HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-1422.Felora.99-05-04 Decision OIVTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'OIVTARIO _ _ GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600, TORONTO ON MSG 1Z8 TELEPHONEfTELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 1 eo, RUE DUNDAS OUES T BUREAU 600, TORONTO (ON) MSG 1Z8 FACS/MILEfTELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 GSB #1422/98 1428/98, 1429/98 1430/98, 1431/98 1432/98 1433/98 1432/98 OLB #188/98, 189/98,203-205/98,210/98,226/98 283/98 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before ~ THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OntarIO LIquor Boards Employees Umon (Felora et al) Grievors - and - The Crown III RIght of OntarIO (LIquor Control Board of Ontano) Employer BEFORE Bram HerlIch Vice-ChaIr FOR THE JulIa Noble GRIEVORS Legal Counsel Ontano LIqUor Board Employees Umon FOR THE AlIson Renton EMPLOYER Counsel, Legal ServIces LIquor Control Board of OntarIO HEARING Apnl 29 1999 . AWARD The heanng In these matters, WhICh are all gnevances anSIng out of Job competItIOn CR#14/98, convened on Apnl 29, 1999 At that tIme employer counsel filed copIes of wntten notIces of heanng whIch had been sent to each of the 12 Incumbents potentIally affected bv these proceedmgs Four of those Incumbents, Ms El1zabeth Pszenny and Messrs Robert SalIba, Arnold Au, and Tom Kolokotroms were In attendance at the heanng. , Pnor to the commencement of the heanng, counsel for the partIes each met separately wIth the Incumbents to explaIn to them the nature of the proceedIngs and to answer any questIOns they mIght have had. When the he~ng commenced, I explaIned to - the Incumbents that they were entItled to fully partICIpate In the proceedIngs should they so choose and that they were free to seek whatever Independent advIce they mIght see fit. However, the partIes advIsed that the only matters to be dealt wIth on the InItIal heanng day related to settIng further heanng dates and dealIng WIth an uncontentIOus matter regardIng the productIOn of certaIn documents The callIng of any further eVIdence WIll therefore aWait the next scheduled hearmg date Thus, as a practIcal matter the Incumbents (both those In and not In attendance at the heanng) wIll have the benefit of some tIme to reflect on and conSIder the preCIse form of theIr future partICIpatIOn. -2- The W1IOn has requested an order that the employer produce the relevant documents from the personnel files of each of the mcumbents who were successful In the Job competItlon. The employer has not obJected to thIS request. It lS so ordered. The Board notes that the umon has provIded ltS W1dertakmg to hold any such mformatIOn dIsclosed by thIs order m the stnctest confidence to use It onlv for the , purposes of thIS case, and to return or destrov all such documents at the conclusIOn of these proceedIngs Heanng In these matters WIll contmue on dates to_ be set m consultatIOn wIth the partIes Employer counsel WIll advIse the mcumbents of the next scheduled heanng dates Dated tills 4th day of Mav 1999 at Toronto, Ontano ~ ........~ -- ._- Bram HerlIch V Ice-Chair