HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-0965.Crawford et al.03-03-25 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB#0965/00' 1020/00' 0735/01 0748/01 0284/02 0285/02 0286/02 0287/02 0288/02,0289/02 0290/02 0291/02 0292/02 0293/02 0294/02 0295/02 0296/02 0981/02 1019/02 1494/02 UNION#000D369' 00D368 00D370' 00D371 00D372 00D373 00D374 00D375 00D376 00D377 00D378 00D379' 00D380' 00D381 00D382 00D391 OlB250' 02A358 02A363 02A364 02A365 02A366 02A367 02A368 02A369' 02A370' 02A461 02A462 02A478 02A479' 02A480' 02A481 02A482 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Crawford et al) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of TransportatIOn) Employer BEFORE Bram HerlIch Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Ed Holmes Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle BarrIsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER Carol Ann Witt & Stephen Patterson Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING September 30 2002 January 17 February 6 & 21 March 3 & 4 2003 2 AWARD The gnevances whIch compnse GSB FIle No 0965/00 are some dozen In number Those gnevances, however were but the front edge of a formatIOn of some 85 gnevances each raiSIng sImIlar If not IdentIcal Issues The partIes agreed to consolIdate all of these gnevances to be dealt wIth together In the course of these proceedIngs Attached as AppendIx "A" to thIS decIsIOn IS a lIstIng of all of the gnevances determIned by thIS award. Thus, the partIes agreed that JunsdIctIOn be conferred upon me to dIspose of all of the gnevances lIsted In AppendIx "A" They also explIcItly agreed that these proceedIngs were to be conducted under the terms of ArtIcle 22 16 the "MedIatIOn/ArbItratIOn Procedure" provIsIOns of the collectIve agreement. As a consequence, unless the partIes otherwIse agree, thIS decIsIOn wIll have no future precedentIal value The partIes also requested that I Issue a concIse and expedItIOus award wIthout reasons Although there may be an Issue as to what extent the gnevances actually dIsclose thIS IntentIOn, the umon asserted that these gnevances challenge the propnety of the ImplementatIOn of va no us aspects of the employer's "underfill" polIcy In relatIOn to the TransportatIOn Enforcement Officer ("TEO") classIficatIOn senes More specIfically but wIthout gettIng Into any Intncate detaIl, the employer has been IncludIng a notatIOn In ItS postIngs for new or vacant TEO 2 posItIOns (and there have been a sIgmficant number of such postIngs In the last few years) IndIcatIng that "less qualIfied applIcants wIll be consIdered on an underfill basIs" Further when such an underfill hmng has been effected (and, agaIn, there have been a sIgmficant number of such appoIntments over the last few years), the employer has remunerated the successful "underfills" In the TEO 2 competItIOns at the lower TEO 1 rate - at least untIl such tIme as they were vIewed as havIng become fully qualIfied for the TEO 2 posItIOn. Dunng the course of these proceedIngs the partIes were successful In draftIng and executIng a Memorandum of Settlement whIch Included a protocol to govern the future fillIng of TEO posItIOns 3 However whIle they were thus effectIvely able to resolve the Issues raised by these gnevances on a "goIng-forward" basIs, they were not able to agree on the amount of compensatIOn to be receIved by each of the gnevors HavIng revIewed the documentary matenals filed In these proceedIngs and havIng consIdered the able submIssIOns of the representatIves of the partIes, I hereby dIrect the employer to pay the sum of$1000 00 (less any statutonly reqUIred deductIOns) to each of the gnevors lIsted In Schedule "A" I note, further that whIle the partIes were confident that folloWIng the consolIdatIOn of all these vanous gnevances, there were no other outstandIng gnevances raiSIng the same Issues as those resolved by thIS Order neIther could they be absolutely certaIn In that regard. However the partIes clearly wIshed to extIngUIsh any need for further lItIgatIOn of the Issues resolved by theIr protocol and thIS Order In those CIrcumstances and havIng further regard to the JOInt submIssIOns of the partIes on thIS pOInt, I hereby dIrect as follows Any gnevor lIsted In the attached Schedule "A" who takes the posItIOn that hIs/her gnevance raises Issues dIfferent than those resolved by thIS order and who wIshes to pursue those Issues IS hereby dIrected to so advIse the umon wIthIn 30 days of the date of thIS order and to Waive any entItlement to a payment under the terms of thIS Order pendIng a heanng Into the ments of theIr gnevance WithIn 15 days of beIng notIfied of any such claim, the umon wIll, In turn, notIfy the employer It shall be open to eIther party at a heanng Into any such claim to argue that the gnevance raises the same Issue as that resolved by thIS Order and If that IS found to be the case, the gnevor shall be entItled to the benefits of thIS Order In the event It IS found that the gnevances raises other Issues, the gnevor shall not be entItled to the benefits of thIS Order FInally and agaIn havIng regard to the agreement of the partIes on thIS pOInt, I hereby dIrect that any employee, other than those lIsted on AppendIx "A" who has filed a gnevance In wntIng through 4 the Umon pnor to the date of thIS Order shall, where the gnevance raises the same Issues as those resolved by thIS Order be covered by the terms of thIS Order I repeat, that under the terms of thIS Order the employer IS hereby dIrected to pay the sum of $100000 (less any statutonly reqUIred deductIOns) to each of the gnevors lIsted In AppendIx "A" Dated at Toronto thIS 25th day of March 2003 ~ ~L~.,_l' ic -. Bram HerlIch, Vice-Chair 5 APPENDIX "A" Grievors OPSEU # Grievance Date GSB# 1 Crawford, David 00D369 12-Aug-00 0965/00 2 Leltao, Antonio 00D370 11-Aug-00 0965/00 3 Dietz, Jennie 00D371 11-Aug-00 0965/00 4 Walters, Robert 00D372 11-Aug-00 0965/00 5 Brousseau, Debbie 00D373 12-Aug-00 0965/00 6 Ricketts, Gord 11-Aug-00 0965/00 7 Dotzko, Shaun 00D374 11-Aug-00 0965/00 8 Dodwell, Hugh 00D375 11-Aug-00 0965/00 9 Steele, Mike 00D376 12-Aug-00 0965/00 10 Ferlatte, Steven 00D377 1 O-Aug-OO 0965/00 11 Armstrong, Gary 00D378 11-Aug-00 0965/00 12 Delmore, Amy 00D379 11-Aug-00 0965/00 13 Saunders, Susanne 00D380 0965/00 14 Barkley-McKeeman, Laura Ann 00D381 11-Aug-00 0965/00 15 Card, Bryan 00D382 15-Aug-00 0965/00 16 Cameron, Carolyn 00D391 12-Aug-00 1020/00 17 Cormier, Chantal 00D391 11-Aug-00 1 020/00 18 Donohue, TravIs 00D391 11-Aug-00 1020/00 19 Dufour, Michael 00D391 11-Aug-00 1020/00 20 Stewart, Joann 00D391 12-Aug-00 1020/00 21 Thomas, Stephen 00D391 12-Aug-00 1020/00 22 VanWieren, Kenneth 00D391 12-Aug-00 1 020/00 23 Bedard, Brian 00D391 11-Aug-00 1020/00 24 Hickey, Michael 00D391 28-Aug-00 1020/00 25 ReVille, Millie 01B250 14-Jun-01 0735/01 26 Sheriff, Scott 21-Jun-01 0748/01 27 Group - Grice, Brent 02A358 30-May-02 0284/02 28 Group - Armstrong, Daniel 02A358 30-May-02 0284/02 29 Group - Sheriff, Matt 02A358 30-May-02 0284/02 30 DIMola, Frank 00D369/368 6-May-02 0285/02 31 Hames, Brian 00D369/368 6-May-02 0286/02 32 Staslw, Roman 00D369/368 6-May-02 0287/02 33 Pelos, Peter 00D369/368 7 -May-02 0288/02 34 Kaseloo, Karl 02A363 11-Jan-02 0289/02 35 Jamieson, Gary 02A364 21-Dec-01 0290/02 36 Gee, John 02A365 4-Jan-02 0291/02 37 Jansen, Mike 02A366 4-Jan-02 0292/02 38 Stewart, Corey 02A367 4-Jan-02 0293/02 39 Egan, R. 02A368 4-Jan-02 0294/02 40 Johnson, Ivor 02A369 4-Jan-02 0295/02 41 Ventura, Dan 02A370 4-Jan-01 0296/02 6 42 Delsley, Jim 02A461 22-May-02 43 Middleton, Randall 02A462 21-May-02 44 Group - Rei, Sandra 4-Jan-02 45 Group - Leeman, Jason 4-Jan-02 46 Group - Byham, Chuck 4-Jan-02 47 Group - Powne, John 4-Jan-02 48 Group - Rainville, Serge 4-Jan-02 49 Austin, Chns 02A478 27 -May-02 50 McDonald, Ryan 02A479 29-May-02 51 Pask, William 02A480 28-May-02 52 Wootton, Ken 02A482 27 -May-02 53 Wootton, Jeff 02A481 23-May-02 54 Jones, Scott 3-Jun-02 0981/02 55 Malloy, Daniel 27 -Dec-01 1019/02 56 Group - Bonner, Mark 10-May-02 1494102 57 Group - Grieves, Mike 14-May-02 1494102 58 Group - Hudak, Joe 14-May-02 1494102 59 Group - Reid, Linda 13-May-02 1494102 60 Group - Wild, Brent 11-May-02 1494102 61 Group - Whan, Stephen 13-May-02 1494102 62 Group- Penslc, Sandi 13-May-02 1494102 63 Group - Pal ley, Mamie 13-May-02 1494/02 64 Group - Greenidge, Tyrone 16-May-02 1494102 65 Yalaka, Frank 22-Jul-02 66 Varrall, Mathew 27 -Mar-02 67 McEwan, Rodney 27 -Mar-02 68 Davies, Chns 27-Mar-02 69 Dolenec, Susan 27 -Mar-02 70 Curran, Joe 26-Mar-02 71 Harding, Glenn 26-Mar-02 72 Virgoe, Derek 26-Mar-02 73 Kirchner, Jim 26-Mar-02 74 Leadley, Robert 27 -Mar-02 75 Mercantl, David 27-Mar-02 76 Sharpe, Heather 26-Mar-02 77 Peshko, Michael 8-Apr -02 78 Gallagher, Ian 30-Mar-02 79 Alexander, Brent 8-Apr -02 80 Mills, Michele 30-Mar-02 81 Eustace, Enk 8-Apr -02 82 Halliwell, Dave 3-Apr -02 83 Ansara, Harry 3-Apr -02