HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-0092.Timmerman.04-05-25 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2000-0092 UNION# 00D240 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Timmerman) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of Natural Resources) Employer BEFORE Dan Hams Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Nelson Roland Bamster and SOlICItor FOR THE EMPLOYER Kelly Burke Semor Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING May 18 2004 2 DeCISIon The gnevor Charlene Timmerman, was employed by the Mimstry of Natural Resources She was a seasonal parks clerk who collected fees at vanous provIncial parks She was dIscharged from her employment by letter dated February 4 2000 for mlsappropnatIng over $16 000 from the funds she had collected at Sharbot Lake ProvIncIal Park In the summer of 1998 The umon gneves the dIscharge as unjust. ThIS matter came on for heanng In BellevIlle on May 18 2004 at WhICh tIme the employer sought a rulIng that just cause for dIscIplIne had been establIshed by vIrtue of the gnevor's cnmInal convIctIOn on January 13 2003 The employer entered a certIficate of convIctIOn and a court transcnpt of the gnevor's guIlty plea and sentencIng In the Ontano Supenor Court of JustIce SIttIng at KIngston, Ontano that day before the Honorable Madam JustIce H. MacLeod. The transcnpt sets out the agreed facts upon WhICh Ms Timmerman entered her plea, was found gUIlty and was convIcted. A portIOn of the story IS as follows At page 2 Ms Timmerman stole $16 424 45 from Sharbot Lake ProvIncIal Park. These were gate receI pts She was employed as a seasonal semor park clerk and was responsIble for documentIng gate receIpts and makIng deposIts After money was counted and recorded In the presence of a second person - so usually there would be the actual gate attendant who would collect the money wnte It down on a blotter and then would count the money wIth Ms Timmerman who was theIr supervIsor After that process had occurred and the amount had been recorded, she would alter the records and the deposIt slIp to cover for money that she was pocketIng. The penod of 1998 she was skimmIng between $100 00 and$750 00 per day It amounted to about $2,00000 per month 3 At page 4 With regard to Sharbot Lake In partIcular 1998 and that IS the amount that IS just under $17 000 there were 234 dally ShIft summanes recorded on 23 cash blotters Of the 115 cash dIscrepancIes found, three were consIdered mInor clencal errors The remaInIng 112 were classIfied as due to mlsappropnatIOn of funds Also added to that was one IncIdent where momes were never deposIted. Throughout the tIme penod In questIOn, the accused Charlene Timmerman held the posItIOn of semor park clerk and had control of the momes In questIOn. The amounts, as I have already IndIcated, Your Honour the thefts occurred on a regular basIs and vaned from as low as twenty or thIrty dollars to as hIgh as seven hundred and fifty dollars for any partIcular day Your Honour I can IndIcate as well that her husband, Dale Lloyd, receIved most, If not all of these momes when she returned home and It financed a lIfestyle beyond theIr means, IncludIng financIng of theIr honeymoon. Those are the facts, Your Honour THE COURT Are those facts admItted as beIng substantIally correct? Mr GRIFFIN I can IndIcate thIS, Your Honour that Ms Timmerman doesn't wIsh to quarrel wIth those facts I have attempted from tIme to tIme, over the last two years, to reVIew those facts wIth Ms Timmerman. Her health, both physIcal and mental health are such that she's not In a posItIOn to challenge those facts and as such she IS not quarrellIng wIth those facts that you've heard. THE COURT Thank you. The facts then are deemed to be admItted as read. Based on that the accused IS found gUIlty as charged. You can have a seat. I wIll have your submIssIOns Defense counsel made submIssIOns on the gnevor's behalf that touched on her personal cIrcumstances, IncludIng her mental and physIcal health. She was convIcted of the theft and gIven a condItIOnal sentence of twelve months Also a free standIng restItutIOn order was made In the amount of$16 44525 At the heanng before thIS Board, the Umon said that the gnevor demes havIng taken any money The employer then relIed upon the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act, 1993 s 48(1) and the Public Service Act R.S 0 1990 as amended, s 33(1) WhICh read as follows s 48( 1) Criminal conviction or discharge considered conclusive evidence - If a Crown employee IS convIcted or dIscharged of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada) In respect of an act or omISSIOn that results In dIscIplIne or dIsmIssal and the dIscIplIne or dIsmIssal becomes the subject- matter of a gnevance before the Gnevance Settlement Board, proof of the 4 employee's convIctIOn or dIscharge, shall, after the tIme for an appeal has expIred or If an appeal was taken, It was dIsmIssed and nor further appeal IS avaIlable, be taken by the Gnevance Settlement Board as conclusIve eVIdence that the employee commItted the act or omISSIOn. s 33(1) If a publIc servant IS convIcted or dIscharged of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada) In respect of an act or omISSIOn that results In dIscIplIne or dIsmIssal and the dIscIplIne or dIsmIssal becomes the subject- matter of a gnevance before the PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board, proof of the convIctIOn or dIscharge shall, after the tIme for an appeal has expIred, or If an appeal was taken, It was dIsmIssed and no further appeal IS avaIlable, be taken as conclusIve eVIdence that the publIc servant commItted the act or omISSIOn. The Employer also relIes on Toronto (City) v C UP.E. Local 79 [2003] 3 S C.R. 77 In partIcular at paragraph 58 In part, as follows In short, there IS nothIng In a case lIke the present one that mIlItates agaInst the applIcatIOn of the doctnne of abuse of process to bar the relItlgatIOn of the gnevor's cnmInal convIctIOn. The arbItrator was reqUIred as a matter of law to gIve full effect of the convIctIOn. As a result of that error oflaw the arbItrator reached a patently unreasonable conclusIOn. Properly understood In the lIght of correct legal pnnclples, the eVIdence before the arbItrator could only lead hIm to conclude that the CIty of Toronto had establIshed just cause for OlIver's dIsmIssal The Umon conceded that the Board IS constraIned by the law as set out above However It submItted that the Board may stIll enqUIre Into whether dIscharge from her employment was the appropnate penalty to Impose upon the gnevor It said that there were many mItIgatIng factors to put before the Board. There can be no doubt that stealIng $16 445.25 ISjUSt cause for dIscIplIne nor can there be any doubt, as a matter of law that the fact of the theft IS proven by the gnevor's gUIlty plea and convIctIOn. However the umon may lead eVIdence and make submIssIOns wIth respect to mItIgatIOn of the penalty as dId the gnevor's defence counsel at the cnmInal proceedIngs 5 The umon was unable to proceed on May 18 2004 due to the gnevor's state of mental health. A letter dated May 4 2004 from one of her physIcIans reads In part as follows I have not seen Ms Timmerman In a number of months, but she has been a patIent of mIne for a number of years She IS currently on a great deal of medIcatIOn, and suffers from a major mental Illness Both of these factors would certaInly Interfere wIth her abIlIty to Interact In thIS gnevance arbItratIOn. The employer dId not oppose the umon's request for an adjournment, but was properly concerned that there be no InordInate delay In dealIng wIth thIS matter the central facts of WhICh accrued throughout the summer of 1998 In VIew of the submISSIOns made by the partIes, I ordered that the matter be adjourned, not be put down agaIn for heanng before August 31 2004 Pnor to that date the umon shall provIde to the employer clanficatIOn of the gnevor's capacIty "to Interact In thIS gnevance arbItratIOn," IncludIng a date by WhICh she IS expected to be able to do so The umon shall also provIde full partIculars to the employer of the facts It says ought to lead to mItIgatIOn of the penalty and the relIef It wIll seek. ThIS matter may be scheduled, at the request of eIther party to be heard on any date after August 31 2004 thIS 25th day of May 2004 f'i