HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-1222.Lewis.01-02-15 Decision
Ontano Pubhc ServIce Employees Umon
- and -
The Crown m RIght of Ontano
(Mimsm of EducatIon and Trammg)
BEFORE RandI H. Abramsk.~ Vice Chair
FOR THE George RIchards
GRIEVOR Gnevance Officer
OntarIO Pubhc ServIce Employees Umon
FOR THE Ben Ratelband, Counsel
EMPLOYER McC arth, Tetrault
Barnsters and SohcItors
HEARING Februan 17 2000 Ma, 12,2000 Ma, 23 2000
August 14 2000 September 26, 2000 December 22, 2000
On August 17, 1999, the gne\Or, Mr Earl LeWIS, was dIscharged by the Mimstry
of EducatIOn and TramIng. He was dIscharged for sohcItmg donatIOns from pnvate
companIes on behalf of the Mimstry and a chantable orgamzatIOn, the ChIldren sWish
FoundatIOn, then expropnatmg the donatIOns for personal use At Issue IS whether the
gnevor was dIscharged for cause, or whether another penalty should be substItuted as Just
and reasonable m all of the CIrcumstances
On August 17, 1999, the gnevor was handed the follOWing termmatIOn letter
August 17, 1999
Mr Earl LeWIS
Dear Mr LeWIS
It has come to my attentIOn that you have soh cIted pnvate compames for
chantable donatIOns. The letters requestmg the donatIOns were wntten on
the former Mimstry of EducatIOn and TramIng letterhead. These
soh cItatIOns were for the purported benefit of a well-known chanty The
Chanty has confirmed that you are not actmg on theIr behalf. You then
expropnated the donatIOns for your own personal use
Pursuant to SectIOn 22(3) cf the Public Sen1ice Act, thIS Will adVIse you
that you are hereby dIsmIssed from your employment as a Leamer
ServIces Officer With the Mimstry of EducatIOn, effectIve August I1h,
The fact that you have mIsrepresented yourself, on behalf of the Mimstry
and the Chanty, to these pnvate busmesses, for your personal finanCial
gam, constItutes senous mIsconduct and IS a breach of the trust placed m
you by the Employer Furthermore, your actIOns had the potential to cause
senous damage to the re putatIOn of the Mimstry of EducatIOn. After
careful consIderatIOn, I have decIded to dIsmIss you for all of the above
Victona McArdle
Actmg DIrector, Independent Learnmg Centre
The eVIdence, most of whIch was not dIsputed, overwhelmmgly shows that dunng
July 1999, Mr LeWIS sohcIted chantable donatIOns of passes or tIckets from pnvate
compames - Niagara Hehcopters, Maid of the Mist and WhIrlpool Jets - on behalf of the
Mimstry and the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn whIch he mtended to use dunng hIS famIly
vacatIOn m Niagara Falls He would first call these companIes from work to SOhCIt
donatIOns on behalf of the Mimstry and then would follow- up by letter, on Mimstry
letterhead, usmg hIS tItle as "Leamer ServICes Officer", and fax them from the Mimstry s
fax machme
A typIcal letter IS the follOWing one to Whlflpool Jets
July 20, 1999
Ms MamIe Klose
WhIrlpool Jets
Further to our telephone conversatIOn of thIS afternoon, please accept thIS
letter as a request for a FamIly Pass on your excItmg nde
As I mentIOned to you, we have a fund-raiser each year With all left over
proceeds gomg to the ChIldrens Wish FoundatIOn.
If you have any questIOns please call me at 416-325-4373 Would you
please call to confirm receIpt of thIS request.
The tIckets are raffled off and the lucky WInners venture on your nde
I presume the WInners wIll be there eIther Monday July 26 or Tuesday,
July 27, 1999
As per your InstructIOns, they Will phone In advance for reservatIOns
Leamer ServIces Officer
Mr LeWIS acknowledged, on both examInatIOn-In-chief and cross-eXamInatIOn, that there
was no "fund raIser each year With all proceeds gOIng to the ChIldren sWish
FoundatIOn" and that no tIckets were to be "raffled off." The tIckets were to be used by
hIS family whIle on vacatIOn.
On July 21, 1999, a SImIlar letter requestIng a "Comphmentary FamIly Pass" was
sent to Niagara Hehcopter statIng that "[e]very year at the Mimstry we have a fund
raiSIng event With all momes collected gOIng to the ChIldrens Wish FoundatIOn." It was
hoped "we can count on your firm s generous support." A SImIlar request was made to
the Maid of the Mist Steamboat Company
The Mimstry first became aware of these letters when Ms. Ana PIerce of Niagara
Hehcopters called the Mimstry to InqUIre If Mr LeWIS was connected to the ChIldren s
Wish FoundatIOn. She had found It SUSpICIOUS when Mr LeWIS called to pIck up the
tIckets hImself, saYIng he had made a donatIOn to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn for
them, when hIS letter had said that the tIckets were to be raffled off. Ms. PIerce was
adVIsed that neIther the Mimstry nor Mr LeWIS had any connectIOn to the ChIldren s
Wish FoundatIOn.
The Mimstry s Fact-FmdIng Report, whIch the partIes agreed would be admItted
mto eVIdence for the truth of the matters asserted, states that on July 26, 1999, Mr LeWIS
called Niagara Hehcopter and spoke to Anna PIerce He told her that he was callmg from
WhIrlpool Jets and asked If he could come over and pIck up the tIckets that had been
donated. Ms. PIerce told hIm that the tIckets had already been mailed to hIm at the
Independent Learnmg Centre (ILC), but that she would leave a set of tIckets at the
hehport for pIck up later that day She then asked hIm whether there was someone at hIS
office she could contact to get back the tIckets that had been mailed there He rephed,
"No, they wouldn t know <bout thIS They were not mvolved m It. BesIdes, I have
already bought the tIckets and sent the money to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn."
The tIckets to Niagara Hehcopter were mailed to the ILC and arnved after he had
left on vacatIOn. Mr LeWIS never came to pIck up the tIckets at Niagara Hehcopter The
value of the tIckets was $228 00 Dunng the mvestIgatIOn meetmg With the gnevor on
August 17, 1999, the gnevor stated that" I felt sure that gIven the SItuatIOn at WhIrlpool
Jets that I dIdn t even attempt to pIck up the tIckets." Later, at the same meetmg, he stated
that he "asked my Wife If she wanted to go on the nde She SaId sure, but I dIdn t go
because of the problem earher m the day at WhIrlpool Jets"
On July 26, 1999, Mr LeWIS had regIstered hImself for a nde on WhIrlpool Jets.
Later that day, however, Ms. Klose receIved a telephone call from the Mimstry about Mr
LeWIS request and when he, and hIS party of four, arnved Ms. Klose pulled hIm aSIde
and told hIm that the tIckets were not for hIS use but were mtended for the Winner of the
Mimstry s fund- raiser She told hIm that smce the tIckets were not bemg used for the
fund-raiser they were not vahd and were beIng VOIded. Mr LeWIS rephed, "I bought
them" to whIch she rephed, "no, you couldn t have" but she offered hIm dIscount tIckets
available to the pubhc She told hIm, "you can eIther pay for them now or we 11 see that
you don t get on the boat for the tour" Mr LeWIS paid for the dIscounted tIckets and hIS
party went on the nde. The value of the comphmentary tIckets that Mr LeWIS had
requested was $214 00
The eVIdence further shows that Mr LeWIS receIved a comphmentary famIly pass
to the Maid of the Mist, whIch he and hIS family used on July 26, 1999 The value of
these tIckets was $170 40
The eVIdence IS clear that m phone calls and letters to these companIes, the
gnevor mtentIOnally mIsrepresented the purpose of the request for a donatIOn,
mIsrepresented the Mimstry s mvolvement and that of the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn.
He Improperly used hIS pOSItIOn as a Leamer ServIces Officer and the name of the
Mimstry as well as that of the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn to obtam comphmentary
passes to ndes and attractIOns for hIS own personal use
Throughout the InVestIgatIOn and at arbItratIOn, the gnevor mSIsted that what he
dId was not wrong because he "would have sent money to the Children sWish
FoundatIOn." Had he used or sold the tIckets he would have sent money - that was hIS
Intent all along. He stated that It was never hIS mtent to cheat anyone He stated that m
the past, when he had sold a donated Item, he would make a donatIOn to the ChIldren s
Wish FoundatIOn. He made these donatIOns anonymously, through money orders, and
had no records or receIpts to substantiate them. He could not recall dates or amounts
When the Mimstry first learned about thIS SItuatIOn, It contacted the Duector of
the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn, Kathy WismeskI. On August 6, 1999, she confirmed
m wrItmg that "we have no record of receIvmg funds or confirmatIOn of a fundraIser
bemg held by the Mimstry or Mr Earl LeWIS m support of the Children sWish
FoundatIOn." At the arbItratIOn heanng, Ms WismeskI testIfied to the same effect. There
was no record of any donatIOns made by the gnevor or record of an approved fundraIsmg
event. She testIfied that the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn was very concerned about what
had occurred because of the value of ItS good name and reputatIOn. In her VIew,
donatIOns were made by these companIes because of the Mimstry s mvolvement and that
of the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn. She was concerned that the people mvolved, havmg
been mIsled once, would be wary of donatmg agam to theIr cause
On August 17, 1999, the Mimstry held an InVestIgatIOn meetIng With the gnevor
and hIS Umon representatIve At that meetmg, the allegatIOns concernmg Niagara
Hehcopter, WhIrlpool Jets and Maid of the Mist were conveyed to the gnevor, and he
was provIded With an OppOrtunIty to respond and explaIn what occurred.
At that meetmg, the gnevor was not fully candId or forthcommg. He was
speCIfically asked whether he receIved passes to Maid of the Mist for 1999, and he
responded. "No I never receIved or used the passes fIT 1999" In fact, the daily log for
July 26, 1999, less than three weeks earher, showed that he and hIS famIly used four
comphmentary passes on the Maid of the Mist. When confronted With thIS, he
responded. "Yes. I dId use them - comphmentary passes. I Will send a donatIOn to the
ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn now"
The gnevor was also asked. "Have you wntten any other letters to SOhCIt for
chantIes at the ILC or elsewhere')" The gnevor responded. "Yes, probably at OT AB I'd
have to go back and thmk about It. I can t thmk I know I got passes from Wild Water
KIngdom and m 1999 I got tIckets from them agam, m May" He was also asked
whether he sent out emaIls about these tIckets, to whIch he responded "no" Shortly
thereafter he was asked whether he had anythIng to add, and he responded as follows
I've worked for the government for thIrteen years I've always tned to
help With federated health, social commIttees, Umted Way I've always
been honest. I'm apologIzmg. I've never tned to cheat anyone I had a
lack of Judgment. I'm a famIly man, marned With two chIldren. I'd never
JeopardIze my career I'll cooperate m any way possible The unIon told
me to cooperate and tell everythIng I know
At the conclUSIOn of the mvestIgatIOn meetmg, the Mimstry dIscharged the
gnevor Victona McArdle, then ActIng DIrector of the ILC, testIfied that the deCISIon to
termInate was based on a number of factors - the senousness of the gnevor s mIsconduct,
the fact that It was repeated rather than Isolated, the fact that Mr LeWIS contmued
sohcItmg m thIS manner even after bemg warned not to do so, the fact that he was not
forthnght and hed dunng the mvestIgatIOn meetmg, the fact that he offered no
explanatIOn for hIS actIOns nor de monstrated true remorse Based on all of thIS, she felt
that the trust placed m hIm had been destroyed.
In hght of the gnevor s comment about the Wild Water KIngdom, the Mimstry
conducted a further mvestIgatIOn, whIch revealed several addItIOnal mCIdents of Improper
soh cItatIOn of comphmentary tIckets on behalf of the Mimstry for a chanty event. ThIS
"after-acqUIred" eVIdence was admItted mto eVIdence, pursuant to an earher rulmg, as
relevant to the proceedmg, With the partIes to argue regardmg what weIght, If any, to gIve
to It.
1 Wild Water Kmgdom
The mvestIgatIOn revealed that Mr LeWIS had sought and receIved three comphmentary
famIly day passes to Wild Water Kmgdom m Apn11999, valued at $22740, and receIved
passes m 1998 as well. It was learned that ongmally one pass had been sent to hIm m
1999 and that he requested two addItIOnal passes to be used for "staff and volunteer
mcentIves " It was also dIscovered that m May 1999, contrary to hIS assertIOn at the
InVestIgatIOn rreetIng, he sent emaIls to staff members offenng to sell the passes at a
dIscounted pnce The tIckets were not sold and on September 11, 1999 - after hIS
dIscharge - the gnevor returned the tIckets to Wild Water KIngdom, statmg that "[y]ou
were kmd enough to donate these to the Mimstry of EducatIOn and Trammg but we were
not able to use them."
2. Dresses for Humamty
The mvestIgatIOn further found that on September 2, 1998, Mr LeWIS wrote to the
Hudson Bay Company, on Mimstry letterhead, requestIDg five tIckets to the Dresses for
HumanIty event. That letter states, In pertInent part, as follows
September 2, 1998
Ms. L. Carter
The Hudson Bay Company
I am wntmg to you at thIS tIme on behalf of the Mimstry of EducatIOn &
Trammg, The Independent Learnmg Centre With a donatIOn request.
Every summer we have a pIcmc and fund raIsmg for the "ChIldren sWish
The employees of thIS branch are very eXCIted about Pnncess DIana s
dresses and we are hopmg that you could count on your generous donatIOn
of 5 tIckets to the above event.
We would raffle the tIckets off to the hIghest bIdder and all momes raIsed
would be sent to the "ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn" and The Hudson Bay
Company would be noted for sendmg us the tIckets
In the past we have receIved tIckets from "The Ontano SCIence Centre",
"Paramount Canada s Wonderland", "Manneland" and the "Maid of the
Mist" m Niagara Falls
If I can answer any questIOns you may have, please feel free to contact me
at 416-325-4373
Leamer ServIces Officer
Upon receIpt of the tIckets, the gnevor sent out e-maIls to staff, statmg that the
Hudson Bay Company had donated some passes to the show of Pnncess Diana s dresses.
He stated that the pnce for each pass IS $13 00 "but I would hke to raffle them off, With
the proceeds gomg to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn." When one employee responded
that she would hke to buy a raffle tIcket, the gnevor responded as follows
I shouldn t have used the word "Raffle"
We Wish to sell the tIcket for the $13 00 whIch they are pnced at and I Will
send the money to the "ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn." If you are stIll
mterested please Just bnng the money and I Will gIve you a tIcket.
There was no annual pIcmc and no raffle nor was a raffle ever Intended.
3 Canada s Paramount Wonderland
The InVestIgatIOn found that on Apnl 28, 1998, the gnevor requested a famIly season
pass to Canada s Paramount Wonderland. On Mimstry letterhead, the gnevor wrote, m
pertment part, as follows
I was hopmg to obtam a FamIly s Season Pass for one of our
student/students as an A wardIReward for some student or students who
are deservmg of same
I am sure you Will agree that sometIme a httle reward proVIdes great
mcentIve and a pass as suggested above would do wonders for a student s
Ongmally, Mr LeWIS requested two passes but later called Wonderland to request four
passes Four passes were sent to Mr LeWIS at the Independent LearnIng Centre There IS
no "Award/Reward" for deservmg students WIthm the ILC
4 SPIce GIrl Tickets.
Also m Apnl 1998, Mr LeWIS requested three comphmentary tIckets to the SpIce GIrlS
concert that was to be held at the Molson s AmphItheatre m July 1998, "to be used as an
mcentIve or award to certaIn students." AccordIng to the Fact-Fmdmg Report, Mr LeWIS
told Michelle Magder who was responsible for group tIcket sales With Umversal Concerts
Canada, the company that operates tre Molson AmphItheatre, that he was requestmg the
tIckets for a chantable cause to help out underpnvIleged school chIldren m the school
system. She mformed hIm that the concert was sold out and she could not gIve hIm
comphmentary tIckets, but she agreed to order hIm three tIckets and to Waive the normal
admInIstratIve fee of $15 00 per tIcket due to the cause
The nckets were paid for by Judy LeWIS, the gnevor s Wife The tIckets were
used by the gnevor s chIldren. On June 17, 1998, the gnevor wrote to Ms. Magder, on
Mimstry letterhead, that "[o]n behalf of the Mimstry of EducatIOn and Trammg, The
Independent Learnmg Centre, I am wntIng to thank you very much for all your tIme and
efforts m obtammg the SpIce GIrl TIckets." He contmued. "I am sure the chIldren who
Will receIve these tIckets would hke to thank you personally but we thought It better If I
There IS only one example of a donatIOn to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn m
relatIOn to a pass sold by the gnevor The gnevor had stated, dunng the InVestIgatIOn
meetmg, that he sold one of the 1998 Maid of the Mist passes to a c(}worker, Sherry
SmIth, at the face value of the pass. In January 1999, the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn
receIved a cheque from Sherry SmIth for $35 00, an amount less than the face value of
the pass. The gnevor had no recollectIOn of what happened to the other passes that he
receIved m 1998, although he recalled that he dId not sell them.
The gnevor testIfied that the Impact of hIS dIscharge has been devastatmg. He IS
56 years old and has a hIgh school educatIOn. He has been unable to find work, leaVIng
hIS Wife as the sole support of hIS famIly He has one adult daughter and two mInor
children, and hIS termmatIOn has caused a great deal of stress and dIfficultieS With the
At the tIme of hIS dIscharge, the gnevor had worked for 13 years With the
government. He worked as a Leamer ServIces Officer With the Independent LearnIng
Centre (ILC) The ILC pnmanly serves as a correspondence school for approxImately
30,000-40,000 adult students trymg to obtaIn a secondary school dIploma. Staff prOVIdes
the pubhc With mformatIOn about ILC servIces and programs, process apphcatIOns for
course enrolment and ensure course reqUIrements and prereqUISItes are met, and update
student records Includmg lesson and test results as well as Inventory (course matenal)
loans and returns
Accordmg to Ms. McArdle, the posItIOn of Leamer ServIces Officer, whIch IS not
closely supervIsed, offers a number of opportumtIes for an employee who seeks financial
gam. GIven the Importance of a secondary dIploma, ehgibIhty reqUIrements mIght be
overlooked to gam enrollment, lost matenals mIght be "found", deadlmes mIght be
extended and so forth.
The gnevor s work record was dIscIplme-free, but m the Fall of 1998, Mr LeWIS
was speCIfically warned by the DIrector of the ILC, Paul Raymond, not to SOhCIt
chantable donatIOns on Mimstry letterhead. Mr Raymond testIfied that m the Fall of
1998, someone found at the fax machme a copy of a letter wntten by Mr LeWIS, on
Mimstry letterhead, addressed to the Raptors sohcItmg basketballs to be auctIOned off at
an ILC pIcmc With the proceeds to go to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn. It was brought
to hIm and he stated that he called Mr LeWIS mto hIS office He showed Mr LeWIS the
letter and told Mr LeWIS not to use Mimstry letterhead to SOhCIt for chanty, that the
tnlhon was sacred as It represented the Government, and that what he dId was not
acceptable Mr Raymond testIfied that the gnevor responded that he dIdn t reahze that It
was a problem. Mr Raymond told hIm It was a problem, that It was fraud, and that It
must not happen agam. He Said that Mr LeWIS responded that m hIS pnor Job, It had not
been a problem but agreed that he would not do It agam.
Mr LeWIS s recollectIOn of thIS conversatIOn was a bIt dIfferent. At the arbItratIOn
heanng, he testIfied that Mr Raymond approached hIm at the front counter, not hIS
office, and told hIm that he found a fax that Mr LeWIS had sent to the Raptors requestmg
basketballs and that he asked hIm not to do that agam, to whIch he rephed "I won 1." In
hIS vIew, It was not a "you are not to do thIS" type conversatIOn. What he took from It
was that he was not to SOhCIt basketballs or approach the Raptors and he never dId that
agam. It was hIS vIew, at the tIme, that Mr Raymond would not be upset If he got tIckets
and sold them and donated the money to the ChIldren S Wish FoundatIOn. At the
mvestIgatIOn meetmg, Mr LeWIS stated that Mr Raymond dId not mentIOn use of
Mimstry letterhead.
To the extent that the gnevor S verSIOn of thIS dIScussIon vanes from that of Mr
Raymond, I prefer the testImony of Mr Raymond. Mr Raymond had qUIte a clear
recollectIOn of thIS conversatIOn, and I find hIS verSIOn more plaUSIble than that of the
gnevor s. It IS unhkely that such a conversanon took place at the front counter, and It
was defimtely a "you are not to do thIS" type conversatIOn, as the gnevor acknowledged
when he admItted that he agreed that he would not do It agam.
Mr Raymond testIfied that he dId not formally dIscIplme the gnevor over the
Raptors letter because he thought It mvolved one occurrence, the gnevor had not reahzed
It was a problem and he had promIsed not to do It agam. It was "one case of
mIsJudgment" and he felt that Mr LeWIS now understood the senousness of hIS actIOn. At
the tIme, Mr Raymond was unaware of any other soh cItatIOns of thIS kmd by the gnevor
1 Was there just cause for discharge?
Based on the facts set forth above, there IS no doubt that the Mimstry had Just cause to
dIscharge the gnevor Based on the ImtIal findmgs of the mvestIgatIOn as of August 17,
1999, whIch were substantiated at the heanng, the gnevor engaged m three cases of
senous mIsconduct. He Improperly used hIS posItIOn as a Leamer ServIces Officer,
Improperly used Mimstry letterhead, and knowmgly mIsrepresented the sanctIOn and
mvolvement of the Mimstry and the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn m order to obtam
comphmentary passes and tIckets for hIS own personal use ThIS was not a case of lack
of Judgement. It was fraud perpetrated on three pnvate busmesses. They provIded
comphmentary passes because they beheved that he was actmg on behalf of the Mimstry
and the proceeds would go to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn, none of whIch was true
The gnevor s mIsconduct, moreover, was dIrectly related to hIS employment, SInce he
used hIS pOSItIOn and tItle, the Mimstry s fax, telephone, address and ItS name to
perpetuate the fraud.
The gnevor knew, or should have known, that hIS conduct was wrong. He was
exphcItly told so m the Fall of 1998 by DIrector Raymond. He was told not to SOhCIt
chantable donatIOns on Mimstry letterhead agam. The gnevor s claim that he understood
DIrector Raymond s admomtIOn, as hmIted to the soh cItatIOn of basketballs cannot be
credIted. TheIr conversatIOn cannot reasonably have been construed so narrowly
In hmdsIght, It may have been better If the gnevor had receIved formal dIscIplme
at the tIme But the DIrector made a deCISIon to proceed Informally based on the
mformatIOn he had at the nme. That IS, that thIS was a one -tIme only occurrence that the
gnevor had not reahzed what he dId was a problem but now dId, and he had promIsed not
to do It agaIn. So Mr Raymond dealt With It firmly, but mformally However, the
message - do not do thIS agam - was very clear Although mformal, the plrpose of
progressIve dIscIplme, to put the employee on notIce that hIS conduct IS not acceptable,
was met by the DIrector S actIOn. Accordmgly, the gnevor knew, or should have known,
that soh cItatIOns of thIS nature, on Mimstry letterhead, was wrong.
Even If there had been no specIfic warnmg, the gnevor should have known what
he dId was Improper It IS SImIlar to the SItuatIOn m Re Black Diamond Cheese (Division
of Ault Foods Inc) and Black Diamond Cheese Employees Independent Union, Local
555 (1992), 27 L.A.C (4h) 428 (Jackson), m whIch an employee was dIscharged for
forgIng company letters to secure a mortgage loan. The company s rule was clear that It
was an offense to falSIfy records relatmg to work or employment, and the arbItrator
concluded at p 439 that "It should be absolutely clear from thIS, If not from baSIC CIVIC
values, that people should not submIt forged letters" In hIS VIew, as he stated at p 438,
"knOWingly submIttmg forged letters can only be charactenzed as dIshonest behavIOur "
The same IS true here The gnevor s actIOns were dIshonest and that should have been
clear to hIm from Mr Raymond s admomtIOn, If not from baSIC CIVIC values
DespIte bemg warned not to do thIS agam, the gnevor contmued to do so Th was
gomg on vacatIOn to Niagara Falls m late July 1999 and sought comphmentary tIckets to
ndes and attractIOns there He called Niagara Hehcopters, Whlflpool Jets and Maid of
the Mist from work, IdentIfied hImself as a Mimstry employee responsible for organlZlng
the Mimstry s annual pIcmc and sought a comphmentary pass to be raffled off, With the
proceeds gomg to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn. He then followed-up With a letter, on
Mimstry letterhead, and left hIS work number to call If there were any questIOns He then
faxed the letter from work. He dId all thIS knOWing there was no annual pIcmc, knOWing
there was no raffle, knOWing that the passes were for hIS own personal use whIle on
vacatIOn. His actIOns were planned and premedItated. They were not Isolated. The
Mimstry had Just cause to dIscharge hIm.
The after-acqUIred eVIdence reveals further examples of the same type of
mIsconduct and corroborates that hIS actIOns m July 1999 were not Isolated events, or an
Isolated case of mIsJudgment, but an ongomg pattern of mIsconduct over a prolonged
penod of tIme Although some of the soh CItatIOns mvolved other mIsrepresentatIOns -
1 e , seekmg donatIOns to prOVIde a fictItIOUS reward/incentIve to deservmg
chIldren/students - the goal was the same to obtam free tIckets for hIS own use or to sell
Time and tIme agaIn he Improperly used hIS pOSItIOn With the Mimstry, and the name of
the Mimstry and that of the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn to fraudulently obtam free
passes and tIckets.
The gnevor s testImony that he sent money to the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn
anonymously was not supported m any manner There were no records of the money
orders he stated were sent. He could not recall dates or amounts. Dunng the
mvestIgatIOn he stated that he would check at home for such Items, but none were
presented at the arbItratIOn heanng. The ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn had no record of
any donatIOns by Mr LeWIS, nor was he associated With them m any manner In contrast,
there was substantial eVIdence that the tIckets and passes sohcIted were for hIS personal
use and that he sold and attempted to sell many of donated Items I therefore conclude,
on the balance of probabIhtIes, that the gnevor sought these donatIOns for hIS personal
use and finanCial gam, not to benefit the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn.
Based on the eVIdence, the Mimstry had Just cause to dIscharge the gnevor He
abused hIS pOSItIOn of trust With the Mimstry His actIOns had the potential to harm the
reputaTIon of the Mimstry as well as that of the ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn.
2. Is it just and reasonable in all the circumstances to substitute a lesser penalty?
ThIS questIOn presents the heart of the dIspute - whether there are mItIgatIng factors,
whIch warrant substItutIOn of a lesser penalty ArbItrators have conSIdered a number of
factors m assessmg whether a lesser penalty IS appropnate As set out m Re United
SteelHorkers of America, Local 3257 and The Steel Equipment Co Ltd. (1964), 14
LAC 356 (Reville), they mclude the follOWing, at p 357-358 (CItatIOns omItted)
1. The preVIOUS good record of the gnevor
2. The long servIce of the gnevor
3 Whether or not the offence was an Isolated mCIdent m the employment
hIStOry of the gnevor
4. ProvocaTIon.
5 Whether the offence was commItted on the spur of the moment as a
result of a momentary aberratIOn, due to strong emotIOnal Impulses, or
whether the offence was premedItated.
6. Whether the penalty Imposed has created a special economIC hardshIp
for the gnevor m hght of hIS partIcular cIrcumstances.
7 EVIdence that the company rules of conduct, eIther unwrItten or
posted, have not been unIformly enforced, thus constItutmg a form of
8. CIrcumstances negatIvmg mtent, e g., the hkelihood that the gnevor
mIsunderstood the nature or mtent of an order gIven to hIm, and as a
result dIsobeyed It.
9 The senousness of the offence m terms of company pohcy and
company obhgatIOns
10 Any other CIrcumstances whIch the board should properly take mto
conSI deratIOn
Other arbItrators have looked at whether there has been (I) a frank and prompt
admIssIon of fault; (2) whether the mdIvIdual was m a posItIOn of trust or subject to
mImmal supervIsIon, (3) whether the act was premedItated and deliberate or whether It
was a spur of the moment; (4) whether there was a clear and consIstent pohcy whIch was
known to the gnevor and to other employees, (5) the Importance of deterrence and the
relatIOnshIp of the gnevor to other employees m thIS regard Re Lake Ontario Steel Co
and United SteelHorkers Local 6571 (1990), 17 L.A.C (4th) 136 (Finley) at p 143-144
Re Air Canada and Canadian Auto Workers Local 2213 (1997), 62 L.A.C (4h) 151
(Stewart), at p 160
In thIS case, the mItIgatmg factors are the gIevor s length of servIce and pnor
good record as well as the fact that termmatIOn has created a sIgmficant economIC
hardshIp for hIS famIly because the gnevor has been unable to find work. On the other
hand, the offence was not Isolated. It was part of an ongomg pattern of Improper
soh cItatIOn over a substantial penod tIme It was not a spur of the moment event, but was
repeated and premedItated. The gnevor was clearly warned not to SOhCIt m thIS manner
and there IS no reasonable hkelihood that the gnevor mIsunderstood that dIrectIOn. The
mIsconduct engaged m was extremely senous. The Mimstry dId a full and thorough
mvestIgatIOn and provIded the gnevor With a full OppOrtunIty to explam and respond.
When confronted by the Mimstry on August 17, 1999, the gnevor was not
forthcommg. There was no full and frank admIssIon of gUIlt, nor, With the exceptIOn of
the Wild Water Kmgdom, an admIssIOn of hIS other soh cItatIOns Those were uncovered
by the Mimstry m ItS mvestIgatIOn With no assIstance by the gnevor Even though the
Umon had advIsed the gnevor to tell the Mimstry everythmg he knew, he dId not.
LIkeWise, the gnevor s apology at the mvestIgatIOn meetmg was perfunctory and
self-servmg. He stated he had "a lack of Judgment" and was "apologlZlng." He expressed
a more smcere apology m the Fall, but he stIll dId not reveal the full extent of hIS
Improper actIOns Indeed, there stIll does not appear to be a genume understandmg by the
gnevor of the mIsconduct mvolved. Throughout the mvestIgatIOn and even at the heanng,
the gnevor mSIsted that It was hIS mtent, all along, to donate to the ChIldren sWish
FoundatIOn and that what he dId was okay as long as a donatIOn was made to the chanty
He dId not seem to grasp that hIS actIOns were stIll fraudulent, even If the money had
been sent to the chanty He dId not seem to understand that even If all of the money for
the donated tIckets had been sent to the chantable organIzatIOn, a wrong was stIll done
He lllisused hIS posItIOn, he mIsused of the name of the Mimstry and that of the
ChIldren s Wish FoundatIOn, and he made mIsrepresentatIOns to the companIes mvolved.
The companIes whIch donated tIckets and passes were sohcIted under false pretenses.
They were duped, by the gnevor, mto behevmg that they were donatmg to the Mimstry
of EducatIOn, With the proceeds gomg to eIther "deservmg students" or the ChIldren s
Wish FoundatIOn. Yet, all along, the gnevor mtended the donatIOns for hIS own personal
use or financIal gam.
The Umon argued that the gnevor s offense was not dIrected at the Mimstry, hIS
employer, or ItS chents. It notes that there was no eVIdence that the gnevor made any
effort to take advantage of hIS Job m hIS dealmgs With chents, or that hIS mIsconduct
mterfered With the performance of hIS Job That IS true, but the fact remams that the
gnevor abused hIS posItIOn and the trust placed m hIm by the Mimstry Although hIS
offenses were not dIrected at the Mimstry or ItS chents, he repeatedly mIsused hIS
posItIOn and the name of the Mimstry for personal gam, effectIvely destroymg the trust
placed m hIm as a Learner ServIces Officer
I find It sIgmficant that neIther at the mvestIgatIOn, nor dunng the heanng, was a
reason or explanatIOn offered for the gnevor s actIOns. There was no eVIdence or
assertIOn of a medIcal condItIOn or personal sItuatIOn, whIch led the gnevor to act m thIS
manner Nor, as noted above, IS It clear to me that the gnevor truly understands the
senous wrong m whIch he engaged.
I have no doubt that the gnevor IS now truly sorry for hIS actIOns. His termmatIOn
has had a very sIgmficant Impact on hIS famIly As he stated dunng the mvestIgatIOn
meetmg, he would "never JeopardIze my career" But, unfortunately, that IS exactly what
he dId. After bemg told not to do thIS agam, he dId so, repeatedly Although I find
myself sympathetIc to the gnevor s personal cIrcumstances, he alone IS responsible for
the sItuatIOn m whIch he now finds hImself.
Therefore, based on all of the relevant factors, I cannot conclude that the penalty
of dIscharge should be mItIgated.
Accordmgly, for all of the foregomg reasons, I conclude as follows
1 The Mimstry had Just cause to termmate the gnevor
2. There IS no basIs, consIdenng all of the relevant factors, to SubstItute a lesser penalty
3 The gnevance IS dIsmIssed.
Dated at Toronto, thIS 15th day of February, 2001
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RandI Hammer Abramsky, Vice-ChaIr