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GSB # 0482/97
OPSEU 97C353
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Uruon
(Ishrat Ansari)
- and -
The Crown m RIght of Ontano
(Mirustry of Agnculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
BEFORE Randl H. Abramsky Vice-Chair
FOR THE Knstm A. ElIot
GRIEVOR Counsel, ElIot, SmIth
Bamsters & SolICitors
FOR THE Lucy SIraco
EMPLOYER Counsel, Legal ServIces Branch
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING November 4, 1998
At Issue IS whether the gnevor, Ishrat Ansan, was "ffilrumally qualIfied" to perform
the Job" of Programmer Analyst wIth the Mirustry of Health under ArtIcle 205 1 (c)
Under the collectIve agreement, he must have "the abilIty to do the Job at entry level" to
be deemed "ffilrumally qualIfied" for the pOSItIon In a redeployment sItuatIon,
The gnevor, Mr Ansan, was employed WIth the Mirustry of Agnculture, Food and
Rural Affarrs, as a Techrucal Analyst, and he held that pOSItIon SInce late 1989 until hIs Job
was surplussed on June 30, 1997 He began workIng for the Mirustry In 1986, on a SIX-
month contract as an ApplIcatIOn Programmer ThIs was followed by three years, from
1986-1989, as a Juruor Programmer Analyst. His seruonty date IS June 16, 1986
On December 20, 1996, Mr Ansan was notIfied that hIS pOSItIOn of Techrucal
Analyst was to be surplussed There was no ImmedIate redeployment opporturuty and he
elected to work hIs notIce penod so as to be elIgible for dIrect aSSIgnments To that end,
the gnevor completed an Employee PortfolIo and updated hIs resume
His resume lIsts hIs pOSItIOn as "Techrucal Programmer Analyst" for the penod
"1986 - Date" and describes hIs work as follows
Technical Programmer Analyst (S02)
Techrucal Support to Programmers and users m the Mamframe and Micro
EnvIronment. MVS/JCL, JES2, TSO/ISPF, CLIST, COBOL and M204,
RDMBS TAPE and dIsk storage space management utilIzmg DF/DS
software Secunty work usmg RACF
In Micro computer envIronment, supported systems wntten m Dbase III+
WAN Network management, file transfers and 3270 emulatIOn.
BackuplRestore of SQL/SYBASE files
There was no mdependent lIstmg of ills work as a Jumor Programmer Analyst, or of ills
SIX month contract work.
In terms of hIS computer knowledge, the gnevor listed the followmg on hIS
* MS-DOS 6 2 * WINDOWS 3 1
* C 2 25 * ACCESS 2 0
* VISUAL BASIC 3 0 * ServIcmg PCs
* DBASE III Plus * Data CommumcatIOn
* COBOL * M204 Database
He testIfied that he dId not list PL-l because he was not expert m It and had only "below
mtermedIate" knowledge of that language He stated that he had varymg degrees of
expertness m the listed areas, he was not expert m all of them.
SectIOn 2 1 of the gnevor's Employee Portfolio describes ills "key Job
responsibilItIes" WIth the Mimstry as follows for the posItIOn of Techrucal Analyst
ProVIde DASD & TAPE Management Create and mamtam JCL for Pack
and Dataset Backup, usmg D ,F 0 S utilitIes Arcillve, de-arcillve datas
Check results (J C L ) of productIOn Jobs and take correctIve actIOns where
( necessary Momtor tape usage and compile statIstIcs ProvIde general
techrucal support to chent branch staff and RJ.E facIhty m locatIOn of
For hIs posItIOn of Juruor Programmer Analyst, he wrote as follows
Support mamframe systems wntten m COBOL, PL 1 DesIgn, test &
Implement Mirustry's programs Support Microcomputer systems wntten
m DBASE III. Set up new databases and extract reports
The gnevor testIfied that he had expenence wntmg computer programs, pnmarily
m COBOL, a thIrd general language, as a Juruor Programmer Analyst under the dIrectIOn
of a Seruor Programmer SpecIfically, he wrote a number of programs for the Mirustry,
mcludmg FMTS (fresh milk testmg system), TMGS (tomato gradmg system), .MP AS
(milk plan audIt system) and CQTS (cream quahty testmg system) whIch was wntten m
PL-l He further testIfied that he performed some hmIted programmmg as a Techrucal
Analyst to correct "level one" errors, whIch dId not need to be referred to the
Programmer But hIS pnmary Job responsibihty as a Techmcal Analyst was to proVide
techrucal support to programmers
In early May 1997, the gnevor's Redeployment AdVIsor, Marilyn Evenngham, was
adVIsed by Stephen Brown, MBS Corporate Placement, that the Mirustry of Health was
consIdenng Mr Ansan for the pOSItIon of Programmer Analyst, but that additIOnal
mformatIOn about hIs quahficatIOns was needed. On May 5, 1997, he e-mailed a memo to
Ms Evenngham whIch she then forwarded to Mr Ansan. That memo, m pertment part,
states as follows
Mr Ansan IS under consIderatIOn for a Programmer! Analyst (classIfied at
the Systems Officer 2 level) The posItIOn develops mformatIOn to support
declSlon makmg for vanous ffilruStry and external chents m operatIons,
polIcy-makmg, and research. The mcumbent assIsts clIents wIth defirung
theIr mformatIOn reqUIrements. The mcumbent develops solutIOns, and
desIgns, wntes and tests programs The mcumbent performs
prograffiffilnglanalysls tasks usmg a PL/1, SAS or FOCUS on a large MVS
The pusltIOn reqUIres expenence usmg a 3GL program on a mamframe,
The employee's background demonstrates some related skllls, but I reqUIre
clanficatIOn and addItIOnal mformatIOn to ensure a match eXists
1 Programmmgl Analysis
I reqUIre clanficatIOn of Mr Ansan's prograffiffilnglanalysls expenence
[H]IS skllls-set appears to be restncted to COBOL and dbaseIII The EP
[ employee portfoho] (notably ills tenure between 1986 to present)
emphasIzes tape management wIth no programmmg or analysIs As
Techrucal Programmer Analyst, what programmmg responsiblhtles was he
tasked wIth?
2. Consultation -
The mcumbent of the posItIOn must work wIth chents to define theIr
mformatIOn reqUIrements and to develop solutIOns What related
expenence does Mr Ansan have to offer?
Answers to these questIOns will assIst me m deterffilrung Mr Ansan' s
candIdacy for the Programmer/Analyst posItIOn. Please prOVIde me wIth
your response by Wednesday, May 7, 1997
The mformatIOn contamed m the May 5, 1997 e-mail largely matches a Job ad for
the pOSltlon, partIcularly m regard to the "qualIficatIOns" reqUIred. Ms. Evenngham
thought that she had e-mailed a copy of the Job ad to the gnevor but he dId not receIve It.
The Job ad hsts the "quahficatIOns" for the posItIOn as follows
! Vaned expenence m prograffiffilnglanalysls usmg a 3GL prograffiffilng
\ language on a mamframe, expenence With OS/MVS, JCL and TSO/SPF,
familIanty wIth a vanety of PC packages, excellent commurucatIOn and
mterpersonal skills, abihty to meet deadlmes, expenence wIth PL/1, SAS or
On May 5, 1997, Mr Ansan e-malled a response to Ms Evenngham. He testIfied
that she told illm to reVIew the e-mail very carefully and respond to what was asked. He
vIewed It as an opporturuty for illm to have mput mto the process In ills response, Mr
Ansan wrote as follows
1986-1988 Juruor Programmer/Analyst (ApphcatIOn Support)
class S02
Workmg for Ont. Mirustry of Ag. & Food was responsible for collectmg
data and mformatIOn from chents to wnte programs m Cobol and Dbase
III. Supported apphcatIOns such as FMTS, CQTS, MP AU, TMGS on
mamframe On mICro supported ApIary, Gram certIficatIOn apphcatIOns
1988-1997 Programmer Analyst (Techrucal)
class S02
In tills capacIty DASD (DIrect Access Storage DeVIce) and Tape
management was my mam area of work. Mamtammg mventory records of
Mirustry's Tape and DASD resources Conservmg storage space by
deletmg and arcillvmg files m ConsultatIOn WIth programmers and other
chents Wntmg programs m M204 and COBOL to collect data and
produce reports on tape and DASD Morutoflng M204 regIOn. Subffilttmg
backup and restore JCL to manage files Helpmg programmers where
programs have failed. Perform baSIC secunty work m M204 and RACF
Help pnntmg staff
So I have had almost two years expenence m prograffiffilng and analysIs
before I was transferred to Techrucal sectIOn But haven't done any SAS or
When Ms Evenngham noted that he dId not mclude any mentIOn of consultatIOn
expenence, Mr Ansan sent a second e-mail on May 6, 1997, willch mcluded ills first
response and added the followmg
\ - To answer the second questIOns Re ConsultatIOn.
I have related expenence
In case of developmg systems for Gram Elevator and FruIt & Vegetable
InspectIOn m Dbase3 I used to consult wIth the manager Mr Dock
Stockton and Nelsha Beekharry User of the system to detefffilne theIr
needs and requIrements
ConsultatIOn I have also done wIth Coos Gans and rus staff regardmg
wntmg programs for Apiary System.
With Chns Shamsher regardmg buildmg a Fax Macrune database
Accordmg to Ms Evenngham, she told Mr Ansan that she was sendmg hIS
response to Management Board and If they thought there was a match, they would call her
and she would then call rum. Eventually, she heard back from Management Board, eIther
from Stephen Brown or another mdlVldual, that the mformatIOn provIded dId not show
that Mr Ansan had the entry-level quahficatIOns for the Job
There IS conflIctmg testImony between the gnevGr and Ms Evenngham about the
role, If any, that the gnevor's supervIsor, Winston Isaac, would play m asslstmg the
gnevor m trus process, and whether the gnevor was supposed to contact Winston or VIce
versa, but I do not find It necessary to resolve that confhct smce It IS not germane to the
central Issues m thIS case
Therese Stevens, Manager InformatIOn Retneval for the Mirustry of Health,
testIfied about the posItIOn of Programmer Analyst and the gnevor's qualIficatIOns for the
Job In May 1997, Ms. Stevens was asked by her manager, Pat Stuckless, to reVIew the
gnevor's resume to detefffilne If there was a possible match to the Job As Manager
Informaton Retneval, the pOSltlon of Programmer Analyst was to report to her She
testIfied that the pOSltlOn requIred an mdlVldual wIth actual expenence - at an mtermedIate
level - m prograffiffilng and analysIs m a trurd generatIOn language, plus sohd expenence m
PL-1, SAS or FOCUS She stated that If the mdlVldual was not expenenced m PL-1, but
had other trurd generatIon language expenence such as COBOL, they would also have to
have SAS or FOCUS knowledge In her VIew, based on rus resume, the gnevor lacked
these key skills She vIewed rus Job of Techrucal Analyst as a trouble-shootmg, technIcal
support role, not mvolved m desIgnIng and wntmg programs usmg PL-1, SAS or FOCUS
She found no mdlcatIOn on rus resume that he had such prograffiffilng expenence
Ms Stevens assessment of the Programmer Analyst posItIOn comCIdes WIth the
posItIOn specIficatIOn, wruch was not provIded to the gnevor, and mdeed, wruch Ms
Evenngham dId not possess eIther The Job specIficatIon hsts the "skllls and knowledge
reqUIred" as follows
Work reqUIres thorough knowledge of PL/1 programmmg language,
structured desIgn and programmmg technIques, and good knowledge of the
standards and tools to be used, file desIgn techruques, mteractlve tefffilnal
use for program development and testmg; use of software packages, utIlIty
programs or subroutmes for testmg optlffilzatIOn and report preparatIOn.
Skill IS reqUIred m structunng and deslgrung computer programs,
sometlmes complex; m deslgrung the layout of reports, mput and output
forms and record, estabhsrung Job Control Language statements, m
debuggmg programs Without assIstance, m translatmg program
specIficatIOns mto workmg programs. The mcumbent must have sufficIent
knowledge of proJect management practIces, commUnICatIOn skIlls and tact
to deal effectIvely wIth chents, data centre staff, analysts and assIgned
programmers The mcumbent must have the abilIty to provIde technIcal
gUIdance to JUnIor staff
Tills combmatIOn of knowledge and skill IS normally acqUIred after
progressIvely responsible progrmng expenence wltilln an
InformatIOnal/statIstIcal applIcatIOns area m an orgamzatIOn engaged m the
development and mamtenance of computenzed InformatIOn systems
On cross-exaffilnatIOn, Ms Stevens was shown the gnevor's employee portfoho
sectIOn mvolvmg ills work as a JUruor programmer analyst but she testIfied that although It
gave a lIttle more mdlcatIOn of prograffiffilng expenence, It dId not mdlcate at what level
and she found ItS presence on the employee portfoho but not on ills resume SUSpICIOUS
There IS no mdlcatIOn that Ms Stevens was gIven any InformatIOn to revIew other than the
gnevor's resume Ms Stevens testIfied that she reported her conclusIOns to her supervIsor
who concurred wIth her assessment.
The record IS deCIdedly unclear as to what happened next or even who made the
decIsIon that the gnevor dId not possess the "abihty to d~ the Job at entry level" - whether
It was made by Stephen Brown or Ms Stuckless, both of them, or someone else Nor was
the gnevor officIally mformed of thIS decIsIon. He learned about It when he asked ills
supervIsor about the posItIOn and was told that the Job was gone
Under ArtIcle 20 5 3, an employee who has been declared surplused but has not
been assIgned to another posItIOn m ills ffilruStry under ArtIcles 20 5 1 or 20 5 2, "shall be
assIgned to a posItIOn that becomes vacant many ffilnIStry proVIded the condItlons
outlmed m ArtIcle 205 1 (a),(b),(c) and (d) are satIsfied." The only questIOn here IS
whether the gnevor was "ffilmmally quahfied" to perform the Job of Programmer Analyst
wIth the Mimstry of Health under ArtIcle 20 5 1 (c) It IS undIsputed that all of the other
condItIOns set out m ArtIcle 20 5 1 were met.
ArtIcle 20 5 1 (c) proVIdes as follows
An employee who has receIved notlce of lay-off m accordance wIth tills
artIcle shall be assIgned to a posItIOn that becomes vacant. dunng ills or
her notIce penod provIded that
(c) he or she IS ffilmmally quahfied to perform he Job, tills IS defined as "the
abilIty to do the Job at entry level",
The GSB Junsprudence establishes that tills prOVISIon means that the employee
must have "ffilmmum competence m all of the major components of the Job" OPSEU
(Loebel) and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (1983), GSB No 331/82
(Venty, Vice-ChaIr), at p 22 Based on ills or her ~present abihty", usually wIthout
traImng, the employee must have "skills and knowledge of the mam components of the
posItIOn." Loebel, at p 22 Accord, OPSEU (Bazinet) and Ministry of Environment and
Energy (1998), GSB No 1298/96 (Mikus, Vice-ChaIr) Further, the Employer's decIsIOn
that an employee does not have the "ffilmmum quahficatIOns" for the Job must be correct
As stated m OPSEU (J Heginbottom) and Minzstry of Revenue, GSB No 647/81 at 20,
quoted m Loebel, supra at 18 "The Gnevor IS not entItled only to a fair heanng. He IS to
get the poslton If he can do the work."
\. ,;
In the Instant case, the maIn component of the Job was prograffiffilng, at an
Intermediate level, usmg PL-l, SAS or FOCUS The eVIdence establIshed that the gnevor
had some Jumor programmmg expenence, pnmarily usmg COBOL and some hffilted PL-l
expenence The only eVIdence of ills knowledge of PL-l was ills development of one
program (CQST), eIght to ten years earher The fact that he dId not Include knowledge of
PL-1 on hIS resume IS sIgmficant, partIcularly SInce he hsted Items m willch he had varymg
degrees of expertIse, not Just those In willch he was expert It IS further underscored by the
fact that he dId not hst It m response to the May 5, 1997 memo willch specIfically stated
that knowledge m PL-1 as a reqUIrement of the Job Instead, he responded that, as a
Juruor programmer, he wrote programs m COBOL and Dbase III, wIth no mentIOn of PL-
1 Further, by ills own adffilsslon, ills knowledge ofPL-1 was "below mtermedlate " GIven
the reqUIrements of the Programmer Analyst posItIOn, tills lack of knowledge estabhshes
that he dId not possess a key skill of the Job In my VIew, hIS knowledge of PL-l and
expenence m prograffiffilng were msufficlent to perform the Job of Programmer Analyst
Clearly, the gnevor's expenence and skills met some requIrements of the Job -
consultatIOn, knowledge of JCL, the abihty to debug programs and provIde technIcal
gUIdance, among others But for the mam component of the Job - deslgmng and
developmg programs usmg PL-l, SAS or FOCUS - he sImply dId not possess sufficIent
knowledge or expenence
I find It very troubhng, however, that the only InformatIOn that Ms Stevens
revIewed was the gnevor's resume The gnevor's Employee Portfoho and the
supplemental InformatIOn he provIded m May should have also been revIewed before an
assessment of ills sUItabilIty was made There IS no IndIcatIOn, however, that the final
declSlon was made by Ms Stevens Indeed, there IS no IndIcatIOn what InformatIOn the
actual decIsIon-makers, whoever they ffilght be, consIdered Consequently, If tills case
was sImply about a lack of commumcatIOn about the skills and expenence that the gnevor,
In fact, possessed and set out In the InformatIOn he provIded (z e , the employee portfoho,
ills resume and supplemental InformatIOn), the outcome would be dIfferent. As noted In
the Bazinet case, supra at p 39 and the cases cIted thereIn, when management reVIews the
quahficatIOns of surplus employees It must take steps to ensure that It has all the relevant
InfOrmatIOn about the employees' quahficatIOns to perform the work
But In thIS case, the problem was not one of commurucatIOn of skills and
expenence that the gnevor possessed, but a lack of programmIng expenence and a lack of
sufficIent knowledge of PL-1 Without that knowledge and expenence, I cannot conclude
that he was "ffilmmally quahfied to perform the Job" wltilln the meanIng of ArtIcle 20 5 1
I have no doubt that, In tIme, he could learn the Job But on the eVIdence presented he
does not possess the "present abilIty" to perform the Job of an IntermedIate Programmer
Finally, the fact that the gnevor subsequently obtaIned Programmer Analyst Jobs In
the pnvate sector does not IndIcate that he was quahfied for thIS Job wIth the Mimstry of
Health. The eVIdence demonstrates that the Jobs were sImilar In name, but not In content
and It IS the content that matters
For all of the foregOIng reasons, the gnevance IS dlsffilssed
Dated thIS 13th day of November 1998 In Toronto