HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-1250.Union Grievance et al.03-04-29 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB#1250/00' 1570/00' 1606/00' 1608/00' 1609/00' 1613/00' 1649/00' 1650/00' 1651/00' 1652/00' 1653/00' 1654/00' 1655/00' 1656/00' 1657/00' 1658/00' 1659/00' 1660/00' 1661/00' 1662/00' 1663/00' 1664/00' 1665/00' 1666/00' 1688/00' 1689/00' 1699/00' 1702/00' 1734/00' 1735/00' 1736/00' 1737/00' 1738/00' 1740/00' 1741/00' 1744/00' 1745/00' 1746/00' 1747/00' 1782/00' 1794/00' 1804/00' 1813/00' 1814/00' 1822/00' 1912/01 UNION# SEE APPENDIX "A" IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Umon Gnevance et al ) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of Health and Long-Term Care) Employer BEFORE RIchard Brown Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Ed Holmes Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle Bamsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER John SmIth Semor Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING December 18 2002 & Apnl 14 2003 2 DECISION The gnevances hsted m AppendIx "A" anse out of the transfer of psychIatnc mstItutIOns from the MmIstry of Health to hospItals m the broader pubhc sector The umon contends fonner crown employees, who worked for the Mimstry m these facIlItIes, were entItled to termmatIOn pay and severance pay under the Employment Standard~,' Act The employer dIsagrees Rather than leadmg eVIdence beanng upon thIS Issue, counsel sketched the factual backdrop m theIr openmg statements I The umon claims all employees were entItled to statutory severance pay m the amount of one weeks' pay for each year of servIce to a maXImum of 26 weeks Some employees got severance pay and some dId not ClassIfied pubhc servants wIth one year of servIce or more were paid m accordance wIth artIcle 53 (full-tIme) or artIcle 78 (part- tune) of the collectIve agreement As the amount paid under the collectIve agreement equals the aIllount to whIch the umon contends these employees were entItled under the Act, no claim for addItIonal severance pay IS advanced on theIr behalf UnclassIfied employees wIth five years of employment or more also receIved severance pay m the amount to whIch a statutory entItlement IS asserted. The umon now seeks severance pay for all other employees The umon contends all employees also were entItled to 16 weeks' notIce of tennmatIOn or pay m heu of such notIce UnclassIfied employees wIth three months of servIce or more, who dId not take aJob wIth a receIvmg hospItal, got sIxteen weeks of notIce and/or pay The umon now seeks tennmatIOn pay for all other employees 3 II EntItlement to severance pay IS governed m part by sectIOn 64 of the Employment Standard~ Act SectIOn 64( 1) states An employer who severs an employment relatIOnshIp wIth an employee shall pay severance pay to the employee if the employee was employed by the employerforfive years or more (emphasIs added) As noted by counsel for the employer, anyone employed for less than five years IS not entItled to severance pay The umon's attempt to secure such pay for employees wIth less than five years of employment must faIl for thIS reason alone III EntItlement to tennmatIOn notIce or pay m heu IS governed m part by sectIOn 54 of the Employment Standard~,' Act statmg No employer shall tennmate the employment of an employee who has been contznuously employedfor three months or more unless the employer, (a) has gIven to the employee wntten notIce of termmatIOn m accordance wIth sectIOn 57 or 58 and the notIce has expIred, or (b) has comphed wIth sectIOn 61 (emphasIs added) SectIOns 57 and 58 deal wIth termmatIOn notIce and sectIOn 61 deals wIth pay m heu As noted by the employer, sectIOn 54 clearly mdIcates anyone employed for less than three months has no entItlement to notIce or pay The umon' s attempt to secure termmatIOn pay for employees wIth less than three months of employment faIls for thIS reason alone IV Counsel for the employer contends classIfied employees have no entItlement to termmatIOn or severance pay because they resIgned theIr employment wIth the crown 4 ThIS argument IS based upon artIcles 6 4 and 6 5 of AppendIx 18 to the collectIve agreement 6 4 Employees who accept a Job offer m accordance wIth ArtIcle 6 1 1 wIth a receIvmg employer wlll be deemed to have reslgned effectIve the date they commence employment wIth the new employer, and no other prOVISIOns of the CollectIve Agreement wIll apply except for ArtIcle 53 or 78 (TermmatIOn Pay) 6 5 If an employee refuses a Job offer whIch provIdes a salary of at least 85% of the respectIve employee's weekly salary at the tune of the transfer and recogmzes the serVIce and semonty m the Ontano Pubhc ServIce (OPS) of each employee for the purpose of quahficatIOn for vacatIOn, benefits (except pensIOn), layoff, Job competItIOn, severance and tennmatIOn payments to the extent that they are provIded m the proponent's workplace, the employee shall be deemed to have reslgned effectIve the date of the transfer of theIr Job and no other prOVISIOn of the collectIve agreement wIll apply except for ArtIcle 53 or 78 (T ermmatIOn Pay) As all classIfied employees receIved Job offers from one of the receIvmg hospItals, I was urged to conclude they resIgned from theIr employment wIth the crown An employee IS entItled to notIce of tennmatIOn or pay m heu when he or she has been termmated wIthm the meamng of sectIOn 56( 1) of the Employment Standard~,' Act The relevant portIOns of thIS sectIOn state An employer tennmates the employment of an employee for the purposes of sectIOn 54 If, (a) the employer dIsmIsses the employee or otherwIse refuses or IS unable to contmue employmg hun or her, (b )the employer constnlctIvely dIsmIsses the employee and the employee resIgns from Ius or her employment m response to that wItlun a reasonable penod of tIme Beanng m mmd the prOVISIOns m AppendIx 18 deemmg classIfied employees to have resIgned, counsel for the umon contends they resIgned theIr employment wIth the 5 crown after bemg constructIvely dIsmIssed. Accordmg to thIS hne of argument, they were tennmated wItlun the meanmg of paragraph (b) of sectIOn 56( 1) I agree these employees were tennmated under sectIOn 56( 1), but I arrIve at tlus conclusIOn by a dIfferent route In my VIew, they fall under paragraph (a) because the employer refused to contmue to employ them They were forced to leave theIr employment wIth the crown when the facIlItIes where they had worked were transferred to the receIvmg hospItals, they dId not leave crown employment on theIr own mItIatIve In concludmg classIfied employees were termmated under sectIOn 56( 1) of the Act, I have not overlooked the references to deemed resIgnatIOn m AppendIx 18 of the collectIve agreement The relatIOnshIp between the agreement and statutory employment standards IS governed by sectIOn 5 of the Act (1) SubJect to subsectIOn (2), no employer or agent of an employer and no employee or agent of an employee shall contract out of or Waive an employment standard and any such contractmg out or Waiver IS VOId. (2) If one or more prOVISIOns m an employment contract or m another Act that dIrectly relate to the same subJect matter as an employment standard provIde a greater benefit to an employee than the employment standard, the prOVISIOn or proVIsIOns m the contract or Act apply and the employment standard does not apply The employer does not rely upon subsectIOn (2) by suggestmg the collectIve agreement provIdes a greater benefit than notIce or pay m heu In the absence of a greater benefit, subsectIOn (1) prohibIts contractmg out of an employment standard. Accordmgly, the deemed resIgnatIOn proVIsIOns m AppendIx 18 of the agreement cannot prevail over the employment standard governmg termmatIOn The same hne of reasomng apphes to severance pay SectIOn 63( 1) states An employer severs the employment of an employee If, (a) the employer dIsmIsses the employee or refuses to contmue employmg the employee 6 Former employees of the crown at the psychIatnc mstItutIOns were severed wIthm the meanmg of tlus sectIOn, because the employer refused to contmue to employ them The employer does not suggest AppendIx 18 to the collectIve agreement confers a greater benefit than severance pay under the Act In the absence of a greater benefit, the deemed resIgnatIOn proVIsIOns m AppendIx 18 cannot prevail over the employment standard governmg severance V Employer counsel submIts any claim to eIther tennmatIOn payor severance pay, made on behalf of an employee who accepted an offer of employment wIth a receIvmg hospItal, IS defeated by sectIOn 9 of the Employment Standard~,' Act concernmg the sale of a busmess The relevant portIOns of tlus sectIOn state (1) If an employer sells a busmess or part of a busmess and the purchaser employs an employee of the seller, the employment of the employee shall be deemed not to have been termmated or severed for the purposes of tlus Act and Ius or her employment wIth the seller shall be deemed to have been employment wIth the purchaser for the purpose of any subsequent calculatIOn of the employee's length or penod of employment (3)In thIS sectIOn "sells" mcludes leases, transfers or dIsposes many other manner, and "sale" has a correspondmg meanmg Umon counsel acknowledges the transfer of psycluatnc facIlItIes constItuted the sale of a busmess wIthm the meanmg of sectIOn 9 He concedes the Act would not have been vIOlated If tlus sectIOn had been mvoked to deny severance pay and tennmatIOn notIce or pay m heu to all employees transfernng to the receIvmg hospItals However, counsel argues the employer cannot use sectIOn 9 m an arbItrary and dIscnmmatory manner, so as to "pIck and choose" among members of the bargammg umt As a legal foundatIOn for tlus argument, counsel for the umon cItes 3 cases deahng the exerCIse of management nghts (1) Unzted Parcel Servlce and Teamsters UnlOn (1981), 29 L.A.C 7 (2d) 202 (Burkett), (2) OPSEU (Pdon) and Mlnzstry ofCommunzty Servlces, GSB FIle No 1254/99, decIsIOn dated November 5, 2001 (Brown), and (3) OPSEU and Mlnzstry ofTransportatlOn, GSB FIle No 0211/02, decIsIOn dated Apnl 9, 2002 (Brown) Employer counsel contends these cases have no beanng upon entItlement to statutory benefits I begm my analysIs by consIdenng whether there IS a factual basIs for the umon's allegatIOn SectIOn 9 apphes only to employees who transferred to one of the receIvmg hospItals To prove the employer has used sectIOn 9 m an arbItrary or dIscnmmatory manner, the umon must demonstrate management has mvoked tlus sectIOn to deny statutory benefits to some transferred employees, whIle affordmg the same benefits to other such employees WIth respect to notIce of tennmatIOn or pay m heu, I have already detennmed employees wIth less than three months of employment have no entItlement under the Act ThIS nllmg rests upon the clear language of sectIOn 54 and IS not based m any way upon the apphcatIOn of sectIOn 9 Accordmgly, the set of employees whose entItlement to tennmatIOn notIce or pay could be affected by an arbItrary or dIscnmmatory apphcatIOn of sectIOn 9 IS hmIted to those who not only took a Job wIth one of the receIvmg hospItals but also had worked at least three months for the crown Were some of these employees treated more favourably than others through a selectIve rehance on sectIOn 9? As the stIpulatIOns made by counsel mdIcate none of the employees m thIS set receIved notIce of termmatIOn or pay m heu, there IS no factual basIs for the allegatIOn of an arbItrary or dIscnmmatory apphcatIOn of sectIOn 9 WIth respect to severance pay, I have already determmed employees wIth less than five years of employment have no entItlement under the Act ThIS nllmg rests upon the clear language of sectIOn 64( 1) and IS not based m any way upon the apphcatIOn of sectIOn 9 Accordmgly, the set of employees whose entItlement to statutory severance pay could be affected by an arbItrary or dIscnmmatory apphcatIOn 8 of sectIOn 9 IS hmIted to those who not only took a Job wIth one of the receIvmg hospItals but also had worked at least five years for the crown Most of the employees m tlus set receIved severance pay m the amount to whIch the umon asserts an entItlement ClassIfied employees wIth at least one year of servIce were paid under sectIOns 53 or 78 of the collectIve agreement As the Act has no beanng upon such contractual payments, the employer could not have aVOIded paymg these classIfied employees by relymg upon sectIOn 9 The statutory severance payments made to the subset of unclassIfied employees wIth five years of employment or more could have been aVOIded If the employer had rehed upon sectIOn 9 It was not mvoked to deny them severance pay To estabhsh a factual basIs for the allegatIOn of an arbItrary or dIscnmmatory use of sectIOn 9, the umon must pomt to another subset of employees, who also took Jobs wIth the receIvmg hospItals and had five or more years of employment, whose entItlement to statutory severance pay would be defeated by the employer's current rehance on sectIOn 9 As the stIpulatIOns of counsel do not mdIcate whether such a subset eXIsts, I remIt tlus questIOn to the partIes Only If tlus factual questIOn IS answered m the affinnatIve wIll there be any need to address the legal Issue of whether the cases cIted by the umon apply to statutory benefits Dated at Toronto thIS 29th day of Apnl2003 ~ /,r.<" ;: -' ./. . ~~,. . ~cLdBrown ' VIce-Chair 9 APPENDIX "A" Correspondence of GSB File Numbers and OPSEU File Numbers GSB# Union # GSB# Union # GSB# Union # 1250/00 00U146 1688/00 01 F066 1702/00 01F290 1250/00 00U147 1688/00 01 F067 1702/00 01 F291 1570/00 01 U018 1688/00 101 F068 1702/00 101 F292 I 1606/00 01 U011 1688/00 01 F069 1702/00 01F293 1608/00 01 U012 1688/00 01F070 1734/00 01F100 1609/00 01 U013 1688/00 01F071 1734/00 01 F1 01 1613/00 01 F028 1688/00 101 F072 1734/00 101F102 1649/00 01 F035 1688/00 01F073 1734/00 01F103 1650/00 01 F036 1688/00 01 F074 1734/00 01F104 1651/00 b1F037 1688/00 01F075 1734/00 01F105 1652/00 01 F038 1688/00 01 F076 1734/00 101 F1 06 1653/00 01 F039 1688/00 101 F077 1734/00 01F107 1654/00 01 F040 1688/00 01F078 1734/00 01F108 1655/00 101 F041 1688/00 01F079 1734/00 01F109 1688/00 01 F080 1734/00 01F110 1656/00 01 F042 1688/00 101 F081 1734/00 .01F111 1657/00 01 F043 1658/00 01 F044 1688/00 01 F082 1734/00 01F112 1688/00 01 F083 1734/00 01F113 1659/00 01 F045 1688/00 01 F084 1734/00 01F114 1660/00 01 F046 1688/00 101 F085 1734/00 101F115 1661/00 01 F047 1688/00 01 F086 1734/00 01F116 1662/00 01 F048 1688/00 01 F087 1734/00 01F117 1663/00 01 F049 1688/00 01 F088 1734/00 01F118 1664/00 01 F050 1688/00 101 F089 1734/00 01F119 1665/00 01 F051 1688/00 01 F090 1734/00 '01 F120 1666/00 01 F052 1688/00 01 F091 1734/00 01F121 1688/00 01 F053 1688/00 01 F092 1734/00 01F122 1688/00 01 F054 1688/00 01 F093 1734/00 01F123 1688/00 01 F055 1688/00 01 F094 1734/00 01F124 1688/00 101 F056 1688/00 01 F095 1734/00 01F125 1688/00 01 F057 1688/00 01 F096 1734/00 01F126 1688/00 01 F058 1688/00 01 F097 1734/00 01F127 1688/00 01 F059 1688/00 01 F098 1734/00 01F128 1688/00 01 F060 1689/00 01 U01 0 1734/00 01F129 1688/00 101 F061 1699/00 01F372 1734/00 01F130 1688/00 01 F062 1702/00 01F286 1734/00 01 F131 1688/00 01 F063 1702/00 01F287 1734/00 01F132 1688/00 01 F064 1702/00 101 F288 1734/00 b1F133 1688/00 p1F065 1702/00 01F289 1734/00 01F134 10 GSB# Union # IGSB# Union # GSB# Union # 1734/00 01F135 1 740/00 01F276 1 747/00 01F240 1734/00 01F136 1 740/00 01F277 1 747/00 01F241 1734/00 '01 F137 1 740/00 '01 F278 1 747/00 01F242 1734/00 01F138 1 740/00 01F279 1782/00 01F302 1734/00 01F139 1 740/00 01F280 1794/00 01F229 1734/00 01F140 1 741/00 01 F281 1794/00 01F230 1734/00 101 F 141 1 741/00 101F282 1794/00 01 F231 1734/00 01F142 1 741/00 01F283 1794/00 01F232 1734/00 01F143 1 741/00 01F284 1794/00 01F233 1734/00 01F144 1 741/00 01F285 1794/00 01F234 1734/00 01F145 1 744/00 101 F243 1794/00 101 F235 1734/00 101 F146 1 744/00 01F244 1794/00 01F236 1734/00 01F147 1 744/00 01F245 1 804/00 01F160 1734/00 01F148 1 744/00 01F246 1 804/00 01 F161 1734/00 01F149 1 744/00 101 F247 1 804/00 101 F162 1734/00 101 F150 1 745/00 1 804/00 01F163 01F248 1734/00 01 F151 1 745/00 01F249 1 804/00 01F164 1734/00 01F152 1 745/00 01F250 1 804/00 01F165 1734/00 01F153 1 745/00 101 F251 1 804/00 01F166 1734/00 e1F154 1 745/00 01F252 1 804/00 101F167 1734/00 01F155 1 745/00 01F253 1 804/00 01F168 1734/00 01F156 1 745/00 01F254 1 804/00 01F169 1734/00 01F157 1 745/00 01F255 1 804/00 01F170 1734/00 101 F158 1 745/00 101 F256 1 804/00 101 F171 1734/00 01F159 1 745/00 01F257 1 804/00 01F172 1735/00 01F212 1 745/00 01F258 1 804/00 01F173 1735/00 01F213 1 745/00 01F259 1 804/00 01F174 1735/00 01F214 1 746/00 01F260 1 804/00 01F175 1735/00 101 F215 1 746/00 01F261 1813/00 101 F188 1735/00 01F216 1 746/00 01F262 1813/00 01F189 1735/00 01F217 1 746/00 01F263 1813/00 01F190 1735/00 01F218 1 746/00 01F264 1813/00 01 F191 1736/00 e1F219 1 746/00 01F265 1813/00 101 F192 1736/00 01F220 1 746/00 01F266 1813/00 01F193 1736/00 01F221 1 746/00 01F267 1813/00 01F194 1736/00 01F222 1 746/00 01F268 1813/00 01F195 1737/00 01F223 1 746/00 101 F269 1813/00 101 F196 1737/00 101 F224 1 746/00 01F270 1813/00 01F197 1737/00 01F225 1 746/00 01F271 1813/00 01F198 1738/00 01F226 1 746/00 01F272 1813/00 01F199 1738/00 101 F227 1 746/00 101 F273 1813/00 01F200 1738/00 01F228 1 747/00 1813/00 101 F201 01F237 1 740/00 01F274 1 747/00 01F238 1813/00 01F202 1 740/00 01F275 1 747/00 01F239 1813/00 01F203 11 GSB# Union # 1813/00 01F204 1813/00 01F205 1814/00 01F206 1814/00 01F207 1814/00 01F208 1814/00 101 F209 1814/00 01F210 1814/00 01 F211 1 822/00 01F178 1912/01 ,00U157