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Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
GSB# 2003-0417
UNION# 2003-0604-0001
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(SmIth) Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of TransportatIOn) Employer
BEFORE Loretta Mikus Vice-Chair
Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle
Barnsters and SOlICItorS
Semor Counsel
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING March 29 2004
The gnevor Shane SmIth, has gneved that the Employer has vIOlated ArtIcle 20 of the collectIve
agreement, whIch deals extensIvely wIth employment secunty At the first day of heanng the
Employer raised two prelImInary obJectIOns to my JunsdIctIOn. It took the posItIOn that the
matter IS not arbItrable because the Umon and gnevor are bound by Minutes of Settlement whIch
specIfically resolved the gnevor's employment status Under those Minutes the gnevor waived
hIS nghts under ArtIcle 20 and cannot rely on them now AddItIOnally the Umon specIfically
agreed that no gnevances would be filed In respect of employees affected by the Minutes and
cannot forward a gnevance In these CIrcumstances The Employer relIed on the folloWIng cases,
OPSEU andMinistry of Transportation (1999) GSB # 0320/98 (Mikus) and OPSEU and
MinistlY of Transportation GSB # 2445/02 (r Brown)
The facts gIVIng nse to the gnevance are essentIally In agreement.
The Minutes of Settlement and Release referred to above arose from the Employer's decIsIOn to
outsource some of ItS work, specIfically ItS road maIntenance work In the Sudbury area. The
Minutes speak for themselves
Minutes of Settlement and Release
WHEREAS the partIes wIsh to resolve on a wIthout preJudIce and precedent basIs any
and all dIfferences as follows
1 The Mimstry wIll be permItted to close ItS call for tendersIRFPs, evaluate announce
the preferred bIdder award and proceed wIth ImplementatIOn wIth regard to the
outsourCIng of all work In RFPs referred to by numbers 98-7 to 98-22 and theIr
assocIated addendums
2 OPSEU wIll wIthdraw ImmedIately all gnevances (indIvIdual, group or polIcy)
ansIng out of the outsourCIng of the work contracted for In the RFPs and theIr
assocIated addendums and agrees not to file any future gnevances (indIvIdual, group
or polIcy) In relatIOn thereto
3 OPSEU hereby releases the Mimstry from all lIabIlIty wIth regard to all actIOns, past,
present or future relatIng to the outsourCIng of the work contracted for In the RFPs
and agrees not to bnng any gnevances or other actIOn relatIng to those past, present or
future actIOns
4 In consIderatIOn of the above, the partIes agree to the folloWIng process wIth regard to
the outsourCIng of the work referred to In these RFPs
(a) The Mimstry wIll IdentIfy the employees who wIll be affected by the relevant
(b) The Mimstry wIll then remove the folloWIng categones of employees from the
relevant RFPs
(i) Those employees elIgIble to pensIOn bndge as of December 31 1998
(j) Those employees who are In receIpt ofLTIP or WCB as of the date the
RFP IS advertIsed
(c) The remaInIng employees wIll be provIded the opportumty to select In
wntIng wIthIn 5 workIng days of reCeIVIng notIce of the electIOn optIOn not to
be Included In the applIcable RFP In default of electIOn (wIthIn the five day
WIndow) the employee wIll be deemed to be Included In the RFP
(d) Employees who elect not to be Included In the RFP wIll be declared surplus
The date of the surplus notIce wIll be at the sole dIscretIOn of the Mimstry
Upon receIpt of the surplus notIce, the affected employee wIll eXIt the OPS
ImmedIately Upon eXItIng the OPS these employees wIll receIve only the
benefits set out below.
(i) paY-In-lIeu of notIce In accordance wIth ArtIcle 202 and
(iI) (a) the greater of separatIOn allowance In accordance wIth
ArtIcle 20 3 or
(b) enhanced severance In accordance wIth paragraph 4 of
AppendIx 9 and
(ill ) termInatIOn payments In accordance wIth ArtIcle 53 or 78
5 The employees who elect not to be Included In the RFPs wIll not be elIgIble for any
other benefits or nghts under the collectIve agreement. NotwIthstandIng the
generalIty of the foregoIng, these employees have no other nghts under ArtIcle 20
6 Employees who are elIgIble to pensIOn bndge as of December 31 1998 wIll receIve
the benefits of paragraph 2 or 3 of AppendIx 9 whIchever paragraph IS applIcable
7 Employees who are In receIpt ofLTIP ofWCB as of the date the RFP IS advertIsed
wIll be Issued a notIce of surplus ImmedIately upon receIpt of the surplus notIce,
these employees must eXIt the OPS Upon eXItIng the OPS these employees wIll get
the same benefits provIded to those employees who elected to opt out of the RFP
8 For employees who elect to be Included In the RFPs
a) The partIes agree that these RFP' s (98-7 to 98-22) wIll contaIn
the mandatory language set out In Schedule "A"
b) The Jobs offered pursuant to the RFP' s wIll not specIfy duratIOn.
9 The partIes agree that there wIll be no rated cntena or HRlF or negotiatIOns In
relatIOn thereto
10 The partIes agree that the provIsIOns of paragraph 8 meet the Mimstry' s oblIgatIOns
under AppendIx 9 In relatIOn to those employees who remaIn attached to the RFP
11 The partIes agree that Robert GavIn wIll be removed from the Temporary Modular
Bndge tender and wIll be provIded the same benefits as employees who elect to opt
out of the RFP on the same terms and condItIOns
12 The partIes also acknowledge that the Mimstry may outsource work by means of
managed outsourCIng contracts, and QualIty and Standards outsourCIng contracts If
the Mimstry at ItS sole dIscretIOn, were to choose to use these means of outsourCIng,
the partIes agree that the employees who are affected by such outsourCIng, wIll be
dealt wIth In the manner outlIned In paragraphs 4 to 7 of these Minutes of Settlement
and Release
13 The partIes agree that the Mimstry wIll have no other oblIgatIOns In relatIOn to
AppendIx 9 wIth regard to the outsourCIng referred to In paragraph 12
14 The provIsIOn of these Minutes of Settlement and Release apply to those outsourCIngs
whIch are announced pnor to December 31 1998
15 The partIes agree that these Minutes of Settlement and Release constItute the entIre
agreement between them and supersede any and all wntten agreements or undertakIngs
between them In connectIOn wIth or IncIdental to the outsourCIng referred to In these
Minutes of Settlement and Release
16 The partIes agree that Vice-Chair Loretta Mikus wIll remaIn seIzed wIth regard to
any Issues concermng ItS applIcatIOn, InterpretatIOn or any alleged breach of ItS terms
Dated November 13 1998
The gnevor receIved a letter dated November 24 1998 that descnbed the two optIOns avaIlable
to hIm as a result of the prevIOUS settlement. That letter set out the condItIOns of each optIOn as
follows, If the gnevor decIded to have hIS posItIOn lIsted In the RFP the Mimstry would Include
In the RFP a reqUIrement for an offer of employment equal to at least 85% of hIS salary
recogmtIOn of hIS servIce for purposes of vacatIOn and benefit entItlements, recogmtIOn of hIS
semonty for purposes of layoff and promotIOns and a Waiver of any probatIOnary penod and, If
the gnevor elected thIS optIOn, the letter advIsed hIm he would gIve up hIS nghts under ArtIcle 20
or AppendIx 9 and would only be elIgible for termInatIOn pay pursuant to artIcle 53 or 78 The
second optIOn outlIned In the letter explaIned that hIS posItIOn would be declared surplus on the
date the contract commenced and he would eXIt the OPS Upon eXItIng he would receIve paY-In-
lIeu as per ArtIcle 20 2, the greater of the ArtIcle 20 3 separatIOn allowance or enhanced
severance under AppendIx 9 paragraph 4 termInatIOn payment under ArtIcle 53 or 78 and the
nght to apply to restncted competItIOns untIl December 1 2001
The letter further advIsed the gnevor that these would be hIS only entItlements under the
collectIve agreement If he were to select thIS optIOn and set out the sum of money he would be
paid In the CIrcumstances The gnevor was also advIsed to read over AppendIx 9 and ArtIcle 20
and to speak to hIS Umon representatIve before makIng up hIS mInd.
The gnevor opted for the latter and removed hIS name from the RFP On January 22, 1999 he
was sent a letter from the Human Resources CoordInator confirmIng hIS electIOn and adVISIng
hIm hIS posItIOn had been removed from the RFP
On May 3 1999 the gnevor was advIsed that the MaIntenance Contract 98-21 had been awarded
and he would be surplussed as of May 28 1999
Unfortunately for the gnevor before he could be surplussed, he suffered a heart attack. He was
off on short-term sIck leave for 6 months followed by two years ofLTIP benefits After the
change of defimtIOn to "any occupatIOn" the gnevor was demed further benefits He appealed
unsuccessfully and In January of 2003 the Employer was Informed that he was ready to return to
work. To thIS pOInt In tIme the partIes agree that the gnevor had made hIS electIOn to be
surplussed and waived hIS semonty nghts under ArtIcle 20 The Umon conceded that the
Employer had no addItIOnal oblIgatIOns to the gnevor and the gnevor had no remaInIng claims
agaInst the Employer
The problem arose when the Employer advIsed the gnevor by letter dated January 31 2003 that
he was entItled to pre-notIce oflayoffunder ArtIcle 20 and that, under ArtIcle 42 10 he had the
folloWIng optIOns, pay In lIeu of notIce or work dunng the notIce penod and look for a posItIOn
to exercIse your recall nghts The gnevor was Informed that he could broaden hIS geographIc
parameters If he was prepared to relocate The gnevor elected to remaIn on staff and a letter
confirmIng that agreement was sent to hIm on February 7 2003 Dunng thIS tIme dIscuSSIOns
had taken place about a new posItIOn and the gnevor was advIsed that an alternatIve Job was
avaIlable In Kenora. The gnevor's eVIdence would have been that he accepted the offer told hIS
famIly about the move and began dIscussIOns wIth real estate agents about relocatIng.
However before he could do that, he was advIsed In a letter dated February 27 2003 that
because of the Minutes of Settlement and Release sIgned In 1998 hIS only nghts flowed from
that document, not the collectIve agreement. He was therefore entItled to pay In lIeu of notIce
for 6 months, legIslated severance under ArtIcle 53 and the separatIOn allowance under ArtIcle
20 or the enhanced severance under AppendIx 9
As stated prevIOusly the partIes are agreed that, absent the offer In the letter of January 31 2003
the gnevor had no remaInIng nghts to employment. He elected to remove hIS Job from the RFP
and Instead chose to receIve pay In lIeu of a possIble Job offer Mr SmIth, counsel for the
Employer took the posItIOn that the gnevor's electIOn on 1998 determInes hIS entItlement to the
provIsIOns of the collectIve agreement. However that IS not the Issue before me
The Umon's argument IS not based on a repudIatIOn of the Minutes of Settlement and Release or
on an alleged breach of those Minutes Its argument IS based on the eqUItable doctnne of
estoppel Mr Hanmgan, counsel for the Umon, took the posItIOn that the actIOns of the
Employer on and after January of 2003 gave nse to an estoppel The doctnne reqUIres that,
where a party by words or conduct, makes a promIse or an assurance to another party that
affects the legal relatIOnshIp between them and the other party acts on It, the one who gave the
promIse or assurance cannot revert to the prevIOUS legal relatIOnshIp In thIS case the gnevor
was promIsed aJob In Kenora, took steps towards makIng that move by alertIng hIS famIly about
the move and speakIng to real estate agents It would be IneqUItable to rescInd that offer It
relIed on the Ontano DIVISIOn Court decIsIOn of Ontario Public Service Employees Union v
MinistlY of Community and Social Services [1995] OJ No 3869 for the authonty of a Board of
ArbItratIOn to determIne whether the doctnne of estoppel applIes In the case before It.
The Employer submItted that It had sImply made a mIstake In offenng the gnevor the optIOns set
out In the letter of January 2003 and It had a nght to correct that mIstake
The only Issue before me IS whether the Employer by ItS conduct, IS estopped from relYIng on ItS
stnct nghts under the collectIve agreement. If the Umon argument falls, the partIes are agreed
that the gnevor has no ArtIcle 20 nghts and the gnevance must be dIsmIssed.
There IS no doubt that the gnevor waived hIS nghts to a Job when he elected to remove hIS
posItIOn from the RFP In 1998 But for hIS heart attack, he would have eXIted the OPS on the
date set out In hIS confirmatIOn letter of May 3 1999 The terms of the Minutes of Settlement
and Release could not be clearer Not only dId the Umon agree to ItS present terms but also
undertook to file no further gnevances In respect of the RFPs mentIOned In the Minutes
There IS no dIspute that the letter of January 31 2003 offenng the gnevor the optIOn to work out
hIS notIce and exerCIse hIS bumpIng nghts was sent In error He had no such nghts at the tIme
DId the offers In that letter tngger a new set of nghts? I thInk not. It was not Intended to alter
the legal relatIOnshIp between the gnevor and the Employer It cannot be conferred In these
CIrcumstances that was the Employer's IntentIOn. The 1998 Minutes of Settlement and Release
expressly resolved all matters relatIng to thIS and other RFPs and expressly prohibIted the Umon
from filIng any gnevances In the future related to those RFPs The letter of January 31 2003
was a mIstake The Employer IS entItled to rectIfy that mIstake AddItIOnally there IS no
eVIdence that the gnevor acted on the offer of employment. The offer was rescInded wIthIn a
month of It havIng been sent and the gnevor had taken no steps to IndIcate he had relIed on the
Employer's promIse to hIS detnment. I have no doubt that, when the gnevor was advIsed that
the Job In Kenora was not avaIlable to hIm, he was greatly dIsappoInted. Nevertheless, that
dISappOIntment cannot transform a mIstake on the Employer's part to a legal oblIgatIOn that
otherwIse does not eXISt.
For these reasons the gnevance IS dIsmIssed.