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GSB #1859/97
OPSEU #97U149
OPSEU (Uruon GrIevance)
- and -
The Crown m Right of Ontano
(Mirustry of Commuruty and SOCIal ServIces)
BEFORE Richard M. Brown Vice-Chair
UNION GrIevance Officer
- Ontano Public ServIce Employees Uruon
FOR THE D Strang
EMPLOYER Counsel, Legal ServIces Branch
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING June 11, 12,23 and 25, 1998
July 2, 3 and 7, 1998
Tl11s IS a polIcy gnevance allegmg the Mmlstry of Commumty and SocIal
SefVlces has not fulfilled ItS reasonable efforts" obhgatlOl1s under AppendIx
9 of the collectlve agreement The grIevance IS prompted by the nnpendmg
transfer of sole-support parent and foster care files from the Mmlstry to
mUlllclpal delIvery agents pursuant to the Socwl As 'lis/once Reform Act,
1997 This decIsion relates exclusIvely to till. MUllor;llldlllll or Understandmg
on Human Resources Transltlon Planmng, dated JUlle 26, 1998, between the
Kmgston Area Office of the Mmlstry and the County of Hastmgs
The files to be transferred to Hastmgs County are now adl11l11lstered by
Mmlstry staff at Its office m BelleVIlle WhICh falls under the junSdlctlOn of the
Kmgston Area Office In her capacity as TransltlOn Manager for the Kmgston
area, Mane RIchardson served as the Mlmstry s chief negotlator mlts
dealmgs wIth Hastmgs County Ms Richardson testlfied approxunately
twelve employees Will be displaced from the BelleVIlle office as a result of
the transfer of about seventeen hUlldred lllv... to till. ( (Hlllly or H;lstlllgS The
County also WIll receIve a very small number of files now admmlstered by the
Mmlstry's Peterborough Area Office As a result of the transfer of files from
these two sources, Hastmgs County plans to create an addItional thIrty-five
jobs m Its SOCial ServIces Department The reason more jobs Will be created
at the County than Will be lost at the MI11lStry IS the transfer of files wIll
comclde WIth a change m the way welfare cases are adml11lstered and a
correspondmg decrease m the number of files aSSigned to each employee
Accordmg to Ms RIchardson, each County employee IS expected to handle
115 files under the new Ontano Works program, whereas each Mmlstry
employee has 350 files under the old FamIly Benefits program
The Hastmgs agreement deals wIth both the hmng of Mll1lstry
employees by the County and the tenns and condItIons of employment under
WhICh they wIll work once hIred On both fronts, the af,JTeement reflects the
presence of Local 1665 of the CanadIan Ul1lon of Pubhc Employees (CUPE)
as bargammg agent for employees of the County holdlllg the pOSitIOns to
whIch the files will bc asslgllcd ,Ilkr thc tr,lll\lCr 111\01:11' ,1\ UlllOlllzcd Jobs
are concerned, vacanCIes wIll first be posted III accordance with the County's
collective agreement wIth CUPE Local 1665, gIvmg members of that
bargammg Ul1lt first claim on Jobs whIch they are quahfied to perfonn
Openll1gs not filled by eXIstmg CUPE members are to be posted at the
MmIstry's Kmgston and Peterborough offices before bemg offered to non-
ul1lol1lzed employees of the County Insofar as non-unIonIzed Jobs are
concerned, vacanCIes wIll be posted simultaneously for employees of the
County and MmIstry staff For all Jobs, external candIdates--I e those not
employed by the County or the Mll1lstry--wIll not be conSidered unless there
IS no qualified applicant from the County or MlIllc;try
Employees who apply for a posted .lob 11111\( pdrt IClp<lte III a selection
process The followll1g prOVISIOns relatmg to thiS process are contall1ed m the
SelectIOn WIll be based on the County's selectIOn process whIch
mcludes mtervIews and reference check( s)
Job offers to MmIstry staff wIll first be made to qualIfied staff of the
Kmgston Area Office and then to quahfied staff of the Peterborough
Area Office Where MmIstry starr arc cOIl"I<.krul by the COllnty to be
relatIvely equal, the Job offer WIll be made on the basIs of OPS [I e
Ontano PublIc ServIce] semonty m accordance wIth the afore-
mentIOned sequence
EqUIvalencIes for credentIals WIll be accepted for postmgs under thIs
agreement Ontano PublIc ServIce employees' related Job specIfic
expenence wIll be accepted as the reqmred eqUlvalency for County
Jobs where specIfic credentIals are IdentIfied For example, an IMO
wIth a mU111num of one year's casework expenence wIll be consIdered
as possessmg the required credCl1tl,ll'.. I'm thL C ;l"Lworker II posItIon on
the condItIon the)' undertak.e to SLlCCL~sllllly LOlllplLte the reqLl1red
credentIals wlthm three (3) years of acceptmg employment wIth the
Travel expenses to attend mtervlews wIth the County wIll be the
responsibIlIty of the MmIstry and WIll be m accordance wIth the current
kllometnc rate
The selectIon panel wIll be compnsed of the County SocIal ServIce
DIrector, DIrector of Human Resources, or desIgnates and for those
competItIons where there arc OP~ ;lppIILdllh, ;1 M 1l1I'..try SocIal
AssIstance Manager or HR manager ThL Mllllstry Manager
partlclpatmg on the selectIOn panel wIll act as a resource rather than as
a full selectIOn panel member wIth ratmg and rankmg responsibIlItIes
Other provIsIons of the Hastmgs agreement address the tenns and
conditions of employment for MmIstry staff who are hIred by the County-
Successful OPS applIcants WIll be placed on the County's salary grId
based on recOf:,'lll(lon ofye<lrs of "crvlcc 111 ,111 Ullllvdlcn( OPS positIOn
Examples of salary treatment on appol11tment
Income Mamtenance Officer, OPS WIth two year's expenence
selected for Caseworker II pOSition wIll be placed at the 24
month level of the County's salary f:,'Tld
Income Mamtenance Clencal staff at the OAG 7 or 8 level WIth
two years expenence selected for a Clerk IV pOSItIon wIll be
placed at the 24 month level of the COllnty s salary gnd
Service of OPS employees WIll be recoglllzed III estabhshl11g
entitlements of eamed and msured benefits for both ul11ol11zed and non-
ul11ol11zed employees of the County
The County agrees to Waive the reqUIred waJtmg penods to proVIde
benefit entItlements to the County pOSitIOn
Sel110nty IS defined m Article lO of the collective agreement of CUPE,
Local 1665 Locally the parties have been unable to obtal11 recogl11tlOn
of OPS staff S selllonty as defined 111 ^rt IC]C 18 of the OPSEU
Collective Agreement, Appendl\. [) \hollld rccoglll(lon of selllonty
fonn part of any central agreements between the provmclal or federal
govenunents, CUPE, Local1665 and OPSEU, such agreement wIll
fonn part of thIs agreement
The only financIal mcentlve relates to the cost of onentatIOn and
trammg The agreement states
In recog1l1tlon of the onent<ltlon :lnd tr;llnlllg co"t" rcl:lted to thIs
agreement, the M1111stry agrees to provl<.1c the Lounty wIth prov111clal
fundmg for each employee to complete reqll1red tra111111g as outlmed m
the budget
No eVIdence was adduced as to the amount to be paId by the Mmlstry
The Hastmgs agreement allows MInIstry employees a penod of three
years, after bemg hIred by the County, to obtam the educatIonal credentlals
nonnally reqmred for a Job Before the agreement was concluded, the
Kmgston Area Office made arrangements WIth LoyalIst College m BellevIlle
for employees to complete ItS SOCIal ServIce Worker Prof,rram Employees
tak111g advantage of thIs opportunity P;lY their own tUltlOI1 but the Mmlstry
pays them for one-half of the tIme they spend III e"I\~
Ms RIchardson testIfied the recognItIon of OPS servIce by the
Hastmgs agreement would place Mmlstry employees lured by the County at
the top of ItS 24-month salary grId Clencal employees lured by the County
would receIve approxImately 85% of theIr eammgs WIth the M111IStry Income
mamtenance officers lured to work m the Caseworker II claSSIficatIOn would
be paId 79 6% of theIr fonner hourly eammgs They would eam 76% of theIr
fonner weekly eammgs, as they would work 1 25 hours per week less As the
pOSItion of parental support worker IS undergolllg (1 c1as~illcatIon review at
the County, a meanmgful companson of earnlllgs for thIS posItIOn IS not
To mItigate the reductIOn III earnlllgs, the MlllIStry offered a "one-tune"
grant which would enable Hastlllgs to "top-up" the earnmgs of fonner
MlllIStry employees for a lImIted tune The amount offered was $378,500, but
Ms RIchardson testIfied It turned out to be SIX tllnes higher than It should
have been The MlllIStry'S offer was declllled Accordll1g to Ms RIchardson,
the County was not ll1terested III "one-tnne" money and was not ll1clll1ed to
pay fonner Mmlstry employees more than others dOIllg the same Job There
was no dIScussion of the MlIllstry providIng ollgolng funding to the County III
order to enhance earnll1gs The County dId IndIcate It had no objectIon to the
Mll1IStry Itself tOppll1g up the earnlllgs of ItS fonner employees
No eVIdence was led as to the detaIls of benefits or penSions, but
employer counsel dId not contest the umon s assertion that the benefit plans
and pensIOn avaIlable to County employees fall short of those avaIlable to
employees of the MllllStry Accordlllg to the umon, for example, the MlllIStry
has a relatively generous dental plan whereas the County has none
In negotiatIOns, the MlllIStry lllltIally proposed that semonty lIsts be
dove-taIled so that ItS employees would receive full credit for OPS semonty
LikeWIse, a plea for semonty recogl11tlon wac; made by Kevm Con stante,
AssIstant Deputy MIllIster for Program M;lll;lgCIlIUlt, 011 JUlle 13, 1998 at a
Toronto meetlllg of CUPE representatives from across the provlllce Semonty
recogmtlOn was dIscussed at meetlllgs of MllllStry and County offiCIals Jun
Duffin, DIrector of Human Resources for the County, raised thIS matter wIth
CUPE representatIves on May 13 and June 4 and then reported to the
MmIstry that their posItIOn was "semonty was not open for discussion"
The MImstry had no dIrect dealIngs wIth CUrE representatIves at
Hastlllgs County Ms RIchardson tcstIlILd the C oUl1ty W,IS told the II1Centlve
fundmg on offer was avaIlable for use as It saw fit Accordlllg to her, the
County was free to offer some or all of thIS money to CUPE 1665 m
exchange for recogmtIOn of OPS senIOnty There was some dIscussIOn
between M111lstry and Connty officials about offenng to pay CUPE umon
dues for a penod eqUlvalent to the amount of semonty be111g sought Ms
Richardson testified tIns matter was dropped because of concems such an
arrangement would constItute an unfaIr labour practIce Malcolm Smeaton,
Co-ordmator of Broader PublIc Sector Labour RelatIons with Management
Board Secretanat, was asked 111 cross-examlllatlon about his VIew of a
bargamll1g agent b"Tantll1g selllonty for ')crVILC out,)ldc thc bargcllnll1g unIt 111
exchange for benefits offered to eXlstll1g b,lrg,1I11111g Ul1lt mcmbers Faced wIth
the assertIon that the legalIty of such an arrangement depends on how they
do It," Mr Smeaton agreed
The Hastlllgs agreement allows for the recog111tIOn of OPS semonty If
OPSEU and CUPE reach an accord on thIS matter Ms RIchardson testIfied
she was mfonned 111 May by a representatIve of the County that CUPE and
OPSEU representatives were scheduled to meet 111 Toronto 111 June to address
semonty and other Issues She conceded no effort was made to venfy tl11s
mfonnatlon The employer now concedes no such meetmg ever occurred
The County succeeded III negotIatIng some arrangements wIth CUPE
; Local] 665 for the benefit of Mlnl')try L111ployLL,) who Illlght be hIred by It
The CUPE collectIve ab'Teement was open for rLllcw,ll ,It the same tllne as the
County was negotlatmg wIth the Mmlstry In a letter of understandmg
between Hastmgs and CUPE Local 1665, dated June 25, 1998, the partIes
agreed, among other thmgs, to
1 Grant full recogmtIOn of OPS sefVIce for the purpose of vacatIOn
and benefits,
2 Replace the sl'\-month prob;l! 1011;11)1 period Wit h ;1 three-month tnal
penod m the case of OPS employees
3 Recogmze recent and related OPS servIce for the purpose of
placement on the salary gnd, and
4 Allow OPS employees WIth expenence m a related pOSItIOn three
years to obtam reqUIred educatIonal credentIals
ThIS letter of understandmg provIded the basIs for several of the tenns found
m the agreement between Hastmgs County and the Mlmstry
The grIevance alleges a VIOlatIOn of paragraph I (a) of Appendix 9
The Employer WIll make reasonable efforts to ensure that, where there
IS a dISpOSItIOn or any other transfer ofbargammg umt functIOns or Jobs
to the pnvate or broader publIc sectors, employees m the bargammg
umt are offered pOSItIons WIth the new employer on tenns and
condItIOns that are as close as possIble to the then eXIstmg tenns and
condltlons of employment of the employees m the bargammg umt, and,
where less than the full complement of employees IS offered pOSItIOns,
to ensure that offers are made on the baSIS of se11l0nty When an
employee has been transferred to a new employer he or she wIll be
deemed to have resIgned and no other proVIsions of the CollectIve
Agreement wIll apply except for artIcle 53 or 78 (TermmatIOn Pay)
Dunng the course of argument, reference was made to paragraph 1 (b)
as an aId to mterpretatIOn Paragraph 1 (b) states
Where the salary of the Job offered by the new employer IS less than
eighty-five percent (85%) of the cmployee'" current salary, or If the
employee's serVIce or semont) Me 110t eMned over to the new
employer, the employee may declme the offer In such a case, the
employee may exerCIse the nghts prescnbed by ArtIcle 20
(Employment StabIlIty) and/or paragraphs 2 to 5 of thIS Appendix The
employee must elect whether or not to accept employment WIth the
new employer wIthm three (3) days of receIvmg an offer In default of
electIon, the employee shall be deemed to have accepted the offer
The employer's obligatIOn under paragraph 1 (a) has two branches
Reasonable efforts must be made to find Jobs for displaced employees and,
where there are not enough Jobs for ~lll, to 1.I1\Ure hIrIng Ie; done on the baSIS
of semonty Reasonable efforts also lllllst be 111.ldc to obtain tenns and
condItIOns of employment as close as possible to those prevIOusly enjoyed
The general nature of thIS oblIgatIOn was described by Mr Kaplan m
Mmlstry of Transport and OPSEU, GSB #1344/97, dated June 9, 1997 He
emphaSIzed the SIgnificance of the employer's undertakmg"
ThIs oblIgatlon IS an extremely Important one, and It IS one that cannot
be taken lIghtly (page 29)
Mr Kaplan went on to note the undertakll1g ,'-' 110t without IlImt
[R]easonable efforts does not mean' all efforts" It does not mean
"efforts to the pomt of undue hardshIp" It does not mean' every
effort." What It means IS efforts that are reasonable m the
CIrCUlllstances all thmgs consIdered (page 30)
As one of the specIfic efforts reqUIred, Mr Kaplan dIrected the employer 'to
make full use of savmgs on enhanced severance costs m find111g pnvate sector
Jobs for publIc servants' (page 34) ThIS decIsion was upheld by the
DIvIsIOnal Court III a decIsIon dated December 1, 1997
In MInistry ql( 0ll11l1W7/ty 0/7(/ \()( /{/I \( n'/( C\ ond ()J>\'J l! GSB
#2779/96 & 141/97, dated June 2,1997, Mr Kaplalllllore fully addressed the
use of a financIallllcentlve as part of makmg reasonable efforts
The stmcture of AppendiX 9 111dIcates, and thIS purpose does not
appear to be fundamentally 111 dIspute between the parties, that It was
developed to create a financIal 111centlve for the employer to place
publIc servants 111 Jobs that met certam tenns WIth aVOIdance of
enl1anced costs, and possibly more, the benefit to the particular
m111Istnes At a mlllunum--and, ObVIOusly each case wIll dIffer--
amounts up to the aVOIded costs should be used as an 111centIve to
secure Jobs for publIc servants, m<lY of whom, AppendIX 9 beg111s,
"served for a lengthy penod ' (p.lgc 20)
Mr Kaplan also stated what IS reasonable In one settIng may dIffer from what
IS reasonable In another.
ObvIOusly, each case WIll dIffer and In each case the employer will
have to carefully consIder what It IS about that case whIch IS dIstmctIve
and whIch therefore calls for a new or dIfferent approach The fact IS
that the pnvatIzatIon program wll] be c~rned out III dIfferent mInlstnes
In dIfferent ways and the words' r<...:l-;OIl.1blc elTort~ must be
mterpreted m a way that makes sense (page] 8)
One of the umon's compla111ts about the HastIngs af:,rreement IS that It
provIdes less protectIon to employees than has been achIeved 111 recent cases
where a m111Istry has tendered work by ISSUlllg a request for proposals (RFP)
For example, 111 MInistry of Natural Resources and OPSEU GSB #0252/98,
dated June 18, 1998, the RFP reqUIred those submIttlllg a bid to make Job
offers to all affected employees, to offer them at least 85% of theIr prevIOus
salary and to recogmze theIr servIce for the purpose of vacatIons and benefits
In additIOn, the use of a probatIOnary pCrlod W.1\ prohIbited Other provIsIons
111 the RFP encouraged those submlttlllg lml\ to c\eccd these mandatory
reqUIrements The umon contends employees affected by the negotIated
transfer WIth the County of Hastmgs are entlt]ed to tenns and condItions of
employment eqUIvalent to those of employees subject to an RFP
ThIS argument IS not supported by the general structure of AppendIx 9
It does not guarantee that all dIsplaced employees WIll fare equally well
By requmng Job offers to be made on the basIs of se1110nty when there are
not enough Jobs for all dIsplaced employees, paragraph 1 (a) acknowledges
'. some WIll get Jobs and some WIll not By allow111g employees to refuse a Job
and to collect enhanced severance when the salary on offer falls below 85%
of prevIOus earn1l1gs, or when servIce and semonty are not recogmzed,
paragraph 1 (b) acknowledges that such shortfalls wIll occur for some
employees WhIle oblIgmg the employer to use reasonable efforts to obtam a
Job for all, wIth the smallest possible reductIOn 111 wages and benefits,
AppendIx 9 does not guarantee equally favourable results wIll be achIeved for
all employees
Just as what efforts are reasonable WIll vary from case to case, what
reasonable eff0l1s are able to accompl1sh will vary dependmg upon the
CIrcumstances The latter pOlllt W(lS ll1.Jdc by Mr Roberts III A11111\/rv (?!
Consumer and Commercial Relalwn\ G~n 11055<);<)7, decIsIon dated May
26, 1998
At the outset of my consIderatIOn of the Issue of scope, I recogmze that
111 the CIrcumstances of thIS case the employer had httle m the way of
barga1l1mg power AGCO [Alcohol and Gammg COITIlTIlsslOn of
Ontano] was a monopoly It was not a bIdder m a competltlOn WIth
others to take over the lIcensmg and regulatory functIons of the
Gammg Control CommIssIOn It had an exclusIve statutory mandate to
take over these functlOns Part of the AGCO' s statutory mandate was
to set ItS own tenns and condltlOns of employment WIthout any
consIderation or "reLtsoll(lble cl Tor 1 " wllll,h It did before Ilegotlatlons
WIth the employer even commenced III short, from the start the deck
was stacked III favour of AGCO (page 14)
As Mr Roberts suggested, reasonable efforts are likely to produce
better results where several entltles compete for work m response to an RFP
than where the law reqmres work to be transferred to a partIcular entIty In a
competItIve settmg, the employer can refuse to deal wIth those not wIllmg to
meet mml1num reqll1rements, at IC<1"t '\0 IOl1g ;1'\ olher'\ arc wll1111g to do so In
thIS way, the employer can take advantage of competItion among bidders to
Improve the lot of employees ThIS strategy IS not possible when there are no
The transfer of certam files from the Mll1lstry to the County of Hastmgs
IS reqmred by a regulatIOn made under s 37(1) of the SoclOl A,~,\ Istance
Reform Act, 1997 The umon expressly refra111ed from contendmg the
collectIve agreement reqUIres the govemment to use ItS law mal-..mg powers to
regulate the tenns and condItIons of employment at the County of Hastll1gs
Other than regulatory Il1struments, persuasIon and financlalll1centJves are the
only mechamsms avaIlable to the M1111"try It C<1111l0t rcfuse to transfer files to
the County unless ItS demands are met
The first branch of the employer's oblIgatIon IS to make reasonable efforts to
find Jobs for dIsplaced employees and, where there are not enough Jobs for
all, to ensure hmng IS done on the basIs of semonty The ul1lon contends thIS
oblIgatIOn IS breached by the provIsIon of the Hastmgs agreement statll1g the
selectIOn of employees wIll be based on 111tervlews and reference checks
The Import of thIs provIsIon 1" b<...\1 ,I\~c\\cd In thc context of the rest
of the agreement Another provIsIon say\ <...\IUIl,d hlrll1g will occur only If
there IS not a "qualIfied" applIcant from the County or Mll1lstry Tllls suggests
I the purpose of IntervIews and reference checks IS to detenmne whether a
candIdate IS qualIfied In the sense that he or she possesses the mInllnUm
qualIficatIOns for a Job The purpose IS not to detenmne whether an
employee's qualIficatIOns surpass the m111unum and, If so, to what extent
The employer IS not oblIged to make any efforts to have employees
hIred WIthout regard to m11111llUm C]w1Iilie;1(I0I1<:; bec;llIse sllch effOlis would
not be reasonable ParabTfaph I (a) refCrs to CIllployees bUl1g hIred "on the
baSIS of semonty" and makes no mentIon of qualIficatIons However, I
subscribe to the VIew expressed by Mr Gray 111 A1mlstry of Agriculture, Food
and Rural AffOlrs and OPSEU GSB #1747/96, deCISIOn dated May 8, 1997
I agree WIth the employer that It would not have been senSIble for the
employer to have sought to have offers made solely on the baSIS of
semonty It would have made no sense, for example, to seek to ensure
that a bll1ldll1g caretaker at the agrIcultural college In KemptvIlle be
offered a lecturer's Job at the agrIcultural college 111 Rldgetown merely
because the caretaker was sel1lor to the lecturer I agree there must be
IlJmts on what the employer C<ll1 be e \IKetul to seek III cIrcumstances
lIke those 111 thIS case In my View, the operative IlJmts are those
wluch flow from the use of the word "reasonable" to descnbe the
efforts the employer IS oblIged to make (pages 8 and 9)
A process of InterVIews and reference checks IS one way to detenmne
whether a candIdate IS qualIfied, but not the only way Where an applIcant
has worked 111 a Job snnIlar to the one applIed for, he or she mIght be found to
be qualIfied based upon that expenence In effect, the lImon claIms
qualIficatIOns should be assessed on the baSIS of work expenence m the OPS,
WIthout further screemng
Is the employer oblIged to attempt to preclude the use of mtervlews
and reference checks? Paragraph l(a) reqUIres the employer to make
reasonable efforts to ensure employees are "offered pOSItIOns," not to ensure
they are offered mtervlews or screened m some other way When thIS
proVIsIOn was negotIated, the partIes probably had m mmd the typIcal case of
an employee WIth substantIal, recent expenence domg the worh. bemg
transferred For such an employee, the wording of pClra!:,'faph 1 (a) 1I1dlcates
the employer IS obl1ged to make ITd<;ol1dhlc erlml<, 10 rcmove any slgl1lficant
barrIer to a Job bemg offered, 1I1clud1l1g Il1tervlCWS and reference checks The
RFP described m Ministry of Natural Resources and OPSEU suggests, when
work IS bemg tendered, the employer has acknowledged thIS oblIgatIOn by
mandatmg Job offers, not mtervlews The same oblIgatIOn to use reasonable
efforts to remove barrIers to Jobs eXIsts III the context of a negotIated transfer
of work, although there IS no guarantee reasonable efforts WIll be equally
successful m aVOld1l1g screenlllg III these two settlllgs
For an employee WIthout suffiCIent, recent expenence m a Job WIthout
sIgmficant dIfferences from the one be1l1g sought, It would not be reasonable
for the employer to seek to prevent 1IllCrVlew<; dlld reference checks, Just as It
IS would not be reasonable to suggesl qll,d died! 1011<; be Ignored
The eVIdence mdlcates the MII1lStry made no effort to persuade the
County to 111mt the use of thIS sort of screenmg to employees wIthout
appropnate work expenence There IS no mentIon of any such effort m the
testImony of Ms RIchardson or m the notes of meetmgs attended by
representatIves of the MmIstry and County The absence of any such effort IS
a vIOlatIOn of paraf,Tfaph 1 (a)
The second branch of the employer's obl1gatIon IS to make reasonable efforts
to ensure tenns and condltlons of employment are as close as possIble to
those prevIOusly enjoyed The umon contends the MmIstry contravened
paragraph l(a) by not domg more to secure greater compensatIOn for
employees who transfer to Hastmgs County
The salanes to be paId by the County of Hastmgs are sIgmficantly less
than those paId by the Ml11IStry For the posItJOn of Caseworker 11, the one for
whIch the largest number of people wIll be lured t he County salary IS not
even 85% of the salary for the correspondlllg pO"lt 1011 (It the Ml11IStry There
IS also a substantlal shortfall m benefits
The Ml11IStry offered one-tnne fundmg 111 the amount of $378,500 to
Hastmgs County The offer was refused partly because the County was not
wIllmg to 111crease salanes for employees com111g from the OPS and not for
others The County's unwIllmgness to have dIfferent wage scales for
employees domg the same work IS entIrely understandable and not likely to
be overcome Even If all twelve of the employees expected to be dIsplaced at
the M111IStry are hIred by the County, they wIll constItute only about one-
eIghth of the projected staff of about one hundred 111 the County's Department
of SOCIal ServIces GIven thcse llulllbu" ,llld the Coullty s rCjectIon of a two-
tler approach to earnmgs, approxImately Clght doll,lrs would be requIred to
mcrease the earnmgs of a fonner OPS employee by one dollar ThIS may be
i 17
why the mcentIve offered by the Mmlstry proved msufficlent to persuade the
County to Improve salanes and benefits
The umon dId not dIrectly challenge the amount of money offered by
the MmIstry In partIcular, there IS no eVIdence to mdIcate thIs amount fell
short of the "avOIded costs" mentIoned by M r Kaplan III MInistry of
Community and SoclOl ,SerVICe\ The 1I111011 '-. ollly speclllL cntlclsm of the
mcentIve proposal relatIng to salanes IS th,lt rUlldlllg should have been offered
on an ongomg baSIS when one-tune fundmg was rejected There IS no reason
to thmk offenng to pay the same amount over a longer penod would have
produced a more favourable response As the amount of money on offer bas
not been shown to be madequate, I cannot conclude the financIalmcentIve
offered by the employer was In contraventIon of ItS oblIgatIOn to make
reasonable efforts
The unIon contends the MI111Stry Itself should top-up the salanes of
any fonner employees hIred by the County of Hastmgs, at least to the level of
85% of theIr fonner eamlllgs ThIs mglllllcnt ,11~o finds no support III the
collectIve agreement The employer 1'-. ohllged hy p;lI';lgr;lph I (a) to make
reasonable efforts to ensure employees Z1rc "ofrered pOSItIons WIth the new
employer on tenns and condItIOns that are as close as pOSSIble" to those
prevIOusly enjoyed TIlls language does not readily lend Itself to the
InterpretatIOn that the employer IS oblIged to top-up salanes by makmg
payments dIrectly to fonner employees workmg for someone else Any doubt
on thIS mater IS resolved by paragraph 1 (b) deallllg WIth the sItuatIOn where a
job offer entaIls a sIgnIficant reductIon 111 tenns and condItIons of
employment If the salary falls below 85% of prevIOUS eammgs, or If servIce
or semonty are not recogmzed, the employee may refuse the offer and collect
the payments set out 111 paragraph 1 (b) Tn other words, when the partIes
turned theIr m111ds to the scenano of an mfenor Job offer, they listed certam
entItlements The absence from thIS lIst of any nght to collect a top-up
payment from the employer mdIcates no such nght eXIsts
Apart from wages and benefIts, thc only tUlll or cOIH.lttlon of employment
contested by the umon IS senlonty Clllployu_\ 11Ircd by the County of
Hastmgs wIll not be granted recogmtlon of seniorIty acqUIred whIle employed
by the prov111ce For purposes oflayoff, recall and promotIon, theIr sel110nty
date WIll be the date they beg111 workmg for the County
Sel110nty IS not expressly mentIoned m parabrraph l(a), but the Ul110n
contends sel110nty IS one of the "tenns and condItIons of employment" to
whIch that paragraph refers, and the employer does not suggest othef\VISe In
MInistry of Consumer and COl71l71ercral RelatlOn5;, Mr Roberts held the
factors mentIoned 111 paragraph 1 (b )--salary, servIce and sel11onty-- 'were
uppennost 111 the partIes' mmds when they negotIated the reasonable efforts
proVISIon" found m the preccdlllg p;lr;lgr;lph (p;lge 20)
The employer dlsabrrees WIth the 1I1l101l d\ to how AppendIX 9 applIes
to the loss of OPS sel110nty 111 the partIcular CIrcumstances of thIS case
Employer counsel submIts
It should be noted that as a practIcal matter, those OPSEU members
dIsplaced by the transfer to Hastlllgs WIll have a level of sel110nty
protectIOn whIch may, 111 some Important respects, be greater than the
semonty they currently enJoy The Mlllllclpal1ty has agreed to hIre
quahfied OPS staff III respcct or dppro\.1I11atcly thrce tImes as many
posItIOns as WIll be lost In the OP<'" due to the tral1sfer Once hIred
the twelve OPS staff WIll become part of a hundred person SOCIal
servIces department at the County of HastIllgs The balance of the
thIrty-five staff needed WIll be hIred after the twelve OPS staff
Presumably, the OPS staff wIll move from the bottom of the BelleVIlle
County office semonty lIst to a posItlOn a fifth of the way up the
HastIngs County sel1lonty lIst
The employer's argument rests upon the premIse that the degree of
protectIOn afforded by selllonty depend') 110t upon the absolute amount of
semonty possessed by an employee, bill r;llher IlpOI1 how that amount
compares to the semonty of others III the b;lrgall1lng lllllt wIth whom the
IndIVIdual must compete
Semonty IS a relatIve matter 111 the sense the employer suggests Does
AppendIX 9 obhge the employer to make reasonable efforts to preserve
absolute semonty? Or IS the employer's obhgatlon fulfilled If reasonable
efforts are made to ensure there IS no dl1TIIllutlOn III the degree of protectIOn
afforded by selllonty, regardless of the amount of selllonty accorded to an
employee? These questIons gIve nse to some practIcal conSIderatIOns An
employee's absolute amount of selllonty can be readily quantIfied--m years,
months and days--but there IS no ObVIOII"ly l.orrl.ct y;lrcl')tlck for measunng
relatIve semonty Should It be mca<:;urul by the l1umber or people below an
employee on the semonty lIst, or by the fractlol1 of the bargammg umt WhICh
they compnse') And how should account be taken of the qua!Jficatlons of
those people, a factor whIch has a major beanng upon the value of the
employee's placement on the semonty lIst?
AppendIx 9 does not address any of the Issues posed by treatmg
semonty as a relatIve concept In addItIon, paral:,Tfaph I (b) speaks of "servIce
and semonty" bemg "carned over", trC<1t Ing ",cnlonty In the same way as
servIce wInch IS not a relatIve conccplln ,lny \l.Il",l. ^rtlclc 18 of the
collectIve agreement defines semonty as "Icngth of contllluous servIce", and
there IS nothmg to suggest the partIes mtended some other meamng m
AppendIx 9 These observatIons led me to conclude the partIes llltended the
reasonable efforts oblIgatIOn to apply to the preservatIOn of semonty III the
absolute sense, measured 111 years, months and days I note the employer's
conduct IS conSIstent WIth thIS mterpretatIon, as the Mmlstry 11l1tla]]y
proposed semonty under artIcle 18 the OPSEU collectIve agreement be
recognIzed by the County
The lll1IOn contends the employer vIOIClted Its oblIgatIon under
paragraph l(a) by not makIng grc,ltcr 1I\1. or Illldnclallncclltlves to mduce
CUPE Local 1665 to consent to thc rl.Coglllt lOll 01 OPS scnlonty ThIS
contentIOn assumes the employer IS obliged to make fundmg avaIlable to
proVIde an mducement to employees, such as those represented by CUPE
Local 1665, who may be adversely affected by the preservatIOn of OPS
semonty In my VIew, thIS assumptIon IS correct The "aVOIded costs to
WhICh Mr Kaplan referred m Mmlstry qlCol77l77umty and SoclOl ServIces
should be used for thIS purpose
DId the employer fulfill ItS oblIgatIon WIth respect to semonty
preservatIon? Rather than dealmg dIrectly wlth the localumon, the Mll1IStry
endeavoured to have the County obtmn the barg,l1111ng agent s consent As
~ .
there were no stnngs attached to the mcentlve fundmg offered to the County,
the employer contends these funds could have been used by the County to
WIll over Local 1665 Yet the Mmlstry dId not carry thIS matter very far m ItS
dealmgs WIth the County No real effort was made by the MlI1lstry to ensure
the use of mcentIves was canvassed by the County wIth CUFE Local 1665
The only concrete proposal dIscussed by MlI1lstry and County representatIves
mvolved paymg dues to the local umon for the penod for whIch an
employee's OPS semonty would be recognized Ms RIchardson testIfied
even thIS matter was dropped beC;lll\C oj C()llcU"n It would constItute an unfaIr
labour practIce There IS no eVIdence to ~lIggc\1 M~ Rlchdrdson, or anyone
else at the Mll1IStry, obtall1ed a legal Op1l110n Mr Smeaton agreed wIth umon
counsel's suggestIOn that the use of a financ13l111centlve to obtall1 semonty
credIt would be lawful If done m the appropnate way
I conclude the employer dId not fulfill ItS reasonable efforts oblIgatIon
WIth respect to semonty recogmtlon The M1111Stry faIled to carry out an
adequate exploratIOn of thIS matter, eIther by offenng an mcentlve dIrectly to
CUFE or by attemptmg to ensure the County dId so The subject was dropped
out of concems over legalIty for whIch the eVIdence reveals no solId
In the event reasonable errort" provc 1I1l,lhlc to c;ccure full recogmtlon
of OPS semonty, the umon contends P8[8g[;lph 1(8) reqll1res the employer to
attempt to secure a "secondary" semonty I1st Under such a lIst, the rankmg
of fonner OPS employees relatIve to one another, but not relatIve to other
members of a mUnIcIpal barga1l11l1g umt, would be detenn1l1ed by semonty
acqUIred m the OPS I agree WIth thIS argument
The umon also contends the employer VIOLllullh re;l\Ol1dble efforts
oblIgatIOn by not allowmg local OPSEU reprcSCl1tatlves a sufficIent
opportumty for "mput" concernmg the MmIstry's negotIatIons WIth Hastmgs
County The only speCIfic matter addressed 111 eVIdence concerns the
allegatIOn that the MmIstry's mtenm abrreement wIth the County was not
gIven to umon representatIves Ms RIchardson testIfied they were mfonned
of the contents of thIS agreement Faced 111 cross-exam111atIOn wIth the
assertIOn that umon offiCIals were not gIven a copy of the document, Ms
RIchardson neIther agreed nor dIsagreed She sImply SaId there was no reason
why they would not have been gIven a copy Based on thIS eVIdence, 1
conclude the UTIlon has not proven 11\ ;lllLgdllol1
The relIef sought by the uTIlon IS a declaratIOn that the employer has
contravened paragraph 1 (a) of Append!'. 9 111 certam respects T have
concluded the employer breached thIS provIsIon by (1) not makmg
reasonable efforts to preclude the of LIse an 111tervIew and reference checks
for an employee wIth substantial, recent expenence m a Job not slg1l1ficantlv
dIfferent than the one bemg sought, (2) not makmg reasonable efforts to
f utIlIze financIal mcentIves to obtam the approval of CUPE Local 1665 for
recogmtIOn of OPS se1l10nty, and (3) not Illak Il1g reasonable efforts to obtalll
a secondary se1110nty I1st, when I'll I I recoglllt 1011 01' OPS <;;elllonty was not
RIchard M Brown
Ottawa, OntarIo
August 4, 1998