HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-1999-0009.Hall.00-03-29 Decision ~. _- --~--~--1ioi--.~- .. r..--- ~....~ ,- PSGB # P/0009/99 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT Before THE PUBLIC SERVICE GRIEVANCE BOARD BETWEEN Hall Grievor - and - The Crown m RIght of Ontano (Mimsm of Health) Employer BEFORE John A. Willes Vice ChaIr FOR THE John R, der-BurbIdge GRIEVOR Counsel Hurle, Fasano Bamsters & SohcItors FOR THE Yasmeena MohaITIed EMPLOYER Counsel, Legal ServIces Branch Management Board SecretarIat HEARING June 23 1999 November 19 1999 SUPPLEMENTARY DECISION The Gnevance m tms matter came on for heanng as a mediatIOn! arbItratIOn, at WhICh tIme the partIes reached an agreement and sIgned Mmutes of Settlement on June 23, 1999 Issues ansmg out of the Mmutes of Settlement resulted m a second hearmg date on November 19, 1999 Followmg the second hearmg date, thIS Board Issued a decIsIOn on the matters then outstandmg, mcludmg Issues related to the monetary amount payable On January 28,2000, Counsel for the Gnevor wrote a letter to thIS Board seekmg further clarIficatIOn as to the payment of certam sIck benefits to the Gnevor dunng the penod to WhICh the monetary settlement applIed. HIS posItIOn was that the sum of $3,36900 m sIck benefit payments made to the Gnevor dunng the sIck benefit penod should not be mcluded m the gross amount payable, but should represent a separate amount paid to the Gnevor The response of Counsel for the Employer to the letter was that the decIsIOn of the Board IS clear and not ambIguous wIth respect to the payment amount, and needs no further clanficatIOn. Counsel for the Employer also 2 submItted that the Board IS 'Functus OfficIO', havmg made a final dISposItIOn of the matters placed before It. ThIS Board has carefully revIewed the submIssIOns and arguments of the partIes WIth respect to ItS decISIOn of January 17, 2000 In that decIsIOn the Board remamed seIsed should the partIes have any dIfficulty wIth the performance of the terms of settlement and the Board's subsequent decIsIOn. The Issue raIsed by Counsel for the Gnevor concerns the payment of $3,36900 by the Employer dunng the penod March 1, 1999 to June 23, 1999, and submIts that the amount should be m addItIOn to the settlement amount, rather than a part of the sIck benefit payment calculatIOn. In ItS decIsIOn of January 17,2000, the Board concluded. "Clause 3, accordzng to Its plazn readzng oblzgates the Employer to pay the Grzevor sIck pay benefits for the perlOd March 1, 1999 to June 23, 1999, and to ensure payment of the same Clause 5 provIdes that the balance (mbject to maxImum RRSP and other deductlOns) would be payable to the Grzevor The sIck pay amount 151 a fixed calculatlOn for the perlOd of tIme noted zn Clause 3, and payable zn accordance wIth 3 government regulatlOns as to amount On thIs basIs It would be necessary for the Employer to znclude the $3,36900 already pazd to the Grzevor, otherwIse government payroll record~,' would show double payment for a part of that perlOd of tIme If Clause 3 151 to be znterpreted as It stands, the partzal payment of SIck pay should be zncluded zn the total to cover the proper sIck pay payment for the perlOd March 1 to June 23, 1999 Clause 5 provIdes for the dlSposltlOn of the payment of the balance of the settlement amount after the Grzevor has receIved payment of the total sIck pay benefits he would be entItled to receIve for the perlOd March 1 to June 23, 1999 On the basIs of the foregozng, then, thIs Board finds that the Clauses 3 and 5 should be znterpreted to znclude the $3,36900 as a prepayment of part of the sIck pay benefits receIvable by the Grzevor under the terms of the Mznutes of Settlement " To further clanfy the Board's decIsIOn of January 17,2000, the sum of $3,36900, bemg a payment to the Gnevor dunng the penod March 1, 1999 - 4 June 23, 1999, represents a part payment to the Gnevor of the total sum payable by the Employer Had the settlement agreement provIded for a sIck benefit penod that excluded the first weeks of March to WhICh the 3,36900 applIed, the amount would be excluded, but to mclude the sIck benefit penod for whIch payment was made, the $3,36900 must be mcluded m the calculatIOn of the amount payable by the Employer The $3,36900 accordmgly represents a part of the settlement amount set out m the agreement. Dated at Toronto, thIS 29th day of March, 2000 ~ ...... John A. Willes, Q C , Panel Chair 5