HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-1514UNION99_05_07 . ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 800, TORONTO ON M5G tZ8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACS/MILE/TELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 1514/97 OPSEU # 97F022 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before ... THE GRlEV ANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Umon GrIevance) Union - and - The Crown In Right of Ontano (Port Colborne Ambulance/Rural/Metro Ontano) Employer BEFORE DanIel A. Hams V Ice-Charr FOR THE Andrew M Pmto UNION Counsel FOR THE Knstm R, Taylor EMPLOYER Counsel, Fraser MIlner Bamsters & SolICItors HEARING Apn127,1999 , i AWARD ThIs matter mvolves the approprIate pay rate for ambulance attendants m Port Colbome, OntarIO who have advanced lIfe support skIlls The Employer IS the Crown m RIght of OntarIo (Port Colbome AmbulancelRurallMetro OntarIo) ThIs IS a Uillon grIevance filed by the bargammg agent, the OntarIo PublIc ServIce Employees Uillon (OPSEU) The grIevance makes two claIms FIrst, the Umon said that the Employer failed to pay mterest to employees on a retroactIve wage award. Mr Burkett delIvered that award on December 12 1996 The Umon Said that the perIod for whIch mterest was owmg was from May 31 1991 to 1996 Second, the umon saId that the entItlement of these employees to retroactIve wages extended back to 1988 At the outset of the hearIng the Employer submItted that the first Issue advanced by the Uillon had been determmed by thIS Board m OPSEU and Halton - MIssIssauga Ambulance Service Ltd., GSB FIle No 1370/97 unreported decIsIOn, November 18 1998 (K. .Petryshen) The Uillon conSIdered the matter and m VIew of the decIsIOn m Blake et al and the Amalgamated TranSIt Unzon and the Toronto Area Transit Operatzng Authorztv GSB FIle No 1276/87 etc, unreported decIsIOn, January 22,1988 (0 ShIme), the Uillon wIthdrew ItS first claIm. There was no doubt but that the Uillon's first claim was on all fours wIth the case before Mr Petryshen \ 3 The second claIm advanced by the Umon reqUIres an appreCIatIon of the bargaimng framework between the partIes ThIS employer IS a member of a group of employers that partIcIpate m central bargammg As a result of those central negotiatIOns the collectIve agreement under whIch the gnevance was filed contams the followmg prOVISIons relatmg to retroactIve wage mcreases for employees wIth advanced LIfe Support capabIlItIes 3 ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT '" 1 It IS understood by the parties that thiS ArtIcle constItutes settlement of the Advance Life Support artIcle negotiated In all prevIous central negotiations (1991 1992, 1993 1994) and as contInued in the IndiVIdual collectIve agreements. 2. If, during the life of the Agreement, the allowances and entitlements for employees concerning Advanced Life Support (ALS) are increased or improved for Amhulance Officers in the Public Service, the same allowances and entitlements shall apply to employees under this Agreement on the same date. For clarification, in no event shall there be such retroactivity prior to the following dates a. May 31, 1991 in the case of collective agreements for the original participating Ambulance Services (including Wasaga Beach) in the 1991 round of central negotiations, (emphasis added) b January 1, 1992 m the case of collective agreements for Bancroft, LeWIS, Parham, Seaforth-Clmton, and Temagaml c January 1 1992 or date of UnIon certIficatIon, whichever IS later ill the case of the collectIve agreements for Chatham, Lmdsay, South RIver-Machar Amherstberg (AAM) and NoelvIlJe (Cosby-Mason) d. January 1,1994 m the case ofcollectrve agreements for Beaverton (part-trme), Bolton, CIty (part-tIme), Hoffman, North Le-.:ds, Petroha, St. Lawrence, Wallaceburg and West Lincoln. 3 In further clarification, it is understood that the Article 5.8 salary arbitration decision or settlement covering ambulance officers (Paramedics) in the OPS will also apply to employees covered by this Agreement. It IS understood that thIS c1anficatron IS a claSSIfication matter pursuant to Section 48(4) of the Social Contract Act. It IS understood ~ that thiS will result In the renaming of classificatIOns covered by thIS Agreement from 4 Ambulance Officer/ Attendant or ParamedIc to ParamedIc 1 or ParamedIc 2, as appropnate It is understood that thIS ArtIcle will not affect the wage rate of the dIspatch classIficatIon. 4 It IS understood that the full paramedic emplovees of SuperIor Ambulance will receIve panty With the ParamediC 2 (land) rate (or the current rate of pav, $20.33 per hour whichever IS greater) and all other emplovees Will receive panty with Paramedic 1 5 The panty prOVIsIon m tl1lS ArtIcle will be Implemented wlthm sixty davs of the release of the Article 5 8 award. 6 It IS further understood that the placement of the part-time rate wtll be at the start rate of the new full tIme hourly wage for Paramedic 1, Paramedic 2 or Transfer Vehicle Rate (as appropnate) With the ongomg exceptIOn of part-time employees of the Owen Sound Ambulance Service, who remam at full panty With full timers, 7 It IS understood that retroactivIty If any will be paid m accordance with the followmg schedule, subject to the above overall limitations. .., a. An emplovee who partiCipates m the ALS (111cludmg defibnllatIon program m a servIce covered by thIS agreement Will receive retroactIve payment, If anv, to the date of their base hospItal certIficatIOn allowmg him/her to partICIpate 111 such program. Where an employee With an appropnate ALS certificatIOn works at a servIce where an ALS program IS operat111g but does not cover 111 geographic scope all of ItS operatIons, such employee will receIve retroactIvIty while assIgned to an ALS vehicle b Employees who commence partiCipation man ALS (mcludmg defibrillation) program m a servIce covered by thiS agreement after September 22, 1994 WIll receive retroactIve payment, If anv, to the date of theIr base hospItal certIfication allowing hImlher to partiCIpate 111 such program, but not later than Apnl 1 1996 Where an emplovee WIth an appropnate ALS certIfication works at a servIce where an ALS program (which commences operatIon after September 22, 1994) IS opE'ratmg but does not cover m geographic scope all of its operatIOns, such employee will receive retroactlVltv while assigned to an ALS vehicle c Emplovees who do not have ALS certification will receive ParamedIc 1 classificatIOn and wage rate panty to OPS wlthm SIXty days of the Article 5 8 award, With retroactivIty to Apnl 1 1996 b Employees at servIces which OPSEU certIfies after September 22, 1994 WIll receIve ParamedIc 1 or ParamediC 2, as appropnate, claSSIfication and wage parIty to the OPS WIth retroactivIty to Apnl 1, 1996 or date of UnIon certificatIon, whIchever IS later 8 For clanty, emplovees who leave a service at whIch there IS ALS certificatIon to work at another servIce where there IS no ALS certificatIon WIll not receive retroactIvIty for the penod worked at the servIce where there IS no ALS certification. 5 9 Payout of retroactivity IS to be made In accordance with OPS arrangements, In terms of payment on all hours worked or paid, Interest, If any and time frame for payment. Full Paramedical Employees (Paramedic 2) Retroactivity 1 RetroactIvity, If any, for full tIme paramedical employees at Supenor Ambulance wIll be based on the Paramedic 2 (AIR) rate for the penod January 1, J 993 to March 31 1996 The retroactiVity wIll not 1I1clude the current difference In the hourly wage rate between the full paramedlcals and the OPS air ambulance attendants (i.e full paramedics receIve $.26 per hour less than the OPS air ambulance attendants) but IS lImited to any Increase m the hourly rate for the OPS air ambulance attendants as a result of their reclassIfication to Paramedic 2 (AIR) 2 From ApnJ J, 1996, the retroactIVIty for the rate of pay for full time paramedICS at Supenor Ambulance wIll be the Paramedic 2 (Land Ambulance) rate of pay resultmg form the Article 5 8 award, or the current rate of pay ($20.33) whichever IS greater The Dillon conceded that paragraph 2(a) of artIcle 3 above lImIts retroactIvIty to May 31, 1991 However, It submItted that a letter of understandmg appended to the 1989-1991 agreement between these partIes has survIved the vanous central rounds of negotIatIOns and acts to relIeve It from the clear language of paragraph 2(a) That letter reads as follows LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING RE. A. L. S. PROCEDURES For those Emplovees who are authonzed to perform certain delegated medical procedures the Company will pav an annual allowance in the following amounts. J Three hundred dollars ($300 00) proviSIOns, intravenous pneumatlc anti-shock garmet skills. 2. Nine hundred dollars ($900 00) proVISIOns, mtravenous drug skills. 3 Nme hundred dollars ($900 00) proVisions, defibnllatlOn skills (manual and automatic.) 6 4 NlTIe hundred dollars ($900 00) provisions of advances airwav skills (mtubatlOn) If, during the life of this Agreement, the allowances and entitlements for Employees concerning Advanced life Support (ALS) are increased or improved for Ambulance Officers in the Ontario Public Service, the same allowances and entitlements shall apply to employees under this Agreement on the same date. (EmphasIs added) Retroactivity pay for the performance of defibnllatlOn skills (#3) wlll be paid from the date of defibnllation certificatIon status to March 31st, 1989 m a lump sum and from April 1st, 1989 forward will be paid to full-time Emplovees bl weekly and to part-time Employees paId quarter]v pro-rated on hours worked. ... This Letter of Understandmg will last for the term of this collective agreement. The Employer's VIew was that thIS letter ofunderstandmg no longer forms part of the collectIVe agreement. However It also submItted that the letter does not have the effect argued for by the Dillon Accordmgly, the lImItmg provISIOns of paragraph 2(a) govern. In VIeW of the above, the partIes agreed that I mterpret the letter ofunderstandmg assummg, WIthout decIdmg, that the letter IS mdeed part of the collectIve agreement. Should the Dillon's mterpretatIOn of the letter preVaIl, the partIes would address the legal status of the letter The letter sets out certam wage supplements for employees authonzed to perform lIsted advanced lIfe support servIces It goes on to guarantee that should mcreased allowances and entItlements be provIded m the Ontano PublIc ServIce, the Port Colborne employees 7 would be gIven panty The matter of those allowances and entItlements was remItted to an mterest board chaIred by Mr Burkett. The Issue for determmatIOn before thIS Board IS the scope of Mr Burkett's award. That IS, does It reach back before May 1991 m Its award to members of the Ontano PublIc ServIce? ThIS Board IS not asked to set the rate to be paId. The Burkett board dIscharged that task Rather our mterpretatIOn of the letter of understandmg reqUlres a determmatIOn of the tImmg of the mcreases awarded by the Burkett board. ... Mr Burkett noted at page one that the claSSIficatIOn structure of ambulance employees was created effectIve May 30, 1991 It was that board's task to establIsh the salary rates for those claSSIficatIOns After analysmg the appropnate comparators at page 17 the Burkett board set the maXImum rate of $20.20 per hour for the ParamedIc 2 claSSIficatIOn effectlve May 30, 1991 At page 18, It set the maXImum rate for the ParamedIc 1 Land as $18 97 per hour, and for the ParamedIc 2 AIr as $21.21 per hour, both effectlve May 30 1991 DIfferentIals for the Group LeadershIp premlUm were also establIshed effective May 30, 1991 In short, the Burkett award to the Ontano PublIc ServIce paramedIcs speaks from May 30 1991 SImIlar treatment of the Port Colborne ambulance employees as reqUlred by the letter of agreement, results m the retroactIve wage mcreases reachmg back only as far as 8 May 30 1991 It was agreed that the Employer has made those payments Accordmgly the gnevance IS dIsmIssed. Dated at Toronto thIS 7th day of May 1999 - Ls- ... Damel A HarrIs, VIce ChaIr