HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-1237.Union.98-12-11 Decision
GSB # 1237/98
OPSEU 98U097
OntarIO PublIc SerVIce Employees Umon
(Polley Gnevance)
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(MInIstry of Fmance)
BEFORE FelIcIty D Bnggs V Ice-Chair
FOR THE Kathleen Lawrence
UNION Gnevance Officer
Ontano PublIc SerVIce Employees Umon
FOR THE Len Marvy
EMPLOYER Counsel, Legal ServIces Branch
Management Board Secretariat
HEARING December 4, 1998
\. -
Smce the effective date of the current collectIve agreement, hundreds of gnevances have
been filed by unclassIfied employees allegmg a vIOlatIOn of article 31 15 Accordmgly, the
partIes agreed to an expedIted process That agreement stated
Notwlthstandmg the provIsIons of the Collective Agreement, the parties agree to abIde by
the followmg procedure m order to effectively deal wIth gnevances ansmg out of the
apphcatlOn of ArtIcles 3 15 and 3.38 The partIes further agree that entenng mto thIS
procedure does not conflIct with the provISions of the Collective Agreement.
A) All cases to be mcluded m thiS process will be mutuallv agreed to by the parties
pnor to schedulmg the actual heanng.
B) All gnevances that allege than an employee has not been converted m accordance
wIth Article 3 15 or 3.38 will be forwarded directly to the DIrector of Human
Resources m the respective mmlstry
C) The MinIstry s HR department will dIrect such mqumes mto the alleged claim by
the grlevor
D) Wlthm a reasonable tIme frame, the Mmlstry's HR department wIll forward to
OPSEU Gnevance Department, Attention Kathleen Lawrence, ItS response to the
grIevance together wIth the mformatlon that It rehed upon should the grIevance be
denIed. Attached wIth the Mmlstry s reply to OPSEU will be a copy of the
appropnate gnevance A copy of the response will be provIded to the local UnIon
E) The OPSEU Gnevance Department wIll consult wIth the gnevor based on acts as
presented by the Mmlstry
F) Should the matter be resolved at that stage, the MInIstry s HR department wIll be
adVIsed m wntmg wlthm a reasonable time frame
G) If the matter IS not resolved at the OPSEU representatIve meetmg WIth a gnevor
there may be dISCUSSIons WIth the mInIstry and/or a meetIng If requested.
H) If there IS no dISCUSSIon or meetIng WIth the mInIstry, follOWIng dISCUSSIOn WIth the
gnevor, OPSEU will adVIse the mInIstry and MBS NegotIations Secretanat, that
the matter wIll be scheduled for arbItratIOn at pre-agreed upon dates.
I) The partIes agree that m VIeW of consolIdatIng and centrahzIng the handlIng of the
gnevances, the Employer will not rely upon time hmlts to refer a matter to
arbItratIOn followmg notIficatIOn of the MInIStry'S HR department of IntentIOn to
proceed to arbItratIOn
J) The partIes agree that In view of thIS agreed upon expedited procedure, grlevors will
be allowed a reasonable time off work WIth no loss of payor credIts to proVIde
background comment and dIrectIOn to the UnIon should the matter proceed to
K) In VIew of the above paragraph, the partIes agree and are commItted to an expedIted
process whereby attendance at arbItratIOn will not be reqUIred for employees unless
mutually agreed upon or ansmg out of exceptIOnal CIrcumstances
L) Should the above paragraph be mvoked, It IS agreed that a mIlllstry may not
unreasonably deny a request for attendance at a heanng.
M) It IS agreed that for purposes OfthIS speCIal protocol, OPSEU WIll be entItled to the
followmg WIth regard to the filmg of a gnevance,
I - work hIStOry of the gnevor
- history of the position
- summary sheet for all conversIOns under Article 3 15 and 3.3 8 that have
been completed.
For greater certainty, It IS understood that the Umon may reqUire copies of the
grlevors' contracts as well as posItion descrIptIOns Such informatIOn will be
supplIed by the Ministry's HR department.
N) Mlmstnes through their Human Resource department will forward to the OPSEU
Grievance Department, AttentIOn Kathleen Lawrence at the earliest convemence,
a summary sheet for all conversIOns under Article 3 15 and 3.3 8 that have been
made dUrIng the lifetime of this Collective Agreement.
0) Either party will have the option of withdraWing from thiS grievance arbitration
process, generally or for indiVidual cases, upon notificatIOn to the other party
That agreement was dated and SIgned January 15, 1997 Smce that tIme, the partIes have put
one polIcy and three mdIvIdual gneyances before thIS Board for detenmnatIOn. I understand
that those decIsIOns have been the basIs the settlement of many other gneyances However
not surpnsmgly many gnevances remam outstandmg that have at Issue elements that have
not yet been deCIded.
ArtIcle 31 15 prOVIdes as follows
311511 Effective upon the date of ratificatIOn, where the same work has been
performed by an employee In the UnclaSSified Service for a perIod of at
least two (2) consecutive years, except for situations where the unclaSSified
employee IS replaCing a claSSified employee on a leave of absence
authOrized by the Employer or as prOVided for under the collective
agreement, and where the minIstry has determined that there IS a continuing
need for that work to be performed on a full-time baSIS, the ministry shall
establish a position Within the ClaSSified Service to perform that work.
3 I 15 1.2 Where the ministry has determined that It will convert a pOSitIOn In
accordance With 3 15 1 1, the status of the Incumbent In the posItion will
be converted from unclaSSified to claSSified, prOVided that the Incumbent
has been In the pOSitIOn In question for at least two (2) years
3 1 15.2 For the purpose of thiS section "full-time" shall man a minimum of one
thousand seven hundred and thirty-two and three quarter (1,732 75)
straight-time hours or one thousand nine hundred and twelve (1,912)
straight-tIme hours In each year, as applicable, including authOrized leaves
l of absence However all hours worked by an unclaSSIfied employee while
he IS replaCing a claSSIfied employee who IS on an authonzed leave of
absence shall not be mcluded III computing the annual hours worked by the
unclassIfied employee
The mstant matter IS a polIcy gnevance filed on behalf of employees m the MmIstry of
Fmance The Employer provIded a document bnefwhIch mcluded agreed facts There were
as follows
1 On May 1, 1996, the Property Assessment DIvIsIOn requested and obtamed
perrnISSIOn from the Deputy MInIster Dma PalozzI to recruIt 60 staff on short term
(60 day) contracts to deal WIth the valuatIOn of the constructIOn, renovatIOns and
1Illprovements and to place the resultmg new assessment on the tax rolls m a tImely
2 On August 6, 1996, a memorandum to RegIOnal Assessment ComllllssIOners was sent
mdIcatmg approval to hIre staff on a contract baSIS Immediately
3 By memorandum dated October 4 1996 Assessment CommISSIOners were mformed
that the employer may be In a pOSItIOn to extend contract employees beyond October
3 1 1996 but that no approyal had yet been gIven to do so
4 On December 24, 1996 It was confirmed that the staff hIred for the reassessment
project were to have theIr contracts extended to March 31 1997
5 As early as September 11 1997 staff were adVIsed that pendmg the passage of
legIslatIOn, mUnICIpalItIes WIll start bemg responsible for the cost of assessment
servIces on January 1, 1998 It was mtended that the transfer of operatIOnal control
would take place sometIme m mId-1998
6 The September 25, 1997 TranSItIOn (an internal newsletter publzcatlOn) confirms that
the expectatIOn of the employer was that the transfer would take place m mId 1998
7 The employment status of DIYISIOnal employees would not change on January 1,
1998 when the finanCial responsibIlIty for the delIvery of assessment servIces was
transferred to the mUnICIpal sector
8 On December 5 1997 a memo was sent to the Assessment CommISSIOners gIvmg
them approval to retam unclasSIfied staff untIl Apn130, 1998 At the same tIme three
sample letters were attached advIsmg the commISSIOners of the reqUIrement to gIye
notIce under the Employment Standards Act m dIfferent CIrcumstances
9 LegIslatIOn establIshmg the new OntarIO Property Assessment CorporatIOn (OP AC)
was passed on December 16 1997 and receIVed Royal Assent on December 18, 1997
As a result mumcIpalItIes assumed financial responsibIlIty for the delIyery of property
assessment servIces as of January 1, 1998
10 On Apnl 3, 1998 RegIOnal Assessment COITllTI1SSIOners were adVIsed that some new
contracts may be extended to aSSIst WIth the mcrease m workload resultmg from the
new polICIes and delay m returnmg the 1997 Assessment Roll
11 Contract extensIOns were approved by DIrector s (SlC) m or about Apnl 1998 WIth
mstructIOns for proYIdmg notIce under the Employment Standards Act.
12 In a news release by the Mmlster on Apnl29, 1998, It was mdIcated that the transfer
was expected to be completed by summer of 1998
13 In an OP AC News Release dated May 1, 1998 OP AC stated that the July 1998 tIme
frame whIch the provmce had ongmally suggested for the transfer may be too
14 The MmIstry reported that It had been targetmg for an "as IS" transfer by July 2,
1998 The Board mdIcated that the MmIstry s tIme lme may haye been too ambItIOUS
m lIght of the many Issues to be addressed
15 Contract staff were adVIsed that theIr contracts wIll termmate effectIye the date of
transfer Further, that OP AC WIll make ItS own deCISIons regardmg mdIvIdua1
contract staff reqUIrements (Transition dated Mav 28, 1998)
16 The Mmlstry and the OP AC Board have agreed to complete the transfer of property
assessment servIces to the CorporatIOn effectIve December 31 1998 (Transition
dated August 4, 1998)
17 On September 14 1998 representatIves from the MmIstry and OPAC s Board started
the negotiatIOns for the transfer of the property assessment functIOn. The MmIstry
and the OPAC Board remam commItted to the target transfer date of December 31,
18 By memorandum dated September 30, 1998 It was confirmed that approval had been
gIVen on September 24 1998 to extend unclassIfied staff resources to December 31,
1998, WIth appropnate notIce reqUIrements, unless busmess reqUIrements dIctate that
an earlIer termmatIOn IS appropnate
19 On December 1, 1998 staff were agam adYIsed that the Mimstry and OP AC remamed
commItted to the target date of December 1 1998 OP AC advIsed that It wIll be
offenng contracts to those unclassIfied PAD staff who are currently under contract
wIth the DIVISIOn. OP AC WIll determIne the need for addItIonal permanent posItIons
early In 1999 after reVIeWIng theIr 1999 budget process, and where appropnate new
pOSItIOnS wIll be filled through Internal competItIOns for whIch qualIfied contract
staff would be elIgible
20 Attached IS a lIst of all Property Assessment DIvIsIOn unclassIfied staff who wIll have
served more than two years as of December 31, 1998
All of the above facts were accompamed by an appropnate exhIbIt. The lIst of employees
referred to In paragraph 20 contaIned 133 names EIghty seven of those lIsted have filed
IndIVIdual gnevances NInety SIX of the 133 employees began wIth the MInIStry dunng or
after August of 1996 The employees haye vanous pOSItIOn tItles IncludIng ValuatIOn
AssIstant, Assessment Clerk, StatIstIcal Analyst and Data Entry Clerk. AccordIng to the lIst,
the Employer would contend that approxImately 29 of the employees are dIsentItled to
converSIOn because they dId not meet other cntena set out In artIcle 31 15
NotwIthstandIng the Employer s YIeW that the Uillon bears the onus In thIS case, Mr Marvy
agreed to proceed first WIth hIS argument He began by takIng the Board through the
accompanYIng documents He referred to the employee lIst and IndIcated the length of tIme
the unclassIfied employees have worked beyond two years ranges from a matter of days to
SIX months Other documents clearly IndIcated that It was always the Employer's IntentIOn
that the contract employees would be a short term WIth a specIfied task.
As seen In the facts, the Board was provIded WIth yanous copIes of a publIcatIOn called
"TranSItIon - A Newsletter for Property Assessment DIYISIOn Staff' ThIS publIcatIOn IS
dIstributed to staff and posted on the bulletIn boards In regIOnal offices The newsletter dated
September 11 1997 contaIned an artIcle InformIng staff that "dISCUSSIOns have begun on
transferrIng responsibIlIty for property assessment delIyery to the mUnIcIpal sector" It was
also stated, "If the legIslatIOn IS passed, mUnIcIpalItIes WIll start beIng responSIble for the
I 6
cost of assessment servIces of January 1, 1998, wIth the transfer of operatIOnal control takmg
place sometIme m mld-1998" Mr Marvy submItted that as of the date of that notIce It must
have been abundantly clear to employees that there was a specIfied penod for the work that
was reqUIred by the Mmlstry
Mr Marvy also referred to a December 5,1997, memo from the DIrector of the Eastern &
Northern RegIOnal OperatIOns Branch to FIeld Assessment CommIssIOners It was stated, m
Approval IS gIven to retam FIELD (#of staff) unclassIfied staff untIl Apnl 30
1998 An earlIer termmatIOn date may be used Ifbusmess reqUIrements dIctate
that It would be appropnate
It WIll be necessary that all unclassIfied staff complete a new contract effectIve
January 1 1998, usmg the same form as the ongmal contract. If, by extendmg
a contract, the employee would be employed longer than one year It WIll be
necessary to attach the enclosed letter provldmg SIxteen weeks notIce
Accordmg to Mr Marvy, subsequent to thIS memo employees were kept mformed of all
developments VIa The TransItIOn In a news release dated Apnl 29 1998 the MImster of
Fmance announced the members of the Board of DIrectors of OP AC At the end of that
commumque It was announced that the expected date of transfer was the "summer of 1998"
The followmg day a commumque was released from the ChaIr of OP AC WhICh mdlcated
that the "July 1998 tIme frame WhICh the Proymce had ongmally suggested for the transfer
may be too ambItIOus ThIS was made known to employees shortly thereafter m The
TransItIon In the May 28, 1998, TransItIOn questIOns and answers were set out. It was
Q - Will contract staff be elIgIble for transfer or WIll contracts Just termmate
when the takeover has been completed?
A - Staff contracts wIll termmate the date of transfer OP AC wIll make ItS own
deCISIOns regardmg mdIvldual contract staff reqUIrements, based on Its needs
at the tIme of transfer The Mmlstry WIll forward your questIOns and concerns
to OP AC
One of the final documents provIded by the Employer was an announcement m The
TransItIon on August 4, 1998, that the transfer of property assessment servIces to the OP AC
would take place on December 31, 1998 Later, on September 30 1998, approval was gIven
to extend unclassIfied contracts to December 31, 1998, If appropnate due to bus mess
After the thorough reVIew of the documents, Mr Marvy suggested that there could be no
questIOn that the work of the property assessment dIvISIOn would contmue but for OP AC,
not for the MImstry of Fmance or any other mmIstry wIthm the government. However the
fact that It contmues WIth OP AC IS an Irreleyant conSIderatIOn ThIS Board IS charged WIth
determmmg whether there IS an ongomg need for the work by the Employer who IS named
m the recogmtIOn clause of the collectIve agreement that thIS gnevance anses from.
Therefore, any work that mIght extend beyond December 31 1998 IS beyond the JunsdIctlon
of thIS Board
Mr Marvy rehed upon Re The Crown in Right of Ontario (Mmistry of Community &
Social Services) and OPSEU (Lynch-Burrus) (February 8, 1995) unreported
(DIssanayake), Re The Crown m Right of Ontario (Ministry of Health) and OPSEU-
Burditt (May 16, 1997) unreported (Bnggs), Re The Crown in Right of Ontario (The
Ministry of Attorney General) & OPSEU - Sopha (February 8, 1997) unreported
(Bnggs), and Re The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Attorney General) and
OPSEU - Sinnathurai (February 9, 1997) unreported (Bnggs)
In Lynch-Burrus the gneyor s contract was extended for the speCIfic purpose of
determmmg whether there was an ongomg need for the work at Issue In that case, the
gnevor s request for converSIOn was demed. Mr Marvy suggested the mstant matter IS
dIfferent because the Employer and the employees knew at all tlmes that the work was gomg
to the pnvate sector Everyone knew that the work that was bemg done was to "fill the gap"
Mr Marvy also suggested that Burditt was sIgmficantly dIfferent. In that case, the gnevor
asked to be converted ImmedIately upon retummg from the legal strIke that brought about
the current collectIve agreement language At that pomt, she had been an unclassIfied
employee for three years Withm days of her request for converSIOn she was told that the
work was gomg to be sent to the pnvate sector Accordmgly It was the Employer s posItIOn
that there was no ongomg need for her work. NotwIthstandmg that VIew the gnevor
contmued to perform her work at the tIme of the arbItratIOn hearmg whIch was almost a full
year after her request In the mstant matter, the employees have known smce the day they
began employment that theIr work wIth the MmIstry was lImIted They dId not find out for
the first tIme after three years of unclasSIfied work that there was an end to the work..
The Employer asserted that If the partIes Intended that converSIOn after two years was to be
automatIC the collectIve agreement would specIfy that. It does not. Certam CrIterIa have to
be met. It IS speCIfically stated converSIOn can only happen after "the mmIstry has
determmed that there IS a contmumg need for that work to be performed on a full-tIme
basIs" Once that determmatIOn has been made "the mmIstry shall establIsh a posItIOn wIthm
the ClassIfied ServIce to perform that work" It IS clear from the documents that there IS no
need for the work as of December 31, 1998
Mr Marvy submItted that artIcle 31 15 was mcluded m the collectIve agreement to reduce
the mIschIef of potentIal abuse of unclassIfied staff. In the past, It was said that unclasSIfied
employees had lIttle or no mdIYIdual redress for CIrcumstances where they provIded years
and years of unclasSIfied servIce Howeyer, such IS not the case under the current collectIve
agreement. ThIS Board cannot find that the SIX month delay m the transfer to the publIc
sector that caused the extenSIOn of the unclasSIfied employee contracts constItutes a
"contmumg need for the work to be performed on a full time baSIS"
Ms Lawrence, for the UnIon, provIded the Board WIth three Job postmgs dated m November
of 1998 for yanous pOSItIOns mcluded m the present dIspute She also suggested that other
Jobs were posted dunng the summer months The UnIon also proVIded the 1998/1999
bus mess plans for the Barne and Toronto offices Both documents haye some reference to
staffing needs It was the UnIon s assertIOn that those documents make clear that at least
some of the unclassIfied employees could have been converted
The UnIon asserted that, accordmg to the Employer's documents, one hundred percent of
the full time employees are bemg offered work. by the new employer It flows that the
Employer and OP AC have agreed that there IS an ongomg need for the work to be done
Accordmgly the unclassIfied employees should be converted. In other words, thIS Board
ought not be lImIted to consIdenng ongomg need for the work by thIS MmIstry It IS relevant
and suffiCIent that OP AC has an ongomg need for the work to be done beyond December
31 1998 Most of the unclassIfied employees reached the two year pomt durmg the summer
of 1998 There was a contmumg need for the work at that tIme and there contmues to be an
ongomg need now
The UnIon argued that there has been a lengthy hIStOry WIth thIS Employer datmg back to
1990 wherem attempts have been made to pnvatIze thIS work. GIven that background, the
recent commUnICatIOns these employees receIved dunng 1997 and 1998 would not
necessanly have been taken senously
In reply the Employer stated that the postmg of full time pOSItions has nothmg to do WIth
whether there IS an ongomg need for the work. Those postmgs show that certam full tIme
eqUIvalent pOSItions are yacant. UnclassIfied staff do not have a nght to a full time
eqUIvalent posItIOn that pre-exIsted. The essence of artIcle 31 1 15 IS that the Employer IS
oblIged to create a new posItIon and fill It wIth the appropnate unclassIfied employee
Indeed, artIcle 31 1 15 specIfically refers to posItIOns bemg "establIshed"
As stated m prevIOus decIsIOns, accordmg to the collectIve agreement, an unclassIfied
employee must meet certam condItIOns mcludmg a two year reqUlrement to be entItled to
converSIOn to classIfied servIce The next condItIOn IS that the "MinIStry has determmed that
there IS a contmumg need for that work to be performed on a full-tIme basIs, the mmIstry
shall establIsh a pOSItIon wIthm the ClassIfied ServIce to perform that work" If an
unclassIfied employee has held the posItIOn that IS bemg establIshed for at least two years
"the status of the mcumbent m the pOSItIon wIll be converted from unclassIfied to
classIfied" The Issue for thIS Board to address IS whether there was "a contmumg need for
that work to be performed on a full-tIme basIs" as that phrase IS consIdered m the collectIve
agreement m the context of the facts before me
It has been suggested to me on more than one occaSIOn m varIOUS submIssIOns regardmg the
"conversIOn" gnevances that each case WIll be qUIte fact specIfic WhIle It mIght be Said that
such an argument IS tnte, It IS certamly accurate and bears repeatmg The facts relIed upon
by the partIes III thIS matter are very dIfferent than any other I have consIdered to date In Re
Sopha and m Re Sinnathurai, I found that It could not be Said that there was a contmumg
need for the work to be done on a full tIme basIs If the work at Issue was assIgned to more
than one other full t1Ille employee In Re Burditt I found that an unclassIfied employee who
was stIll performmg the same work almost a year after she requested COnyerSIOn should haye
been conyerted even though the Employer knew that the work was eyentuaIly gomg to the
pnvate sector
After consIderatIOn of all of the facts of thIS case, I must dIsmIss the gnevance I cannot find,
as a polIcy matter, the unclassIfied employees (set out at Tab 20 of the document bnef) who
have been hIred smce June 1996 should be converted. SImply put, there IS no contmumg
need for theIr work to be done on a full tIme basIs
In Re Burditt, the Employer argued that It knew shortly after the gnevor s request for
converSIOn that there was no ongomg need for the work because all of the work of the
bargammg umt was gomg to be transferred to a successful bIdder m the broader publIc
servIce It was suggested that where pnvatIzatIOn IS a forgone conclusIOn, there IS no
contmumg need for the work. I dId not agree wIth that submIssIon as It related to the facts
m the Re Burditt matter Indeed, I found that the fact that pnvatIzatIOn would occur was
not, m and of Itself, determmatIve Howeyer the facts of thIS polIcy gnevance are
substantIally dIfferent. The Employer knew and mformed the unclassIfied employees
vIrtually from the begmmng of theIr employment that the work would be transferred to the
pnvate sector Certamly the employees knew no later than September of 1997 that theIr tIme
wIth the Mimstry was lImIted. Indeed, many would haye had that knowledge wIthm months
of the begmnmg of theIr employment. SImIlar to the fact SItuatIOn m Re Burditt, the
Employer s estImate of when the work would be transferred proved to be optImIstIC
However unlIke Ms BurdItt, none of the gnevors had been unclaSSIfied for two or three
years at the pomt when the fact that the work was about to be pnvatIzed was first mentIOned.
The Umon argued that the fact that the Employer has posted vanous full tIme pOSItIons IS
eVIdence of an ongomg need for the work. I dIsagree The full tIme Job postmgs of va no us
pOSItIOns are only mdIcatIve of full tIme pOSItIOns bemg vacant. Those postmgs are not
eVIdence of a contmumg need for full tIme work ofyanous unclaSSIfied employees There
IS nothmg m artIcle 31 15 that suggests that the status of full tIme pOSItIOns, whether vacant
or filled, are to be taken Into account when makIng a determInatIOn about whether an
unclassIfied employee should be converted to a classIfied employee Generally speakIng,
artIcle 31 15 contemplates the establIshment of new full tIme posItIons based on past and
future work of unclassIfied employees and the assIgnmg of those newly establIshed full tIme
posItIOns to the very people who have been performIng the work. Full tIme classIfied
posItIOns, vacant or otherwIse, are not taken Into account.
The UnIon also argued that It was clear that there was a contInuIng need for the work
because there was no dIspute that the work would contInue beyond December 31 1998,
albeIt In the pnvate sector In the UnIon's VIew, the fact that the contInuIng need for the
work was wIth a dIfferent employer IS not releyant to my determInatIOn I cannot agree
Indeed, artIcle 31 15 states that converSIOn wIll occur If certaIn cntena are met and where
"the mInIstry has determIned that there IS a contInuIng need for that work to be performed
on a full-tIme basIs, the mInIstry shall establIsh a posItIOn wIthIn the ClaSSIfied ServIce to
perform that work" In thIS Instance, the Employer has no contInuIng need for the work to
be performed on a full-tIme basIs because the work IS beIng taken over by another employer
"ContInuIng need for that work" as conSIdered under artIcle 31 15 must relate, In thIS
Instance, to the MInIStry of FInance It cannot relate to an entIty that IS not a party to thIS
collectIve agreement.
As mentIOned earlIer, the facts In Re Burditt were qmte dIfferent than the Instant matter
Ms BurdItt requested converSIOn nnmedlately upon returnIng from the publIc sector stnke
whIch brought about a fundamental change In the COnyerSIOn formula. She had been
workIng as an unclasSIfied employee for approxImately three years at the pOInt she made her
request. The Employer refused to convert her because It knew that the work was to be
pnvatIzed She was eventually notIfied that she would be termInated a year after her
"- conyers IOn request. In the Instant matter WIth the exceptIOn of one no employee was hm~d
pnor to June of 1996 They were hIred for the specIfic purpose of provIdmg a servIce that
the Employer knew was temporary and that knowledge was made known to the employees
on varIOUS occaSIOns long before they had worked two years Indeed, m most mstances the
employees knew of the workplace SItuatIOn wIthm months of startmg theIr unclassIfied
work. WhIle It IS true that those contracts were extended, wIth the extensIOns It was made
clear that there was an end to the work wIth the MmIstry
UnclassIfied employees m thIS mmIstry got the appropnate notIce oftermmatIOn under the
Employment Standards Act The Umon suggested that because those notIces were
extended, the Employer could not rely upon them. In these CIrcumstances although It IS true
that contracts were extended and notIce oftermmatIOn was gIven on more than one occaSIOn,
It cannot be smd that employees were lulled mto thmkmg that the work would contmue well
mto the future They were notIfied on a fairly regular basIs through the newsletter as to the
status of the work generally and theIr own status speCIfically, mcludmg notice of the passage
of relevant legIslatIon
In the mstant matter there are employees who are lIterally days beyond two years and, wIth
the exceptIOn of one employee, others who range from four months to approxImately SIX
months beyond two years In all of the CIrcumstances of thIS matter, I cannot uphold the
polIcy gnevance
Dated m Toronto thIS 11th day of December 1998
FelIcIty D Bnggs
Vice Charr