HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-2033.MASSA99_06_01
GSB # 2033/97 0384/98 0385/98
OLB # 002198, 235/97 413197
Ontano LIquor Boards Employees Umon
(Joseph Massa)
- and -
The erown m RIght of Ontano
(LIqUor eontrol Board of Ontano)
BEFORE RandI Harnrner Abramsky V Ice-ehmr
FOR THE Larry Stemberg
UNION eounsel, KoskIe Minsky
BarrIsters & SoiIcltors
FOR THE MIchael G Sherrard
EMPLOYER Counsel, Ogllvy Renault
Barnsters & SoiIcltors
HEARING May 12 1999 m Toronto
At the close of the Employer s case, the Umon moved for a non-sUIt m relatIOn to
one of the gnevances before thIS Board, the three-day suspenSIOn Issued to the gnevor
Joseph Massa, on July 14, 1997 The basIs of the Umon s motIon IS that the Employer
vIOlated ArtIcle 26 3 of the partIes collectIve agreement and, as a result, the dIsclplme
Imposed IS VOId ab milia ArtIcle 26.3 states as follows
An employee who IS reqUIred to attend a meetmg for the purpose of
dIscussmg a matter WhICh may result m dIscIplmary actIOn bemg taken
agamst the employee shall be made aware of the purpose of the meetmg
and hIs/her nght to Ulllon representatIOn m advance of the meetmg. The
employee shall be entItled to have a Uillon representatIve at such meetmg
provIded that thIS does not result m undue delav
On June 4 1997 the gnevor was Issued a "NotIce of Intended DIscIplme",
commonly referred to as a "NOID" m relatIOn to an alleged forklIft mCldent on June 3
1997 ThIS was handed to Mr Massa WIthout a Ulllon steward present smce he dId not
want to be represented by one of the local stewards and the OLBEU Zone RepresentatIve
was away The NOID outlmed the alleged mCIdent and then stated, m part, that "[w]Ithm
three (3) days from receIpt of thIS letter vou are requested to provIde me WIth a wntten
explanatIOn of your actIOns and your dIsregard for establIshed safety procedures"
On June 6 1997 Mr Massa submItted a wntten reply to the allegatIOns contamed
m the June 4 1997 NOID
Thereafter Human Resources Manager Pat HoulIhan advIsed BIll McDowell,
Manager of the DIstnbutIOn eentre m London, that the gnevor was entItled to Union
representatIOn when he was Issued the NOID and that the first NOID should be wIthdrawn
and then reIssued when the Zone RepresentatIve returned or sent by maIl. ThIS was done
on June 12, 1997 by letter VIa regIstered mall The June 12 1997 letter whIch was sent by
Mr McDowell states, m pertment part, as follows
WIth respect to the "NotIce of Intended DIscIplme dated and Issued to
you June 04, 1997 Please be advIsed that as no OLBEU Zone
RepresentatIve was aVallable on thIS date, the InitIal notIce IS hereby
deemed null and VOId. Attached you WIll find your wntten response to the
notIce, dated June 06 1997, accompanIed by a reVIsed "NotIce ofIntended
DIsclplme", dated June 12, 1997 forwarded to you VIA REGISTERED
The reVIsed NOID dated June 12, 1997, IS IdentIcal to the June 4 1997 NOID
Mr McDowell testIfied that he receIved another copy of Mr Massa's first
response dated June 6 1997 m response to the second NOID It was also Mr
Houlihan s recollectIOn that Mr Massa resubmItted hIS first response to the reVIsed
NOID At thIS pomt m the hearmg, that eVIdence stands unrefuted and must be accepted
as true for the purposes of thIS motIOn.
On July 14 1997 the gnevor was Issued a three-day suspensIOn by Mr McDowell
m relatIOn to the alleged mCIdent on June 3, 1997 That letter starts off as follows
Further to the NotIce of Intended DIscIplme Issued to you June 4, 1997
regardmg your operatIOn of a fork 11ft truck on the afternoon of June 3
Weare m receIpt of the requested mformatIOn and have carefully
consIdered the explanatIOn you have provIded m your letter dated June 6
It then reVIews the pomts raIsed by the gnevor m hIS June 6, 1997 response, determmes
that he faIled to provIde any reasonable explanatIOn for hIS actIOns and determmed that
dIsclplme was warranted.
Dunng the heanng, Mr McDowell was not questIOned eIther m exammatIOn-m-
chIef or m cross-exammatIOn about the dates set forth m the July 14 1997 letter of
dIscIplme The Issue was canvassed WIth Mr HoulIhan, but hIs role was that of adVIsor
He dId not author the July 14, 1997 letter Imposmg dIscIplme
Arguments of the Parties
The Umon submIts that the July 14 1997 letter of dIscIplme on ItS face IS
defectIve by reason of Its reference to the ongmal June 4, 1997 NOID The Employer, m
the Umon's VIew, Improperly relIed on the first NOID WhICh was Issued m vIOlatIOn of
ArtIcle 26 3 of the collectIve agreement As a result, It submIts that the dIscIplme IS VOId
ab initIO
In support of ItS contentIOn, the Umon CItes to two GSB cases OLBEU (LeHay)
and LCBO (1995), GSB No 809/94 (Gorsky) and OLBEU (Franssen) and LCBO (1997)
GSB No 1636/96 (Mikus) In LeHay, the Umon raIsed a prelImmary ObjectIOn to the
hearmg proceedmg on the baSIS that the dIscharge of the gnevor was VOId ab initio
because the Employer faIled to comply WIth ArtIcle 26 3 In that case the gnevor was
handed a NOID at a meetmg, wIth no advance nollce of the subject matter of the meetmg
nor of hIS nght to umon representatIOn. The NOID stated that the gnevor was observed
usmg Improper cashIenng procedures on May 4 1994 and asked for a wntten statement
explammg the mCIdent withm three days At the meetmg, however the manager
questIOned the gnevor regardmg what occurred on May 4 In the board s VIew thIS was a
meetmg, at least m part, to dISCUSS a matter which may result m dlscIplmary actIOn bemg
taken" agamst the gnevor withm the meanmg of ArtIcle 26 3 Accordmgly, the gnevor
had a nght to be made "aware of the purpose of the meetmg and his/her nght to Umon
representatIOn m advance of the meetmg." Smce that dId not occur the dIsciplme was
vOId ab initio The Board deCided that ArtIcle 26 3 created a substantIve nght for the
protectIOn of employees whIch must be complIed wIth or the disciplme Imposed is VOId
ab initio
In Franssen, the gnevor was Issued thIrteen NOIDS m all whIch led to hIS
termmatIOn of employment. SIX were delIvered to hIm by his manager wIthout
dIscussIOn although the gnevor read them m the manager S presence and commented that
they were "untrue and "made no sense" Two were sent by pnonty post, and five more
were hand-delIvered to the gnevor without any discussIOn at all. The Umon, as a
prelImmary matter, asserted that the handmg of the NOIDs to the gnevor constItuted a
"meetmg for the purpose of dIscussmg a matter which may result m disclplmary actIOn
bemg taken" under ArtIcle 26 3 and, smce the gnevor was not told of the purpose of the
meetmg nor advised of hIS nght to umon representatIOn, were vOId ab initio The Board
agreed, statmg at p 8 that when the manager "elected to present the NOIDs personally to
the gnevor he InItlated a meetIng to dISCUSS matters that .mlght lead to dISCIplIne " and
"put the gnevor In the vulnerable posItIOn of possibly makmg statements agaInst Interest
wIthout the adVIce and assIstance of a Umon representatIve AccordIngly the NarDs,
wIth the exceptIOn of the two whIch were sent by pnonty post, were VOId ab initio There
was no VIOlatIOn In regard to the NOIDs sent by maIl because "the nghts under artIcle
26 3 anse only If an employee IS reqmred to attend a meetIng to dISCUSS a matter that
mIght lead to dlsclplme" and "[t]he NOrDs that were sent by mall to the gnevor do not
fall Into that category "(DeclsIOn at p 10)
In the mstant case, the Umon submIts that the June 4, 1997 NOID WhICh was
handed to the gnevor WIthout Umon representatIOn In VIOlatIOn of ArtIcle 263 was VOId
and the dISCIplIne of July 14, 1997, WhICh relIed on that NOrD IS VOId ab initio The case
law It submIts, makes thIS clear and must be followed. Accordmgly, It contends that ItS
motIOn for non-smt regardIng the three-day suspenSIOn must be granted.
The Employer asserts that the onus IS on the Umon to establIsh a VIOlatIOn of
ArtIcle 26 3 wluch It has faIled to do It submIts that the Umon's pOSItIOn Ignores the fact
that the Employer, based on the GSB cases, Itself VOIded the June 4, 1997 NOrD and
returned Mr Massa's June 6, 1997 reply It then properly re-Issued It, by pnonty post, on
June 12, 1997 and Mr Massa re-submltted the same June 6 1997 reply In the
Employer s VIew there was no VIOlatIon of ArtIcle 26.3 and the mIstaken reference to the
June 4 1997 NOID cannot create one To so rule, In ItS VIew, would be absurd. The
Employer submIts that gIVen the Employer s relIance on the resubmItted June 6 reply
from Mr Massa, It IS only logIcal that the reference to the June 4th NOID, rather than the
re-Issued one was a mIstake arId notes that Mr McDowell was not questIOned about thIS
by counsel for the Umon.
In support of ItS contentIOn, the Employer relIes on LeHav m whIch the Board
opmed at p 56 that there mIght be "a certam futIlIty to thIS exerCIse m that the Gnevor
may agam be dIscharged by the Employer thIS tIme followmg the reqUIrements of the
collectIve agreement. " In the Employer's VIew that IS exactly what It dId here -
wIthdraw the Improper NOID and re-Issue It properly followmg the reqUIrements of the
collectIve agreement. In ItS submISSIOn, the mIstaken reference to the first NOID m the
July 14 1997 letter of dlsclplme IS not suffiCIent to vOId the dIscIplme Imposed. The
Employer also CItes to Re Ottawa Board of EducatIOn and Ottawa Board of Education
Employees' Unzon (1988), 2 L.A.C (4th) 26 (Bendel) and Re VS Services Ltd. Vending
Services and Teamsters Union, Local 647 (1990) 17 L.A.C (4th) 239 (Brandt)
In reply the Umon submIts that the Issue here IS not whether Mr Massa could be
dlsclplmed agam, but whether the collectIve agreement was vIOlated by the Employer
when It dIscIplmed the gnevor based on a NOID whIch was Issued to hIm WIthout umon
representatIOn. It asserts that the July 14 1997 letter of dIscIplme IS clear on ItS face that
dIscIplme was based on the defectIve NOID arId there IS no eVIdence that a "mIstake"
about the date was made It IS Just as logIcal, m the Umon s VIew, that Mr McDowell
Improperly relIed on the defectIve NOID It submIts that It had no oblIgatIOn to questIOn
Mr McDowell about the dates on the July 14 letter and could properly take the document
at face value
The Uillon S motIOn for non-smt depends on whether or not there was a VIOlatIOn
of ArtIcle 26 3 If so the dIsCIplme IS VOId ab initio Le Hay supra The onus IS on the
Uillon and based on the eVIdence presented I cannot conclude that there was a VIOlatIOn of
ArtIcle 263m thIS case
ArtIcle 26 3 grants "a substantIve nght to an emplovee to have the assIstance of a
Uillon representatIve whenever he/she IS reqmred to attend a meetmg wIth the employer
to dISCUSS any matter that mIght lead to dIscIplme" Franssen, supra at p 7 The purpose
of thIS provIsIOn IS to protect the employee from the nsk of makmg mcnmmatmg
statements LeHay supra at p 50, cItmg The Steel Company of Canada (Raynor) at pp
7-8 umeported declSlon dated August 29 1990 It protects agamst placmg an employee
m "a vulnerable posItIOn of possIbly makmg statements agamst mterest wIthout the advIce
and assIstance of a Uillon representatIve" Franssen, supra at pp 8-9 ThIS nght to
umon representatIOn, however only attaches when there IS a meetmg held to dISCUSS a
matter that may lead to dIscIplme There IS no reqmrement that a meetmg be held and a
NOID may be sent to an employee by mall, wIthout vIOlatmg ArtIcle 26 3 Franssen,
supra at p 10
In thIS case, the ongmal June 4 1997 NOID was handed to the gnevor wIthout
umon representatIOn. It IS umefuted that he chose not to have the local stewards represent
hIm and the OLBEU Zone RepresentatIve was away Mr Massa then rephed m wntmg to
the June 4th NOID Thereafter on June 12, 1997 m hght of the GSB cases cIted above,
the Employer rescmded the June 4, 1997 NOID declanng It "null and vOId and Issued a
revIsed NOID whIch was IdentIcal to the first one, Via regIstered mall WhIle It IS dicta
the LeHay decIsIOn appears to authonze thIS course of actIOn and, m fact, the Umon dId
not assert that the Employer could not do so Counsel for the Umon onlv stated that there
IS a dIVIsIOn m the case law about the nght of an employer to correct Its actIOns m thIS
manner Instead, the UnIon s concern focused solelv on the July 14 1997 letter of
dIscIplme whIch referred to the first defectIve NOID
The fact IS, however that wIth the wIthdrawal of the first NOrD Mr Massa was
not placed m a "vulnerable posItIOn of pOSSIbly makmg statements agamst mterest
wIthout the advIce and assIstance of a umon representatIve" Franssen, supra at p 8
There was no "meetmg" under ArtIcle 263 because the revIsed NOID was sent by
regIstered mall. Assummg, per LeHay, that the Employer could correct Its ImtIal error as
It dId, there was no substantIve vIOlatIOn of Mr Massa s nghts to umon representatIOn.
All that IS left IS the fact that the July 14, 1997 letter of dIscIplme refers to the
first, defectIve NOrD and the record IS SImply unclear whether that was the result of an
error m the date by Mr McDowell or Improper relIance on the June 4 1997 NOrD
Although as counsel for the UnIon qmte properly asserts, the UnIon may rely on the letter
of dIscIplme as wntten and dId not have to questIOn Mr McDowell about It, that leaves
the eVIdence regardmg the CIrcumstances surroundmg the July 14 1997 letter unclear On
Its face, the letter refers to the June 4 1997 NOID and the June 6 1997 reply from Mr
Massa. But that letter does not stand alone There IS both documentary and testImonIal
eVIdence that the first NorD was rescmded and a new one Issued and that Mr Massa
resubmItted hIS ongmal reply m response to the second NOID That eVIdence truly raIses
a questIOn about the letter of dIscIplme's reference to the ongmal NOrD
Normally, comphance WIth ArtIcle 26.3 IS ralsed as a prehmmary Issue rndeed,
m LeHav supra at p 58, the board stated that "It would be expected that the Issue relatmg
to the Employer s fallure to comply WIth the proVISIOns of art. 26 3 would, at some pomt
m the [gnevance] procedure, have been ralsed by the UnIon." There IS no eVIdence that
occurred here Nor was It ralsed as a prehmmary Issue, nor mentIOned m the opemng
statements, nor was the one WItness who could have explamed It questIOned about It. The
effect of thIS IS to leave the record deCIdedly unclear about the July 14 1997 letter It IS
Just as plaUSIble that Mr McDowell made a mIstake about the date as It IS that he truly
rehed on the defectIve NOID
In a motIon for non-smt, the eVIdence IS to be conSIdered m the hght most
favourable to the party opposmg the motIon - WItnesses are to be assumed credIble and all
reasonable favorable mferences are to be drawn. As a result, r cannot conclude that the
Employer m fact, Improperly based ItS deCISIOn to dIscIplme the gnevor on the June 4
1997 NOID mstead of the reVIsed one
Accordmglv the UnIon has not sustamed Its onus and the mutIOn for a non-suIt IS
Issued thIS 1 st day of June 1999 m Toronto
MUL f-f ~f?{"17 ~~
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Rand\ Hammer Abramsky, Y lCB3.1f