U.T.............. __ Ill... '-'4'" _Cl_:J c- . .... ...... fAllcuI .. t ...... ...... a. 'ellllIr ... ... II 3~ N01I: 1M ...... ., ... tcIUtI.... .... ... --... ..., << tubI...... ClOl "CUlIorI ..... C .. ".J Ill.... ..... '" U.T. .....,... ........... ,... ...-. ... ClIlIIldde.... tie ....... .... CIIW11l...... III .... ...... Nrt ... II.. ............ Of... .. ..... .. ........... .. ....... "'PI II a ...... NOlI: ........ _ ....." .. J r l'''' ....., .. _ ...-. ....... hU.. .awI ..ebt.. t..te, (Coath....) _ ..kin, c~nt on 1.~'ltoal .... I. re.pon.. to report. of fta4tn..; ,r.,.rl., c... for ..bahdoa to eo.....l_ witl. n~nd.Uoa to .",olat . loer' or 'hah. the (.Il". 2) Conduct. fact Itftdlnl c,,'araac.. ., ,.rfor.th' .uck.t.... .., - arranllhl dataa .nd ...... fo~ f.ct flndtn, conf,r'hca. (.lther .t eo..l..lo.'. ofrlce. or at . neutral ,l.ee la chi eo..ualt7); - pr.,.rl.., for coaf.r.nc. ., ....loplD. approprt.te .trat'lle. for conduct In. cOllln."u" ..han tM Mlute ., the cOllpblnt .nd ,"lll.nee. rel.Uo... "t,,"1I tM ISl p.rtt... atc.. ravlewt.. the poIltlon. 01 the partl.., t....rehlhl loa,', of tDqutf7 deeletone, lelal optnlone and .., llt.rature r.I....t to the II'U"1 la dt.puta; - upl'lnin, to th. ,arU.. the ..t.r. .M purpo.. of tb, conferenee; - chaltl.., the eonfaranett, lathntac .... recordlne co.platd, and aecur.tdf. ..,l'thee P,..."t" ., COlIPlat.a.tt IDlI c.,pondentel al'lurln<< tb.t the ..Unl b eOftclllcted 1:1 .,. .r.,d1 f..Moo and ta aecucluce tritla the prlnclph. of .d.lahtnth. fal"..... r..olylnl/.tte.ptlna to ,..01.. eoafllet. and dlllu.lnl t'.llo.. .nd..'tOGtlol t~ a.rrow the la.u.. i. 41.putl; . ."tl,d.. tM ","lU... of uc~ ..rtJ .... doter.ldnl the real lltlln 111 dltpuu IX pu~ltc I.tl..e.t l..u..; '.te~alIC whather ca.. could be COfttthcloua vttb '0111\\, ! ...1. Ixpo.url; .,'dd.., appropr1&tt c..e MUI...nt pi.. .... ltuplClC .tlllar ""'Ce.at .\na.t of .....lo,.."t.. . d.t.~n1nc whether the CI.. la .,,~rl.t. fOf conciliation or Vh.th., .. t~..tllltlon te ..nante.. ba... upoa ......8IIlt of ..,tlence obutnttd .n4 liter I ht.nltll to Nth It4.. aall anat,tl.., the ed..ace cel1ect". u.ltIl1 cOtldUatloll ..... neaotieU... t.ehftl~u.. to .ffeet t'- .-at .ppropri.t. relolutlon tAll.rector" to the pertl... th. c-heton .... th. pu\lle tnt.re.t; \ _ ...otl.ti.. a~ 4,.ftl.. 1...11, ...~ t.,.. of ..ttl'''ht Ihctu41nl In educltl.. ......."t "".. approprlat. .. "t.r.h.. ~ the ."lel.IIU, or lncorporatlol "IC" It,sa II , .flt,..tl91 .ct~on I' '...., for 1,.t...C liecriMt..tlon, d'''I.' for ..nt.l IOQvl.h: I '''I.rlnt that ..eh..t.... for t..l...nt.tloft &Ad .onltorln, .f t.,.. I" VTltt." l"t~ tht .l_~ .;: 1) h.yl.. t"t.", .,...,te,. ..rro....... IlUC" u.tt. '" - r..,...u", to lallUlrll. recat... 'fOIl t'- .1",,,1 puhltc "Sa taltpho.... vrltta. corr..poRlence, Plraon.l YI.ltl (Cobtlnu" "It 3) i i , ) .;..~.,..::., . :Ai? .---""~"-"'-'-'--"-'- -.-.--.-'- "._---,._~-~-_....-_...- -..---- . . ~ ..~-,.~- ~ ......... L"__~ .... ..... . - . . .. , - ) - 01-4100-41 \ " htle. -' rebt" tub (C:cultlnue4) - cOftCluctlnl detall.d l"t.ke Int.nhv. vlt" cOlIlphln.lltI, .114 ""tll.....: ~ tltU",t.lna lalUd ,..ponl. with r..p.ct to 111"8' td..4 Ihd .1 requtr.'. dther ref.rrlne the l""lYldual to ."oth,r 1101" .ppropriate II.neJ/co_IIlt, orl."lutlon, ')1' 15' pr,puln. oe Mhalf .r the I.ulhl'ud. . forul c..,laht Ulldu the c.d. lecordl", to I ,r..erlbtd '.raat. '1' t.kln. .th.r .pproprl.t. .etlon. or. thv_etllat.1 --' r.cn...ndl I 1'1 r..".et. f.r ..,.,tlonl r~u'lt. for ."1'0..1 of..,..... ~r..~.~. I'e"tev/relu-rt ..a._.... .Pp&&....ca.. for-e. ..410.1 ....In.tloll f.r.., .dy.rcl'l"~. l.....; - c.ep~.tl" all latato locu.."tatloa luch a. qu..tionh01r.., 1.'01 1'.1...... work hl.corl.l. ...Ieal lll'.raatlon. ""t"e.. .c.t,..ut.; - uklne . pr-eUdaary .et.ndhatio" u to how the cOllplalllt could M't be handted ,1'14 \ l"IUoUDI approprlate "'lId11"I; - pr.,.r1aa for eo..taalon r.wi.., cal..'co.pl.lnta which t~ Co..l,.lon .., ..cI4. to I r.C.... (....d.r ..ctlOtl 31) bec.".. t"-, Ihou14 be ".lI1t vith u"..r "not her act. .1" I tra"a.l. rri..lou.. ....tloua. ..de In bad ralth. ate not 1. OMIC jyrl.dletlea. or .re older than 6 IIOIltha. ..' 4) Strvea co.pl.lata OIto .ppropri.t. ladl.tduala b.r ,.rfor"'", .ue" t..k. ..t - I.mal COtIplalatl 011 co~r.t. or l114S.vUual r'lIpotad...u '" pho".. ..tilt or ..U. n foll0ue4 '" l.tt.re t. the partl.. eonflr.th' r'llltr.tlOll of the co-plalnt; - od.hlne r.apoadeata. n ca..work ,roceclur.. .ad thelr dpu under the CoeIe. !) Participate. .. Iou" of bqulry b.r perforu". auch ta.to a.' - aaal.tiel la the ,r"laLltloa of caa.a at the 'oarel b1 a.ttlnl up veaue.. ..rvlne ..bpoe.... arraast.. for vtta..... to t.atU,. troYldlhl led 111ulna con'uct IlOnIJ to vit....... ...tla, vit. e-t.d_ coa.ael ,t'tt< ~. ... thrau.hout proc...t"la. to 51 ...lat a. e... prep.r.tl.. a" ,re..atatlon; .0 -1.1", couh..l vlth r..peet to ....1.. ~..at" (l.atructlOll to cou...l ..rall1, he_il." b1 aup.,.l.or: .. ...lln.d officer .., .. 1a ,lace of ..,.,.1.01'); - .1.... ..l..ace ....1' OIth, IUbJeet to cro.......l".tloa; - ...ltorl.. to ....n eo.pll.nce vlth loa" order. or vlth ,rovt.tone of lettl...nt.. 6) CO....cta PaUte Uoeatloe/'TOaU_ De.,.lo,..ht .nd tllple.."utlon bJ perfonal.., luch tute ..& - ..It.tlne crOUp' ... ialtlt_tlon. to ....lop ..chonl... ror ,reventln. 'utur. eoafllct.. lacr,.llac kaovl,.'1 ... I'e.pon.l..na.a to t..ue. .ff'~L' .thorltl.a. actl..tl.. to..,...nt ... coa.unlt, re.ourca., l.,l...ntl.. eq".l ..,lo,..nt .,,.1"tunlty .114 ..,lor-Ill ...tt)' ,roIU_. fot' ....lo'... .nd l"ltltuUo... .. 1'1'..4 Sl 10 aattl....t. ... .. or..red b.r Ioardl of In..lr,, .It.blllhl., Ind eoordln.c1ne the .eU-lll.. of ...t.ot)' eo.1tt.41.; 't'o'lldllll poUC7 llIpue .nd ..kl". 1'Ico.......Uo... to ..u.....t vitlll to.peot c. curr..t b.u.. .. PTOcc.... ,lIMln,; cnrJlDl aut c~lc,. ..".lo,..nt ,cU"tle. ro ...oc.ey. Uat.on .nd ..lnt.n."e. of GOlolne UIlIt. wttlllla CM _ait,.; partlclp.t1n. la c-.unlt, croupa aM provt.h. c:ollldull... .nd ...l.tanee 1. 41arlfJiac co..ualc, ta.u.a; d...lopta, r..ourc. .nd conf.re"c. ..terl.l; ....10'1.. .... ."duatl., t..chlaa 1'111.. .... audio .hual _tulai. Oft hv..n "Cllte; - prepart.. aM IIUverl"l a,.'eMa, allllnarl .... work.hop. Oft III ""lCtI 01 the Cod.. 1) Prodd.. other tollt" _ti.. b.r parforal", lueh UIU ... - .cU. .. ..,10ft&1 Hau,er 1ft che -UIIt". .b....c.; i% - ..alaclac vich tr.l"l., of ... offlc.r.; - ,repal'l.. Ilrlt dr.ft of COIlt.nUau. h.u. reportl for luh""II.nt hrleUn. (111 oth.rI) of eM Kl.nlater. - a. a..tpe.. \dUa ... Iraowledll (Coact...) ,04 luaowlMI' of relat" ... b....1' 1'll.bUoII; verltln, bowl.... of cthllC c_ntc,. of !ft.l pr.....r... prlc...nta. .tIA4I.r.. of proof. Co..l..lon poltc:I... ,race Ie.' ... lo.r. · t~.tt)' "cl.ton.; tI~ll.tr.t" I..e.tl,ltl". Iklll.; v.tl-d.yeloped conclll.tlonl ,dlatl.. akllb; .ound Judl...at under tlUflcult .nd Un... cOttdlUonl; ...ry 10'" ..l,tlcel. tat.rper.o.ol ... ,ro\l..-lol"ln,/eonfllct r.Aolotlon .kllle to r'loly. , .,tllllte.... .llCIer tM Cod.; abUtll to r'nett.. er'.ethel,. .114 lftd'llt"d."tl, III nftoIlUtlo.al/hOltll. altutS...; 01'l..laotlollal .blUe,. to ..n'I' hlCh-volv... calalO.I.; fJ 1001 or.l aad vtltten c.....lc:.tIOhl .nd ,tl..nt.tloll Ikllll. IU1"lu.UI. r.., .lln.t" po.ltloal \ , \lYI 1'''. thl. "dUo SpaeUlCltlo.. t u.wI.nu" It. I . J " 1,), . I :..'.. .. ~. .:..b._.;o;i......;...."...h';'li~.~-~........:;."'~-.... .lIlo;o.,j.'.......'\:. :-......-'11&.: - ,",.,':"~'-"_'"---~"""""~-"'.''',,,,,,:....' - .....i...i.il~ ......... .<,""',~- .d """" ..~ ..;;. ';"a::A'~ ;;.;XF::..;. .:a1II.,.,~\j;' , .- (~y O"uu1" ~"P" W M1n1s.!~ol elllDloytl\elll labour ,.,..,.. .("'11 W.I,,,, . . J ! . ,,,,.1..1 D...... .. . .. ~ c.....,. -I - I 1 iSJ '4 . i a ! ! . h . 11:. CJL 2 a e - ... PO .. t.,IIl- " 0-:)0\"- ./ ~I~~. b'f~C-.a(,. I:",.,,,, J. .. ~ "VllIl", .. 0.0; I\> . ,.., ,"",11- ~ II ~ ~ 4e~"7"'" ! I"M F'"alf "'0"_" " I 03 0/ . 1I.1ld1l... -1/ ./ . ~ QrIPO'~ -IT J . 1I...ell'"" Ab... SlWIU'dor J~ .,/ e.,... SlWIU'''' - '" I foo. , '001 ] , cJ,. · \/. "') "'ell.. 2 F.., - 'IlIOW'M - :;,,,...- to I J ~ ./ "'..., &'. "bol."J ,,, C.otfIdllMl 'I \ / ,/ Wall.no ., . \ / ./ ,pot,. r.." ." "ul~.)It..\ .. - ........- " \ / .) - '=lIm1l'ftl " \/ J . OHCt'.....rslOOOlnt 1 0/ . t:laochl .. - 1\ 2 Ie 11M'. .- / \ .:. ....". - I \ I , .,s.._ 0/ \ " ".'lIAC'" - / - . COlW.,..,'OII .,~ ....tI... r 0'1leI ...... f. \ J ., ~el~ '4 ,.. " \ / .T . tJ..". VI 1\':> . i V'".. ,,-., \ / if . eor... I \ I .// .. .. 0...11 V J I .. PlletOllonl ....lI.r. ^ " .. r ,.,.. I \ .. 0 . c..II_ I \ c n,.d'_ " I \ 0/ . lit ..!!!!!!!I .J I \ ./ _ ID..ell . t/ ,,,.,. WOfIl ~ . / Out..... .0Il oJ \ 1 ./ off,c..t t,....Mtnv....,-.r ".,IC.I' - '\ I C ,........IIIOt. - Y I . Dvs. - 1\ , . & . Y.- ,....... - I " 0 -~ .. Mol.. ~'.JIJ ; Mo.'- Ob..... " 0/ c II ........- "'.chlllI. - " I .. .,....... - " I ; c m.a.. ,.... .... - x n....,..n...,.... e".... ..- , " SliM.,. ..- I " , Corle..... Worll.... ..-/ / - f"...lII_ 01. \. J, "- '" lie 1\. f\~ ...0 ('blJd',J ilJ -"Ofll A..... J \. / . ,/ ~..Jou I _ WOfII .ftCI-......", '"" I".. I V --;7 I O"eII'... ,.,...... .. '" .11 'ifti'iiW w,.. PvlIII. . " \. I / . rlJJ I)DlIf.,. a-,...IM..II. ~ ,/ t'\I.a L., ''''blll', .. ..,1Oft ..,'" .....,ehllt ~ I , I I" ""..t. C...,.It.'.... It. *',.qU."O, (Th. "'QU,no, 01 "'"11lIUIll .,1"" .floul, be nil.. Outl.. .howl[ .IIllou' bile..'. .nd IhI 'flOUIIIC, I' v.u.' ..'0"'. wl'hln buchllJ o a No' "rtOflll... , i ....A.... ........ t . S.Id,,"" f'",...."'__.. .. A