HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-1977.Anthony et al.05-03-08 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec, (416) 326-1396 GSB# 1999-1977 2000-1013 2000-1302,2000-1610 2001-0969 2001-0970 UNION# 00D159 00D390 00D461 01C066 01B311 01B312 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Anthony et al) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of Labour) Employer BEFORE RandI H. Abramsky Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Richard Blair Ryder Wnght, Blair & Doyle Barnsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER Andrew Baker Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING February 28 2005 2 Award The partIes' dIspute the proper InterpretatIOn of the Letter of UnderstandIng entered Into on June 25 1999 regardIng "CertaIn ClassIficatIOn AdJustments under the AdmInIstratIve BargaInIng Umt CollectIve Agreement." The partIes dIspute the rate of pay assIgned to the gnevors, Employment Standards AudItor 2's, by the Mimstry of Labour pursuant to thIS agreement. Facts For the purposes of thIS Award only a number of facts were agreed to by the partIes The gnevors are all Employment Standard AudItor 2's (ESA 2s) Pnor to the 1999-2001 collectIve agreement, most of the gnevors were at the fifth step (out of SIX) In the salary progressIOn for that posItIOn, earnIng $991 75 weekly Some of these IndIVIduals were qUIte adversely Impacted by the Social Contract Act, whIch froze theIr salanes for a number of years Dunng collectIve bargaInIng for the 1999-2001 agreement, the partIes agreed to create new class standards and establIsh a new pay framework for a number of classIficatIOns In the admInIstratIve bargaInIng umt, IncludIng the ESA 2's That agreement provIdes, In relevant part, as follows The partIes agree to certaIn classIficatIOn adJustments as reflected In the attached. The adJustments wIll be effectIve January 1 1999 The partIes agree that these classIficatIOn adJustments shall not be challenged by eIther party under the Pay Equity Act because they reflect adJustments to address skIlls shortages as contemplated by SectIOn 81 (1) (e) of the Pay Equity Act SIgned thIS 25th day of June, 1999 In Toronto Ontano 3 ADM Tax Auditors ADM Systems Officer Series ADM Ins pectors/Investigators It IS agreed that the employer wIll undertake a reVIew of the folloWIng classes, wIth a VIew to updatIng/reVISIng class standards and establIshIng a new pay framework for the IdentIfied InVestIgator classes The pay framework shall have 3 to 4 salary ranges The mImmum and maXImum of the two hIghest ranges shall be as follows 2nd hIghest salary range mImmum $1000 per week maXImum $1158 per week hIghest salary range mImmum $1080 per week maXImum $1242 per week The lowest salary ranges as well as steps between the mImmum and the maXImum shall be establIshed upon completIOn of the new class standards Highest salary range: Populations EnvIronmental Officer 5 InVestIgator Jobs 66 (approx) FIre ServIces InvestIgator 2 10 2nd highest salary range: Employment Standards AudItor 2 104 EnvIronmental Officer 4 InVestIgator Jobs 195 (approx) FIre ServIces InvestIgator 1 32 Human RIghts Officer 2 45 OccupatIOnal Health & Safety Inspector 2 202 The lower salary range(s) Employment Standards AudItor 1 29 PublIc Health Inspector 3 1 Safety InstructIOn Officer 2 7 Safety InstructIOn Officer 3 3 FIeld Worker 1 Homes for specIal care 4 Total 689 Employees whose current salanes are below the mImmum of the new range for theIr revIsed class, shall move to the new mImmum 4 Employees whose currently salanes are equal to or between the mImmum and maXImum of the new range for theIr revIsed class shall move to the step that IS closest to but not less than theIr eXIstIng rate of pay Employees shall retaIn theIr current hours of work schedule and overtIme entItlements The 1999 general wage Increase wIll be applIed to the above ranges The Employer agrees there wIll be no wage decrease as a result of the updatIng/reVISIng class standards and establIshIng a new pay framework for the IdentIfied InVestIgator classes The collectIve agreement for the AdmInIstratIve BargaInIng Umt was also sIgned off by the partIes on June 25 1999 In ArtIcle ADM17 1 the partIes agreed that "[t]he effectIve date of any changes to the terms of thIS Agreement from the prevIOUS Agreement, unless otherwIse IndIcated, shall be March 27 1999 " In ArtIcle ADM 16 1 the partIes agreed as follows In regard to salary ADM 16 1 (a) EffectIve January 1 1999 salary rates shall be Increased as follows January 1 1999 100% January 1 2000 135% January 1 2001 195% In ImplementIng the January 1 1999 wage Increase of 1%, the partIes agreed that It was Implemented In May 1999 retroactIvely to January 1 1999 ThIS 1 % wage Increase, when applIed to the gnevors' salary of $991 75 led to a new weekly salary of $1001 67 Also dunng the penod of January 1 1999 to June 25 1999 some employees had anmversary dates and moved to the final, sIxth step of the salary progressIOn for ESA 2's, or $103889 (includIng the 1 % January 1 1999 Increase) Thus, It can be seen that as of December 31 1998 - the last effectIve day of the pnor collectIve agreement - the gnevors' were earmng $991 75 That places them wIthIn the 5 paragraph of the Letter of UnderstandIng whIch reads "Employees whose current salanes are below the mImmum of the new range for theIr revIsed class, shall move to the new mImmum " The new mImmum for the ESA 2 posItIOn was $1000 00 per week. Conversely as of June 25 1999 the gnevors' salary after the ImplementatIOn of the 1 %, was $1001 67 or hIgher If they had an Intervemng anmversary date That would place them wIthIn the sentence that reads "Employees whose current salanes are equal to or between the mImmum and maXImum of the new range for theIr revIsed class shall move to the step that IS closest to but not less than theIr eXIstIng rate of pay" At some pOInt - and the date IS not contaIned In the record - the steps between the mImmum and maXImum were Included In the collectIve agreement. A new classIficatIOn number was created for ESA 2's, 05523 wIth the folloWIng salary progressIOn 05523 EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS AUDITOR 2 Pre 1999 1 % 01/01/99 1000 00 103971 107942 1119 00 115800 With 1 % 01/01/99 1010 00 1050 11 1090 21 113019 116958 With 1 35% 01/01/00 1023 64 1064.29 110493 1145 45 1185 37 With 1 95% 01/01/01 1043 60 1085 04 1126 48 116779 120848 The partIes' dIspute centres on when - what date - the gnevors' placement Into the new class senes should have been determIned. The Employer relYIng on the sentence In the Letter of UnderstandIng that reads "The adJustments wIll be effectIve January 1 1999" determIned that the gnevors' salary as of December 31 1998 should be used to determIne placement. AccordIngly the gnevors who were at the fifth step of the old salary progressIOn, earmng $991 75 per week, were placed at the new mImmum of $1000 per week, then gIven the 1% adJustment to the range, for $1010 00 per week. 6 In the Umon's VIew that approach was In error Instead, gIven that the date of the Letter of UnderstandIng IS June 25 1999 and the language of the Letter of UnderstandIng that placement IS to be determIned by the employees' "current salanes" the Umon submIts that the gnevors' placement should be based on theIr salary current as of June 25 1999 whIch would Include the 1 % general salary Increase and any Intenm progressIOn on the salary schedule Under thIS approach, the gnevors' salanes were "between the mImmum and maXImum of the new range for theIr revIsed class [and] shall move to the step that IS closest to but not less than theIr eXIstIng rate of pay" In the Umon's VIew the gnevors' should have been placed at the $103971 step and, wIth the 1% added to that range, been paid at $105000 per week. It also relIes on the language that "there wIll be no wage decrease as a result of the updatIng/reVISIng class standards " Decision In my VIew the June 25 1999 Letter of UnderstandIng IS qUIte ambIguous In regard to the date for determInIng employee placement In the new salary range One could read It as the Umon does - that the employees' "current salary" as of June 25 1999 IS the date Or one could read It as the Employer dId - that you compare the employees' "current salary" under the old system to the range set forth In the new system, based on the language that the "adJustments wIll be effectIve January 1 1999" For the reasons set forth below I conclude that the Employer dId not vIOlate the Letter of UnderstandIng when It determIned the gnevors' placement on the new salary range FIrst, although the Letter of UnderstandIng was agreed to on June 25 1999 there IS no IndIcatIOn that thIS date would be determInatIve of anythIng. The collectIve agreement for the 7 AdmInIstratIve BargaInIng Umt was also agreed to on that date, but the partIes' specIfically agreed that "[t]he effectIve date of any changes to the terms of thIS Agreement from the prevIOUS Agreement, unless otherwIse IndIcated, shall be March 27 1999" Thus, June 25 1999 was not the "effectIve date" of changes to the agreement - IncludIng the Letter of UnderstandIng, whIch IS part of the collectIve agreement. Rather the effectIve date IS March 27 1999 "unless otherwIse IndIcated." No one contends that the effectIve date of the Letter of UnderstandIng IS March 27 1999 Instead, the Employer argues that the date of January 1 1999 IS "otherwIse IndIcated" Consequently despIte the words "current salary" In the Letter of UnderstandIng, It IS not at all clear that the partIes' meant "current salary" as of June 25 1999 - although that It certaInly one possIbIlIty Another possIbIlIty IS that the words "current salary" means the employees' salary at the tIme of the changeover to the new system When one consIders what the partIes were dOIng - creatIng a new class standard and pay framework - wIth a new sIgmficantly hIgher mImmum and maXImum, It makes sense to compare, based on the employees' salary under the old system, where the IndIVIdual would land on the new system, for ImtIal placement. That IS what the Employer dId. In my VIew moreover the Umon's posItIOn IS not consIstent In relatIOn to the 1 % general wage Increase The Umon seeks to have the 1 % Increase count towards the employees' "current salary" for placement on the new salary range but not apply It to the range Itself It asserts that the 1 % IS added later prospectIvely for future collectIve bargaInIng purposes I cannot agree If the 1 % IS added to the gnevors' salary for placement purposes, but not for determInIng placement on the salary range, the salary range should also be adJusted by the 1 % so that both are" current" as of June 25 1999 I see no basIs to Include It for one purpose but not the other 8 The agreement states "The 1999 general wage Increase wIll be applIed to the above ranges" It seems selectIve to Include It for calculatIng the employees' "current salary" for placement purposes, but not to adJust the range In my VIew absent some clearer IndIcatIOn of that selectIve Intent, If It IS used for one purpose, It must be used for the other as well I agree, as the Umon contends, that the agreement dId not provIde for a new salary range of $1010 to $1169 58 The "new range" IS $1000 to $1158 But I do not agree that the language companng the employees' "current salary" or" eXIstIng rate of pay" to the "new range" means that you Include the 1 % general Increase and any Intenm ment Increases to determIne placement but not Include the Increase for determInIng the new range Although that IS one possible InterpretatIOn, I am not persuaded that IS what the partIes' meant. In contrast, the Employer's treatment of the 1 % IS Internally consIstent. It dId not Include It eIther In calculatIng the employees' salary or the salary range for placement purposes Rather It compared the employees' "current salary" and "exIstIng rate of pay" under the old system to the new mImmum and maXImum, and once placement was determIned, ImmedIately adJusted the salary ranges by 1 % The new salary schedule contaIned In the collectIve agreement comports WIth the Employer's approach. It first lIsts the salary schedule "pre 1999 1 %" lIstIng $1000 as the mImmum and $1158 as the maXImum. It also Includes five steps In the progresSIOn. These amounts were then used to determIne employees' placement In the new progressIOn, wIth the actual salary to be paid Increased by the 1% salary adJustment to the range effectIve January 1 1999 The steps, and range, are then Increased by 1 35% on January 1 2000 and by 1 95% on January 1 2001 9 The Employer's approach, as the Umon contends, does lead to salary compreSSIOn among employees wIth dIfferent semonty The Umon submIts that It IS IllogIcal to pay expenenced people the same as Jumor ones GIven the scope of the compreSSIOn, however It must be taken as antIcIpated by the partIes LookIng at a number of the other groups Impacted by the Letter of UnderstandIng, the agreement led to sIgmficant wage compreSSIOn among employees wIth dIfferent semonty dates For example, all of the approxImately 195 EnvIronmental Officer 4's, at any of the five levels pre-1999 earned under the $1000 new mImmum Consequently all of them - regardless of theIr semonty - would be makIng the exact same amount on January 1 1999 under the new system. All of them would be paid at the new mImmum. SImIlarly all of the OccupatIOnal Health and Safety Inspectors would be placed at the new mImmum, regardless of theIr semonty ThIS also IS true for employees placed In the "hIghest salary range" Employees In four of the five salary steps for EnvIronmental Officer 5' s would be placed at the new mImmum of that group ThIS salary compreSSIOn among employees wIth dIfferent semonty had to have been antIcIpated by the partIes Clearly that was a trade-off for mOVIng the employees Into a new substantIally hIgher wage progressIOn. In contrast, the Letter of UnderstandIng In regard to tax audItors provIdes for stated percentage Increases, and states that "[s]teps wIll move by the same percentages, and employees wIll remaIn at theIr current step " Thus, In relatIOn to the Tax AudItors, the partIes prevented wage compreSSIOn by maIntaInIng them at theIr "current step" They dId not sImIlarly provIde thIS for "Inspectors/investIgators" Consequently the fact that the Employer's approach leads more semor ESA 2's to earn the same amount as more Jumor ESA 2's IS not a basIs to conclude that the Employer vIOlated the Letter of UnderstandIng. Such wage compreSSIOn among employees wIth varyIng semonty was clearly antIcIpated by thIS agreement. 10 I also conclude that the employees dId not suffer a "wage decrease" as a result of the Employer's approach. All of the employees were provIded wIth a wage Increase It appears that only a small group of the ESA 2's IS adversely Impacted by the Employer's approach. Only employees at the fifth step of the former ESA 2 wage progressIOn, earmng $991 67 moved to above $1000 - the new mImmum - because of the 1% general wage Increase effectIve January 1 1999 These same employees had been adversely Impacted by the SocIal Contract Act. TheIr frustratIOn at makIng the same amount as sIgmficantly less semor employees and not mOVIng hIgher up on the new salary progressIOn IS understandable But what IS at Issue In thIS case IS a legal Issue - whether the Employer vIOlated the Letter of UnderstandIng. Although the Umon's InterpretatIOn regardIng placement IS possIble I find, on the balance of probabIlItIes, that the Employer dId not vIOlate the Letter of UnderstandIng. I conclude on the balance of probabIlItIes, that the Employer properly compared the employees' "current salary" under the old system to the negotIated new salary range, then applIed the 1% Increase Conclusion AccordIngly for the above reasons, I conclude that the Employer dId not vIOlate the Letter of UnderstandIng and the gnevances must therefore be dIsmIssed. Based on the eVIdence presented, the only possIble exceptIOn may be Mr DePhrofetIs, who had an anmversary date on March 17 1999 The record IS a bIt unclear regardIng what he was paid. In my VIew for the penod of January 1 1999 to March 17 1999 he should have been paid at the $1010 per week rate On March 17 1999 however he had an anmversary date and ment Increase to the next level That should have placed hIm at $1050 11 as of that date If thIS was how he was paid, that 11 was proper If not, It should be corrected by the Employer I wIll remaIn seIzed should there be any sImIlar ImplementatIOn Issues Issued at Toronto thIS 8th day of March, 2005