HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-1328.Cheng.01-08-03 Decision
_Wi iii~~~i~T DE L "ONTARIO
Ontano LIqUor Boards Employees' Umon
( Cheng)
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(LIqUor Control Board of Ontano)
BEFORE RandI H. Abramsky Vice-Chair
Koskie Minsky
BarrIsters & SOlICItorS
Counsel, Legal ServIces
LIquor Control Board of Ontano
HEARING March 7 2001 June 28 2001
The LIqUor Control Board of Ontano (LCBO or Employer) has raised a
prelImInary obJectIOn to the JunsdlctIOn of thIS Board to hear the gnevance In thIS matter
SpecIfically the LCBO asserts that because the gnevor raised the same Issue In a pnor
gnevance In 1997 whIch was not pursued, the gnevor and Umon may not seek to
arbItrate the same Issue In a 1999 gnevance ThIS Award addresses thIS prelImInary
obJ ectIOn.
On January 28 1999 the gnevor James Cheng, filed a wntten gnevance allegIng
a vIOlatIOn of "ArtIcle 6 IS(a) of the collectIve agreement and any other applIcable
clauses" ArtIcle 6 IS provIdes as follows
(a) An employee shall receIve a shIft premIUm of one dollar ($1 00) per
hour for all hours worked between 600 p.m and 700 a.m Where
more than fifty percent (SO%) of the hours, InclUSIVe of lunch and rest
pen ods, fall wIthIn thIS penod the premIUm shall be paid for all hours
(b) ShIft premIUm shall not be consIdered as part of an employee's basIc
hourly rate
AccordIng to Mr Cheng, thIS gnevance concerns overtIme shIfts that he worked around
Chnstmas of 1998
On January 28 1997 exactly two years earlIer Mr Cheng had filed a Stage 1
complaInt also allegIng a vIOlatIOn of ArtIcle 6 IS (a) That complaInt, whIch was wntten
for hIm by a co-worker states as follows
On both Jan 20/97 & Jan 24/97 worked overtIme on the hours of 1600 to
2000 AccordIng to ArtIcle 6 15(a) of collectIve agreement, shIft
premIUms are OWIng yet were not credIted.
The "settlement desIred" was "applIcable ShIft premIUms for above dates & hours In
questIOn." The form, entItled "1st STAGE GRIEVANCE REPORT" was an employer
form used to record Stage 1 complaInts The Employer gave It the number "D W #011-
97 "
AccordIng to Mr Cheng, the wntten form was gIven to management and he was
later Informed that hIS complaInt had been demed. The wntten response on the form,
dated February 4 1997 states "Demed due to ShIft premIUm not paid for overtIme" and
appears to be sIgned by the gnevor's manager Mr Surgay NikulIn, Manager of BusIness
On March 19 1997 Mark Wagner then Human Resources AdvIsor - Durham
Warehouse, met wIth Mr Cheng and Umon RepresentatIve James to dISCUSS a number of
Mr Cheng's outstandIng gnevances Mr Wagner testIfied that the meetIng was set up to
see If the Issues could be resolved and that he went through them, one at a tIme
As to complaInt #011-97 Mr Wagner testIfied that he "reIterated the Employer's
stance regardIng shIft premIUm on overtIme" - "that the Employer does not pay ShIft
premIUm on overtIme" - and that the gnevance was dropped at that pOInt. He dId not
recall hIS exact words, or the Umon's response - only that the gnevance was dropped and
that It would not be proceedmg. His understandmg was that the Employer's posItIOn was
bemg accepted and It would not be further challenged by gomg to the next stage
Mr Wagner acknowledged, on cross-exammatIOn, that there were no mmutes of
settlement concermng complamt #011-97 and that he receIved no document from eIther
the Umon or Mr Cheng statmg that they agreed to the Employer's posItIOn regardmg the
ShIft premIUm or that there would be no further gnevances on the Issue He could not
recall Mr James' statmg at the meetmg that he agreed to the Employer's posItIOn, or
words to that effect.
Seven other complamts filed by Mr Cheng were settled at the March 19 1997
meetmg and formal Minutes of Settlement were agreed to on that date Accordmg to Mr
Cheng, these gnevances related to other overtIme claims Accordmg to the Minutes of
Settlement, Mr Cheng was paid 25 hours at tlme-and-one-half hIS normal pay rate and
the seven lIsted complamts were "wIthdrawn, not to be refiled." CopIes of the Minutes
were dlstnbuted to "OBLEU" "Coordmator Human Resources ServIces" " Staff
RelatIOns" and "Department DIrector"
Mr Cheng recalled meetmg wIth Mr Wagner and Mr James on March 19 1997
but he dId not recall specIfically dlscussmg complamt #011-97 His recollectIOn was that
he met Imtlally wIth Mr James who urged hIm to drop thIS and a number of other matters
m order to receIve payment for the larger overtIme claim. He testIfied that he told Mr
Wagner at the start of the meetmg, that he was droppmg all of the other gnevances and
was Just proceedIng wIth the overtIme one He stated that he had made up hIS mInd to
forget about the other ones and "get the bIg one, the overtIme" claim. He acknowledged,
on cross-eXamInatIOn, that hIS 1997 complaInt and the 1999 gnevance Involved "the
same Issue" i e that he was not paid ShIft premIUm
ArtIcle 27 Gnevance Procedure, provIdes, In pertInent part, as follows
27 1 Definitions
(c) "Gnevance" means a dIfference an SIng from the InterpretatIon,
applIcatIOn, admInIstratIOn or alleged contraventIOn of the provIsIOns of
thIS Agreement.
27.3 STAGE 1 (Complaint Stage)
(a)(I) An employee who has a complaInt or a dIfference shall dISCUSS the
complaInt or dIfference wIth hIs/her supervIsor as desIgnated by the
Employer wIthIn ten (10) days of the employee first becomIng aware of
the CIrcumstances gIVIng nse to the complaInt or dIfference
(iI) Unless otherwIse agreed between the employee and hIs/her supervIsor
a meetIng In respect of an employee's complaInt shall only be attended by
the employee and hIs/her supervIsor
(b) The supervIsor shall consIder the complaInt or dIfference and gIve
hIs/her response to the employee wIthIn ten (10) days of the dIscussIOn.
(d) If the complaInt or dIfference IS not satlsfactonly resolved by the
supervIsor It may be processed wIthIn an addItIOnal ten (10) days from the
date of the supervIsor's response or the expIratIOn of the tIme lImIts set out
In (b) above In the folloWIng manner
27 4 STAGE 2
(a) The employee may file a gnevance In wntIng wIth hIs/her supervIsor
specIfYIng the clause or clauses In thIS Agreement alleged to have been
(b) The supervIsor shall complete an InVestIgatIOn of the gnevance and
provIde the gnevor wIth hIs/her wntten decIsIOn wIthIn fifteen (IS) days
of reCeIVIng the gnevance The InVestIgatIOn may Include meetIng wIth
the employee affordIng hIm/her an opportumty to be heard.
27 5 STAGE 3
(a) (I) If the gnevance IS not resolved under ArtIcle 274 the employee may
submIt the gnevance to the Chair or desIgnee wIthIn five (S) days of the
date that he/she receIved the decIsIOn under ArtIcle 27 4
(iI) In the event that no decIsIOn In wntIng IS receIved In accordance wIth
the specIfied tIme lImIts In ArtIcle 274 the gnevor ma submIt the
gnevance to the Chair or desIgnee wIthIn five (S) days of the date that the
supervIsor was reqUIred to have hIs/her decIsIOn In wntIng In accordance
wIth ArtIcle 27 4
27 6 STAGE 4
If the gnevor IS not satIsfied wIth the decIsIOn of the Chair or desIgnee or
If a decIsIOn IS not receIved wIthIn the specIfied tIme lImIts, the gnevor
may apply to the Crown Employee Gnevance Settlement Board for a
heanng go the gnevance wIthIn five (S) days of the date he/she receIved
the decIsIOn or wIthIn five (S) days of the eXpIratIOn of the specIfied tIme
lImIt for reCeIVIng a deCISIOn.
27.8 The Umon shall have the nght to lodge a gnevance based on a
dIfference ansIng dIrectly wIth the Employer However such a gnevance
shall not Include any matter upon whIch an employee IS personally entItled
to gneve Such gnevance shall first be presented, In wntIng, to the
Employer wIthIn twenty (2) days of the CIrcumstances gIVIng nse to the
27 12 Where a gnevance IS not processed wIthIn the tIme allowed or has not
been processed by the employee or the Umon wIthIn the tIme prescnbed It
shall be deemed to have been wIthdrawn.
Arguments of the Parties
A. The Employer
The Employer contends that Mr Cheng's January 1999 gnevance IS Inarbltrable
because he dId not pursue hIS January 1997 gnevance on the same Issue It submIts that
when the matter was dIscussed between the partIes In March 1997 the Employer
reIterated Its posItIOn that It does not pay ShIft premIUm on overtIme hours and that the
matter was then dropped. It asserts that there IS no eVIdence that the matter was dropped
on a "wIthout preJudIce" basIs, and that the Employer qUIte properly understood the
Umon's actIOn to be an acceptance of ItS posItIOn on the Issue wIthout further challenge
Consequently It argues that It had a nght to expect finalIty and certaInty on the Issue, and
that the gnevor should not be allowed to raise thIS Issue agaIn.
In support of ItS contentIOn the Employer relIes on Ontario Liquor Boards Employees
Union (Lariviere) and Liquor Control Board of Ontario GSB No 1375/99 (Hams, Vice-
Chair) It submIts that Lariviere holds that wIthdrawal of a gnevance eIther estops the
umon from contInuIng wIth another gnevance or renders It res JudIcata when three
condItIOns are met (1) the matter must be between the same partIes (2) the matter must
be IdentIcal In both proceedIngs, and (3) the matter must have been brought for the same
obJect. The Employer submIts that all three condItIOns are met In thIS case SpecIfically
It asserts that the gnevor the Umon and the Employer are the same the matter IS
IdentIcal because both claims assert a vIOlatIOn of ArtIcle 6 15(a) and the obJect of both
claims are the same - to receIve payment of shIft premIUm for overtIme hours It submIts
that under LanVlere "a party may not bnng forward another complaInt over the same fact
sItuatIOn after that fact sItuatIOn has been settled, abandoned, wIthdrawn, or finally
determIned by a competent tnbunal "
The Employer further relIes on Re Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local
207 and City of Sudbury (1965), 15 L.A C 403 (RevIlle) In whIch the board of arbItratIOn
determIned that two gnevances, despIte beIng worded dIfferently Involved the same
Issue and that the second one could not proceed. In that case, the board cIted to [fA. W
Local 456 and Mueller Ltd (1961), 12 LAC 131 (RevIlle) whIch set out the ratIOnale
for the pnnclple that a party IS barred and estopped from proceSSIng a gnevance whIch IS
IdentIcal to a former gnevance and IS eIther wIthdrawn, abandoned or settled, or
determIned by a board of arbItratIOn, at p 404
The gnevance procedure IS desIgned to provIde members of the bargaInIng
umt and the umon wIth a method of orderly proceSSIng theIr respectIve
gnevances In order to aVOId the expense Inherent In the arbItratIOn
process the procedure provIdes for bona fide efforts to be made by both
the gnevor and management to settle the dIspute at vanous stages and at
vanous levels It follows, therefore, that If the gnevor and/or the umon
actually or ImplIedly accept the decIsIOn of management they should not
be allowed to have second thoughts on the matter and re-process
essentIally the same gnevance at a later date If there were to be allowed,
management would never know whether In fact, ItS decIsIOn had [been]
accepted by the IndIVIdual gnevor or the umon representIng hIm, and
management could be plagued and harassed In what would be a plaIn
abuse of the gnevance procedure
The Employer contends that the same ratIOnale applIes In thIS matter
The Employer further relIes on Re Weston Bakeries Ltd (Kingston) and Milk and
Bread Drivers Dairy Employees, Caterers and Allied Employees, Local Union 647
(1998), 76 L.AC (4th) 258 (SImmons) In that case, the arbItrator held that the "arbItral
rule of abandonment" rendered a subsequent gnevance on "the same subJect matter" and
seekIng an IdentIcal remedy as In an earlIer gnevance that had been abandoned
Inarbltrable In part, the arbItrator based hIS decIsIOn by "takIng Into consIderatIOn the
purpose of the rule whIch, In my VIew was establIshed to deal precIsely wIth the
sItuatIOns whIch are before me" (76 LAC (4th) at 267)
The Employer further contends that to the extent the testImony of Mr Wagner
and Mr Cheng dIffer about dIscussIOns whIch took place dunng the March 19 1997
meetIng, an adverse Inference should be drawn agaInst the Umon for ItS faIlure to call
Mr James, the Umon representatIve present at that meetIng, as a wItness In support of
ItS posItIOn, It cItes to Re Canada Post Corp and Canadian Union of Postal Workers
(Seymour) (1992) 25 L.AC (4th) 137 (Shlme) It submIts that based on the eVIdence
presented Mr Wagner clearly told the Umon about ItS posItIOn on the payment of ShIft
premIUm for overtIme hours and the gnevance was then dropped.
FInally In the Employer's VIew the complaInt submItted by Mr Cheng In
January 1997 was clearly a "gnevance" as defined In ArtIcle 27 1 of the collectIve
agreement. The term "gnevance" IS defined as "a dIfference ansIng from the
InterpretatIOn, applIcatIOn, admInIstratIOn or alleged contraventIOn of the provIsIOns of
thIS Agreement. " It argues that the Issue raI sed In #011-97 Involves an
"InterpretatIon of the provIsIOns of thIS Agreement" specIfically ArtIcle 6 15(a) the
same artIcle raised In Mr Cheng's January 1999 gnevance
The Employer further relIes on ArtIcle 27 12 whIch states that "[w]here a
gnevance IS not processed wIthIn the tIme allowed or has not been process by the
employee or the Umon wIthIn the tIme prescnbed It shall be deemed to have been
wIthdrawn." The Employer contends that If the Board concludes that #011-97 was not
wIthdrawn at the March 19 1997 meetIng, It was wIthdrawn by vIrtue of ArtIcle 27 12
AccordIngly the Employer asks that the 1999 gnevance of Mr Cheng be
B. The Union
The Umon contends that the onus IS on the Employer to establIsh that the January
1999 gnevance of Mr Cheng IS Inarbltrable The Umon submIts that for a vanety of
reasons the Employer faIled to meet ItS onus
FIrst, the Umon submIts that Mr Cheng's 1997 complaInt was not a "gnevance" It
contends that the collectIve agreement clearly dIstIngUIshes between Stage 1 the
"complaInt stage" and Steps 2 and 3 the "gnevance" stages It submIts that the January
1997 complaInt ofMr Cheng was a Stage 1 "complaInt or dIfference" and never became
a formal "gnevance" under ArtIcle 27 It asserts that thIS Board should be very wary of
treatIng a decIsIOn not to proceed beyond Stage 1 as bIndIng the Umon to the Employer's
InterpretatIOn of the collectIve agreement for all tIme Such a rulIng, It submIts, would
senously undermIne attempts to resolve matters and make a mockery of the gnevance
procedure Instead of real dIscussIOns and attempts to resolve matters Informally the
Umon submIts that the partIes would be forced to posture Instead and nothIng would be
resolved or wIthdrawn.
ThIS IS especIally true, the Umon notes, when a "package" deal IS agreed upon, as
In thIS matter whereby certaIn claims are dropped In exchange for other ones The Umon
submIts that the testImony ofMr Cheng was that he was wIllIng to forget about #011-97
In order to receIve payment for the "bIg one" hIS overtIme claims
The Umon further contends that the eVIdence does not support a findIng of estoppel
At the March 19 1997 meetIng, It submIts, there was no representatIOn by the Umon that
It agreed to the Employer's posItIOn on shIft premIUm or that It would not rely on ItS stnct
legal nghts under the collectIve agreement. Nor It contends, has there been any
demonstratIOn of detnmental relIance by the Employer a faIlure that IS fatal to any
estoppel argument. In support, the Umon cItes to Ontario Liquor Board Employees
Union (Lariviere) and Liquor Control Board of Ontario supra
The Umon also contends that there was no agreement by the partIes that the
Employer's InterpretatIOn of ArtIcle 6 15(a) would govern the partIes In the future, or that
It would not gneve the Issue There was no memorandum of settlement on #011-97
There was no eVIdence that Mr Cheng or Mr James stated that they agreed wIth the
Employer's posItIOn. There was no eVIdence that the Umon's head office was even
Informed of the dISposItIOn of Mr Cheng's complaInt. Mr Wagner the Umon notes,
could not recall precIsely what he said or Mr James said dunng the March 19 1997
meetIng. In these cIrcumstances, the Umon submIts that the decIsIOn not to proceed wIth
#011-97 cannot preclude a subsequent gnevance In support of ItS posItIOn, the Umon
cItes to Re Ecbtards of Canada, Unit of General Signal of Canada Ltd and United
Steehwrkers, Local 7466 (1974) 6 LAC (2d) 147 (Adams) Re Lakehead District
Roman Catholic Separate School Board and Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assn.
(Post Vacancies Grievance)[2000] O.L AA No 131 (QUIcklaw) (WhItaker) Re Canada
Post Corp and Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW-360-GC-166)[1983]
C.L AD No 19 (QUIcklaw)(Blrd) Re Longyear Canada Inc and International
Association of Machinists Local Lodge 2412 (1981) 2 L.AC (3d) 72 (P Plcher)
The Umon also argues that the subJect matter of the January 1997 complaInt dIffers
from the January 1999 gnevance, and that they are not the "same" gnevance It contends
that each IS based on a dIscrete claim for compensatIOn on dIscrete days It submIts that
Mr Cheng's January 1999 gnevance IS based on claims for compensatIOn from
Chnstmas of 1998 not two days In January of 1997 CItIng, Laviviere supra at p 5 the
Umon contends that whIle settlement, abandonment, wIthdrawal or determInatIOn of a
specIfic matter bnngs that matter to an end, "[t]hat does not prevent another dIfferent
matter from beIng lItIgated." It also cItes to OPSEU (Akkel) and Ministry of Correctional
Services GSB No 623/91 (KIrkwood, Vice-Chair)
In terms of the Employer's adverse Inference contentIOn, the Umon contends that
there was no need for It to call Mr James It submIts that IfMr Wagner had testIfied that
Mr James agreed wIth the Employer's InterpretatIOn and he was not called to refute that
an adverse Inference could be drawn, but no such testImony was elIcIted. Instead, It
argues that Mr Wagner could not recall eIther hIS own exact words or those of Mr
James Consequently It asserts that there was no need to call Mr James because there
was no eVIdence that he made a representatIOn on behalf of the Umon and no adverse
Inference should be drawn.
AccordIngly the Umon asks that the Employer's prelImInary obJectIOn be dIsmIssed.
For the reasons set forth below I conclude that the Employer's prelImInary
obJectIOn must be dIsmIssed. Based on the specIfic facts presented, I cannot conclude
that the decIsIOn not to proceed wIth #011-97 renders the January 1999 gnevance
Inarbltrable eIther on the basIs of Issue estoppel, res judicata or the arbItral pnnclple of
Even acceptIng Mr Wagner's testImony In ItS entIrety I cannot conclude that the
Umon specIfically agreed to the Employer's InterpretatIOn of ArtIcle 6 IS(a) His
testImony was that he reIterated the Employer's posItIOn that It does not pay ShIft
premIUm for overtIme hours and the gnevance was wIthdrawn at that pOInt. He could not
recall Mr James or Mr Cheng agreeIng to the Employer's posItIOn. There was no
memorandum of settlement statIng that the Employer's InterpretatIOn should govern In
the future There was no document recordIng that the Umon or the gnevor agreed to the
Employer's InterpretatIOn or ArtIcle 6 IS or that no further gnevances would be filed.
WhIle Mr Wagner testIfied that It was hIS "understandIng" that the Umon was acceptIng
the Employer's InterpretatIOn of the collectIve agreement, there was no specIfic
agreement to that effect.
Indeed, there was no eVIdence that the decIsIOn not to proceed wIth #011-97 was
ever conveyed to the head office of the Umon. In contrast, a copy of the March 19 1997
Minutes of Settlement concermng seven other complaInts by Mr Cheng was sent to
"OBLEU" Although there IS no oblIgatIOn on the Employer to Inform the Umon of ItS
understandIng of the decIsIOn not to proceed wIth #011-97 ItS faIlure to do so
undermInes ItS claim that the Umon IS bound by the decIsIOn ofMr Cheng not to proceed
and that It accepted the Employer's InterpretatIOn of ArtIcle 6 15(a)
Under the partIes' collectIve agreement, Stage 1 IS an Informal stage In whIch an
"employee who has a complaInt or a dIfference shall dISCUSS the complaInt or dIfference
wIth hIs/her supervIsor " If not resolved, the employee may then file "a gnevance In
wntIng " at Stage 2 Although the March 19 1997 meetIng occurred after Stage 1 It
took place before Stage 2 was Imtlated. It was an Informal meetIng to attempt to resolve
a number of outstandIng complaInts of Mr Cheng and It accomplIshed ItS aim. Seven of
Mr Cheng's complaInts were resolved through Minutes of Settlement and a number of
others, IncludIng #011-97 were dropped wIthout reasons beIng stated.
Under these cIrcumstances, the decIsIOn not to proceed to Stage 2 cannot bInd the
Umon or the gnevor to the Employer's InterpretatIOn of the collectIve agreement or
render Mr Cheng's January 1999 gnevance Inarbltrable As set forth In Re Ecbtards of
Canada, Unit of General Signal of Canada Ltd and United Steehwrkers, Local 7466
supra at p 146 "The arbItral Junsprudence IS all but unammous In denYIng probatIve
value to InterpretatIOns Involved In pre-arbItratIOn settlements, at least unless the partIes
have clearly set out In mInutes of settlement that the InterpretatIOn should govern In the
future" That pnnclple IS even more compellIng where there IS no formal settlement of
the dIspute As ArbItrator Adams noted at pp 146-47 "It was not establIshed whether
the matter was settled or sImply abandoned and hence I cannot draw any Inference that
by ItS actIOn the umon agreed wIth the employer's InterpretatIOn."
The ratIOnale for requmng a clear Intent that the InterpretatIOn should govern In
the future rests wIth the nature and purpose of the gnevance procedure - an Informal
process to resolve dIsputes at the earlIest stage possIble As stated In Re City of London
and C UP.E. Local 101 (1976) 13 LAC (2d) 213 at 214-1S (Hinnegan)
[N]o probatIve value can be gIven to an arbItratIOn settlement at least
unless the partIes have clearly set out mInutes of settlement or otherwIse
shown IntentIOn that the InterpretatIOn should govern In the future The
reason for thIS IS sImply that a pre-arbItratIOn settlement IS almost always
made In the spmt of compromIse whIch IS a fundamental of the dynamIcs
of labour relatIOns wIth no necessary IntentIOn that the settlement should
govern In all events In the future
SImIlarly as stated In Palmer Collective Agreement Arbitration in Canada, at p
Settlement or wIthdrawal of a partIcular gnevance does not prevent a party
from takIng sImIlar matters whIch anse subsequently to arbItratIOn. ThIS
has been explaIned as follows
Settlements at any stage of the gnevance procedure precedIng
arbItratIOn do not have to be In conformIty wIth the partIes' legal
nghts and oblIgatIOns No party to a settlement IS estopped thereby
In relatIOn to the arbItratIOn of a sImIlar matter anSIng subsequently
But the settlement Itself IS bIndIng.
Most cases have held that In order for the InterpretatIOn of the collectIve
agreement Involved In pre-arbItratIOn settlements to be of precedentlal
value In arbItratIOn, the partIes must so bInd themselves expressly
These pnnclples were followed In Re Longyear Canada and Int I Association of
Machinists supra In that case "some years back" the Umon had filed a gnevance on
behalf of an IndIVIdual contestIng the company's lettIng field employees, who were not
part of the bargaInIng umt, carry goods desIgnated for general delIvery to a Job sIte The
Umon wIthdrew the gnevance pnor to It beIng referred to arbItratIOn, and the presIdent of
the umon stated, at the tIme, that he dId not feel that the umon had a gnevance Later the
umon filed another gnevance raiSIng the same Issue - whether field employee could carry
goods desIgnated for general delIvery to a Job sIte The employer argued that the second
gnevance was barred by the wIthdrawal of the earlIer one, both on an estoppel basIs as
well as the pnnclple of abandonment.
ArbItrator Plcher reJected the contentIOn that the wIthdrawal of the gnevance
accompamed by the presIdent's words "we don't have a gnevance" constItuted a
representatIOn or ImplIcatIOn that the umon agreed wIth the company's practIce or that It
would not seek to stnctly enforce ItS nghts under the collectIve agreement. Although she
agreed that "In the Interest of certaInty finalIty efficIency and the Integnty of the
process, a umon that settled as gnevance allegIng a vIOlatIOn based on a partIcular
IncIdent cannot later refile the same gnevance based on the on the same IncIdent," she
reJected the contentIOn that wIthdrawal of a "gnevance InvolvIng the same subJect-matter
or the same general pnnclple" barred the later gnevance (2 L AC (3d) at 81-82)
AccordIngly a decIsIOn by an employee not to pursue a gnevance should not,
wIthout more, constItute a representatIOn or agreement to accept the Employer's
InterpretatIOn of the collectIve agreement. As stated by Vice-Chair Hams In Ontario
Liquor Board Employees Union (Laviviere) supra at p 5 "The wIthdrawal, settlement
or abandonment of a gnevance cannot necessanly be taken as acqUIescence In the
OpposIte party's VIew of arbltrabIlIty for all other matters and all other gnevors" In my
VIew thIS IS especIally true at the earlIest stages of the gnevance procedure Under the
partIes' collectIve agreement, WIth the exceptIOn of umon gnevances, It IS the IndIVIdual
employee who decIdes whether or not to proceed to Stages 2 and 3 The employee has
the optIOn to be accompamed and represented by a umon representatIve dunng those
stages but may act alone Dunng Stage 1 unless "otherwIse agreed" a meetIng to dISCUSS
a complaInt or dIfference "shall only be attended by the employee and hIs/her
supervIsor" GIven the nature and purpose of the gnevance procedure, the decIsIOn of an
employee not to pursue hIS or her claim dunng these early stages should not, by Itself,
bInd the Umon to the Employer's posItIOn on an Important Issue of contract
ThIS pnnclple applIes regardless of whether or not complaInt #011-97 should be
consIdered a "gnevance" Under ArtIcle 27 an employee may have a "complaInt or
dIfference" whIch does not Involve a "dIfference ansIng from the InterpretatIOn,
applIcatIOn, admInIstratIOn or alleged contraventIOn" of the collectIve agreement. The
words "complaInt or dIfference" are dIfferent from and broader than the defimtIOn of a
"gnevance" But regardless of whether complaInt #011-97 should be consIdered a
"gnevance" or sImply a "complaInt or dIfference" Mr Cheng's decIsIOn not to proceed
to Stage 2 cannot, under the facts of thIS case, constItute a representatIOn whIch estops
hIm, or res judicata or an abandonment whIch would preclude thIS Board from havIng
JunsdlctIOn to hear the January 1999 gnevance
In Re Lakehead District Roman Catholic Separate School Board, supra,
ArbItrator WhItaker determIned that In decIdIng whether a wIthdrawn gnevance
constItuted eIther an Issue estoppel or res judicata wIth respect to any subsequent
gnevance filed on the same Issue the arbItrator's role was "to construe the understandIng
of the partIes based on the CIrcumstances surroundIng the wIthdrawal" In so rulIng, he
cIted to Re Acme Strapping Co and United Steehwrkers, Local 6572 (1991), 22 LAC
( 4th) 400 at 415 (Baum) that the key questIOn IS whether "wIthdrawal of a
gnevance has been taken by the partIes to mean a settlement of the dIspute on the other
party's terms"
In thIS case, there IS no eVIdence that the wIthdrawal of #011-97 was taken by the
Umon or the gnevor to mean a settlement of the dIspute on the Employer's terms
Clearly It was wIthdrawn, but wIthout more, It cannot be assumed that It was wIthdrawn
on the basIs that the Umon and gnevor were concedIng the correctness of the Employer's
posItIOn. Accord Re Nabob Foods Ltd and Canadian Allied Manufacturers Wholesale
and Retail Union (1982) 2 L.AC (3rd) 353 (GermaIne)
In Ontario Liquor Board Employees Union (Laviviere) supra, a case relIed upon
by both partIes, Vice-Chair Hams concluded that "a party may not bnng forward another
complaInt over the same fact sItuatIOn after that fact sItuatIOn has been settled,
abandoned, wIthdrawn, or finally determIned by a competent tnbunal" He contInued at
p 5
The settlement, abandonment, wIthdrawal or determInatIOn of a specIfic
matter bnngs that matter to an end. That does not prevent another
dIfferent matter from beIng lItIgated. Where the subsequent matter
Involves the applIcatIOn of sImIlar legal pnnclpals to a sImIlar fact
sItuatIOn the result may be easIly predIcted, unless the pnor determInatIOn
IS mamfestly wrong None the less, the matter IS lItIgable
SImIlarly In OPSEU (Akker) and Ministry of Correctional Services, supra, the
Board reJected the Mimstry's contentIOn that the wIthdrawal of an earlIer sImIlar
gnevance was res judicata or Issue estoppel and barred a subsequent gnevance In both
cases the gnevor alleged that the Issuance of an attendance letter constItuted harassment.
The first gnevance was wIthdrawn on the basIs that the attendance letter was not
"dIscIplIne" The Board ruled at p 4 that thIS was "not a sItuatIOn In whIch thIS gnevance
could be said to anse from the earlIer gnevance" nor dId It Involve a "gnevor who has
settled a matter to have second thoughts and relItlgate the Issue" Instead, It found that
there was "no basIs to find that thIS matter [the Issue of harassment] ha[d] been resolved
by ItS wIthdrawal"
In thIS case, the partIes dIspute whether or not the 1997 complaInt and the 1999
gnevance concern the "same fact sItuatIOn." I conclude that they do not Involve the same
fact sItuatIOn, they Involve the same legal Issues The 1997 complaInt concerns two days
In January 1997 when the gnevor dId not receIve a shIft dIfferentIal The 1999 gnevance
concerns some dates In December 1998 when the gnevor dId not receIve a shIft
dIfferentIal The specIfic facts that led to the two complaInts are dIfferent. The legal
Issues raised regardIng the InterpretatIOn of ArtIcle 6 15(a) are IdentIcal
Even though the legal Issues are the same, I cannot conclude that the decIsIOn not
to proceed wIth #001-97 bars the 1999 gnevance The basIc reason for the "arbItral rule
of abandonment" lIes In fostenng the "orderly proceSSIng of gnevances" and provIdIng a
"measure of finalIty to the resolutIOn of gnevances " Re Nabob Foods Ltd and Canadian
Allied Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail Union (1982) 2 L.AC (3d) 353 357
(GermaIne) As stated In that decIsIOn at p 357
A trade umon IS therefore precluded from ImplIcItly concedIng an Issue
and then later reconsldenng ItS posItIOn and attemptIng to pursue the same
Issue Employers are thus protected from beIng "plagued and harassed"
In thIS case there IS no eVIdence that the Umon or the gnevor through the
wIthdrawal of #011-97 explIcItly or ImplIedly accepted the Employer's posItIOn on
ArtIcle 6 15(a) and conceded the Issue There IS no eVIdence, or suggestIOn, that
complaInt #011-97 was wIthdrawn by the Umon and the Instant gnevance filed to harass
the Employer or otherwIse abuse the gnevance process See Re Governing Council of
the University of Toronto and Service Employees Union, Local 204 supra, Re Longyear
Canada and Int I Association of Machinists, supra. Contra Re Weston Bakeries Ltd and
Milk and Bread Drivers, Dairy Employees Caterers and Allied Employees Local 647
supra There IS no eVIdence that the Employer relIed on the fact that #011-97 dId not
proceed to Stage 2 to ItS detnment. AccordIngly under the specIfic facts of thIS case, I
cannot conclude that thIS matter - the proper InterpretatIOn of ArtIcle 6 15(a) - has been
resolved by the decIsIOn not to proceed wIth complaInt #011-97 or that ItS wIthdrawal or
abandonment constItutes an Issue estoppel or res judicata
For all of the reasons stated above, the Employer's prelImInary motIOn IS demed.
Dated at Toronto thIS 3rd day of August, 2001
RandI H. Abramsky Vice-Chair