HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-1790.OToole et al.03-03-26 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
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GSB#1790/00.0111/01 0113/01 0486/01 0575/01 0576/01 0635/01 0636/01 0714/01 0724/01 1128/01 1497/01
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Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(O'Toole et al ) Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE FelIcIty Bnggs Vice-Chair
FOR THE UNION Scott Andrews
Gnevance Officer
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
Staff RelatIOns Officer
Mimstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty
HEARING July 12 and September 19 2002
In September of 1996 the MInIstry of CorrectIOnal ServIces notIfied the Umon and
employees at a number of provIncial correctIOnal InstItutIOns that theIr facIlItIes would
be closed and/or restnlctured over the next few years On June 6, 2000 and June 29,
2000 the Umon filed pohcy and IndIVIdual gnevances that alleged varIOUS breaches of
the collectIve agreement IncludIng artIcle 6 and artIcle 31 15 as well as gnevances
relatIng to the filhng of correctIOnal officer posItIOns In response to these gnevances
the partIes entered Into dIscussIOns and ultImately agreed upon two Memoranda of
Settlement concernIng the apphcatIOn of the collectIve agreement dunng the "first
phase of the MInIstry's transItIOn" One memorandum, dated May 3, 2000 (hereInafter
to as "MERe I" (MInIstry Employment RelatIOns CommIttee)) outhned condItIons for
the correctIOnal officers wlule the second, dated July 19, 2001 (hereInafter referred to
as "MERe 2") provIded for the non-correctIOnal officer staff Both agreements were
subject to ratIficatIOn by respectIve prIncIples and settled all of the gnevances IdentIfied
In the related MERe appendIces, filed up to that pOInt In tune
WhIle It was agreed In each case that the settlements were "wIthout prejUdICe or
precedent to posItIOns eIther the umon or the employer may take on the same Issues In
future dIscussIOns", the partIes recogmzed that dIsputes mIght anse regardIng the
ImplementatIOn of the memoranda. AccordIngly, they agreed, at Part G, paragraph 8
The partIes agree that they wIll request that FehcIty Bnggs, VIce Chair of the
Gnevance Settlement Board wIll be seIzed wIth resolvIng any dIsputes that anse
from the unplementatIOn of tlus agreement
It IS tlus agreement that provIdes me wIth the jUnSdIctIOn to resolve the outstandIng
Both MERe 1 and MERe 2 are lengthy and comprehensIve documents that provIde for
the IdentIficatIOn of vacanCIes and posItIOns and the procedure for fillIng those
posItIOns as they become aVailable throughout vanous phases of the restructunng
GIven the complexIty and SIze of the task of restructunng and decommIssIOmng of
InstItutIOns, It IS not surpnSIng that a number of gnevances and dIsputes arose ThIS
award deals wIth those dIsputes that have arIsen under the MERe Memoranda of
The partIes attended at an arbItratIOn heanng and provIded facts and submIssIOns
concernIng the outstandIng Issues In large measure the facts were In agreement All of
the gnevances were from three correctIOnal facIlItIes and I wIll deal wIth each In turn
Barrie Jail
The Barne JaIl was IdentIfied as one of the four facIlItIes hnked to the pnvatIzatIOn of
the Central North CorrectIOnal Centre (hereInafter referred to as "CNCC") In
Penetangmshene The bargaInIng umt employees from the Barne JaIl were Informed
that theIr nghts and entItlements under the CollectIve Agreement would come from
AppendIx 18 - Schedule C - Transfers Through Tendenng (ServIce Restructunng) of
the CollectIve Agreement In effect at the sahent tIme
In early 2001 these employees were gIven the optIOn under AppendIx 18 to opt Into the
RFP (Request for Proposal) and move to the new employer In accordance wIth the
prOVISIOn of the CollectIve Agreement or opt out of the RFP and be released from
employment wIth severance as provIded at AppendIx 18 Schedule C
The agreements allowed some classIfied employees at the Barne JaIl access to lateral
transfers There was also an electIOn process to detennIne employees' ehgIbIhty
provIded In the memoranda of agreement and the classIfied employees at the BarrIe JaIl
were subsequently gIven an opportumty to opt Into tlllS agreement
On May 5, 2001 the MInIstry announced the successful bIdder to operate the new
facIhty (CCNC) In Penetangmshene On October 28, 2001, the employer released those
bargaInIng umt employees at the BarrIe JaIl who had.
1 Opted Into the RFP under AppendIx 18 to allow them to start work at CNCC for
the new employer on October 29,2001, and
2 The employees who had opted out of the RFP under AppendIx 18 and who had
not receIved or had refused a lateral transfer to a transItIOn cost centre or to
another work locatIOn under the MERe agreements and who had obtaIned
employment outsIde of the OPS wIth the new employer at CNCC or wIth another
The bargaInIng umt members who had elected to, and receIved a lateral transfer to the
BarrIe JaIl transItIOn cost centre, were Infonned they would not be released at tlllS tune
as the BarrIe JaIl contInued to house Inmates
FIve employees at the Barne JaIl have filed gnevances The partIes agreed to put three
questIOns for my determInatIOn It IS hoped that a decIsIOn on these three questIOns wIll
substantIally address the Issues In dIspute ansIng from those gnevances The partIes
made submIssIOns regardIng each of the questIOns Before addressIng each of the three
questIOns, I wIll set out a few of the specIfic facts about the gnevors that are relevant to
my determInatIon
The five gnevors are employees who had laterally transferred to the Barne JaIl
transItIOn cost centre and all had Informally notIfied the employer that they wIshed to
exerCIse theIr pay In heu nghts under ArtIcle 20, upon receIpt of theIr surplus notIce
Each gnevor claimed they receIved employment offers from the new pnvate operator at
CNCC Management at the Barne JaIl had a hst of those employees to whom the
pnvate operator had made employment offers However, the Employer dId not release
these gnevors at that tIme AccordIng to the gnevors, the pnvate operator Informed
them that If they could not be released at such a tune so as to allow them to report for
work at CNCC on October 29, 2001, the offer of employment would be wIthdrawn
Further, CNCC would not gIve a commItment to these employees that a Job would be
held for them untIl theIr release
The gnevors have filed gnevances claimIng that the employer Improperly created two
surplus dates to theIr detnment It was the gnevor's VIew that throughout the process,
employer representatIves told them that all of the Inmates at the BarrIe Jail would be
moved to the CNCC facIhty at the same tIme and then all of the employees would be
It was the gnevor's posItIOn that accordIng to ArtIcle 20 and AppendIx 18 of the
CollectIve Agreement there should have been only one surplus date The employer was
unreasonable In eXerCISIng ItS nghts as It dId and ItS Inappropnate actIOns
dIsadvantaged the gnevors There would have been sufficIent employees to operate the
facIhty If the Employer had allowed the gnevors to leave when they requested to do so
Further, the common surplus date referred to In the MERe 1 and 2 agreements was
Intended to ensure that the employees who elected ArtIcle 20 nghts wantIng to stay In
the Ontano Pubhc ServIce would have reasonable and eqUItable opportumtIes at
redeployment and bumpIng prOVISIOns It should not have apphed to them because they
had Infonnally IndIcated to the MInIStry of theIr desIre to leave
It was the Employer's posItIOn that the gnevors could not be released untIl all of the
Inmates of the JaIl were removed. The Employer had a common surplus date of
November 21,2001, whIch apphed to four transItIOn cost centres, as well as Welhngton
DetentIOn Centre, Waterloo DetentIOn Centre, Brantford JaIl, some VanIer Center for
Women, as well as those employees IdentIfied at the cloSIng facIlItIes whose posItIOns
were hnked to IntermIttent and escort functIOn Further, the Employer suggested that
the partIes specIfically consIdered tlllS matter In theIr agreement and It dId not breach
those prOVISIOns Paragraph 6 found at page three of the MERe 1 states
The employees will rem am at their current work sIte until the date the
mstItutlOn no longer houses mmates or another date agreed to by the
employer and the employee. Upon mutual agreement employees may
be temporarily assigned elsewhere until their placement occurs.
1 DId the employer have the nght to create two dIfferent dates for release from
employment, as contemplated In the MERe 1 and 2 agreements, the CollectIve
Agreement ArtIcle 20 and AppendIx 18?
2 DId the employer exerCIse bad faith In not releasIng the employees on October 28,
2001 who were afforded ArtIcle 20 nghts as captured by MERe 1 and 2 and the
collectIve agreement?
3 Were the gnevors dIsadvantaged by the employer's actIOns? If so, what remedy IS
The preamble of MERe 1 states
The partIes agree to the folloWIng settlement of Umon pohcy gnevances dated
June 6, 2000 and June 29, 2000, IndIVIdual and group gnevances, hsted In
AppendIx A, regardIng ArtIcle 31 15 and ArtIcle 6, wIth regard to all CO
posItIOns at all InstItutIOns All such gnevances filed up to the date of sIgnIng of
thIS agreement are settled by vIrtue of the agreement The processes Identified
m this agreement shall commence after the ImplementatIOn of the
Memorandum of Settlement (GSB File #1252/00 et all signed March 13,
2001 The partIes wIll meet to dISCUSS details of outstandIng vacanCIes and
converSIOns for all posItIOns other than CorrectIOnal Officer posItIOns pnor to
May 1,2001
(emphasIs mIne)
Generally speakIng, the MERe agreements are, as prevIOusly stated, comprehensIve
documents that were arnved at after negotIatIOns No doubt In thIS matter as wIth most
settlements there were compromIses made by each party It IS eVIdent from the detail
set out In the agreements that the partIes stnved to resolve the gnevances that were
outstandIng at the tIme and attempted to estabhsh a process that artIculated sIgmficant
nghts to employees but provIded the Employer the abIhty to efficIently operate ItS
busIness As I understand It, there were, at the tnne, many major changes that were
about to occur In a number of workplaces Those changes would clearly have a
sIgmficant effect on all of the employees many of whom had worked In those
InstItutIOns for many years A reVIew of the MERe agreements reveals the partIes
worked dIhgently to affect a settlement that provIded a balance of the Interests of the
SpecIfically regardIng the first questIOn posed by the partIes I must find for the
Employer Paragraph 6 IS clear that there IS an obhgatIOn on employees to remaIn at an
InstItutIOn untIl no Inmates remaIn There IS a proVIsIOn that another date can be agreed
upon between the employer and employees ThIS would facIhtate the employers need to
reduce the number of employees as the Inmate populatIOn reduced as well as allow for
partIcular employee needs regardIng theIr future However, for an employee to be
released pnor to the date that the Jail IS empty of Inmates specIfically and very clearly
reqUIres agreement between the employer and the employee The qUld pro quo for the
employees IS that the Employer IS obhged to contInue theIr employment at the Jail for
the same penod or, If mutually agreed, allow a temporary assIgnment elsewhere It IS
not surpnSIng that there would be Instances when one party wants an end date that IS
not convement to and therefore not agreed upon by the other party Further, there IS
notlllng that I could find In eIther artIcle 20 or In AppendIx 18 that would lead me to
find that the Employer's failure to have one surplus date was In breach of the collectIve
As I understand the dIspute, the gnevors have alleged that the very fact that the
Employer would not release them on October 28, 2001 constItuted bad faith I thInk
not Even If there were other staff remaInIng In the Jail In number sufficIent to attend to
the Inmates there IS nothIng before me that would have me find bad faith The
agreement gIves the employer (and employees) certaIn nghts and It IS not bad faith If
eIther the Employer or employees InSISt on those nghts
FInally, regardIng the final questIOn at thIS facIhty, It mIght be that some employees
were each negatIvely affected. No doubt that IS why gnevances were filed. However,
the mere findIng of an employee beIng dIsadvantaged IS not sufficIent for theIr
gnevance to be upheld. In order for thIS Board to uphold a gnevance and order a
remedy It must first find a contractual breach and I cannot make such a findIng In the
facts before me
The newly created Maplehurst Female InstItutIOn (hereInafter referred to as "MFI") wIll
house more than 340 remanded and provIncially sentenced female Inmates once It IS
fully operatIOnal Adult female Inmates currently housed at HamIlton Wentworth
DetentIOn Centre (hereInafter referred to as "HWDC"), Metro West DetentIOn Centre
(hereInafter referred to as "MWDC"), and V amer Centre for Women (hereInafter
referred to as "VCW") wIll be transferred to the new facIhty over the next months
MWDC and HWDC wIll no longer house adult female Inmates Bed space created by
the move wIll be filled wIth male offenders VCW adult umts wIll close when the adult
female Inmates are moved wIth the exceptIOn of one umt, whIch currently houses
female young offenders, whIch wIll remaIn open at the current Vamer locatIOn It wIll
be known as the Vamer IntermIttent Female Young Offender Umt (hereInafter referred
to as "VIFYOU")
The Mimstry's pohcy on the supervIsIOn of Inmates In accordance wIth the Adult
InstItutIOn Pohcy and Procedures manual IS as follows
The mInIstry's pohcy WIth respect to the assIgnment of male and female
correctIOnal officers IS desIgned to be consIstent WIth the Ontarzo Human Rlghts
Code's prohIbItIon on dISCnmInatIOn on the grounds of sex In hInng and work
assIgnments whIle demonstratIng consIderatIOn and sensItIvIty towards the
personal dIgmty and modesty of Inmates
These objectIves are achIeved by ensunng an appropnate balance of male and
female officers on each shIft so that dutIes reqUInng officers of the same sex as
Inmates can be performed routInely (1 e , superVIsIOn of showers, escorts, etc )
In dIscussIOn, the MInIStry IndIcated that In order to meet ItS obhgatIOns for female
offenders around programmIng, female Inmate pnvacy and the pohcy on same sex
supervIsIOn there was a need to have a hIgher percentage of female classIfied
correctIOnal officers than male classIfied correctIOnal officers at the InstItutIOns
Dunng the transItIOn of the facIlItIes It was agreed between the MInIStry and the Umon
that a mInImUm of 75 per cent of the classIfied correctIOnal officer posItIOns for the
new MFI facIhty for the new MFI facIhty would be offered to female correctIOnal
officers only It was further agreed that a mInImUm of 75 percent of the correctIOnal
officer posItIOns allocated at the VIFYOU would be offered to female correctIOnal
officers only
The agreed upon proportIOn of seventy five percent was hIgher than the female
correctIOnal officer percentage had lllstoncally been at the only prevIOusly exclusIvely
female InstItutIOn (VCW) That ratIO had been less than 70 percent However, both
partIes recogmzed that a hIgher ratIO of females would be needed for a number of
reasons For example, female correctIOnal staff wIll exclusIvely staff the very busy,
large admIttIng and dIscharge area and the health care/Infirmary area at MFI These
two areas of exclusIvely female correctIOnal officer represent at least 17 out of 98
posItIOns Other areas may also reqUIre exclusIve female staffing as well The balance
of posItIOns at MFI would reqUIre a blendIng of female and male correctIOnal officers to
the extent that all eIght separate hVIng umts wIll have constant correctIOnal officer
supervIsIOn dunng the 16 hours of daily unlock.
Therefore, a ratIO of 75 percent female classIfied correctIOnal officers to 25 percent
male classIfied correctIOnal officers was agreed upon as the appropnate ratIO As a
result of the agreement of the necessary percentage of female correctIOnal officers,
some male correctIOnal officers at the three InstItutIOns were unable to secure posItIOns
at MFI or VIFYOU At the same tune female classIfied correctIOnal officers wIth less
semonty were successful In gaInIng posItIOns where the male officers had been demed
All correctIOnal officers who were unsuccessful In gaInIng posItIOns, or who were not
Interested In posItIOns at MFI or VIFYOU eIther remaIned In theIr current posItIOn at
MWDC or HWDC, or In the case of VCW, were surplussed under ArtIcle 20 of the
CollectIve Agreement and offered Jobs wIthIn 40 kIlometers A number of gnevances
were filed In thIS regard.
1 Is the agreement regardIng the mInllllUm percentage of female classIfied correctIOnal
officers, as described In MERe 1, In comphance wIth the Ontarzo Human Rlghts
Code and ArtIcle 3 of the CollectIve Agreement?
2 Is the agreement on a mInllllUm percentage of female classIfied correctIOnal officers,
as described In MERe 1, In comphance wIth the layoff/semonty prOVISIOns of the
CollectIve Agreement?
Part F of the MERe 1 agreement states the folloWIng at page 10
In order to comply wIth the mInIstry's pohcy on same sex superVISIOn and In
comphance wIth ArtIcle 3 of the CollectIve Agreement, the partIes agree to the
folloWIng process to staff the CorrectIOnal Officer ClassIfied complement at the
Maplehurst Female InstItutIOn (MFI) In addItIon nothIng In thIS agreement
constItutes Umon agreement to the current complements IdentIfied In tlllS
1 After full Inmate occupancy, the staffing complement at Maplehurst Female
InstItutIOn wIll be a mInllllUm of seventy-five (75%) per cent classIfied
Female CorrectIOnal Officers ClassIfied CorrectIOnal Officers at three (3)
facIlItIes, Metro West DetentIOn Centre, HamIlton Wentworth DetentIOn
Centre and Vamer wIll be offered CorrectIOnal Officer posItIOns In
accordance wIth tlllS agreement
2 The partIes wIll maIntaIn a mInllllUm of seventy-five (75%) classIfied female
CorrectIOnal Officer complement at MFI on an ongOIng basIs
The partIes further agreed to a staffing process for each of InstItutIOns whereby a
percentage of female staff were offered posItIOns on the basIs of semonty The
remaInIng posItIOns were offered to officers of both genders In descendIng order of
As the result of gnevances that were filed by correctIOnal officers, the partIes have
asked If theIr agreement vIOlates the Human Rlghts Code or ArtIcle 3 of the CollectIve
Employees are protected by statute from dISCnmInatIOn based on a vanety of prohibIted
grounds In the PrOVInce of OntarIO IncludIng gender Further, ArtIcle 3 In the collectIve
agreement between these partIes provIdes that "no dISCnmInatIOn shall be practIced by
reason of sex " In my VIew, the fact that the Employer and the Umon have
agreed on a staffing complement that IS not equal for both genders does not, In and of
Itself, vIOlate the Human Rlghts Code or ArtIcle 3 of the CollectIve Agreement There
has been much Junsprudence In thIS area and It IS not my IntentIOn to reVIew It In any
detail It IS sufficIent to say that the obhgatIOn of no dISCnmInatIOn In the workplace
does not mean that there has to be gender equahty of the workforce However, there
does have to be legItImate, bonafide reasons for pohcIes or practIces that tend to favour
one gender over another as IS beIng suggested by the gnevors In tlllS matter In the
Instant case, the partIes put theIr mInds to the legItImate need that female Inmates have
for correctIOnal officers of the same gender to be In charge of theIr IncarceratIOn GIven
the nature of the busIness It would be dIfficult to find that such a staffing agreement IS
not reasonable Therefore, I find that neIther the collectIve agreement nor the Human
Rlghts Code has been vIOlated.
The gnevors have also suggested that the mInllllUm percentage of female classIfied
correctIOnal officers vIOlated the lay-off and semonty prOVISIOns of the collectIve
agreement I thInk not The Mimstry InstItuted a pohcy dealIng wIth the Issue of same
sex supervIsIOn and that pohcy brought about a recogmtIOn that In vanous InstItutIOns
there IS a number of male correctIOnal officer posItIOns and a number of female
correctIOnal officer posItIOns AgaIn, that dehneatIOn of posItIOns based on gender IS
neIther dISCnmInatory nor unreasonable In the CIrcumstances It therefore follows that
the determInatIOn and IdentIficatIOn of the posItIOns to be laid off would Include takIng
that gender mIX Into account To do so dId not vIOlate artIcle 18 or artIcle 20
In the fall of 2000 the MInIStry Informed employees at the Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre
(hereInafter referred to as "G C C") that the operatIOn was beIng relocated to the
CNCC wIth the exceptIOn of the Guelph Assessment and Treatment Umt (hereInafter
referred to as "GA TU") Employees were told that GA TU was gOIng to be temporanly
relocated to the vacated Welhngton DetentIOn Centre After approxImately two years In
tlus nearby locatIOn It would be pennanently located In BrockvIlle The Issue of GATU
employee nghts upon the relocatIOn to BrockvIlle was unknown at that tIme
The Inmate populatIOn at GATU Included a sIgmficant number of mentally
handIcapped and mentally III Inmates In GATU, the Inmates receIved a greater level of
programs and treatment The correctIOnal staff were assIgned responsibIhty for a small
number of Inmates In conjUnctIOn wIth treatment staff such as nurses and social
workers No correctIOnal officers or other employees were lured to work exclusIvely In
GA TU WhIle no formal postIng eXIsted for GA TU correctIOnal officer posItIOns,
classIfied correctIOnal officers could request to be assIgned to GA TU As the result of a
gnevance settlement, IndIVIduals would be moved from theIr GATU posItIOn to
accommodate new IndIVIduals The correctIOnal officer wIth the longest penod of
assIgnment In GA TU would be moved back Into the maIn correctIOnal center Pnor to
assumIng a GA TU assIgnment an employee would meet wIth semor staff for onentatIOn
about workIng wIth mentally III and mentally dIsabled Inmates
By letter dated November 21, 2000, the Employer IdentIfied a specIfic number of
posItIOns for certaIn classIficatIOns that would be needed for the contInuIng operatIOn of
GA TU Ehgible employees were InvIted to IndIcate theIr Interest In beIng assIgned to
G.A.TU If there were more employees Interested than aVailable posItIOns assIgnment
deCISIOns were based on semonty All employees who dId not receIve an assIgnment to
a GATU posItIOn because they were Inehgible for a posItIOn because of lower semonty
or due to a lack of posItIOn aVaIlabIhty were then offered a posItIOn at eN C C In
accordance wIth AppendIx 18
A small group of Industnal employees who worked at Gee for TRILCOR (pnson
Industnes) were not Included In the RFP for the pnvate pnson Nor were those who
had already succeeded In attaInIng the Jobs at G.A.T U
After the letters InVItIng employees to apply to GA TU posItIOns were Issued and the
resultIng posItIOns were assIgned to semor IndIVIduals a decIsIOn by the Gnevance
Settlement Board, chaired by VIce Chair Brown, was released that ordered the number
of posItIOns at GA TU Increased by five Those extra posItIOns were awarded to
IndIVIduals who had already IndIcated theIr Interest In GA TU but had not sufficIent
semonty to attaIn a posItIOn In the first Instance In addItIon VIce Chair Brown
awarded a number of "ArtIcle 20 posItIOns" for correctIOnal officers and others for
work related to escort work and for IntennIttent work at Burtch CorrectIOnal Centre
Those ArtIcle 20 posItIOns, whIch were offered on the basIs of semonty, created further
GA TU vacanCIes, whIch In turn were filled from the ongInal electIOn hst from
November of 2000 For example, a semor correctIOnal officer who had ongInally
obtaIned a GATU posItIOn as the result of the electIOn process later accepted an ArtIcle
20 escort posItIOn HIs/her posItIOn In GATU then became aVailable for a correctIOnal
officer wIth less semonty No GATU posItIOns were aVailable to correctIOnal officers
at the other three AppendIx 18 InstItutIOns (Burtch CorrectIOnal Centre, BarrIe JaIl and
Parry Sound JaIl) However, ArtIcle 20 posItIOns IdentIfied for those InstItutIOns and
specIfic to those InstItutIOns were offered to CorrectIOnal Officers at the three
It was after these events that the partIes negotIated the MERe agreements The partIes
agreed that, where possible, correctIOnal officers at the four RFP InstItutIOns IncludIng
Gee were to be offered optIOns to remaIn In the Ontano Pubhc ServIce Pnor to the
MERe 1 agreement those correctIOnal officers who dId not have a GA TV posItIOn or
an ArtIcle 20 posItIOn had only the optIOns of acceptIng employment at the pnvate
pnson or resIgnIng from the pubhc serVIce
In accordance wIth the MERe 1 agreement the folloWIng took place
1) CorrectIOnal officers at the four RFP InstItutIOns, except for those
correctIOnal officers who had prevIOusly been offered the optIOn of ArtIcle
20 were offered transfers to a transItIOnal cost center vacancy The
transItIOnal cost center posItIOns then gave successful correctIOnal officers
ArtIcle 20 nghts
2) CorrectIOnal officers at the four RFP InstItutIOns who had receIved neIther
an offer of a transItIOn cost center vacancy nor an ArtIcle 20 optIOn were
automatIcally Included on the MInIstry lateral transfer hst for all vacanCIes
These correctIOnal officers were added to those already named on the
MInIstry lateral transfer hst as of the ongInal date of the agreement In
Apnl of 2001 When a correctIOnal officer accepted a lateral transfer to
another facIhty from one of the RFP InstItutIOns that person dId not
transfer ImmedIately In accordance wIth the agreement, the correctIOnal
officer remaIned at theIr current facIhty untIl the facIhty no longer housed
Inmates or untIl another date that was agreed upon by the employer and
employee However, the correctIOnal officer was no longer consIdered an
employee of the RFP InstItutIOn Further, upon acceptance of the posItIOn
the employee was governed by the prOVISIOns of the CollectIve Agreement
apphcable to theIr new posItIOn
3) Subsequent to these events, vacanCIes created In GA TU as a result of the
agreement contInued to be offered to Guelph correctIOnal officers who had
IndIcated that they wIshed a GATU posItIOn In the November of 2000
electIOn process except for those who had accepted a lateral transfer
QuestIOn #1
Should employees have been allowed to change theIr electIOn for GA TU folloWIng the
November of 2000 process?
It was the Umon's posItIOn that some IndIVIduals dId not express an Interest In a GATU
correctIOnal officer posItIOn In November of 2000 because they thought they had
InsufficIent semonty to have a reasonable chance of attaInIng one of the posItIOns
Further, CIrcumstances sIgmficantly changed after November of 2000 Those
employees should have had the nght to change theIr electIOn because there was greater
opportumty for Jumor employees after the MERe 1 agreement was Implemented.
It was the Employer's VIew that the employees were advIsed In November of 2000 that
CIrcumstances regardIng the number of posItIOns at GATU mIght change or that other
opportumtIes would likely anse allowIng more Jumor employees access to the GA TU
posItIOns Indeed, many Jumor employees elected to accept a GA TU posItIOn In
November of 2000 and were successful NothIng changed wIth respect to the ongOIng
GA TU operatIOn other than a shght Increase In the number of correctIOnal officers
needed. Moreover, If the Employer had re-run the electIOn for GATU posItIOns after
each process was completed admInIstratIve chaos would have resulted.
DecIsIOn - QuestIOn #1
I can find nothIng In any of the relevant terms and prOVISIOns that would lead me to find
that the Employer was obhged to re-run the electIOn process for the GA TU posItIOns It
IS unfortunate that employees chose not to elect for the GATU posItIOns because they
thought It unlikely they would be successful However, there was no agreement that
people would have a second consIderatIOn of thIS matter Further, It IS understandable
that If the Employer had agreed to re-run the electIOn process consIderable tunnOlI and
upheaval would have followed. Many employees who thought they were finally settled
mIght have agaIn been told that theIr locatIOn or status was uncertaIn For these reasons,
I must dIsmIss tlllS questIOn
QuestIOn #2
Should employees who accepted lateral transfer posItIOns under Part B of MERe have
been offered GATU posItIOns dunng the lateral transfer process? Further, after
acceptIng a lateral transfer posItIOn under Part B should employees have been offered
GATU posItIOn?
It was the gnevor's posItIOn that IndIVIduals who accepted lateral transfer posItIOns
should have been offered the optIOn of a GA TU posItIOn at the tune they were offered
the lateral transfer posItIOn, If posItIOns had become aVailable as a result of Part A.
The Employer submItted that tlllS was not contemplated In the agreement and would
have been dIfficult, If not ImpoSSIble, to admInIster In accordance wIth the MERe
agreements approxImately 500 employees at not only the four RFP InstItutIOns but at
many other InstItutIOns were beIng dealt wIth Each acceptance or change In an
employee's status had the potentIal to Impact on hterally dozens of others Further, If
Gee correctIOnal officers who accepted lateral transfers were allowed to take GATU
posItIOns after the transfer had been completed they would have been Inehgible SInce
theIr nghts would no longer flow from theIr former Guelph posItIOn
DecIsIOn - QuestIOn #2
After consIderatIOn I must agree wIth the Employer's VIew In thIS matter AgaIn, It IS
not dIfficult to see that allowIng employees an opportumty to change theIr mInds dunng
such a complex process would have brought about confusIOn at best and senous
dIsplacement at worst
QuestIOn # 3
Should correctIOnal officers who were assIgned to GA TU at the tune of the electIOn
process In November of 2000 been offered posItIOns at the ongOIng GATU operatIOn so
they could follow theIr work regardless of semonty?
It was submItted by a number of the gnevors that GATU should have been treated as a
separate InstItutIOn for the purposes of Job offers to the ongOIng GATU operatIOn In
accordance wIth a "follow your work" prIncIple those employees should have been the
first to be offered the GA TU posItIOns before more semor IndIVIduals who happened to
be workIng In the non-GATU part ofG C C
DecIsIOn - QuestIOn #3
AgaIn, I must find In favour of the Employer In tlllS regard. The hIstOry of work
assIgnment In the GATU, whIch evolved from a resolutIOn to an earher gnevance, was
that employees rotated through tlllS area and dId not have a penn anent assIgnment
AssIgnment to that area was dependent on the number of outstandIng requests for that
work and the semonty of those who wIshed that assIgnment It would be unfair to find
that the employees who happened to be assIgned to work In GATU dunng November of
2000 had more nght to the posItIOns Indeed, accordIng to the facts, tlllS was an unusual
arrangement whereby Jumor employees "bumped" semor employees Into the Gee
Therefore, It IS conceIvable that the employees In the GATU In November of 2000 were
the most Jumor To provIde them wIth more nghts, Indeed ownershIp of those posItIOns,
would sImply be wrong
QuestIOn #4
The plan to move the ongOIng GA TU operatIOn to the unoccupIed Welhngton
DetentIOn Centre dId not happen and the operatIOn remaInS at the fonner Gee The
employees at WellIngton DetentIOn Centre were surplused In accordance wIth ArtIcle
20 after the detentIOn centre closed. Should those employees from Welhngton
DetentIOn Centre have been offered the GATU Jobs because GATU was gOIng to be
moved to theIr old bUIldIng? Would employees at Welhngton DetentIOn Centre have
had nghts to the GATU Jobs had GATU moved to theIr old bUIldIng?
DecIsIOn - QuestIOn #4
In Re The Crown In Right of Ontario (Ministry of the SolicItor General and
CorrectIOnal Services) and OPSEU (UnIOn Grievance) GSB # 1252/00, dated
February 12, 2001, VIce Chair Brown detennIned that GATU IS a "stand alone"
InstItutIOn The employees at Welhngton DetentIOn Centre were not entItled to apply
for the GATU posItIOns At the tIme of the electIOn the work at Issue was entIrely under
the operatIOnal dIrectIOn of the Gee AgaIn, there IS nothIng In the collectIve
agreement or the other agreed upon terms and condItIons that I can find that would have
me declare the employees at Welhngton had any nght to the GA TU work
In my VIew, there IS no need to answer the second part of tlllS questIOn as It dId not
occur and there IS nothIng to be gaIned from answenng such a questIOn In the
Dated In Toronto tlllS 26th day of March, 2003
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F ehcIty D Briggs