HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-0739.Friday.99-03-17 Decision
GSB # 0739/98
Amalgamated TransIt Umon Local 1587
(Sam Fnday)
- and -
The Crown m RIght of Ontano
(Toronto Area TransIt Operatmg Authonty/Go TransIt)
BEFORE Damel A. HarrIs V Ice-ChaIr
FOR THE Brendan J Morgan
UNION Counsel, Golden, Green & Chercover
BarrIsters & SolIcItors
FOR THE Jeffrey E Canto-Thaler
EMPLOYER Counsel, Irvmg & Canto-Thaler
Barnsters & SolIcItors
HEARING Februarv 26 1999
March 10,1999
In thIs matter the Dillon, The Amalgamated TransIt Dillon, Local 1587, gneves that the
Employer GO TransIt (The Toronto Area TransIt Operatmg Authonty) termmated the
Employment of the Gnevor, Sam Fnday wIthout Just cause
The Gnevor work.ed as a couner for GO TransIt HIS Job was to delIver tIckets
schedules, pamphlets and other matenals to the bus and tram statIOns operated by GO
TransIt. To do so he drove a whIte automobIle clearly marked wIth the Authonty's large
green "GO" logo The facts leadmg to hIS dIscharge are not senously m dIspute
On Monday Julv 27 1998 the Gnevor drove around the lowered rall crossmg barrIers at
the level crossmg near the Brampton Rallway StatIOn. The letter of dIscharge dated July
29 1998 sets out GO's reasons as follows
Dear Mr Fnday
Subject: Letter of Termination
On Monday 27 July 19q8 at approxImately 8.30 a.m. yOU were dnvmg a GO TransIt support
vehIcle DO 1402 as part of your scheduled dutIes to pick and delIver maIl at the Brampton GO
Dunng your operatIOn of the vehicle, you drove around the lowered rail crossmg barners at
the railway tracks at MIll Street. Subsequent to my .rneetmg with you on the mormng of 27
July 1998 regardmg thiS mCldent, I have reviewed the offiCial report of the inCident provided
by Canadian NatIOnal RaIlways and have considered your explanatIon of your actIOns and fmd
that there was no acceptable reason for you to proceed through the barrlers. ThiS IS a senous
breech [sic] of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and IS of partIcular concern to GO TranSit
smce Its prImary busmess IS the transportation of passengers on hIghways and railways. In
choosmg to circumvent the lowered barners, you displayed extremely poor judgement and a
total lack of common sense You placed yourself at rIsk of mJury or death and caused GO
Transit consIderable embarrassment m view of GO Transit's program to educate the publIc
not to do exactly what you have done
By reason of your recklessness m thiS mstance and also of your eXlstmg record of dIsciplIne,
we must adVise you that your employment with GO TransIt IS hereby termmated. The
termmatlon IS effectIve Immediately Any mOnIes owed to you wIll be released upon the
return of any GO TransIt property m your possession.
TOlvo Madras
TOlVO Madrus, the Gnevor's supervIsor, testIfied at the heanng that he was adVIsed of the
mCIdent by CanadIan NatIOnal RaIlways whIch operates the tracks m questIOn
Seemmgly the Gnevor had been seen by the crew of a passenger tram whIch was slowly
pullmg out of the station at the tIme Mr Madrus then called the Gnevor on hIS cellular
phone ImtIally, he asked the Gnevor "how thmgs were gomg," WIthout mentIOnmg the
allegatIOn about evadmg the crossmg barner The Gnevor told hIm that all was well Mr
Madras then asked hIm dIrectly If he had gone around the crossmg barner The Gnevor
promptly admItted that he had. When ask.ed why he dId so the Gnevor replIed he had
thought that the barrIers were faulty and other cars were also gomg around.
After heanng the Gnevor's account of the mCldent, Mr Madrus told the gnevor to come
m to see hIm after he was fimshed hIS shIft. Mr Madrus hung up the phone Mr Madrus
reflected on the matter further, and conSIdered two other dlsClplmary matters mvolvmg
the gnevor He concluded that some sort of senous dIscIplme was warranted. He then
thought that dIscharge was appropnate He telephoned the gnevor and told hIm to come
m nght away Mr Madrus then adVIsed Jean Norman, hIS own supervIsor of hIS decIsIOn
to termmate the Gnevor's employment. She concurred wIth hIS decIsIOn When the
gnevor reported m they essentIallv reIterated theIr telephone conversatIOn regardmg the
mCIdent. Mr Madrus suspended the gnevor pendmg mvestIgatIOn even though he had
concluded that the gnevor was to be dIscharged from hIS employment. The Gnevor was
gIven the followmg letter of suspenSIOn
Dear Mr Fnday
Subiect: Letter of Suspension
It was reported by GO TransIt's Enforcement Office that on 27 July 1998 Just pnor to 9 a.m
GO TransIt support vehIcle no 1402 was seen crossmg the tracks at the level crossmg at
Brampton StatIOn when the warnmg SIgnals were actIvated. You were operatmg the subject
vehicle at the tIme Your actIOns VIOlated Health and Safety laws of the Province ofOntano
and caused embarrassment to GO TranSIt. ThIS conduct was dangerous and unsafe to the
You are, as a result of your unsafe actIOns hereby suspended from duty WIthout pay until
further notIce pendmg the outcome of an investIgatIOn of thiS mCIdent. This suspensIOn IS
effectIve upon the dehverv of thIS letter to you.
Mr Madrus testIfied that the only remammg mvestIgatIOn was to receIve and reVIew the
report of the mCIdent bemg prepared by CN Pollce In cross-exammatIOn, Mr Madrus
confirmed that m fact he dId not Walt for the CN Pollce report. The letter of dIscharge IS
dated July 29 1998 HIs notes dated July 30, 1998 at 8 49 am mdIcated that he stIll dId
not have the report but would Issue the dIscharge anyway smce he had the gnevor's
The prevIOus mCldents referred to by Mr Madrus as mfluencmg his decIsIOn to fire the
gnevor were both wntten warnmgs The first, dated November 27, 1997 was Issued
because the gnevor had refused a supervIsor's request to pIck up and delIver a plastIc bag
to another GO locatIOn The gnevor was Said to have told Mr Madrus at the tune that he
dId not pIck It up because It looked lIke a garbage bag and It made hIm look lIke a garbage
man. The second, dated June 8 1998 was also a wntten warnmg It was Issued as a result
of the Gnevor havmg made an unauthonzed long dIstance telephone call to hIS mother m
Guyana from the work statIOn of another employee
The Gnevor also testIfied. HIS account of the mCldent IS uncontradIcted He Said he
approached the level crossmg along Railroad Street, WhICh runs parallel to the tracks The
level crossmg IS nght at the mtersectIOn of Railroad St. and Mill Street. As the Gnevor
approached the crossmg he could see that the barrIers were down and cars were gomg
around the barrIers m both dIrectIOns When he reached the barrIer there was one car m
front of hun and two cars lmed up to cross from the OppOSIte SIde of the tracks He was
stopped at the crossmg for one to two mmutes The car ahead of hIm went around the
barrIer and through the level crossmg He looked up and down the tracks, he could see
approxImately 200 yards m each dIrectIOn. He saw no tram, concluded the barrIer was
malfunctIOmng and proceeded around the barner and across the tracks WhIle crossmg
the tracks he kept a lookout for trams In chlefhe testIfied he could see 200 to 300 yards
up and down the tracks as he crossed. As he carned on across the tracks he saw a lIght
whIch he took to be an approachmg locomotIve It IS agreed that It was a slowly movmg
passenger tram pullmg out of the Brampton RaIlway StatIOn. He went to the statIon to
make hIS delIvery, WhICh took two to three mmutes As he left the statIOn he saw a freIght
tram pullmg toward the level crossmg at a very slow pace
The Submissions of the Parties
The Employer submItted that It sells transportatIOn, the purchase pnce of WhICh mcludes
an underlymg assurance that It WIll enforce ItS safety rules Further, the very object of
crossmg barrIers IS to ensure the blockmg of traffic The object of the barrIer was saId to
be a guarantee to GO passengers, tram crews, and the publIc at large that It WIll stay m
place untIl It IS safe to cross There was saId to be no dIscretIOn m a dnver to Ignore the
barrIers That IS barrIers were saId to constItute a guarantee that no traffic WIll cross the
track, and It IS part of GO TranSIt's responsIbIlIty to ItS own employees and the publIc at
large to enforce vIgorously that guarantee It was submItted that to remstate the gnevor
would amount to compellmg tram operators to forfeIt the guarantee made to them that no
traffic wIll cross the track and thIS Board ought not to do so The Employer also
submItted that the Dmon has commItted to partnershIp wIth the Employer m provldmg a
safe workplace
The Employer stressed that the Gnevor had not shown that he was remorseful or
understood the senousness of evadmg a barner m a GO TransIt vehIcle, and the
ImpresslOn that such an actlOn would leave wIth the publIc The Employer submItted that
the very product sold by GO Transit to the public had been sabotaged by the Gnevor The
Employer relIed on the followmg authontIes Green and Treasury Board (Transport
Canada), (umeported, PSSRB (SImpson), June 14 1996) Canada Steamship Lznes Inc
and S I U (Mzkedzs) (umeported, H Frumkm. August 5 1997) Cztv olCalgary and
ATU, Local 583 (Sullzvan) (umeported, A.C.L Sims September 12 1997) Maple Lodge
Farms Ltd. and U F C W, Loc 175 (1992) 28 L.A.C (4th) 358 (Walsglass), ITT
Automotive Inc and CAW, Loc 199 (1995),51 L.A.C (4th) 308 (Rose) T T C and
ATU, Loc 113 (1985), 22 L.A C (3d) 271 (Black), Bntzsh Columbza Ferry Corp and
B C Ferry and Manne Workers' Unzon (1993) 37 L.A.C (4th) 332 (Korbm)
The Dillon submitted that although the Gnevor ought to have been dlsclplmed for hIS
actlOns, the penalty of dIscharge was exceSSIve m the Circumstances It Said that the Board
has the JunsdlctIOn to mItigate the penalty and ought to do so The Dillon said that
although the Gnevor's actIOns were Impulsive and foolIsh, they were not so egregIOus as
would JUStifY the abrogatlOn of the pnnclple of progressive dlsclplme Further the
Gnevor's prompt acknowledgement of responsibilIty and understandmg of the senousness
of hIS actIOns ought to stand In hIS favour In the Dillon's VIew the Employer Improperly
gave no weIght to those factors, and the Board ought to rectIfy that omISSIOn by mItIgatIng
the penalty The Dillon relIed on the follOWIng authontIes Canadzan Labour Arbztratzon,
paragraphs 7 3520 3442,4420 (Canada Law Book, Brown and Beatty), Camco Inc and
U E Loc 550 (1991), 22 L.A C (4th) 124 (Barton) Brampton Hvdro-Electrzc
Commzsszon and C.A W -Canada, Loc 1285 (1997), 64 L.A C 4th 305 (Kennedy), Burns
Meats and U F C W, Local 832 (1993), 38 L.A C (4th) 172 (HamIlton) Noranda
Mznerals Inc and Canadian Union of Base Metal Workers (1995) 49 L.A C (4th) 46
(Brunner) Canadzan Forest Products Ltd. And I W A -Canada, Loc 1-424 (unreported,
C McKee March 2, 1988), Canadzan Forest Products Ltd. And I WA.-Canada, Loc 1-
424 (1993) 36 L.A.C (4th) 400 (Kelleher), Rcy Plastics Lzmzted and International
Leather Goods, Plastzc and Novelty Workers Union, Lac 8 (unreported, F.D Bnggs June
30 1993) CztvofBramptonandATU Lac 1573(1978) 19L.A.C (2d) 237 (Shlme)
Reasons for Decision
Although the Gnevor's actIOns m evadIng the crossmg barrIer were dangerous and
foolhardy, they lacked the wanton recklessness eVIdent In the cases relIed upon by the
Employer In Green, (supra), the Gnevor left hIS pOSItIOn as an aIr traffic controller
vacant whIle he took a 35 mmute break, "[w]lth aIrplanes flymg all over the place" In
Canada Steams/up Lines, (supra), ArbItrator Frumkm found, at page 18, that the gnevor
"exhIbIted a wanton dIsregard for hIS dutIes and responsibIlItIes " There the gnevor
broke the padlock and reset electnc CIrcUIts that had been locked-out by a co-worker,
wIthout warnmg the co-worker and m clear contraventIOn of well establIshed safety rules
In Maple Lodge Farms, (supra), the gnevor washed and wIped hIS hands on a paper
towel He then threw the towel mto a meat hopper and dId not remove It ArbItrator
Warsglass found hIm to be neglIgent, careless and IrresponsIble He also had a
progressIve dIscIplmary record of four wntten warnmgs three one day suspensIOns and a
three day suspensIOn for msubordmatIOn. In ITT Automotzve (supra) the gnevor's
actIOns, m mtentIOnally damagmg a grmdmg wheel, was found by ArbItrator Rose to be a
delIberate and unsafe act that endangered hIm and others In B C Ferry Corp, (supra),
the gnevance of Mr Mutton was dIsmIssed because hIS actIOns extended beyond mere
carelessness ArbItrator Korbm found that he had exhIbIted blatant dIsregard of safety
procedures Most notably wIth respect to the other gnevor Mr Anderson, ArbItrator
Korbm rejected the contentIOn that hIS behavIOur had been so neglIgent as to be
conSIdered WIlful Rather, as set out at page 345 It was "more akm to momentary
carelessness He made an error m Judgement that he WIll have to lIve wIth for the rest of
hIS lIfe" In that case, three lIves were lost. In Czty of Calgary (supra) as m the cases
referred to above, the Board was of the VIew that the gnevor contmued to shIrk
responsIbIlIty for hIS actIOns and no other mItIgatmg factors supported remstatement.
ThIs Board accepts the Uillon's submIssIOn that the purpose of dIscIplme m an mdustnal
relatIOns context IS to correct culpable behavIOur That correctIve approach IS achIeved by
progressIvely dlsclplmmg employees WIth escalatmg consequences when mIsconduct
contmues to occur However when an mCldent of mIsconduct IS suffiCIently senous It IS
appropnate to respond munedlately WIth senous dlsclplme DIscharge as a first response
IS appropnate m those mstances whIch mvolve an mtentIOnal actIOn of senous proportIOns
m the nature of malfeasance
In the mstant matter the Employer submItted that the Gnevor fully mtended to evade the
barrIer and cross the tracks There IS no doubt that he mtended to complete those actIOns
However, the eVIdence IS uncontradIcted, and credIble that he belIeved on the baSIS of hIS
observatIOns that It was safe to do so because the barrIer was malfuntIOnmg That IS, he
dId not recklessly cross the tracks, nor do so WIth wanton dIsregard for hIS safety or the
safety of others Indeed, he proceeded after determmmg that no tram was commg, and he
kept a lookout as he went. HIS actIOns were an error m Judgement, but hIS mtentIOns were
not m the nature of the callous mdIfference exhibIted m the authontIes relIed upon by the
ThIS IS a case that reqUIres conSIderatIOn of whether there are factors that mItIgate the
penalty of dIscharge As noted above, the Gnevor has two wntten warnmgs for matters
that are unrelated to safety Issues The Employer submItted that the wntten warnmg
regardmg the unauthonzed telephone call, m partIcular also mdIcated a lack of
judgement. Arguably any mCIdent that attracts dIscIplme IS the result of the exerCIse of
poor judgement. PreVIOUS wntten wammgs so charactenzed do not JUStIfy a devIatIOn
from the pnncIples of progressIve dIscIplme In the normal course, a further mCIdent of
'poor Judgement' would result m a further wntten wammg or short suspenSIOn In thIS
matter, the Employer went dIrectly to the dIscharge of the Gnevor The dIscharge could
only be upheld If the mCIdent Itself ments dIscharge As set out above, the Gnevor's
actIOns dId not amount to the type of mtentIOnal malfeasance as would JustIfy dIscharge
The prevIOus record does not support dIscharge because It IS not a progressIve step m the
admmIstratIOn of dIscIplme
Other factors also mdlcate that the penalty ought to be reduced. The Gnevor has been
employed by GO smce October 1990, a portIOn of whIch was part tIme GIven the nature
of hIS employment, that semonty IS mdIcatIve of a sIgmficant attachment to the
workplace ThIS mCIdent IS, m essence, an Isolated safety mCIdent m the Gnevor's work
hiStOry He told Mr Madrus, when first questIoned, that he had gone through such
barrIers on two prevIOus occasIOns, when waved through by eN mamtenance crews HIS
prompt admISSIOn of such to Mr Madrus speak to the truth of those assertIOns lam
satIsfied that It IS more probable than not that he dId do so on those two occaSIOns The
Umon has dIscharged ItS onus to establIsh those facts, to the extent necessary Those
epIsodes were relIed on as a foundatIOn for the Gnevor's belIef that the barrIers were also
malfunctIOnmg on the mstant occaSIOn That was an mcorrect conclusIOn, but not a
wantonly reckless one gIven hIS other precautIOns It was an Isolated mCIdent. Further,
the eVIdence IS consIstent WIth there not bemg premedItatIOn mvolved, nor a repetItIve
course of conduct. The Gnevor made an error of Judgement m the CIrcumstances
The gnevor IS marrIed WIth four chIldren rangmg m age from SIX to nmeteen years He IS
forty-nme years old HIS employment WIth GO was as a couner He has not been able to
replace hIS Job He has depleted hIS savmgs and IS now on Employment Insurance
benefits Although the financIal hardshIp of dIscharge IS usually dIfficult, gIven the
Gnevor's age and famIly commItments the dIscharge has created noteworthy economIC
hardshIp m thIS case As he put It, he has lost a lot.
The Gnevor was candId WIth the Employer throughout and m hIS eVIdence at the heanng
The Emplover used that candor and hIS admIssIOn ofwrongdomg as a SubstItute for
mdependent mvestIgatIOn. It ought to have gIven hIm some credIt for hIS honesty In
addItIOn, the Gnevor dId exhIbIt genume remorse at the heanng, as well as concern for the
senousness of hIS actIOns and the dIsruptIOn they had caused
There IS no doubt that the Gnevor's actIOns were very senous when conSIdered m terms of
GO's polICIes and oblIgatIons The Employer must mamtam a hIgh standard of safety as a
common carrIer HIS breach stnk.es at the heart of the Employer's safety concerns gIven
that It mvolves the safe operatIOn of the rollmg stock. The Employer stressed m Its
submIssIons that the Gnevor's eVIdence had been that he was not responsIble for what
ImpreSSIOn mIght be left m the mmds of members of the general publIc who wItnessed hIS
actIOns That submIssIOn overstated the eVIdence The Gnevor's eVIdence m that regard
was responsIve to questIOns regardmg whether members of the publIc mIght presume It
safe to mlmlck the gnevor's actIOns smce he was an employee of GO TransIt, a raIlway
company The Gnevor's responses were to the effect that he could not answer the
questIOn because he dId not know what others were thmkmg That was an appropnate
and reasonable answer These matters are of consIderable sIgmficance because they touch
on the central concern of whether the Gnevor has the degree of self-realIzatIOn necessary
to permIt a safe return to work. That IS, has he understood hIS transgressIOn and has he
been rehabIlItated. I find that he has
The eVIdence that he has understood and responded to hIS error eXIsts from the tIme of hIS
first dIrect questIOmng by Mr Madrus When the gnevor was asked dIrect questIOns he
responded candIdly and fullv It was clear from hIS eVIdence at the heanng that he
accepted that he was wrong m domg what he dId. He was pressed on whether Mr
Madrus had over-reacted to the sItuatIOn. HIS answer was that he ought to be pumshed,
but sought the Board's opmIOn that dIscharge was exceSSIve ThIS Board finds that
dIscharge was exceSSIve m these CIrcumstances The Employer ought to have consIdered
that Gnevor's admIssIon as a mItIgatmg factor, rather than as a vehIcle for dIschargmg
hIm. I am satIsfied that the Gnevor accepted hIS responsIbIlIty for the sItuatIOn from the
outset. He made no attempt to excuse hIS actIOns He dId explam the baSIS of hIS error,
but knows It was an error
GIven the senousness of evadmg a raIlway crossmg barrIer thIS IS a case that called for a
dlsclplmary response that exceeded the usual progreSSIOn. However, dIscharge was, m all
the CIrcumstances, exceSSIve A lengthy suspenSIOn IS substltuted.
1) The Gnevor IS hereby remstated forthWIth WIthout loss of semonty;
2) A one-month suspenSIOn IS substItuted for the dIscharge
3) The Gnevor IS to undergo the dnver's refresher trammg and testmg as penodIcally
admImstered by the Employer pnor to bemg reassIgned to hIS couner dutles
4) The gnevor IS to be compensated for the penod he has been out of work subject to
deductIOn for the one-month suspenSIOn above and any mItIgatIOn as IS the normal
5) I remam seIzed to deal WIth any matters related to ImplementatIOn
DATED at Toronto thIS 17th day of March 1999
Damel A HarrIS, Vice ChaIr