HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-1026.Green et al.01-05-24 Decision ~M~ om~o EA1PLOYES DE LA COURONNE _Wi iii~~~i~T DE L 'ONTARIO COMMISSION DE REGLEMENT "IIIl__1I'" BOARD DES GRIEFS Ontario 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONElTELEPHONE. (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB#1026/98 UNION# 98B484 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontario Public Service Employees Union (Green et al) Grievor -and- The Crown In Right of Ontario (Ministry of Finance) Employer BEFORE Felicity Briggs Vice-Chair FOR THE GRIEVOR Don Martin Grievance Officer Ontario Public Service Employees Union FOR THE EMPLOYER Leonard Marvy Senior Counsel Management Board Secretariat HEARING Written submissions DECISION The partIes agreed to forego a heanng m tlus matter and to argue by way of wntten submIssIOns ThIS dIspute concerns the alleged failure to convert certam employees The Employer set out a bnef descnptIOn of the facts as follows 1 On August 25, 1998 Leah Casselman, OPSEU PresIdent, filed a umon (pohcy) gnevance whIch alleged that "the Mmlstry of Fmance [was] faIhng to convert posItIOns and mdlvlduals m accordance wIth ArtIcle 31 15 The desIred settlement was for the Mmlstry to "nnmedmtely convert posItIOns and quahfied mdlvlduals m accordance wIth the CollectIve Agreement" 2 On December 11, 1998 the Gnevance Settlement Board dIsmIssed the umon's pohcy gnevance (GSB#1237/98) Vice Chair Bnggs detennmed on page 11 that [a ]fter consIderatIOn of all of the facts of tlus case, I must dIsmIss the gnevance I cannot find, as a pohcy matter, the unclassIfied employees (set out at Tab 20 of the document bnef) who have been lured smce June 1996 should be converted. SImply put, there IS no contmumg need for theIr work to be done on a full tnne basIs 3 SIX unclassIfied employees of the BarrIe RegIOnal Assessment office of the fonner Property Assessment DIvIsIOn of the Mmlstry of Fmance (now the Ontano Property Assessment CorporatIOn) are gnevmg that the employer faIled to convert them mto the classIfied servIce, contrary to the CollectIve Agreement ArtIcle 31 15 These gnevors request that the employer recogmze theIr status and convert them to the classIfied servIce nnmedmtely, WIth compensatIOn for accrued benefits and semonty 4 Each of the SIX gnevors, Ehzabeth Walker, Gall Green, TaInmy Campbell, Elame GIrard, Pamela McBnde, and Tnn Camlck, appeared on the schedule (referred to as Tab 20 m excerpt quoted above at paragraph 2) whIch hsted all Property Assessment DIvIsIOn unclassIfied staff who would have been more than two years as of 2 December 31, 1998 ThIS schedule was appended to Vice Chair Bnggs' December 11, 1998 decIsIOn and was compnsed of those mdIvIduals who were to be affected by the gnevance arbItratIOn decIsIOn, GSB #1237/98 The UnIon dId not dIspute these facts The submIssIOns from the UnIon consIsted entIrely of letters from the SIX gnevors explammg why, m theIr VIew the GSB decIsIOn referred to above should not to apply In ItS reply submIssIOns the Employer also stated that The Employer further submIts that the assertIOn that the gnevors (partIcularly Ms Tammy Campbell) are currently employed m the same capacIty/posItIOn as they were at the tune of the mItIal decIsIOn IS of no consequence, as they are not employed by the MmIstry of Fmance The dIvestment of the Property Assessment DIvIsIOn of the MmIstry of Fmance to the Ontano Property Assessment CorporatIOn (OPAC) was completed on December 31,1998 As of January 1, 1998 the mUnIcIpahtIes assumed financIal responsIbIhty for the dehvery of property assessment servIces Therefore, these mdIvIduals are not employed by the MinIstry of Fmance and whether or not they contmue to occupy the "same posItIOn" or engage m the same Job dutIes or functIOns IS of no relevance to the Issues raised by theIr gnevances SImply put, It was the Employer's posItIOn that the group gnevance filed IS marbItrable and should be dIsmIssed because the doctnne of res Judlcata apphes That IS to say that the matter raised by the mstant gnevance IS the IdentIcal Issue under the same prOVISIOn of the same collectIve agreement as that consIdered by the December 11, 1998 Gnevance Settlement decIsIOn In support of ItS posItIOn, the Employer rehed upon Re CUPE, Local 207 and CIty of Sudbury (1965),15 L.A.C 403 (RevIlle), ReAlgoma Steel 3 CorporatIOn Ltd and UnIted Steelworkers, Local 2251 (1982), 6 L.A.C (3) 346 (Brown), and Re The Crown III Right of Ontario (Ministry of TransportatIOn) and OPSEU (Stegner) (September 8, 1995), unreported (MIkus) After readmg the Employer's submIssIOns and the comments of the gnevors I am of the VIew that the doctnne of res Judlcata applIes and the gnevance must fall The SIX gnevors were mcluded on the ongmal lIst of employees affected by the polIcy gnevance that was decIded and Issued on December 11, 1998 It IS apparent that the mdIvIdual gnevors are askmg for a re- consIderatIOn of theIr facts because they are of the VIew that the December 11, 1998 decIsIOn was wrong and/or ought not to apply m theIr cIrcumstances WhIle I understand theIr frustratIOn, my decIsIOn of December 11, 1998 was final and bmdmg on the partIes, mcludmg these gnevors Dated m Toronto, tlllS 24th day of May, 2001 FelIcIty D Bnggs, Vice-Chair 4