HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-1636.Amaral et al.00-03-22 Decision o NTARW EMPU) YES DE LA COURONNE CROW"! EMPLOYEES DE L 'ONTARW 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE, (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB # 1636/98 OPSEU # 99B083 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Amaral et aD Grievor - and - The Crown m RIght of Ontano (Miillstn of Finance) Employer BEFORE Joseph D CarTIer V Ice ChaIr FOR THE ETIC O'BTIen GRIEVOR Counsel ElIot, SmIth Bamsters & SolIcItors FOR THE Fateh SalIm EMPLOYER Counsel Legal ServIces Branch Management Board SecretarIat HEARING FebruaI) 29 2000 AWARD ThIS gnevance, G S.B #1636-98 reflects a group of GTIevances filed In or about December 1998 by several IndivIduals Including, for Ident1flcanon purposes, Sharon Amaral. Those GTIevors had been employed by the MiillStry of Finance and worked out of the RegIOnal Assessment Office In Kingston, OntaTIo The Kingston Assessment Office was divested by the MiillStry m or about December 1998 at wmch tIme the relevant operanons were transferred to the Ontano Property Assessment CorporatIOn. The GTIevors were all offered, and, wIth the excepnon of Robert Bresee who retIred, accepted jobs WIth the Successor Employer The gnevances allege that the MiillStry had vIolated ArtIcle 19 1 of the CollectIve Agreement by failmg to provIde "proper nonce of termmanon" Further each GTIevor requested "pay m lIeu" referrable to hIS or her semoTIty Addinonally dUTIng the course of the gnevance procedure, an alternanve claIm was raIsed for Nonce of Termmanon pursuant to the Employment Standards Act. 2 By way of prehmmary mOTIon, Employer Counsel challenged the vahdity of the gnevances smce, In ms submIssIon there was no dIfference between the partIes wmch could be the subject of arbItraTIOn. Indeed, the Umon dId not dispute that the gnevances properly fell Wltmn the ambIt of Appendix 9 rather than ArtIcle 19 1 of the CollectIve Agreement. There was no challenge to the Employer's pOSITIOn that the GTIevors, havmg receIved Job offers from the new Employer had not been laId-off or surplus sed pursuant to ArtIcle 191 Accordingly any Issue concemmg theIr entItlement would have properly been referrable to AppendIx 9 However It was common ground between the PartIes that all oblIgaTIons of the Crown pursuant to Appendix 9 mcluding any to mdivIdual employees, had been resolved by an Agreement entered Into between them In November 1999 That beIng the case, there eXIsted no dispute between the PartIes wmch could be the subject of arbItraTIOn. As to the Employment Standards Act, the Uillon did not dispute the Employer's pOSITIOn that It had no apphcaTIon m VIew of the COnTInUIty of employment proVIded to the GTIevors by the Successor Employer In the CIrcumstances set out above, I conclude that there eXists no dIfference between the PartIes to the ColleCTIve Agreement. That bemg so, I have no JUTIsdicTIon pursuant to the Crown Employees CollectIve BargaInmg Act, and, the gnevances must be dismIssed. 3 ThIs deCISIOn IS consIstent With the folloWing earher awards referred to b, Employer Counsel, Mr SalIm. Re: The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of the Attorney General) and Ontario Public Service Employees Union (Barter et al), (July 9, 1999) unreported (Briggs), Re: The Crown in right of Ontario (Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority) and Amalgamated Transit Union (Blake) (May 3,1988), unreported (Shime). Accordmgh I conclude that there IS no dIfference and that I have no JUrIsdIctIOn. The gTIevances are dIslllissed. Dated at Toronto Ontano thIS 22nd da, of March, 2000 Joseph D Carner Vice-ChaIr 4