HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-1221.Koster.03-10-28 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
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GSB# 2003-1221 2003-1222,2003-1223 2003-1224 2003-1225 2003-1226 2003-1228 2003-1229
UNION# 2003-0263-0008 2003-0263-0009 2003-0263-0010 2003-0263-0011 2003-0263-0012,
2003-0263-0013 2003-0263-0015 2003-0263-0016
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Koster) Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty) Employer
BEFORE FelIcIty D Bnggs Vice-Chair
FOR THE UNION Scott Andrews
Gnevance Officer
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
Staff RelatIOns Officer
Mimstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty
HEARING August 11 2003
Mr Mike Koster was a classIfied correctIOnal officer employed at the Guelph
CorrectIOnal Centre m 2001 He filed eIght gnevances allegmg vanous Improper
MmIstry actIOns The UnIon set out the facts that would be called m the event thIS
matter necessItated Vlva voce eVIdence
In June of 2001, m reponse to a letter Issued under Part B of the MERC 1
Agreement, Mr Koster accepted a lateral transfer to a number of correctIOnal
mstItutIOns He set out an order of preference subJect to aVaIlabIhty on the basIs of
senIonty He chose to accept transfers m the followmg order, Sudbury JaIl, Stratford
JaIl, Waterloo DetentIOn Centre and so on for a total of eleven chOIces m all
In accordance wIth the MERC 1 Agreement Mr Koster was granted a lateral transfer
to Ius first chOIce, Sudbury JaIl He accepted that transfer
Accordmg to the UnIon, shortly after Mr Koster's lateral transfer was confirmed
famIly Issues made It Impossible for hIm to relocate to the Sudbury JaIl The gnevor
enqUIred about lateral transfer opportunItIes to mstItutIOns wItlun commutmg
dIstance of hIS home m the KItchener-Guelph area and found none aVailable
InItIally he was unable to arrange a temporary assIgnment to allow hIm to rem am m
the KItchener-Guelph area. However, followmg March of 2002, he successfully
arranged a temporary assIgnment to the Stratford JaIl ThIS assIgnment began June
Dunng the summer months of 2002 wlule at the Stratford JaIl Mr Koster was
mvolved m a WDHP mvestIgatIOn The allegatIOns were not substantIated
Dunng tlus tllne Mr Koster traded Jobs wIth another correctIOnal officer at the
InvIctus Y C m an effort to remam m southwestern Ontano In November of 2002
the gnevor was told to report to InvIctus Y C to begm a Young Offender trammg
whIch he needed pnor to begmnmg the work The trammg program actually started
2 earher but he was told he could catch up on the trammg he had mIssed Mr Koster
dId not attend the course statmg that he was not gIven proper notIce
In January 2002, Mr Koster was agam told to attend the Young Offender course
Accordmg to the UnIon, the gnevor was encountenng chIldcare dIfficultIes and he
was unable to attend Subsequently, he was gIven two weeks notIce to report to
InvIctus Y C wIthout the trammg He was further told he was needed at InvIctus
Y C and that he was to report to hIS home posItIOn
Accordmg to the UnIon, there was at least one other correctIOnal officer who owned
a posItIOn at InvIctus Y C who had receIved the Y 0 trammg who dId not report to
that facIhty untIl July 2003 Upon hIS arrIval at InvIctus Y C Mr Koster was told
that management was not ready and he was not assIgned to work. Three days later,
the supenntendent at InvIctus offered the gnevor a temporary assIgnment to OCI or
HamIlton Wentworth DetentIOn Centre Mr Koster was not allowed to return to the
Stratford JaIl He refused the assIgnment offers
It was the UnIon's submIssIOn that argumg wIth the employer and bemg told
dIfferent thmgs by management over the followmg three-week penod caused Mr
Koster such stress that Ius doctor told hlln to take sIck leave He has not returned to
All of the gnevances were filed on Febnmry 3, 2003 Each alleged a dIfferent
vIOlatIOn of the collectIve agreement I wIll reVIew these m summary fasluon and set
out my decIsIOn and bnef reasons
Mr Koster alleged a vIOlatIOn of artIcle 2 because was not afforded an opportunIty
to obtam a posItIOn at GA TU PosItIOns at GA TU became aVailable after he accepted
the lateral transfer to Sudbury JaIl He ought to have been gIven an opportUnIty to
obtam a GATU posItIOn as more JUnIor persons were able to access those posItIOns
He was mcorrectly mfonned that there were no vacanCIes at Stratford JaIl Two
correctIOnal officers were assIgned to Stratford Jail on temporary assIgnments after
the gnevor was told there were no posItIOns aVailable He was also refused a
temporary assIgnment to GATU recently despIte the fact that employees wIth
AppendIx 18 employment extensIOns wIth less senIonty were workmg there
It was the gnevor's assertIOn that because at least one of those AppendIx 18
employees IS takmg operatIOnal manager courses whIch wIll broaden Ius career the
refusal to gIve hIm a temporary assIgnment to GA TU has the result that he was
unable to broaden Ius career as a possible actmg operatIOnal manager
Another gnevance alleges a vIOlatIOn of artIcles 3 and 21 It was the gnevor's
posItIOn that he has been dIscnmmated agamst by the Employer because of the
vanous WDHP allegatIOns The mCIdent was mvestIgated and Mr Koster was
cleared of any wrong domgs However, because of the allegatIOns and mvestIgatIOns
Mr Koster has been constnlctIvely dIscIplmed due to the WDHP complamt by hIS
removal from Stratford JaIl
The thIrd gnevance before me alleged a vIOlatIOn of artIcles 6 and 19 In 2001 two
unclassIfied correctIOnal officers were assIgned to the Stratford JaIl "untIl closure"
These posItIOns were not posted for classIfied correctIOnal officers at Guelph C C
who were about to be dIsplaced from Guelph due to the pendmg closure nor were
the posItIOns IdentIfied for lateral transfer under the MERC 1 Agreement UltImately
the two correctIOnal officers were converted to full tIme classIfied status and one
was promoted m November 2001 HIS vacated posItIOn should have been posted or
made aVailable for lateral transfer The gnevor would have seIzed upon the
opportUnIty to take one of these two posItIOns had they been made aVailable as they
should have for competItIOn or lateral transfer
The gnevor also alleged a vIOlatIOn of artIcle 8 Two correctIOnal officers were
assIgned to Stratford Jail on temporary assIgnments after Mr Koster was told no
posItIOns were aVailable Further, he was refused a temporary assIgnment to GATU
recently despIte the fact that other employees who were workmg appendIx 18
employment extensIOns wIth less senIonty were so assIgned.
Another gnevance cIted a vIOlatIOn of artIcle 9 because the III treatment that he has
receIved by vanous management personnel has caused hIm to be on sIck leave
Both Ius personal health and Ius famIly hfe have been detnmentally affected.
There can be no doubt that the closmg of vanous mstItutIOns has cause many
employees, mcludmg those outsIde the bargammg UnIt varymg degrees of dIfficulty
and personal angst However, nothmg set out m the facts before me would have me
find that the Employer, or any or the representatIves of the Employer, caused the
gnevor to be III eIther dIrectly or mdIrectly That IS not to say that I dIsbeheve that
vahdIty of the gnevor's Illness Indeed, I have no eVIdence before me m that regard.
Assummg, for the moment, JunsdIctIOn to do so, for tlus Board to make a findmg
that an employee was caused to be III at the hands of the Employer would reqUIre
clear and cogent eVIdence and It sImply does not eXIst m the mstant matter
The remedy sought, amongst other requests, IS for a permanent assIgnment to the
Stratford Jail In my VIew, tlus IS a remedy to whIch he IS not entItled. In Ius decIsIOn
deahng wIth the RFP process at Guelph, VIce Chair Brown found that employees at
Guelph at that tIme were to be consIdered AppendIx 18 employees Mr Koster
sought and accepted a lateral transfer to Sudbury whIch was not a closmg mstItutIOn
Accordmgly, he had no further surplussmg nghts and therefore all of the nghts and
entItlements under appendIx 18 ended
F or those reasons, the gnevances are dIsmIssed.
Dated at Toronto thIS 28th day of October 2003
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