HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-0236.Union Grievance.01-05-09 Decision o NTARW EMPU) YES DE L4 COURONNE CROW"!EMPU)YEES DE L 'ONTARW GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETllEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRI EFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONElTELEPHONE. (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB#0236/98 UNION#98U041 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano Pubhc ServIce Emplovees Umon (Umon Gnevance) Gnevor - and - The Crown m RIght of Ontano (Mimstn of CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer BEFORE Gern Lee Vice-Chair FOR THE DavId Wnght, Counsel GRIEVOR Rvder Wnght, Blair & Dovle Bamsters and SohcItors FOR THE Len HatzIs, Counsel EMPLOYER Legal ServIces Branch Management Board Secretanat HEARING January 30th 2001 and Apnl 30th 2001 2 IntroductIOn ThIS case concerns a polIcy gnevance dated Apnl 1 1998 allegmg that the employer was vIOlatmg artIcle Cor 802 of the collectIve agreement at the Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre (GCC) In a medlarb seSSIOn that took place on January 30th 2001 a sIgmficant number of Issues were resolved wIth respect to the local overtIme agreement for ClasSIfied CorrectIOnal Officers However the partIes could not reach agreement on the questlOn of an appropnate remedy where a CorrectIOnal Officer (CO) had been demed an overtIme opportumty to whIch she was entItled. In thIS regard, the partIes agreed to submIt a Statement of Facts and Issues, whIch would contam certam hypothetIcal scenanos for thIS Board to address By proceedmg m thIS manner the partIes were hopeful that my decIsIOn would enable them to resolve approxImately 75 outstandmg overtIme gnevances at GCC The matter resumed on Apnl 9 2001 where counsel for the umon and the employer made submISSIOns based on the Statement of Facts and Issues (below) Statement of Facts and Issues Back2:round. 1 The partIes have agreed to spht the Issue of habIhn and remed, wIth respect to the group and pohc, gnevances before the Gnevance Settlement Board. The partIes are seekmg a generahzed deCISIOn from the arbItrator on the Issue of remed, onh m the context of certam fact SItuatIOns mentIOned below The fact SItuatIOns are mereh hypothetIcal and are deSIgned to reflect SItuatIOns where habIht, IS not contested. 2. The sole purpose for thIS referral to the Gnevance Settlement Board at thIS tIme IS to aSSIst the partIes m dealmg WIth the numerous mdIvIdual gnevances filed m relatIOn to the local overtIme agreement and also aSSIst WIth resolvmg an, future gnevances and dIsputes m the context of the local agreement at Guelph. 3 The employer dIsputes an, allegatIOn that It has VIOlated an, of ItS obhgatIOns under the current collectIve agreement or the relevant local agreement m relatIOn to the subject matter of these gnevances Facts. 4 OPSEU and the Mimstn entered mto an OvertIme DIstributIOn Agreement for CorrectIOnal Officers at the Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre dated June 5 1998 The Agreement states that the partIes agree that the overtIme pohc, IS to ensure a fair 3 and eqmtable dIstributIOn of overtIme at the Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre and IS m keepmg wIth ArtIcle Cor 8 of the CorrectIOnal Bargammg Umt CollectIve Agreement. 5 There have been tempo ran exceptIOns to the local agreement dunng the hohda, season, whIch have been agreed to b, the partIes ScenariOs. 1 The computer system whIch tracks overtIme hour s malfunctIOns and consequenth an maccurate accountmg of hours for overtIme hmng purposes results A classIfied correctIOnal officer (CO A) WIth actuallesser hours relatIve to another classIfied correctIOnal officer (CO B) IS not contacted for overtIme consIderatIOn for a da, ShIft on Januan 12 per the local agreement and accepted procedures CO B works the overtIme ShIft mstead. CO A has a hIston of requestmg numerous overtIme ShIftS m an, gIven week and further has requested overtIme ShIftS subsequent to Januan 12 On Januan 13 the employer offers CO A the opportumt, to work another overtIme ShIft of her chOIce m hght of the computer malfunctIOn. What effect, If an, do the followmg alteratIOns have on the Issue of remed, (I) the employer offers CO A the opportumn to work another overtIme ShIft of her chOIce but thIS offer IS made 2 weeks later on Januan 26 (11) the employer offers CO A the opportumn to work another overtIme ShIft of her chOIce but thIS offer IS made three months later on Apri112 (111) the employer offers CO A a speCIal opportumt, for overtIme consIstmg of the same number of hours mIssed. The speCial opportumt, to work overtIme IS to be utihzed at CO A S dIscretIOn. The understandmg IS that thIS opportumt, would be m addItIOn to an, overtIme that the employer would otherwIse find It necessan to schedule and whether or not the employer would otherwIse have reqmred anyone to work overtIme (iv) the employer offers CO A a speCial opportumt, for overtIme tIed to trammg SpecIficalh CO A stIll needs to complete vanous components of her mandaton trammg, whIch m thIS example IS restramt trammg The restramt trammg course IS scheduled to occur on a da, when CO A IS alread, scheduled to work at the mstItutIOn. Under normal CIrcumstances, CO A would be paid her eIght hours pa, to complete the trammg In hght of the overtIme Issue noted above the employer offers to pa, CO A twelve hours pa, for the upcommg eIght-hour trammg da, (v) the employer does not offer CO A another overtIme ShIft m hght of the fact that CO A worked an overtIme ShIft the ven next da, (VI) CO A generalh requests onh one overtIme ShIft per month, whIch m thIS example was Januan 12 4 (vu) the employer and the umon learn that CO A S request was deliberateh overlooked b, the scheduhng person m charge of assIgmng overtIme ( V111 ) there IS eVIdence to suggest that a vast number of requests filed b, correctIOnal officers m the precedmg months have been mnocenth overlooked b, the employer These omISSIOns reflect a SIzeable amount of hours m relatIOn to the actual overtIme hours assIgned. 2 Usmg the same fact scenano as number one CO A s overtIme ShIft IS lost to CO C an unclassIfied correctIOnal officer 3 CO D alleges that on Februan 9 he requested to work an overtIme ShIft on Februan 10 per the accepted procedures The requested overtIme ShIft IS proVIded to another CO who has more hours of overtIme accrued than CO D Although the employer dIsputes that CO D made the request for the speCIfic ShIft m questIOn, the employer ultImateh accepts that CO D made the request and offers hIm another overtIme opportumn for the ven next da, Februan 11 What effect, If an, do the followmg alteratIOns have on the Issue of remed, ? (I) the employer offers CO D the opportumn to work another overtIme ShIft of hIS chOIce to be taken wIthm the next thIrt, days (u) the employer and the umon learn that CO D s request was deliberateh overlooked b, the scheduhng person m charge of assIgmng overtIme (111) there IS eVIdence to suggest that a vast number of requests filed b, correctIOnal officers m the precedmg months have been mnocenth overlooked b, the employer These omISSIOns reflect a SIzeable amount of hours m relatIOn to the actual overtIme hours assIgned. (IV) the employer offers CO D the opportumn to work another overtIme ShIft of hIS chOIce but thIS offer IS made 2 weeks later on Februan 26 (v) the employer offers CO D the opportumn to work another overtIme ShIft of hIS chOIce but thIS offer IS made three months later on Ma, 12 (VI) the employer offers CO D a speCial opportumt, for overtIme consIstmg of the same number of hours mIssed. The speCial opportumt, to work overtIme IS to be utihzed at CO D S dIscretIOn. The understandmg IS that thIS opportumt, would be m addItIOn to an, overtIme that the employer would otherwIse find It necessan to schedule and whether or not the employer would otherwIse have reqmred anyone to work overtIme (vu) the employer offers CO D a speCial opportumt, for overtIme tIed to trammg SpecIficalh CO D stIll needs to complete vanous components of her mandaton trammg, whIch m thIS example IS restramt trammg The restramt trammg course IS scheduled to occur on a da, when CO D IS alread, scheduled to work at the mstItutIOn. Under normal CIrcumstances, CO D would be paid her eIght hours pa, to complete the trammg In hght of the overtIme Issue noted above the 5 employer offers to pa, CO D twelve hours pa, for the upcommg eIght-hour trammg da, ( V111 ) the employer does not offer CO D another overtIme ShIft m hght of the fact that CO D worked an overtIme ShIft the ven next da, (IX) CO D generalh requests onh one overtIme ShIft per month, whIch m thIS example was Februan 10 4 On April 25 a manager hIres CO E for an overtIme ShIft. It IS revealed that the overtIme ShIft was not reqUIred b, the employer on Apnl 25 and that the manager made a mIstake m assIgmng overtIme on that da, CO F learns of the Apn125th aSSIgnment and alerts the employer to the fact that he had requested the same overtIme ShIft and that he had pnont, over CO E m terms of aSSIgnment of overtIme CO F mSIsts that he should be compensated regardless If an error was made or whether overtIme was actualh reqUIred b, the employer CO F works overtIme on Apnl 26th What effect, If an, do the followmg alteratIOns have on the Issue of remed, (I) the employer offers CO F another overtIme ShIft of hIS chOIce to be taken wIthm the next thnn days (11) the employer offers CO F another overtIme ShIft of hIS chOIce to be taken wIthm the next nmen days as CO F IS leavmg on hohdays for the next month. The Statement of Pacts and Issues makes reference to the OvertIme DIstnbutIOn Agreement (the Local Agreement) and artIcle Cor 8.2 1 of the CorrectIOnal Bargammg Umt CollectIve Agreement. The relevant sectIOns of the local agreement and artIcle 8 2 1 are reproduced below' COR 8.2 1 In the aSSIgnment of overtIme the Employer agrees to develop methods of dIstributmg overtIme at the local workplace that are fair and eqUItable after havmg ensured that all ItS operatIOnal reqUIrements are met. Local Agreement Preamble The partIes agree that the overtIme pohc, IS to ensure a fair and eqUItable dIstributIOn of overtIme at the Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre and IS m keepmg WIth ArtIcle Cor 8 of the CorrectIOnal Bargammg Umt CollectIve Agreement. 6 The Scheduhng Officer/ShIft Manager wIll ensure the Officer WIth the least amount of accumulated overtIme hours IS called first m order to equahze overtIme dIstributIOn. Hours wIll accumulate over a Two Calendar Month penod after whIch the prevIOUS months totals wIll be ehmmated. For example June and the ongomg month (Juh) Entenng August, June totals wIll be dropped and accumulatIOn will be based on Juh/August and so on. 6 13 Should an mdIvIdual have a concern m regards to the hmng of a specIfic overtIme ShIft, the, should contact the Schedulmg Manager dIrecth WIth theIr concerns at the earhest tIme The Schedulmg Manager will reVIew the mdIvIdual s concern and, If necessan demonstrate the reason for the overtIme hIre whIch IS reflected on the overtIme computer screen, m keepmg WIth thIS agreement. Where possible when an error IS dIscovered, the Scheduhng manager shall attempt to rectIf, the SItuatIOn WIth the affected mdIvIdual UNION ARGUMENT Counsel for the umon takes the pOSItIOn that the employer has entered mto an agreement WIth the local umon regardmg the dIstnbutIOn of overtIme and IS bound by that agreement. Counsel stated that both the collectIve agreement and the local agreement are sIlent WIth respect to remedy The umon contends that If a CO was Improperly demed an overtIme aSSIgnment, the only appropnate remedy would be monetary compensatIOn and not an "m-kmd" remedy I e a future opportumty to work at overtIme rates The umon argues that the agreed upon system for dIstnbutmg overtIme at GCC IS neIther a semonty-based system, nor IS It a rotatIOnal system Accordmg to the umon, the system IS "umque" and may m some form, resemble an equalIzatIOn system The umon acknowledged that the arbItral Junsprudence, m general, establIshes that there IS a presumptlOn that a remedy m kmd may be appropnate m certam mstances where there has been a lost overtIme opportumty Counsel argued that It IS also well establIshed that an m-kmd remedy wIll not be granted m SItuatIOns where It would SImply create further VIOlatIOns of the collectIve agreement. For that reason, the umon stated that the system m place at the GCC was SImply not amenable to m-kmd remedIes The umon descnbed the system at GCC as a voluntary system whereby cas mterested m overtIme aSSIgnments mdIcate theIr mterest and avaIlabIlIty on a dally baSIS On any gIven day a CO can select from a WIde range of dIfferent ShIft optIOns If an overtIme opportumty anses, the schedulIng officer checks the overtIme lIst to see whIch cas have SIgned up for the ShIft m questIOn. The schedulIng officer then attempts to fill 7 the ShIft by contactmg employees m the "pool" begmmng WIth the CO WIth the least amount of accumulated overtIme hours, untIl the ShIft IS filled. The umon argues that thIS IS the extent to whIch overtIme equalIzatIOn applIes Counsel for the umon stated that the pool of COs mterested m overtIme changes on a dally baSIS Some employees mIght SIgn up for one or two ShIftS per month, others may SIgn up on a more frequent baSIS Consequently as the pool of avaIlable COs changes on a dally baSIS, the employee IdentIfied as havmg the least amount of accumulated overtIme hours would also m most mstances, change Counsel stated that when an error IS dIscovered at GCC the actual remedy proposed by the employer IS to award the aggneved CO a replacement overtIme shIft. ThIS IS achIeved by placmg the CO's name to the top of the lIst for the next avaIlable overtIme opportumty Counsel submItted that as a result of thIS approach, the pool becomes dIstorted when an otherwIse elIgible CO IS bumped from the top of the lIst m order to accommodate the CO who mIssed the overtIme aSSIgnment. Umon counsel submIts that thIS approach merely leads to addItIOnal problems or gnevances from other COs With respect to the "specIal" overtIme opportumtIes, umon counsel argues that the "supernumerary" aSSIgnment IS stIll work that belongs to the CO overtIme group and by assIgmng the work to CO A It would be "lost" to the rest of the group Further the proposed aSSIgnment would proVIde no economIC value to the employer that IS, the employer would be paymg for a task that was not really necessary Umon counsel added that both the supernumerary and trammg aSSIgnments are a reCIpe for dIsagreement between the partIes and would be dIfficult to Implement. Counsel stated that both proposals would create further problems m that they would adversely affect the nghts of other COs Counsel added that the trammg aSSIgnment does not fully compensate the gnevor as It only results m four hours extra pay when the gnevor had m fact lost 12 hours pay (8 hours pay at tIme and one half) 8 In summary the uruon submItted that If the Board has any doubt whether a proposed remedy m kmd wIll effectIvely redress the loss caused by an overtIme breach, wIthout Itself causmg another breach, a monetary remedy should be ordered. Umon counsel made reference to the followmg authontIes m support of hIS case Re Dominion Colour COlp and Teamsters Chemical, Energy and Allied lJ, orkers Loc 1880 (1997) 64 L.A.C (/11)(0 Neil) Re Cambridge (City) andA.T U Loc 1608 (1997) 65 L.A.C (/11) (Tims) Re OLBEU and Liquor Control Board of Ontario (Sousa) datedApril13 2000 GSB File No 1492 98 (BrolJ,n) Re OLBEU and Liquor Control Board of Ontario (De Petrillo et al) dated August 2 1989 GSB File No 117 -119 89 (Gorsky) and Re OPSEU and Ministry of Correctional Services (Chard) dated January 21 1994 GSBNo 139893(Kaplan) EMPLOYER ARGUMENT FIrstly the employer submIts that as a startmg pomt, one must look to artIcle 8 2 1 of the collectIve agreement and the preamble of the local agreement m order to determme the appropnate remedy Counsel stated that artIcle 8.2 1 reqUIres the employer m the aSSIgnment of overtIme to be " fair and eqUItable after havmg ensured that all ItS operatIOnal reqUIrements are met." The preamble of the local agreement reIterates thIS proVISIOn when It descnbes that the purpose of the local agreement IS to " ensure a fair and eqUItable dIstnbutIOn of overtIme at Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre, and IS m keepmg WIth Cor 8 of the CorrectIOnal Bargammg Umt CollectIve Agreement." The employer acknowledged that there IS no speCIfic mentIOn of remedy eIther m the collectIve agreement or the local agreement. Employer counsel noted that artIcle 13 of the local agreement comes closest to dIscussmg a remedy when It refers COs WIth "concerns" to the SchedulIng Officer to" attempt to rectIfy the SItuatIOn WIth the affected mdIvIdual" Employer counsel submItted that as there IS no speCIfic mentIOn of remedy m eIther agreement, and based on overtIme dIstnbutIOn bemg subJect to 9 " operatIOnal reqUIrements" the employer IS entItled to enJoy "fleXIbIlIty" wIth respect to remedy and overtIme dIstnbutIOn. Secondly counsel submIts that ArtIcle 6 of the Local Agreement reqUIres the employer to "equalIze" overtIme opportumtIes wIthm a rollIng two month tIme penod. Employer counsel descnbed the overtIme dIstnbutIOn system m place at GCC as an equalIzatIOn system and that bUIlt m to such a system IS an "automatIC correctIOn factor" That IS, If a CO was Improperly demed an overtIme opportumty she would not be credIted wIth the overtIme hours mIssed. The error therefore, IS automatIcally corrected because the CO would establIsh her nght to subsequent overtIme assIgnments wIthm the tIme frame for equalIzatIOn. As a result, the affected CO would not be dIsadvantaged m relatIOn to other COs m the overtIme group Counsel submItted that because of thIS factor the Board must find that If a breach occurs, the equalIzatIOn system Itself automatIcally proVIdes a bUIlt-m remedy ThIrdly counsel asks me to carefully conSIder the employer's proposal regardmg "speCIal" overtIme opportumtIes and to conclude that thIS approach reconcIles the mterests of both the employer and the employee In each case, the remedIes proposed do not reqUIre the employer to pay for tIme that IS not worked. Furthermore, both scenanos confirm that there was no delIberate breach of the overtIme protocol by the employer nor was there any mdIcatlOn of a perSIstent pattern of mIstakes Counsel contended that both proposals would not adversely affect the nghts of other COs, nor would they lead to a breach of the local agreement. Employer counsel referred to the followmg authontIes m support of hIS case Re Canadian Johns-Manville Co and International Chemical Workers Union, Local 346 (1971) 22 L.A.C 396 (Weiler) Re Canadian Johns-Manville Co Ltd and International Chemical Workers Union, Local 346 (1974) 12 L.A.C (2d) (Burkett) Re PLH Aviation Services Inc and I C T U Local] (1994) 45 L.A. C (lh) (Hicking) Re Cabot Carbon of Canada, Ltd and Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Local 9-]4 (1980) 28 L.A.C (2n(~ (Palmer) Counsel also submItted an artIcle from Marguente Jackson tItled. Lost 10 Overtime Opportunities Cash or In Kind Remedies (The ongm of thIS artIcle was not provIded) DECISION The sole purpose of thIS polIcy gnevance referral to the Board IS to provIde a generalIzed decIsIOn on the Issue of remedy only m the context of certam fact sItuatIOns described m the Statement of Pacts and Issues Hopefully thIS decIslOn on the Issue of remedy wIll also assIst the partIes at GCC to deal wIth the outstandmg gnevances and any pOSSIble future dIsputes regardmg the local overtIme agreement. With respect to the outstandmg gnevances, the employer currently dIsputes any allegatIOn that It has VIOlated ItS oblIgatIOns under the collectIve agreement or the relevant local agreement. I preface my comments therefore by notmg that whIle I hope the findmgs set out herem wIll be of assIstance to the partIes at GCC the mdIvIdual CIrcumstances of any partIcular case must be conSIdered m assessmg the appropnate result. At common law the ordmary remedy for breach of contract IS an award of damages In calculatmg the amount, the obJect of a court IS not to pumsh the party m breach for the wrong mflIcted, but to compensate the mJured party for the loss suffered. The obJ ect of an award of damages IS to place the plamtIff m the same posItIOn as If the contract had been performed, m so far as a monetary award can accomplIsh that goal There IS, however a range of remedIes avaIlable to an arbItratIOn board m addItIOn to monetary compensatIOn. In some cases, from the pomt of VIew of both the gnevor and the employer an award of damages can be somewhat defectIve m fulfillIng the obJectIves of contract remedIes The more appropnate remedy may be to compensate the gnevor m "kmd" rather than provIdmg monetary compensatIOn. In SItuatIOns where there has been an Improper allocatIOn of overtIme, the aggneved employee has been depnved of an opportumty to work overtIme In certam CIrcumstances, thIS can be restored to the employee dIrectly by provIdmg a future 11 overtIme opportumty rather than mdIrectly through a monetary award. These general proposItIOns find expreSSIOn m Canadian Johns- Manville Co at pp 397-8 and 401 a case mcluded m the employer's bnef of authontIes and cIted m a number of the authontIes drawn to my attentIOn by counsel for the umon. In OLBEU and Liquor Control Board of Ontario at pp 8 ArbItrator Brown makes the same pomt about the general obJectIve of remedIes for breach of a collectIve agreement The purpose of contract remedIes IS to place the part, harmed b, a breach m a posItIOn as close as possible to the one whIch would have been occupIed If no breach had occurred. Damages m the full amount of the overtIme pa, lost always ensure the part, aggneved IS no worse off than If the agreement had not been VIOlated. Indeed, such monetan compensatIOn necessanh entails an element of over compensatIOn for the gnevor as an mdIvIdual, because thIS person IS paid for overtIme not worked, whereas he or she would have worked for overtIme pa, If the mfractIOn had not happened. In kmd rehef aVOIds over compensatIOn b, requmng the gnevor to work m exchange for the mone, receIved. However an m kmd remed, sometImes cannot adequatel, repair the harm suffered eIther b, the gnevor as an mdIvIdual or b, members of the bargammg umt as a group To aVOId over compensatIOn, arbItrators generalh have awarded m kmd rehef so long as It redresses the loss caused b, a VIOlatIOn. Monetan where compensatIOn has been awarded, even though It over compensates, another overtIme aSSIgnment would not redress the SItuatIOn. In choosmg between these two types of remed, the central questIOn IS whether m kmd rehef would adequateh repair the harm caused b, a breach. There has been a long-standmg debate amongst arbItrators as to whether an m- kmd remedy IS more appropnate than an award of damages for lost overtIme opportumtIes In general, arbItrators appear to subscnbe to the VIew that an m kmd remedy IS the preferred approach, provIdmg It IS practIcal to Implement such a remedy In the PLH Aviation Services case Professor HicklIng when faced WIth the chOIce of the appropnate remedy stated the content of the collectIve agreement ma, eIther ImphcIth rule out the possibIht, of remedIes m-kmd or Impose such practIcal ImpedIments to theIr use as senoush to curtaIl theIr practIcahn m man, SItuatIOns The examples contamed m the cases CIted tend to fall mto one of two broad categones In one the nght to overtIme IS dependent upon semonn In the other the agreement contemplates the eqmtable dIstributIOn of overtIme over a penod of tIme That penod ma, be the duratIOn of the collectIve agreement or a more hmIted term. 12 An, remed, proposed must be consIstent WIth the terms of the collectIve agreement. Where the nght IS geared to semonn It ma, be dIfficult (If not Impossible) to fashIOn a remed, m-kmd that does not adverse!, affect the nghts of other employees who ma, have a better claim when some future opportumt, anses Grantmg a remed, m-kmd would not be appropnate where It would sImph create a new breach b, takmg overtIme from the next person entItled. see Re Doman Forest Products Ltd. Ladvsmith Division and Pulp & Paper Workers of Canada, Loc 8 Mav 29 1986 (Kelleher) at pp 6-7 and Re Canadian Pac~fic Forest Products and Pulp & Paper Workers of Canada, Loc 11 supra, at pp 374-5 (cItmg Pac~fic Bre>t ers Distributors March 8 1984 (AlbertIm) and Green River Log Sales Ltd. and 1. WA. Locl-367 Januan 10 1990 (KmzIe) The employer enJoys much more flexibIht, where the agreement proVIdes for equahzatIOn of overtIme over a penod. As arbItrator Kelleher observed m the Doman Forest Products Ltd case supra at p 6 m such a case It IS usualh a relatIveh SImple matter to dIrect that the gnevor receIve an extra opportumt, to make up for the one mIssed and no one loses However dIfficultIes ma, stIll anse when overtIme has been mIstakenh dIstributed to persons outsIde the pool of persons among whom overtIme IS to be dIstributed. see also Re Canadian Pacific Forest Products supra at pp.374-5 Drawmg upon the cases CIted above the maJont, m the latter case IdentIfied, at pp 375-6 three recogmzable SItuatIOns If overtIme IS based on semont, the rem ed, IS cash, because the next opportumt, must go b, semonn not b, an mterference whIch creates a new problem m solvmg the last one If overtIme IS based on an equahzmg system, and the mIstake IS mternal wIthm the group a next opportumt, wIll be a qmck wa, back to equaht, and IS appropnate If overtIme IS equahzed, and the mIstake IS an aSSIgnment of work outsIde the equahzatIOn umt, then cash IS preferable smce a remedial mternal aSSIgnment mterferes WIth the group calculatIOns and entItlements A remed, m-kmd ma, be eaSIer to apph m dealmg WIth equahzatIOn clauses ho>tever even in such situations the board must still be satisfied that such a remedv will be consistent with the agreement. If it is not reasonable or practicable to equalize overtime over the relevant period, the appropriate remedv is damages (emphaSIS added) What then are the factors governIng the chOIce of remedIes In cases such as thIS? In my VIew there are four factors to be conSIdered on a sequentIal baSIS In order to deCIde thIS matter 1 The first factor to examIne IS the collectIve agreement Itself Both partIes 13 agree that that there are no specIfic provISIOns m eIther artIcle 8.2 1 or the local agreement that deal wIth the Issue of remedy for the Improper allocatIOn of overtIme In revIewmg artIcle 8 2 1 the employer IS reqUIred to" develop methods of dIstnbutmg overtIme at the local workplace that are fair and eqUItable after havmg ensured that all ItS operatIOnal reqUIrements are met" ThIS language suggests that the partIes realIzed that the dIstnbutIOn of overtIme can be an mtncate and complex task and that It would be more practIcal to develop speCIfic overtIme procedures at the local workplace ThIS IS espeCIally so gIven the vast number of employees and operatIOns that thIS employer has throughout the Provmce In thIS respect, the partIes at GCC entered mto an overtIme dIstnbutIOn agreement on June 5 1998 On ItS own, artIcle 8 2 1 may have provIded the employer WIth some degree of "flexIbIlIty" regardmg overtIme dIstnbutIOn and remedy However the generalIty of thIS artIcle IS now subJect to the speCIfic proVISIOns outlIned m the local agreement. Nothmg m the language of artIcle 8.2 1 or the local agreement eIther expressly prescnbes or speCIfically restncts the range of remedIes avaIlable NeIther agreement dIctates a remedy m kmd, nor do they restnct an award of damages SubJect to future arguments regardmg the pOSSIble meanIng of "operatIOnal reqUIrements" whIch counsel for the employer agreed to set aSIde at thIS tIme I am not persuaded that the language contamed m the collectIve agreement or the local agreement provIde the employer WIth any degree of "flexIbIlIty" WIth respect to an appropnate remedy for an overtIme VIOlatIOn. 2 The second factor to be determmed m thIS matter IS whether or not the system m place at GCC for dIstnbutmg overtIme IS a true equalIzatIOn system. I agree WIth employer counsel's contentIOn that m a SItuatIOn where an employer has faIled to dIstnbute overtIme eqUItably the Imbalance can, m certam cases, be redressed by ensunng that those who have mIssed out wIll have first call for future 14 overtIme opporturutIes ProvIdmg, of course, that the employer has acted m good faith and that there IS a true equalIzatIOn system m place A true equalIzatIOn system tYPIcally proVIdes a formula that attempts to equalize the opportunity for overtime assignments over a specified period of time The goal IS to establIsh fairness amongst employees m the overtIme dIstnbutIOn group It does not ensure that all employees actually work equal amounts of overtIme An Important charactenstIc of a true equalIzatIOn system IS that the group to whIch overtIme IS offered must be statIC, that IS, there is no opportunity to opt out. Furthermore, as opportumtIes anse, everyone m the group IS credIted wIth the hours offered, whether they accept or declIne the overtIme aSSIgnment. Employees transfernng from other departments, or employees who are off work for extended pen ods of tIme, are normally credIted WIth the average overtIme hours accumulated by the group when they Jom, or re-Jom, the group New hIres eIther receIve the group average or are awarded the hIghest accumulated hours plus one when they Jom the group The system m place at GCC does not mclude the charactenstIcs outlIned above Due to the voluntary nature of the equalIzatIOn system at GCC the overtIme pool IS not statIC As a result, COs are free to opt m and out of the overtIme pool as they see fit. In fact, given that there are up to eleven different shifts that a CO can sign-up for on any given day there can be as much as eleven different overtime pools each day As a result of thIS complex process, the task of equalIzmg overtIme over the speCIfied tIme penod IS VIrtually ImpOSSIble to achIeve Accordmgly I agree WIth the umon that the system for dIstnbutmg overtIme at GCC IS not a true equalIzatIOn system Consequently It IS not feasible for the system Itself to automatIcally correct mIstakes m the allocatlOn of overtIme 3 Can a remedy m-kmd stIll be offered gIven that the overtIme dIstnbutIOn system at GCC IS not a true equalIzatIOn system? 15 FIrstly because of the voluntary nature of the system at GCC the CO to whom an m kmd remedy IS offered may be unavaIlable for the entire balance of the equalization period ThIS IS espeCIally true gIven the relatIvely short tIme penod for equalIzatIOn as outlIned m the local agreement. Secondly even If the affected CO IS avaIlable, other COs m the vanous pools, on any gIven day and for any gIven shIft, may have accumulated fewer overtIme hours ArtIcle 6 of the local agreement Imposes a mandatory oblIgatIOn on the employer to select the CO WIth the least amount of accumulated overtIme hours when an overtIme aSSIgnment occurs The language does not proVIde for any exceptIOns In certain respects the system in place at Gee is actually analogous to a seniority system insofar as it clearly identifies the individual entitled to overtime on any given occasion The language contamed m artIcle 6 would be rendered meamngless If the employer was allowed to place an aggneved CO to the top of the overtIme lIst whenever an error occurred. For the aforementIOned reasons, I am not convmced that an m-kmd remedy would be conSIstent WIth the local agreement or IS practIcal to Implement gIven the nature of the overtIme dIstnbutIOn system at GCC 4 Can a remedy m kmd m the form of a "speCIal" overtIme opportumty be used where there has been a lost overtIme opportumty? In scenano number 1 a computer malfunctlOn results m an error that leads to an Improper allocatIOn of overtIme In scenano number 3 a dIspute anses as to whether or not an mdIvIdual was entItled to work an overtIme shIft. (Both the employer and umon counsel acknowledge that the sub-set of questIOns for scenanos 1 and 3 are essentIally the same e g. scenanos l(ill) and 3 (VI) are IdentIcal For ease, I wIll only refer to CO A when dealIng WIth both examples) 16 The first proposal IS a future overtIme opportumty In the form of a "specIal" or "supernumermy" assIgnment that . Offers the same number of hours lost to CO A, . Allows CO A to work the overtIme assIgnment at her dIscretIOn, . Is based on the fact that the work In questIOn would be m addItIOn to any overtIme the employer would otherwIse find necessary to schedule and . Is based on the fact that the employer would not otherwIse reqUIre anyone to perform the overtIme assIgnment. In the second proposal, the employer agam offers a "speCIal" opportumty only In thIS Instance the work assIgnment Involves traInIng and not regular dutIes In thIS case, CO A would be offered an eIght hour mandatory traInIng assIgnment that would occur on a day when CO A would otherwIse be scheduled to work at the InstItutIOn. The employer proposes to pay CO A 12 hours pay as opposed to 8 hours pay that she otherwIse would have been entItled to earn for her regularly scheduled shIft. I agree wIth employer counsel that scenanos one and three, on theIr face, do not IndIcate that there was a delIberate breach of the overtIme protocol by the employer nor do they IndIcate that there has been a perSIstent pattern of mIstakes The questIOn remaInS however could the "speCIal" overtIme assIgnments adversely affect the nghts of other COs and would the assIgnments be conSIstent WIth the collectIve agreement? ArbItrator O'NeIl In the Dominion Colour COlp case at page 376 reVIews the condItIOns set out by ArbItrator Gray for a SubstItute work opportumty In Re Labatt s Ontario Breyt,eries and Breyt,ery Malt and Soft Drink Workers, Loc 304(1993) 36 L.A.C Whether It IS or not turns m an, gIven case on whether operatmg wIthm the constramts of the apphcable collectIve agreement, the employer can both create and aSSIgn a substItute work opportumn m such a wa, that those aggneved b, the breach m questIOn are restored to a pOSItIOn substantIalh SImIlar to the one m whIch the, would have been had the breach not occurred. To accomphsh that result, the nature of the work opportumn must be SImilar to that lost (or at least, the dIfferences must be unobJectIOnable) The mtended aSSIgnment of the opportumn as 17 overtIme work must be conSIstent WIth an, apphcable provISIOn of the collectIve agreement: Implementmg It must not amount to a breach of the agreement. And the mtended assIgnment must restore both the group and the member(s) of the group who would have performed the lost opportumt, to the same pOSItIOn, m terms of total overtIme worked, as the, would have been m had the lost opportumt, been performed wIthm the group b, the member(s) ThIS last cntenon wIll not be satIsfied b, reallocatmg among the members of the group those other work opportumtIes whIch the group would have had m an, event. An artIfiCIal opportumn must be mJected - one whIch no one m the group would have enjoyed but for the employer s remedIal effort. ThIS ma, be Impossible It ma, be as It was m Re Gu!f Oil supra, that the onh overtIme work the group would not have enjoyed m the ordman course IS work that the collectIve agreement reqUIres the employer to aSSIgn to another group If the opportumn to perform It on overtIme anses The CIrcumstances ma, make It dIfficult to dIstmgUIsh, or to be confident of dIstmgUIshmg, an artIfiCIal opportumt, from a natural one Where an arbItrator IS left m genume doubt whether Implementmg a proposed remed, m kmd wIll effectIveh redress the breach caused b, a breach of the collectIve agreement WIthOut Itself constItutmg another breach, that remed, should not be employed. DealIng first WIth the supernumerary Issue as outlIned In scenano l(ill) the scenano does not IdentIfy the exact nature of the proposed aSSIgnment thereby makIng my deCISIOn In thIS matter somewhat more dIfficult. In my VIew there may be a number of compleXItIes assocIated WIth thIS form of remedy FIrstly aSsumIng that the work In questIOn IS CO work, the aSSIgnment may be one that CO A, or someone else In the CO overtIme pool, would otherwIse be entItled to claim If Indeed that was the case, then ArtIcle 6 of the local agreement stIpulates that overtIme be aSSIgned to the CO m the overtIme pool WIth the least amount of accumulated overtIme hours Consequently the supernumerary aSSIgnment would be InCOnSIstent WIth the local agreement. Secondly gIven that CO A has a hIStOry of requestIng numerous overtIme ShIfts, CO A may be entItled to a regular overtIme shIft on the day that she deCIdes to work her supernumerary aSSIgnment. ObVIOusly there would be no advantage to CO A In that type of SItuatIOn. 18 ThIrdly If CO A was brought m to do non-CO work, It would lIkely lead to further problems For example, If CO A performed mamtenance, kitchen or admmIstratIve dutIes, It would adversely affect the nghts of employees m those posItIOns Fourthly If the proposed assIgnment does fall squarely wIthm the scope ofa CO's dutIes and responsIbIlItIes, or IS entIrely dIfferent from the work normally performed, the employee may be forced to accept an assIgnment that was substantIally dIfferent from the one that was ongmally mIssed. Fmally I agree wIth umon counsel that there would lIkely be constant dIsagreement between the partIes as to whether a CO IS actually performmg supernumerary work and not "regular" work wIthm the CO classIficatIOn. The fact that the employer at the tIme of the mfractIOn would not normally reqUIre the work to be done on an overtIme basIs, does not answer the questIOn whether or not the COs could stIll be entItled to the work If offered as an overtIme aSSIgnment at some pomt m the future Indeed, the proposed aSSIgnment may be one m whIch the employer has m the past reqUIred a CO to do on an overtIme baSIS GIven the umque and complex nature of the overtIme dIstnbutIOn system at GCC and for the reasons outlIned above, I am not convmced that the proposed supernumerary aSSIgnment IS conSIstent WIth the local agreement or IS practIcal to Implement. NotwIthstandmg the foregomg, gIven a dIfferent fact sItuatIOn where the employer could demonstrate beyond a doubt that the "specIal" aSSIgnment was a genume extraordmary opportumty that could be reasonably achIeved m CIrcumstances that do not adversely affect the nghts of other employees, thIS form of remedy could be appropnate Turnmg to the speCIal trammg opportumty outlIned m scenano l(iv) the employer proposes an aSSIgnment that would proVIde CO A the opportumty to undergo trammg mstead of performmg her regular dutIes The employer proposes to pay CO A twelve hours pay for the speCIal aSSIgnment, as opposed to eIght hours pay that she would 19 normally receIve for performmg her regularly scheduled shIft. As stated above, the purpose of contract remedIes IS to place the party harmed m a posItIOn as close as pOSSIble to the one that would have been occupIed If no breach had occurred. ThIS proposed remedy proVIdes CO A wIth an extra four hours pay whereas had there been no breach, she would have receIved twelve hours pay In addItIOn, thIS proposal also mvolves work of a substantIally dIfferent nature from the work that was mIssed. GIven thIS partIcular fact sItuatIOn, the remedy proposed IS not acceptable because It would not restore CO A to the same posItIOn she would have been m pnor to the error m the overtIme allocatIOn. Accordmgly after havmg carefully conSIdered the submISSIOns of the partIes, the speCIal assIgnments proposed m scenanos l(iu), (iv) and 3(VI) (vu) are not appropnate for the reasons stated herem. SUMMARY GIven my findmgs m the above matters, It IS not necessary to address mdIvIdually all of the scenanos contamed m the Statement of Facts and Issues Based on the submISSIOns of the partIes and the fact SItuatIOns presented, and for all of the reasons set out herem, I find that, subJ ect to my comments regardmg supernumerary assIgnments, a monetary award IS reqUIred for all of the vanous scenanos contamed m the Statement of Facts and Issues I wIll retam JunsdIctIOn to resolve any dIfficultIes encountered m the ImplementatIOn of thIS award. Dated at Toronto thIS 8th day of May 2001 (" <FJ~O Gerry Lee, Vice-Chair