HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-1581.Alani et al.05-05-12 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
GSB# 2003-1581
UNION# 2000-0340-0013 2000-0340-0015 2000-0340-0016 2000-0340-0017 2000-0340-0018
2000-0340-0019 2000-0340-0020 2000-0340-0021 2000-0340-0022, 2000-0599-0021
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Alam et al) Union
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of FInance) Employer
BEFORE Barry B FIsher Vice-Chair
Gnevance Officer
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING March 30 2005
ThIS gnevance consIsts of 10 gnevors, all of whom are classIfied as Tax
AudItor 4 (TA4) They mItIally filed separate gnevances m March 2000 The Stage
2 meetmgs were held on September 1,2001
The gnevances all refer to the fact that the gnevors allege that they
perfonned the work of TA5's m that they perfonned audIts on corporate taxpayers
wIth gross mcome m excess of $100 mIlhon per year
All of the gnevances to some degree refer to ArtIcle 22 12 of the CollectIve
Agreement and most request a change m classIficatIOn Based on tlllS the MmIstry
objected to these gnevances on the basIs that the GSB has no longer has
jUnSdIctIOn over classIficatIOn gnevances as set out m SectIOn 52 1 of CECBA.
The Umon does not contest that the GSB has no jUnSdIctIOn If these gnevances are
m fact classIficatIOn gnevances, however It alleges that the gnevances are really
ArtIcle 8 Temporary AssIgnments gnevances m that the only remedy that the
gnevors are now seekmg IS to be paid for when they were actually perfonnmg T A5
dutIes The Umon dId not file new gnevances after the MmIstry raised the
jUnSdIctIOnalIssue at the Stage 2 meetmg, however It would have been too late to
do so m any event The MmIstry dId advIse the Umon that they would not raise
tImehness as an ObjectIOn If the gnevors were to now file an ObjectIOn over theIr
classIficatIOn under the Jomt System SubcommIttee of the CERC
The MmIstry's posItIOn IS that the pIth and substance of these gnevances IS
that they are classIficatIOn gnevances and that to allow the Umon to convert them
mto a temporary assIgnment gnevance would be to Improperly change the nature
of the gnevance They rely on the decIsIOn of VIce Chair Abramsky m OPSEU
(Boyer) v MmIstry of EnVIromnent (GSB 742/00) to say that where the pIth and
substance of the gnevance IS classIficatIOn, It matters not If It IS dIsgUIsed as a
temporary assIgnment gnevance, the GSB has no jUnSdIctIOn However the VIce
Chair dId cautIOn at page 11 of the award that
Each case must be carefully evaluated on ltS specific facts and bona fide
temporary asslgnment grzevances should not be lzghtly dlsmlssed as dlsgUlsed
classificatwn grzevances
In tlllS case there are two dIstmct types of gnevances In 9 of the 10
gnevances the gnevances read more or less as follows
Statement of Grzevance
I have been classified as a TA4 [formerly F04] to conduct field audzts ofsmall and
medlum-slzed corporate taxpayers, or partlclpate zn audzts of larger, more
complex corporate taxpayers, as a team member under the dlrectzon of a Senzor
Fleld Audltor, zn order to ascertazn and maXlmlze complzance wlth the Ontarzo
Corporatzons Tax Act, the Mlnzng Tax Act and the Income Tax Act [Canada] tax
Accordzng to the standard~,' set out to by the Corporatzons Tax Branch, Fleld Audlt
Sectzon, small and medlum-slzed corporate taxpayers comprzse corporate
taxpayers wlth gross revenues under $100 mlllzon zn a fiscal year Larger, more
complex corporate taxpayers comprzse those wlth gross revenue zn excess of 100
mlllzon dollars zn a fiscal year
I have conducted field audzts of small and medlum-slzed corporate taxpayers
However, I have also conducted audzts of the larger or more complex corporate
taxpayers Consequently, my classificatzon as a TA4 [formerly F04}, lS zncorrect,
whzle I conducted the audlt of these larger more complex corporate taxpayers
I grzeve pursuant to Sectzon 22 12 Class~ficatzon and related sectzons of the
('ollectlve Agreements
Settlement deslred.
1 That my present posltzon be changed to Senzor Corporatzon Tax Audltor
2 That I be compensated as a Senzor Corporatzon Tax Audltor sznce my date
of hlrzng, also the tlme that started audltzng larger more complex corporate
3 The above salary adjustment be pazd wlth full retroactlvlty, zncludzng
The gnevance of Mr Ogle dId not contam Item # 1 under Settlement
DesIred, but m all other respects, was IdentIcal to the gnevance set out above
Only one gnevor Mr Walter Narsmgh, filed a gnevance m a somewhat
dIfferent fonnat HIS gnevance reads as follows
Statement of Grzevance
I have been class~fied as a TA4 [formerly F04] to conduc(field audzts o.fsmall and
medlum-slzed corporate taxpayers, or partlclpate zn audzts of larger, more
complex corporate taxpayers, as a team member under the dlrectzon of a Senzor
Fleld Audltor, zn order to ascertazn and maXlmlze complzance wlth the Ontarzo
Corporatzons Tax Act, the Mlnzng Tax Act and the Income Tax Act [Canada] tax
Accordzng to the standard~,' set out to by the Corporatzons Tax Branch, Fleld Audlt
Sectzon, small and medlum-slzed corporate taxpayers comprzse corporate
taxpayers wlth gross revenues under $100 mlllzon zn a.fiscal year Larger, more
complex corporate taxpayers comprzse those wlth gross revenue zn excess of 100
mlllzon dollars zn a.fiscal year
I have conducted .field audzts of small and medlum-slzed corporate taxpayers
However, I have also conducted audzts of the larger or more complex corporate
taxpayers Consequently, my classificatzon as a TA4 [formerly F04}, lS zncorrect,
whzle I conducted the audlt of these larger more complex corporate taxpayers
I grzeve pursuant to Sectzon 22 12 Class~ficatzon and related sectzons of the
('ollectlve Agreements
Settlement desired.
Compensation to the extent of the salary differential between the TA4 Uormerly
FO 4J and Senior Field Auditor, [TA5, formerly F05J for the time spent in
conducting the field audits of the larger, more complex corporate taxpayers. (
emphasis added)
The first group of gnevances are clearly classIficatIOn gnevances as thIS IS
the central focus of the entIre gnevance, mcludmg the Settlement DesIred.
Mr Narsmgh's gnevance, although It does refer to SectIOn 22 12 of the
CollectIve Agreement, does not actually seek a classIficatIOn remedy, rather he
only seeks to be paid the hIgher rate when he m fact performed the larger more
complex audIts
In the Boyer case, referred to above, the GSB heard eVIdence about the
hIstory of the gnevance under questIOn as well as a reasonably detailed hIStOry of
the surroundmg CIrcumstances It was largely based on tlllS other eVIdence that the
VIce Chair found that the gnevance was really a classIficatIOn gnevance dIsgUIsed
as a temporary assIgnment gnevance In tlllS case, neIther sIde sought to mtroduce
any eVIdence, therefore the only eVIdence before me are the actual gnevances
Takmg mto consIderatIOn the statement by VIce Chair Abramsky about not
dIsmIssmg temporary gnevances hghtly on the grounds that they are really
clasSIficatIOn gnevances, I wIll allow thIS gnevance only m so far as It relates to
the claim by Mr Narsmgh for Temporary AssIgnment pay and dIsmIss the other
nme claims as they are classIficatIOn gnevances
The MmIstry has asked the Umon for full partIculars of ItS claim Keepmg m
mmd the tIme hmItatIOns under the CollectIve Agreement and the fihng date of the
gnevance, (March 16, 2000), I hereby order the Umon to provIde those partIculars
by May 15,2005
The RegIstrar of the GSB IS to set a new heanng date for the heanng of Mr
N arsmgh' s case
Dated at Toronto tlllS lih day of May 2005
, .>> ... ,
y B FIsher, VIce Chair