HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-0840.Group Grievance.03-01-14 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
GSB# 0840/99
ProfessIOnal EngIneers & ArchItects of the Ontano PublIc ServIce
(Group Gnevance) Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of TransportatIOn) Employer
BEFORE FelIcIty D Bnggs Vice-Chair
Umon ConsultIng ServIces
Semor Counsel
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING June 20 2002, and October 10 2002
On November 6, 1998 the partIes arnved at a memorandum of agreement
regardmg the Issue of tune credIts wIllIe travelhng beyond the normal hours
of work. WhIle the partIes were able to agree that "ehgible employees" were
entItled to travel credIts they recogmzed that there mIght be future
dIfferences about ehgibIhty It was stated at paragraph 5
Employees retam theIr nght to gneve to detennme ehgibIhty, e g
whether travel IS an mherent part of theIr posItIOn If successful, the
gnevor shall be ehgible for the settlement m paragraph 3 The gnevor
shall contmue to record claims untIl the gnevance IS resolved.
As antIcIpated, after the sIgnmg of the memorandum of agreement a number
of gnevances were filed regardmg the Issue of ehgibIhty for travel credIts A
heanng was held to adjudIcate tlllS matter and rather than have hterally
dozens of gnevors attend to proffer eVIdence, the partIes agreed that I would
hear four specIfic fact sItuatIOns and Issue a nllmg The partIes understood
that It was likely that the dIsparate fact sItuatIOns mIght bnng about dIfferent
results It was hoped that I would Issue a decIsIOn that would provIde
gUIdance to the partIes and allow them to resolve the remammg outstandmg
Issues On Apnl 18, 2001 I Issued the decIsIOn and, as antIcIpated, the
partIes were able to resolve all remammg outstandmg gnevances but one
At the first heanng one of the four fact sItuatIOns I heard was that of Ms
Lynda Boyd, Geotechmcal Engmeer, SoIls I heard both Vlva voce eVIdence
from Ms Boyd m addItIon to the agreed facts submItted by the partIes For
Ms Boyd, one of the agreed facts was
Part of her Job responsibIhtIes reqUIres that she observe and rem am
vIgIlant of pavement condItIons dunng any road tnp On the longer
sIte VISIt tnps, she would tYPIcally VISIt a number of sItes on one tnp
In my decIsIOn I found, at page 27
In my VIew, for the most part, travel IS not an mherent part of the
work. The travel merely got the gnevors to theIr work. Accordmg to
the eVIdence travel IS not a core duty It IS a means of transportmg the
gnevors to and from a worksIte where they perform theIr work. Travel
IS an mherent part of the work (and therefore not subJect to travel
credIts) If there IS an actual component of work bemg performed at the
same tune
SpecIfically, regardmg Ms Boyd, I said at page 29
Ms Boyd IS somewhat dIfferent She IS a geotechnIcal engmeer wIth
clearly specIfied responsibIhtIes Accordmg to her eVIdence, Ms
Boyd IS responsible for pavement mspectIOns for a large sectIOn of the
northern regIOn She was also responsible for mOnItonng pavement
condItIons dunng her travels m her desIgnated area even when that IS
not the pnmary purpose of her Journey such as when she IS travelmg
to meetmgs held m Toronto That mOnItonng and responsibIhty IS, m
my VIew, performmg work She was actually dIschargmg specIfic and
certam dutIes as an employee willie travehng Therefore, when she IS
travehng outsIde her nonnal hours by car she would only be entItled
to travel credIts when she IS travehng outsIde her own desIgnated area
or at nIght when she cannot see the road to dIscharge that
responsIbIhty Her claim IS allowed to that extent
It was not dIfficult to understand why the partIes were unable to resolve Mr
Derek Daneff's gnevance He IS a ProJect SoIls Engmeer m the geotechnIcal
sectIOn m Northwestern Ontano He was classIfied at a PBE6 level untIl
May 31,1999 when he was upgraded to a PBE7 It was the UnIon's posItIOn
that Mr Daneff does not mOnItor the condItIon of the pavement on a regular
basIs when he travels m the same faslllon as Ms Boyd and therefore he
should be ehgible for travel credIts The Employer suggested that Mr
Daneff's dutIes and responsIbIhtIes are vIrtually IdentIcal to Ms Boyd and
therefore IllS claim should be denIed.
It IS not my mtentIOn to reVIew the eVIdence m extensIve detail I heard
eVIdence from Mr Daneff, IllS superVIsor lam Galloway and Cathanne
Shaw, Manager of Human Resources for the FmancIaI Control and IT
sectIOns of the Northwest regIOn
Mr Daneff travels approxImately 14,000 kIlometers per year usually m a
MmIstry car He IS tYPIcally out of the office an average of 55 days per year
Mr Daneff testIfied that he does not mOnItor the condItIon of the pavement
as he travels the roads He said that the maJonty of IllS work IS sIte specIfic
He travels to vanous locatIOns for dIstmct purposes and does not mOnItor the
road along as he travels He said that he travels by car to a sIte, performs hIS
work and then returns by car eIther to IllS hotel or IllS home HIS vast
maJonty of IllS travel anses from three Job functIOns, checkmg for frost
heavmg m the roads m the spnng, road assessment for stress problems and
to provIde engmeenng expertIse such as mspectmg a capItal proJect or
provIdmg advIce to a consultant or to a Patrol Mamtenance TechnIcian The
road assessment functIOn IS performed by the gnevor dnvmg hIS vehIcle
slowly on the soft shoulder He occasIOnally stops to check the road and
often stops to make notes on IllS findmgs It IS not tlllS aspect of IllS work
that IS at Issue
He stated, even under ngorous cross-exammatIOn on the pomt, that he does
not watch or patrol the roads whIle he IS dnvmg to or from a work sIte
Although he was occasIOnally evaSIve m hIS responses m cross-exammatIOn,
the gnevor stated that he has never mOnItored the roads and that m hIS ten
years of expenence he has never reported any road deficIency that mIght
reqUIre attentIOn Mr Daneff explamed that often at the end of IllS work-day
he would "back-track" over the very road he had been assessmg The roads
have an 18 year cycle and IllS work IS to observe and remedy gradual
changes Accordmg to Mr Daneff, that work cannot be performed from a
fast movmg car by one who IS focusmg hIS attentIOn on the task of dnvmg
Accordmg to both Mr Daneff and Mr Galloway the Patrol Mamtenance
TechnIcians perform the task of mOnItonng and mamtammg the surface of
the road from the pomt It was bUIlt untIl It needs reconstnlctIOn Mr
Galloway described these employees as the people "who dnve the hIghway
on a daily basIs to make sure there are no Issues" The Job specIficatIOn for
Patrol Mamtenance TechnICIanS states that the purpose of the posItIOn IS
Under the general dIrectIOn of supervIsor, mOnItors roadway
condItIons to ensure any hazards and or deficIencIes are addressed,
mobIles lllred eqUIpment m the wmter as reqUIred to ensure
estabhshed level of serVIce cntena are met, mspectmg work
performed by contractors to ensure comphance to standards and
contractual agreements
Mr Galloway testIfied that the gnevor IS responsible for approxImately 25
per cent of the roads m the Northwest RegIOn Mr Daneff IS expected to
observe and recognIze any geotechnIcal changes m the hIghway It was
suggested that the mOnItonng of the roads IS mherent to the gnevors work.
Mr Galloway also testIfied that certam changes m the road surface could be
observed willie travellmg the road at nonnal dnvmg speed such as ruttmg or
embankment failures Further, Mr Galloway said that he rehes upon the
gnevor's knowledge as well as hIS mput at departmental plannmg meetmgs
whIch has mcluded road assessments He explamed the dIfference between
the functIOns of Patrol Mamtenance TechnIcians and those of the gnevor
The TechnIcians, who know theIr road sectIOn "mtunately", are responsIble
for mamtammg the road but If there are problems the department needs to
know why the problem eXIsts so there has to be geotechnIcal observatIOn of
road changes The gnevor's failure to observe road changes would have a
potentIally negatIve Impact on the work of the department In cross-
exammatIOn Mr Galloway conceded that he never dIrected the gnevor to
mOnItor the road condItIons when dnvmg on MmIstry busmess He further
agreed that when Mr Daneff IS performmg hIS pavement surveys he IS
lookmg for gradual changes that would reqUIre close observatIOn
WhIle the partIes were waItmg for thIS matter to come to heanng the gnevor
was madvertently granted permISSIOn to and dId take tIme off utIhzmg the
travel credIts at Issue I have not set out that eVIdence for reasons that wIll
become apparent later m tlllS decIsIOn
The UnIon conceded that thIS Board has already found that where there IS an
actual component of the work bemg performed, such as ongomg mOnItonng
of the roads, tune spent beyond nonnal hours IS not ehgIble for tune credIts
However, the Issue at hand IS whether Mr Daneffhas road mOnItonng as an
mherent part of hIS work. ThIS Issue IS a matter of fact and the eVIdence must
lead to a findmg for the gnevor It was contended that even If such
mOnItonng IS an Employer expectatIOn, that expectatIOn IS unreasonable It
was clear from the eVIdence of the gnevor and Mr Galloway that Mr
Daneff was never told that there was an expectatIOn of thIS level of
mOnItonng Further, the eVIdence revealed that more than twenty five Patrol
Mamtenance TechnICIanS actually do tlllS type of work on an ongomg and
daily basIs
The UnIon submItted that the Employer IS Improperly askmg tlllS Board to
apply the decIsIOn It rendered to Ms Boyd to the gnevor However, Mr
Daneff and Ms Boyd do not have the same posItIOn nor do they perfonn the
same work. It IS Important IS remember that Ms Boyd IS a GeotechnIcal
Engmeer at the PBE8 level whIle the gnevor IS a ProJect SoIls Engmeer and
has the lower classIficatIOn of PBE7
The Employer contended that there could be httle doubt that an aspect of the
gnevor's work IS the mOnItonng of the roads and my prevIOUS decIsIOn
found that work does not bnng about the payment of travel tIme outsIde
normal work hours The type of mOnItonng done by the Patrol Mamtenance
TechnIcians IS dIfferent from the mOnItonng performed by Mr Daneff The
gnevor observes the roads through the eyes of an engmeer SImply put, that
IS not the same as the mOnItonng perfonned by the teChnICIanS The
eVIdence was that the gnevor made comments and reported observatIOns
about the roads at vanous departmental meetmgs ThIS mdIcates that he does
m fact mOnItor the roads dunng hIS travels In any event, there can be no
doubt that the gnevor IS responsible for mOnItonng the roads and therefore
the gnevance should be dIsmIssed.
In reply, the UnIon suggested m determmmg thIS matter I should gIve the
gnevor's eVIdence more weIght because he IS the person who IS out m the
field. Further, It should be recalled that Mr Galloway stated he had no
quarrel wIth the gnevor's work or hIS knowledge and he conceded that he
never specIfically dIrected the gnevor to mOnItor the roads willie travelhng
m IllS car Those facts, coupled wIth the lack of any reference to pavement
mOnItonng m the gnevor's Job specIficatIOn must lead me to uphold the
In the case of Ms Boyd, the partIes agreed to the followmg (found at page
7 of the ongmal decIsIOn)
- ApproxImately 40% of her travel would be proJect sIte specIfic, to
examme a problem anywhere m the Northern regIOn, such as a
constnlctIOn problem, or a slope failure (sIde of a road falhng
down), etc She would go to the sIte, make an assessment and
decIde whether any further mvestIgatIOn IS reqUIred. The other
10% of her travel would be m connectIOn wIth her Pavement
Management functIOn, whIch mcludes mspectmg/observmg
sectIOns of pavement from a movmg or statIOnary vehIcle
- Part of her Job responsibIhtIes reqUIres that she observe and remam
vIgIlant of pavement condItIons dunng any road tnp On the longer
sIte VISIt tnps, she would tYPIcally VISIt a number of sItes on one
Based on those facts and Ms Boyd's Vlva voce eVIdence I found that her
pavement mOnItonng and responsibIhty for pavement condItIons meant that
she was dIschargmg specIfic dutIes willie travelhng outsIde her nonnal hours
and therefore not entItled to travel credIts for that tIme
In the first heanng, as m thIS mstance, the Employer suggested that travel IS
an mherent part of the gnevor's work. At page 30 I stated
The dIctIOnary definItIOn of "mherent" provIded stated that mherent
IS "somethmg as a permanent and mseparable element, quahty or
attribute" In my VIew, accordmg to the eVIdence I cannot find that
travel for these gnevors IS "a permanent and mseparable element" of
the work at Issue WhIle It IS true that they travel to get to theIr work,
the travel IS not engmeenng work. As charactenzed m some of the
earher GSB decIsIOns, the gnevors' travel was, m large measure,
GIven the eVIdence of both the gnevor and Mr Galloway, I accept that the
type of responsibIhty that the gnevor has for pavement condItIon cannot be
fulfilled by watclllng the pavement pass by at hIghway speeds It mIght be
that the gnevor would report a road emergency such as a rock fall or an
embankment failure although It IS to be remembered that tlllS has never
occurred m IllS ten years of expenence However, tlllS does not lead me to
find that he mOnItors the road to the extent that It IS an mtegral part of hIS
The Employer suggested that to find for the gnevor would be mconsIstent
wIth my earher decIsIOn regardmg Ms Boyd. I dIsagree SImply put, I find
that the gnevor and Ms Boyd do not perfonn IdentIcal work. For mstance,
Ms Boyd had certam supervIsory responsibIhtIes Indeed, both theIr Job
tItles and theIr PBE levels are dIfferent
In the mstant case, the gnevor consIstently and credibly denIed mOnItonng
of the roads dunng travel and Mr Galloway dId not provIde eVIdence that
would have me find otherwIse Further, I heard that there IS a sIgnIficant
workforce of Patrol Mamtenance TechnIcians who have ongomg road
mOnItonng as a fundamental responsIbIhty By all accounts the gnevor was
never told that ongomg pavement mOnItonng IS a task he should perfonn
willie travelhng on MmIstry busmess Fmally, the responsibIhty of ongomg
road mOnItonng IS absent from the gnevor's Job specIficatIOn
In the case of Ms Boyd, I found that the eVIdence estabhshed that she was
responsible for mOnItonng the pavement condItIons dunng her travels m her
desIgnated area even when that was not the pnmary purpose of her Journey
I found that mOnItonng to be perfonnmg work. The eVIdence for Mr Daneff
was not sImIlar and for that reason I cannot make a sImIlar findmg
F or all of those reasons, the gnevance IS allowed I beheve the Issue of tune
credIts already taken IS dIsposed of by thIS result but I remam seIzed m the
result there are any ImplementatIOn dIfficultIes
Dated m Toronto, tlllS 14th day of January, 2003