HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-0001.Union Grievance.03-04-17 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
GSB# 0001/03
UNION# 2003-0999-0012
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Umon Gnevance) Grievor
- and -
The Crown III RIght of Ontano
(Management Board Secretanat) Employer
BEFORE Susan L Stewart Chair
FOR THE UNION Paul Cavalluzzo
Cavalluzzo Haves Shllton McIntvre & CornIsh
Bamsters and SolIcItors
Hicks Morle, Hamilton Stewart Stone LLP
Bamsters and SolIcItors
Sack, Goldblatt Mitchell
Bamsters and SolIcItors
HEARING Apnl15 2003
ThIS decIsIOn deals wIth an apphcatIOn for mterlln rehef m relatIOn to the
Employer's mtentIOn to Implement a process for employee secunty checks on
Thursday, Apnll7, 2003 The apphcatIOn was made by OPSEU, m connectIOn wIth a
UnIon gnevance dated Apnll, 2003 AMAPCEO mtervened m tlus proceedmg, m
connectIOn wIth a gnevance dated Apnl 9, 2003 The UnIons seek an order prohIbItIng
the Employer from proceedmg wIth thIS process untIl such tIme as the Gnevance
Settlement Board has dIsposed of the gnevances on theIr ments The Employer
opposes such an order
I wIll deal wIth the CIrcumstances gIvmg nse to the gnevances m a summary
manner On January 23, 2003, the Employer presented the CERC commIttee WIth a
document entItled "Bargammg Agent ConsultatIOns Employee Secunty Checks", whIch
IS descnbed as a "Proposal for DISCUSSIOn and ConsultatIOn Only" attached to whIch IS
a document entItled "Employee Secunty Checks Operatmg Pohcy" whIch IS described
as a "ConfidentIal W orkmg Draft for DISCUSSIOn Only" Ms M. SImmons, who
testIfied on behalf on OPSEU m tlus proceedmg, and IS Co-Chair of the CERC
commIttee, stated that tlus was the first fonnal notIficatIOn of tlus mItIatIve, although
she was aware that the Employer had been consIdenng such an mItIatIve The UnIon
put the matter on the agenda for a subsequent MERC meetmg, however the Employer
advIsed that It would not be dIscussed there Arrangements were made for a dIscussIOn
of thIS matter between OPSEU's general counsel, Mr T Hadwen, and an Employer
representatIve to be held on Apnl 9, 2003 At a multI bargammg agent mfonnatIOn
seSSIOn on March 26, 2003, the OPS bargammg agents were presented wIth a document
entItled "Personnel Secunty Checks Bargammg Agent DIsclosure" as well as a
"QuestIOns and Answers" document, descnbed as a "ConfidentIal Draft" At tlus tllne
the bargammg agents were advIsed that the process would commence wItlun two
weeks, although the dIsclosure document mdIcates that "consultatIOn meetmg[ s] are
planned for Apnl 2003 to dISCUSS bargammg agent feedback to proposed pohcy and ItS
ImplementatIOn" Ms SImmons was unchallenged m her testImony that
ImplementatIOn was presented on March 26, 2003, as a "fait accomph" Ms SImmons
was also unchallenged m her testImony that a "final" operatmg pohcy has not been
presented by the Employer
Secunty checks of vanous kmds have been m place m certam mmIstnes for some
tllne, partIcularly and most understandably m mmIstnes such as correctIOns The
ratIOnale for expanSIOn IS expressed m some of the matenal prepared by the Employer
and artIculated by Mr Riggs at the heanng as ansmg from heIghtened secunty
conSCIOusness throughout the world, partIcularly m hght of the extent to whIch the
busmess of the provmce IS conducted electronIcally and the Importance of protectmg
the mtegnty of IdentIty documentatIOn In connectIOn wIth the mtegnty of IdentIty
documentatIOn, reference was made to "cross certIficatIOn", that IS provIdmg the same
level of secunty certIficatIOn of employees as that eXIstmg federally m connectIOn wIth
mfonnatIOn that IS exchanged between these levels of government
The llnplementatIOn process m connectIOn wIth tlus mItIatIve IS scheduled to
commence Apnll7, 2003, affectmg about 2,000 employees It IS to affect two groups
m Management Board, those who operate and support the Pubhc Key Infrastructure
system, the system that supports the electronIc dehvery of government serVIces and
those m corporate systems secunty These employees wIll be subject to CPIC
(CanadIan Pohce InformatIOn Centre) checks as well as a credIt check. It IS also to
affect employees m the MmIstnes of Health and Long Term Care, Consumer and
Busmess SerVIces and the MmIstry of TransportatIOn where IdentIty documents such as
dnvers' hcences, bIrth certIficates and health cards are created. These employees are to
be subject to CPIC checks, local pohce checks to "IdentIfy whether the employee IS
known to the pohce", fingerpnnt checks, natIOnal secunty checks and credIt checks
The ratIOnale for credIt checks IS expressed m the March 24, 2003 dIsclosure document
as follows
a satIsfactory credIt ratmg wIll mdIcate that employees/
prospectIve employees have no senous financIal CIrcumstance
that mIght make them vulnerable to usmg sensItIve, pnvate
IdentIty mformatIOn for personal financial gam or to be m a
posItIOn to be coerced mto provIdmg confidentIal IdentIty
The first step m Implementmg thIS mItIatIve IS the executIOn of a consent form by
the employee In the absence of the consent form the Employer would not be able to
obtam the checks If an employee refuses to execute a consent form, the draft pohcy
mdIcates that the employee wIll be removed from the posItIOn desIgnated as reqUInng a
secunty clearance SllnIlarly, If the secunty clearance IS not granted, the employee wIll
not be able to remam m the posItIOn
The first matter to be addressed IS the Board's authonty to Issue the mterlln order
requested. On behalf of the Employer, Mr RIggS argued that the Board has no such
authonty ThIS argument was prevIOusly advanced before the Board m Ontano Human
RIghts CommIssIOn & OPSEU (Fox et an 0507/01 (Stewart), m connectIOn wIth an
analogous matter and was reJected In that decIsIOn, reference was made to the fact that
the Board's authonty m thIS regard has been addressed m JudIcial reVIew The Board
has estabhshed a consIstent body of Junspnldence m thIS regard, m accordance wIth the
Court's nllmg, mcludmg an order for mtenm rehef m connectIOn wIth a maJor
government pohcy mItIatIve relatmg to dIvestment The arguments advanced by Mr
RIggS do not provIde a basIs for a departure from the estabhshed Junsprudence of tlus
Board I do not VIew the order sought here as wItlun the realm of an "antIcIpated
breach", referred to m MmIstry of Labour & OPSEU (NIeld), 1471/96, (Roberts), as
suggested by Mr RIggS As of March 26,2003, the mItIatIve whIch gIves nse to the
gnevances was m effect, a "fait accomph" Accordmgly, I reJect the submIssIOn of the
Employer that thIS Board IS wIthout JunsdIctIOn to Issue the order requested. GIven thIS
conclusIOn there IS no need to address Mr RIchmond's submIssIOn m relatIOn to the
Statutory Powers Procedure Act
I turn now to the ments of the mterlln rehef apphcatIOn The grantmg of mtenm
rehef reqUIres me to be satIsfied that the apphcant has an arguable case and that a
balance of convenIence or hann favours the apphcant
There are a number of bases upon whIch OPSEU and AMAPCEO take Issue WIth
the Employer's mItIatIve These mclude the contentIOns that It does not meet the test of
a reasonable rule pursuant to the management nghts prOVISIOns of the CollectIve
Agreements, that It does not accord wIth the prOVISIOns of the Freedom of InformatIOn
and Pnvacy Act, and that It vIOlates certam Charter nghts The Employer's posItIOn IS
that the arguments raised by the UnIons are wIthout ment The ment of any and all
posItIOns advanced by the UnIons IS, of course, to be determmed after full eVIdence and
argument However, my reVIew of the authontIes and the submIssIOns of counsel
thereon compel me to the conclusIOn that there IS an arguable case
I turn now to the Issue of the balance of convenIence and potentIal hann The
Employer has IdentIfied secunty consIderatIOns as the ratIOnale for ItS actIOns The
Employer IS clearly desIrous of proceedmg wIth dIspatch, to the extent that It decIded to
proceed wIth the mItIatIve notwIthstandmg the fact that the level of consultatIOn
contemplated m connectIOn wIth thIS mItIatIve had not transpIred and the pohcy
pursuant to whIch these secunty checks remamed m draft form However, on the
mfonnatIOn before me, concrete, Immediate concerns are not readIly apparent In
partIcular, m relatIOn to the matter of "cross certIficatIOn", there was no mdIcatIOn the
provmce's ongomg relatIOnslup wIth ItS federal counterparts IS m any way mJeopardy
If the status quo that has eXIsted for many years m these MmIstnes contmues pendmg
the resolutIOn of tlus dIspute In contrast, If the mItIatIve IS allowed to proceed, there IS
potentIal harm that could not be remedIed by an award of damages, should the UnIons
ultImately be successful There IS no way to actually reverse a fingerpnntmg exerCIse
The dIsplacement of employees removed from theIr Jobs because of a refusal to consent
to a secunty check or because of an unsatIsfactory secunty check can be remedIed on a
gomg forward basIs but not retroactIvely The questIOned mtegnty of those who may
be dIsplaced because of an unsatIsfactory credIt ratmg could not be undone It IS my
conclusIOn, m balancmg the mterests m relatIOn to thIS branch of the test for mtenm
rehef, that the pnvacy mterests of the employees represented by the UnIons clearly
outweIgh the mterests of the Employer m the partIcular CIrcumstances of tlus case
Accordmgly, It IS my conclusIOn that the apphcants are entItled to mtenm rehef
and the Employer IS hereby dIrected to ref ram from proceedmg wIth ItS Personnel
Secunty Checks mItIatIve untIl such tIme as the gnevances have been dIsposed of by
thIS Board The heanng on the ments wIll be scheduled by the RegIstrar m consultatIOn
wIth the partIes
Dated at Toronto, tlus 1 ih day of Apnl, 2003
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S.L Stewart, Chair