HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-1252.Union Grievance.01-02-08 Decision
GSB # 1252/00
OPSEU#OOU 148 OOU 149 OOU 150
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Umon Gnevance)
- and -
The Crown m RIght of Ontano
(Mimsm of the SolIcItor General and CorrectIOnal ServIces)
BEFORE RIchard Brown V Ice Chair
FOR THE DavId Wnght, Counsel
GRlEVOR Ryder Wnght, BlaIr & Doyle
BarrIsters and SolIcItors
FOR THE Len Mam Semor Counsel
EMPLOYER Legal ServIces Branch
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING Januan 22,2001,Janu~ 25 2001
TIllS umon polIcy gnevance anses out of the unpendmg opemng of the Central
North CorrectIOnal Centre (CNCC) m Penetangmshene The property and
buildmgs at tlllS sIte are owned by the provrnCIal government. TIle
government's mtentIOn IS to find a pnvate-sector contractor to operate the
facilIty Some or all of tlle employees at each of four mstItutIons now operated
by tlle Mimstry of SohcItor General and Correctional ServIces have receIved
notices, under AppendIx 18 of tlle collectIve agreement, mfonnmg tllem tllat
tllerr Jobs will be mcluded m tlle request for proposals (RFP) to operate CNCC
TIle four facilIties are (1) Barne Jail, (2) Pany Sound Jail, (3) Burtch
CorrectIOnal Centre, and (4) Guelph Correctional Centre
The gnevance poses a nmnber of Issues TIllS decIsIOn deals exclusIVely
With employees whose work will be pnvatIzed at the SaIne tIme as It IS moved
to CNCC and With the question whether they are entitled, tmder AppendIx 13,
to be reImbursed for the cost of relocating.
AppendIx 13 IS entitled ''Relocation of Operation Beyond 40 Kilometre
RadIus" It states
The Employer and Umon hereWith agree that, when a m1ll1stry decIdes to
change an operatIOn's headquarters to a locatIOn outsIde a forty (40)
kilometre radms of that operation's current headquarters, the followmg
terms and condItions will apply-
(1) affected employees will be notified, m wntmg, of the m1ll1stry's
decIsIOn to change the operation's headquarters location and the date
when such change will take place,
(2) (a) employees may accept the change m headquarters locatIOn, m
whIch case they will be ehgible for reImbursement of relocation
costs m accordance With the Employer's relocation polIcy; or
(b) employees may reJect the change m headquarters location, m
whIch case they will be gIVen SIX (6) Imnths' notice of lay-off
pursuant to ArtIcle 20.2 1 (NotIce and Pay m LIeu) and have full
access to the proVIsIOns of ArtIcle 20 (Employment Stabihty) and
AppendIx 9 (Employment StabilIty) of the Central Collective
(3) If several employees hold the same posItion and fewer oftherr
posItIons are requrred m the new headquarters locatIOn, the employees
With the greatest semonty will be gIVen the opportunIty to go to the new
headquarters locatIOn first.
(4) It IS understood that when an employee accepts the change m
headquarters location m accordance With tlllS Memorandum of
Agreement, the proVIsIOns of ArtIcle 6 (postIng and Fillmg of VacanCIes
or New PosItions) shall not apply
Some or all of the four mstItutIOns lIsted above are more than forty
kilometres from Penetangmshene For employees at sItes fallmg WithIn thIs
category, the employer conceded that AppendIx 13 would apply If the Mimstry
of SohcItor General and Correctional ServIces were to operate CNCC upon ItS
opemng. The government's mtentIOn IS to have the Mimstry nm tms facihty
only If a smtable contractor cannot be found. The employer contended
AppendIx 13 would not apply If CNCC opens tmder pnvate-sector
management. AccordIng to the umon, AppendIx 13 applIes regardless of who
1ll1tIally manages the sIte
It IS common grOlmd that the collective agreement creates three sets of
nghts. (1) surplussmg nghts tmder artIcle 20 wmch apply when work formerly
done by employees m the pubhc servIce ceases to be done, (2) nghts tmder
AppendIx 13 whIch apply when work IS relocated from one sIte to another; (3)
and nghts under AppendIx 18 whIch apply when work IS moved from the OPS
to the pnvate sector The crux of the dIspute IS whether the latter two sets of
nghts are mutually exclusIvely Umon counsel submItted employees are entitled
to exerCIse botll sets of nghts when tllerr work IS relocated and pnvatIzed at the
same tune Accordmg to counsel for the employer, AppendIx 13 applIes only to
tlle movement of work WItl11ll the pubhc servIce, not to a transfer of work from
tlle publIc servIce to tlle pnvate sector
Counsel for tlle umon noted tlle property and buildmgs at CNCC will
continue to be owned by the provmCIal government, regardless of who manages
the sIte, and the locatIOn of thIs correctIOnal centre was determmed by the
government. COlmsel also argued the applIcation of AppendIx 13 should not
depend upon whether the work to be performed at CNCC IS 1ll1tIally done
WithIn the publIc servIce and later pnvatIzed or thIs work IS pnvatIzed at the
saIne tIme as It IS moved to CNCC
Tummg to the language of AppendIx 13, umon cOlmsel contended the
reference m paragraph 2(b) to AppendIx 9 mdIcates the partIes mtended
relocation costs to be reImbursed where work IS both relocated and pnvatIzed.
Accordmg to thIs lme of argument, If thIs was not the mtentIon, there would be
no reason to refer to AppendIx 9 wmch deals With pnvatIzatIon. In tms regard,
counsel noted paragraph 2(b) does not refer to only part of AppendIx 9, but
rather confers "full access to the proVIsIOns of AppendIx 9 "
COlmsel for the employer argued "relocatIOn" m AppendIx 13 means
relocation WithIn the publIc servIce NotIng AppendIx 13 makes no mention of
pnvatIzatIon, cOlmsel drew my attention to AppendIx 18 wmch deals With
pnvatIzatIon m detail but does not confer any entitlement to reImbursement for
movmg expenses. As to the reference to AppendIx 9 m paragraph 2(b) of
AppendIx 13, employer counsel contended tlllS paragraph does no more tllan
create an entItlement to monetary benefits, those described m paragraphs 2, 3
and 4 of AppendIx 9, on the part of an employee who decIdes not to relocate
WItl11ll tlle publIc servIce
Employer counsel also contended the umon's mterpretatIOn of AppendIx
13 creates a number of COnflICts between It and AppendIx 18 For present
purposes, only one need be recounted. Counsel submItted employees who
reJect a relocatIOn under paragraph 2(b) of AppendIx 13, are entItled to exerCIse
all nghts tmder artIcle 20, mcludIng those wmch allow a person to obtaIn
another Job WIthm the publIc servIce through dIsplacement or recall, whereas
employees who elect not to move to a pnvate employer, tmder paragraph 6C.2
of AppendIx 18, have no nght to remaIn m the pubhc servIce Based upon tms
readIng of the collectIve agreement, cOlmsel argued there would be a COnflICt
between AppendIx 13 and AppendIx 18 If both apply to an employee whose
work IS relocated and pnvatIzed.
In reply, counsel for the umon advanced an mterpretatIOn of paragraph
2(b) of AppendIx 13 wmch avOIds any COnflICt With AppendIx 18 AccordIng to
thIS understandIng, the entItlements of an employee who reJects a change m
headquarters, tmder paragraph 2(b), depend upon whether the person's work IS
pnvatIzed when It IS moved. When the relocated work IS transferred to the
pnvate sector, the employee has nghts tmder AppendIx 18 but no entItlements
tmder artIcle 20 When the relocated work remaInS WithIn the publIc servIce,
the employee has artIcle 20 nghts but no entItlements tmder AppendIx 18
AppendIx 13 apphes when the headquarters of an operatIOn IS moved more than
forty kilometres and the operatIOn remains WIthm the publIc servIce Does tlllS
appendIx also apply when tlle headquarters of an operation moves the same
dIstance m the course of bemg pnvatIzed?
In answenng tlllS question, I begm WItll tlle wordIng of AppendIx 13 The
title refers to the "relocatIOn of an operation." LikeWise, the openmg sentence
speaks of a "change" m the "location" of an operatIOn's headquarters In both
places, the language addresses a change m locatIOn. Nowhere m tlllS appendIx IS
tllere any explIcIt reference to pnvatIzatIon or to a change of employer In otller
words, AppendIx 13 does not expressly mdIcate that It applIes when a change m
locatIOn comcIdes With the transfer of work to a pnvate-sector employer Nor
does thIs appendIx contam any express mdIcatIon that ItS does not apply m thIs
sort of scenarIO
In decIdIng what to make of thIs silence about a change of employer, one
should bear m mmd the nature of the entitlements created by AppendIx 13 An
employee to whom thIs appendIx applIes IS entItled to reImbursement of
expenses mcurred m the course of relocatIng. If accepted, the umon' s
mterpretatIon would mean employees would be entitled to be reImbursed by the
Mimstry for the cost of movmg to take a Job With a new employer As
collective agreements typIcally do not entitle employees to reImbursement for
the cost ofmovmg from one employer to another, even when someone'sJob
moves between the two, clear language would be requITed to create such an
entitlement. The absence of language of thIs sort m AppendIx 13 suggests the
partIes dId not mtend the entitlement to reImbursement of relocation costs to
apply m the context of a change of employers
Further support for tlns mterpretatIOn IS found m AppendIx 18 It deals
exphcItly and extensIvely WItll tlle entitlements of employees who move to a
pnvate sector employer, but says noting about movrng expenses
InterpretIng AppendIx 13 as not applymg to a change of employer also
aVOIds any need to read mto paragraph 2(b) a InnItatIon winch IS not supported
by tlle language of tlns proVIsIOn but IS necessary to render It consIstent WItll
AppendIx 18 On ItS face, paragraph 2(b) preserves all artIcle 20 nghts,
mcludmg tllose relatIng to dIsplacement and recall, for all employees fallmg
under AppendIx 13 who elect not to relocate While argumg AppendIx 13
applIes m the context of pnvatIzatIon, umon cOlmsel conceded paragraph 2(b)
does not preserve dIsplacement and recall nghts m the case of an employee who
declmes to relocate to a pnvate employer ThIs conceSSIOn IS necessary to
render AppendIx 13 consIstent With AppendIx 18 Yet there IS nothIng m the
language of paragraph 2(b) to suggest any employee governed by AppendIx 13,
who elects not to relocate, IS demed dIsplacement and recall nghts To the
contrary, thIs paragraph expressly preserves all artIcle 20 nghts for all
employees fallmg tmder tills appendIx who do not relocate The umon's
tortuous readmg of paragraph 2(b) IS rendered unnecessary by mterpretmg
AppendIx 13 as the employer suggested. Accordmg to thIs mterpretatIon, thIs
appendIx applIes only to employees whose work IS relocated WithIn the publIc
servIce, and paragraph 2(b) preserves artIcle 20 nghts for any such employee
who decIdes not to relocate
The reference to AppendIx 9 m AppendIx 13 does not assIst the umon.
Paragraph 2( a) of AppendIx 13, cbalmg With reImbursement for relocation
costs, does not mention AppendIx 9 It IS mentioned m paragraph 2(b) By
allowmg access to the proVIsIOns of AppendIx 9, paragraph 2(b) merely entitles
employees, who declme to follow theIr work WIthm the OPS, to the same
monetary benefits as are available, under some cIrcumstances, to employees
whose work IS pnvatIzed.
TIus analysIs leads me to conclude AppendIx 13 does not apply to
employees whose work IS pnvatIzed. When work IS relocated at the same tune
as It IS transferred to the pnvate sector, artIcle 6C of AppendIx 18 allows the
employees affected to claim the Jobs resultIng With the new employer, but to do
so they must be able and willmg to bear any cost of relocatIng. AppendIx 13
does not entItle such employees to be reImbursed for relocation costs From the
umon's pomt of VIew, thIs mterpretatIOn IdentIfies a gap m the protection
afforded to employees by the collective agreement. The decIsIOn whether to fill
thIS gap rests With the partIes to the agreement and not With an arbItrator If
they determme greater protection IS warranted, It IS for them to decIde whether
to create an entitlement to reImbursement for relocation costs, an entItlement to
remaIn WithIn the OPS or some other form or relIef.
TIns part of the gnevance IS dIsmIssed.
Dated at Toronto, tlns 8th day of February, 2001
Richard Brown, Vice-Charr