HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-1717TEFOGLOU98_11_02
GSB #1717/97
OPSEU 97G147
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Uruon
(Nick Tefoglou)
- and -
The Crown m Right of Ontano
(Mirustry of the SolICItor General and CorrectIOnal ServIces)
BEFORE RandI H, Abn:.msky Vice-Chair
FOR THE Ed Holmes
Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle
Bamsters & SolICItors
FOR THE Laura Williams
EMPLOYER StaffRelattons Officer
Mirustry of the SolICItor General & CorrectIOnal ServIces
HEARING October 1, 1998
At Issue IS whether the Employer Violated ArtIcle 22 6 3 of the collectIve
agreement when It derued the request of the gnevor, Nick Tefoglou, for paid tIme off to
attend a Stage 2 gnevance heanng on August 11, 1997 Under ArtIcle 22 6 2, an
employee who has a gnevance and IS reqUired to attend a Stage One or Stage Two
meetmg "shall be gIven time off With no loss of pay and With no loss of credIts to attend
such meetmgs." ArtIcle 2263 states that "ArtIcle 226.2 shall also apply to the Uruon
Steward who IS authonzed to represent the gnevor "
The pertment facts were agreed to by the partIes, as follows
1 Mr Walls IS a CorrectIOnal Officer at WhItby Jail.
2 Mr Walls suffers from asthma as a result of mdoor air pollutants mcludmg smoke and
second hand smoke Smce the rrud-nmetIes, Mr Walls has been requestmg
accommodatIon for hIs condItIOn. Mr Tefoglou, m hIs role as Local PresIdent ofWlutby
Jail, has been one of the uruon representatIves assIstmg Mr Walls wIth hIs requests for
3 On June 3, 1997, Mr Walls receIved a letter from Mr Gorman, the then supenntendent
of Wlutby Jail, mfonrung rum that he was bemg temporarily aSSIgned for a SIX month
perIod to BrookSIde Youth Centre m Coburg, Ontano Mr Walls was mformed that the
assIgnment would satIsfy hIs accommodatIon needs because Brookside IS a smoke-free
work enVironment.
4 The accommodatiOn arrangement mcluded that Mr Walls would be reImbursed for hIs
mileage and would be entItled to travel tIme for travel to and from BrooksIde Youth
Centre Mileage and travel time mcurred to and from BrooksIde was paid by the Wlutby
Jail. On Monday, June 9, 1997, Mr Walls commenced hIs SIX month temporary
asSIgnment at BrooksIde Youth Centre
5 On July 3, 1997, Mr Walls verbally complamed to hIs supervIsor, Mr Jim Flesche, an
operatIOnal Manager at BrooksIde, that the employer had mappropnately assIgned hIm to
6 On July 4, 1997, Mr Walls lrutIated Stage One of the gnevance procedure at BrooksIde
when he filed a gnevance clalImng the Employer Violated the collectIve agreement and the
OHRC when they "unilaterally, and mappropnately assIgned me to the pOSItIOn of a
CorrectIOnal Officer 2, Youth ServIces Officer, at BrookSIde Youth Centre. " The
gnevance was subrmtted to Mr Flesche at BrookSIde Mr Flesche derued Mr Walls'
gnevance m a letter dated July 8, 1997
7 On August 8, 1997, Mr Walls was mformed that a Stage Two meetmg regardmg hIs
gnevance would be held on Monday August 11, 1997 at BrookSIde Youth Centre Mr
Walls contacted Mr Tefoglou m order to request that Mr Tefoglou represent hIm at thIs
Stage Two meetmg,
8 Mr Tefoglou was scheduled to work on August 11, 1997 On August 10, 1997, Mr
TefogIou wrote to OM16 Polya requestmg leave With pay to attend the Stage Two
meetmg as Mr Walls' uruon representatIve
9 On August 11, 1997, OM16 Mamson derued Mr Tefoglou's request on the basls that
Mr Walls was "reassIgned to BrooksIde and can be represent[ed] by that local."
10 The facts glVing nse to hIs gnevance dated July 4, 1997, mvolved the WhItby Jail
Supenntendent's deCISiOn to temporarily aSSIgn hIm to the BrookSIde Youth Centre,
Pursuant to artIcle 2264 of the collectIve agreement, Mr Tefoglou IS authonzed to
represent employees of the WhItby Jail. Mr TefogIou IS not on the lIst ofUruon Stewards
authonzed to represent employees located at BrookSIde Youth Centre, pursuant to artIcle
11 Mr Walls filed hIs gnevance dunng the time he was temporarily assIgned to
BrookSIde Youth Centre m Coburg. While located at BrookSIde, Mr Walls appeared on
the WhItby Jail's seruonty lIst. Mr Walls dId not retam or perform any of hIs Job
functions at WhItby JaIl. BrookSIde Youth Centre was responsible for adrmrustenng Issues
relatmg to Mr Walls' work performance. ThIs mcluded lssues relatmg to Mr Walls'
attendance while at BrookSIde whIch was handled by Mr D LundIe, Supenntendent of
BrookSIde. It IS not the WhItby Jail's practIce to remove temporarily asslgned employees
from ItS seruorIty lIst.
12 On Monday, August 11, 1997, Mr Walls attended the Supenntendent's office at
Brookslde where Ms R. Akey, Human Resources Consultant, and Mr D LundIe were m
attendance to commence the second stage meetmg. Mr Walls refused to partIclpate m the
second stage meetmg as a result of the derual to allow Mr Tefoglou tIme off to attend.
The Employer representatIves offered Mr Walls time to consult With a local uruon
representatIve who was available and on duty at BrooksIde so that the meetmg could be
held. Mr Walls contmued to refuse to partIcIpate and the meetmg was cancelled.
13 The Stage Two meetmg was rescheduled for September 12, 1997 Mr Tefoglou dId
attend the Stage Two as Mr Walls' representatIve on that date Mr Tefoglou was not
scheduled to work at Wlutby Jail on thIs date. The Employer desIgnee dId not obJect to
Mr T efoglou' s attendance or ability to represent Mr Walls at the meetmg,
14 Mr TefogIou filed a gnevance dated August 22, 1997, claIrmng that the Employer
had VIolated ArtIcles 22 6 3 and 3,2 of the collectIve agreement and SectIon 79 of the
OLRA, by denymg hIs nght as a Drnon RepresentatIve to attend and represent Mr Walls
at hIs Stage Two meetmg.
15 If Mr T efoglou' s request to tIme had been granted he would have been given tIme off
With no loss of pay and With no loss of credIts to attend pursuant to the collectIve
Dunng the heanng, the Uruon elected to proceed only With the alleged ViOlatiOn of ArtIcle
In addItiOn, the follOWing collectIve agreement proVIsIons are relevant to thIs
22 1 It IS the mtent of thIs Agreement to adJust as qUIckly as possible any
complaInts or dIfferences between the partIes ansmg from the
mterpretatIon, applIcatiOn, adrmrustratiOn or alleged contraventIon of thIs
Agreement, mcludmg any questIOns as to whether a matter IS arbitrable
2221 It IS the mutual desIre of the partIes that complaInts of employees
be adjusted as qUickly as possible and It IS understood that If any employee
has a complaInt, the employee shall dISCUSS It With the employee's
nnmedIate supervIsor WIthm thIrty (30) days after the CIrcumstances gIVIng
nse to the complaInt have occurred or have come or ought reasonably to
have come to the attentIon of the employee m order to give the ImmedIate
supervIsor an opporturuty of adJustmg the complaInt.
2231 The employee may file a gnevance m wntmg With hIs or her
supervIsor The supervIsor shall gtve the gnevor hIs or her decIsIon m
wntmg WithIn seven (7) days of the subrmsslOn of the gnevance
2232 If the gnevance IS not resolved under Stage One, the employee
may subrmt the gnevance to the Deputy Miruster or hIs or her desIgnee
WIthm seven (7) days of the date that he or she receIved the decIsIon under
Stage One
2233 The Deputy Miruster or hIs or her desIgnee shall hold a meetmg
With the employee WithIn fifteen (15) days of the receIpt of the gnevance
and shall give the gnevor hIs or decIsIon m wntmg WithIn seven (7) days of
the meetmg,
225 The employee, at hIs or her OptIOn, may be accomparued and
represented by an employee representatIve at each stage of the gnevance
2262 An employee who has a gnevance and IS requIred to attend
meetmgs at Stage One and Two of the gnevance procedure shall be gIven
time off With no loss of pay and With no loss of credIts to attend such
2263 ArtIcle 226.2 shall also apply to the Uruon Steward who IS
authonzed to represent the gnevor
2264 The Uruon shall adVIse the DIrectors of Human Resources of the
affected rmrustnes With copIes to the DIrector, Negotiations Secretanat, of
the Uruon Stewards together With the areas they are authonzed to
represent, whIch lIst shall be updated at least every SIX (6) months.
Arguments of the Parties
The Uruon contends that under the uruque CIrcumstances of thIs case Mr Tefoglou
( should have been proVIded leave to represent Mr Walls at hIs Stage Two meetmg on
August 11, 1997 and that the Mirustry's derual of that leave VIolated ArtIcle 22 6 3 It
asserts that Mr Walls, for the purpose onus July 4, 1997 gnevance, should be consIdered
an employee ofWlutby Jail. It pomts out that the gnevance challenges the declSlon of the
Wlutby Supenntendent to reassIgn hIm to BrooksIde Youth Centre to accommodate hIs
senSItIVity to smoke, an Issue With whIch Mr Tefoglou was thoroughly familIar
Accordmgly, It asserts that for the Stage Two meetmg to have been a meamngful
dIScussIon and to resolve the dIspute as qUickly as possible, as reqUired by ArtIcle 22 1
and 22.2 1, It was necessary that Mr Tefoglou attend the Stage Two meetmg WIth Mr
Walls, rather than a local steward from BrookSIde who had no knowledge of the hIstory or
underlymg Issues m thIs matter In ItS View, Mr Walls' gnevance had nothIng to do With
BrookSIde Youth Centre and contends that the role of the uruon steward at Stage Two
meetmgs IS more than Just a "warm body" and that stewards are not always
mterchangeable. The Umon further pomts out that Mr Walls was only temporarily
assIgned to BrookSIde and remamed on the Wlutby Jail's seruonty lIst and was paid by
Wlutby Jail for hIs mileage and travel tIme
In support of ItS pOSItIOn, the Druon CItes to In Re Nabi and Ministry of
Community and Social Services (1977), GSB No 114/76 (Beatty, Vice-Chair) It asserts
that gIVen the unusual and peculIar CIrcumstances of thIs case, Mr Tefoglou should have
been allowed leave With pay to represent Mr Walls at hIs Stage Two meetmg,
The Uruon further contends that smce the Employer did not object to Mr
Tefoglou's representmg Mr Walls at the rescheduled Stage Two meetmg, It could not
( properly obJect to paymg hIm under ArtIcle 22 6 3 It contends that, m essence, the
Employer waived any objectiOn It rmght have had to Mr Tefoglou's authonty to represent
Mr Walls.
The Employer subrmts that the Issue IS not one of representatIOn, but one of pay
under ArtIcle 22 6 3 It asserts that smce Mr Walls was reassIgned to BrookSIde Youth
Centre, only a BrooksIde steward was "authonzed to represent" the gnevor under ArtIcle
226,3 and thereby receIve paid leave for that purpose. While It acknowledges that Mr
Tefoglou could represent Mr Walls at the Stage Two meetmg, It asserts that he need not
be paId for hIs time by the Employer smce BrooksIde was not an "area" for whIch Mr
Tefoglou was authonzed to represent employees The Employer notes that Mr Walls
IrutIated hIs gnevance while at BrooksIde, subrmttmg It to hIs supervIsor there, and that
Mr Walls dId not contact the Wlutby Jail m filmg hIs gnevance. It subrmts that It IS unfair
for Mr Walls to file hIs gnevance at BrooksIde, proceed through Stage One and then
show up at Stage Two, claIrmng that the gnevance IS a Wlutby Jail gnevance
The Employer further asserts that to allow Mr Tefoglou's claim would open up
the flood-gates for stewards, on employer-paid time, to travel to wherever the gnevor IS,
regardless of the "area" they have been desIgnated by the Uruon to represent. It asserts
that the facts of thIs case are not uruque and that there IS regular employee movement
among correctIOnal mstItutiOns Consequently, It asserts that allowmg stewards to follow
the gnevor would cause havoc on the Employer's operatiOns, and that to accept the
r Uruon's pOSItIOn would, m effect, amend the collectIve agreement,
In support of Its pOSItiOn, the Employer cItes to In Re Nabi, supra, as well as
OPSEU (Muscatel/oj and Ministry of Correctional Services (1985), GSB No 762/83
(Brent, Vice-ChaIr) and Glenny and Ministry of Government Services (1981), GSB No
586/80 (Swmton, Vice-ChaIr)
The Issue IS whether, under the facts presented, Mr Tefoglou was "the Uruon
Steward who [was] authonzed to represent the gnevor" under ArtIcle 2263 and thus
entitled to "be gIVen time off With no loss of pay and With no loss of credIts to attend such
Under ArtIcle 22 5, an "employee may be accomparued and represented by an
employee representatIve at each stage of the gnevance procedure" Under thIs proViSIOn,
Mr Walls could select Mr Tefoglou to accompany and represent hIm at hIs Stage Two
meetmg and the Employer could not object to Mr Walls' chOIce. Consequently, the
Employer's failure to object to Mr Tefoglou's attendance at the rescheduled Stage Two
meetmg or hIs abihty to represent Mr Walls at that meetmg dId not constItute a waIver or
acknowledgment by the Employer of Mr Tefoglou's nght to be paId for hIs time under
ArtIcle 22 6 3 The questIon presented here IS whether Mr Tefoglou must be gIven paid
time off under ArtIcle 22 6 3 to represent Mr Walls and that, m turn, depends on whether
he was "authonzed to represent the gnevor "
ThIs Issue was addressed, m part, by the GrIevance Settlement Board m Re Nabi
and Ministry of Community & Social Services (1977), GSB No 114/76 (Beatty, Vice-
ChaIr) In that case, a gnevor had selected a co-worker from another Mirustry to
represent hIm dunng the gnevance procedure ThIs mdlVldual, Mr NabI, had not been
deSIgnated by' the Uruon under ArtIcle 25 8, whIch like Article 22 6 4 of the current
agreement, proVided that the "Uruon would adVise the DIrectors of Personnel of the
affected Mirustnes of the Uruon Stewards together With the areas they are authonzed to
represent. ", but he nonetheless sought two hours of paId leave for the tIme he spent
representmg the gnevor pursuant to ArtIcle 2543 (whIch IS eqUivalent to ArtIcle 2263
of the current collectIve agreement) The Board derued the gnevance, concludmg that to
be paId for the tIme he spent representmg the gnevor, the "mdIVIdual must be one of those
persons described m ArtIcle 25 8 who has been 'authorIzed', m advance, pursuant to ItS
terms," (DeCISIon, p 10) While the gnevor was entItled to choose any person he wanted
to represent hIm III the gnevance procedure, the questIon of whether that person would
receIve paId tIme offwas governed by ArtIcle 25 8 As the Board concluded at p 12
[T]here IS nothIng whIch we have Said m thIs award whIch would affect the
mdIVIdual's nght to select an employee representatIve nor the uruon's
nght to select or deSIgnate those persons whom It deSIres to have
represented ItS members. That IS to say and however an employee may
choose to have someone aSSIst hIm or her m the filIng, processmg or
presentatIon of a gnevance or regardless of how the uruon seeks to deploy
ItS staff or elected personnel m such matters, all that we have determmed m
thIs award IS that If that representatIve IS to secure the paId leave that IS
contemplated by ArtIcle 25 4 3 then he or she must be "authonzed" and m
the manner that IS described m ArtIcle 25 8 The gnevor not bemg one of
those persons, he IS not entItled to the leave proVided therem.
Consequently, to receIve "tIme off With no loss of pay and With no loss of credIts
to attend such meetmgs", a gnevor's representatIve must be "authonzed" under ArtIcle
2264 That proVisIOn states, m pertment part, that the "Uruon shall adVise the DIrectors
of Human Resources of the affected rrurustnes. of the Uruon Stewards together With the
areas they are 'authonzed to represent. " Pursuant to tlus proViSIon, the Uruon listed Mr
Tefoglou, among many others, and the specIfic areas for wluch they are authonzed to
represent employees. For Mr Tefoglou, that area IS Wlutby Jail. As a result, Mr
Tefoglou's entItlement to paId leave pursuant to ArtIcle 2263 depends on whether Mr
Walls was an employee of Wlutby Jailor BrooksIde Youth Centre when he filed hIs
gnevance If he was an employee of Wlutby Jail, then Mr Tefoglou was "authonzed to
represent" hIm. If he was an employee of BrooksIde Youth Centre, then Mr Tefoglou
was not "authonzed to represent" hIm and would not, under In Re Nabi, supra, be entItled
to paId tIme off for that purpose If so, Mr Tefoglou could still represent Mr Walls at the
gnevance meetmgs, he would Just not be entItled to "be gIVen time off wIth no loss of pay
and With no loss of credIts to attend such meetmgs,"
According to the Uruon, even though Mr Walls had been reassIgned to BrookSIde,
he should be consIdered an employee of Wlutby Jail for the purpose of lus July 4, 1997
gnevance. It relIes on the fact that the gnevance mvolved the decIsiOn of the
Supenntendent of Wlutby Jail to reassIgn hIm temporarily to BrooksIde Youth Centre and
thus had nothIng to do With BrooksIde, the recelVlng mstItutIOn. It notes that Mr Walls
was retaIned on the seruonty lIst at Wlutby Jail and that lus travel expenses contmued to
be paId by Wlutby Jail. Further, It asserts that allOWing Mr Tefoglou to represent the
gnevor would facilItate the gnevance process smce he had knowledge of the hIstory and
CIrcumstances of Mr Walls' claim for accommodatiOn, somethmg the local BrooksIde
Youth Centre stewards dId not possess As a result, for Mr Walls' July 4th gnevance, the
Uruon asserts that he should be consIdered an employee of Wlutby even though for
gnevances pertaIrung to actIOns that took place while Mr Walls worked at BrooksIde, he
would be an employee of BrooksIde for such matters.
In some ways the Uruon's argument IS appealmg. A uruon representatIve With
knowledge of the hIstory and CIrcumstances of Mr Walls SItuatIOn and partIcular Issues
would certainly tend to facilItate dISCUSSIon of the gnevance As the Druon asserts, uruon
representatIves do not attend Just to be a "warm body" at the meetmg, nor are they always
mterchangeable TheIr Job, If the employee so chooses, IS to accompany and represent the
gnevor dunng the gnevance meetmgs.
Yet while the Uruon's argument holds some appeal, the language of ArtIcle 2264,
cannot support such an approach to who IS "authonzed to represent" employees. It
clearly lImIts uruon stewards to an "area they are authonzed to represent. " - a speCIfic
geographIc area or correctIonal mstItutiOn. In the normal case, thIs makes a great deal of
sense A local representatIve will usually be familIar With the gnevor as well as the local
InstItutIon and Issues. Further, local representatiOn IS converuent. No one has to travel or
mcur the costs that would mvolve In tills case, however, the gnevor changed work
locatIons between the time the gnevance arose and was filed. As a result, although the
gnevance pertamed to Wlutby Jail, Mr Walls was no longer workmg there when he filed
the gnevance
By Its express terms, the language of ArtIcle 22 6 4 limIts uruon stewards to a
specIfic "area." It does not contemplate the type of SItuatIon that arose here or allow for a
uruon steward to follow the gnevor Nor does It tIe authonty to represent a gnevor to the
nature or subJect matter of the gnevance Bemg "authonzed to represent" a gnevor
depends solely on locatiOn, and that can only be determmed at the time the gnevance IS
Once Mr Walls' reassIgnment became effectIve on June 9, 1997, he became a
temporary employee of BrookSIde Youth Centre; he could not smlUltaneously be an
"employee" ofWlutby Jail and BrookSIde Youth Centre To accept that argument would
effectIvely negate the "area" concept set out m ArtIcle 22 6 4 While perhaps an exceptIon
should have been made m thIs case, gtven the unusual CIrcumstances of Mr Walls'
SItuatiOn, until the partIes agree to such an exceptIOn, the language of ArtIcle 22 6 4
controls and that proVISIon tIes an employee's authOrIty to represent a gnevor for the
purposes of ArtIcle 22 6 3 to a speCIfic, deSIgnated "area" Under the facts here, when
Mr Walls changed hIs work locatIon, hIs "area" changed and With that who was
"authonzed to represent" hIm under ArtIcle 22 6 4
Had Mr Walls filed hIs gnevance while still at Wlutby Jail (whIch he could have
done), Mr Tefoglou would have been "authonzed to represent" hIm under ArtIcle 22 6,3
But Mr Walls dId not file hIs gnevance while he was still at Wlutby Jail, he filed It while
assIgned to BrooksIde Youth Centre As a result, although Mr Walls could request and
have Mr Tefoglou represent hIm, Mr Tefoglou was not "authonzed to represent" hIm
under ArtIcle 22 6 3 and was therefore not entItled to "be given tIme off With no loss of
pay and With no loss of credIts to attend such meetmgs," Under the facts presented and
the relevant proViSIons of the collectIve agreement, I must conclude that the Mirustry's
derual of Mr Tefoglou's request for leave to attend the August 11, 1997 Stage Two
meetmg at BrooksIde Youth Centre was not Improper and dId not Violate the collectIve
Accordmgly, for all the reasons set forth above, the gnevance IS dIsrmssed,
Dated thIs 2nd day of November, 1998 m Toronto