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GSB # ] 698/96
OPSEU # 96A427
OPSEU (Kumor)
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of the Sohcltor General and CorrectIOnal Services)
BEFORE H S Finley Vice-Chair
FOR THE E Holmes
UNION Counsel
Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle
Bamsters & Sohcltors
FOR THE A. Boardl
EMPLOYER StaffRelatlons Officer
MinIstry of the Soltcltor General &
Correctional ServIces
HEARING March 10, 1998
G.S.B. 1698/96
The Gnevor, Peter Kumor, is a driver WIth the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional
ServIces. He IS based at the Metro-West Detention Centre. In August 1996, he was suspended
for three days for failing to operate a ministry vehicle in a safe manner, and for a further three
days for fading to submit an accurate occurrence report respecting damage to the velucle. In
preparing for the hearing, the Union, Counsel, Ed Holmes, in keeping With Article 22 14.5 of the
current Collective Agreement
The parties agree that at the earliest stage of
the grievance procedure, either part)' upon
request lS entjtled to receive from the other,
full disclosure
requested a number of items from the Employer This request was met by Mr Ajamu Boardi,
Counsel for the Employer, with the exception of the Grievor's personnel file. At the outset of
the heanng, counsel for the partIes, unable to arrive at an agreement respecting the production of
the personnel file, asked the Board to rule on the matter
Mr Holmes referred tb,e Board to Re West Park Hospital and O.N.A. 37 L.A.C. (4th) 160
(Knopf) at page 167
However where disclosure is contested, the following factors should be taken into consideration.
First. the infonnation requested must be arguably relevant. Second, the requested information
must be panicularized 50 tllere is no dispute as to what is desired. Third, the board (If arbitration
should be satisfied that the information is not being requosted as a 'fishing expedition" Fourth,
there must be a clear nexus between the information being requested and the positions in dIspute
at the hearing. Further the Board should be satisfied that disclosure will not cause undue
Mr Holmes made the following pomts m h1s submissIon.
. The Employer stated in correspondence that it reviewed the Personnel file In
meting out discipline
. The Union, and he as Counsel, need the file to adequately represent the Gnevur
. The f1le is n.ecessarv in a presentatlOn of whether or not dlsciphne was warranted
. The file is necessary in a presentation of whether or not the degree of dIscJpline
was appropnate, if it was warranted.
. The case law says t.l-tat an employee~s record, both good and bad, is to be taken
into account in considering the appropriateness of dIsciplme and its extent.
. The request is ~'Ufficlently particularized, and IS arguably relevant
. The request is neither broad nor a fishing expedition
. There is no undue prejudice to the Employer
. Employees are allowed to view their persorme1 file ou l'equest
. ProductIon of documents under the current CollectIve Agreement need not as In
earlIer versions, be ordered under subpoena duces tecllm but may be ordered by
application of the Collective Agreement.
!v1r Boardi , for the Employer, submitted that the Employer recogrnzes and supports the
considerations behind the need for full disclosure, and, for that reason, it is willing to supply the
Grievor with full partJ.culars. However~ in this case, he stated, the Employer takes the positIon
that the re.quest for the entire personnel file 15 ur..reasonable. There has, he submitted, been no
request for particular documents within the file, or for particular classes of documents, rather,
the request is for the entire personnel file. As the personnel file contains an employee's entire
work history, the Employer, while conceding that the test is "arguably relevant", takes the
position that the majority of the documents in the file do not meet the test of "arguably relevant"
in the context of suspension for Wlsafe driving and inaccurate report writing.
The Employer disagrees WIth the Uwor..' s posiuon that there 1S no prejudIce to the Employer in
bemg ordered to provide the entire personnel file It takes the positIon that should the
photocopying of entire personnel files, become routine and be done for every grievance, t1.ere is
a cost to t..lte Employer in staff time and photocopYing costs. When these costs are weighed
agamst the benefit aclueved by the Gnevor, there 15 no benefit to the Grievor that could not be
achieved by srmplv givmg some indication of the type of document reqwred. The Umon could
name certain types or classes of docwnents which the Employer could then provide or, the
UIUon could view the file and select and copy the docwnents whIch are needed for the case of the
Grievor Mr Boardi recognized that tlus potentially could be the entIre file. Furtht::r, the
Employer has made it clear that "It dld not rely on anything from the Grievor s file in imposmg
the disclplme a:s It believed, and still IS of the opullon that the eVidence WIll show the acts b)
themselves justify the dIscipline which was imposed. Mr Boardi acknowledged that documents
showing discipline, commendations and length of servl.ce would be relevant to the Board s
consideration of mitigation and is willmg to provide all of these documents and any other class
of documents that the Union requests in order to make its case
Mr Holmes stated in reply that the offer extended to him. as Counsel, while welcome, would
Involve the inconvemence and cost of having Union Counsel from this day forward, going to the
various institutions or having the me brought to him or her The end result would be that the ftle
is provided, Counsel takes a look and determines which are relevant to be presented to the Board.
He stated that he had no idea whether a number of leaves has been requested, or if the Grievor' s
history of time-off, or of his history of leaves and illness which could have played a role. The
only way for him to assess that, Mr Holmes submitted, IS to have the same documents 10 his
possession as the Employer He added that the flrst trip through a set of documents does not
always reveal to Counsel the potentlal impact and tlus impact may only become clear, for
Instance, when the Arbitrator asks a question, If during the: hearing he leads something, the
Employer can object to the adnrissibility oft.lte particular document and if the Board rules that
the particular document is admissible, the Employer has a further opportunity in argwnent to
speak to the document's relevance and the weight which should be grven to it. The request, he
maintamed is not unusual and is generally met.
The Board consIdered the submIssions of the parties and the cases offered and rendered an oral
decision It had been noted previously that an order for productIOn of documents dId not
preclude objections to the adnllssibJ1Jtv of particular documents durmg the heanng. ProduClteo
of the Gnevor's persolli'lel file was ordered and the folloWIng reason:s were given.
. In reviewing the file, the dIscipline decision-maker while he may not have
consclOusly relied on any partlcular document, but he could. nonetheless, have
been influenced by some of the contents oft.h~ p~rsonn~l file.
. The Umon has a right to make reference to the Grievor's total work history in
order to make its mltlgation argument.
. It 15 reasonable to include the Grievor's personnel file under the nIbnc of "fu11
disclosure" referred to In Artlcle 22.14.5, supra. of the CollectIVe Agreement.
. The criteria in West Park Hospital have been satisfied, that is, the request is
arguably relevant, It IS sufficIently partlcular to overcome an)' dIspute about wbat
is desired, tt'le reasons provided do not lead to a conclUSIon that the Umon IS on a
"fishing expedItion". there is a clear nexus between the information requested and
the positions in dispute. and the cost entailed in providing photocopies of the file
do not, in the scheme of things, constitute undue hardship to the Employer
This decision should not be mterpreted to mean that each and every t1IIle there is a gnevance that
It IS appropnate for the entire personnel file of the Grievor to be produced. A dIfferent set of
circumstances could result in a different conclusion. However. for the circumstances of this
particular case, the Board has concluded that the Employer should produce for the Dmon, well
before the next hearing date, a copy of the Grievor's entire personnel file.
D_red_t, ~~~ ~~
- H.S' Finley Vice-chalr
4JZ :21> I J5f'